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Middle English Text Series Texts Online

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  • "Adieu, Jeunesse, m'amie / Farewell Youth, my friend"









  • "Ainsi le fait cuer plain de fausseté / Thus does a heart that is full of falsity"



  • "Ainsi puet il don d'amours desservir / That's how he can earn the gifts of love"











  • "Alle that beoth of huerte trewe" / The Death of Edward I
    Introduction Text















  • "The angell sayde to thee that the fruyt off thi body sulde be blyssyde"
    Introduction Text





  • "Anima Christi, sanctifica me" / Soul of Christ, Sanctify Me
    Introduction Text





  • "Ase Y me rod this ender day" / The Five Joys of the Virgin (ed. Susanna Fein)
    Introduction Text





















  • "Avril, qui vest de verdure / April, which decks with greenery"







  • Ballad of a Tyrannical Husband
  • Balletis of the Nine Nobles
  • "Belle, pour hair faulceté / Fair one, in order to hate falsehood"
  • "Bien appert, Belle, a vo bonté / Well does it seem, my beautiful lady"
  • "Blessed be thou, Levedy" / Blessed Are You, Lady (ed. Susanna Fein)
    Introduction Text
  • "Blessed be thou, levedy, ful of heovene blisse (ed. Karen Saupe, Harley 2253)"
    Introduction Text
  • "Blessed beo thu, lavedi, ful of hovene blisse (ed. Karen Saupe, Egerton)"
    Introduction Text
  • From Walter Bower's Continuation of John of Fordun's Scotichronicon (on Robin Hood)
    Introduction Text

  • "Car chascun a joye de li loer / For everyone takes joy in praising her"
  • "Car de presant, je veul tout le contraire / For at present, I want exactly the opposite"
  • "Car j'ay perdu ma jeunesse, ma joye / For I have lost my youth and my joy"
  • "Car je languis en trop dure tristour / For I languish in too harsh a sadness"
  • "Car je languis par deffault de raison / For I am languishing from a lack of justice"
  • "Car le couroux n'y vault pas une maille / For anger just isn't worth a stitch"
  • "Car loin de vous vivre je ne pourroye / For far from you I wouldn't be able to live"
  • "Car quanque voy ne me fait que desplaire / For whatever I see only displeases me"
  • "Car trop par est son cuer plain de reffus / Because her heart is much too full of scorn"
  • "Car vrayement ce martelé me tue / For honestly, this hammering's killing me"
  • "Cely que fra ces messes chaunter" / Seven Masses in Honor of God and Saint Giles
    Introduction Text
  • "C'est mon talant, belle dame sans per / That is my wish, fair lady without peer"
  • Le chevaler qui fist les cons parler / The Knight Who Made Vaginas Talk
    Introduction Text
  • "Comment seroit que je fusse joieulx / How could it be that I be joyful"
  • La Complainte de l'an nouvel / The New Year's Complaint

  • Complainte de Gransson / Granson's Complaint

  • Complainte de Saint Valentin / Saint Valentine's Complaint
  • Text
  • Complainte de Saint Vallentin Garenson / Granson's Saint Valentine's Complaint

  • A Complaynte of a Lovers Lyfe
  • Introduction Text
  • "Confiteor tibi, Deus, omnia peccata mea" / Prayer of Confession
    Introduction Text
  • Contemplacioun de la passioun Jesu Crist / Seven Hours of the Passion of Jesus Christ
    Introduction Text
  • "Contra inimicos si quos habes" / Occasions for Psalms in Latin
    Introduction Text

  • "A Dalida, Jhezabel, et Thays / To Delilah, Jezebel, and Thaïs"

