Alan Lupack
1946 -Pseudonym: David Gareth
Agravaine (Author)
Arthur (Author)
Arthurian References in the Annales Cambriae (Annals of Wales) - 2002 (Translator)
Balin and Balan - 2002 (Author)
Bartlett, Gertrude - 2002 (Author)
Bedivere Contemplates Camelot - 1990 (Author)
A Bibliography of Critical Studies of Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court - 2013 (Author)
Bors - 2013 (Author)
Broceliande - 2013 (Author)
Camelot - 2013 (Author)
Camlan - 2013 (Author)
Corrigenda to King Arthur in America - 2013 (Author)
Dinadan - 2013 (Author)
Elaine of Corbenic - 2013 (Author)
Enid and Geraint/Erec - 2013 (Author)
Excalibur and the Sword in the Stone - 2013 (Author)
The Fisher King - 2013 (Author)
Frequently Asked Questions about the Arthurian Legends - 2013 (Author)
Gaheris - 2013 (Author)
Gareth and Lynette - 2013 (Author)
Glastonbury - 2013 (Author)
Guidebooks to Arthurian Britain - 2002 (Author)
Guinevere - 2002 (Author)
The Holy Grail - 2002 (Author)
Igraine - 2002 (Author)
Illustrated Translations, Retellings, and Adaptations of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - 2002 (Author)
Lament for Merlin et Al. - 2011 (Author)
Lancelot - 2011 (Author)
Lancelot of the Laik, Book I - 1994 (Editor)
Lancelot of the Laik, Book II - 1994 (Editor)
Lancelot of the Laik, Book III - 1994 (Editor)
Lancelot of the Laik: Introduction - 1994 (Editor)
Launfal - 1994 (Author)
Lowell, James Russell - 1994 (Author)
Mark - 1994 (Author)
Meleagant - 1994 (Author)
Merlin - 1994 (Author)
Noteworthy Illustrated Arthurian Books - 1994 (Author)
Other Websites with Arthurian Content - 2013 (Author)
Pelleas and Ettarde - 2013 (Author)
Pellinore - 2013 (Author)
Perceval's Sister - 2013 (Author)
Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart - 2013 (Author)
Post-Medieval Arthurian Literature in English (Other than Fiction): A Preliminary Bibliography - 2013 (Author)
Publishers, Bookdealers, Authors, & Artists with Arthurian Offerings - 2013 (Editor)
The Round Table - 2013 (Author)
Sarras - 2013 (Author)
The Siege of Milan - 1990 (Editor)
The Siege of Milan: Introduction - 1990 (Editor)
The Siege Perilous - 1990 (Author)
Sir Mador Seeks the Grail - 1987 (Author)
Sir Tristrem, Part I - 1994 (Editor)
Sir Tristrem, Part II - 1994 (Editor)
Sir Tristrem, Part III - 1994 (Editor)
Sir Tristrem: Introduction - 1994 (Editor)
Sources for the Study of the Arthurian Legends - 2013 (Author)
The Sultan of Babylon - 1990 (Editor)
The Sultan of Babylon: Introduction - 1990 (Editor)
The Tale of Ralph the Collier - 1990 (Editor)
The Tale of Ralph the Collier: Introduction - 1990 (Editor)
Tintagel - 1990 (Author)
Tristan and Isolt in Modern Literature in English - 2012 (Author)
The Tristan Legend in the Middle Ages - 2012 (Author)
Uther - 2012 (Author)
Vivien - 2012 (Author)
Vortigern - 2012 (Author)
Yvain - 2012 (Author)