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"And whan this maister, that this magyk wroughte, Saugh it was tyme, he clapte his handes two..."

"And whan this maister, that this magyk wroughte, Saugh it was tyme, he clapte his handes two..."

"And whan this maister, that this magyk wroughte, Saugh it was tyme, he clapte his handes two..."

from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 165) -  1958
Additional Information:
"And after this, he dide hym swich plesaunce, That he hym shewed his lady on a daunce, On which hymself he daunced, as hym thoughte. And whan this maister, that this magyk wroughte, Saugh it was tyme, he clapte his handes two, And, farewel! al oure revel was ago. And yet remoeved they nevere out of the hous, Whil they saugh al this sighte merveillous, But in his studie, theras his bookes be, They seten stille, and no wight but they thre." (p. 166)