Chanticleer and Pertelote1915

Chaunticleer and the Fox1915

The Crowd1915

The Fox1915

Headpiece for Nun's Priest's Tale1915

Marginal illustration of Chanticleer1915

Marginal illustration of the fox1915
Anne Anderson (1874 - 1930)

At once the fight began1912

Aurelius hastened to Doringen 1912

The bride entered the city1912

Emily could be seen below1912

Griselda was entirely reclothed1912

He was the soul of hospitality1912

"I give you a year and a day."1912

In attendance on the knight was his son1912

A lively lady from Bath1912

Malkin, with the distaff in her hand1807

The Man of Law was a discreet person1912

Once more she was adrift1912

The Prioress has a simple, innocent smile1912

Sad, indeed, was the poor lady's condition1912

"What think you of my new wife's beauty?"1912

The Carpenter, the Webbe or Weaver, the Dyer, and...1845

The Chanon's Yeman1721

The Chaucer Pilgrim1721

The Clerk of Oxenford1721

Coat of Arms1602

The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn1721

The Cooke1721

The Doctour of Phisike1721

The Frankelein1721

The Franklin1845

The Frere1721

The Haberdasher1845

The Knight, and the Squire1845

The Knight1721

The Knight1602

The Man of Law1721

The Manciple1721

The Marchaunt1721

The Merchant1845

The Miller1845

The Miller1721

The Monk and the Friar1845

The Monk1721

The Nonne's Priest1721

The Pardoner1845

The Pardoner1721

The Parson and the Clerk1845

The Parson1721

The Plowman1721

The Prioresse1721

Procession of the Pilgrims1721

The Reeve1845

The Reve1721

The Second Nonne1721

The Sergeant-at-law, and the Doctor of Medicine1845

The Shipman1845

The Shipmann1721

Sir Thopaz1721

The Sompnour1721

The Squier1721

The Sumpnour1845

The Tabard, from Urry's edition of Chaucer, 17201845

The Wife of Bath1721

The Wife of Bath1845
Ford Madox Brown (1821 - October 6, 1893)

Chaucer reading to Edward III1907

Chaucer Reading to King Edward III (Frontispiece)1912
Gordon Frederick Browne (1858 - May 27, 1932)

"Griseld, bare-footed, in her poor rags..."


"Griselda is Deprived of Her Child"

Patient Griselda - Chapter One

Patient Griselda - Chapter Three

Patient Griselda - Chapter Two
Edward Coley Burne-Jones (1833 - June 16, 1898)

