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"Therwith Fortune seyde Chek here!"

"Therwith Fortune seyde Chek here!"

"Therwith Fortune seyde Chek here!"

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 385) -  1958
Additional Information:
"Therwith Fortune seyde Chek here! And Mate! in mid pointe of the chekkere With a poune erraunt, allas! Ful craftier to pley she was Than Athalus, that made the game First of the ches: so was his name. But God wolde I had ones or twyes Ykoud and knowe the jeupardyes That coude the Grek Pithagores! I shulde have pleyd the bet at ches, And kept my fers the bet therby; And though wherto? for trewely I hold that wish nat worth a stree!" (p. 391)