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Confessio Amantis, Volume 1: Reference Index to Volume 1



























N.b.: All reference citations are by page number.

Aarne, Antti, 261, 309
Acts, 245
Aers, David, 240, 309
Alanus de Insulis (Alan de Lille): De Planctu Naturae, 8, 9, 254, 258, 293; Anti-claudianus, 256
Alliterative Morte Arthure, 21, 28n81, 241
Amis and Amiloun, 28n81
Amoryus and Cleopes, 296
Anatomy of Guy de Chauliae, 258, 309
Andrews, John S., 301, 309
Anselm: Monologion, 16n50
Apocalypse, 12n37
Archibald, Elizabeth, 278, 282, 284–85, 289, 309
Aristotle, 251, 254, 276, 296; Metaphysics, 296; Nichomachean Ethics, 295
Athelstan, 28n81
Augustine, 2, 2n7, 7, 7n23, 10, 264; De civitate Dei, 277; Commentary on Psalms, 261; Confessions, 1n4, 2–3, 2n8, 6, 10, 17, 309; De doctrina Christiana, 309; De musica, 283; Enchiridion, 277; Sermons, 3n10; De Trinitate, 7, 7n23, 309
Averroës, 251, 254, 309
Avianus, 309

Babington, Churchill, 313
Bacon, Roger, 2n7, 296, 309
Bakalian, Ellen Shaw, 273, 309
Baker, Denise N., 258, 309
Baldwin, John, 7n24, 309
Bartholomaeus Anglicus, 255; De proprietatibus rerum, 8, 8n27, 297, 309
Batchelor, Patricia, 238, 268, 309
Beadle, Richard, 315
Beidler, Peter G., 309
Bennett, J. A. W., 291, 309, 312
Bennett, Michael J., 20n62, 309
Benoît, 262, 265, 266, 309
Benson, Larry D., 245, 310, 311
Berchorius, Petrus (Pierre Bersuire): Ovidius moralizatus, 16n50, 309
Bieler, Ludovicus, 310
Bloomfield, Morton W., 7n24, 310
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 13, 238, 260, 261, 265, 269, 270, 301, 310
Bode, Georgius Henricus, 317
Boethius: Consolation of Philosophy, 3n12, 7, 7n25, 10, 16n50, 17, 17n52, 18, 23, 23n72, 242, 243, 247, 254, 255, 258, 310; De musica, 283, 310
Bowers, John, 7n25, 310
Brie, Friedrich W. D., 238, 310
Briggs, Charles F., 317
Bryan, W. F., 267, 310
Bühler, Curt F., 310
Bullough, Geoffrey, 287, 310
Burke, Linda Barney, 310, 311
Burley, Simon, 20, 20n62, 22
Burrow, John A., 14n42, 274, 295, 310
Burton, T. L., 316

