Character Name Variants: Guenevere, Ginevra, Gwenhwyfar, Gaynor, Guanhumara, Guennivar, Ganore, Guenever, Waynor
Guinevere is said to be the daughter of Leodegrance of Cameliard in late medieval romance. In many sources, she marries Arthur and then has a love affair with Lancelot which causes the downfall of Camelot.
The Welsh Triads speak of "Arthur's Three Great Queens," all named Gwenhwyfar (Triad 56) and name Gwenhwyfar as "more faithless" than the three faithless wives of the Island of Britain (Triad 80). One of the earliest Arthurian stories is about the abduction of Guinevere by Meleagant (or Melyagaunce or Melwas). The story is told in The Life of St. Gildas (c. 1130) by Caradoc of Llancarfan and in the Welsh "Dialogue of Melwas and Gwenhwyfar." It is the subject of the earliest known Arthurian sculpture on the archivolt of the Porta della Pescheria on the Modena Cathedral. The story of the abduction is the central action in Chrétien de Troyes' Lancelot and appears in Malory.
Geoffrey of Monmouth introduces the notion of Guinevere’s infidelity (with Modred) while Arthur is fighting on the continent. In the twelfth-century Rise of Gawain, Arthur’s wife is called Gwendoloena and is said to have been initiated into sorcery and to be able to divine the future.
In Chrétien’s Lancelot, Guinevere becomes Lancelot’s lover after he rescues her from Meleagant. She is a demanding courtly lover; for example, she refuses to see Lancelot after he has suffered greatly in saving her because he hesitated two steps before leaping into a cart on his quest to rescue her, thus suggesting that his love was not absolute. But she loves deeply and contemplates suicide when she hears rumors of Lancelot’s death.
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The Welsh Triads speak of "Arthur's Three Great Queens," all named Gwenhwyfar (Triad 56) and name Gwenhwyfar as "more faithless" than the three faithless wives of the Island of Britain (Triad 80). One of the earliest Arthurian stories is about the abduction of Guinevere by Meleagant (or Melyagaunce or Melwas). The story is told in The Life of St. Gildas (c. 1130) by Caradoc of Llancarfan and in the Welsh "Dialogue of Melwas and Gwenhwyfar." It is the subject of the earliest known Arthurian sculpture on the archivolt of the Porta della Pescheria on the Modena Cathedral. The story of the abduction is the central action in Chrétien de Troyes' Lancelot and appears in Malory.
Geoffrey of Monmouth introduces the notion of Guinevere’s infidelity (with Modred) while Arthur is fighting on the continent. In the twelfth-century Rise of Gawain, Arthur’s wife is called Gwendoloena and is said to have been initiated into sorcery and to be able to divine the future.
In Chrétien’s Lancelot, Guinevere becomes Lancelot’s lover after he rescues her from Meleagant. She is a demanding courtly lover; for example, she refuses to see Lancelot after he has suffered greatly in saving her because he hesitated two steps before leaping into a cart on his quest to rescue her, thus suggesting that his love was not absolute. But she loves deeply and contemplates suicide when she hears rumors of Lancelot’s death.
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Adams, Oscar Fay (1855 - 1919)
Arthur the King; or, The Knights of the Round Table, and other funny-ture. A Burlesque Extravaganza - 1871 (Author)
King Arthur: Or, Launcelot the Loose, Gin-Ever the Square, and the Knights of the Round Table, and Other Furniture. A Burlesque Extravaganza - 1868 (Author)
King Arthur: Or, Launcelot the Loose, Gin-Ever the Square, and the Knights of the Round Table, and Other Furniture. A Burlesque Extravaganza - 1868 (Author)
Babcock, William H. (1849 - 1922)
Baring, Maurice (1874 - 1945)
Bridges, Sallie (1830 - 1910)
The First Meeting of Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere - 1864 (Author)
The Last Meeting of Sir Launcelot and Guinevere - 1864 (Author)
Launcelot's Vigil - 1864 (Author)
The Last Meeting of Sir Launcelot and Guinevere - 1864 (Author)
Launcelot's Vigil - 1864 (Author)
Buchanan, R. Williams (1841 - 1901)
Buchanan, Robert (1785 - 1873)
Joyous Garde - 1859 (Author)
The Rendering - 1859 (Author)
The Rescue - 1859 (Author)
The Tryste - 1859 (Author)
The Rendering - 1859 (Author)
The Rescue - 1859 (Author)
The Tryste - 1859 (Author)
Campbell, Archibald (1846 - 1913)
The Amesbury Legend of the Death of Guinevere - 1902 (Author)
Launcelot - 1902 (Author)
Queen Guinevere - 1902 (Author)
Launcelot - 1902 (Author)
Queen Guinevere - 1902 (Author)
Cawein, Madison J. (1865 - 1914)
Collins, W. Lucas (1815 - 1887)
Arthur and Gonnore; and The Battle against King Rion - 1998 (Editor)
The Banishment of Bertelak; and King Arthur and King Lot - 1998 (Editor)
The Banishment of Bertelak; and King Arthur and King Lot - 1998 (Editor)
Davidson, Gustav (1895 - 1971)
Davidson, John (1857 - 1909)
Draper, John W. (1893 - 1976)
Ellis, T. E. (1880 - 1946)
Fawcett, Edgar (1847 - 1904)
Fulford, William (d. 1897)
Geoffrey of Monmouth (c. 1100-1155)
Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson (1878 - 1962)
Giles, J. A. (1808 - 1884)
Gosse, Sir Edmund William (1849 - May 16, 1928)
Hawker, Robert Stephen (c. 1803 - 1875)
The Doom-Well of St. Madron - 1869 (Author)
Queen Guennivar's Round - 1869 (Author)
The Quest of the Sangraal - 1864 (Author)
Queen Guennivar's Round - 1869 (Author)
The Quest of the Sangraal - 1864 (Author)
Heber, Reginald (1783 - 1826)
Hovey, Richard (1864 - 1900)
Kipling, Rudyard (1865 - 1936)
Miller, J. Corson (1883 - )
Mitchell, S. Weir (1829 - 1914)
How Lancelot Came to the Nunnery in Search of the Queen - 1896 (Author)
The Shriving of Guinevere - 1883 (Author)
The Shriving of Guinevere - 1883 (Author)
The Defence of Guenevere - 1858 (Author)
King Arthur's Tomb - 1858 (Author)
Near Avalon - 1858 (Author)
King Arthur's Tomb - 1858 (Author)
Near Avalon - 1858 (Author)
Paprocki, Rosemary (1952 - )
King Arthur: Or, Launcelot the Loose, Gin-Ever the Square, and the Knights of the Round Table, and Other Furniture. A Burlesque Extravaganza - 1868 (Editor)
Guinevere - July 22, 1880 (Author)
Sir Franklin - November 1865 (Author)
The True Story of Guenever - June 15, 1876 (Author)
Sir Franklin - November 1865 (Author)
The True Story of Guenever - June 15, 1876 (Author)
Rhodes, William Henry (1822 - 1876)
Rhys, Ernest (1859 - 1946)
Riethmüller, C. J. (1895)
Robinson, Edwin Arlington (1869 - 1935)
Simcox, George Augustus (1841 - 1905)
Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837 - 1909)
Taylor, Rachel Annand (1876 - 1960)
Teasdale, Sara (1884 - 1933)
Guinevere - 1859-1885 (Author)
Idylls of the King - 1859-1885 (Author)
Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere: A Fragment - 1842 (Author)
Idylls of the King - 1859-1885 (Author)
Sir Launcelot and Queen Guinevere: A Fragment - 1842 (Author)
Thelwall, John (1764 - 1834)
Wilson, John Grosvenor (1866 - )
Young, Stark (1881 - 1963)
Dan Beard (1850 - 1941)
Aubrey Beardsley (1872 - 1898)
Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale (1872 - 1945)
Julia Margaret Cameron (1815 - 1879)
William Ernest Chapman (1858 - 1947)
Walter Crane (1845 - 1915)
Arthur Dixon (1872 - 1959)
Gustave Doré (1832 - 1883)
Sir W. Russell Flint (1880 - 1969)
H. J. Ford (1860 - 1941)
F. A. Fraser (1846 - 1924)
Innes Fripp (1867 - 1963)
Edmund H. Garrett (1853 - 1929)
Florence Harrison (1877 - 1955)
Alfred Kappes (1850 - 1894)
Jessie M. King (1875 - 1949)
M. L. Kirk (1860 - 1938)
W. H. Margetson (1861 - 1940)
Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911)
Arthur Rackham (1867 - 1939)
George Wooliscroft Rhead (1854 - 1920)
Louis Rhead (1857 - 1926)
John Moyr Smith (1839 - 1912)
Lancelot Speed (1860 - 1931)
G.H. Thomas (1824 - 1868)
F. H. Townsend (1868 - 1920)
N. C. Wyeth (1882 - October 19, 1945)
Dan Beard (1850 - 1941)

