Howard Pyle
1853 - 1911
The Aged Palmer Gives Young David of Doncaster News...

Allan a Dale Lieth Beside the Fountain

Allan-a-Dale Singeth Before Our Good Queen Eleanor

Allan-a-Dale Tells His Story
The Barge of the Dead

The Battle with the Sable Knight

Belle Isoult and Sir Tristram Drink the Love...

The Bishop of Rochester and the King
A Damsel Bringeth Aid unto Sir Ewaine
The Damsel Elose Giveth a Ring to Sir Ewaine
The Damsel Elouise the Fair Rescues Sir Launcelot
The Damsel Lynette

The Demoiselle Blanchefleur
Denneys and the Hermit Help Sir Launcelot to his...

The Enchanter Merlin

The Enchantress Vivien

Enid and Geraint in the Garden

Enid and Geraint Ride Past the Town Bridge

Enid Talks with the Earl

Excalibur the Sword
The Forest Madman Saveth Ye Life of King Arthur

Four Knights serve the Gardener Lad

The Four Yeomen Have Merry Sport with a Stout...

"Friar Tuck," excerpt from Howard Pyle

The Gardener Lad takes off his Cap

The Grail is Manifested, and Sir Lanceleot Sleepeth...

Headpiece--List of Illustrations


Headpiece--Table of Contents

How Arthur Drew Forth ye Sword
How Sir Launcelot Held Discourse with ye Merry...
How Sir Launcelot Rode Errant in a Cart

In the Valley of Delight

King Arthur findeth ye old woman in ye hut

King Arthur meets the Lady Guinevere

King Arthur of Britain

King Mark Broods Mischief

King Mark of Cornwall

The King's Physicians Attend Sir Geraint

The Lady Belle Isoult
The Lady Elaine the Fair Knoweth Sir Launcelot
The Lady Elaine the Fair

The Lady Guinevere
The Lady Layonnesse Cometh to the Pavilion of Sir...
The Lady Layonnesse

The Lady Nymue Beareth Away Launcelot into the Lake...

The Lady of Shalott - Mirror Breaking

The Lady of Shalott Arrives in Camelot

The Lady of Shalott Floating Toward Camelot

The Lady of Shalott Weaving
The Lady of the Fountain

The Lady of the Lake and Sir Galahad

The Lady of the Lake finds Sir Pellias wounded

The Lady of the Lake Sits by the Fountain in Arroy

The Lady of the Lake

The Lady Yvette the Fair



Launcelot Examines The Lady of Shalott

Little John in the Guise of a Friar Stops Three...

Little John Journeys in Holy Company

Little John Knoweth Not which Road to Take

Little John Overcomes Eric o' Lincoln
The Madman of the Forest who was Sir Launcelot
Merlin Prophesieth from a Cloud of Mist

The Merry Friar Carrieth Robin across the Water

The Merry Friar Sings a Goodly Song

Merry Robin Clad as a Beggar Stops the Corn...

Merry Robin Hath the Worst of a Bargain

Merry Robin Stops a Sorrowful Knight

Merry Robin Stops a Stranger in Scarlet

The Mighty Fight betwixt Little John and the Cook

Ornament for Fly-Leaf

Parcenet Covers Sir Pellias with a Cloak

The Passing of Arthur

The Passing of Guinevere

The Passing of Sir Gawaine

Queen Morgana Appears unto Sir Launcelot

Queen Morgana le Fay

Queen Morgana Loses Excalibur His Sheath

The Queen of Ireland Seeks to Slay Sir Tristram

The Queen's Pages Clothe Sir Launcelot

Robin and Little John Go Their Ways in Search of...

Robin and the Tinker at the Blue Boar Inn

Robin Buys the Butcher's Meat

Robin Hood Meeteth the Tall Stranger on the Bridge

Robin Hood Slayeth Guy of Gisbourne

Robin Hood Steps betwixt Sir Stephen and His Bride

Robin Shooteth His Last Shaft

Robin Turns Butcher and Sells His Meat in...