"...And drow his sail, and saw her nevermo."1958

"...And in hir smok, with heed and foot al bare...1958

"...Me thoughte I saw an egle sore..."1958

"...whan that I hadde songe, Me thoughte she leyde...1958

"Agayn the knyght this olde wyf gan ryse, And seyde...1958

"Allas! quod she, that evere I was born!"1958

"Almighty and al merciable Quene, To whom that al...1958

"Amidde saugh I Hate sonde, That for hir wrathe,...1958

"Among thise children was a wydwes sone, A litel...1958

"Amydde a tree fordrye, as whit as chalk..."1958

"And al this hous, of whiche I rede, Was made of...1958

"And at the window leep he fro the lofte Whan she...1958

"And by the hande he held the noble quene, Corouned...1958

"And fast I sleep; and in sleping, Me mette swiche...1958

"And in a launde, upon an hille of floures, Was set...1958

"And in a privee corner, in disporte, Fond I Venus...1958

"And in the grove, at tyme and place yset, This...1958

"And maden him upon a lond to falle, Wherof that...1958

"And out he cometh by the clewe again Ful prevely,...1958

"And Pandarus, that ladde hir by the lappe, Com ner...1958

"And she, the mooste servysable of alle, Hath every...1958

"And therwithal Dyane gan appeere, With bowe in...1958

"And thus this companye of Muses yblamed casten...1958

"And to the Lord right thus I speke and seye..."1958

"And to the temple his wey forth hath he holde,...1958

"And whan she say thise poetical Muses aprochen...1958

"And whan this maister, that this magyk wroughte,...1958

"And with that word he gan to waxen reed ... And...1958

"And with that word, naked, with ful good herte,...1958

"Anoon doun kneling upon my knee, Profering for to...1958

"Before the temple-dore ful soberly Dame Pees sat,...1958

"But atte laste the statue of Venus shook And made...1958

"But I, allas, now morne shal; Bicause I was...1958

"But nathelees this mayde, bright of hewe, Fro foot...1958

"But prively she caughte forth a knyf, And...1958

"But than a cherl, foule him bityde! Bisyde the...1958

"But which a congregacioun Of folk, as I saugh rome...1958

"A compleynt hadde I, writen, in myn hond..."1958

"Criseyde ... Gan eche of hem in armes other winde...1958

"Cryseyda gan al his chere aspyen, And leet so...1958

"The double sorwe of Troilus to tellen, That was...1958

"For Narcisus, shortly to telle, By aventure com to...1958

"For which delibered was by parlement, For Antenor...1958

"For, by my trouthe, I wol be to yow bothe, This is...1958

"Ful dredfully tho gan she stonde stille, And took...1958

"Ful redy was at pryme Dyomede, Criseyde unto the...1958

"Ful wel yclothed was Fraunchyse..."1958

"The God of Love, jolyf and light, Ladde on his...1958

"Here taketh the makere of this book his leve."1958

"Hir lemman was bisyde alway, In swich a gyse, that...1958

"Hit was of Venus ... Naked fletinge in a see."1958

"How clippeth she the dede cors, allas!"1958

"I saugh a Gardin right anoon, Ful long and brood,...1958

"In at the halle-dore, al sodeynly, Ther cam a...1958

"Largesse, that sette al hir entente For to be...1958

"Little Lowis my sone, I have perceived wel by...1958

"Madame, quod he, by God that this world made..."1958

"Me thoughte she layde a greyn under my tongue" (...1902

"Me, fleinge, at a swappe he hente, And with his...1958

"Resoun men clepe that lady, Which from hir tour...1958

"She for to daunce called me..."1958

"She had ywoven in a stamin large How she was...1958

"Sire, I releesse thee thy thousand pound..."1958

"Sorowe was peynted next Envye Upon that walle of...1958

"The statue of Mars bigan his hauberk rynge; And...1958

"Thanne wolde she sitte adoun upon the grene, And...1958

"That she moste kisse his child er that it deyde...1958

"That thurgh a wyndow, thikke of many a barre Of...1958

"That, by a clewe of twyne, as he hath goon, The...1958

"Ther he was slayn, his loking doun he caste; And...1958

"Ther mighte men the royal egle finde...."1958

"Ther to me Venus the goddesse, Which ay werreyeth...1958

"Therwith Fortune seyde Chek here!"1958

"This al and som, that Arcite moot dye..."1958

"This ugly sergeant, in the same wyse That he hire...1958

"Tho saw I al the half ygrave With famous folkes...1958

"Thou art so loothly, and so oold also, And therto...1958

"Til on Criseyde it smoot, and ther it stente."1958

"Under a tree, besyde a welle, I say Cupyde our...1958

"Upon Grisilde, this povre creature, Ful ofte sithe...1958

"Upon the fyr of sacrifys she sterte, And with his...1958

"Whan I was hurt thus in that stounde, I fel doun...1958

"Whan that Aprille with his shoures soote The...1958

"Whan that this dore hadde opened me This mayden,...1958

"What did this Eolus, but he Tok out his blakke...1958

"When Adriane his wyf aslepe was..."1958

"With that my hond in his he took anoon, Of which I...1958

"Yeres and dayes fleteth this creature Thurghout...1958


Alan and John1972


The Archdeacon 1972

The Franklin1972


Geoffrey Chaucer1972

Geoffrey Chaucer1972

Host of the Tabard1972


John (from The Reeve's Tale)1972

John the Carpenter1972


The Pardoner1972

Perkin Reveler1972

Perkin Reveler and Friends1972

Simkin the Miller1972

Sir January 1972


The Widow1972

The Wife of Bath and Jenkin1972

The Wife of Bath1972

The Yeoman (The Devil) and The Summoner1972

The Yeoman (The Devil)1972
Edward Henry Corbould (1815 - 1905)

The Clerkes Tale1866


The Monkes Tale1866

The Nonnes Precstes Tale1866

The Reves Tale1866

Sire Thopas and ye gret Geaunt Oliphaunt1866

The Squieres Tale1866

The Wif of Bathes Tale1866

"...a trewe swinker and a good was he."1909

"...He made the person and the peple his apes"1909

"And al was conscience and tendre herte."1909

"A clerk ther was of Oxenford also..."1909

"Cook they hadde with hem..."1909

"Everich, for the wisdom that he can..."1909

Frontispiece - "In Southwerk..."1909

"His table dormant in his halle..."1909

"His tipet was ay farsed..."1909

"In all this world ne was ther noon him lyk..."1909

"A knight ther was and that a worthy man..." 1909

"The Reve was a sclendre colerik man"1909

"She was a worthy woman..."1909

Arcite's Dream1911

Arrival of the Strangers1911

The Death of Arcite1911

Emily and Palamon1911

Emily in the Palace Garden1911


Griselda and her Daughter1911

The Knight and the Lady1911

The Knight1911

The Knight's Offence1911

Ladies of Court1911

Palamon and Arcite1911

What the Knight Saw in the Wood1911
Sir W. Russell Flint (1880 - 1969)

"For certein, whan that fortune list to flee..."1913

"Ne how the goddes ronne up and doun..." (...1913

"That Jankin clerk..."1913

"Thee mene I, mayde and martir..."1913

“A lusty playne, habundant of vitaille..."1913

“Allas, fortune!"1913

“Almache answerde..."1913

“Amiddes of the temple sat meschaunce..."1913

“And after this, he dide him swich plesaunce,...1913

“And for-as-muche as a man may acquiten him-self...1913

“And he weex wroth..."1913

“And how asseged was Ipolita, The faire hardy...1913

“And on hir bare knees adoun they falle..."1913

“And she gan kisse his brest..."1913

“And to the tree she gooth ful hastily..."1913

“But whan she saugh the grisly rokkes blake..."1913

“But with glad chere to the yate is went..."1913

“Certes, for fals witnessing was Susanna..."1913

“Daunced a quuyer biforen Dorigen..."1913

“Grisilde of this..." (Frontispiece)1913

“He caste his eye upon Emelya..."1913

“His bowe he bente..."1913

“I swoor that al my walkinge out by nighte..."1913

“In Flaundres whylom was a companye..."1913

“Jalous he was..."1913

“Judith, by hir good conseil..."1913

“Night with his mantel..."1913

“Now lat us turne agayn to Januarie..."1913

“Remember yow, myn owene lord so dere..."1913

“The constable of the castel doun is fare..."1913

“This child with pitous lamentacioun..."1913

“Thise almesses shaltow doon of thyne owene...1913

“To shippe is brough this woful faire mayde...1913

“Whan that Aprille with his shoures sote..."1913

“… And on this book he swoor anoon She gilty...1913

“…The knight saugh verraily al this..."1913
Mrs. H. R. Haweis (1848 - 1898)

