New Site Announcement: Over the past several years, the METS team has been building a new website and new digital edition, in collaboration with Cast Iron Coding. This next phase of METS' editions includes improved functionality and accessibility, an increased focus on transparency, and conformity to best practices for open access and digital editions, including TEI markup. We are currently in a "soft launch" phase in which we will monitor the new site for bugs and errors. We encourage you to visit our new site at, and we welcome feedback here:
We will continue to publish all new editions in print and online, but our new online editions will include TEI/XML markup and other features. Over the next two years, we will be working on updating our legacy volumes to conform to our new standards.
Our current site will be available for use until mid-December 2024. After that point, users will be redirected to the new site. We encourage you to update bookmarks and syllabuses over the next few months. If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at
We will continue to publish all new editions in print and online, but our new online editions will include TEI/XML markup and other features. Over the next two years, we will be working on updating our legacy volumes to conform to our new standards.
Our current site will be available for use until mid-December 2024. After that point, users will be redirected to the new site. We encourage you to update bookmarks and syllabuses over the next few months. If you have questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at
Lybeaus Desconus: List of Names, Place-Names, and Variant Spellings
Agrafrayn, Agafayne
Alysander, Alysaunder, Alexaundre
Antore, Anctour, Anter, Antory, Arthore, Aunctours, Auntouris
Artour, Arthour, Arthur
Bewfiz, Beaufice, Bewfys, Beufise, Beuys
Cadas, Clewdas, Gludas, Caudas, Cludas, Claudas, Lucus
Cardiff, Cordile, Cardelof, Karlof, Cardeuyle, Kardeuyle, Kardill, Karlille, Cardigan Carleon, Carboun, Carlioun, Karlowne, Caerleon, Skarlyon
Chapell of Awntrous, Chapel of Auentours, Aduentrous Chappell, Chapell of Antrus
Dame D’Amore, Dame Amoure, Diamour, Damore, Damour, Madam de Armoroure, Denamowre
Delaraunche, Delarawnche, Celabronche, Celebronche, la Braunche, la Brawnche, Dolebraunche
Denys, Denyse, Denyce
Edward, Leonarde
Elene, Ellene, Ellyne, Elyne, Hellen, Elyn
Eweyn, Iwayne
Gaweyne, Gawain, Gawyn, Gawayn
Glastynbury, Glastonbury
Gower, Gawer, Baner, Gauerer
Gyfflet, Gyrflete, Jerflete, Jeffelot, Gesloke, Gyfflet, Gyffet, Turfete
Gyffroun le Flowdous, Jeffrond le Frendys, Jeffron le Freudous, Gyffroun le Fludous, Gyffron la Fraudeus, Gefferon Lefrenceus, Geffron la Fredicus
Gyngeleyn, Gyngelayn, Guinglain, Gyngelayne, Ginnglaine
Iran, Irayn, Yrayn, Irowne, Yrayne
Lambard, Lambert, Lancharde, Lanwarde, Lambarte, Lamberd, Lambardys
Launcelet, Lawncelett, Lawncelot, Launselake
Lybeaus Desconus, Libious Discoinous, Libeous Disconious, Libeus Desconuz, Lybeus Disconeus, Libius, Libeus, Libious, Lebeous, Libeous
Maboun, Mabon, Mabownys
Maugys, Maugis, Maugus
Otes de Lyle, Otis de Lile, Otyl de la Byle
Persyfal, Persyfale, Persavale, Perceval, Percivall, Persyvall, Persyvall
Synadoun, Synadown, Synadowne, Cinadowne
Termagaunt, Turrmmagaunt
Theodeley, Deodelyne, Wyndelyn, Teddelyne
Vyolette, Violette, Violet
Wales, Walys, Walis
Wirral, Wyralle, Wirale
Wylleam, William, Will
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Alysander, Alysaunder, Alexaundre
Antore, Anctour, Anter, Antory, Arthore, Aunctours, Auntouris
Artour, Arthour, Arthur
Bewfiz, Beaufice, Bewfys, Beufise, Beuys
Cadas, Clewdas, Gludas, Caudas, Cludas, Claudas, Lucus
Cardiff, Cordile, Cardelof, Karlof, Cardeuyle, Kardeuyle, Kardill, Karlille, Cardigan Carleon, Carboun, Carlioun, Karlowne, Caerleon, Skarlyon
Chapell of Awntrous, Chapel of Auentours, Aduentrous Chappell, Chapell of Antrus
Dame D’Amore, Dame Amoure, Diamour, Damore, Damour, Madam de Armoroure, Denamowre
Delaraunche, Delarawnche, Celabronche, Celebronche, la Braunche, la Brawnche, Dolebraunche
Denys, Denyse, Denyce
Edward, Leonarde
Elene, Ellene, Ellyne, Elyne, Hellen, Elyn
Eweyn, Iwayne
Gaweyne, Gawain, Gawyn, Gawayn
Glastynbury, Glastonbury
Gower, Gawer, Baner, Gauerer
Gyfflet, Gyrflete, Jerflete, Jeffelot, Gesloke, Gyfflet, Gyffet, Turfete
Gyffroun le Flowdous, Jeffrond le Frendys, Jeffron le Freudous, Gyffroun le Fludous, Gyffron la Fraudeus, Gefferon Lefrenceus, Geffron la Fredicus
Gyngeleyn, Gyngelayn, Guinglain, Gyngelayne, Ginnglaine
Iran, Irayn, Yrayn, Irowne, Yrayne
Lambard, Lambert, Lancharde, Lanwarde, Lambarte, Lamberd, Lambardys
Launcelet, Lawncelett, Lawncelot, Launselake
Lybeaus Desconus, Libious Discoinous, Libeous Disconious, Libeus Desconuz, Lybeus Disconeus, Libius, Libeus, Libious, Lebeous, Libeous
Maboun, Mabon, Mabownys
Maugys, Maugis, Maugus
Otes de Lyle, Otis de Lile, Otyl de la Byle
Persyfal, Persyfale, Persavale, Perceval, Percivall, Persyvall, Persyvall
Synadoun, Synadown, Synadowne, Cinadowne
Termagaunt, Turrmmagaunt
Theodeley, Deodelyne, Wyndelyn, Teddelyne
Vyolette, Violette, Violet
Wales, Walys, Walis
Wirral, Wyralle, Wirale
Wylleam, William, Will
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