Havelok the Dane
We have used the Laud MS (L) as base text, with occasional reference to the fragments found in C. Abbreviations: C: Cambridge Add. 4407; L: MS Laud 108; F&H: French and Hale; Ho: Holthausen; Ma: Madden; Sa: Sands; Si: Sisam; Sk: Skeat; Sm: Smithers1-26 As in the other Middle English romances in this volume, Havelok begins with a formal exhortation to its audience. The convention, according to Sm derives from Old French epics and romances and consists of four parts: an exhortation to listen, a statement of subject, praise of the hero, and a prayer. Sa, on the other hand, links the poem to its cultural milieu: "Its Latin subtitle Incipit vita Hauelok quondam rex anglie et denemarchie must have matched some sort of popular realization that Englishmen of the North were in blood half-Scandinavian and that they just before the Conquest had actually been part of a dual kingdom of England and Denmark" (p. 55).20 Benedicamus Domino. "Let us bless the Lord." This is a verse in the Mass not often used in literature. The only other literary example known to Sm occurs in Philippe de Thaün's Bestaire, in which a pearl is a symbol of Christ.
27-86 Sm notes these lines as an extensive example of a traditional eulogy of kings such as William the Conqueror and Henry I found in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
28 That refers to the king; thus, construe lines 27-30 as "It was a king in former days who in his time made good laws and upheld them; young people loved him, old people loved him." Note the inverted sentence structure that emphasizes the object "him" twice by giving it syntactical priority.
31 Dreng and thayn are synonyms for a king's vassals, though connotations may be distinct in other contexts, as Sa suggests when he defines a dreng in Northumbria at this time as "a tenant with military obligations" (p. 59).
46 Wel fifty pund, I wot, or more. This line is supplied by Ma and F&H. It does not appear in Sm. Ma conjectures this line and indicates that other such liberties have been taken in his edition, many of which Sk follows.
48 In a male with or blac. F&H read with as hwit and translate the term as white; the reversal of letters appears in other words, but is not consistent throughout the MS. F&H read the prolific h's as "mannerisms in spelling," but it is more likely that the h's signify aspiration and point to pronunciation for this dialect. F&H reckon the dialect to be North Midlands with strong Norse influence. Referring to the pouch as "with or black" could mean "white or off-white (pale)," which is a common meaning in ME for "bl~c." See MED blak n. 6. See also note to line 311.
64 Was non so bold louerd to Rome. L: non so bold lond to rome. Sm emends lond to louerd for the sake of sense. Sk emends to: Was non so bold [þe] lond to rome, which makes sense too.
65 upon his bringhe. L: upon his bringhe. Sm emends to upon his londe bringhe ostensibly to connect the king's political expertise more definitively to his realm as well as to regularize the meter. Sk reads: That durste upon his [menie] bringe.
66 Hunger ne here. As noted by Sm, hunger ne here is an Old English alliterative phrase used three times by Wulfstan, an Old English writer of homilies.
69 The. L: Þe. F&H: Þei. "They hid themselves and kept themselves still."
74 his soule hold. Sm notes this as an unusual expression which occurs in Ywain and Gawain (line 887) where it refers to the widow's concern for the soul of her dead husband: Upon his sawl was sho ful helde. Athelwold's loyalty to his own soul is not narcissistic, but virtuous.
79 The source for the passage is Psalm 146:9: "The Lord preserveth the stranger; he relieveth the fatherless and widow, but the way of the wicked he turneth upside down."
85 Bute it were bi hire wille. This distinguishes rape, which is punishable by medieval English law, from consensual sexual relations, though the issue is complicated in jurisprudence. The most complete articulation of rape laws is found in the Statutes of Westminster in the thirteenth century. Over time secular legislation conflated rape with abduction, shifting it from a crime done to a woman's body to a crime done against the peace of the king.
86 As F&H note "even up to the time of the Commonwealth, mutilation was a legal punishment; it was occasionally forbidden, but continued to be practiced" (p. 77). Public punishment such as flogging, drawing and quartering, and various forms of mutilation often depicted graphically by romancers were thought to be a deterrent to crime in real life.
87-90 Sm notes the recurrence of these four lines in the account of King Arthur in the Anonymous Short English Metrical Chronicle of England. He surmises that Havelok was the source for the chronicle repetition and not vice versa.
89 folc ut lede. The sense of folc is "army."
92 And lete him knawe of hise hand dede. L: And lete him of hise hand dede. Sm notes that this is the "sole example" of the use of hand-dede in post-Conquest English. A relatively ancient word, it implied "violence" and sometimes "criminal violence," or could mean "the actual perpetrator of a crime" and in Middle Dutch "one who perpetrates a criminal or violent act." In Havelok the "imputation is of violence" (p. 86). Both Sm and Sk add a verb to this line after him, but disagree on what it should be. Sk, followed by F&H and Sa, adds knawe, as do we; Sm adds shewe.
94 To the victor belong the spoils. The victorious army carried off plunder, particularly valuable horses and armor. As F&H note, "the practice was deplored by moralists as unchristian, but is a matter of course in the romances" (p. 78).
109 held. L: hel. The emendation is universal.
115 wel wiste. L: we wiste. The emendation maintains the gravity of Athelwold's perception. The ending consonant is frequently omitted for wel in the MS.
120 Hw shal now my douhter fare. L: W shal nou mi douhter fare. F&H add the consonant presumably to clarify the question.
135 Therafter stronglike quaked. F&H note the frequency with which the poet or scribe omits pronouns. They supply them in their edition as does Sk and Ho; Sm frequently does not. Sa regularizes as much as possible.
137 On the dying of a king F&H write: "When a king was dying, the great nobles hastened to the capital, either out of sympathy or a wish to maintain order and look after their interests in arranging for a successor. The romancers made a conventional scene of this" (p. 79). It is important to note that King Athelwold has no male heir to maintain the peace he has established.
139 Roxburgh, a fort on the Scottish border, was often contested by opposing armies and changed hands frequently. Dover, on the southeast coast of England, is famous for its "white cliffs." Traveling from Roxburgh to Dover would mean traversing the whole length of England. See also line 265.
142 ther he lay. L: þe he lay. Sm and F&H supply the missing consonant. The omission of consonants in various words is a frequent occurrence throughout the MS and unrelated to the common practice of abbreviation.
154 That He wolde turnen him. L: Þat he turned him. The subjunctive verb - wolde - is supplied by all editors.
158 Winchester was the Anglo-Saxon capital of England before the center of government was relocated in London. Important legislation in the poem, however, is enacted in Lincoln, the probable home of the poet.
160 thank kan I you. L: þank kan you. This is an example of the omission of pronouns by the poet and/or scribe.
174 that she be wman of helde. L: þat she wman of helde.
175 And that she mowe hir yemen. L: And þa she mowe yemen. Sk's emendation. F&H emend to: And tha[t] she mowe [hit] yemen, followed by Sa. Sm conjectures that the author wrote something like: and þat she mowe hir-selwe welde.
177 Bi Crist and bi Seint Jon. L: Bi Crist and bi seint Jon. Sm: Bi Jesu Crist and bi seint Johan. We have followed F&H here by returning to the MS reading.
185 A wol fair cloth. L: A wol fair cloþ. F&H: A wel fair cloth. Sm: A wol fair cloth. Sa: a well fair cloth; Sk: a wel fair cloth; Ho: a wel fair cloth. Though a majority of editors read the adjective to describe the beauty of the cloth, it could also modify wool as the cloth's base fabric. Also, there is a distinct rendering of th for the þ in L.
187-88 The missal contains the order of service used in the mass, the principal Christian liturgical rite; the chalice contains the wine used in communion; and the paten holds the bread wafer, called the "Host" (from Latin hostia, "victim"). After the bread and wine are consecrated, they are placed on a white linen cloth, the "corporal." All of this "messe-gere" is holy by virtue of its use in the sacred re-enactment of Christ's death that is the Eucharist. Hence, swearing an oath by these instruments is a serious matter.
188 F&H gloss corporaus as fine linen cloth. We have placed emphasis on its purpose rather than its fabric by glossing the term as communion cloth.
195 Gon and speken. L: Gon and speken. F&H: Don and speken. Ho: Gon and speken; Sk: Don and speken; Sm and Ho agree with the MS reading as do we.
199 beste man. L: beste man; Sk: hexte man; F&H: hexte; Sm: heste.
213-17 Self-flagellation was thought to be an appropriate penance in general, though there is some dispute about whether it was more often a feature of dramatic representation than a realistic feature of life. Frederick Paxon, who charts the development of bedside rites for the dying in Christianizing Death: The Creation of a Ritual in Process in Early Medieval Europe (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990), con-cludes that the earlier focus on the fate of the dying person's soul was replaced with a Germanic/Celtic concern with the needs of the dying person. However, according to the medieval chronicler William of Malmesbury, Henry I confessed, beat his breast, was absolved three times, and received unction before he died.
221-22 So mikel men micte him in winde, / Of his in arke ne in chiste. "So much [as a shroud] to wind him in among his possessions, neither in trunk nor chest," since he had already given away so much in his will.
226 ofte swngen. L: ofte swngen. Ho: ofte swngen; Sk: ofte swungen; Sm: ofte swungen.
228 Louerde. L: Loude. Preceded by in manus tuas, this is a partial quotation of Jesus at the point of death (Luke 23:46): "Into thy hands [I commend my spirit]."
239 The "bower" and "hall" were two fundamental units of a castle or noble dwelling that persisted in some form throughout the Middle Ages. The hall was an open, public space used for dining, entertaining, or convening of nobles; the bower was a relatively more secluded area used for sleeping. The bower, it should be noted, was not necessarily a more private place. Yet the association of bower with ladies and hall with knights is appropriate; while one could find either sex in either place, the bower is associated more with the more intimate love of women, the hall with the masculine world of celebrating achievements and swearing loyalties to comrades. Compare with Beowulf, where the king and queen retire to the burgh while Beowulf and the retainers sleep on and around the same benches where they have feasted.
245 F&H note the subject shift from God to Athelwold's soul in this line. The effect glorifies the king in that God himself should lead his soul into heaven. The attention to the king's soul in line 74 is underscored here.
256 that god thoucte. L: þat god thoucte. F&H: þat god him thoucte.
263 F&H note the use of itinerant justices in Saxon times: "They seem not to have held permanent commission, but to have been appointed in emergencies. Their function was to mitigate the injustice of local courts, which might be dominated by powerful nobles" (p. 84).
265 Sm comments on the significance of the road from Dover to Roxburgh: "The mention of Dover and Roxburgh as marking the extreme limits of England, as in [line] 139, is here in a context of peace-keeping and the king's peace. This is why the AN [Anglo-Norman] Le Petit Bruit names a road from en long de Rokesburg jekis a Dover as one of les quatre royales chemyn parmy Engleterre - the four royal roads were under the king's peace. . ." (p. 99).
266 Schireves he sette, bedels, and greyves (Sheriffs, beadles, and reeves). The sheriff, or "shire-reeve," enforced law and order in the shire (county); the beadle was a sort of church police officer; and the grave or "greyve," according to the OED, was a steward placed in charge of property, a reeve. In certain parts of Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, each of a number of administrative officials formerly elected by the inhabitants of a township served this function for a town.
269 Outside the walled cities, protection was difficult and travel hazardous because of marauding thieves. Establishing peace in a violent environment is thus an extra-ordinary achievement.
282 Of alle thewes was she wis. L: Of alle þewes wshe wis.
285 The sense here is prophetic, i.e., that many a tear would be wept for Goldeboru's sake.
286 Quanne the Erl Godrich him herde (When the Earl Godric heard). "Him" is a reflexive pronoun that would normally be dropped in modern English.
287 hw wel she ferde. L: hw we she ferde.
288 hw chaste. L: w chaste.
292 Wether (whether) functions as an interrogative particle, which signals that a question is coming.
296 Datheit (Curses) is said to be a contraction for odium Dei habit.
305 Note the recurrence of the verb yeme here. In lines 190 and 206, the dying Athelwold made Godrich promise to "yeme" her "well"; by saying that he has "yemed" her "too softe," Godrich creates perhaps an unconscious double meaning. He is obviously saying (and in his state of jealousy and malice he would naturally mean), "She has grown up to be too pampered," but of course he is to blame because it is he who has not followed the king's dying wish that he guard her "wel."
311 This is perhaps another way of saying, "As long as I have a head on my shoulders." Note that "blake" here probably means "white" (compare French blanc or more likely OE blac meaning "pale"). See lines 48 and 2165 for a possibly similar usage.
317 Contrast this sort of fasting with King Arthur's refusal to sit down and feast until he had seen some marvel in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.
322 There may be a pun on fede, which as a noun can mean "hostility." In its verbal form, to "feed" or "keep," it has a range of meanings both positive and negative. Godrich is probably not interested in comforting or nurturing Goldeboru. Rather, he misconstrues his duties to protect those who cannot protect themselves and holds her captive instead.
328 Of Goldeboru. L: Of Goldeb.
334 sho mote. L: sho mo.
352 He refers to deth in line 354.
353 kaysere. A Germanic form of the Latin caesar.
354 Deth him tok than he best wolde. L: Deth him tok than he bes wolde.
360 Chanounes gode and monkes bothe. A canon might be a priest of a cathedral church or a member of a particular religious community.
360-61 Sm prefers to maintain the end rhyme in this couplet: Chanounes gode and monkes baþe / Him for to wisse and to raþe. To do that he has emended boþe to baþe and rede to raþe. There are other such emendations. See lines 693-94 and 1680-81. Sk: bethe / rede; Ho: bothe / rothe. We follow F&H in retaining the MS reading bothe / rede.
373 under mone. In other words, "in the whole world." Medieval writers often distinguished between events below and above the moon, as everything beneath the moon's sway was thought to be subject to Fortune.
392 shalt wel yeme. L: shalt we yeme.
393 That hire kin be ful wel queme. The reading here depends on whether the third word in the line should read "kin" ("their relations will indeed be pleased") or is actually a scribal error for "kind" ("type," "nature," "rank"). Sa suggests "that it indeed quite befits their rank" (p. 68).
410 Havelok, that was the eir. L: Havelok that was the eir. F&H follow Ho's emendation here: Havelok, that was the brother, presumably to preserve the end rhyme.
425 For writers of the Middle Ages, Judas, the arch traitor of Christ in the Gospels, was the archetype of treachery and betrayal. Both Godard and Godrich are called by this arch traitor's name, though Godard is called Satan in line 2512. See line 319.
436 made mone. L: maude mone; Sm: maude mone; F&H: made mone; Sk: made mone; Ho: made mone.
456 Seyden he, "we wolden more. L: Seyden he wolden more. Sm: Seyden he he wolden more. F&H: Seyden hi, we wolden more; Ho: Seyden thei withuten more; Sk: Seyden he wolden have more.
476 Havelok it saw and therbi stod. L: Havelok it saw and þe bi stod.
481 But the knave. L: But þe kave.
484 Note the pathetic and very ironic scene here: the boy, to save his life, offers feudal homage (manrede) to a lord whose last thought is to protect the child.
489 Ayen thee, louerd, sheld ne spere. L: Ayen þe, louerd, shel ne spere.
496 Hwan the devel herde that. L: Hwan þe devel hede þat.
502 witdrow. L: þitdrow. F&H: witdrow. Sm: þit-drow. Ho: þith-drow. Sk: wit-drow. Ma: þit-drow.
503 Avelok. This is the French name to which Havelok is etymologically linked according to Sa. It equates with OE Anlaf, a Scandinavian form of Olaf. Sa suggests a historical connection to Olaf Sictricson (p. 57).
512 He may me waiten. L: He may waiten.
520 drench. L: drench. Sm: drenth. F&H: drenched. Ho: drenched. Sk: drenched. We have returned to the MS reading.
534 thou sest. L: þou se.
536 Al wile I taken. L: Al wile taken.
546 The line following this numbered line - He thriste in his muth wel faste - is supplied by C and not counted in the line numbering. Sa, Sm, and F&H add the line without counting it. Sk and Ho omit the line altogether.
552 he yede. Sm emends to heþede. "In the sentence as it stands, a past participle is required; and the final -e of hethede (if this word is one) is presumably an error. But a rhyme on the unstressed ending of the past participle would be unparalleled in Hav" (p. 105).
553 forth lede. L: forth. F&H: forth lede. Sk: forth lede. Ho: forth lede. Sm: forth lede.
558 Ant bar him. L: Ant bar him. Sk: And bar him. Ho: And bar him. F&H: Ant bar him.
561 Al so thou wit mi lif save. L: Also þou wit my lif have. Sm: Also þou wilt mi lif have save. Ho: Also þou wilth mi lif save.
564 Ynow means literally "enough," but this typical Middle English stock phrase often understates the situation.
566 Hwan Dame Leve herde that. L: Hwan dame herde þat. The inclusion of Grim's wife's name adds another foot to the meter and renders her identity clear.
583 wost that hoves me. L: wost þat hoves me. F&H and Sm: wost þat bi hoves me. Ho: wost that it bi hoveth me. Sk: wost that so bihoves me.
594-95 Al so lith was it therinne / So ther brenden cerges inne. "It was as light in there as if candles were burning there." Al so / so are correlatives that connect or compare two statements.
601 For man shal god wille have. F&H suggest a meaning for this line: "People are naturally kind" (p. 97).
605 kynmerk. A king's birthmark attests to royal birth. Sm notes only one other example of the word (slightly modified) in the ME Emaré, lines 503-04: "A fayr chyld borne and a godele; / Hadde a dowbyll kyngus marke."
611 Al Denemark and Engeland. Grim's prophesy is fulfilled by the poem's end not only by Havelok's reappropriation of his homeland and his victory over Godrich and marriage to Goldeboru, but also by the marriages of Grim's daughters to Englishmen of noble rank.
621 cherles often means "villeins," non-free peasants bound to work the land, donating a portion of their produce and labor to the lord of the manor. Because the basic definition of "cherle" is a person from the lowest orders of society, the word is often used as an insult (e.g., line 683), or here, as a label of self-abasement.
645-46 Pastees (pasties) are meat pies; flaunes, custard, or cheese pies. These are dishes that were an integral part of a professional cook's repertoire. Terence Scully explains in The Art of Cookery in the Middle Ages (Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1995): "What the professional cook dealt with from day to day in the thirteen and fourteen hundreds were menus consisting of well-rounded meals of soups, stews, pies, torts, flans, biscuits, roasts, sauces, jellies and 'desserts"' (p. 3).
667 That was of Denemark a stiward. L: Þat was Denemk a stiward. The preposition in is inserted by F&H. Sk, Ho, and Sm prefer of.
675 Yif me gold and other fe. L: Yif me gold other fe.
677 Villeins (peasants) could be released by their lords and become equals of freeborn men in the eyes of the law.
686 Shaltu have non other mede. L: Shal have non other mede. F&H: Shaltu have. Sk: Shaltu have. Ho: Shaltu have.
691 hethen. L: ethen. F&H's emendation.
693 that wicke man. L: þa wicke man. F&H and Sm emend to provide distinction for the demonstrative adjective.
694-95 shal me to rede . . . he wile bethe. The end rhyme in this couplet has been emended by Sm as follows: And þoucte, wat shal me to raþe / Wite him on live he wile us baþe. F&H follow L, supplying [us] before beþe. We have returned to the MS despite the loss of rhyme.
702 Hors and swin, geet with berd. L: Hors and swin with berd. F&H and Sm add "goats," presumably because neither swine nor horses have beards.
709 Sa suggests the reading "'So that it [should] fear neither sound nor inlet;' sond can also be 'sand' with the extended meaning 'shoal water;' but 'sound' seems more appropriate and is quite possible orthographically" (p. 76). F&H translate sond and krike as bodies of water. Since Grim has just finished placing pitch in the seams of his boat, it is likely that this line refers to the craft's water worthiness. It is sound because it does not creak or leak, for that matter.
723 Ne were it nevere. L: Ne were neuere.
725 "Bise" appears in Old French works as a common word for the North Wind (see, e.g., Pelerinage de Charlemagne, line 354). According to the MED, Havelok is the only Middle English romance in which this term appears.
732 Als ye shulen now forthward lere. L: Als ye shulen now forthwar here. Skeat's emendation.
734-35 The Humber River, now the center of the modern county of Humberside, divides what is considered northern England (Yorkshire and northward to the Scottish border) from the English midlands (Lincolnshire south to London). Lindsay is still a division of the county of Lincoln.