The Clerk1887

Dinner in the Olden Time

The Doctor of Physic1887

Dorigen and Aurelius in the Garden1887

Fair Emelye Gathering Flowers1887

The Franklin1887

The Friar1887

Griselda's Marriage1887

Griselda's Sorrow1887

The Knight1887

A Lady Crossing the Street in the Olden Time1887

The Lawyer

The Merchant1887

The Monk1887

The Parson1887

The Plowman, The Summoner, and the Pardoner1887

The Prioress1887

The Rioter1887

The Squire1887

The Wife of Bath1887

The Yeoman1887

Canterbury Cathedral1944

The Canterbury Pilgrims1944

The Bride1906

Griselda Goes Home1906

Griselda's Child is Taken Away1906

His Lordship's Choice1906

My Lord's Commands1906

The Old Love1906

The Young Bride1906

The Young Griselda (Frontispiece)1906
M. L. Kirk (1860 - 1938)

"All Day Long He Was Singing or Whistling On His...1914

"The Pardoner Had His Cakes and Ale"1914

"So Fair Was She That He Fell In Love With Her At...1914

"There They Talked and Amused Themselves All The...1914

Alehouse with Alestake1909

Approach to Cathedral, Mercury Lane, connecting...1909

The Baptistery, Canterbury Cathedral1909

The Black Prince's Well, Harbledown1909

The Canon's Yeoman1909

The Canterbury Cathedral1909

Canterbury Cathedral, Tomb of the Black Prince1909

The Chair of St. Augustine, Canterbury Cathedral1909


Chaucer's Dwelling1909

Christ Gate, Canterbury1909

The Clerk of Oxenford1909

The Cook1909

The Doctor of Physic1909

An English Pilgrim1909

The Franklin

The Friar1909

Green Court Gate, Canterbury Cathedral1909

The Grey Friars, Canterbury1909

The Guestern Hall, Winchester, Where Pilgrims Were...1909

The Jew's House in Lincoln1909

The Knight1884

The Man of Law1909

The Manciple1909

Martyrdom of St. Thomas1909

The Merchant1909

The Miller1909

The Monk1909

The Monk's Dog (2)1909

The Monk's Dog1909

Norman Crypt, Canterbury Cathedral1909

The Nun's Priest1909

The Pardoner1909

The Parson1909

Part of the Tithe Barn, Maidstone1909

A Pilgrim Rest House1909

Pilgrim's Flasks1884

The Pilgrims' Way from London1909

Portions of Ancient Hospice on both sides of Water...1909

The Prioress1909

Rochester Castle and Ground1909

The Second Nun1909

The Shipman1909

Site of the Shrine of St. Thomas, Canterbury...1909

The Squire1909

The Steward1909

The Summoner1884

The Tabard Inn1909

The Tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer, Westminster Abbey1909

Towers of West Gate, Canterbury1909

The Transept of the Martyrdom, Canterbury Cathedral...1909

The Wife of Bath1909

"The Duke rode in between the fighters"1919

The Canon-Yeoman's Tale1833

The Clerk's Tale1833

The Cook's Tale of Gamelyn1833

Gateway to Donnington Castle1833

The Knight's Tale1833

The Man of Law's Tale1833

The Nun's Priest's Tale1833

The Pardoner's Tale1833

The Prioress' Tale1833

The Procession of the Pilgrims to Canterbury1833

The Squire's Tale1833

The Wife of Bath's Tale1833
Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922 - November 2, 1975)


Alan and John1972


The Archdeacon 1972

The Franklin1972


Geoffrey Chaucer1972

Geoffrey Chaucer1972

Host of the Tabard1972


John (from The Reeve's Tale)1972

John the Carpenter1972


The Pardoner1972

Perkin Reveler1972

Perkin Reveler and Friends1972

Simkin the Miller1972

Sir January 1972


The Widow1972

The Wife of Bath and Jenkin1972

The Wife of Bath1972

The Yeoman (The Devil) and The Summoner1972

The Yeoman (The Devil)1972

"Five maidens came bringing gifts"1920s?

"The garden is watched by eight magicians"1920s?

"He entered like a madman, barefooted and grimacing...1920s?

"He went to his father and begged for new clothes"1920s?

"She brought the mirror to Cambuscan"1920s?

"She ran up hastily and seized his bridle"1920s?

"They all sat down and had a good dinner"1920s?

