Hugh Thomson 1860 - 1920 Read Less Artwork (Frontispiece) "The cow ran, the calf ran...""...'which do you think is the better off?""Algarsif faced the Genie undaunted""The arrival of John Lydgate.""Brought her back into the banquet hall."Canacee and the Peregrine Falcon"The carter patted and encouraged his horses.""Caught him such a buffet."The Combat"Fighting furiously as two wild boars.""Gathering flowers 'white and red.""A Good-wife from Bath, on an ambling nag.""He has a waist as fairly-shaped as mine."Hubert the Friar"Madam, will you walk with me in the garden?""The Miller rode bravely at the head...""Not a living thing remained...""The Pardoner had his cakes and ale.""She fed her little lap-dogs on cake.""Shoving him this way and that to make him stay on...The Squire"The Story of Cambuscan Bold""They found a great heap of golden florins piled up..."They pressed to see the Horse of Brass, murmuring...They saw the spires and battlements of Canterbury..."They swarmed round to see the Horse of Brass""This is my Bride' he cried.""Two travellers overtook them.""Walter had often seen this maiden as he rode out... Show Full List Hide Full List (Frontispiece) "The cow ran, the calf ran..."1904"...'which do you think is the better off?"1904"Algarsif faced the Genie undaunted"1920s?"The arrival of John Lydgate."1904"Brought her back into the banquet hall."1904Canacee and the Peregrine Falcon1920s?"The carter patted and encouraged his horses."1904"Caught him such a buffet."1904The Combat1904"Fighting furiously as two wild boars."1904"Gathering flowers 'white and red."1904"A Good-wife from Bath, on an ambling nag."1904"He has a waist as fairly-shaped as mine."1904Hubert the Friar1904"Madam, will you walk with me in the garden?"1904"The Miller rode bravely at the head..."1904"Not a living thing remained..."1904"The Pardoner had his cakes and ale."1904"She fed her little lap-dogs on cake."1904"Shoving him this way and that to make him stay on." 1904The Squire1904"The Story of Cambuscan Bold"1920s?"They found a great heap of golden florins piled up."1904"They pressed to see the Horse of Brass, murmuring like a swarm of bees."1904They saw the spires and battlements of Canterbury before them.1904"They swarmed round to see the Horse of Brass"1920s?"This is my Bride' he cried."1904"Two travellers overtook them."1904"Walter had often seen this maiden as he rode out hunting."1904