745 The place took its name from Grim (i.e., the present port of Grimsby in Humberside). This line reflects a popular local legend of a fisherman by the name of Grim who founded a town that bears his name. Reputedly the legendary Grim, like the Grim of the poem, befriended an exiled prince. Sm's edition depicts a twelfth-century town seal with three names and figures inscribed on it - Grym, Habloc, and Goldeboru. Robert Mannyng of Brunne tells of a stone that was allegedly thrown by Havelok against his enemies and indicates the chapel where he and Goldeboru were married (p. 78). For an interesting interpretation of Grim, see Maldwyn Mills, "Havelok and the Brutal Fisherman."
754-60 For an interesting interpretation of the catalogue of fish see Roy Michael Liuzza, "Representation and Readership in the ME Havelok." Liuzza sees the emphasis on fish as "part of a system of exchange in which money rather than chivalric honor is the source of value" (p. 510). Such exchange systems lend Havelok a realism that few romances of the time can claim.
765 Forbar he neyther tun. L: Forbar he neyþe tun.
772 A lamprey is an eel-like fish with a mouth like a sucker, pouch-like gills, seven spiracles or apertures on each side of the head, and a fistula or opening on the top of the head (OED). F&H's note on the lamprey is interesting in relation to this rather unappetizing description: "A 'great' lamprey weighed as much as five pounds, and sold for three shillings. . . . It was highly prized as a delicacy. Henry I is said to have brought on a fatal illness by partaking too freely of lamprey" (p. 104). His cooks must have prepared the lamprey properly, i.e., soaked it to its death in wine before cooking, then serving it in a gelatinous galantine sauce.
773 Ful wel. L: Ful we.
776 wol wel sold. L: wol wel sold. F&H: al wel sold. Sm: wol wel sold. Grim seems to be selling wool without mention of his keeping sheep, the reason perhaps that F&H emend wol to al. Sheep are mentioned in line 782, however.
785 In the se weren he ofte setes. L: In the se weren he offte setes. F&H: Þat in the se he ofte setes. Sm: In the se-weres he ofte setes. Kevin Gosling in "Sewere in Havelok 784," Notes and Queries 34 (1987), 151, suggests that this is a compound based on an ON borrowing in the poet's Lincolnshire dialect. ON ver means "station for taking eggs, fishing, catching seals, etc." Sewere would then mean "inshore fishing ground." The MS, however, clearly depicts an abbreviation mark above the final -e in sewer' (se weren) rendering verbal force to the suffix. Sm fills in the abbreviation with s. We have emended.
791-811 Havelok's insatiable appetite reflects his regal deprivation. Only when he comes fully into his royal estate can his nature be satisfied. His vast appetite becomes a comic send up on his political displacement rather than a sign of gluttony or avarice. In his effort to win his own bread he becomes a lord at all degrees. See also lines 828 ff.; 911-26; and, in the conclusion, line 2986, where his having been fed is deemed a key component of his biographical summary. See note to line 1726.
807 woth. Sk emends to wot.
819 ilk del. L: il del. F&H's emendation.
821 ferthinges nok. A farthing from medieval to quite modern times was worth a quarter of a penny. A "corner" of a farthing would be a very little bit; the idiom reflects the illegal practice of clipping off bits of coins for the silver, which might, when collected, be sold as bullion.
850 nouth a slo. An expression referring to a sloeberry, a fruit of a blackthorn tree used as a metaphor for "something of little value," an "insignificant amount," or to mean "not at all," to "care nothing for."
858 sheres. L: shres.
861 Havede he neyther. L: Havede neþer.
862 other wede. L: oþe wede.
864 he cam ther. L: he cam þe.
870 Poure that on fote yede. This line, supplied by Sk, repeats line 101 and fills in the rhyme scheme.
875 Ther the erles mete he tok. This line is supplied by Ma and Sk. Both F&H and Sm agree.
882 on the brigge. L: on þe bigge.
897 Plaice is a type of European flatfish, often preferred over other species such as salmon, mackerel, and turbot. It is still quite a popular dish in the British Isles.
903 Presumably, Havelok was carrying the load on his head.
908 Wel is set the mete thu etes. Echoes the proverb in line 1693: wel is him that god man fedes. Here the earl's cook sees an opportunity he cannot refuse.
911 Havelok, as orphaned king's son and kitchen knave, has been referred to as a "male Cinderella." He joins the ranks of a long tradition of male Cinderellas and their stories including a number of Arthurian knights and Horn. See Donald G. Hoffman, "Malory's Cinderella Knights and the Notion of Adventure," Philological Quarterly 67 (1988), 145-56. For gender politics in these tales, see Eve Salisbury, "(Re)dressing Cinderella," in Retelling Tales, ed. Alan Lupack and Thomas G. Hahn (Rochester: D. S. Brewer, 1997), 275-92. Kitchen drudgery prepares the hero for his future role as king. Analogous to Cinderella's shoe, Havelok's kynmark is a hidden sign of nobility, both of character and of class.
934 filde ther. L: filde þe.
937 Al him one. L: A him one.
939 Ne fro brigge. L: Ne fro bigge.
940 The turves were pieces of turf or peat moss cut from the ground and stacked to dry, then used as fuel. Star grass, a name given locally to various coarse seaside grasses and sedges, according to the OED, was used for kindling.
952 ne wolde with. L: ne wode with. The emendation makes an important distinction between an intransitive subjunctive verb and a noun connoting madness.
961 mikel. L: mike.
965 unride. See Sk's extended discussion of the term as indicative of a large, cumbersome or rough garment; of the body, a deep, wide wound; of metal, something great; of politics, something unwieldy; of sound, something loud or tremendous (p. 164).
966 That was ful. L: Þat ful. Adding an intransitive verb is followed universally.
971 dones. He "dons" them, i.e., puts them on.
983 Havelok's height recalls the biblical King Saul, who was taller than the men around him and admired for his physical beauty. Nobility was presumed to inhere in such men, though giants were often portrayed as outlaws or Philistines (such as Goliath) in Scripture and medieval romance.
988 als he was long. L: al he was long.
998 With hire ne wolde he leyke. L: Þit hire ne wold leyke. Sm: Wit hire. F&H: With hore. Hire could refer to a woman who prostitutes herself for hire, or who is at least a woman of sexual experience. Given the economies of exchange in the poem, sex is another mode of negotiation. The OE hóre originally meant adultery, but gradually became more closely associated with female sexuality, perhaps in part because hire is a feminine possessive pronoun. Sm rejects the emendation to hore on grounds that it is "paleologically very improbable" (p. 119).
1009 Mani with ladde, blac and brown. Black could refer to peasants; brown, as F&H suggest (p. 112), can mean "persons of all ranks" or "peasants," since peasant complexions are often described as black or brown, noble faces as red or white. Thus, this phrase may mean "people of every rank" or "the lower classes." See also line 2847, where the metaphor is clearly political, as people of all ranks swear manrede to Goldeboru. But see also the note to line 1909, where the idiom "broune or blake" may refer to "dark or fair" complexion, with broune meaning dark and blake meaning pale or fair.
1024 And pulten with a mikel ston. The sport, analogous to shotput, was popular among Germanic peoples, though it is also found in the legends of other cultures. Robert Mannyng of Brunne in Lincolnshire claimed that the stone Havelok throws was preserved in a Lincoln castle in his day (c. 1338). Such chronicle accounts encourage historical identification. (See also lines 1032-37).
1037-39 F&H make a distinction between chaumpioun and kempe. While the former means "competent athlete, man of valor," the latter means "outstanding performer among many good ones" (p. 113).
1080 his douther yeve. L: his douthe yeve.
1095 Onlepi foru. The aristocratic Godrich imagines Havelok incapable of ever becoming landed by any means.
1102 erthe stoc. L: erthe shop. While the MS reads shop (created), the word neither rhymes nor fits the meaning. Both F&H and Sa substitute stoc, which F&H gloss as "shut fast"; Satan resides in hell, the center of the earth in medieval belief.
1120 Whether simply introduces a question here. See note to line 292.
1149 With dintes swithe hard and strong. This line is supplied by Sk.
1158 hire, fals and slike. L: hire and slike. F&H: hire fals and slike. Sm: fel and slike.
1173 Ther weren penies thicke tolde. "There were pennies thickly counted," i.e., a lot of them. Mass pennies were given as an offering for the nuptial ceremony.
1175 He ys hire yaf and she is tok. L: she as tok. F&H emend as to is, and gloss ys as them. Their note is helpful here: "Part of the money was the clerk's fee, part was a symbol that the wife was endowed with the husband's worldly goods . . . and part might be payment for the wife's virginity" (p. 118). According to Christopher Brooke in The Medieval Idea of Marriage (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989): "Each partner is to rehearse his and her consent; the woman's dower is to be confirmed, and some pennies set aside to be distributed among the poor. . . . Marriage from the twelfth to the sixteenth centuries and beyond was a public event, rather than private or clandestine, accompanied by the publication of banns and witnessed by parish or community members" (p. 249). The money is taken by the bride as part of her dowry.
1202 ay the rith sti. L: ay þe rith; F&H and Sm add sti.
1204 Thanne he komen there thanne was Grim ded. "Thanne. . . thanne" is a correlative construction linking the clauses: "When they arrived there, [then] Grim was dead." The second "thanne" is best left untranslated in modern English.
1247 Wesseyl ledden he fele sithe. "They drank healths (toasted) many times." "Wessail" derives from OE wes hael - "be healthy; to your health."
1251 That she were. L: Þat shere. Sk's emendation, followed by Sm, F&H, and Sa.
1306 That ich fley over the salte se. This line could mean: "That I fled over the salty sea" or "That I flew over the salty sea." Given the context, it is a little more likely that "fley" means "fled."
1316 Earlier editors suggest that at least two lines are missing here. Presumably, the first would have a final word rhyming with joye of line 1315, while the next would rhyme with trone in what is now numbered as 1316.
1337 Nim in wit lithe to Denemark. L: Nim in witl þe to Denemak. F&H: Nimen we to Denemark baþe. Sa: Nimen wit to Denemark bathe, where wit means "we too." Sm: Nim in wit liþe to Denemark baþe. Sm's note on this line is useful: "As an emendation l[i]the has the advantage of preserving the l in MS witl as well as the MS the. . . . If lithe is interpreted as 'journey' in line 1337, it is necessary to take wit as the dual 'we two' and to emend nim to nime. . . . The line would translate to 'Let's both make the journey to Denmark"' (p. 127).
1343 thin hond. L: þin hon.
1349 Thou maght til he aren quike. Sm emends til to tel because there is "no known word corresponding in form to til that would fit this context" (p. 128). See John Wilson, "Havelok the Dane, line 1349: 'til,"' Notes and Queries 36 (1989), 150-51.
1370 He hath mi lond. L: He mi lond. Sm: He haldes mi lond. Our emendation agrees with that of F&H.
1377 And late me wel. L: And late wel.
1397 he kalde. L: he kade.
1399 and Huwe Raven. L: h aven. In the Dictionary of British Surnames, Percy H. Reaney lists Raven as having derived from ON Hrafn or OE Hraefn or as a nickname from the bird. The surname may also indicate a link to Norse mythology. The trickster god Odin kept two ravens - Huginn and Manimen - to act as advisors and messengers. Rede, also Read, Reade, Reed, Red, Redd or Reid, he conjectures, indicates OE redd "red" of complexion or hair (p. 292). The closest Reaney comes to Willam Wenduth is William Wende, a thirteenth-century listing, derived from OE wende meaning "dweller by the bend" (p. 375).
1410 lime he hus. L: lime hus.
1429 Havede he ben slayn. L: Havede ben.
1445-64 At this point in the MS, a whole leaf has been cut away. Ma surmises that approximately 180 lines are missing. The gist of the section, says Sa, "probably was that the three sons agree to follow Havelok; and all the men, together with Goldeboru, sail for Denmark. Ashore, Havelok, William, and Roberd, disguised as peddlers, meet the Danish earl Ubbe and ask permission to sell their wares. Line 1625 opens in the middle of Havelok's plea" (p. 95). F&H's synopsis varies somewhat: "The three sons agree, and exchange some of their property for a peddlar's wares and a fine ring. They sail to Denmark and moor the boat; Hugh Raven remains in it. The others disembark and on the shore meet Ubbe, a Danish earl, who is out riding with his retinue near a town and castle. Havelok asks permission to sell his wares" (p. 127).
1632-34 The jewel in the ring was worth a hundred pounds, an enormous amount of money in the Middle Ages.
1635 He was ful wis that first yaf mede. Proverbial. See Bartlett Jere Whiting, Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases from English Writings Mainly before 1500 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1968), p. 226; entry G78: "He was full wise that first gave gift." Whiting cites similar passages in Tristrem 19.626-27, Gower's Confessio Amantis V.4720 and V.4798; and Wyntoun VI. 199,6450.
1644 ilk del. L: il del.
1660 ful wel rede thee. L: ful wel rede þ.
1680-81 Sm ends the couplet for the sake of the meter and the end rhyme: Loke that ye comen baþe / For ich it wile and ich it raþe. Compare lines 694-95 and lines 360-61.
1685 he yede. L: he yde.
1686 red. Sense uncertain. Perhaps red means "of ruddy complexion" or "sanguine of disposition"; but more likely the sense is "wise," or "well-advised," or "well-counselled."
1698 for to shewe. Sm: for to shawe. F&H: forto shewe.
1722 Thanne were set and bord leyd. F&H and Sm add a pronoun: Thanne he were set and bord leyd. The table is the subject, however.
1726 The types of fowl on the menu - cranes and swans - were more common for a medieval feast than they might be now. Cranes, as many other wild fowl, were roasted over an open flame often with a special basting sauce to keep them moist. Presentation was just as important as the dish itself. Swans, peacocks, and other birds of extraordinary plumage underwent an elaborate skinning procedure so that they could be served inside their own skin replete with feathers. The idea was to present the dish as if it were still alive. Food often took on symbolic significance in the Middle Ages. See Robert W. Hanning. For the appetites of medieval romance heroes see Susan E. Farrier, "Hungry Heroes in Medieval Literature," in Food in the Middle Ages: A Book of Essays, ed. Melitta Weiss Adamson (New York: Garland, 1995), 145-59.
1728 Pyment. Meaning spiced wine, pyment differs from claré, which is spiced wine mixed with honey, not to be confused with the modern claret, a fine red wine.
1731 Ale is considered a lowly drink, unfit for even a page at such a feast, at least in this poem. In general, however, beer and ale were served and consumed as regular table beverages, preferable even to water. Andrewe Boorde, writing in the mid-fifteenth century, says: "Ale for an Englysshe man is a naturall drynke" (as quoted in Terence Scully, The Art of Cookery in the Middle Ages [Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1995], p. 153.)
1736 the kilthing deyled. L: the kilþing deled. Sm: the kilþing deyled. F&H: the ilk þing deled. We concur with Sm's emendation. Sm rejects Sk's "violent emendation," of kilthing to ilk thing. For Sm it represents "a re-writing that offers no means of accounting for the alleged corruption" (p. 132). Instead, Sm chooses to retain the integrity of the line.
1740 Ilk man. L: Il man. Sm: Il man. F&H: Ilk man. Since the distinction is important, we have followed F&H's emendation.
1744 bes mikel wo. L: bes mike wo.
1749 greyves. Not to be confused with shin armor, this term refers to the house of the grave, i.e., the night watchman's place of residence. (See note to line 266.)
1753 Havelok wel yemen. L: Havelok wel ymen.
1761 With mikel love. L: with mike love.
1773 bi Seint Austin. This could refer to either Augustine, Bishop of Hippo and author of a number of widely read works in the Middle Ages including Confessions, or Augustine of Canterbury, the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
1785 In feteres and ful faste festen. Notice how the alliteration in this line underscores Bernard's oath.
1794 barre. The sliding beam that secures the door.
1798 Comes swithe unto me. Armed with his cross beam, Havelok's command strangely echoes Christ's "come unto me." Here the true lord calls with a grim irony; his cross piece will be their death. It is noteworthy that Havelok's "kynmerk" (birthmark) on his shoulder is a cross. See note to lines 2037-45, where his wounds make him more kin of Christ than kin of Cain.
1804 And with him comen. L: And with comen. The thorn has been replaced by th in L.
1827 Havelok let the barre fleye. L: Have le barre fleye.
1829 That havede he nevere schrifte of prest. In other words, he was killed so fast that he did not have time to give his confession to a priest or receive the last rites (quite an understatement).
1840 bere beyte. Bear baiting was a cruel sport enjoyed by lovers of violence in England until it was officially banned in 1835. The bear was lugged (chained by his neck or hind leg to a log or something more secure), and dogs were turned loose on the creature. The dogs were often killed or mauled and the bear seriously torn. Detailed accounts may be found in Joseph Strutt, The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England, from the Earliest Period . . . Illustrated by Reproductions from Ancient Paintings, 1801; rpt. London: Thomas Tegg, 1834, rev. in a new edition, much enlarged and corrected by J. Charles Cox (London: Methuen & Co., 1903). See especially pp. 204-08 in Cox's revised edition. Though officially banned in 1835 the sport continued illegally for a couple more decades, the last recorded entertainment being in West Derby in 1853. Sometimes the bear was blinded and whipped to add to the sport.
1884 louerd wreke be. L: louerd wreke.
1890 Romance heroes occasionally use clubs as weapons, though not always with comic effect as in this scene, but rather as a serious demonstration of knightly potential (e.g., Sir Degaré, Sir Perceval).
1909 of the broune and of the blake. Sa glosses as "Of the brown and of the fair." Blake comes from OE bl~c, meaning white. See also lines 1008, 2181, and 2249.
1911 Als here wombes. L: Als hee wombes.
1941 or shame seyde. L: or same seyde. F&H: or shame seyde. Sm: or same seyde.
2009 leye o tooth. L: leye othe. Si's emendation, followed by F&H and Sa.
2029 Griffin Galle. L: Giffin Galle. Griffin, a name probably of Breton origin, was used as a nickname for the Middle Welsh Gruffydd. Galle was a well-known surname in Lincolnshire in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. Sm notes that there are other examples combined with "Christian names such as Walter or Arnald. . . . But in Havelok, the combination of this surname of Celtic origin with the non-English Griffin is striking" (p. 136). In the Dictionary of British Surnames, second ed. (London: Routledge & Kegan, Paul, 1977), Percy H. Reaney comments: "The name in England is found in the counties bordering Wales and also in Lincolnshire where it was of Breton origin. In Brittany where the name was common, it was applied to immigrants from France" (p. 139).
2030 mouthe ageyn so. L: mouthe agey so.
2036 Wel is set the mete he etes. L: We is set þe mete he etes. This proverb appears earlier in a variant form in line 908.
2037-45 The beholding of the young lord's wounds is perhaps another allusion to the hero's miraculously redemptive role as opponent to "Kaym kin" (line 2045). See note to line 1798.
2055 that we so. L: þat we so.
2060 A palfrey was a small saddle-horse used for riding, usually for women or ecclesiastics, and never for war. It would be humiliating for a knight to ride to combat or tournament or even to his execution on a palfrey.
2070 Moucte wayte thee to slo. L: Movcte wayte þe slo.
2072 I shal lene thee a bowr. See note to line 239.
2124 lith was thare. L: lith wa þare. Sm: lith was þore.
2140 shuldre swithe brith. L: shuldre swe brith. Sk's emendation, followed by F&H and Sa.
2143 Sa remarks that the line means: "'That it was a mark of kingship that they saw'; the word kunrik is probably an error for kynemerk of line 604" (p. 108). Sm, on the other hand, rejects Sk's emendation on the grounds that kunrik is not a noun, but an adjective meaning "of exalted birth" (p. 137).
2145 F&H note the widespread belief that precious stones gave off light at night. The fifteenth-century Peterborough Lapidary entry for carbuncle is as follows:
Carbuncculus is a precios stone, & he schineth as feyre whose chynyngis not overcom by nyght. It chineth in derk places, & it semeth as it were a feyr; & ther bene xii kyndes ther-of, & worthyest ben tho that schynen & send owte leemes as feyre, as Ised. Also it is seyd that the carbunocyl is cleped so in grek, & it is gendryd in libia amonge the tregodites. Of this carnuncul ther is xii maneris of kendes of carbuncles. But thoo ben best that han the coleour of fire & tho ben closed in a wyght veyne. The best carbucul hathe this propirtie: if it is throwene. In the feyre it is qwent as it were amonges dede colis. (English Mediaeval Lapidaries, ed. Joan Evans and Mary Ser-jeantson, EETS o.s. 190 [London: Oxford University Press, 1933; rpt. 1960], p. 82).2195 knithes, burgeys, sweynes. L: Knighes bugeys sweynes.