  • "Dame Courtesy"
  • Introduction Text
  • "Dame, de moy plus que nulle autre amee / My lady, loved by me more than any other woman"
  • De la Passioun Jhesu [L'Évangile de Nicodème, La Tradition A] / Of Jesus' Passion [The Gospel of Nicodemus, Tradition A]
    Introduction Text
  • "De li servir ne seray jamais las / I will never grow tired of serving her"
  • De l'Yver et de l'Esté / Debate between Winter and Summer
    Introduction Text
  • "Le Desert (Fors que la mort prouchainement) / The Destitute One (Except for death, immediately)"
  • "Desloiaulté en l'amoureuse vie / Disloyalty in the life of love"
  • La destinccioun de la estature Jesu Crist Nostre Seigneur / Distinguishing Features of the Bodily Form of Jesus Christ Our Lord
    Introduction Text
  • The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolf: A Dual-Language Edition from Latin and Middle English Printed Editions
    Introduction Text
  • Le Dit de Loiauté / The Poem about Loyalty
  • "Don de mercy ainçois que on le deprie / The gift of mercy before it is requested"
  • Dunbar, William, The Complete Works
    • Introduction

      Poems Devotional and Moral
    • 1. On the Nativity of Christ [Et nobis puer est]
    • 2. Of the Passion of Christ
    • 3. On the Resurrection of Christ [Surrexit Dominus de sepulchro]
    • 4. A Ballad of Our Lady [Ave Maria, gracia plena]
    • 5. In Praise of Women
    • 6. The Manner of Going to Confession
    • 7. The Table of Confession
    • 8. All Earthly Joy Returns to Pain
    • 9. Of Man's Mortality [Quoad tu in cinerem revertis]
    • 10. An Orison
    • 11. Of the World's Vanity [Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas]
    • 12. Of Life
    • 13. Of the Changes of Life
    • 14. The Lament for the Makars [Timor mortis conturbat me]
    • 15. A Meditation in Winter
    • 16. None May Assure in This World
    • 17. Best to Be Blithe
    • 18. Of Content
    • 19. Without Gladness No Treasure Avails
    • 20. His Own Enemy
    • 21. Spend Thine Own Goods [Thyne awin gude spend quhill thow hes space]
    • 22. Of Covetise [And all for caus of cuvetice]
    • 23. Of Deeming
    • 24. How Should I Conduct Myself [Lord God, how sould I governe me]
    • 25. Rule of Oneself [He rewllis weill that weill himself can gyd]
    • 26. Discretion in Asking [In asking sowld discretioun be]
    • 27. Discretion in Giving [In geving sowld discretioun be]
    • 28. Discretion in Taking [In taking sowld discretioun be]
    • 29. Dunbar at Oxford [Ane peralous seiknes is vane prosperite]

      Poems Public and Private
    • 30. The Thistle and the Rose
    • 31. To Princess Margaret [Welcum of Scotlond to be quene]
    • 32. To Princess Margaret [Gladethe, thoue queyne of Scottis regioun]
    • 33. To Aberdeen [Be blyth and blisfull, burgh of Aberdein]
    • 34. To the Queen [Devoyd languor and leif in lustines]
    • 35. Eulogy to Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny [Withe glorie and honour]
    • 36. Elegy for Bernard Stewart, Lord of Aubigny [Sen he is gon, the flour of chevalrie
    • 37. To the King [In hansill of this guid New Yeir]
    • 38. To the King [God gif ye war Johne Thomsounis man]
    • 39. To the King [My panefull purs so priclis me]
    • 40. To the King [Schir, at this feist of benefice]
    • 41. To the King [Of benefice, sir, at everie feist]
    • 42. A Dream
    • 43. The Headache
    • 44. To the King [For to considder is ane pane]
    • 45. Against the Solicitors at Court
    • 46. To the King [Schir, ye have mony servitouris]
    • 47. To the King [Complane I wald]
    • 48. To the King [Exces of thocht dois me mischeif]
    • 49. To the King [That I suld be ane Yowllis yald]
    • 50. Of People Hard to Please
    • 51. The Antichrist
    • 52. To the Lord Treasurer [Welcome, my awin lord thesaurair]
    • 53. To the Lords of Chalker
    • 54. A Ballad of the Friar of Tungland
    • 55. Sir Thomas Norny
    • 56. A Dance in the Queen's Chamber [A merrear daunce mycht na man see]
    • 57. Of James Dog [Madame, ye heff a dangerous dog]
    • 58. Of the Aforesaid James Dog [He is na dog, he is a lam]
    • 59. Epitaph for Donald Oure
    • 60. A Complaint against Mure