Carruthers, Mary J., 310, 317
Carter, Susan, 315
Chadwick, Henry, 309
Chance, Jane. See Nitzche, Jane Chance
Chandler, Katherine R., 250, 298, 310
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 2n7, 3, 4, 5n17, 9, 10n33, 18n56, 20–22, 35, 36, 38, 298–99, 310; Anelida and Arcite, 237, 269; Boece, 3n12, 23n72, 244; Book of the Duchess, 2n5, 3n12, 4n15, 17–18, 34n87, 35n89, 237; Canterbury Tales, 4n15, 5n17, 5n18, 33n86, 237, 243, 262, 293; Knight, 293–94; Miller, 244; Man of Law, 4n14; Wife of Bath, 3n12, 26, 26n78, 267; Friar, 24n73, 246; Summoner, 246; Merchant, 244; Squire, 266; Franklin, 268, 293, 300; Pardoner, 1, 5, 246; Shipman, 5n17; Melibee, 19n59, 24n73, 245; Monk, 274, 278; Second Nun, 8; Parson, 7n25, 14n40, 265; Retraction, 14n40; “The Former Age,” 243; “Fortune,” 243; House of Fame, 2n6, 4n14, 14n40, 17n52, 237, 244; “Lak of Stedfastnesse,” 13, 19n59, 35, 243; Legend of Good Women, 3, 16n50, 35n88, 40, 237, 240, 257, 295, 296, 298; Parliament of Fowls, 13, 16n50, 237, 242, 293, 298; Troilus and Criseyde, 4n15, 4n16, 14n40, 39, 237, 240, 265, 266, 269, 292, 293, 298, 301
Chrétien de Troyes, 270
Chronicles of Jerahmeel, 263
Clarke, Edwin, 7n22, 7n26, 8n28, 8n29, 310
Clarke, Maude V., 20n62, 310
Cloud of Unknowing, 1n4, 2n7, 13
Coffman, George R., 310
Coleman, Janet, 4, 5n18, 13n38, 20n60, 20n62, 20n63, 310
Constans, Léopold, 309
Copeland, Rita, 310
Corinthians, 250
Correale, Robert M., 310
Crane, Thomas Frederick, 269, 313
Craun, Edwin D., 259, 265, 311
Crawford, F. Stuart, 254, 309
Cursor Mundi, 276, 311

Damian-Grint, Peter, 4n16, 311
Daniel, 11–12, 248, 249, 274
Dante, 238, 301
Dares, 266, 311
Dean, James, 20n60, 293, 311
Dempster, Germaine, 267, 310
Dewhurst, Kenneth, 7n22, 7n26, 8n28, 8n29, 9n31, 310
Dictys, 265, 266, 311
Dihle, Albrecht, 7n25, 311
Dimmick, Jeremy, 15n45, 267, 268, 279, 311
Donaldson, E. Talbot, 17n51, 298, 311, 317
Donavin, Georgiana, 277, 279, 280, 311
Doyle, A. I., 315
Duff, J. Wight, 309
Duns Scotus, 2n7, 16n50

Ecclesiastes, 297
Ecclesiasticus, 244, 266, 274
Echard, Siân, 27n79, 35n90, 238, 252, 253, 267, 273, 295, 300, 311, 312, 315
Economou, George, 258, 311
Edward III, 20, 38, 241
Edwards, A. S. G., 15n46, 30n84, 311
Egidio Colonna: De regimine principium, 20n62
Emmerson, Richard K., 11n36, 19n57, 237, 311
Epistola Alexandri ad Aristotelem, 261
Esch, Arno, 311
Exodus, 247

Fanger, Claire, 238, 273, 311, 312
Farnham, Anthony E., 16, 311
Ferster, Judith, 5n18, 18n55, 240, 311
Field, Rosalind, 311
Fisher, John H., 5, 6, 36, 37n95, 229, 229n1, 231n5, 241, 311
Fowler, Alastair, 295, 311
Fox, George F., 251, 311
Fox, Hilary E., 311
Fredell, Joel, 312
Froissart, Jean, 246
Furnivall, F. J., 313