2229 that sori fend. L: þat sor fend.
2249 Bothe brune and the blake. See note to line 1009.
2250 Gamen here literally means "fun," "sport," but in a cheerful, jesting way means "ritual [of homage]."
2274 He here refers to Ubbe in the next line.
2287 That com of Adam and of Eve. I.e., that was born of the human race started by Adam and Eve - in other words, everyone.
2298 Us for to yemen. L: for to yemen. F&H: Men for to yemen. Sm: Us for to yemen. Since Ubbe is speaking, his designation of group and self-inclusion make sense.
2310 evere wolde his. L: evere wode his.
2311 That dide he hem o boke swere. L: Þat dide hem o boke swere.
2327 Note the reference to romance reading in the context of leisure. Some medieval medical authorities considered reading a good story for the sake of pleasure and the release of emotion and laughter a sound measure for good health. See Glending Olson, Literature as Recreation in the Middle Ages (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1982).
2331 Bull and boar-baiting were common medieval pastimes. A bull or boar was tied to a stake or set in a pit, and dogs were let loose to annoy and irritate the larger animal. See note to line 1840.
2336 so mikel yeft of clothes. L: so mike yeft of cloþes.
2352 ilker twenti knihtes. L: ilker twent knihtes.
2370 Half hundred. L: hal hundred.
2389 cavenard. Sk refers to the term as an error for caynard, a term for a scoundrel (see Chaucer's Wife of Bath CT III[D] 235). Sa emends to caynard.
2404 that he ther thrette. L: þat þer þrette.
2432 And everilk fot of hem he slowe. Fot here stands for person - thus, a synecdoche, in which a part of something stands for a whole.
2450 Hise nese went unto the crice. He is bound on his steed face down and backwards, with his nose in the cleft between the horse's buttocks.
2453 he havede ful. L: he have ful.
2458-59 And swithe wikke clothes, / For al hise manie grete othes. F&H as follows: Wan he
was brouth so shamelike / Biforn the king, (the fule swike!). We have returned to the MS reading.
2470 As F&H explain (p. 158), the wall would have been lined with benches.
2478 At this foule mere tayl. Just as riding a palfrey would humiliate a knight, so too would riding a mare. Even more humiliating would be being tied to its befouled tail. F&H note: "Criminals drawn to the gallows were placed on hurdles or a cowhide that they should not be battered to death on the way. The 'foule mere' was an added humiliation, since a knight was usually allowed to ride to his death on a charger. The traces of harness may have been attached to the nail in line 2479. Chains were used to hang for a long time" (p. 158).
2479 Thoru his fet. L: Þoru is fet.
2483 ilk. L: il. Sk's emendation, followed by F&H and Sa. So too in line 2514.
2492 But that he sholde. L: Þat he sholde. F&H and Sm concur on the emendation.
2502 That ne flow him. L: That ne flow everil del.
2514 ilk. L: il.
2515 A traitor's estates were confiscated by the Crown.
2518 sayse. The appropriate definition of the term here is: "To put in legal possession of."
2519 F&H conjecture the absence of approximately twenty lines: "The copyist omitted a passage, probably about twenty lines long, in which the journey to England is described. The French poems contribute little information; they mention, however, that the expedition disembarks at Grimsby and sends Godrich a demand that he restore England to its rightful owners" (p. 160). Sm and Sa are silent on this alleged omission.
2521 monekes blak. The poet may be referring to the Grimsby Abbey monks - Augustinians, founded by Henry I, chartered by Henry II, given to Henry VII, and torn down for a farmhouse. But "black monks" generally refers to Benedictines. Augustinian (Austin) friars were a mendicant order that arrived in England in 1248. Ma's early speculation dated the founding of the house of Austin friars in 1293.
2556 That is repeated here from line 2555 for intensifying purposes.
2557 yboren, so. L: ye ber so. Sk's emendation.
2597 For shal I. L: For shal.
2615 Grethet als men mithe telle a pund. "As men might count out a pound." F&H suggest counting out a pound penny by penny (the only way to make change) would have taken quite a long while. But this meaning, which they accept, does not seem to make sense here, except vaguely as "matter-of-factly" (p. 163).
2629 nevere thethen. L: nevere þeþe.
2654 Godrich him. L: G-him.
2663 To the fet right there adune. Supplied by Ma's edition and followed by Sk. It echoes line 1905.
2711 ok. L: hok.
2797 Kristes. L: Kistes.
2840 And led him til. L: And him til. Sm: And led huntil. F&H: And led him til. Sa follows L.
2867 bi Seint Davy. St. David, the sixth-century patron saint of Wales whose cult, most evident in the city of the same name, nonetheless spread to other ecclesiastical centers (Sherborne, Glastonbury, and Salisbury). Sm finds it curious that this particular saint should be invoked in this particular English poem and wonders how the poet came to know St. David. The answer, he says, is "to be sought in certain Welsh connections of the cathedral and the monastic community of Lincoln. The prominent Welsh writer and churchman Giraldus Cambrensis, who wrote a Vita of St. David, had withdrawn from court life after 1194 to go and study at Lincoln under William of Leicester (then Chancellor of Lincoln), and was there from at least 1196 to 1198. . . . It does not necessarily follow that the author of Havelok had read Gerald's Vita (or any other). But it does seem likely that he was in some fashion exposed to the ecclesiastical interest in St. David at Lincoln, and therefore he may have lived in Lincoln (as is also suggested by the signs that he knew the city at first hand)" (pp. 154-55).
2888 was in god time. L: was god time.
2905 ich ne havede. L: ich ne have.
2909 ilk del. L: il del.
2933 This line has spawned two theories: (1) that the exemplar of L was a minstrel's copy and (2) that the original poet was probably himself a minstrel. See John C. Hirsh "Havelok 2933: A Problem in Medieval Literary History," Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 78 (1977), 339-47.
2983 Him stondes wel that god child strenes. Proverbial. See Whiting, Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases, C224, p. 83.
2993 Have ich seyd. L: Have ich sey.
2997 A Pater Noster (Our Father) is the Lord's Prayer.
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330 335 340 345 350 355 360 365 370 375 380 385 390 395 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 455 460 465 470 475 480 485 490 495 500 505 510 515 520 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 560 565 570 575 580 585 590 595 600 605 610 615 620 625 630 635 640 645 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 685 690 695 700 705 710 715 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 770 775 780 785 790 795 800 805 810 815 820 825 830 835 840 845 850 855 860 865 870 875 880 885 890 895 900 905 910 915 920 925 930 935 940 945 950 955 960 965 970 975 980 985 990 995 1000 1005 1010 1015 1020 1025 1030 1035 1040 1045 1050 1055 1060 1065 1070 1075 1080 1085 1090 1095 1100 1105 1110 1115 1120 1125 1130 1135 1140 1145 1150 1155 1160 1165 1170 1175 1180 1185 1190 1195 1200 1205 1210 1215 1220 1225 1230 1235 1240 1245 1250 1255 1260 1265 1270 nbsp; 1275 1280 1285 1290 1295 1300 1305 1310 1315 1320 1325 1330 1335 1340 1345 1350 1355 1360 1365 1370 1375 1380 1385 1390 1395 1400 1405 1410 1415 1420 1425 1430 1435 1440 1445 1625 1630 1635 1640 1645 1650 1655 1660 1665 1670 1675 1680 1685 1690 1695 1700 1705 1710 1715 1720 1725 1730 1735 1740 1745 1750 1755 1760 1765 1770 1775 1780 1785 1790 1795 1800 1805 1810 1815 1820 1825 1830 1835 1840 1845 1850 1855 1860 1865 1870 1875 1880 1885 1890 1895 1900 1905 1910 1915 1920 1925 1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 2105 2110 2115 2120 2125 2130 2135 2140 2145 2150 2155 2160 2165 2170 2175 2180 2185 2190 2195 2200 2205 2210 2215 2220 2225 2230 2235 2240 2245 2250 2255 2260 2265 2270 2275 2280 2285 2290 2295 2300 2305 2310 2315 2320 2325 2330 2335 2340 2345 2350 2355 2360 2365 2370 2375 2380 2385 2390 2395 2400 2405 2410 2415 2420 2425 2430 2435 2440 2445 2450 2455 2460 2465 2470 2475 2480 2485 2490 2495 2500 2505 2510 2515 2520 2525 2530 2535 2540 2545 2550 2555 2560 2565 2570 2575 2580 2585 2590 2595 2600 2605 2610 2615 2620 2625 2630 2635 2640 2645 2650 2655 2660 2665 2670 2675 2680 2685 2690 2695 2700 2705 2710 2715 2720 2725 2730 2735 2740 2745 2750 2755 2760 2765 2770 2775 2780 2785 2790 2795 2800 2805 2810 2815 2820 2825 2830 2835 2840 2845 2850 2855 2860 2865 2870 2875 2880 2885 2890 2895 2900 2905 2910 2915 2920 2925 2930 2935 2940 2945 2950 2955 2960 2965 2970 2975 2980 2985 2990 2995 3000 |
Herkneth to me, gode men - Wives, maydnes, and alle men - Of a tale that ich you wile telle, Wo so it wile here and therto dwelle. The tale is of Havelok imaked: Whil he was litel, he yede ful naked. Havelok was a ful god gome - He was ful god in everi trome; He was the wicteste man at nede That thurte riden on ani stede. That ye mowen now yhere, And the tale you mowen ylere, At the biginnig of ure tale, Fil me a cuppe of ful god ale; And wile drinken, her I spelle, That Crist us shilde alle fro helle. Krist late us hevere so for to do That we moten comen Him to; And, witthat it mote ben so, Benedicamus Domino! Here I schal biginnen a rym; Krist us yeve wel god fyn! The rym is maked of Havelok - A stalworthi man in a flok. He was the stalwortheste man at nede That may riden on ani stede. It was a king bi are dawes, That in his time were gode lawes He dede maken and ful wel holden; Hym lovede yung, him lovede holde - Erl and barun, dreng and thayn, Knict, bondeman, and swain, Wydues, maydnes, prestes and clerkes, And al for hise gode werkes. He lovede God with al his micth, And Holy Kirke, and soth ant ricth. Ricthwise men he lovede alle, And overal made hem for to calle. Wreieres and wrobberes made he falle And hated hem so man doth galle; Utlawes and theves made he bynde, Alle that he micte fynde, And heye hengen on galwe-tre - For hem ne yede gold ne fee! In that time a man that bore Wel fifty pund, I wot, or more, Of red gold upon hiis bac, In a male with or blac, Ne funde he non that him misseyde, Ne with ivele on hond leyde. Thanne micthe chapmen fare Thuruth Englond wit here ware, And baldelike beye and sellen, Overal ther he wilen dwellen - In gode burwes and therfram Ne funden he non that dede hem sham, That he ne weren sone to sorwe brouth, And pouere maked and browt to nouth. Thanne was Engelond at hayse - Michel was swich a king to preyse That held so Englond in grith! Krist of hevene was him with - He was Engelondes blome. Was non so bold louerd to Rome That durste upon his bringhe Hunger ne here - wicke thinghe. Hwan he fellede hise foos, He made hem lurken and crepen in wros - The hidden hem alle and helden hem stille, And diden al his herte wille. Ricth he lovede of alle thinge - To wronge micht him noman bringe, Ne for silver ne for gold, So was he his soule hold. To the faderles was he rath - Wo so dede hem wrong or lath, Were it clerc or were it knicth, He dede hem sone to haven ricth; And wo dide widuen wrong, Were he nevre knicth so strong, That he ne made him sone kesten In feteres and ful faste festen; And wo so dide maydne shame Of hire bodi or brouth in blame, Bute it were bi hire wille, He made him sone of limes spille. He was the beste knith at nede That hevere micthe riden on stede, Or wepne wagge or folc ut lede; Of knith ne havede he nevere drede, That he ne sprong forth so sparke of glede, And lete him knawe of hise hand dede, Hu he couthe with wepne spede; And other he refte him hors or wede, Or made him sone handes sprede And "Louerd, merci!" loude grede. He was large and no wicth gnede. Havede he non so god brede Ne on his bord non so god shrede, That he ne wolde thorwit fede Poure that on fote yede, Forto haven of Him the mede That for us wolde on Rode blede - Crist, that al kan wisse and rede That evere woneth in any thede. The king was hoten Athelwold. Of word, of wepne, he was bold. In Engeland was nevre knicth That betere held the lond to ricth. Of his bodi ne havede he eyr Bute a mayden swithe fayr, That was so yung that sho ne couthee Gon on fote ne speke wit mouthe. Than him tok an ivel strong, That he wel wiste and underfong That his deth was comen him on And saide, "Crist, wat shal I don? Louerd, wat shal me to rede? I wot ful wel ich have mi mede. Hw shal now my douhter fare? Of hire have ich michel kare; Sho is mikel in my thouth - Of meself is me rith nowt. No selcouth is thou me be wo: Sho ne can speke ne sho kan go. Yif scho couthe on horse ride, And a thousande men bi hire syde, And sho were comen intil helde And Engelond sho couthe welde, And don hem of thar hire were queme, And hire bodi couthe yeme, Ne wolde me nevere ivele like, Ne though ich were in heveneriche." Quanne he havede this pleinte maked, Therafter stronglike quaked. He sende writes sone onon After his erles evereichon; And after hise baruns, riche and poure, Fro Rokesburw al into Dovere, That he shulden comen swithe Til him, that was ful unblithe, To that stede ther he lay In harde bondes nicth and day. He was so faste wit yvel fest That he ne mouthe haven no rest, He ne mouthe no mete hete, Ne he ne mouchte no lythe gete, Ne non of his ivel that couthe red - Of him ne was nouth buten ded. Alle that the writes herden Sorful and sori til him ferden; He wrungen hondes and wepen sore And yerne preyden Cristes hore - That He wolde turnen him Ut of that yvel that was so grim. Thanne he weren comen alle Bifor the king into the halle, At Winchestre ther he lay, "Welcome," he sayde, "be ye ay! Ful michel thank kan I you That ye aren comen to me now." Quanne he weren alle set, And the king aveden igret, He greten and gouleden and gouven hem ille, And he bad hem alle been stille And seyde that greting helpeth nouth, "For al to dede am ich brouth. Bute now ye sen that I shal deye, Now ich wille you alle preye Of mi douther, that shal be Yure levedi after me, Wo may yemen hire so longe, Bothen hire and Engelonde, Til that she be wman of helde And that she mowe hir yemen and welde?" He answereden and seyden anon, Bi Crist and bi Seint Jon, That th erl Godrigh of Cornwayle Was trewe man wituten faile, Wis man of red, wis man of dede, And men haveden of him mikel drede - "He may hire altherbest yeme, Til that she mowe wel ben quene." The king was payed of that rede. A wol fair cloth bringen he dede, And thereon leyde the messebok, The caliz, and the pateyn ok, The corporaus, the messe-gere. Theron he garte the erl swere That he sholde yemen hire wel, Withuten lac, wituten tel, Til that she were twelf winter hold And of speche were bold, And that she couthe of curteysye, Gon and speken of lovedrurye, And til that she loven muthe Wom so hire to gode thoucte; And that he shulde hire yeve The beste man that micthe live - The beste, fayreste, the strangest ok; That dede he him sweren on the bok, And thanne shulde he Engelond Al bitechen into hire hond. Quanne that was sworn on his wise, The king dede the mayden arise, And the erl hire bitaucte And al the lond he evere awcte - Engelonde, everi del - And preide he shulde yeme hire wel. The king ne moucte don no more, But yerne preyede Godes ore, And dede him hoslen wel and shrive, I wot fif hundred sithes and five, And ofte dede him sore swinge And wit hondes smerte dinge So that the blod ran of his fleys, That tendre was and swithe neys. He made his quiste swithe wel And sone gaf it everil del. Wan it was goven, ne micte men finde So mikel men micte him in winde, Of his in arke ne in chiste, In Engelond, that noman wiste; For al was yoven, faire and wel, That him was leved no catel. Thanne he havede been ofte swngen, Ofte shriven and ofte dungen, "In manus tuas, Louerde," he seyde, Her that he the speche leyde, To Jesu Crist bigan to calle And deyede biforn his heymen alle. Than he was ded, there micte men se The meste sorwe that micte be: Ther was sobbing, siking, and sor, Handes wringing and drawing bi hor. Alle greten swithe sore, Riche and poure that there wore, And mikel sorwe haveden alle - Levedyes in boure, knictes in halle. Quan that sorwe was somdel laten And he haveden longe graten, Belles deden he sone ringen, Monkes and prestes messe singen; And sauteres deden he manie reden, That God self shulde his soule leden Into hevene biforn his Sone, And ther wituten hende wone. Than he was to the erthe brouth, The riche erl ne foryat nouth That he ne dede al Engelond Sone sayse intil his hond, And in the castels leth he do The knictes he mighte tristen to, And alle the Englis dede he swere That he shulden him ghod fey beren: He yaf alle men that god thoucte, Liven and deyen til that him moucte, Til that the kinges dowter wore Twenti winter hold and more. Thanne he havede taken this oth Of erles, baruns, lef and loth, Of knictes, cherles, fre and thewe, Justises dede he maken newe Al Engelond to faren thorw Fro Dovere into Rokesborw. Schireves he sette, bedels, and greyves, Grith sergeans with longe gleyves, To yemen wilde wodes and pathes Fro wicke men that wolde don scathes, And forto haven alle at his cri, At his wille, at hise merci, That non durste ben him ageyn - Erl ne barun, knict ne sweyn. Wislike for soth was him wel Of folc, of wepne, of catel: Sothlike, in a lite thrawe Al Engelond of him stod awe - Al Engelond was of him adrad, So his the beste fro the gad. The kinges douther bigan thrive And wex the fairest wman on live. Of alle thewes was she wis That gode weren and of pris. The mayden Goldeboru was hoten; For hire was mani a ter igroten. Quanne the Erl Godrich him herde Of that mayden - hw wel she ferde, Hw wis sho was, hw chaste, hw fayr, And that sho was the rithe eyr Of Engelond, of al the rike; Tho bigan Godrich to sike, And seyde, "Wether she sholde be Quen and levedi over me? Hwether sho sholde al Engelond And me and mine haven in hire hond? Datheit hwo it hire thave! Shal sho it nevere more have. Sholde ic yeve a fol, a therne, Engelond, thou sho it yerne? Datheit hwo it hire yeve Evere more hwil I live! She is waxen al to prud, For gode metes and noble shrud, That hic have yoven hire to offte; Hic have yemed hire to softe. Shal it nouth ben als sho thenkes: Hope maketh fol man ofte blenkes. Ich have a sone, a ful fayr knave; He shal Engelond al have! He shal king, he shal ben sire, So brouke I evere mi blake swire!" Hwan this trayson was al thouth, Of his oth ne was him nouth. He let his oth al overga. Therof he yaf he nouth a stra, Bute sone dede hire fete, Er he wolde heten ani mete, Fro Winchestre ther sho was, Also a wicke traytur Judas, And dede leden hire to Dovre, That standeth on the seis oure, And therhinne dede hire fede Pourelike in feble wede. The castel dede he yemen so That non ne micte comen hire to Of hire frend, with to speken, That hevere micte hire bale wreken. Of Goldeboru shul we now laten, That nouth ne blinneth forto graten Ther sho liggeth in prisoun. Jesu Crist, that Lazarun To live broucte fro dede bondes, He lese hire wit Hise hondes! And leve sho mote him yse Heye hangen on galwe tre That hire haved in sorwe brouth, So as sho ne misdede nouth. Say we now forth in hure spelle! In that time, so it bifelle, Was in the lond of Denemark A riche king and swythe stark. The name of him was Birkabeyn; He havede mani knict and sweyn; He was fayr man and wict, Of bodi he was the beste knicth That evere micte leden uth here, Or stede on ride or handlen spere. Thre children he havede bi his wif - He hem lovede so his lif. He havede a sone, douhtres two, Swithe fayre, as fel it so. He that wile non forbere, Riche ne poure, king ne kaysere, Deth him tok than he best wolde Liven, but hyse dayes were fulde, That he ne moucte no more live, For gold ne silver ne for no gyve. Hwan he that wiste, rathe he sende After prestes, fer an hende - Chanounes gode and monkes bothe, Him for to wisse and to rede, Him for to hoslen an for to shrive, Hwil his bodi were on live. Hwan he was hosled and shriven, His quiste maked and for him gyven, Hise knictes dede he alle site, For thoru hem he wolde wite Hwo micte yeme his children yunge Til that he kouthen speken wit tunge, Speken and gangen, on horse riden, Knictes and sweynes by here siden. He spoken theroffe and chosen sone A riche man that under mone, Was the trewest, that he wende - Godard, the kinges owne frende - And seyden he moucthe hem best loke Yif that he hem undertoke, Til hise sone mouthe bere Helm on heved and leden ut here, In his hand a spere stark, And king been maked of Denemark. He wel trowede that he seyde, And on Godard handes leyde; And seyde, "Here biteche I thee Mine children alle thre, Al Denemark and al mi fe, Til that mi sone of helde be, But that ich wille that thou swere On auter and on messe gere, On the belles that men ringes, On messe bok the prest on singes, That thou mine children shalt wel yeme, That