      Poems in the Courtly Tradition
    • 61. Sweet Rose of Virtue
    • 62. Beauty and the Prisoner
    • 63. To a Lady
    • 64. Good Counsel for Lovers [Be secreit, trewe, incressing of your name]
    • 65. The Golden Targe
    • 66. The Merle and the Nightingale
    • 67. Love's Inconstancy
    • 68. True Love [And trew luve rysis fro the splene]

      Poems Comic, Satiric, and Parodic
    • 69. A Wooing in Dunfermline [And that me thocht ane ferly cace]
    • 70. To the Queen [Madam, your men said]
    • 71. Of a Black Moor [My ladye with the mekle lippis]
    • 72. In a Secret Place [Ye brek my hart, my bony ane]
    • 73. These Fair Ladies That Repair to Court
    • 74. Tidings from the Session
    • 75. To the Merchants of Edinburgh
    • 76. How Dunbar Was Desired to Be a Friar
    • 77. The Dance of the Seven Deadly Sins
    • 78. Of the Tailors and the Shoemakers [Telyouris and sowtaris, blist be ye]
    • 79. The Devil's Inquest [Renunce thy God and cum to me]
    • 80. Master Andro Kennedy's Testament
    • 81. Dunbar's Dirge
    • 82. The Twa Cummars [This lang Lentrin it makis me lene]
    • 83. The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedy
    • 84. The Tretis of the Tua Mariit Wemen and the Wedo
  • Dunbar, William, The Tretis of the Twa Mariit Wemen and the Wedo (ed. Eve Salisbury)
    Introduction Text
  • "D'un tel amer que faire tous honnis / To love in such a way rather than causing shame"

  • Elckerlijc, see: Everyman
  • L'enqueste que le patriarche de Jerusalem fist / The Land of the Saracens
    Introduction Text
  • Enseignements de saint Lewis a Philip soun fitz / The Teachings of Saint Louis to His Son Philip
    Introduction Text
  • Epistle a Claudie l'emperour / The Letter of Pilate to Emperor Claudius
    Introduction Text
  • L'Estraine du jour de l'an / The New Year's Gift
  • Eulotropia et celidonia / Heliotrope and Celandine
  • Introduction Text

  • "Faitez de moy tout ce qu'il vous plaira / Do with me anything you please"
  • The Feast of Tottenham
  • Introduction Text
  • "Fors que d'amours et de ma belle dame / Anything but love and my beautiful lady"
  • "Foy, loiaulté, sans faulcer, vous tendray / I will offer you faith and loyalty, without falsehood"

  • La gagure, ou L'esquier e la chaunbrere / The Wager, or The Squire and the Chambermaid
    Introduction Text
  • "Gloria in excelsis Deo en fraunceis" / Glory to God in the Highest in French
    Introduction Text
  • "God that al this myhtes may" / God Who Wields All This Might

    Introduction Text
  • "En grant desduit et en doulce plaisance / In great delight and in so sweet a pleasure"

  • "Herketh hideward ant beoth stille" / The Life of Saint Marina
    Introduction Text
  • Herman de Valenciennes, La Passioun Nostre Seignour / Herman de Valenciennes, The Passion of Our Lord
    Introduction Text
  • "How the Good Wife Taught Her Daughter" (ed. George Shuffelton)
    Introduction Text
  • "How the Wise Man Taught His Son" (ed. George Shuffelton)
    Introduction Text