Canterbury Cathedral1944

The Canterbury Pilgrims1944

Canterbury Cathedral1944

The Canterbury Pilgrims1944

"After Him! The Fox, the Fox!"1909

"After him! the fox, the fox!"1907

"'Alas!' she wailed, 'I have done no evil'"1907

"Alas!" She Wailed, "I Have Done No Evil"1909

"Arcite Spurred his Horse Down the Lists"1909

"Arcite spurred his horse down the lists"1907

"Come a little nearer, John"1907

"Come a Little Nearer, John!"1909

Constance (Frontispiece)1909

"Down they squatted by this precious hoard"1907

"He told Aurelius what was in his mind"1907

"I am Palamon, thy mortal foe!"1907

"On and on she drifted"1907

"Pay No Heed to Him. He is Mad."1909

"Pay no heed to him; he is mad"1907

"She walked humbly, yet proudly"1907

"She Walked Humbly, Yet Proudly"1909

"Sir Knight, your way does not lie hither"1907

"We rode away to St. Thomas's Well"1907
W. Heath Robinson (1872 - 1944)

"Alas! of all the ships I see, is there never one...1905

"He Saw The Magician Standing On the Shore"1905

"Lord Walter Came Into the Room"1905

"Palamon Lay Beside a Pool of Water"1905

"She Rose to Curtsy To Him"1905

"She thought of the two young princes who were...1905

"To Them She Seemed a Martyr"1905

"When Her Boy Lay Asleep She Knelt At the Prow"1905
John Saunders (1811 - 1895)

The Canon's Yeoman's Tale (2)1847

The Canon's Yeoman's Tale (3)1847

The Canon's Yeoman's Tale1847

The Clerk's Tale (2)1847

The Clerk's Tale (3)1847

The Clerk's Tale1847

The Franklin's Tale (2)1847

The Franklin's Tale (3)1847

The Franklin's Tale1847

The Friar's Tale (2)1847

The Friar's Tale (3)1847

The Friar's Tale1847

The Knight's Tale (2)1847

The Knight's Tale (3)1847

The Man of Law's Tale (2)1847

The Man of Law's Tale (3)1847

The Man of Law's Tale1847

The Nun's Priest's Tale (2)1847

The Nun's Priest's Tale (3)1847

The Nun's Priest's Tale1847

The Pardoner's Tale (2)1847

The Pardoner's Tale (3)1847

The Pardoner's Tale1847

The Squire's Tale (2)1847

The Squire's Tale (3)1847

The Squire's Tale1847

The Wife of Bath's Tale (2)1847

The Wife of Bath's Tale (3)1847

The Wife of Bath's Tale1847

Arthur's Queen Propounds a Difficult Question1884

The Boy Answering the Request of the Inebriates1884

Emelye, the Queen's Sister, in the Palace Garden1884

Espousals of Palamon and Emelye1884

Griselda Bereft of her First-born1884

The Halt near the "Watering of St. Thomas"1884

King Ella Beholding his Son for the First Time1884

The Meeting of Dorigen and Aurelius1884

Prudence Seeking to Comfort Melibeus1884

The Rival Cousins: - Palamon Rushing from...1884

The Summoner Making his Unjust Demands1884

"It is a Company of Pilgrims such as this that...1914

"It was in the monasteries that books were written...1914
John Speed (1552 - 1629)

Frontispiece - Chaucer and his Genealogy1602
Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920)

(Frontispiece) "The cow ran, the calf ran..."1904

"...'which do you think is the better off?"1904

"Algarsif faced the Genie undaunted"1920s?

"The arrival of John Lydgate."1904

"Brought her back into the banquet hall."1904

Canacee and the Peregrine Falcon1920s?

"The carter patted and encouraged his horses."1904

"Caught him such a buffet."1904

The Combat1904

"Fighting furiously as two wild boars."1904

"Gathering flowers 'white and red."1904

"A Good-wife from Bath, on an ambling nag."1904

"He has a waist as fairly-shaped as mine."1904

Hubert the Friar1904

"Madam, will you walk with me in the garden?"1904

"The Miller rode bravely at the head..."1904

"Not a living thing remained..."1904

"The Pardoner had his cakes and ale."1904

"She fed her little lap-dogs on cake."1904

"Shoving him this way and that to make him stay on...1904

The Squire1904

"The Story of Cambuscan Bold"1920s?

"They found a great heap of golden florins piled up...1904

"They pressed to see the Horse of Brass, murmuring...1904

They saw the spires and battlements of Canterbury...1904

"They swarmed round to see the Horse of Brass"1920s?

"This is my Bride' he cried."1904

"Two travellers overtook them."1904

"Walter had often seen this maiden as he rode out...1904
George Vertue (1684 - 1756)

Frontispiece - Portrait of Chaucer1721

The Canon-Yeoman's Tale1833

The Clerk's Tale1833

The Cook's Tale of Gamelyn1833

Gateway to Donnington Castle1833

The Knight's Tale1833

The Man of Law's Tale1833

The Nun's Priest's Tale1833

The Pardoner's Tale1833

The Prioress' Tale1833

The Procession of the Pilgrims to Canterbury1833

The Squire's Tale1833

The Wife of Bath's Tale1833
Milo Winter (1888 - August 15, 1956)