hire kin be ful wel queme, Til mi sone mowe ben knicth. Thanne biteche him tho his ricth: Denemark and that ther til longes - Casteles and tunes, wodes and wonges." Godard stirt up and swor al that The king him bad, and sithen sat Bi the knictes that ther ware, That wepen alle swithe sare For the king that deide sone. Jesu Crist, that makede mone On the mirke nith to shine, Wite his soule fro helle pine; And leve that it mote wone In heveneriche with Godes Sone! Hwan Birkabeyn was leyd in grave, The erl dede sone take the knave, Havelok, that was the eir, Swanborow, his sister, Helfled, the tother, And in the castel dede he hem do, Ther non ne micte hem comen to Of here kyn, ther thei sperd were. Ther he greten ofte sore Bothe for hunger and for kold, Or he weren thre winter hold. Feblelike he gaf hem clothes; He ne yaf a note of hise othes - He hem clothede rith ne fedde, Ne hem ne dede richelike bebedde. Thanne Godard was sikerlike Under God the moste swike That evre in erthe shaped was. Withuten on, the wike Judas. Have he the malisun today Of alle that evre speken may - Of patriark and of pope, And of prest with loken kope, Of monekes and hermites bothe, And of the leve Holi Rode That God himselve ran on blode! Crist warie him with His mouth! Waried wrthe he of north and suth, Offe alle men that speken kunne, Of Crist that made mone and sunne! Thanne he havede of al the lond Al the folk tilled intil his hond, And alle haveden sworen him oth, Riche and poure, lef and loth, That he sholden hise wille freme And that he shulde him nouth greme, He thouthe a ful strong trechery, A trayson and a felony, Of the children for to make - The devel of helle him sone take! Hwan that was thouth, onon he ferde To the tour ther he woren sperde, Ther he greten for hunger and cold. The knave, that was sumdel bold, Kam him ageyn, on knes him sette, And Godard ful feyre he ther grette. And Godard seyde, "Wat is yw? Hwi grete ye and goulen now?" "For us hungreth swithe sore" - Seyden he, "we wolden more: We ne have to hete, ne we ne have Her inne neyther knith ne knave That yeveth us drinke ne no mete, Halvendel that we moun ete - Wo is us that we weren born! Weilawei! nis it no korn That men micte maken of bred? Us hungreth - we aren ney ded!" Godard herde here wa, Ther-offe yaf he nouth a stra, But tok the maydnes bothe samen, Al so it were up on hiis gamen, Al so he wolde with hem leyke That weren for hunger grene and bleike. Of bothen he karf on two here throtes, And sithen hem al to grotes. Ther was sorwe, wo-so it sawe, Hwan the children by the wawe Leyen and sprawleden in the blod. Havelok it saw and therbi stod - Ful sori was that sely knave. Mikel dred he mouthe have, For at hise herte he saw a knif For to reven him hise lyf. But the knave, that litel was, He knelede bifor that Judas, And seyde, "Louerd, mercy now! Manrede, louerd, biddi you: Al Denemark I wile you yeve, To that forward thu late me live. Here hi wile on boke swere That nevremore ne shal I bere Ayen thee, louerd, sheld ne spere, Ne other wepne that may you dere. Louerd, have merci of me! Today I wile fro Denemark fle, Ne neveremore comen agheyn! Sweren I wole that Bircabein Nevere yete me ne gat." Hwan the devel herde that, Sumdel bigan him for to rewe; Withdrow the knif, that was lewe Of the seli children blod. Ther was miracle fair and god That he the knave nouth ne slou, But for rewnesse him witdrow - Of Avelok rewede him ful sore, And thoucte he wolde that he ded wore, But on that he nouth wit his hend Ne drepe him nouth, that fule fend! Thoucte he als he him bi stod, Starinde als he were wod, "Yif I late him lives go, He micte me wirchen michel wo - Grith ne get I neveremo; He may me waiten for to slo. And if he were brouct of live, And mine children wolden thrive, Louerdinges after me Of al Denemark micten he be. God it wite, he shal ben ded - Wile I taken non other red! I shal do casten him in the she, Ther I wile that he drench be, Abouten his hals an anker god, Thad he ne flete in the flod." Ther anon he dede sende After a fishere that he wende That wolde al his wille do, And sone anon he seyde him to: "Grim, thou wost thu art my thral; Wilte don my wille al That I wile bidden thee? Tomorwen shal maken thee fre, And aucte thee yeven and riche make, Withthan thu wilt this child take And leden him with thee tonicht, Than thou sest the monelith, Into the se and don him therinne. Al wile I taken on me the sinne." Grim tok the child and bond him faste, Hwil the bondes micte laste, That weren of ful strong line. Tho was Havelok in ful strong pine - Wiste he nevere her wat was wo! Jhesu Crist, that makede go The halte and the doumbe speken, Havelok, thee of Godard wreke! Hwan Grim him havede faste bounden, And sithen in an eld cloth wnden, He thriste in his muth wel faste A kevel of clutes ful unwraste, That he mouthe speke ne fnaste, Hwere he wolde him bere or lede. Hwan he havede don that dede, Hwat the swike him havede he yede That he shulde him forth lede And him drinchen in the se - That forwarde makeden he - In a poke, ful and blac, Sone he caste him on his bac, Ant bar him hom to hise cleve, And bitaucte him Dame Leve And seyde, "Wite thou this knave, Al so thou wit mi lif save! I shal dreinchen him in the se; For him shole we ben maked fre, Gold haven ynow and other fe: That havet mi louerd bihoten me." Hwan Dame Leve herde that, Up she stirte and nouth ne sat, And caste the knave so harde adoun That he crakede ther his croune Ageyn a gret ston ther it lay. Tho Havelok micte sei, "Weilawei, That evere was I kinges bern - That him ne havede grip or ern, Leoun or wlf, wlvine or bere, Or other best that wolde him dere!" So lay that child to middel nicth, That Grim bad Leve bringen lict, For to don on his clothes: "Ne thenkestu nowt of mine othes That ich have mi louerd sworen? Ne wile I nouth be forloren. I shal beren him to the se - Thou wost that hoves me - And I shal drenchen him therinne; Ris up swithe an go thu binne, And blow the fir and lith a kandel." Als she shulde hise clothes handel On for to don and blawe the fir, She saw therinne a lith ful shir, Al so brith so it were day, Aboute the knave ther he lay. Of hise mouth it stod a stem Als it were a sunnebem; Al so lith was it therinne So ther brenden cerges inne. "Jesu Crist!" wat Dame Leve, "Hwat is that lith in ure cleve? Ris up, Grim, and loke wat it menes! Hwat is the lith, as thou wenes?" He stirten bothe up to the knave For man shal god wille have, Unkeveleden him and swithe unbounden, And sone anon him funden, Als he tirveden of his serk, On hise rith shuldre a kynmerk, A swithe brith, a swithe fair. "Goddot!" quath Grim, "this ure eir, That shal louerd of Denemark! He shal ben king, strong and stark; He shal haven in his hand Al Denemark and Engeland. He shal do Godard ful wo; He shal him hangen or quik flo, Or he shal him al quic grave. Of him shal he no merci have." Thus seide Grim and sore gret, And sone fel him to the fet, And seide, "Louerd, have mercy Of me and Leve, that is me bi! Louerd, we aren bothe thine - Thine cherles, thine hine. Louerd, we sholen thee wel fede Til that thu cone riden on stede, Til that thu cone ful wel bere Helm on heved, sheld and spere. He ne shall nevere wite, sikerlike, Godard, that fule swike. Thoru other man, louerd, than thoru thee Shal I nevere freman be. Thou shalt me, louerd, fre maken, For I shal yemen thee and waken - Thoru thee wile I fredom have." Tho was Haveloc a blithe knave! He sat him up and cravede bred, And seide, "Ich am ney ded, Hwat for hunger, wat for bondes That thu leidest on min hondes, And for kevel at the laste, That in my mouth was thrist faste. I was ther with so harde prangled That I was ther with ney strangled!" "Wel is me that thou mayth hete! Goddoth!" quath Leve, "I shal thee fete Bred an chese, butere and milk, Pastees and flaunes - al with swilk Shole we sone thee wel fede, Louerd, in this mikel nede. Soth it is that men seyt and swereth: 'Ther God wile helpen, nouth ne dereth.'" Thanne sho havede brouth the mete, Haveloc anon bigan to ete Grundlike, and was ful blithe. Couthe he nouth his hunger mithe. A lof he het, I woth, and more, For him hungrede swithe sore. Thre dayes ther biforn, I wene, Et he no mete - that was wel sene! Hwan he havede eten and was fed, Grim dede maken a ful fayr bed, Unclothede him and dede him therinne, And seyde, "Slep, sone, with muchel winne! Slep wel faste and dred thee nouth - Fro sorwe to joie art thu brouth." Sone so it was lith of day, Grim it undertok the wey To the wicke traitour Godard That was of Denemark a stiward And saide, "Louerd, don ich have That thou me bede of the knave: He is drenched in the flod, Abouten his hals an anker god - He is witerlike ded. Eteth he nevremore bred: He lith drenched in the se. Yif me gold and other fe, That I mowe riche be, And with thi chartre make fre; For thu ful wel bihetet me Thanne I last spak with thee." Godard stod and lokede on him Thoruthlike, with eyne grim, And seyde, "Wiltu ben erl? Go hom swithe, fule drit-cherl; Go hethen and be everemore Thral and cherl als thou er wore - Shaltu have non other mede; For litel I do thee lede To the galwes, so God me rede! For thou haves don a wicke dede. Thou mait stonden her to longe, Bute thou swithe hethen gonge!" Grim thoucte to late that he ran Fro that traytour, that wicke man, And thoucte, "Wat shal me to rede? Wite he him on live he wile bethe Heye hangen on galwe tre. Betere us is of londe to fle, And berwen bothen ure lives, And mine children and mine wives." Grim solde sone al his corn, Shep with wolle, neth with horn, Hors and swin, geet with berd, The gees, the hennes of the yerd - Al he solde that outh douthe, That he evre selle moucte; And al he to the peni drou. Hise ship he greythede wel inow; He dede it tere an ful wel pike That it ne doutede sond ne krike; Therinne dide a ful god mast, Stronge kables and ful fast, Ores gode an ful god seyl - Therinne wantede nouth a nayl, That evere he sholde therinne do. Hwan he havedet greythed so, Havelok the yunge he dede therinne, Him and his wif, hise sones thrinne, And hise two doutres that faire wore. And sone dede he leyn in an ore, And drou him to the heye see, There he mith altherbeste fle. Fro londe woren he bote a mile, Ne were it nevere but ane hwile That it ne bigan a wind to rise Out of the north men calleth "bise," And drof hem intil Engelond, That al was sithen in his hond, His, that Havelok was the name; But or he havede michel shame, Michel sorwe and michel tene, And yete he gat it al bidene; Als ye shulen now forthward lere, Yf that ye wilen therto here. In Humber Grim bigan to lende, In Lindeseye, rith at the north ende. Ther sat his ship upon the sond; But Grim it drou up to the lond; And there he made a litel cote To him and to hise flote. Bigan he there for to erthe, A litel hus to maken of erthe, So that he wel thore were Of here herboru herborwed there. And for that Grim that place aute, The stede of Grim the name laute, So that Grimesbi it calleth alle That theroffe speken alle; And so shulen men callen it ay, Bitwene this and Domesday. Grim was fishere swithe god, And mikel couthe on the flod - Mani god fish therinne he tok, Bothe with neth and with hok. He tok the sturgiun and the qual, And the turbut and lax withal; He tok the sele and the hwel - He spedde ofte swithe wel. Keling he tok and tumberel, Hering and the makerel, The butte, the schulle, the thornebake. Gode paniers dede he make, On til him and other thrinne Til hise sones to beren fishe inne, Up o londe to selle and fonge - Forbar he neyther tun ne gronge That he ne to yede with his ware. Kam he nevere hom hand-bare, That he ne broucte bred and sowel In his shirte or in his cowel, In his poke benes and korn - Hise swink he havede he nowt forlorn. And hwan he took the grete lamprey, Ful wel he couthe the rithe wei To Lincolne, the gode boru; Ofte he yede it thoru and thoru, Til he havede wol wel sold And therfore the penies told. Thanne he com thenne he were blithe, For hom he brouthe fele sithe Wastels, simenels with the horn, His pokes fulle of mele and korn, Netes flesh, shepes and swines; And hemp to maken of gode lines, And stronge ropes to hise netes, In the se weren he ofte setes. Thusgate Grim him fayre ledde: Him and his genge wel he fedde Wel twelf winter other more. Havelok was war that Grim swank sore For his mete, and he lay at hom - Thouthe, "Ich am now no grom! Ich am wel waxen and wel may eten More than evere Grim may geten. Ich ete more, bi God on live, Than Grim an hise children five! It ne may nouth ben thus longe. Goddot! I wile with hem gange For to leren sum god to gete. Swinken ich wolde for my mete - It is no shame for to swinken! The man that may wel eten and drinken Thar nouth ne have but on swink long - To liggen at hom it is ful strong. God yelde him, ther I ne may, That haveth me fed to this day! Gladlike I wile the paniers bere - Ich woth ne shal it me nouth dere, They ther be inne a birthene gret Al so hevi als a neth. Shal ich nevere lengere dwelle - Tomorwen shal ich forth pelle." On the morwen, hwan it was day, He stirt up sone and nouth ne lay, And cast a panier on his bac, With fish giveled als a stac. Al so michel he bar him one, So he foure, bi mine mone! Wel he it bar and solde it wel; The silver he brouthe hom ilk del, Al that he therfore tok - Withheld he nouth a ferthinges nok. So yede he forth ilke day That he nevere at home lay - So wolde he his mester lere. Bifel it so a strong dere Bigan to rise of korn of bred, That Grim ne couthe no god red, Hw he sholde his meiné fede; Of Havelok havede he michel drede, For he was strong and wel mouthe ete More thanne evere mouthe be gete; Ne he ne mouthe on the se take Neyther lenge ne thornbake, Ne non other fish that douthe His meyné feden with he mouthe. Of Havelok he havede kare, Hwilgat that he micthe fare. Of his children was him nouth; On Havelok was al hise thouth, And seyde, "Havelok, dere sone, I wene that we deye mone For hunger, this dere is so strong, And hure mete is uten long. Betere is that thu henne gonge Than thu here dwelle longe - Hethen thou mayt gangen to late; Thou canst ful wel the ricthe gate To Lincolne, the gode boru - Thou havest it gon ful ofte thoru. Of me ne is me nouth a slo. Betere is that thu thider go, For ther is mani god man inne; Ther thou mayt thi mete winne. But wo is me thou art so naked, Of mi seyl I wolde thee were maked A cloth thou mithest inne gongen, Sone, no cold that thu ne fonge." He tok the sheres of the nayl And made him a covel of the sayl, And Havelok dide it sone on. Havede he neyther hosen ne shon, Ne none kines other wede: To Lincolne barfot he yede. Hwan he cam ther, he was ful wil - Ne havede he no frend to gangen til. Two dayes ther fastinde he yede, That non for his werk wolde him fede. The thridde day herde he calle: "Bermen, bermen, hider forth alle!" Poure that on fote yede Sprongen forth so sparke on glede, Havelok shof dun nyne or ten Rith amidewarde the fen, And stirte forth to the kok, Ther the erles mete he tok That he bouthe at the brigge: The bermen let he alle ligge, And bar the mete to the castel, And gat him there a ferthing wastel. Thet other day kepte he ok Swithe yerne the erles kok, Til that he say him on the brigge, And bi him many fishes ligge. The herles mete havede he bouth Of Cornwalie and kalde oft: "Bermen, bermen, hider swithe!" Havelok it herde and was ful blithe That he herde "bermen" calle. Alle made he hem dun falle That in his gate yeden and stode - Wel sixtene laddes gode. Als he lep the kok til, He shof hem alle upon an hyl - Astirte til him with his rippe And bigan the fish to kippe. He bar up wel a carte lode Of segges, laxes, of playces brode, Of grete laumprees and of eles. Sparede he neyther tos ne heles Til that he to the castel cam, That men fro him his birthene nam. Than men haveden holpen him doun With the birthene of his croun, The kok stod and on him low, And thoute him stalworthe man ynow, And seyde, "Wiltu ben wit me? Gladlike wile ich feden thee: Wel is set the mete thu etes, And the hire that thu getes!" "Goddot!" quoth he, "leve sire, Bidde ich you non other hire, But yeveth me inow to ete - Fir and water I wile you fete, The fir blowe and ful wele maken; Stickes kan ich breken and kraken, And kindlen ful wel a fyr, And maken it to brennen shir. Ful wel kan ich cleven shides, Eles to turven of here hides; Ful wel kan ich dishes swilen, And don al that ye evere wilen." Quoth the kok, "Wile I no more! Go thu yunder and sit thore, And I shal yeve the ful fair bred, And made the broys in the led. Sit now doun and et ful yerne - Datheit hwo the mete werne!" Havelok sette him dun anon Al so stille als a ston, Til he havede ful wel eten; Tho havede Havelok fayre geten. Hwan he havede eten inow, He kam to the wele, water up drow, And filde ther a michel so - Bad he non ageyn him go, But bitwen his hondes he bar it in, Al him one, to the kichin. Bad he non him water to fett, Ne fro brigge to bere the mete. He bar the turves, he bar the star, The wode fro the brigge he bar, Al that evere shulden he nytte, Al he drow and al he citte - Wolde he nevere haven rest More than he were a best. Of alle men was he mest meke, Lauhwinde ay and blithe of speke; Evere he was glad and blithe - His sorwe he couthe ful wel mithe. It ne was non so litel knave For to leyken ne for to plawe, That he ne wolde with him pleye. The children that yeden in the weie Of him he deden al here wille, And with him leykeden here fille. Him loveden alle, stille and bolde, Knictes, children, yunge and holde - Alle him loveden that him sowen, Bothen heye men and lowe. Of him ful wide the word sprong, Hw he was mikel, hw he was strong, Hw fayr man God him havede maked, But on that he was almest naked: For he ne havede nouth to shride But a kovel ful unride, That was ful and swithe wicke; Was it nouth worth a fir-sticke. The cok bigan of him to rewe And bouthe him clothes al spannewe: He bouthe him bothe hosen and shon, And sone dide him dones on. Hwan he was clothed, osed, and shod, Was non so fayr under God, That evere yete in erthe were, Non that evere moder bere; It was nevere man that yemede In kinneriche that so wel semede King or cayser for to be, Than he was shrid, so semede he; For thanne he weren alle samen At Lincolne at the gamen, And the erles men woren al thore, Than was Havelok bi the shuldren more Than the meste that ther kam: In armes him noman nam That he doune sone ne caste. Havelok stod over hem als a mast; Als he was heie, als he was long, He was bothe stark and strong - In Engelond non hise per Of strengthe that evere kam him ner. Als he was strong, so was he softe; They a man him misdede ofte, Neveremore he him misseyde, Ne hond on him with yvele leyde. Of bodi was he mayden clene; Nevere yete in game, ne in grene, With hire ne wolde he leyke ne lye, No more than it were a strie. In that time al Hengelond Th'erl Godrich havede in his hond, And he gart komen into the tun Mani erl and mani barun, And alle that lives were In Englond thanne wer there, That they haveden after sent To ben ther at the parlement. With hem com mani chambioun, Mani with ladde, blac and brown, And fel it so that yungemen, Wel abouten nine or ten, Bigunnen the for to layke. Thider komen bothe stronge and wayke, Thider komen lesse and more That in the boru thanne weren thore - Chaunpiouns and starke laddes, Bondemen with here gaddes, Als he comen fro the plow. There was sembling inow; For it ne was non horse-knave, Tho thei sholden in honde have, That he ne kam thider, the leyk to se. Biforn here fet thanne lay a tre, And pulten with a mikel ston The starke laddes, ful god won. The ston was mikel and ek gret, And al so hevi so a neth; Grundstalwyrthe man he sholde be That mouthe liften it to his kne; Was ther neyther clerc ne prest, That mithe liften it to his brest. Therwit putten the chaumpiouns That thider comen with the barouns. Hwo so mithe putten thore Biforn another an inch or more, Wore he yung, wore he hold, He was for a kempe told. Al so the stoden and ofte stareden, The chaumpiouns and ek the ladden, And he maden mikel strout Abouten the altherbeste but, Havelok stod and lokede thertil, And of puttingge he was ful wil, For nevere yete ne saw he or Putten the stone or thanne thor. Hise mayster bad him gon therto - Als he couthe therwith do. Tho hise mayster it him bad, He was of him sore adrad. Therto he stirte sone anon, And kipte up that hevi ston That he sholde putten withe; He putte at the firste sithe, Over alle that ther wore Twelve fote and sumdel more. The chaumpiouns that put sowen; Shuldreden he ilc other and lowen. Wolden he nomore to putting gange, But seyde, "Thee dwellen her to longe!" This selkouth mithe nouth ben hyd: Ful sone it was ful loude kid Of Havelok, hw he warp the ston Over the laddes everilkon, Hw he was fayr, hw he was long, Hw he was with, hw he was strong; Thoruth England yede the speche, Hw