"...And drow his sail, and saw her nevermo."
by: Edward Coley Burne-Jones (Artist)
from: The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Facsimile of the William Morris Kelmscott Chaucer (P. 431) - 1958
Additional Information:
"The somme is this, that Jasoun wedded was Unto this quene [Isiphilee], and took of her substaunce Whatso him liste, unto his purveyaunce; And upon her begat he children two, And drow his sail, and saw her nevermo. A lettre sent she to him certein, Which were to long to wryten and to sein, And him repreveth of his grete untrouthe, And preyeth him on her to have som routhe." (p. 432) "Now hath Jasoun the flees, and hoom is went With Medea, and tresor ful gret woon. But unwist of her fader is she goon To Tessaly, with duk Jasoun her leef, That afterward hath broght her to mescheef. For as a traitour he is from her go, And with her lafte his yonge children two, And falsly hath betrayed her, allas! And ever in love a cheef traitour he was; And wedded yit the thridde wyf anon, That was the doghter of the king Creon." (p. 433)
"The somme is this, that Jasoun wedded was Unto this quene [Isiphilee], and took of her substaunce Whatso him liste, unto his purveyaunce; And upon her begat he children two, And drow his sail, and saw her nevermo. A lettre sent she to him certein, Which were to long to wryten and to sein, And him repreveth of his grete untrouthe, And preyeth him on her to have som routhe." (p. 432) "Now hath Jasoun the flees, and hoom is went With Medea, and tresor ful gret woon. But unwist of her fader is she goon To Tessaly, with duk Jasoun her leef, That afterward hath broght her to mescheef. For as a traitour he is from her go, And with her lafte his yonge children two, And falsly hath betrayed her, allas! And ever in love a cheef traitour he was; And wedded yit the thridde wyf anon, That was the doghter of the king Creon." (p. 433)