Galbraith, V. H., 273, 317
Galen, 7, 7n26
Gallacher, Patrick J., 279, 312
Galloway, Andrew, 15n43, 242, 264, 270, 280, 312
Genesis, 278
Geoffrey of Monmouth: History of the Kings of Britain, 237–38, 241–42
Geoffrey of Vinsauf: Poetria Nova, 10n33, 312
Gesta Romanorum, 253, 261, 269, 279, 311, 312, 315
Giles of Rome, 255
Godfrey of Viterbo: Pantheon, 263, 272, 279, 284, 312
Golding, Arthur, 316
Goodall, Peter, 279, 312
Goolden, P., 280, 312
Gower, John: Cinkante Balades, 21n65, 37, 41, 256, 296; In Praise of Peace, 19n59, 37, 41, 250, 293, 312; Laureate Poems, 37, 41; Mirour de l’Omme, 19, 19n59, 26n75, 31, 37, 38, 229, 230n3, 232n6, 237, 244, 250, 251, 261, 274, 277, 312; Traitié, 36, 40; Tripartite Chronicle, 19n59, 23, 37, 39, 40–41, 241, 299; Vox Clamantis, 1, 1n1, 4, 5, 11, 15n43, 19, 19n59, 20, 21, 22n68, 23, 37, 38, 39, 229, 230n4, 232, 232n7, 233, 237, 238, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251, 253, 274, 275, 298, 312
Grady, Frank, 242, 312
Grant, Mary A., 312
Greek Anthology, 301
Green, Eugene, 269, 312
Green, Richard Firth, 313
Gregory I, 246, 251
Griffin, Nathaniel Edward, 313
Griffiths, Jeremy, 11n36, 237, 254, 313
Groos, Arthur, 318
Guido delle Colonne, 262, 265, 266, 313
Guillaume de Deguileville: Pélerinage de la vie humaine, 4n15, 313
Guillaume de Lorris, see Roman de la Rose

Hahn, Thomas, 267, 268, 313, 318
Hamilton, George L., 313
Hanawalt, Barbara A., 280, 309, 313
Harbert, Bruce, 238, 313
Harvey, Barbara F., 22n69, 317
Havelok the Dane, 28n81
Hebrews, 247
Hector, L. C., 22n69, 317
Hegesippus, 263
Henry IV, 4n13, 19n59, 36, 39; as Bolingbroke, 227; of Derby, 21, 22, 227; of Lancaster, 21, 239, 299, 301
Herford, C. H., 14n42, 313
Herodotus, 253
Herrtage, Sidney J. H., 311
Higden, Ranulf: Polychronicon, 278, 313, 317
Hill, D. E., 317
Hines, John, 26n77, 313
Hiscoe, David W., 313
Hoeniger, F. D., xii n1, xii n2, 316
Hoffman, Richard, 2n6, 293, 314
Homer, 291; Iliad, 265; Odyssey, 266
Hugh of St. Victor: De arca noe, 16n50
Hyginus, 253, 269, 312, 313

Isaias, 253
Isidore of Seville: Etymologies, 238, 261

Jacquart, Danielle, 258, 313
Jacques de Vitry, 269, 313
Jean de Meun. See Roman de la Rose
Job, 251
Johannes de Hauvilla: Architrenius, 237, 238, 256, 313
Jonson, Ben, 14n42, 313
Josephus, 263, 264
Justice, Steven, 20n62, 22n68, 313

Kaeuper, Richard W., 246, 313
Katz, Dennis M., 261, 313
Kelly, Henry Ansgar, 278, 313
Kerby-Fulton, Kathryn, 20n62, 22n68, 313
Kibler, William, 264, 313
Kings, 278
Kingis Quair, 301
Kittredge, G. L., 26n78
Kolve, V. A., 1n2, 8n28, 9n30, 9n31, 257, 314
Kulcsar, Peter, 317

Langland, William: Piers Plowman, 2n6, 2n7, 4n15, 7n25, 13, 16n50, 17, 18, 19n57, 20, 20n62, 245, 246, 273, 296, 310, 312, 313
Laskaya, Anne, 271, 314
Latham, R. E., 275, 314
Latini, Brunetto, 249, 255, 261, 314
Lawlor, John, 309
Lawton, David, 14n40, 314
Lay of Socrates, 296
Leach, MacEdward, 316
Lewis, C. S., 14–15, 14n42, 24, 24n74, 30, 291, 309, 314
Lewis, Katherine J., 314
Lindahl, Carl, 267, 314
Little, Lester, 7n24, 314
Livingston, Michael, 250, 312
Locock, Katharine B., 313
Lopez, Robert Sabatino, 7n24, 314
Luke, 229n2, 251
Lumby, Joseph Rawson, 313
Lupack, Alan, 313, 318
Luria, Maxwell S., 2n6, 293, 314
Lydgate, John, 21, 313, 315
Lynch, Kathryn L., 314