he was strong and ek meke; In the castel, up in the halle, The knithes speken therof alle, So that Godrich it herde wel: The speken of Havelok, everi del - Hw he was strong man and hey, Hw he was strong, and ek fri, And thouthte Godrich, "Thoru this knave Shal ich Engelond al have, And mi sone after me; For so I wile that it be. The King Athelwald me dide swere Upon al the messe gere That I shude his douther yeve The hexte that mithe live, The beste, the fairest, the strangest ok - That gart he me sweren on the bok. Hwere mithe I finden ani so hey, So Havelok is, or so sley? Thou I southe hethen into Inde, So fayr, so strong, ne mithe I finde. Havelok is that ilke knave That shal Goldeboru have!" This thouthe with trechery, With traysoun, and wit felony; For he wende that Havelok wore Sum cherles sone and no more; Ne shulde he haven of Engellond Onlepi foru in his hond With hire that was therof eyr, That bothe was god and swithe fair. He wende that Havelok wer a thral, Therthoru he wende haven al In Engelond, that hire rith was. He was werse than Sathanas That Jhesu Crist in erthe stoc. Hanged worthe he on an hok! After Goldeboru sone he sende, That was bothe fayr and hende, And dide hire to Lincolne bringe. Belles dede he ageyn hire ringen, And joie he made hire swithe mikel; But netheless he was ful swikel. He saide that he sholde hire yeve The fayreste man that mithe live. She answerede and saide anon, By Crist and bi Seint Johan, That hire sholde noman wedde Ne noman bringen hire to bedde But he were king or kinges eyr, Were he nevere man so fayr. Godrich the erl was swithe wroth That she swor swilk an oth, And saide, "Whether thou wilt be Quen and levedi over me? Thou shalt haven a gadeling - Ne shalt thou haven non other king! Thee shal spusen mi cokes knave - Ne shalt thou non other louered have. Datheit that thee other yeve Everemore hwil I live! Tomorwe ye sholen ben weddeth, And maugre thin togidere beddeth. Goldeboru gret and yaf hire ille; She wolde ben ded bi hire wille. On the morwen hwan day was sprungen And day-belle at kirke rungen, After Havelok sente that Judas That werse was thanne Sathanas, And saide, "Maister, wilte wif?" "Nay," quoth Havelok, "bi my lif! Hwat sholde ich with wif do? I ne may hire fede ne clothe ne sho. Wider sholde ich wimman bringe? I ne have none kines thinge - I ne have hws, I ne have cote, Ne I ne have stikke, I ne have sprote, I ne have neyther bred ne sowel, Ne cloth but of an hold whit covel. This clothes that ich onne have Aren the kokes and ich his knave!" Godrich stirt up and on him dong, With dintes swithe hard and strong, And seyde, "But thou hire take That I wole yeven thee to make, I shal hangen thee ful heye, Or I shal thristen uth thin heie." Havelok was one and was odrat, And grauntede him al that he bad. Tho sende he after hire sone, The fayrest wymman under mone, And seyde til hire, fals and slike, That wicke thrall that foule swike: "But thu this man understonde, I shall flemen thee of londe; Or thou shal to the galwes renne, And ther thou shalt in a fir brenne." Sho was adrad for he so thrette, And durste nouth the spusing lette; But they hire likede swithe ille, Sho thouthe it was Godes wille - God that makes to growen the korn, Formede hire wimman to be born. Hwan he havede don him, for drede, That he sholde hire spusen and fede, And that she sholde til him holde, Ther weren penies thicke tolde Mikel plenté, upon the bok - He ys hire yaf and she is tok. He weren spused fayre and well, The messe he dede, everi del That fel to spusing, an god clek - The erchebishop uth of Yerk, That kam to the parlement, Als God him havede thider sent. Hwan he weren togidere in Godes lawe, That the folc ful wel it sawe, He ne wisten what he mouthen, Ne he ne wisten what hem douthe, Ther to dwellen, or thenne to gonge. Ther ne wolden he dwellen longe, For he wisten and ful wel sawe That Godrich hem hatede - the devel him hawe! And if he dwelleden ther outh - That fel Havelok ful wel on thouth - Men sholde don his leman shame, Or elles bringen in wicke blame, That were him levere to ben ded. Forthi he token another red: That thei sholden thenne fle Til Grim and til hise sone thre - Ther wenden he altherbest to spede, Hem forto clothe and for to fede. The lond he token under fote - Ne wisten he non other bote - And helden ay the rith sti Til he komen to Grimesby. Thanne he komen there thanne was Grim ded - Of him ne haveden he no red. But hise children alle fyve, Alle weren yet on live, That ful fayre ayen hem neme Hwan he wisten that he keme, And maden joie swithe mikel - Ne weren he nevere ayen hem fikel. On knes ful fayre he hem setten And Havelok swithe fayre gretten, And seyden, "Welkome, louered dere! And welkome be thi fayre fere! Blessed be that ilke thrawe That thou hire toke in Godes lawe! Wel is hus we sen thee on live. Thou mithe us bothe selle and yeve; Thou mayt us bothe yeve and selle, With that thou wilt here dwelle. We haven, louerd, alle gode - Hors, and neth, and ship on flode, Gold and silver and michel auchte, That Grim ure fader us bitauchte. Gold and silver and other fe Bad he us bitaken thee. We haven sheep, we haven swin; Bileve her, louerd, and al be thin! Tho shalt ben louerd, thou shalt ben syre, And we sholen serven thee and hire; And hure sistres sholen do Al that evere biddes sho: He sholen hire clothes washen and wringen, And to hondes water bringen; He sholen bedden hire and thee, For levedi wile we that she be." Hwan he this joie haveden maked, Sithen stikes broken and kraked, And the fir brouth on brenne; Ne was ther spared gos ne henne, Ne the hende ne the drake: Mete he deden plenté make; Ne wantede there no god mete, Wyn and ale deden he fete, And hem made glade and blithe; Wesseyl ledden he fele sithe. On the nith als Goldeboru lay, Sory and sorwful was she ay, For she wende she were biswike, That she were yeven unkyndelike. O nith saw she therinne a lith, A swithe fayr, a swithe bryth - Al so brith, all so shir So it were a blase of fir. She lokede noth and ek south, And saw it comen ut of his mouth That lay bi hire in the bed. No ferlike thou she were adred! Thouthe she, "What may this bimene? He beth heyman yet, als I wene: He beth heyman er he be ded!" On hise shuldre, of gold red She saw a swithe noble croiz; Of an angel she herde a voyz: "Goldeboru, lat thi sorwe be! For Havelok, that haveth spuset thee, He, kinges sone and kinges eyr, That bikenneth that croiz so fayr It bikenneth more - that he shal Denemark haven and Englond al. He shal ben king strong and stark, Of Engelond and Denemark - That shal thu wit thin eyne seen, And tho shalt quen and levedi ben!" Thanne she havede herd the stevene Of the angel uth of hevene, She was so fele sithes blithe That she ne mithe hire joie mythe, But Havelok sone anon she kiste, And he slep and nouth ne wiste Hwat that aungel havede seyd. Of his slep anon he brayd, And seide, "Lemman, slepes thou? A selkuth drem dremede me now - Herkne now what me haveth met. Me thouthe I was in Denemark set, But on on the moste hil That evere yete cam I til. It was so hey that I wel mouthe Al the werd se, als me thouthe. Als I sat upon that lowe I bigan Denemark for to awe, The borwes and the castles stronge; And mine armes weren so longe That I fadmede al at ones, Denemark with mine longe bones; And thanne I wolde mine armes drawe Til me and hom for to have, Al that evere in Denemark liveden On mine armes faste clyveden; And the stronge castles alle On knes bigunnen for to falle - The keyes fellen at mine fet. Another drem dremede me ek: That ich fley over the salte se Til Engeland, and al with me That evere was in Denemark lyves But bondemen and here wives; And that ich com til Engelond - Al closede it intil min hond, And, Goldeborw, I gaf thee. Deus! lemman, what may this be?" Sho answerede and seyde sone: "Jesu Crist, that made mone, Thine dremes turne to joye . . . That wite thu that sittes in trone! Ne non strong, king ne caysere So thou shalt be, fo thou shalt bere In Engelond corune yet. Denemark shal knele to thi fet; Alle the castles that aren therinne Shaltou, lemman, ful wel winne. I woth so wel so ich it sowe, To thee shole comen heye and lowe, And alle that in Denemark wone - Em and brother, fader and sone, Erl and baroun, dreng and thayn, Knightes and burgeys and sweyn - And mad king heyelike and wel. Denemark shal be thin evere ilc del - Have thou nouth theroffe douthe, Nouth the worth of one nouthe; Theroffe withinne the firste yer Shalt thou ben king of evere il del. But do now als I wile rathe: Nim in wit lithe to Denemark bathe, And do thou nouth on frest this fare - Lith and selthe felawes are. For shal ich nevere blithe be Til I with eyen Denemark se, For ich woth that al the lond Shalt thou haven in thin hond. Prey Grimes sones alle thre, That he wenden forth with the; I wot he wilen the nouth werne - With the wende shulen he yerne, For he loven thee hertelike. Thou maght til he aren quike, Hwore-so he o worde aren; There ship thou do hem swithe yaren, And loke that thou dwelle nouth - Dwelling haveth ofte scathe wrouth." Hwan Havelok herde that she radde, Sone it was day, sone he him cladde, And sone to the kirke yede Or he dide any other dede, And bifor the Rode bigan falle, "Croiz" and "Crist" bi to kalle, And seyde, "Louerd, that all weldes - Wind and water, wodes and feldes - For the holy milce of you, Have merci of me, Louerd, now! And wreke me yet on mi fo That ich saw biforn min eyne slo Mine sistres with a knif, And sithen wolde me mi lyf Have reft, for in the se Bad he Grim have drenched me. He hath mi lond with mikel unrith, With michel wrong, with mikel plith, For I ne misdede him nevere nouth, And haved me to sorwe brouth. He haveth me do mi mete to thigge, And ofte in sorwe and pine ligge. Louerd, have merci of me, And late me wel passe the se - Though ihc have theroffe douthe and kare, Withuten stormes overfare, That I ne drenched therine Ne forfaren for no sinne, And bringe me wel to the lond That Godard haldes in his hond, That is mi rith, everi del - Jesu Crist, thou wost it wel!" Thanne he havede his bede seyd, His offrende on the auter leyd, His leve at Jhesu Crist he tok, And at his swete moder ok, And at the Croiz that he biforn lay; Sithen yede sore grotinde awey. Hwan he com hom, he wore yare, Grimes sones, for to fare Into the se, fishes to gete, That Havelok mithe wel of ete. But Avelok thoughte al another: First he kalde the heldeste brother, Roberd the Rede, bi his name, Wiliam Wenduth and Huwe Raven, Grimes sones alle thre - And seyde, "Lithes now alle to me; Louerdinges, ich wile you shewe A thing of me that ye wel knewe. Mi fader was king of Denshe lond - Denemark was al in his hond The day that he was quik and ded. But thanne havede he wicke red, That he me and Denemark al And mine sistres bitawte a thral; A develes lime he hus bitawhte, And al his lond and al hise authe, For I saw that fule fend Mine sistres slo with hise hend: First he shar a two here throtes, And sithen hem al to grotes, And sithen bad in the se Grim, youre fader, drenchen me. Deplike dede he him swere On bok that he sholde me bere Unto the se and drenchen ine, And wolde taken on him the sinne. But Grim was wis and swithe hende - Wolde he nouth his soule shende; Levere was him to be forsworen Than drenchen me and ben forlorn. But sone bigan he forto fle Fro Denemark for to berthen me. For yif ich havede ther ben funden, Havede he ben slayn or harde bunden, And heye ben hanged on a tre - Havede go for him gold ne fe. Forthi fro Denemark hider he fledde, And me ful fayre and ful wel fedde, So that unto this day Have ich ben fed and fostred ay. But now ich am up to that helde Cumen that ich may wepne welde, And I may grete dintes yeve, Shal I nevere hwil ich lyve Ben glad til that ich Denemark se! I preie you that ye wende with me, And ich may mak you riche men; Ilk of you shal have castles ten, And the lond that thor til longes - Borwes, tunes, wodes, and wonges. [Approximately 180 lines are missing here; see note] "With swilk als ich byen shal. Ther of biseche you now leve Wile ich speke with non other reve But with thee, that justise are, That I mithe seken mi ware In gode borwes up and doun, And faren ich wile fro tun to tun." A gold ring drow he forth anon - An hundred pund was worth the ston - And yaf it Ubbe for to spede. He was ful wis that first yaf mede; And so was Havelok ful wis here: He solde his gold ring ful dere - Was nevere non so dere sold Fro chapmen, neyther yung ne old. That sholen ye forthward ful wel heren, Yif that ye wile the storie heren. Hwan Ubbe havede the gold ring, Havede he yovenet for no thing, Nouth for the borw evere ilk del. Havelok bihel he swithe wel, Hw he was wel of bones maked, Brod in the sholdres, ful wel schaped, Thicke in the brest, of bodi long - He semede wel to ben wel strong. "Deus!" hwat Ubbe, "Qui ne were he knith? I woth that he is swithe with! Betere semede him to bere Helm on heved, sheld and spere, Thanne to beye and selle ware - Allas, that he shal therwith fare! Goddot! Wile he trowe me, Chaffare shal he late be." Netheles he seyde sone: "Havelok, have thi bone! And I ful wel rede thee That thou come and ete with me Today, thou and thi fayre wif That thou lovest al so thi lif. And have thou of hire no drede - Shal hire no man shame bede. Bi the fey that I owe to thee, Ther of shal I me self borw be." Havelok herde that he bad, And thow was he ful sore drad With him to ete, for hise wif; For him wore levere that his lif Him wore reft, than she in blame Felle or lauthe ani shame. Hwanne he havede his wille yat, The stede that he onne sat Smot Ubbe with spures faste, And forth awey, but at the laste, Or he fro him ferde, Seyde he, that his folk herde: "Loke that ye comen bethe, For ich it wile and ich it rede." Havelok ne durste, the he were adrad, Nouth withsitten that Ubbe bad. His wif he dide with him lede - Unto the heye curt he yede. Roberd hire ledde, that was red, That havede tholed for hire the ded Or ani havede hire misseyd, Or hand with ivele onne leyd. Willam Wendut was that other That hire ledde, Roberdes brother, That was with at alle nedes. Wel is him that god man fedes! Than he weren comen to the halle, Biforen Ubbe and hise men alle, Ubbe stirte hem ageyn, And mani a knith and mani a sweyn, Hem for to se and for to shewe. Tho stod Havelok als a lowe Aboven that ther inne wore, Rith al bi the heved more Thanne ani that ther inne stod. Tho was Ubbe blithe of mod That he saw him so fayr and hende; Fro him ne mithe his herte wende, Ne fro him, ne fro his wif - He lovede hem sone so his lif. Weren non in Denemark that him thouthe That he so mikel love mouthe. More he lovede Havelok one Than al Denemark, bi mine wone. Loke now, hw God helpen kan O mani wise wif and man! Hwan it was comen time to ete, Hise wif dede Ubbe sone in fete, And til hire seyde al on gamen, "Dame, thou and Havelok shulen ete samen, And Goldeboru shal ete wit me, That is so fayr so flour on tre. In al Denemark is wimman non So fayr so sche, by Seint Johan." Thanne were set and bord leyd, And the beneysun was seyd, Biforn hem com the beste mete That king or cayser wolde ete: Kranes, swannes, veneysun, Lax, lampreys, and god sturgun, Pyment to drinke and god claré, Win hwit and red, ful god plenté - Was ther inne no page so lite That evere wolde ale bite. Of the mete forto telle Ne of the win bidde I nout dwelle; That is the storie for to lenge - It wolde anuye this fayre genge. But hwan he haveden the kilthing deyled And fele sithe haveden wosseyled, With gode drinkes seten longe, And it was time for to gonge, Ilk man to ther he cam fro, Thouthe Ubbe, "If I late hem go, Thus one foure, withuten mo, So mote ich brouke finger or to, For this wimman bes mikel wo! For hire shal men hire louerd slo." He tok sone knithes ten, And wel sixti other men Wit gode bowes and with gleives, And sende hem unto the greyves, The beste man of al the toun, That was named Bernard Brun - And bad him als he lovede his lif, Havelok wel yemen and his wif, And wel do wayten al the nith Til the other day that it were lith. Bernard was trewe and swithe with, In al the borw ne was no knith That betere couthe on stede riden, Helm on heved ne swerd bi side. Havelok he gladlike understod With mikel love and herte god, And dide greythe a super riche Al so he was no with chinche To his bihove everil del, That he mithe supe swithe wel. Al so he seten and sholde soupe, So comes a ladde in a joupe, And with him sixti other stronge With swerdes drawen and knives longe, Ilkan in hande a ful god gleive, And seyde, "Undo, Bernard the greyve! Undo swithe and lat us in, Or thu art ded, bi Seint Austin!" Bernard stirt up, that was ful big, And caste a brinie upon his rig, And grop an ax that was ful god - Lep to the dore so he wore wod, And seyde, "Hwat are ye, that ar ther-oute, That thus biginnen for to stroute? Goth henne swithe, fule theves, For, bi the Louerd that man on leves, Shol ich casten the dore open, Summe of you shal ich drepen, And the othre shal ich kesten In feteres and ful faste festen! "Hwat have ye seid?" quoth a ladde, "Wenestu that we ben adradde? We shole at this dore gonge Maugre thin, carl, or outh longe." He gripen sone a bulder ston And let it fleye, ful god won, Agen the dore, that it to-rof. Avelok it saw, and thider drof And the barre sone ut drow, That was unride and gret ynow, And caste the dore open wide And seide, "Her shal I now abide! Comes swithe unto me - Datheyt hwo you henne fle!" "No," quodh on, "that shaltou coupe;" And bigan til him to loupe, In his hond his swerd ut drawe, Havelok he wende thore have slawe, And with him comen other two That him wolde of live have do. Havelok lifte up the dore tre And at a dint he slow hem thre. Was non of hem that hise hernes Ne lay ther ute ageyn the sternes. The ferthe that he sithen mette Wit the barre so he him grette Bifor the heved that the rith eye Ut of the hole made he fleye, And sithe clapte him on the crune So that he stan ded fel thor dune. The fifte that he overtok Gaf he a ful sor dint ok, Bitween the sholdres ther he stod, That he spen his herte blod. The sixte wende for to fle, And he clapte him with the tre Rith in the fule necke so That he smot hise necke on to. Thanne the sixe weren doun feld, The seventhe brayd ut his swerd And wolde Havelok riht in the eye; And Havelok let the barre fleye And smot him sone agheyn the brest, That havede he nevere schrifte of prest For he was ded on lesse hwile Than men mouthe renne a mile. Alle the othere weren ful kene; A red they taken hem bitwene That he sholde him bihalve, And brisen so that wit no salve Ne sholde him helen leche non. They drowen ut swerdes, ful god won, And shoten on him so don on bere Dogges that wolden him to-tere, Thanne men doth the bere beyte. The laddes were kaske and teyte And umbiyeden him ilkon. Sum smot with tre and sum wit ston, Summe putten with gleyve in bac and side And yeven wundes longe and wide In twenti stedes and wel mo, Fro the croune til the to. Hwan he saw that, he was wod And was it ferlik hw he stod! For the blod ran of his sides So water that fro the welle glides. But thanne bigan he for to mowe With the barre, and let hem shewe Hw he couthe sore smite; For was ther non, long ne lite, That he mouthe overtake, That he ne garte his croune krake, So that on a litel stund, Felde he twenti to the grund. Tho bigan gret dine to rise, For the laddes on ilke wise Him asayleden with grete dintes, Fro fer he sto[n]den him with flintes, And gleyves schoten him fro ferne, For drepen him he wolden yerne; But dursten he newhen him nomore Thanne he bor or leun wore. Huwe Raven that dine herde, And thowthe wel that men misferde With his louerd for his wif And grop an ore and a long knif, And thider drof al so an hert, And cham ther on a litel stert And saw how the laddes wode Havelok his louerd umbistode, And beten on him so doth the smith With the hamer on the stith. "Allas!" hwat Hwe, "that I was boren! That evere et ich bred of koren! That ich here this sorwe se! Roberd! Willam! Hware ar ye? Gripeth ether unker a god tre And late we nouth thise doges fle Til ure louerd wreke be. Cometh swithe, and folwes me: Ich have in honde a ful god ore - Datheit wo ne smite sore!" "Ya! leve, ya!" quod Roberd sone, "We haven ful god lith of the mone." Roberd grop a staf strong and gret, That mouthe ful wel bere a net, And Willam Wendut grop a tre Mikel grettere than his the, And Bernard held his ax ful faste I seye was he nouthe the laste! And lopen forth so he weren wode To the laddes ther he stode, And yaf hem wundes swithe grete; Ther mithe men wel se boyes bete, And ribbes in here sides breke And Havelok on hem wel wreke. He broken armes, he broken knes, He broken shankes, he broken thes. He dide the blod there renne dune To the fet rith fro the crune, For was ther spared heved non. He leyden on hevedes ful god won, And made croune breke and crake Of the