Gaheris is one of Gawain’s brothers, a son of Lot and Morgause. According to the Post-Vulgate Cycle and Malory, Gaheris kills his mother when he finds her in bed with Lamorak. (In T. H. White’s The Once and Future King, it is Agravaine, not Gaheris, who kills his mother.) Gaheris, along with his brother Gareth, is ordered by Arthur to form part of the guard that takes Guinevere to the stake. The brothers are unable to refuse Arthur’s command but insist on going "in pesyble wyse" (that is, without armor). In the confusion of the rescue, Lancelot kills both Gareth and Gaheris.
Buchanan, Robert (1785 - 1873)
F. A. Fraser (1846 - 1924)
N. C. Wyeth (1882 - October 19, 1945)