  • "I syke when Y singe" / I Sigh When I Sing (ed. Susanna Fein)
    Introduction Text
  • "Ichot a burde in a bour ase beryl so bryht" / Annot and John
    Introduction Text
  • "Il m'est advis que vostre beauté voye / It seems to me that I see your beauty"
  • "In a fryht as Y con fare fremede" / The Meeting in the Wood
    Introduction Text
  • "In a thestri stude Y stod" / Debate between Body and Soul
    Introduction Text
  • "Incipit vita sancti Ethelberti" / The Life of Saint Ethelbert
    Introduction Text
  • De interrogandi moribundis beati Anselmi / Saint Anselm's Questions to the Dying
    Introduction Text


  • "J'ay tout perdu; le festu est rompu / I have lost everything; the straw is broken"
  • "Je n'ay riens fait qu'Amours ne m'ait fait faire (1) / I have done nothing that Love didn't make me do (1)"
  • "Je n'ay riens fait qu'Amours ne me fait faire (2) / I have done nothing that Love doesn't make me do (2)"
  • "Je n'en congnoiz nulle si belle / I don't know any woman as beautiful"
  • "Je ne voy riens qui me doie suffire / I don't see anything that should satisfy me"
  • Text
  • "Je vous aime, je vous desir / I love you, I desire you"
  • "Je vous requer, Jaspar, Melchior, e Baltazar" / Prayer to the Three Kings
    Introduction Text
  • "Jesu, for thi muchele miht" / Jesus, by Your Great Might
    Introduction Text
  • Le jongleur d'Ely e le roi d'Angleterre / The Jongleur of Ely and the King of England

    Introduction Text



  • "En languissant defineront my jour / In languishing my days will come to an end"
  • Legenda de sancto Etfrido, presbitero de Leoministria / The Legend of Saint Etfrid, Priest of Leominster
    Introduction Text
  • Ludlow Scribe, Estoyres de la Bible / Ludlow Scribe, Old Testament Stories

    Introduction Text
  • "Lustneth, alle, a lutel throwe" / The Sayings of Saint Bernard

    Introduction Text
  • "Lustneth, lordinges, bothe yonge ant olde" / The Flemish Insurrection
    Introduction Text
  • "Lutel wot hit any mon hou derne love may stonde" / The Way of Woman's Love
    Introduction Text
  • "Lutel wot hit any mon hou love hym haveth ybounde" / The Way of Christ's Love
    Introduction Text
  • Lydgate, John (?), Prohemy of a Mariage Betwixt an Olde Man and a Yonge Wife, and the Counsail
    Introduction Text
  • Lydgate, John, "Prologue to the Siege of Thebes" (ed. John M. Bowers)
    Introduction Text
  • Lyndsay, David, The Answer Quhilk Schir David Lindesay Maid to the Kingis Flyting
    Introduction Text
  • Lyndsay, David, The Historie of ane Nobil and Vailyeand Squyer, William Meldrum, umquhyle Laird of Cleische and Bynnis
    Introduction Text
  • Lyndsay, David, The Testament of the Nobill and Vailyeand Squyer Williame Meldrum of the Bynnis
    Introduction Text
  • "Lystneth, lordynges! A newe song Ichulle bigynne" / The Execution of Sir Simon Fraser
    Introduction Text


  • "Ma belle dame et ma loyal amie / My beautiful lady and my loyal love"


  • "Ma seule amour, en quelque lieu que je soye / My only love, in whatever place I be"
  • "Ma seule dame, plus que nulle autre amee / My only lady, beloved more than any other"
  • Machaut, Guillaume de, Le Confort d'Ami
    Introduction Text
  • Machaut, Guillaume de, Le Jugement dou Roy de Behaingne
  • Introduction Text
  • Maidstone, Richard, "Maidstone’s Seven Penitential Psalms"
    Introduction Text
  • "Mais vous m'avez tousjours respondu 'non' / But you have always answered me with 'no'"
  • De martirio sancti Wistani / The Martyrdom of Saint Wistan
    Introduction Text
  • "Mayden, moder milde" / Maiden, Mother Mild (ed. Susanna Fein)
    Introduction Text
  • The Middle English Metrical Paraphrase of the Old Testament (ed. Michael Livingston)

