Robbins Library Digital Projects Announcement: We are currently working on a large-scale migration of the Robbins Library Digital Projects to a new platform. This migration affects The Camelot Project, The Robin Hood Project, The Crusades Project, The Cinderella Bibliography, and Visualizing Chaucer.

While these resources will remain accessible during the course of migration, they will be static, with reduced functionality. They will not be updated during this time. We anticipate the migration project to be complete by Summer 2025. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us directly at We appreciate your understanding and patience.
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"Ful redy was at pryme Dyomede, Criseyde unto the Grekes ost to lede..."

"Ful redy was at pryme Dyomede, Criseyde unto the Grekes ost to lede..."

"Ful redy was at pryme Dyomede, Criseyde unto the Grekes ost to lede..."

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 519) -  1958
Additional Information:
"Ful redy was at pryme Dyomede, Criseyde unto the Grekes ost to lede, For sorwe of which she felte hir herte blede, As she that niste what was best to rede. And trewely, as men in bokes rede, Men wiste never womman han the care, Ne was so looth out of a toun to fare. This Troilus, withouten reed or lore, As man that hath his joyes eek forlore, Was waytinge on his lady evermore As she that was the soothfast crop and more Of al his lust, or joyes heretofore. But Troilus, now farewel al thy joye, For shaltow never seen hir eft in Troye!" (p. 535)