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"Upon the fyr of sacrifys she sterte, And with his swerd she roof her to the herte."

"Upon the fyr of sacrifys she sterte, And with his swerd she roof her to the herte."

"Upon the fyr of sacrifys she sterte, And with his swerd she roof her to the herte."

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 426) -  1958
Additional Information:
"And thus, allas! withouten his socours, Twenty tyme yswowned hath she thanne. And, whan that she unto her suster Anne Compleyned had, of which I may nat wryte, So greet a routhe I have hit for tendyte, And bad her norice and her suster goon To fecchen fyr and other thing anoon, And seide, that she wolde sacrifye. And, whan she mighte her tyme wel espye, Upon the fyr of sacrifys she sterte, And with his swerd she roof her to the herte." (p. 430)