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"And she, the mooste servysable of alle, Hath every chambre arrayed and his halle."

"And she, the mooste servysable of alle, Hath every chambre arrayed and his halle."

"And she, the mooste servysable of alle, Hath every chambre arrayed and his halle."

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 139) -  1958
Additional Information:
"And she, the mooste servysable of alle, Hath every chambre arrayed and his halle. "Abouten undren gan this erl alighte, That with him broghte thise noble children tweye, For which the peple ran to seen the sighte Of hire array, so richely biseye..." (p. 139)