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"For, by my trouthe, I wol be to yow bothe, This is to seyn, ye, bothe fair and good."

"For, by my trouthe, I wol be to yow bothe, This is to seyn, ye, bothe fair and good."

"For, by my trouthe, I wol be to yow bothe, This is to seyn, ye, bothe fair and good."

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 115) -  1958
Additional Information:
"Kys me, quod she, we be no lenger wrothe; For, by my trouthe, I wol be to yow bothe, This is to seyn, ye, bothe fair and good. I prey to God that I moote sterven wood, But I to yow be al so good and trewe, As evere was wyf, syn that the world was newe." (p. 117)