"Come here, Sir Priest! ride in the midst with me...1909

"Now let us ride and hearken what I say." 1909

"Trencher, tankard, pot, and cannikin Appeased all...1909
Anne Anderson (1874 - 1930)
Ford Madox Brown (1821 - October 6, 1893)
Gordon Frederick Browne (1858 - May 27, 1932)
Edward Coley Burne-Jones (1833 - June 16, 1898)
"And whan this maister, that this magyk wroughte, Saugh it was tyme, he clapte his handes two..."
"I saugh a Gardin right anoon, Ful long and brood, and everydel Enclos it was, and walled wel..."
"Little Lowis my sone, I have perceived wel by certeyne evidences thyn abilite to lerne sciencez..."
Edward Henry Corbould (1815 - 1905)
Sir W. Russell Flint (1880 - 1969)
Mrs. H. R. Haweis (1848 - 1898)
M. L. Kirk (1860 - 1938)
Pier Paolo Pasolini (1922 - November 2, 1975)
W. Heath Robinson (1872 - 1944)
John Saunders (1811 - 1895)
John Speed (1552 - 1629)
Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920)
George Vertue (1684 - 1756)
Milo Winter (1888 - August 15, 1956)

(Frontispiece) "The cow...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"...a trewe swinker and a...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

"...And drow his sail, and...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"...And in hir smok, with...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"...He made the person and...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

"...Me thoughte I saw an...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"...whan that I hadde...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"...'which do you think is...Thomson, Hugh 1904

AbsalomPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"After Him! The Fox, the...Prout, Victor 1909

"After him! the fox, the...Prout, Victor 1907

"Agayn the knyght this...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

Alan and JohnPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"Alas! of all the ships I...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

"'Alas!' she wailed, 'I...Prout, Victor 1907

"Alas!" She Wailed, "I...Prout, Victor 1909

Alehouse with AlestakeMacDonall, Angus 1909

"Algarsif faced the Genie...Thomson, Hugh 1920s?

AlisonPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"All Day Long He Was...Kirk, M. L. 1914

"Allas! quod she, that...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Almighty and al merciable...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Amidde saugh I Hate sonde...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Among thise children was...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Amydde a tree fordrye, as...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And al this hous, of...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And al was conscience and...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

"And at the window leep he...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And by the hande he held...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And fast I sleep; and in...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And in a launde, upon an...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And in a privee corner,...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And in the grove, at tyme...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And maden him upon a lond...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And out he cometh by the...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And Pandarus, that ladde...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And she, the mooste...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And therwithal Dyane gan...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And thus this companye of...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And to the Lord right...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And to the temple his wey...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And whan she say thise...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And whan this maister,...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And with that word he gan...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"And with that word, naked...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Anoon doun kneling upon...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

Approach to Cathedral,...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Archdeacon Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"Arcite spurred his horse...Prout, Victor 1907

"Arcite Spurred his Horse...Prout, Victor 1909

Arcite's DreamEwen, Edith 1911

"The arrival of John...Thomson, Hugh 1904

Arrival of the StrangersEwen, Edith 1911

Arthur's Queen Propounds a...Scannell, E. M. 1884

At once the fight beganAnderson, Anne 1912

Aurelius hastened to...Anderson, Anne 1912

The Baptistery, Canterbury...MacDonall, Angus 1909

"Before the temple-dore...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The Black Prince's Well,...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Boy Answering the...Scannell, E. M. 1884

The bride entered the city...Anderson, Anne 1912

The BrideJames, Gilbert 1906

"Brought her back into the...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"But atte laste the statue...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"But I, allas, now morne...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"But nathelees this mayde...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"But prively she caughte...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"But than a cherl, foule...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"But which a congregacioun...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

Canacee and the Peregrine...Thomson, Hugh 1920s?

The Canon-Yeoman's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

The Canon's YeomanMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Canon's Yeoman1911

The Canon's Yeoman's Tale...Saunders, John 1847

The Canon's Yeoman's Tale...Saunders, John 1847

The Canon's Yeoman's TaleSaunders, John 1847

Canterbury CathedralPowell, Michael 1944

The Canterbury CathedralMacDonall, Angus 1909

Canterbury Cathedral, Tomb...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Canterbury Pilgrims...1902

The Canterbury PilgrimsPowell, Michael 1944

Carpenter, Haberdasher,...1845

The Carpenter, the Webbe...Anonymous 1845

"The carter patted and...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"Caught him such a buffet...Thomson, Hugh 1904

The Chair of St. Augustine...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Chanon's YemanAnonymous 1721

Chanticleer and PerteloteAdams, Frank 1915


ChaucerMacDonall, Angus 1909


The Chaucer PilgrimAnonymous 1721

Chaucer Portrait1902

Chaucer reading to Edward...Brown, Ford Madox 1907

Chaucer Reading to King...Brown, Ford Madox 1912

Chaucer's DwellingMacDonall, Angus 1909

Chaunticleer and the FoxAdams, Frank 1915

Christ Gate, CanterburyMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Clerk of OxenfordMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Clerk of OxenfordAnonymous 1721

"A clerk ther was of...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

The Clerk1911

The ClerkHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Clerkes TaleCorbould, Edward Henry 1866

The Clerk's Tale (2)Saunders, John 1847

The Clerk's Tale (3)Saunders, John 1847

The Clerk's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

The Clerk's TaleSaunders, John 1847

Coat of ArmsAnonymous 1602

The Coke's Tale of Gamelyn...Anonymous 1721

The CombatThomson, Hugh 1904

"Come a little nearer,...Prout, Victor 1907

"Come a Little Nearer,...Prout, Victor 1909

"Come here, Sir Priest!...Winter, Milo 1909

"A compleynt hadde I,...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

Constance (Frontispiece)Prout, Victor 1909

"Cook they hadde with hem...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

The CookMacDonall, Angus 1909

The CookeAnonymous 1721

The Cook's Tale of Gamelyn...Mott, W. H. 1833

"Criseyde ... Gan eche of...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The CrowdAdams, Frank 1915

"Cryseyda gan al his chere...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The Death of ArciteEwen, Edith 1911

Dinner in the Olden TimeHaweis, Mrs. H. R.