Macaulay, G. C., 1n1, 15n43, 36, 237, 239–40, 242, 244–46, 249, 250–54, 260, 261, 263, 264, 266, 267, 268, 270, 272, 273, 275, 276, 277, 279, 280–83, 285–90, 294, 295, 296, 298, 312, 314
Machan, William, 314
Mainzer, Conrad, 314
Mandeville, 274
Mark, 242
Martial, 301
Martindale, Charles, 313
Mast, Isabelle, 314
Mathew, Gervase, 314
Matthew, 259
McKenna, Stephen, 309
McKisack, May, 20n61, 22, 22n70, 314
Meek, Mary Elizabeth, 313
Menuge, Noël James, 314
Methodius, 277
Middleton, Anne, 5n18, 18n55, 18n56, 20, 20n63, 35n91, 239, 299, 314
Mieszkowski, Gretchen, 296, 314
Migne, J.–P., 312
Minnis, A. J., 15n46, 238, 310, 313, 314, 315, 316
Mitchell, J. Allan, 238, 245, 314
Morris, Richard, 276, 311
Mozley, J. H., 317
Mustanoja, Tauno, 298, 314
Myles, Robert, 16n49, 314

N-Town Cycle, 276
Nemesius, 7n26
Newman, Francis X., 315
Nicholson, Peter, 239, 240, 280, 311, 314–16
Nims, Margaret, 10n33, 312, 315
Nitzsche, Jane Chance, 258, 310, 315

Oesterley, Hermann, 253, 315
Olsen, Alexandra Hennessey, 238, 246, 279, 315
Olsson, Kurt, 6, 15n46, 16, 16n47, 17n51, 17n53, 239, 241, 242, 257, 258, 261, 264, 277, 279, 296, 297, 315
Osgood, Charles, 13n39, 310
Ovid, 2n5, 3n12, 25, 34, 238, 260; Fasti, 253; Metamorphoses, 237, 246, 260, 269, 270; Remedia amoris, 258; Tristia, 301
Owen, Charles A., Jr., 315

Parkes, M[alcolm]. B., 315
Parliament of the Three Ages, 17, 18, 35n89
Passmore, S. Elizabeth, 315
Patterson, Lee, 317
Paulus Diaconus: Historia Langobardorum, 272, 315
Pearl, 4n15, 17, 18, 21, 35n89
Pearsall, Derek, 238, 256, 259, 315
Peck, Russell A., 1n3, 4n12, 16n49, 16n50, 20n60, 26n76, 240, 243, 244, 248, 250, 253, 256, 258, 267, 268, 274, 277, 279, 295, 298, 300, 312, 313, 315, 318
Peter, 244
Peter, John, 5n18, 243, 315
Petrarch, 2n5, 301, 315
Phillips, Kim M., 314
Piers Plowman. See Langland, William
Piper, A. J., 315
Plato: Timaeus, 251, 257, 259
Porter, Elizabeth, 315
Potter, Rosanne G., 312
Prose Salernitan Questions, 258
Psalms, 261

Reich, Rosalie, 263–64, 316
Remley, Paul G., 317
Richard II, 4, 4n13, 13, 19n59, 20, 20n60, 20n62, 21, 22, 23, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 232n7, 239–41, 243, 245, 295, 298, 299, 300
Rigg, A. G., 312
Robertson, D. W., Jr., 309
Robins, William, 279, 292, 295, 316
Rolfe, J. C., 317
Roman de Fauvel, 273, 316
Roman de la Rose, 9, 18n56, 23n71, 24n74, 31, 237, 243, 251, 257, 258, 264, 270, 272, 292, 293
Romano, Vincenzo, 310
Runacres, Charles, 238, 245, 316
Rytting, Jenny Rebecca, 265, 291, 316

