Angus MacDonall Read Less Artwork Alehouse with AlestakeApproach to Cathedral, Mercury Lane, connecting...The Baptistery, Canterbury CathedralThe Black Prince's Well, HarbledownThe Canon's YeomanThe Canterbury CathedralCanterbury Cathedral, Tomb of the Black PrinceThe Chair of St. Augustine, Canterbury CathedralChaucerChaucer's DwellingChrist Gate, CanterburyThe Clerk of OxenfordThe CookThe Doctor of PhysicAn English PilgrimThe FranklinThe FriarGreen Court Gate, Canterbury CathedralThe Grey Friars, CanterburyThe Guestern Hall, Winchester, Where Pilgrims Were...The Jew's House in LincolnThe KnightThe Man of LawThe MancipleMartyrdom of St. ThomasThe MerchantThe MillerThe MonkThe Monk's Dog (2)The Monk's DogNorman Crypt, Canterbury CathedralThe Nun's PriestThe PardonerThe ParsonPart of the Tithe Barn, MaidstoneA Pilgrim Rest HousePilgrim's FlasksThe Pilgrims' Way from LondonPortions of Ancient Hospice on both sides of Water...The PrioressRochester Castle and GroundThe Second NunThe ShipmanSite of the Shrine of St. Thomas, Canterbury...The SquireThe StewardThe SummonerThe Tabard InnThe Tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer, Westminster AbbeyTowers of West Gate, CanterburyThe Transept of the Martyrdom, Canterbury Cathedral...The Wife of Bath Show Full List Hide Full List Alehouse with Alestake1909Approach to Cathedral, Mercury Lane, connecting with Christ Gate, Canterbury Cathedral1909The Baptistery, Canterbury Cathedral1909The Black Prince's Well, Harbledown1909The Canon's Yeoman1909The Canterbury Cathedral1909Canterbury Cathedral, Tomb of the Black Prince1909The Chair of St. Augustine, Canterbury Cathedral1909Chaucer1909Chaucer's Dwelling1909Christ Gate, Canterbury1909The Clerk of Oxenford1909The Cook1909The Doctor of Physic1909An English Pilgrim1909The FranklinThe Friar1909Green Court Gate, Canterbury Cathedral1909The Grey Friars, Canterbury1909The Guestern Hall, Winchester, Where Pilgrims Were Lodged1909The Jew's House in Lincoln1909The Knight1884The Man of Law1909The Manciple1909Martyrdom of St. Thomas1909The Merchant1909The Miller1909The Monk1909The Monk's Dog (2)1909The Monk's Dog1909Norman Crypt, Canterbury Cathedral1909The Nun's Priest1909The Pardoner1909The Parson1909Part of the Tithe Barn, Maidstone1909A Pilgrim Rest House1909Pilgrim's Flasks1884The Pilgrims' Way from London1909Portions of Ancient Hospice on both sides of Water Line, Ospringe1909The Prioress1909Rochester Castle and Ground1909The Second Nun1909The Shipman1909Site of the Shrine of St. Thomas, Canterbury Cathedral1909The Squire1909The Steward1909The Summoner1884The Tabard Inn1909The Tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer, Westminster Abbey1909Towers of West Gate, Canterbury1909The Transept of the Martyrdom, Canterbury Cathedral1909The Wife of Bath1909