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"This ugly sergeant, in the same wyse That he hire doghter caughte..."

"This ugly sergeant, in the same wyse That he hire doghter caughte..."

"This ugly sergeant, in the same wyse That he hire doghter caughte..."

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 134) -  1958
Additional Information:
"This ugly sergeant, in the same wyse That he hire doghter caughte, right so he, Or worse, if men worse kan devyse, Hath hent hire sone, that ful was of beautee. And evere in oon so pacient was she, That she no chiere maade of hevynesse, But kiste hir sone, and after gan it blesse..." (p. 135)