The Doctor of PhysicMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Doctor of PhysicHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Doctour of PhisikeAnonymous 1721

Dorigen and Aurelius in...Haweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

"The double sorwe of...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Down they squatted by...Prout, Victor 1907

"The Duke rode in between...Michael, A. C. 1919

Emelye, the Queen's Sister...Scannell, E. M. 1884

Emily and PalamonEwen, Edith 1911

Emily could be seen belowAnderson, Anne 1912

Emily in the Palace Garden...Ewen, Edith 1911

An English PilgrimMacDonall, Angus 1909

Espousals of Palamon and...Scannell, E. M. 1884

"Everich, for the wisdom...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

Fair Emelye Gathering...Haweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

"Fighting furiously as two...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"Five maidens came...Peacock, Mabel R. 1920s?

"For certein, whan that...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

"For Narcisus, shortly to...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"For which delibered was...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"For, by my trouthe, I wol...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The FoxAdams, Frank 1915

The FrankeleinAnonymous 1721

The Franklin and the...1845

The FranklinHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The FranklinPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The FranklinAnonymous 1845

The FranklinMacDonall, Angus

The Franklin's Tale (2)Saunders, John 1847

The Franklin's Tale (3)Saunders, John 1847

The Franklin's TaleSaunders, John 1847

The FrereAnonymous 1721

FriarPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The FriarHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Friar1911

The FriarMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Friar's Tale (2)Saunders, John 1847

The Friar's Tale (3)Saunders, John 1847

The Friar's TaleSaunders, John 1847

FrontispieceCorbould, Edward Henry 1866

Frontispiece - Chaucer and...Speed, John 1602

Frontispiece - "In...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

Frontispiece - Portrait of...Vertue, George 1721

"Ful dredfully tho gan she...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Ful redy was at pryme...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Ful wel yclothed was...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"The garden is watched by...Peacock, Mabel R. 1920s?

Gateway to Donnington...Williams, S. 1833

"Gathering flowers 'white...Thomson, Hugh 1904

Geoffrey ChaucerPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

Geoffrey ChaucerPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"The God of Love, jolyf...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"A Good-wife from Bath, on...Thomson, Hugh 1904

Green Court Gate,...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Grey Friars,...MacDonall, Angus 1909

"Griseld, bare-footed, in...Browne, Gordon Frederick

GriseldaEwen, Edith 1911

GriseldaBrowne, Gordon Frederick

Griselda and her DaughterEwen, Edith 1911

Griselda Bereft of her...Scannell, E. M. 1884

Griselda Goes HomeJames, Gilbert 1906

"Griselda is Deprived of...Browne, Gordon Frederick

Griselda was entirely...Anderson, Anne 1912

Griselda's Child is Taken...James, Gilbert 1906

Griselda's MarriageHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

Griselda's SorrowHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Guestern Hall,...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The HaberdasherAnonymous 1845

The Halt near the "...Scannell, E. M. 1884

"He entered like a madman...Peacock, Mabel R. 1920s?

"He has a waist as fairly-...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"He Saw The Magician...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

"He told Aurelius what was...Prout, Victor 1907

He was the soul of...Anderson, Anne 1912

"He went to his father and...Peacock, Mabel R. 1920s?

Headpiece for Nun's Priest...Adams, Frank 1915

"Here taketh the makere of...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Hir lemman was bisyde...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

His Lordship's ChoiceJames, Gilbert 1906

"His table dormant in his...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

"His tipet was ay farsed...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

"Hit was of Venus ......Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The Host and the Cook1845

Host of the TabardPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"How clippeth she the dede...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

Hubert the FriarThomson, Hugh 1904

"I am Palamon, thy mortal...Prout, Victor 1907

"I give you a year and a...Anderson, Anne 1912

"I saugh a Gardin right...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"In all this world ne was...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

"In at the halle-dore, al...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

In attendance on the...Anderson, Anne 1912

"It is a Company of...Skelton, John R. 1914

"It was in the monasteries...Skelton, John R. 1914

JenkinPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The Jew's House in Lincoln...MacDonall, Angus 1909

John (from The Reeve's...Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

John the CarpenterPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

King Ella Beholding his...Scannell, E. M. 1884

The Knight and the LadyEwen, Edith 1911

The Knight and the Squire1845

"A knight ther was and...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

The Knight, and the Squire...Anonymous 1845

The KnightEwen, Edith 1911

The KnightAnonymous 1721

The KnightHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The KnightMacDonall, Angus 1884

The KnightAnonymous 1602

The Knight1911

The Knight's OffenceEwen, Edith 1911

The Knight's Tale (2)Saunders, John 1847

The Knight's Tale (3)Saunders, John 1847

The Knight's Tale1847

The Knight's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

Ladies of CourtEwen, Edith 1911

A Lady Crossing the Street...Haweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

"Largesse, that sette al...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The LawyerHaweis, Mrs. H. R.