Sadie, Stanley, 284, 316
Sadlek, Gregory M., 294, 316
Salisbury, Eve, 12n37, 271, 314, 316
Saul, Nigel, 20n62, 21n66, 22n67, 316
Scanlon, Larry, 276, 277, 279, 316
Schaff, Philip, 277, 316
Schmidt, A. V. C., 314
Schmitz, Götz, 316
Schoeck, R. J., 301, 316
Schueler, Donald G., 258, 316
Schutz, Andrea, 15n46, 260, 269, 270, 297, 316
Scott, Florence R., 21n66, 22, 22n67, 316
Severs, J. Burke, 316
Seymour, M. C., 317
Shakespeare, William: Comedy of Errors 287; Pericles xii, 1, 279, 282, 284, 316; Taming of the Shrew, 267, 284
Shaw, Judith, 238, 245, 269, 279, 316
Shoaf, R. Allen, 22n68, 35n91, 317
Sidrak and Bokkus, 257, 316
Simpson, Evelyn Mary Spearing, 14n42, 313
Simpson, J. A., 315
Simpson, James, 238, 240, 242, 244, 245, 253, 256, 258, 259, 266, 269, 291, 298, 316
Simpson, Percy, 14n42, 313
Singer, Samuel, 279, 312
Sir Amadace, 28n81
Sir Degaré, 28n81
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, 28n81, 256
Sir Orfeo, 271
Slavitt, David R., 309
Smith, Lucy Toulmin, 318
Solinus, 253, 316
Sorabji, Richard, 316
Spitzer, Leo, 256, 317
Staley, Lynn, 20n60, 240, 242, 256, 300, 317
Statius, 317; Silvae, 301; Thebaid, 269
Steele, Robert, 296, 309
Stewart, H. F., 310
Stockton, Eric W., 1n1, 312
Stow, George B., 21n66, 317
Strohm, Paul, 22n68, 256, 298, 317
Suetonius: Lives of the Caesars, 278, 317
Summers, Joanna, 22n68, 317
Swan, Charles, 312

Tatlock, John S. P., 301, 317
Thomasset, Claude, 258, 313
Thompson, Stith, 261, 267, 309, 317
Thorpe, Lewis, 317
Tiller, Terence, 312
Tilley, Morris Palmer, 237, 242, 248, 288, 292, 295, 317
Tinkle, Theresa, 257, 317
Trevisa, John, 317; Polychronicon, 278, 313; De proprietatibus rerum, 8, 274

Usk, Thomas: Testament of Love, 16n50, 17, 20n63, 21, 21n66, 22, 22n68, 35n91, 40, 299, 317

Vatican Mythographers, 237, 262, 317
Vincent of Beauvais, 263
Virgil, 34; Aeneid, 258, 265, 266, 296
Vita Barlaam et Josephat, 269, 270

Wallace, David, 318
Waller, A. R., 314
Wallner, Björn, 258, 309
Walsingham, Thomas: St. Albans Chronicle, 273, 317
Ward, A. W., 314
Watson, A. G., 315
Watt, Diane, 278, 279, 280, 290, 317
Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle, 28n81, 267
Weiner, E. S. C., 315
Westminster Chronicle, 22n69, 318
Wetherbee, Winthrop, 254, 255, 258, 313, 318
White, Hugh, 250, 251, 255, 294, 301, 318
Whiting, Bartlett Jere, and Helen Wescott Whiting, 237, 242, 243, 244, 247, 249, 252, 255, 258, 259, 260, 262, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 274, 278, 279, 286, 287, 290, 292, 295, 297, 300, 318
William of Ockham, 2n7
Wills, Garry, 2n8, 3n9, 3n10, 318
Wilson, William Burton, 312
Wyclif, John, 2n7, 246

Yates, Frances A. 318
Yeager, R. F., 238, 253, 279, 309–12, 314–16, 318
York Cycle, 276
Yunck, John A., 7n24, 318

Zeeman, Nicolette, 239, 295, 318