broune and of the blake. He maden here backes al so bloute Als here wombes and made hem rowte Als he weren kradelbarnes - So dos the child that moder tharnes. Datheit the recke! For he it servede. Hwat dide he thore? Weren he werewed. So longe haveden he but and bet With neves under hernes set That of tho sixti men and on Ne wente ther awey lives non. On the morwen, hwan it was day, Ilc on other wirwed lay Als it were dogges that weren henged; And summe leye in dikes slenget, And summe in gripes bi the her Drawen ware and laten ther. Sket cam tiding intil Ubbe That Havelok havede with a clubbe Of hise slawen sixti and on Sergaunz, the beste that mihten gon. "Deus," quoth Ubbe, "Hwat may this be? Betere is I nime miself and se That this baret on hwat is wold Thanne I sende yunge or old; For yif I sende him unto, I wene men sholde him shame do, And that ne wolde ich for no thing. I love him wel, bi Heveneking - Me wore levere I wore lame Thanne men dide him ani shame Or tok or onne handes leyde Unornelike or shame seyde." He lep up on a stede lith, And with him mani a noble knith, And ferde forth unto the tun, And dide calle Bernard Brun Ut of his hus wan he ther cam; And Bernard sone ageyn nam, Al to-tused and al to-torn, Ner al so naked so he was born And al to-brised, bac and the. Quoth Ubbe, "Bernard, hwat is thee? Hwo haves thee thus ille maked, Thus to-riven and al mad naked?" "Louerd, merci," quot he sone, "Tonicht, al so ros the mone, Comen her mo than sixti theves With lokene copes and wide sleves, Me for to robben and to pine, And for to drepe me and mine. Mi dore he broken up ful sket, And wolde me binden hond and fet. Wan the godemen that sawe, Havelok and he that bi the wowe Leye, he stirten up sone onon And summe grop tre and sum grop ston And drive hem ut, thei he weren crus, So dogges ut of milne-hous. Havelok grop the dore-tre, And a dint he slow hem thre. He is the beste man at nede That everemar shal ride stede - Als helpe God, bi mine wone A thousend men his he worth one! Yif he ne were, ich were now ded - So have ich don mi soule red! But it is of him mikel sinne: He maden him swilke woundes thrinne That of the altherleste wounde Were a stede brouht to grunde. He haves a wunde in the side With a gleyve ful unride; And he haves on thoru his arum Ther of is full mikel harum; And he haves on thoru his the - The unrideste that men may se. And othe wundes haves he stronge, Mo than twenti, swithe longe. But sithen he havede lauth the sor Of the wundes, was nevere bor That so fauth, so he fauth thanne! Was non that havede the hernepanne So hard that he ne dede al to-cruhsse And al to-shivere and al to-frusshe. He folwede hem so hund dos hare - Datheyt on he wolde spare, That ne made hem everilkon Ligge stille so doth the ston. And ther nis he nouth to frie For other sholde he make hem lye Ded, or thei him havede slawen, Or al to-hewen or al to-drawen. "Louerd, havi nomore plith Of that ich was grethed tonith. Thus wolde the theves me have reft; But, God thank, he havenet sure keft! But it is of him mikel scathe - I woth that he bes ded ful rathe." Quoth Ubbe, "Bernard, seyst thou soth?" "Ya, sire, that I ne leye o tooth! Yif I, louerd, a word leye, Tomorwen do me hengen heye." The burgeys that ther bi stode thore Grundlike and grete othes swore, Litle and mikle, yunge and holde, That was soth that Bernard tolde - Soth was that he wolden him bynde, And trusse al that he mithen fynde Of hise in arke or in kiste That he mouthe in seckes thriste. "Louerd, he haveden al awey born His thing, and himself al to-torn, But als God self barw him wel, That he ne tinte no catel. Hwo mithe so mani stonde ageyn Bi nither-tale, knith or swein? He weren bi tale sixti and ten - Starke laddes, stalworthi men, And on the mayster of hem alle, That was the name Griffin Galle. Hwo mouthe ageyn so mani stonde, But als this man of ferne londe Haveth hem slawen with a tre? Mikel joie have he! God yeve him mikel god to welde, Bothe in tun and ek in felde: Wel is set the mete he etes." Quoth Ubbe, "Doth him swithe fete, That I mouthe his woundes se, If that he mouthen holed be; For if he mouthe covere yet And gangen wel upon hise fet, Miself shal dubben him to knith, Forthi that he is so with. And yif he livede, tho foule theves, That weren of Kaym kin and Eves, He sholden hange bi the necke - Of here ded datheit wo recke, Hwan he yeden thus on nithes Tobinde bothe burgmen and knithes! For bynderes love ich neveremo - Of hem ne yeve ich nouht a slo." Havelok was bifore Ubbe browth, That havede for him ful mikel thouth And mikel sorwe in his herte For hise wundes, that we so smerte. But hwan his wundes weren shewed, And a leche havede knawed That he hem mouthe ful wel hele, Wel make him gange and ful wel mele, And wel a palefrey bistride, And wel upon a stede ride, Tho let Ubbe al his care And al his sorwe over fare, And seyde, "Cum now forth with me, And Goldeboru, thi wif, with thee, And thine serjaunz alle thre, For now wile I youre warant be: Wile I non of here frend That thu slowe with thin hend Moucte wayte thee to slo Also thou gange to and fro. I shal lene thee a bowr That is up in the heye tour, Til thou mowe ful wel go And wel ben hol of al thi wo. It ne shal nothing ben bitwene Thi bowr and min, al so I wene, But a fayr firrene wowe - Speke I loude or spek I lowe, Thou shalt ful wel heren me, And than thu wilt thou shalt me se. A rof shal hile us bothe o nith, That none of mine, clerk ne knith, No sholen thi wif no shame bede No more than min, so God me rede!" He dide unto the borw bringe Sone anon, al with joiinge, His wif and his sergaunz thre, The beste men that mouthe be. The first nith he lay ther inne, Hise wif and his serganz thrinne, Aboute the middel of the nith Wok Ubbe and saw a mikel lith In the bowr thar Havelok lay Al so brith so it were day. "Deus!" quoth Ubbe, "Hwat may this be? Betere is I go miself and se Hwether he sitten now and wesseylen, Or ani sotshipe to deyle, This tid nithes also foles; Than birthe men casten hem in poles Or in a grip, or in the fen - Now ne sitten none but wicke men, Glotuns, revres, or wicke theves, Bi Crist that alle folk onne leves!" He stod and totede in at a bord Her he spak anilepi word And saw hem slepen faste ilkon And lye stille so the ston; And saw al that mikel lith Fro Havelok cam that was so brith. Of his mouth it com il del - That was he war ful swithe wel. "Deus," quoth he, "Hwat may this mene!" He calde bothe arwe men and kene, Knithes and serganz swithe sleie, Mo than an hundred, withuten leye, And bad hem alle comen and se Hwat that selcuth mithe be. Als the knithes were comen alle, Ther Havelok lay ut of the halle, So stod ut of his mouth a glem, Rith al swilk so the sunne-bem, That al so lith was thare, bi hevene, So ther brenden serges sevene And an hundred serges ok That durste I sweren on a book! He slepen faste, alle five, So he weren brouth of live; And Havelok lay on his lift side, In his armes his brithe bride: Bi the pappes he leyen naked - So faire two weren nevere maked In a bed to lyen samen. The knithes thouth of hem god gamen, Hem for to shewe and loken to. Rith al so he stoden alle so, And his bac was toward hem wend, So weren he war of a croiz ful gent On his right shuldre swithe brith, Brithter than gold ageyn the lith, So that he wiste, heye and lowe, That it was kunrik that he sawe. It sparkede and ful brith shon So doth the gode charbuncle ston That men see mouthe se by the lith A peni chesen, so was it brith. Thanne bihelden he him faste, So that he knewen at the laste That he was Birkabeynes sone, That was here king, that was hem wone Wel to yeme and wel were Ageynes uten-laddes here - "For it was nevere yet a brother In al Denemark so lich another, So this man, that is so fayr, Als Birkabeyn; he is hise eyr." He fellen sone at hise fet. Was non of hem that he ne gret - Of joye he weren alle so fawen So he him haveden of erthe drawen. Hise fet he kisten an hundred sythes - The tos, the nayles, and the lithes - So that he bigan to wakne And wit hem ful sore to blakne, For he wende he wolden him slo, Or elles binde him and do wo. Quoth Ubbe, "Louerd, ne dred thee nowth, Me thinkes that I se thi thouth. Dere sone, wel is me That I thee with eyn se. Manred, louerd, bede I thee - Thi man auht I ful wel to be; For thu art comen of Birkabeyn, That havede mani knith and sweyn, And so shalt thou, louerd, have: Thou thou be yet a ful yung knave Thou shalt be King of al Denemark - Was ther inne never non so stark. Tomorwen shaltu manrede take Of the brune and of the blake, Of alle that aren in this tun, Bothe of erl and of barun, And of dreng and of thayn And of knith and of sweyn. And so shaltu ben mad knith Wit blisse, for thou art so with." Tho was Havelok swithe blithe, And thankede God ful fele sithe. On the morwen, wan it was lith, And gon was thisternesse of the nith, Ubbe dide upon a stede A ladde lepe, and thider bede Erles, barouns, drenges, theynes, Klerkes, knithes, burgeys, sweynes, That he sholden comen anon Biforen him sone everilkon, Al so he loven here lives And here children and here wives. His bode ne durste he non atsitte That he ne neme for to wite, Sone hwat wolde the justise; And bigan anon to rise And seyde sone, "Lithes me, Alle samen, theu and fre, A thing ich wile you here shauwe That ye alle ful wel knawe. Ye witen wel that al this lond Was in Birkabeynes hond The day that he was quic and ded, And how that he, bi youre red Bitauhte hise children thre Godard to yeme, and al his fe. Havelok his sone he him tauhte And hise two douhters and al his auhte. Alle herden ye him swere On bok and on messe gere That he shulde yemen hem wel, Withuten lac, withuten tel. He let his oth all overgo - Evere wurthe him yvel and wo! For the maydnes here lif Refte he bothen with a knif, And him shulde ok have slawen - The knif was at his herte drawen. But God him wolde wel have save: He havede rewnesse of the knave So that he with his hend Ne drop him nouth, that sori fend! But sone dide he a fishere Swithe grete othes swere, That he sholde drenchen him In the se, that was ful brim. Hwan Grim saw that he was so fayr, And wiste he was the rith eir, Fro Denemark ful sone he fledde Intil Englond and ther him fedde Mani winter that til this day Haves he ben fed and fostred ay. Lokes hware he stondes her! In al this werd ne haves he per - Non so fayr, ne non so long, Ne non so mikel, ne non so strong. In this middelerd nis no knith Half so strong ne half so with. Bes of him ful glad and blithe, And cometh alle hider swithe, Manrede youre louerd for to make, Bothe brune and the blake - I shal miself do first the gamen And ye sithen alle samen." O knes ful fayre he him sette - Mouthe nothing him ther fro lette, And bicam is man rith thare, That alle sawen that there ware. After him stirt up laddes ten And bicomen hise men, And sithen everilk a baroun That evere weren in al that toun, And sithen drenges, and sithen thaynes And sithen knithes, and sithen sweynes; So that, or that day was gon, In al the tun ne was nouth on That it ne was his man bicomen - Manrede of alle havede he nomen. Hwan he havede of hem alle Manrede taken in the halle, Grundlike dide he hem swere That he sholden him god feyth bere Ageynes alle that woren on live; Ther-yen ne wolde never on strive, That he ne maden sone that oth - Riche and poure, lef and loth. Hwan that was maked, sone he sende Ubbe writes fer and hende, After alle that castel yemede, Burwes, tunes, sibbe an fremde That thider sholden comen swithe Til him and heren tithandes blithe That he hem alle shulde telle. Of hem ne wolde nevere on dwelle, That he ne come sone plattinde; Hwo hors ne havede, com gangande. So that withinne a fourtenith In al Denemark ne was no knith, Ne conestable, ne shireve, That com of Adam and of Eve, That he ne com biforn sire Ubbe - He dredden him so thef doth clubbe. Hwan he haveden alle the king gret And he weren alle dun-set, Tho seyde Ubbe, "Lokes here Ure louerd swithe dere, That shal ben king of al the lond And have us alle under hond, For he is Birkabeynes sone, The king that was umbe stonde wone Us for to yemen and wel were With sharp swerd and longe spere. Lokes now, hw he is fayr: Sikerlike he is hise eyr. Falles alle to his fet - Bicomes hise men ful sket." He weren for Ubbe swithe adrad And dide sone al that he bad. And yet he deden sumdel more: O bok ful grundlike he swore That he sholde with him halde, Bothe ageynes stille and bolde That evere wolde his bodi dere. That dide he hem o boke swere. Hwan he havede manrede and oth Taken of lef and of loth, Ubbe dubbede him to knith With a swerd ful swithe brith, And the folk of al the lond Bitauhte him al in his hond, The cunnriche everil del And made him king heylike and wel. Hwan he was king, ther mouthe men se The moste joye that mouhte be - Buttinge with sharpe speres, Skirming with talevaces that men beres, Wrastling with laddes, putting of ston, Harping and piping, ful god won, Leyk of mine, of hasard ok, Romanz reding on the bok. Ther mouthe men here the gestes singe, The glewmen on the tabour dinge. Ther moutthe men se the boles beyte, And the bores, with hundes teyte. Tho mouhte men se everil glew; Ther mouthe men se hw grim grew - Was nevere yete joye more In al this werd than tho was thore. Ther was so mikel yeft of clothes That, thou I swore you grete othes, I ne wore nouth ther of trod. That may I ful wel swere, bi God! There was swithe gode metes And of wyn that men fer fetes, Rith al so mik and gret plenté So it were water of the se. The feste fourti dawes sat - So riche was nevere non so that. The king made Roberd there knith, That was ful strong and ful with, And Willam Wendut hec, his brother, And Huwe Raven, that was that other, And made hem barouns alle thre, And yaf hem lond and other fe, So mikel that ilker twenti knihtes Havede of genge, dayes and nithes. Hwan that feste was al don, A thusand knihtes ful wel o bon Withheld the king with him to lede, That ilkan havede ful god stede, Helm and sheld, and brinie brith, And al the wepne that fel to knith. With hem ek five thusand gode Sergaunz that weren to fyht wode Withheld he al of his genge - Wile I namore the storie lenge. Yet hwan he havede of al the lond The casteles alle in his hond, And conestables don therinne, He swor he ne sholde never blinne Til that he were of Godard wreken, That ich have of ofte speken. Half hundred knithes dede he calle, And hise fif thusand sergaunz alle, And dide sweren on the bok Sone, and on the auter ok, That he ne sholde nevere blinne, Ne for love ne for sinne, Til that he haveden Godard funde And brouth biforn him faste bunde. Thanne he haveden swor this oth, Ne leten he nouth, for lef ne loth, That he foren swithe rathe Ther he was, unto the pathe Ther he yet on hunting for, With mikel genge and swithe stor. Robert, that was of all the ferd Mayster, girt was wit a swerd, And sat upon a ful god stede, That under him rith wolde wede. He was the firste that with Godard Spak, and seyde, "Hede, cavenard! Wat dos thu here at this pathe? Cum to the king swithe and rathe! That sendes he thee word and bedes, That thu thenke what thou him dedes Whan thu reftes with a knif Hise sistres here lif And sithen bede thou in the se Drenchen him - that herde he! He is to thee swithe grim; Cum nu swithe unto him That king is of this kunerike, Thou fule man, thou wicke swike! And he shal yelde thee thy mede, Bi Crist that wolde on Rode blede!" Hwan Godard herde that he ther thrette, With the neve he Robert sette Biforn the teth a dint ful strong. And Robert kipt ut a knif long And smot him thoru the rith arum - Ther of was ful litel harum! Hwan his folk that saw and herde, Hwou Robert with here louerd ferde, He haveden him wel ner browt of live, Ne weren his two brethren and othre five Slowen of here laddes ten, Of Godardes altherbeste men. Hwan the othre sawen that, he fledden, And Godard swithe loude gredde: "Mine knithes, hwat do ye? Sule ye thusgate fro me fle? Ich have you fed and yet shal fede - Helpe me nw in this nede And late ye nouth mi bodi spille, Ne Havelok don of me hise wille! Yif ye it do, ye do you shame And bringeth youself in mikel blame!" Hwan he that herden, he wenten ageyn, And slowen a knit and a sweyn Of the kinges oune men, And woundeden abuten ten. The kinges men, hwan he that sawe, Scuten on hem, heye and lowe, And everilk fot of hem he slowe, But Godard one, that he flowe, So the thef men dos henge, Or hund men shole in dike slenge. He bunden him ful swithe faste, Hwil the bondes wolden laste, That he rorede als a bole That wore parred in an hole With dogges forto bite and beite. Were the bondes nouth to leite - He bounden him so fele sore That he gan crien Godes ore, That he sholde of his hend plette; Wolden he nouht ther fore lette That he ne bounden hond and fet. Datheit that on that ther fore let! But dunten him so man doth bere And keste him on a scabbed mere, Hise nese went unto the crice. So ledden he that ful swike Til he biforn Havelok was brouth, That he havede ful wo wrowht, Bothe with hungre and with cold Or he were twel winter old, And with mani hevi swink, With poure mete and feble drink, And swithe wikke clothes, For al hise manie grete othes. Nu beyes he his holde blame: Old sinne makes newe shame! Wan he was so shamelike Brouth biforn the king, the fule swike! The king dede Ubbe swithe calle Hise erles and hise barouns alle, Dreng and thein, burgeis and knith, And bad he sholden demen him rith, For he knew the swike dam; Everil del God was him gram! He setten hem dun bi the wawe, Riche and pouere, heye and lowe, The helde men and ek the grom, And made ther the rithe dom And seyden unto the king anon, That stille sat so the ston: "We deme that he be al quic flawen And sithen to the galwes drawe At this foule mere tayl, Thoru his fet a ful strong nayl, And thore ben henged wit two feteres And thare be writen thise leteres: 'This is the swike that wende wel The king have reft the lond ilk del, And hise sistres with a knif Bothe refte here lif.' This writ shal henge bi him thare. The dom is demd - seye we namore." Hwan the dom was demd and give, And he was wit the prestes shrive, And it ne mouhte ben non other, Ne for fader ne for brother, But that he sholde tharne lif, Sket cam a ladde with a knif And bigan rith at the to For to ritte and for to flo; And he bigan tho for to rore So it were grim or gore, That men mithe thethen a mile Here him rore, that fule file! The ladde ne let nowith forthi, They he criede, "Merci! Merci!" That ne flow him everil del With knif mad of grunden stel. Thei garte bringe the mere sone, Skabbed and ful ivele o bone, And bunden him rith at hire tayl With a rop of an old seyl And drowen him unto the galwes, Nouth bi the gate but over the falwes, And henge him thore bi the hals - Datheit hwo recke: he was fals! Thanne he was ded, that Sathanas, Sket was seysed al that his was In the kinges hand ilk del - Lond and lith and other catel - And the king ful sone it yaf Ubbe in the hond, wit a fayr staf, And seyde, "Her ich sayse thee In al the lond, in al the fe . . . ." Tho swor Havelok he sholde make, Al for Grim, of monekes blake A priorie to serven in ay Jhesu Crist, til Domesday, For the god he havede him don Hwil he was pouere and ivel o bon. And ther of held he wel his oth, For he it made, God it woth, In the tun ther Grim was graven, That of Grim yet haves the name. Of Grim bidde ich namore spelle. But wan Godrich herde telle, Of Cornwayle that was erl, That fule traytour, that mixed cherl! That Havelok King was of Denemark, And ferde with him, strong and stark Comen Engelond withinne, Engelond al for to winne; And that she that was so fayr, That was of Engelond rith eir, Was comen up at Grimesbi, He was ful sorful and sori, And seyde, "Hwat shal me to rathe? Goddoth, I shal do slon hem bathe! I shal don hengen hem ful heye So mote ich brouke my rith eie, But yif he of mi londe fle. Hwat! Wenden he deserite me?" He dide sone ferd ut bidde, That al that evere mouhte o stede Ride or helm on heved bere, Brini on bac, and sheld and spere, Or ani other wepne bere, Hand-ax, sythe, gisarm, or spere, Or aunlaz and god long knif, That als he lovede leme or lif, That they sholden comen him to, With ful god wepne yboren, so To Lincolne, ther he lay, Of Marz the sevententhe day, So that he couthe hem god thank; And yif that ani were so rank That he thanne ne come anon, He swor bi Crist and by Seint Johan, That he sholde maken him thral, And al his ofspring forth withal. The Englishe that herde that, Was non that evere his bode sat; For he him dredde swithe sore, So runcy spore, and mikle more. At the day he come sone That he hem sette, ful wel o bone, To Lincolne with gode stedes, And al the wepne that knith ledes. Hwan he wore come, sket was the erl yare Ageynes Denshe men to fare, And seyde, "Lythes nw alle samen! Have ich gadred you for no gamen, But ich wile seyen you forthi. Lokes hware here at