    • Prologue
    • Book of Genesis
    • Book of Exodus
    • Book of Numbers
    • Book of Deuteronomy
    • Book of Joshua
    • Book of Judges
    • Book of Ruth
    • First Book of Kings (1 Samuel)
    • Second Book of Kings (2 Samuel)
    • Third Book of Kings (1 Kings)
    • Fourth Book of Kings (2 Kings)
    • Book of Job
    • Book of Tobias
    • Book of Esther
    • Book of Judith
    • Second Book of Maccabees 7
    • Second Book of Maccabees 6 and 9
  • "De mieulx en mieulx serviray ma maistresse / Better and better will I serve my mistress"
  • "Pour miex garder de ma dame le fort / Better to guard the fortress of my lady"
  • "Momentaneum est quod delectat" / What Allures is Momentary
    Introduction Text
  • "Most I ryden by Rybbesdale" / The Fair Maid of Ribbesdale
    Introduction Text
  • Munday, Anthony, Excerpts from The Death of Robert, Earle of Huntington
    Introduction Text
  • "Mundus iste totus quoddam scaccarium est" / All the World's a Chess Board
    Introduction Text
  • "My deth Y love, my lyf Ich hate" / The Clerk and the Girl
    Introduction Text

  • Ne mai no lewed lued libben in londe / Satire on the Consistory Courts
    Introduction Text
  • Nicholas Bozon, Femmes a la pye / Nicholas Bozon, Women and Magpies

    Introduction Text
  • Nomina librorum bibliotece / Names of the Books of the Bible

    Introduction Text
  • "Nou skrinketh rose ant lylie-flour" / An Autumn Song (ed. Susanna Fein)
    Introduction Text

  • "Or vueille Dieux que brefment le revoye / Now would to God that I see him again soon"

  • "Pardonnés moy, besoing le me fait faire (1) / Please pardon me; need makes me do it (1)"

  • "Pardonnez moy, besoing le me fait faire (2) / Please pardon me; need makes me do it (2)"
  • Text

  • Les pardouns de Acres / The Pardons of Acre
  • Introduction Text
  • "Par vo douceur, tresbelle et bonne nee / Because of your gentleness, lady born fair and good"
  • Les pelrinages communes que crestiens fount en la Seinte Terre / Pilgrimages in the Holy Land
    Introduction Text
  • "Une petite parole" / Sermon on God's Sacrifice and Judgment
    Introduction Text
  • "A ce plaisant premier jour de l'annee / On this pleasant first day of the year"
  • "Plus m'escondit, plus la vueil tenir chiere / The more she rejects me, the more I hold her dear"
  • "Ce premier jour que l'an se renouvelle / This first day when the year begins anew"
  • "Priez pour moy, tous les loyaulx amans / Pray for me, all you loyal lovers"
  • "Prouchaine mort en lieu de garison / A quick death instead of any cure"
  • "Puis qu'il lui plaist, il me souffist / Since it pleases my heart, that's enough for me"
  • "The Punished of Adulterers or The Bawd and the Adulterers," from Gesta Romanorum
    Introduction Text


  • "Quant je pense a vo doulce figure / When I think upon your gentle person"
  • "Que mon cuer voit tousdiz, ou que je soye / Which my heart sees constantly, wherever I am"
  • "Que nulle autre jamais ne choisiray / That never will I choose any other"
  • "Qui fondre peust et lui renouveller / That was able to melt and then be made again"
  • "Quy chescun jour de bon cuer cest oreisoun dirra" / Prayer for Protection
    Introduction Text
  • "Quy chescun jour denz seissaunte jours" / Three Prayers That Never Fail
    Introduction Text
  • "Quy est en tristour" / Seven Masses To Be Said in Misfortune
    Introduction Text
  • "Quy velt que Dieu sovyegne de ly" / Occasions for Psalms in French
    Introduction Text

