Susanna Greer Fein
Name Variant(s): Susanna Fein
The Anglo-Norman Otinel - 2019 (Translator)
Appendix: Full Contents of MS Harley 2253 - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 1, Vitas Patrum - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 1, Vitas Patrum: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 10, Vorte make cynople - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 10, Vorte make cynople: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 100, Quant vous levez le matyn - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 100, Quant vous levez le matyn: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 101, Quy velt que Dieu sovyegne de ly - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 101, Quy velt que Dieu sovyegne de ly: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 102, Gloria in excelsis Deo en fraunceis - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 102, Gloria in excelsis Deo en fraunceis: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 103, Confiteor tibi, Deus, omnia peccata mea - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 103, Confiteor tibi, Deus, omnia peccata mea: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 104, Gloriouse Dame - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 104, Gloriouse Dame: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 105, Rex seculorum et Domine dominator - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 105, Rex seculorum et Domine dominator: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 106, Um doit plus volentiers juner le vendredy - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 106, Um doit plus volentiers juner le vendredy: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 107, Quy est en tristour - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 107, Quy est en tristour: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 108, Cely que fra ces messes chaunter - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 108, Cely que fra ces messes chaunter: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 108a, Je vous requer, Jaspar, Melchior, e Baltazar - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 108a, Je vous requer, Jaspar, Melchior, e Baltazar: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 109, Mundus iste totus quoddam scaccarium est - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 109, Mundus iste totus quoddam scaccarium est: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 109a, Quy chescun jour denz seissaunte jours - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 109a, Quy chescun jour denz seissaunte jours: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 11, Vorte temprene asure - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 11, Vorte temprene asure: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 110, Contra inimicos si quos habes - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 110, Contra inimicos si quos habes: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 111, Seint Hillere archevesque de Peyters ordina ces salmes - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 111, Seint Hillere archevesque de Peyters ordina ces salmes: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 112, Eulotropia et celidonia - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 112, Eulotropia et celidonia: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 113, De interrogandi moribundis beati Anselmi - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 113, De interrogandi moribundis beati Anselmi: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 114, Dieu, roy de magesté - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 114, Dieu, roy de magesté: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 115, Contemplacioun de la passioun Jesu Crist - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 115, Contemplacioun de la passioun Jesu Crist: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 116, De martirio sancti Wistani - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 116, De martirio sancti Wistani: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 12, Vorte make gras-grene - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 12, Vorte make gras-grene: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 13, Vorte maken another maner grene - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 13, Vorte maken another maner grene: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 14, Yet for gaude-grene - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 14, Yet for gaude-grene: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 15, Vorte couche selverfoyl - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 15, Vorte couche selverfoyl: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 16, Vorte maken iren as hart as stel - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 16, Vorte maken iren as hart as stel: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 17, Vorte maken blankplum - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 17, Vorte maken blankplum: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 18, Incipit vita sancti Ethelberti - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 18, Incipit vita sancti Ethelberti: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 19, Anima christi, sanctifica me - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 19, Anima christi, sanctifica me: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 1a, Thais - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 1a, Thais: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 2, Herman de Valenciennes, La Passioun Nostre Seignour - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 2, Herman de Valenciennes, La Passioun Nostre Seignour: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 20, Quant voy la revenue d’yver - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 20, Quant voy la revenue d’yver: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 21, Alle herkneth to me nou - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 21, Alle herkneth to me nou: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 22, In a thestri stude Y stod - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 22, In a thestri stude Y stod: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 23, Sitteth alle stille ant herkneth to me - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 23, Sitteth alle stille ant herkneth to me: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24, Chaunter m’estoit - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24, Chaunter m’estoit: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24a*, Momentaneum est quod delectat - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24a*, Momentaneum est quod delectat: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24a, Charnel amour est folie - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24a, Charnel amour est folie: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24b, Erthe toc of erthe - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 24b, Erthe toc of erthe: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 25, Lystneth, Lordynges! A newe song Ichulle bigynne - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 25, Lystneth, lordynges! A newe song Ichulle bigynne: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 25a, Lord that lenest us lyf - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 25a, Lord that lenest us lyf: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 26, Enseignement sur les amis - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 26, Enseignement sur les amis: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 27, Middelerd for mon wes mad - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 27, Middelerd for mon wes mad: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 28, Ichot a burde in a bour ase beryl so bryht - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 28, Ichot a burde in a bour ase beryl so bryht: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 29, Bytuene Mersh ant Averil - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 29, Bytuene Mersh ant Averil: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 3, De la Passioun Jhesu [L’Évangile de Nicodème, La Tradition A] - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 30, With longyng Y am lad - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 30, With longyng Y am lad: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 31, Ich herde men upo mold - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 31, Ich herde men upo mold: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 32, Herketh hideward ant beoth stille - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 32, Herketh hideward ant beoth stille: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 33, Weping haveth myn wonges wet - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 33, Weping haveth myn wonges wet: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 34, Most I ryden by Rybbesdale - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 34, Most I ryden by Rybbesdale: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 35, In a fryht as Y con fare fremede - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 35, In a fryht as Y con fare fremede: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 36, A wayle whyt ase whalles bon - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 36, A wayle whyt ase whalles bon: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 37, Gilote e Johane - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 37, Gilote e Johane: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 38, Les pelrinages communes que crestiens fount en la Seinte Terre - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 38, Les pelrinages communes que crestiens fount en la Seinte Terre: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 39, Les pardouns de Acres - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 39, Les pardouns de Acres: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 3a, Epistle a Tiberie - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 3a, Epistle a Tiberie: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 3b, Epistle a Claudie l’emperour - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 3b, Epistle a Claudie l’emperour: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 4, De seint Johan le Ewangeliste - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 4, De seint Johan le Ewangeliste: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 40, Ne mai no lewed lued libben in londe - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 40, Ne mai no lewed lued libben in londe: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 41, Of a mon Matheu thohte - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 41, Of a mon Matheu thohte: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 43, Lenten ys come with love to toune - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 43, Lenten ys come with love to toune: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 44, In May hit murgeth when hit dawes - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 44, In May hit murgeth when hit dawes: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 45, Heye Louerd, thou here my bone - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 45, Heye Louerd, thou here my bone: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 46, Ichot a burde in boure bryht - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 46, Ichot a burde in boure bryht: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 47, Alle that beoth of huerte trewe - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 47, Alle that beoth of huerte trewe: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 48, Lustneth, lordinges, bothe yonge ant olde - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 48, Lustneth, lordinges, bothe yonge ant olde: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 49, Marie, pur toun enfaunt - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 49, Marie, pur toun enfaunt: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 5, De seint Johan le Baptist - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 5. De seint Johan le Baptist: Introduction - MS Harley 2253: Volume 1 [nid:39225] (Editor)
Art. 50, Suete Jesu, king of blysse - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 50, Suete Jesu, king of blysse: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 51, Jesu Crist, heovene kyng - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 51, Jesu Crist, heovene kyng: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 52, Wynter wakeneth al my care - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 52, Wynter wakeneth al my care: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 53, When Y se blosmes springe - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 53, When Y se blosmes springe: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 54, Ferroy chaunsoun - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 54, Ferroy chaunsoun: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 55, Dum ludis floribus - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 55, Dum ludis floribus: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 56, Quant fu en ma juvente - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 56, Quant fu en ma juvente: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 57, Marie, mere al Salveour - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 57, Marie, mere al Salveour: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 58, Dulcis Jesu memoria - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 58, Dulcis Jesu memoria: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 59, Une petite parole - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 59, Une petite parole: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 6, De seint Bartholomeu - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 6, De seint Bartholomeu: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 60, Stond wel, moder, under rode - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 60, Stond wel, moder, under rode: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 61, Jesu, for thi muchele miht - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 61, Jesu, for thi muchele miht: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 62, I syke when Y singe - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 62, I syke when Y singe: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 63, Nou skrinketh rose ant lylie-flour - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 63, Nou skrinketh rose ant lylie-flour: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 64, My deth Y love, my lyf Ich hate - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 64, My deth Y love, my lyf Ich hate: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 65, When the nyhtegale singes - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 65, When the nyhtegale singes: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 66, Blessed be thou, Levedy - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 66, Blessed be thou, Levedy: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 67, Ase Y me rod this ender day - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 67, Ase Y me rod this ender day: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 68, Herkne to my ron - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 68, Herkne to my ron: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 69, Mayden, moder milde - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 69, Mayden, moder milde: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 7, Passioun seint Piere - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 7, Passioun seint Piere: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 70, The Geste of Kyng Horn - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 70, The Geste of Kyng Horn: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 71, Ludlow Scribe, Estoyres de la Bible - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 71, Ludlow Scribe, Estoyres de la Bible: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 72, Nomina Librorum Bibliotece - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 72, Nomina Librorum Bibliotece: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 73, God that al this myhtes may - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 73, God that al this myhtes