Pier Paolo Pasolini March 5, 1922 - November 2, 1975 Read Less Artwork AbsalomAlan and JohnAlisonThe Archdeacon The FranklinFriarGeoffrey ChaucerGeoffrey ChaucerHost of the TabardJenkinJohn (from The Reeve's Tale)John the CarpenterNicholasThe PardonerPerkin RevelerPerkin Reveler and FriendsSimkin the MillerSir January ThomasThe WidowThe Wife of Bath and JenkinThe Wife of BathThe Yeoman (The Devil) and The SummonerThe Yeoman (The Devil) Show Full List Hide Full List Absalom1972Alan and John1972Alison1972The Archdeacon 1972The Franklin1972Friar1972Geoffrey Chaucer1972Geoffrey Chaucer1972Host of the Tabard1972Jenkin1972John (from The Reeve's Tale)1972John the Carpenter1972Nicholas1972The Pardoner1972Perkin Reveler1972Perkin Reveler and Friends1972Simkin the Miller1972Sir January 1972Thomas1972The Widow1972The Wife of Bath and Jenkin1972The Wife of Bath1972The Yeoman (The Devil) and The Summoner1972The Yeoman (The Devil)1972