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"Thou art so loothly, and so oold also, And therto comen of so lough a kynde..."

"Thou art so loothly, and so oold also, And therto comen of so lough a kynde..."

"Thou art so loothly, and so oold also, And therto comen of so lough a kynde..."

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 114) -  1958
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"Amended! quod this knyght, allas! nay, nay! It wol nat been amended nevere mo, Thou art so loothly, and so oold also, And therto comen of so lough a kynde, That litel wonder is, thogh I walwe and wynde. So wolde God, myn herte wolde breste!" (p. 115)