may: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 74, Lustneth, alle, a lutel throwe - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 74, Lustneth, alle, a lutel throwe: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 75, Le jongleur d’Ely e le roi d’Angleterre - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 75, Le jongleur d’Ely e le roi d’Angleterre: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 75a, Les trois dames qui troverunt un vit - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 75a, Les trois dames qui troverunt un vit: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 76, Le dit des femmes - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 76, Le dit des femmes: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 77, Le blasme des femmes - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 77, Le blasme des femmes: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 78, Nicholas Bozon, Femmes a la pye - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 78, Nicholas Bozon, Femmes a la pye: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 79, Un sage honme de grant valour - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 79, Un sage honme de grant valour: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 8, ABC a femmes - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 8, ABC a femmes: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 80, Talent me prent de rymer e de geste fere - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 80, Talent me prent de rymer e de geste fere: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 81, Mon in the mone stond ant strit - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 81, Mon in the mone stond ant strit: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 82, Le chevaler e la corbaylle - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 82, Le chevaler e la corbaylle: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 83, De mal mariage - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 83, De mal mariage: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 84, La gagure, ou L’esquier e la chaunbrere - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 84, La gagure, ou L’esquier e la chaunbrere: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 85, A bok of swevenyng - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 85, A bok of swevenyng: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 86, Ordre de bel ayse - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 86, Ordre de bel ayse: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 87, Le chevaler qui fist les cons parler - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 87, Le chevaler qui fist les cons parler: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 88, Of rybauds Y ryme ant red o my rolle - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 88, Of rybauds Y ryme ant red o my rolle: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 89, Mon that wol of wysdam heren - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 89, Mon that wol of wysdam heren: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 9, De l'Yver et de l'Esté - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 9, De l'Yver et de l'Esté: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
Art. 90, When man as mad a kyng of a capped man - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 90, When man as mad a kyng of a capped man: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 91, La destinccioun de la estature Jesu Crist Nostre Seigneur - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 91, La destinccioun de la estature Jesu Crist Nostre Seigneur: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 92, Lutel wot hit any mon hou love hym haveth ybounde - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 92, Lutel wot hit any mon hou love hym haveth ybounde: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 93, Lutel wot hit any mon hou derne love may stonde - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 93, Lutel wot hit any mon hou derne love may stonde: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 94, Enseignements de saint Lewis a Philip soun fitz - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 94, Enseignements de saint Lewis a Philip soun fitz: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 95, L’enqueste que le patriarche de Jerusalem fist - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 95, L’enqueste que le patriarche de Jerusalem fist: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 96, Les armes des roys - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 96, Les armes des roys: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 97, Scriptum quod peregrini deferunt - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 97, Scriptum quod peregrini deferunt: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 98, Legenda de sancto Etfrido, presbitero de Leoministria - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 98, Legenda de sancto Etfrido, presbitero de Leoministria: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 99, Quy chescun jour de bon cuer cest oreisoun dirra - 2015 (Editor)
Art. 99, Quy chescun jour de bon cuer cest oreisoun dirra: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Art.3, De la Passioun Jhesu [L’Évangile de Nicodème, La Tradition A]: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Bibliography - 2019 (Author)
The Bird with Four Feathers - 1998 (Editor)
The Bird with Four Feathers: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)
The Complete Harley 2253 Manuscript, Volume 1: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
The Complete Harley 2253 Manuscript, Volume 2: Introduction - 2014 (Editor)
The Dispute between Mary and the Cross - 1998 (Editor)
The Dispute between Mary and the Cross: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)
The Four Leaves of the Truelove - 1998 (Editor)
The Four Leaves of the Truelove: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)
General Introduction - 2019 (Author)
In a Valley of this Restless Mind - 1998 (Editor)
In a Valley of this Restless Mind: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)
Introduction to the Anglo-Norman Otinel - 2019 (Author)
John the Blind Audelay, Carol Sequence - 2009 (Editor)
John the Blind Audelay, Meditative Close - 2009 (Editor)
John the Blind Audelay, Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302): Introduction - 2009 (Editor)
John the Blind Audelay, Salutations - 2009 (Editor)
John the Blind Audelay, The Counsel of Conscience - 2009 (Editor)
Moral Love Songs and Laments: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)
MS Harley 2253, Volume 1: Bibliography - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley 2253, Volume 1: Index of First Lines - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley 2253, Volume 1: Index of Manuscripts - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley 2253, Volume 1: Index of Proper Names - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley 2253, Volume 2: Bibliography - 2014 (Editor)
MS Harley 2253, Volume 2: Index of First Lines - 2014 (Editor)
MS Harley 2253, Volume 2: Index of Manuscripts Cited - 2014 (Editor)
MS Harley Volume 2253, Volume 2: Index of Proper Names - 2014 (Editor)
MS Harley Volume 2253, Volume 3: Bibliography - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley Volume 2253, Volume 3: Index of First Lines - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley Volume 2253, Volume 3: Index of Manuscripts Cited - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley Volume 2253, Volume 3: Index of Proper Names - 2015 (Editor)
MS Harley Volume 2253, Volume 3: Introduction - 2015 (Editor)
Pety Job - 1998 (Editor)
Pety Job: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)
Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302): Bibliography - 2009 (Editor)
Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302): Index of Biblical References - 2009 (Editor)
Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302): Line Indices - 2009 (Editor)
The Sinner's Lament - 1998 (Editor)
The Sinner's Lament: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)
Thomas of Hales, Love Rune - 1998 (Editor)
Thomas of Hales, Love Rune: Introduction - 1998 (Editor)