"Little Lowis my sone, I...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

A lively lady from BathAnderson, Anne 1912

"Lord Walter Came Into the...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

"Madam, will you walk with...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"Madame, quod he, by God...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

Malkin, with the distaff...Anderson, Anne 1807

The Man of Law was a...Anderson, Anne 1912

The Man of LawMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Man of LawAnonymous 1721

The Man of Law's Tale (2)Saunders, John 1847

The Man of Law's Tale (3)Saunders, John 1847

The Man of Law's TaleSaunders, John 1847

The Man of Law's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

The Manciple1911

The MancipleAnonymous 1721

The MancipleMacDonall, Angus 1909

The MarchauntAnonymous 1721

Marginal illustration of...Adams, Frank 1915

Marginal illustration of...Adams, Frank 1915

Martyrdom of St. ThomasMacDonall, Angus 1909

"Me thoughte she layde a...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1902

"Me, fleinge, at a swappe...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The Meeting of Dorigen and...Scannell, E. M. 1884

The MerchantHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The MerchantMacDonall, Angus 1909

The MerchantAnonymous 1845

"The Miller rode bravely...Thomson, Hugh 1904

Miller, Manciple, and Reve...1845

The MillerMacDonall, Angus 1909

The MillerAnonymous 1845

The MillerAnonymous 1721

The Monk and the Friar1845

The Monk and the FriarAnonymous 1845

The MonkAnonymous 1721

The MonkMacDonall, Angus 1909

The MonkHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Monk1911

The Monkes TaleCorbould, Edward Henry 1866

The Monk's Dog (2)MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Monk's DogMacDonall, Angus 1909

My Lord's CommandsJames, Gilbert 1906

"Ne how the goddes ronne...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

NicholasPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The Nonnes Precstes TaleCorbould, Edward Henry 1866

The Nonne's PriestAnonymous 1721

Norman Crypt, Canterbury...MacDonall, Angus 1909

"Not a living thing...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"Now let us ride and...Winter, Milo 1909

The Nun's PriestMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Nun's Priest

The Nun's Priest's Tale (2...Saunders, John 1847

The Nun's Priest's Tale (3...Saunders, John 1847

The Nun's Priest's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

The Nun's Priest's TaleSaunders, John 1847

The Old LoveJames, Gilbert 1906

"On and on she drifted"Prout, Victor 1907

Once more she was adriftAnderson, Anne 1912

Palamon and ArciteEwen, Edith 1911

"Palamon Lay Beside a Pool...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

"The Pardoner Had His...Kirk, M. L. 1914

"The Pardoner had his...Thomson, Hugh 1904

The PardonerMacDonall, Angus 1909

The PardonerAnonymous 1721

The PardonerAnonymous 1845

The PardonerPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The Pardoner1911

The Pardoner's Tale (2)Saunders, John 1847

The Pardoner's Tale (3)Saunders, John 1847

The Pardoner's TaleSaunders, John 1847

The Pardoner's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

The Parson and the Clerk...1845

The Parson and the ClerkAnonymous 1845

The ParsonMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Parson1911

The ParsonHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The ParsonAnonymous 1721

Part of the Tithe Barn,...MacDonall, Angus 1909

Patient Griselda - Chapter...Browne, Gordon Frederick

Patient Griselda - Chapter...Browne, Gordon Frederick

Patient Griselda - Chapter...Browne, Gordon Frederick

"Pay No Heed to Him. He is...Prout, Victor 1909

"Pay no heed to him; he is...Prout, Victor 1907

Perkin RevelerPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

Perkin Reveler and Friends...Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

A Pilgrim Rest HouseMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Pilgrims at the Tabard...1845

Pilgrim's FlasksMacDonall, Angus 1884

The Pilgrims' Way from...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Pious Constance1871

The Ploughman and Shipman1845

The PlowmanAnonymous 1721

The Plowman, The Summoner...Haweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

Portions of Ancient...MacDonall, Angus 1909

Portrait of Chaucer1845

The Prioress and the Wife...1845

The Prioress has a simple...Anderson, Anne 1912

The Prioress' TaleMott, W. H. 1833

The PrioressHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Prioress1911

The PrioressMacDonall, Angus 1909

The PrioresseAnonymous 1721

Procession of the Pilgrims...Anonymous 1721

The Procession of the...Williams, S. 1833

Prudence Seeking to...Scannell, E. M. 1884

The ReeveAnonymous 1845

"Resoun men clepe that...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"The Reve was a sclendre...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

The ReveAnonymous 1721

The Reves TaleCorbould, Edward Henry 1866

The RioterHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Rival Cousins: -...Scannell, E. M. 1884

Rochester Castle and...MacDonall, Angus 1909

Sad, indeed, was the poor...Anderson, Anne 1912

The Second NonneAnonymous 1721

The Second NunMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Sergeant at Law1911

The Sergeant-at-Law and...1845

The Sergeant-at-law, and...Anonymous 1845

"She brought the mirror to...Peacock, Mabel R. 1920s?

"She fed her little lap-...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"She for to daunce called...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"She had ywoven in a...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"She ran up hastily and...Peacock, Mabel R. 1920s?