Grimesbi Hise uten laddes here comen, And haves nu the priorie numen - Al that evere mithen he finde, He brenne kirkes and prestes binde; He strangleth monkes and nunnes bothe - Wat wile ye, frend, her-offe rede? Yif he regne thusgate longe, He moun us alle overgange, He moun us alle quic henge or slo, Or thral maken and do ful wo Or elles reve us ure lives And ure children and ure wives. But dos nw als ich wile you lere, Als ye wile be with me dere. Nimes nu swithe forth and rathe And helpes me and yuself bathe, And slos upo the dogges swithe. For shal I nevere more be blithe, Ne hoseled ben ne of prest shriven Til that he ben of londe driven. Nime we swithe and do hem fle And folwes alle faste me! For ich am he of al the ferd That first shal slo with drawen swerd. Datheyt hwo ne stonde faste Bi me hwil hise armes laste!" "Ye! lef, ye!" quoth the erl Gunter; "Ya!" quoth the Erl of Cestre, Reyner. And so dide alle that ther stode And stirte forth so he were wode. Tho mouthe men se the brinies brihte On backes keste and lace rithe, The helmes heye on heved sette. To armes al so swithe plette That thei wore on a litel stunde Grethet als men mithe telle a pund, And lopen on stedes sone anon; And toward Grimesbi, ful god won, He foren softe bi the sti Til he come ney at Grimesbi. Havelok, that havede spired wel Of here fare, everil del, With all his ferd cam hem ageyn. Forbar he nother knith ne sweyn: The firste knith that he ther mette With the swerd so he him grette, For his heved of he plette - Wolde he nouth for sinne lette. Roberd saw that dint so hende - Wolde he nevere thethen wende, Til that he havede another slawen With the swerd he held ut drawen. Willam Wendut his swerd ut drow, And the thredde so sore he slow That he made upon the feld His lift arm fleye with the swerd. Huwe Raven ne forgat nouth The swerd he havede thider brouth. He kipte it up, and smot ful sore An erl that he saw priken thore Ful noblelike upon a stede, That with him wolde al quic wede. He smot him on the heved so That he the heved clef a two. And that bi the shudre blade The sharpe swerd let wade Thoru the brest unto the herte; The dint bigan ful sore to smerte, That the erl fel dun anon Al so ded so ani ston. Quoth Ubbe, "Nu dwelle ich to longe!" And let his stede sone gonge To Godrich, with a god spere, That he saw another bere; And smot Godrich and Godrich him, Hetelike with herte grim, So that he bothe felle dune To the erthe, first the croune. Thanne he woren fallen dun bothen, Grundlike here swerdes he ut drowen, That weren swithe sharp and gode, And fouhten so thei woren wode That the swot ran fro the crune To the fet right there adune. Ther mouthe men se to knicthes bete Ayther on other dintes grete, So that with the altherleste dint Were al to-shivered a flint. So was bitwenen hem a fiht Fro the morwen ner to the niht, So that thei nouth ne blunne Til that to sette bigan the sunne. Tho yaf Godrich thorw the side Ubbe a wunde ful unride, So that thorw that ilke wounde Havede ben brouth to grunde And his heved al of slawen, Yif God ne were and Huwe Raven, That drow him fro Godrich awey And barw him so that ilke day. But er he were fro Godrich drawen, Ther were a thousind knihtes slawen Bi bothe halve and mo ynowe, Ther the ferdes togidere slowe, Ther was swilk dreping of the folk That on the feld was nevere a polk That it ne stod of blod so ful That the strem ran intil the hul. Tho tarst bigan Godrich to go Upon the Danshe and faste to slo And forthrith, also leun fares That nevere kines best ne spares, Thanne his gon, for he garte alle The Denshe men biforn him falle. He felde browne, he felde blake, That he mouthe overtake. Was nevere non that mouhte thave Hise dintes, noyther knith ne knave, That he felde so dos the gres Biforn the sythe that ful sharp es. Hwan Havelok saw his folk so brittene And his ferd so swithe littene, He cam drivende upon a stede, And bigan til him to grede, And seyde, "Godrich, wat is thee, That thou fare thus with me And mine gode knihtes slos? Sikerlike, thou misgos! Thou wost ful wel, yif thu wilt wite, That Athelwold thee dide site On knes and sweren on messe bok, On caliz and on pateyn ok, That thou hise douhter sholdest yelde, Than she were wimman of elde, Engelond everil del. Godrich the erl, thou wost it wel! Do nu wel withuten fiht Yeld hire the lond, for that is rith. Wile ich forgive thee the lathe, Al mi dede and al mi wrathe, For I se thu art so with And of thi bodi so god knith." "That ne wile ich neveremo," Quoth erl Godrich, "for ich shal slo Thee, and hire forhenge heye. I shal thrist ut thy rith eye That thou lokes with on me, But thu swithe hethen fle!" He grop the swerd ut sone anon, And hew on Havelok ful god won, So that he clef his sheld on two. Hwan Havelok saw that shame do His bodi ther biforn his ferd, He drow ut sone his gode swerd, And smote him so upon the crune That Godrich fel to the erthe adune. But Godrich stirt up swithe sket - Lay ne nowth longe at hise fet - And smot him on the sholdre so That he dide thare undo Of his brinie ringes mo Than that ich kan tellen fro, And woundede him rith in the flesh, That tendre was and swithe nesh, So that the blod ran til his to. Tho was Havelok swithe wo, That he havede of him drawen Blod and so sore him slawen. Hertelike til him he wente And Godrich ther fulike shente, For his swerd he hof up heye, And the hand he dide of fleye That he smot him with so sore - Hw mithe he don him shame more? Hwan he havede him so shamed, His hand of plat and ivele lamed, He tok him sone bi the necke Als a traitour, datheit who recke! And dide him binde and fetere wel With gode feteres al of stel, And to the quen he sende him, That birde wel to him ben grim, And bad she sholde don him gete And that non ne sholde him bete, Ne shame do, for he was knith, Til knithes haveden demd him rith. Than the Englishe men that sawe, That thei wisten, heye and lawe, That Goldeboru that was so fayr Was of Engelond rith eyr, And that the king hire havede wedded, And haveden been samen bedded, He comen alle to crie "Merci," Unto the king at one cri, And beden him sone manrede and oth That he ne sholden, for lef ne loth, Neveremore ageyn him go, Ne ride, for wel ne for wo. The king ne wolde nouth forsake That he ne shulde of hem take Manrede that he beden and ok Hold othes sweren on the bok. But or bad he that thider were brouth The quen for hem swilk was his thouth For to se and forto shawe, Yif that he hire wolde knawe - Thoruth hem witen wolde he Yif that she aucte quen to be. Sixe erles weren sone yare After hire for to fare. He nomen onon and comen sone, And brouthen hire, that under mone In al the werd ne havede per Of hendeleik, fer ne ner. Hwan she was come thider, alle The Englishe men bigunne falle O knes, and greten swithe sore, And seyden, "Levedi, Kristes ore And youres! We haven misdo mikel That we ayen you have be fikel, For Englond auhte for to ben Youres and we youre men. Is non of us, yung ne old, That he ne wot that Athelwold Was king of this kunerike And ye his eyr, and that the swike Haves it halden with mikel wronge - God leve him sone to honge!" Quot Havelok, "Hwan that ye it wite, Nu wile ich that ye doune site; And after Godrich haves wrouht, That haves in sorwe himself brouth, Lokes that ye demen him rith, For dom ne spareth clerk ne knith, And sithen shal ich understonde Of you, after lawe of londe, Manrede and holde othes bothe, Yif ye it wilen and ek rothe." Anon ther dune he hem sette, For non the dom ne durste lette And demden him to binden faste Upon an asse swithe unwraste, Andelong, nouht overthwert, His nose went unto the stert And so to Lincolne lede, Shamelike in wicke wede, And, hwan he come unto the borw, Shamelike ben led ther thoru, Bi southe the borw unto a grene, That thare is yet, als I wene, And there be bunden til a stake, Abouten him ful gret fir make, And al to dust be brend rith there. And yet demden he ther more, Other swikes for to warne: That hise children sulde tharne Everemore that eritage That his was, for hise utrage. Hwan the dom was demd and seyd, Sket was the swike on the asse leyd, And led him til that ilke grene And brend til asken al bidene. Tho was Goldeboru ful blithe - She thanked God fele sythe That the fule swike was brend That wende wel hire bodi have shend; And seyde, "Nu is time to take Manrede of brune and of blake, That ich se ride and go, Nu ich am wreke of mi fo." Havelok anon manrede tok Of alle Englishe on the bok And dide hem grete othes swere That he sholden him god feyth bere Ageyn hem alle that woren lives And that sholde ben born of wives. Thanne he haveden sikernesse Taken of more and of lesse, Al at hise wille, so dide he calle The Erl of Cestre and hise men alle, That was yung knith withuten wif, And seyde, "Sire erl, bi mi lif, And thou wile mi conseyl tro, Ful wel shal ich with thee do; For ich shal yeve thee to wive The fairest thing that is o live. That is Gunnild of Grimesby, Grimes douther, bi Seint Davy, That me forth broute and wel fedde, And ut of Denemark with me fledde Me for to burwe fro mi ded. Sikerlike, thoru his red, Have ich lived into this day - Blissed worthe his soule ay! I rede that thu hire take And spuse and curteyse make, For she is fayr and she is fre, And al so hende so she may be. Ther tekene, she is wel with me; That shal ich ful wel shewe thee. For ich wile give thee a give That everemore, hwil ich live, For hire shaltu be with me dere, That wile ich that this folc al here." The erl ne wolde nouth ageyn The king be, for knith ne sweyn Ne of the spusing seyen nay, But spusede that ilke day. That spusinge was in god time maked, For it ne were nevere, clad ne naked, In a thede samened two That cam togidere, livede so So they diden al here live: He geten samen sones five, That were the beste men at nede That mouthe riden on ani stede. Hwan Gunnild was to Cestre brouth, Havelok the gode ne forgat nouth Bertram, that was the erles kok, That he ne dide callen ok, And seyde, "Frend, so God me rede, Nu shaltu have riche mede, For wissing and thi gode dede That tu me dides in ful gret nede. For thanne I yede in mi cuvel And ich ne havede bred ne sowel. Ne I ne havede no catel, Thou feddes and claddes me ful wel. Have nu forthi of Cornwayle The erldom ilk del, withuten fayle, And al the lond that Godrich held, Bothe in towne and ek in feld; And ther-to wile ich that thu spuse, And fayre bring hire until huse, Grimes douther, Levive the hende, For thider shal she with thee wende. Hire semes curteys for to be, For she is fayr so flour on tre; The hew is swilk in hire ler So the rose in roser, Hwan it is fayre sprad ut newe, Ageyn the sunne brith and lewe." And girde him sone with the swerd Of the erldom, biforn his ferd, And with his hond he made him knith, And yaf him armes, for that was rith, And dide him there sone wedde Hire that was ful swete in bedde. After that he spused wore, Wolde the Erl nouth dwelle thore, But sone nam until his lond And seysed it al in his hond And livede ther inne, he and his wif, An hundred winter in god lif, And gaten mani children samen And liveden ay in blisse and gamen. Hwan the maidens were spused bothe, Havelok anon bigan ful rathe His Denshe men to feste wel Wit riche landes and catel, So that he weren alle riche, For he was large and nouth chiche. Ther after sone, with his here, For he to Lundone for to bere Corune, so that it sawe Henglishe ant Denshe, heye and lowe, Hwou he it bar with mikel pride, For his barnage that was unride. The feste of his coruning Lastede with gret joying Fourti dawes and sumdel mo. Tho bigunnen the Denshe to go Unto the king to aske leve; And he ne wolde hem nouth greve, For he saw that he woren yare Into Denemark for to fare; But gaf hem leve sone anon And bitauhte hem Seint Johan, And bad Ubbe, his justise, That he sholde on ilke wise Denemark yeme and gete so That no pleynte come him to. Hwan he wore parted alle samen, Havelok bilefte wit joye and gamen In Engelond and was ther-inne Sixti winter king with winne, And Goldeboru Quen, that I wene So mikel love was hem bitwene That al the werd spak of hem two; He lovede hir and she him so That neyther owe mithe be Fro other, ne no joye se But if he were togidere bothe. Nevere yete no weren he wrothe For here love was ay newe - Nevere yete wordes ne grewe Bitwene hem hwar of ne lathe Mithe rise ne no wrathe. He geten children hem bitwene Sones and doughtres rith fivetene, Hwar-of the sones were kinges alle, So wolde God it sholde bifalle, And the douhtres alle quenes: Him stondes wel that god child strenes! Nu have ye herd the gest al thoru Of Havelok and of Goldeboru - Hw he weren boren and hw fedde, And hwou he woren with wronge ledde In here youthe with trecherie, With tresoun, and with felounye; And hwou the swikes haveden tiht Reven hem that was here rith, And hwou he weren wreken wel, Have ich seyd you everil del. Forthi ich wolde biseken you That haven herd the rim nu, That ilke of you, with gode wille, Saye a Pater Noster stille For him that haveth the rym maked, And ther-fore fele nihtes waked, That Jesu Crist his soule bringe Biforn his Fader at his endinge. Amen |
(see note) Whoever; wait went around poorly dressed a decent guy company bravest; in time of need might ride; steed may; hear may learn our tell a story shield let; ever may in order that; might Let us bless the Lord; (see note) rhyme good end made strong; band in earlier days; (see note) (see note) Young and old loved him vassal; retainer; (see note) Knight, peasant; commoner widows; clerics good might Church; truth and justice Just summoned them Traitors; informers as; bitter drink Outlaws high; gallows took [as a bribe] I suppose; (see note) pouch white or black; (see note) evil laid on a hand merchants travel Throughout; with their boldly buy towns; from there who caused them shame they were not soon; brought made poor; nothing ease Much; praise peace flower lord [as far as]; (see note) his [people] bring; (see note) invasion; (see note) When he conquered his enemies corners They; themselves; (see note) Right (Justice); more than all things loyal; (see note) a help Whoever; harm knight whoever; widows; (see note) cast fasten tightly brought Unless; (see note) lose limbs; (see note) (see note) ever wield; company; (see note) spark from coal (see note) clothing; (see note) Lord; cried generous; not at all stingy good shred (morsel) The poor who; went reward Cross guide; advise dwelt; country called justly; (see note) no heir Except for; very fair did not know how to Walk; talk violent illness knew; realized; (see note) what what do You advise reward How; (see note) much thoughts I think not of myself wonder knew how to to a proper age rule pleasing take care of Neither; not please me heaven's realm When; made complaint strongly [he]; (see note) writs (notices); very soon For; everyone; (see note) Roxburgh; (see note) they; quickly To; ill place where; (see note) restraints; night fastened; fastenings might not food eat comfort almost dead Everyone who went to him They; wept bitterly earnestly; ore (grace) (see note) they where he; (see note) always Very much; (see note) When they had greeted They mourned; howled; lamented quiet weeping; not death; brought beseech For my daughter [sovereign] lady Who; protect grown woman; (see note) take care of and help; (see note) They; quickly (see note) advice great fear best protect pleased with; advice (see note) missal chalice; paten also; (see note) communion cloth; implements of Mass; (see note) made protect fail; reproach old courtship; (see note) might Whomsoever; seemed give noblest; (see note) strongest also entrust When; in this way compelled entrusted her to owned part govern her might do earnestly; grace himself received the sacrament I think five; (see note) beat himself hard painfully strike himself from; flesh so soft bequest (will) very affirmed given (see note) coffer; chest knew disposed of left; possession beaten; (see note) confessed; beaten Into your hands, Lord; (see note) Here (then at this moment); lay aside died; noblemen When greatest sighing; grief pulling out hair wept very hard were there Ladies; bower; (see note) When; somewhat relieved they; wept mass psalters (psalm books) (see note) [his soul] should dwell buried forgot not seize he placed trust in he made to swear they; good faith whatever seemed good; (see note) would be old When dear; displeasing commoners; in service (see note) travel through (see note) Sheriffs; beadles; reeves; (see note) Peacekeepers; lances protect harm; (see note) beck and call against him commoner Assuredly possessions Truly; while in awe afraid As is; beast; prod grew into; alive manners; (see note) worth called tear wept; (see note) himself; (see note) how; fared; (see note) how wise she was; (see note) rightful heir kingdom sigh Whether; (see note) Queen; lady Whether Curses to whomever; tolerates (permits); (see note) I; fool; serving girl rules Curses on whomever while grown; proud food; clothes I; given; too often I; guarded; (see note) It shall not be foolish; blind use; pale neck; (see note) When treason; expressed straw ordered her to be brought Before; eat; (see note) where As ordered her to be led seashore keep; (see note) Poorly; wretched rags guard ever might avenge her wrong leave off; (see note) without ceasing moans Where; lies who bonds of death May He loose her permit; him (Godrich) see; (see note) gallows Although; did no wrong our story strong knights; attendants bold command an army ride a horse as much as daughters as it happened (see note) caesar; (see note) when; (see note) fulfilled (ended) might not gift When; knew, quickly far and near Canons; (see note) counsel; advice confess; absolve While; alive When; given the sacrament bequest (will) through; know Who; might look after they knew how to walk attendants at their sides moon; (see note) thought friend might bear Helmet; head; command an army strong believed what laid hands entrust to property be of age Except that; want altar; vestments missal protect; (see note) their kin; approved; (see note) then his rights belongs to it towns; fields commanded; afterwards very sorrowfully died soon moon dark night Protect; hell's pain permit; live heaven boy heir; (see note) other he had them placed were kept they wept; miserably Before; three years old wretched clothes nut regal bedding surely greatest traitor created Except for; wicked; (see note) curses patriarch fastened cloak beloved Holy Cross bled upon curse Cursed be can (see note) Nevertheless he (Godard) subdued dear; loathsome carry out not trouble designed Against When; expressed; went tower; they were kept they wept boy (Havelok); somewhat Came towards him greeted What is the matter Why weep; yowl badly (see note) have nothing; eat knight; servant gives; food Half the amount; could Woe Alas! is not there any grain make bread from nearly their woe gave; straw together As if; for fun play green; pale cut; their throats then; pieces wall stood by; (see note) innocent Much; might rob boy who; (see note) Lord Homage; I offer; (see note) give On the condition; you let me live I will Against; shield; (see note) harm fathered [Godard] heard; (see note) Somewhat; have pity warm innocent good killed pity; withdrew; (see note) Havelok; (see note) thought he [Godard] wished; were dead would not with his [own] hand kill; evil demon stood by Staring; crazy alive cause Peace kill; (see note) killed Lords they advice order; sea drowned; (see note) neck; anchor That; float at once fisherman; thought know; servant Will you [I] make you property Provided that you tonight When; moonlight; (see note) throw (see note) While pain Knew he never before lame; dumb take revenge When; tightly bound then; wound; (see note) thrust gag; rags; filthy breathe Wherever When What; villain told him he heeded; (see note) (see note) drown agreement; they bag; big; pale And; hut; (see note) entrusted him to Guard (see note) drown enough; possessions; (see note) lord; promised When; (see note) jumped; did not sit down Alas son vulture; eagle Lion; wolf; she-wolf; bear beast; harm until midnight When; light put on Are not you thinking sworn to my lord disgraced know; behooves; (see note) at once; inside stoke; fire; light bright as if Surrounding a ray emerged sunbeam Just as light; (see note) As if; burned candles exclaimed our hut think jumped (see note) Ungagged; quickly very quickly pulled off; shirt king's birthmark; (see note) bright God knows; said; heir [be] lord mighty (see note) flay alive bury alive greatly wept [Havelok's] feet next to me rustics; servants; (see note) keep Until; know how to head know, surely foul traitor Through protect and watch over you happy boy asked for bread nearly What; ropes [the] gag firmly thrust tied up nearly eat God knows; fetch such things; (see note) True Where; nothing works injury Heartily Could; hide ate; believe before that time; believe When put great joy fear not As