Sir W. Russell Flint
1880 - 1969Name Variant(s): William Russell Flint, Russell Flint

"Ah, Sir Bors, gentle knight have mercy on us all"

And anon he rased off his helm, and smote his neck...

And then they put on their helms and departed, and...

And therewith on his hands and on his knees he went...

As she was at the fire to take her execution, young...
'As soon as I wist that this adventure was ordained...

"But ye shall abide, and I shall throw such an...

"For certein, whan that fortune list to flee..."

He gave him such a buffet upon the helm with his...

How Sir Launcelot and his kinsmen rescued the queen...

"Madam," said Sir Tristram, "this is a fair shield...

Morgan le Fay was put to school in a nunnery, and...

'My knights, and my servants, and my true children...

"Ne how the goddes ronne up and doun..." (...

She was a great huntress and daily she used to hunt...

Sir Launcelot beheld the young squire and saw him...

"That Jankin clerk..."

"Thee mene I, mayde and martir..."

Then Sir Launcelot saw her visage, but he wept not...

Then the king was sworn upon the four Evangelists

Then the Queen Guenever made great sorrow for the...

Then was she girt with a noble sword whereof the...

There he blew three deadly motes, and there came...

Therefore thee behoveth now to choose one of us...

They fought for the love of one lady, and ever she...

They went into their country of Benoye, and lived...

This espied King Mark, how she kneeled down and...

When she saw he would not abide, she prayed unto...

“A lusty playne, habundant of vitaille..."

“Allas, fortune!"

“Almache answerde..."

“Amiddes of the temple sat meschaunce..."

“And after this, he dide him swich plesaunce,...

“And for-as-muche as a man may acquiten him-self...

“And he weex wroth..."

“And how asseged was Ipolita, The faire hardy...

“And on hir bare knees adoun they falle..."

“And she gan kisse his brest..."

“And to the tree she gooth ful hastily..."

“But whan she saugh the grisly rokkes blake..."

“But with glad chere to the yate is went..."

“Certes, for fals witnessing was Susanna..."

“Daunced a quuyer biforen Dorigen..."

“Grisilde of this..." (Frontispiece)

“He caste his eye upon Emelya..."

“His bowe he bente..."

“I swoor that al my walkinge out by nighte..."

“In Flaundres whylom was a companye..."

“Jalous he was..."

“Judith, by hir good conseil..."

“Night with his mantel..."

“Now lat us turne agayn to Januarie..."

“Remember yow, myn owene lord so dere..."

“The constable of the castel doun is fare..."

“This child with pitous lamentacioun..."

“Thise almesses shaltow doon of thyne owene...

“To shippe is brough this woful faire mayde...

“Whan that Aprille with his shoures sote..."

“… And on this book he swoor anoon She gilty...

“…The knight saugh verraily al this..."
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