"She Rose to Curtsy To Him...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

"She thought of the two...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

"She walked humbly, yet...Prout, Victor 1907

"She Walked Humbly, Yet...Prout, Victor 1909

"She was a worthy woman...Dudley, Ambrose 1909

The ShipmanAnonymous 1845

The ShipmanMacDonall, Angus 1909

The ShipmannAnonymous 1721

"Shoving him this way and...Thomson, Hugh 1904

Simkin the MillerPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

Sir January Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"Sir Knight, your way does...Prout, Victor 1907

Sir ThopazAnonymous 1721

Sire Thopas and ye gret...Corbould, Edward Henry 1866

"Sire, I releesse thee thy...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

Site of the Shrine of St....MacDonall, Angus 1909

"So Fair Was She That He...Kirk, M. L. 1914

The SompnourAnonymous 1721

"Sorowe was peynted next...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The SquierAnonymous 1721

The Squieres TaleCorbould, Edward Henry 1866

The Squire1911

The SquireHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The SquireMacDonall, Angus 1909

The SquireThomson, Hugh 1904

The Squire's Tale (2)Saunders, John 1847

The Squire's Tale (3)Saunders, John 1847

The Squire's TaleSaunders, John 1847

The Squire's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

"The statue of Mars bigan...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The StewardMacDonall, Angus 1909

"The Story of Cambuscan...Thomson, Hugh 1920s?

The Summoner Making his...Scannell, E. M. 1884

The SummonerMacDonall, Angus 1884

The Summoner1911

The Sumpnour and Pardoner1845

The SumpnourAnonymous 1845

The Tabard InnMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Tabard, from Urry's...Anonymous 1845

The Tabard1845

The Tabard1845

The Talbot1845

"Thanne wolde she sitte...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"That Jankin clerk..."Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

"That she moste kisse his...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"That thurgh a wyndow,...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"That, by a clewe of twyne...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Thee mene I, mayde and...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

"Ther he was slayn, his...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Ther mighte men the royal...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Ther to me Venus the...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"There They Talked and...Kirk, M. L. 1914

"Therwith Fortune seyde...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"They all sat down and had...Peacock, Mabel R. 1920s?

"They found a great heap...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"They pressed to see the...Thomson, Hugh 1904

They saw the spires and...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"They swarmed round to see...Thomson, Hugh 1920s?

"This al and som, that...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"This is my Bride' he...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"This ugly sergeant, in...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Tho saw I al the half...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

ThomasPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

"Thou art so loothly, and...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Til on Criseyde it smoot...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"To Them She Seemed a...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

The Tomb of Geoffrey...MacDonall, Angus 1909

Towers of West Gate,...MacDonall, Angus 1909

The Transept of the...MacDonall, Angus 1909

"Trencher, tankard, pot,...Winter, Milo 1909

The Two Noble Kinsmen1871

"Two travellers overtook...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"Under a tree, besyde a...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Upon Grisilde, this povre...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Upon the fyr of sacrifys...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Walter had often seen...Thomson, Hugh 1904

"We rode away to St....Prout, Victor 1907

"Whan I was hurt thus in...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Whan that Aprille with...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"Whan that this dore hadde...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"What did this Eolus, but...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

What the Knight Saw in the...Ewen, Edith 1911

"What think you of my new...Anderson, Anne 1912

"When Adriane his wyf...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

"When Her Boy Lay Asleep...Robinson, W. Heath 1905

The WidowPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The Wif of Bathes TaleCorbould, Edward Henry 1866

The Wife of Bath and...Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The Wife of BathHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

The Wife of Bath1911

The Wife of BathAnonymous 1845

The Wife of BathAnonymous 1721

The Wife of BathMacDonall, Angus 1909

The Wife of BathPasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The Wife of Bath's Tale (2...Saunders, John 1847

The Wife of Bath's Tale (3...Saunders, John 1847

The Wife of Bath's TaleSaunders, John 1847

The Wife of Bath's TaleMott, W. H. 1833

"With that my hond in his...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The Yeoman (The Devil) and...Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The Yeoman (The Devil)Pasolini, Pier Paolo 1972

The YeomanHaweis, Mrs. H. R. 1887

"Yeres and dayes fleteth...Burne-Jones, Edward Coley 1958

The Young BrideJames, Gilbert 1906

The Young Griselda (...James, Gilbert 1906

“A lusty playne,...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Allas, fortune!"Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Almache answerde..."Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Amiddes of the temple...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“And after this, he dide...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“And for-as-muche as a...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“And he weex wroth..."Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“And how asseged was...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“And on hir bare knees...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“And she gan kisse his...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“And to the tree she...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“But whan she saugh the...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“But with glad chere to...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Certes, for fals...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Daunced a quuyer...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Grisilde of this..." (...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“He caste his eye upon...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“His bowe he bente..."Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“I swoor that al my...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“In Flaundres whylom was...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Jalous he was..."Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Judith, by hir good...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Night with his mantel...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Now lat us turne agayn...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Remember yow, myn owene...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“The constable of the...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“This child with pitous...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Thise almesses shaltow...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“To shippe is brough...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“Whan that Aprille with...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“… And on this book he...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

“…The knight saugh...Flint, Sir W. Russell 1913

by Edward Coley Burne-Jones

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by Angus MacDonall

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by John R. Skelton

by John R. Skelton

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by Sir W. Russell Flint