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8. Rondel: «Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle»


ABBREVIATIONS: A: Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, MS 350; B: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, f. fr. 1727; C: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, f. fr. 1131; D: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, f. fr. 24440; E: Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, MS 8, Catalan, 1420–30; F: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, f. fr. 2201; K: Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, IS 4254; N: Brussels, Bibliothèque royale Albert 1er, MS 10961–10970, c. 1465; P: Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Van Pelt Library, MS Codex 902 (formerly Fr. MS 15), 1395–1400; 100B: Les Cent Ballades; Basso: “L’envol et l’ancrage”; BD: Chaucer, The Book of the Duchess; Berguerand: Berguerand, Duel; Boulton: Song; Braddy: Braddy, Chaucer and Graunson; Carden: “Le Livre Messire Ode d’Oton de Grandson; CA: Gower, Confessio Amantis; DL: Guillaume de Machaut, Dit dou lyon; DLA: Guillaume de Machaut, Dit de l’alerion; FA: La fonteinne amoureuse; FC: Wimsatt, French Contemporaries; GW: Granson, Poésies, ed. Grenier-Winther; LGW: Chaucer, The Legend of Good Women; PA: Froissart, Paradis d’Amour; PF: Chaucer, The Parliament of Fowls; Piaget: Grandson, Vie et poésies, ed. Piaget; PL: Guillume de Machaut, Poésies Lyriques; Poirion: Poirion, Poète et prince; TC: Chaucer, Troilus and Criseyde; RR: Guillaume de Lorris and Jean de Meun, Le Roman de la rose; VD: Guillaume de Machaut, Le livre dou voir dit.

This is one of four poems by Granson with a New Year’s setting; see also 13, 69, and 70. For other examples in which a poet offers a New Year’s gift, see Poirion, pp. 117–18.

11 Regart . . . Bel Parler. These two personifications of the lady’s actions towards the lover are typical of figures used commonly by fourteenth-century lyricists, building upon the allegorical narrative of the lover’s approach to the lady in the RR. See the note to 21, below.




Abbreviations: A: Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, MS 350; B: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 1727; C: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 1131; D: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 24440; E: Barcelona, Biblioteca de Catalunya, MS 8, Catalan, 1420–30; F: Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale, fr. 2201; G: London, Westminster Abbey Library, MS 21; H: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 833, c. 1500; J: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 1952; K: Lausanne, Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire, IS 4254; L: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, Rothschild MS I.I.9; M: Carpentras, Bibliothèque Inguimbertine, MS fr. 390; N: Brussels, Bibliothèque royale Albert 1er, MS 10961–10970, c. 1465; O: Karlsruhe, Badische Landesbibliothek, MS 410, c. 1430; P: Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania, Van Pelt Library, MS Codex 902 (formerly Fr. MS 15), 1395–1400; Q: Berne, Burgerbibliothek da la Bourgeoisie, MS 473, 1400–40; R: Turin, Archivio di Stato, MS J. b. IX. 10; S: Paris, Bibliothèque nationale, fr. 24404, 13th century (16th century addition); T: Besançon, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 556, 1826; V: Carpentras, Bibliothèque Inguimbertine, MS 411; W: Brussels, Bibliothèque royale Albert 1er, MS IV 541, 1564–81; Y: Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale e Universitaria, MS L.II.12.

For each poem, we provide the following:

Other editions: The location of the poem in the editions of Grenier-Winther (GW) and Piaget.

Base MS: The manuscript from which our text is taken, using the sigla listed on this page.

Other copies: The other manuscripts in which the poem appears, with the line numbers for excerpts.

Selected variants: Most of the notes record the editors’ emendations. A small number (for instance, regarding the titles) record alternative readings when we did not emend the base text. We do not, however, provide a complete list of variants, for which one may consult Grenier-Winther’s edition. Each note consists of a line number, a lemma (the reading from our text), the manuscript source for the reading that we have chosen, selected readings from other manuscripts; and the reading from the base manuscript when it was rejected. If no manuscript source is listed following the lemma, the adopted reading is the editors’ conjecture.

Other comments on the text, as required.

GW61, Piaget p. 350.
Base MS A. No other copies.

5 seule celle. A: seule et celle.











8. Rondel: «Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle»

Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle,
Joieusement et de loial penser
Vous doins mon cuer a tousjourz sans faulser,
Bonne, saige, gracieuse et tresbelle.

Car, par ma foy, vous estez seule celle
Sans qui ne puis leesse recouvrer,
Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle,
Joieusement et de loial penser.

Si pry Amours que pour moy se melle,
Qu’a mercy puit vostre doulx cuer tourner,
Et que Regart atire Bel Parler,
Ou l’un sans plus m’an doint bonne nouvelle.

Ce premier jour que l’an se renouvelle,
Joieusement et de loial penser
Vous doins mon cuer a tousjourz sans faulser,
Bonne, saige, gracieuse et tresbelle.
8. Rondeau: “This first day when the year begins anew”

This first day when the year begins anew,
Joyously and with loyal thought
I give you my heart forever without deceit,
My good, wise, gracious, and beautiful lady.

For by my faith, you alone are the one
Without whom I could not gain happiness,
This first day when the year begins anew,
Joyously and with loyal thought.

Thus I pray to Love that he intercede for me,
For he can turn your gentle heart towards mercy,
And that Looking attract Fair Speech,
Or that just one of these bring me good tidings.

This first day when the year begins anew,
Joyously and with loyal thought
I give you my heart forever without deceit,
My good, wise, gracious, and beautiful lady.


(see note)



Go To 9. Rondel: «Adieu, Jeunesse, m’amie»