soon as; light wicked overseer; (see note) neck surely He will never eat lies Give; possessions; (see note) (see note) promised When Thoroughly; eyes Do you want to base slave hence before You shall have; reward; (see note) slight provocation so help me God too quickly go hence; (see note) too (see note) How shall I be advised; (see note) [If] he knows [Havelok is] alive; both for us out of save; our my wife's [life] grain wool, cattle goats; beard; (see note) hens was worth anything might converted to cash supplied; enough tar; pitch uncertain sound; creak; (see note) installed Oars was needed put had it prepared put three daughters; were began to steer headed for best of all they were a short while; (see note) (see note) them later; his [Havelok's] But first; much grief completely forthwith learn; (see note) land; (see note) Lincolnshire i.e., fishing boat cottage For; company live there shelter; sheltered owned place; took its name; (see note) always now; Judgment Day fisherman nets sturgeon; whale; (see note) turbot; salmon seal; eel succeeded; very Cod; porpoise mackerel flounder; plaice; skate baskets One for; three On land; collect money Neglected; neither town nor farm; (see note) went empty-handed sauce hood bag; grain work; lost (see note) knew; (see note) town traversed; through wool; (see note) counted from there; happy many times Cakes; horn-shaped bread bags; flour; grain Oxens' lines [for fishing] for his nets (see note) bore himself well household or aware; worked hard stayed boy; (see note) grown for long God knows; go useful thing Work stay; wrong reward; since baskets know; harm; (see note) burden as an ox stay here hurry forth started early basket heaped like As four men, on my word every bit; (see note) for it trimming of a farthing; (see note) went; each trade learn It happened; famine grain plan household doubt must gotten might; sea ling; skate availed family; might worried In what way he did not think thought think; must die famine our; long gone from here; go Hence [from here]; must go know; right way town sloeberry (i.e., I am powerless); (see note) earn poorly clothed sail Some clothing Son; endure shears off; (see note) garment put socks; shoes; (see note) Nor any kind of other clothes; (see note) barefoot; went perplexed; (see note) to go to fasting third Porters; here Poor who; went; (see note) Sprang; as spark from burning coal shoved down amidst; mud toward the cook (see note) bridge porters; stay farthing cake also saw; (see note) lie earl's quickly glad way; walked down a hill Hurried; basket take squid, salmon; plaice; (see note) lampreys; eels toes nor heels (i.e., he ran) Where; burden took off; head; (see note) smiled strong; enough Will you stay with invested; (see note) wages said; dear Ask; [for] wages; (see note) give Firewood; fetch kindle brightly split sticks Eels; skin; their wash Said; I desire there broth; kettle eagerly Curse whoever denies you food at once As still as Then; well made out drew up large tub; (see note) All by himself; (see note) (see note) peat; star grass; (see note) use hauled; cut Wanted; to have Any more than if; beast most meek Laughing; glad hide child sport; play (see note) went their shy old saw far and wide great; (see note) Except nothing; wear wretched cloak; cumbersome; (see note) foul; very wretched; (see note) stick of firewood take pity brand new socks; shoes made him put them on; (see note) hosed There; governed kingdom clad when; together games there i.e., taller by a head; (see note) greatest no one took like As; tall; (see note) peer As; gentle Although; mistreated Never; insulted evil intent pure sport; sexual desire her (an attractive woman); sport; (see note) witch England power made to; town alive then assembly champion with servants; (see note) there; sport To that place; weak then stalwart youth Peasants; cattle prods As they enough assembled there; stable boy be on duty sport; see feet; tree [as a foul line] heaved; mighty; (see note) very large number also just as; an ox Very strong Who might nor With it Whosoever Were; old outstanding performer counted; (see note) As they also; lads great dispute greatest effort at that ignorant before before that time himself; doubtful picked putted [it]; time Farther somewhat shotput saw They shoved each other; laughed go here too long wonder; hidden made known threw each of them tall manly (wight) went the rumor also They; everywhere tall skillful Through desire made me swear mass implements (see note) greatest (highest) strongest also made Where; tall skillful searched from here to India that very boy [he] thought with surmised ordinary person (peasant) A single furrow; possession; (see note) [rightful] heir very serf (slave) For this reason; expected Satan buried; (see note) Let him be hanged; oak For; soon; sent courteous had her brought nonetheless; treacherous wed (give) Saint John Unless; heir so angry such (see note) rogue marry; cook's in spite of you wept church i.e., Godrich do you want said shoe Where house; cottage twig [for fuel] sauce clothing except; white cloak have on cook's struck blows; (see note) Unless as a mate high thrust out your eye alone; afraid ordered quickly moon treacherous; (see note) slave; traitor Unless; accept banish you from gallows run burn threatened dared not; espousal obstruct even though; very woman espouse cling (see note) A very great amount gave her [his]; she took them; (see note) They; married every bit dealt with; good clerk from York assembly As; to that place knew not; might [do] would avail them Where; go from there knew seize (possess) without security treachery; worried about beloved rather Therefore; counsel to; sons Themselves solution always; way; (see note) (see note) word alive When they knew against; disloyal they set themselves dear lord to your; companion that very time Well is [it for] us; alive may If good things oxen; sea great possessions our; bequeathed property Told; to entrust you swine Remain; yours her our she commands They shall bring water to her They; put to bed made Afterwards stoked goose; hen duck i.e., They drank to their health often; (see note) During; night; as continually thought; deceived given [in marriage] out of her rank; (see note) One; light so bright bright; shining blaze of fire north wonder that; afraid mean nobleman; believe shoulders cross voice set aside married betokens means eyes lady When; voice so many times over glad might not; hide knew out of; started Beloved wondrous dream; just now Listen; dreamed one of the tallest hills to high world As; hill to possess towns embraced; once i.e., my long body Towards Everyone who clung I dreamed also fled; (see note) alive Except serfs; their Enclosed [England] God; my dear She; quickly moon (see note) throne caesar for; wear crown saw live Uncle vassal; thane citizens; attendants made; solemnly every part nothing to fear value; nut doubt advise quickly; (see note) not postpone; journey eyes know (see note) Ask they; go refuse go; eagerly they; heartily may; ready; (see note) Wherever in the world they are make them quickly prepare delay not harm what; advised dressed church went Before in front of; Cross Cross; began to call upon who governs mercy avenge; enemy eyes kill deprived Commanded great injustice; (see note) harm mistreated; in any way [he] has driven; beg pain lie (see note) I drowned lost holds right know prayer offering; altar took his leave i.e., the Virgin Mary Cross weeping they were ready to go something else called; eldest; (see note) (see note) said; Listen Gentlemen Danish alive advice entrusted to a servant limb (i.e., a villain); entrusted us; (see note) possessions foul fiend cut in two their then [chopped] them into small pieces [he] ordered Solemnly in [it] skillful harm Preferable; falsely sworn drown; lost protect if; found tightly bound; (see note) Therefore brought up age wield weapons blows give beseech; go Each belongs to it Boroughs, fields; village; (see note) such as; buy permission magistrate judge town drew; (see note) in hope of success shrewd who; gave reward; (see note) at a high price merchants later; hear If given it up (see note) beheld Broad God; said; Why; knight know; very powerful Helmet; head buy; goods (i.e., be a merchant) get along If he takes my advice Trading; leave off Nonetheless request (see note) as much as your life fear offer faith myself; pledge what he offered afraid because of experienced any assented horse; sat on [went] forth away went so that both; (see note) I; want; advise though he were frightened oppose what; bade court; went; (see note) who; (see note) would have suffered death laid an evil hand on her brave i.e., has good retainers went towards them inspect; (see note) Then; hill those; were head courteous turn just as much as might [have] only on my word many [a] fetch inside to her; in jest together Who; as a flower no woman as she table; (see note) blessing emperor; caesar Cranes, swans, venison; (see note) Salmon; good sturgeon claret; (see note) Wine white There was; little request; (see note) prolong annoy; company each; tippling shared; (see note) toasted Each; (see note) let; go four alone use; toe woman; there will be much; (see note) their lords spears (see note) as protect; (see note) keep watch next; when; light powerfully strong (see note) prepare a sumptuous supper not a bit stingy taste eat loose jacket strong men Each one; sword night watchman Saint Augustine; (see note) who coat of mail; back grabbed as if he were crazy out there make a ruckus Go hence believes Should I kill others; cast bind up; (see note) Do you think; afraid door go Despite all of you, churl, before long boulder fly with great force broke apart ran quickly pulled out; (see note) huge; quite big Here quickly; (see note) Cursed be any who flee one; you will pay run pulled out (see note) robbed him of life door-bar with one stroke he killed all three of them brains Did not lie open to the stars fourth greeted Upon; head that eye socket; fly hit; head stone dead; there down fifth Gave; hard shed turned in two felled whipped out wanted [to hit] (see note) absolution; (see note) in less time might run very tough decision; among themselves They; surround batter [him] heal; doctor quite a number as do; bear tear apart bear bait; (see note) active; eager surrounded him altogether thrust with sword places head to toe crazy amazing that off As mow show them caused in a little while felled Then; a great noise in every way Assailed him very far swords rushed; from far away kill; gladly They dared get near Than if; boar; lion Hugh; din acted wrongly Against; lord grabbed; oar as a hart (stag) came there in a little while angry [they] surrounded as anvil said Hugh ate; grain Where Grab both of you two; cudgel allow; not Until; avenged; (see note) Cursed be [the one] who my good boy good light; moon grabbed; (see note) bear an ox Much thicker; thigh rushed; as; frenzied knaves avenged legs; thighs caused; run down feet; crown not one head quite a number crowns dark; white (OE bl~ c); (see note) be beaten soft As; stomachs; roar; (see note) babies loses its mother ruckus; they deserved it they; mauled thrust; hit fists; brains sixty-one No one mangled wretches ditches; slung trenches; hair left Quickly; news to Men-at-arms; might have been go what this disturbance means I would prefer Roughly; (see note) lept; horse nimbly town called cut up; torn to pieces as bruised; thigh what is wrong with you Who; treated torn to pieces as the moon rose fastened cloaks torment kill quickly people wall right away grabbed out; though they were fierce As; mill with one stroke in time of need in my opinion alone If it were not for him my own soul's counsel harm such; therein very least horse; brought down sword; very huge has one through; arm harm one; thigh most enormous other severe since; felt; pain boar fought brain-pan (skull) utterly crush shiver; smash as a hound does A curse every Lie; as he is not to be blamed either killed I have; harm troubled robbed they have certainly paid for it know; will be soon dead truth lie through my teeth; (see note) [should] tell a lie hang citizens; stood by Hearty; solemn old carry off coffer; chest might in sacks thrust possessions; torn apart himself preserved lost no possessions Who; stand up against nighttime tally Strong one Who was named; (see note) (see note) far away killed; beam possessions to control town; country spent; food; (see note) Fetch him quickly; (see note) might be made whole recover go Because those Cain's They their death cursed Since; went; at night citzens outlaws; more sloeberry (i.e., I do not care) brought concern were so severe; (see note) examined doctor; determined he (the doctor) walk; talk sit on a palfrey; (see note) charger Then Ubbe put aside pass over men-at-arms guarantee their friends wait [in ambush]; (see note) go loan; room; (see note) high tower may; get around healed firwood wall whenever you want cover; at night offer; cause counsel rejoicing men-at-arms three Woke room where As bright is partying foolishness; take part in time of night it behooves; pools ditch; mud robbers believe in peered in spoke a single light aware of called; shy; bold cunning More; lie marvel When out issued from; gleam Just like (see note) As if seven candles burned also they dared soundly As if; dead left Down to the breast together sport observe Just as turned cross so bright; (see note) knew mark of exalted birth; (see note) sparkled As; (see note) penny to pick out (choose) Who; their; [to] them wont govern; protect foreign army there was like As As; his heir They fell greeted glad As if; risen from the grave times tips go blank (become pale) they Homage; offer strong [as you] swear fealty dark; light town (fortified place) retainer; vassal knight strong very glad many times darkness; night vassals, thanes citizens; (see note) everyone their command; refuse went; know wanted Listen to me together, slave; noble advice Entrusted protect; property possessions vestments protect Without fault; deceit (reproach) oath he disregarded become him evil pity; boy hands killed; sorry fiend (villain); (see note) forced; fisherman drown wild knew; rightful heir brought up Look world; peer tall great earth Be Homage to (see note) ceremonial honor; (see note) together On; very Might; from that prevent became his; there were each servants before; done not one Oaths of loyalty; they taken Fealty Solemnly faith Towards against that never a one would oppose (see note) writs far and near governed siblings and kinsmen immediately To; good news delay hurrying Whoever had no horse; walking fortnight (two weeks) sheriff (see note) They feared; as thief they; greeted seated Look Our in control formerly accustomed govern; defend; (see note) Surely; heir quickly On; gravely remain loyal timid harm; (see note) (see note) dear ones; hostile ones Entrusted them kingdom solemnly Thrusting Fencing; swords shot-putting a great amount Game of backgammon; dice also (see note) tales minstrels; drum beat bulls baited dogs lively; (see note) every type of sport excitement world; then much giving away; (see note) believed wine; bring from far away much; abundant feast; days lasted also property each one; (see note) Had in his company equipped that each one had coat of mail were appropriate good eager company lengthen castle wardens; placed stop avenged (see note) altar also stop bound When they; sworn went very quickly strong retainers; very proud army would gallop powerfully Halt, villain; (see note) soon orders deprived their lives ordered angry kingdom traitor reward Cross (see note) fist; struck teeth; blow whipped out arm harm their lord fared They [would] have; murdered If it were not for very best others; they shouted in this way difficulty allow; destroy yourselves dishonor they; returned knight own Struck them everywhere everyone; (see note) alone whom he flayed Like hound; ditch sling roared; bull confined bait not hard to find They; very sorely plead for; grace cut off stop Cursed be the one who hinders any of it threw; mangy mare nose; arse; (see note) they led; traitor (see note) Before; twelve much; labor bad; (see note) pays for; guilt When foul traitor Vassal; thane judge they; treacherous fellow In every way; [with] him angry They set themselves; wall; (see note) old; young judgment flayed alive then mare's; (see note) (see note) chains thought robbed of; every part; (see note) judgment; decided absolved otherwise lose; (see note) Quickly toe cut; flay cry out (roar) Because; gory from there Hear; foul wretch stopped no wit Although flayed him every bit; (see note) had prepared to bring the mare infirm sail dragged Not; roadway; fields neck Cursed be any who cares Quickly; seized every bit; (see note) Land; estates; property; (see note) gave i.e., into Ubbe's hands invest; (see note) property; (see note) black monks; (see note) priory; forever Judgment Day infirm of body promise knows buried offer; to tell when filthy man army into England [Goldeboru] rightful heir What is advisable for me to do have them both slain enjoy Unless; out of Do they want to disinherit army called out might on horse helmet on head Coat of mail on back Battle axe, scythe, halberd dagger limb (see note) weapons; borne; (see note) March could; well headstrong they slave forfeit command resisted they feared him As the nag [fears] the spur well-equipped warhorses weaponry; carries eager; to hasten Danish; go Listen now gathered; play want to foreigners captured burns churches advise rules may; overcome hang alive or kill rob us of our teach Just as; faithful set; indeed both strike at; forcefully (see note) confessed; absolved off Get going; make them flee follow army Cursed be any who do not dear one Chester rushed; as if they; mad Then thrown; straightened hurried time Equipped; count out a pound; (see note) forcefully went quietly by the road near to learned journey army; against them Spared thus head struck off delay skillful from there; go; (see note) third left raised spurring [his horse] gallop split in two shoulder pass hurt as dead as hesitate (see note) Bitterly they headfirst they Violently sweat (see note) two knights smallest Would all be smashed to pieces ceased ugly very [He] would have cut off were not [there] pulled saved; very before sides; plenty more armies; clashed such killing pool into the hollow (i.e., downhill) Then first of all as a lion goes no kind [of] beast [the lion] is gone; made survive felled them as; grass broken very much reduced charging exhort how is it with you do Certainly; do wrong understand set missal chalice; paten also; (see note) [to] his; yield When; age every part your hatred dead [companions]; anger strong hang high thrust out Unless; quickly from here forcefully broke; in two army quickly count up soft toe distressed [Godrich] should have from wounded Vehemently to foully injured raised fly off When cut off; wickedly As bride ought; angry have him guarded beat judged; appropriately saw that knew; high and low rightful heir They in one voice offered; homage love; hate for weal nor for woe neglect take from them Homage; they offered; also Loyalty oaths commanded them observe recognize understand ought eager go set out immediately peer courtesy, far or near on mercy; (see note) done much wrong against you have been disloyal ought to be Who does not know kingdom traitor held grant; hang Since; understand according as; done Make sure; judge judgment Homage; loyalty oaths counsel no one; dared prevent judged filthy Endwise; across turned; tail Shamefully in wretched clothes south of still; think ashes; burned traitors should lose heritage crime (outrage) judgment to; very; (see note) ashes; right away then many times burned intended; shamed brown Whom; walk avenged upon women surety from high and low (socially) Chester Who If; trust deal alive Grim's daughter; (see note) brought up rescue; from; death advice Blessed be; always command espouse noble as gracious as Moreover promise Because of; you shall marriage same (see note) land united their lives They produced earl's cook also reward guidance cloak sauce; (see note) clothes for that reason (see note) marry happily; to gracious go hue; face As; rose bush blossomed fresh were married linger went to received (see note) produced forever; happiness endow property generous; stingy army traveled; wear Crown and How baronry; prolific at his coronation Then; Danes permission to leave were eager travel entrusted magistrate in every way rule; good complaint they set out stayed behind with joy world anywhere away from Unless; they angry at each other their; always anger hostile arise precisely fifteen Of whom begets; (see note) story; completely How they wrongly evil traitors; intended To rob them (see note) Therefore; beseech rhyme now quietly; (see note) rhyme kept awake So that Before; father |
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