The Sheriff of Nottingham Cometh before the King at...

The Sheriff of Nottingham Plotting against Robin...
Sir Bors de Ganis, the Good

SIr Bors Rides with the White Knight
Sir Ewaine Poureth Water on the Slab

Sir Galahad Cometh with the Hermit of the Forest

Sir Galahad Meets Sir Melyas

Sir Galahad of the Grail

Sir Galahad Rides with the Lady
Sir Gareth doeth Battle with the Knight of the...
Sir Gareth of Orkney

Sir Gawaine Challenges Sir Launcelot

Sir Gawaine Finds the Beautiful Lady
Sir Gawaine Knoweth the Shield of Sir Launcelot

Sir Gawaine Sups with the Lady Ettard

Sir Gawaine the Son of Lot, King of Orkney
Sir Gawaine, Knight of the Fountain

Sir Geraint and the Knight of the Sparrow Hawk

Sir Geraint Lies Asleep

Sir Geraint, Son of Erbin

Sir Kay and the Forest Madman

Sir Kay Breaketh His Sword at the Tournament

Sir Kay Interrupts the Meditations of Sir Percival

Sir Kay Showeth the Mystic Sword unto Sir Ector
Sir Lamorack and Sir Percival Receive Their Mother'...

Sir Lamorack Herds the Swine of Sir Nabon

Sir Lamorack of Gales

Sir Launcelot and Elouise the Fair
Sir Launcelot and Sir Lavaine Overlook the Field of...

Sir Launcelot Climbs to Catch the Lady's Falcon
Sir Launcelot Confideth his Shield to Elaine the...

Sir Launcelot Defends the Door

Sir Launcelot doeth Battle with Sir Turquine

Sir Launcelot Greets Queen Guinevere
Sir Launcelot Leapeth from the Window

Sir Launcelot of the Lake

Sir Launcelot Sits with Sir Hilaire and Croisette
Sir Launcelot Slayeth the Worm of Corbin

Sir Launcelot Takes the Armor of Sir Kay
Sir Lavaine the Son of Pelles

Sir Lionel of Britain

Sir Mador Begs for his Life

Sir Mador de la Porte
Sir Mellegrans Interrupts the Sport of the Queen

Sir Mordred the Traitor

Sir Pellias Encounters the Sorrowful Lady in Arroy

Sir Pellias, the Gentle Knight
Sir Percival and Sir Ector Look upon the Isle of...

Sir Percival and Sir Lamorack Ride Together

Sir Percival of Gales

Sir Percival Overcometh the Enchantress Vivien

Sir Percival Rideth the Black Horse

Sir Richard Pleadeth before the Prior of Emmet

Sir Tristram Assaults King Mark

Sir Tristram Cometh to ye Castle of Sir Nabon

Sir Tristram Harpeth Before King Mark

Sir Tristram Leaps into the Sea

Sir Tristram of Lyonesse

Sir Tristram Sits with Sir Launcelot

So the Great Reaper Reapeth Among the Flowers

The Stout Bout between Little John & Arthur a Bland...

Stout Robin Hath a Narrow Escape


Tailpiece--List of Illustrations

Tailpiece--Part I

Tailpiece--Part III

Tailpiece--Part IV

Tailpiece--Part V

Tailpiece--Part VI

Tailpiece--Part VII

Tailpiece--Part VIII



They Came to See The Lady of Shalott

Tristram Succors the Lady Moeya

Two Knights Do Battle before Cameliard


Vivien Bewitches Merlin

The White Champion meets two Knights at the Mill

The Young Knight of the Lea Overcomes the Knight of...

Young Richard Partington Cometh to Seek Merry Robin...

Young Robin Goes to the Shooting Match
The Story of Merlin - 1903 (Author)
"The Tale of Uther and Igraine" From: The Story of King Arthur and His Knights - 1903 (Author)
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