Aubrey Beardsley (1872 - 1898)

Eleanor Fortescue Brickdale (1872 - 1945)

Julia Margaret Cameron (1815 - 1879)

William Ernest Chapman (1858 - 1947)
![The Departure of the Knights [on the Quest for the Grail]](../../sites/default/files/styles/creatorpage/public/MBSDPRT8cf5.gif?itok=qwVEzeyY)
Walter Crane (1845 - 1915)
Arthur Dixon (1872 - 1959)

Gustave Doré (1832 - 1883)

Sir W. Russell Flint (1880 - 1969)

H. J. Ford (1860 - 1941)

F. A. Fraser (1846 - 1924)

Innes Fripp (1867 - 1963)

Edmund H. Garrett (1853 - 1929)

Florence Harrison (1877 - 1955)

Alfred Kappes (1850 - 1894)

Jessie M. King (1875 - 1949)

M. L. Kirk (1860 - 1938)

W. H. Margetson (1861 - 1940)

Howard Pyle (1853 - 1911)


Arthur Rackham (1867 - 1939)

George Wooliscroft Rhead (1854 - 1920)

Louis Rhead (1857 - 1926)

John Moyr Smith (1839 - 1912)

Lancelot Speed (1860 - 1931)

G.H. Thomas (1824 - 1868)

F. H. Townsend (1868 - 1920)

N. C. Wyeth (1882 - October 19, 1945)