  • The Ressoning betuix Deth and Man, Ascribed to Robert Henryson (DIMEV 4000)
    Introduction Text
  • "Rex seculorum et Domine dominator" / Prayer for Contrition
    Introduction Text
  • "Of rybauds Y ryme ant red o my rolle" / Satire on the Retinues of the Great
    Introduction Text

  • "S'a ma cause perdoit sa bonne fame / If because of me she lost her good name"
  • "Scriptum quod peregrini deferunt" / Letter for Pilgrims on the Relics at Oviedo
    Introduction Text
  • "Se Dieu eust oublié 'non' / If God had just forgotten 'no'"
  • "Se je m'en dueil, nul ne m'en doit blasmer / If I am grieving, no one ought to blame me"
  • "Se je m'en plains, ce ne fait a blasmer / If I complain, I should not be blamed"
  • "Seint Hillere archevesque de Peyters ordina ces salmes" / Occasions for Psalms Ordained by Saint Hilary of Poitiers
    Introduction Text
  • De seint Johan le Ewangeliste / The Life of Saint John the Evangelist
    Introduction Text
  • "Un seul confort de ma tresbelle dame / A single comfort from my most beautiful lady"
  • The Siege of Thebes, Lydgate's Prologue to, see: Lydgate, John, "Prologue to the Siege of Thebes"
  • "S'il ne vous plaist que j'aye mieulx / If it please you not that I have better"
  • "Sitteth alle stille ant herkneth to me" / A Song of Lewes
    Introduction Text
  • "Sodenly afraide, half waking, half slepyng (With favoure in hir face)"
    Introduction Text
  • Le Songe Saint Valentin / The Saint Valentine's Dream

  • Le Souhait de Saint Valentin / The Saint Valentine's Wish
  • Text

  • Early South English Legendary Life of Mary Magdalen
  • Introduction Text
  • "St. George and the Dragon" in the South English Legendary (East Midland Revision)
    Introduction Text
  • "Stond wel, moder, under rode" / Stand Well, Mother, under Rood (ed. Susanna Fein)
    Introduction Text
  • "Suete Jesu, king of blysse" / Sweet Jesus, King of Bliss
    Introduction Text

  • "The Ten Commandments (False Start)"
  • "Tout a rebours de ce qu'on vuelt trouver / Exactly the opposite of what one wants"
  • Les trois dames qui trouverent un vit / The Three Ladies Who Found a Prick

    Introduction Text
  • "Trop plus de biens que penser ne sauroye / Far more good than I could ever imagine"

  • "Um doit plus volentiers juner le vendredy" / Reasons for Fasting on Friday
    Introduction Text

  • "Vorte maken another maner grene" / How to Make Another Kind of Green
    Introduction Text
  • "Vorte maken iren as hart as stel" / How to Make Iron as Hard as Steel
    Introduction Text
  • "Vous n'en povez tousdiz que miex valoir / From this you can only come to greater worth"
  • "Vous vueil servir tresamoreusement / I wish to serve you very lovingly"

  • A wayle whyt ase whalles bon / A Beauty White as Whale's Bone
    Introduction Text
  • "When man as mad a kyng of a capped man" / The Prophecy of Thomas of Erceldoune
    Introduction Text
  • "When Y se blosmes springe" / A Spring Song on the Passion
    Introduction Text
  • Winter, Simon, "The Life of St. Jerome," see: St. Jerome
  • Wyclif, John (?), Of Weddid Men and Wifis and of Here Children Also
    Introduction Text