Madison J. Cawein
1865 - 1914Name Variant(s): Madison Cawein, Madison Julius Cawein
Accolon of Gaul - 1889 (Author)
After the Tournament - 1907 (Author)
The Daughter of Merlin - 1907 (Author)
The Dream of Sir Galahad - 1907 (Author)
A Guinevere - 1887 (Author)
Her Vivien Eyes - 1898 (Author)
In the Forest - 1907 (Author)
Isolt - 1907 (Author)
Morgan Le Fay - 1899 (Author)
Peredur, the Son of Evrawc - 1907 (Author)
To One Reading the Morte D'Arthure - 1907 (Author)
Tristram and Isolt - 1898 (Author)
Tristram to Isolt - 1907 (Author)
Waste Land - January 1913 (Author)