by: Robert Henryson (Author) , David J. Parkinson (Editor)
from: Robert Henryson: The Complete Works 2010
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Mors 5 Homo 10 15 Mors 20 Homo 26 30 Mors 35 40 Homo 45 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 |
The Abbey Walk Allone as I went up and doun In ane abbay wes fair to se Thinkand quhat consolatioun Wes best into adversitie, On cais I kest on syd myne e And saw this writtin upoun a wall, “Of quhat estait, man, that thow be, Obey and thank thi God of all.” Thy kindome and thy grit empyre, Thy ryeltie nor rich array Sall nocht indure at thi desyre Bot as the wind will wend away. Thy gold and all thi gudis gay Quhen Fortoun list will fra thee fall. Sen thow sic sampillis seis ilk day, Obey and thank thi God of all. Job was moist riche, in writ we find, Thobe moist full of cheretie. Job wox peur and Thoby blynd, Baith temptit with adversitie. Sen blindnes wes infirmitie And povertie was naturall, Thairfoir in patience baith he and he Obeid and thankit God of all. Thocht thow be blind or haif ane halt Or in thy face deformit ill, Sa it cum nocht throw thy defalt, Na man sowld thee repreif by skill. Blame nocht thy Lord sa is his will. Spur nocht thy fute aganis the wall Bot with meik hairt and prayar still Obey and thank thy God of all. God of his justice mon correct And of his mercy petie haif. He is ane juge to nane suspect To puneis synffull man and saif. Thocht thow be lord attouir the laif And eftirwart maid bund and thrall, Ane peure begger with skrip and staif, Obey and thank thy God of all. This changeing and grit variance Of erdly staitis up and doun Cumis nocht throw casualtie and chance As sum men sayis without ressoun, Bot be the grit provisioun Of God aboif that rewill thee sall. Thairfoir evir thow mak thee boun To obey and thank thy God of all. In welth be meik, heiche not thyself, Be glaid in wilfull povertie. Thy power and thy warldlie pelf Is nocht bot verry vanitie. Remembir him that on the tre For thy saik gustit bittir gall Quha hyis law and lawis he. Obey and thank thy God of all.” Ane Prayer for the Pest O eterne God of power infinyt To quhois hie knawlege nathink is obscure, That is or wes or salbe is perfyt Into thi sicht quhill that this warld indure, Haif mercy of us, indigent and pure. Thow dois no wrang to punis our offens. O lord that is to mankynd haill succure, Preserve us fra this perrelus pestilens. We thee beseik, O lord of lordis all, Thy eiris inclyne and heir our grit regrait. We ask remeid of thee in generall That is of help and confort dissolait. Bot thow with rewth our hairtis recreate, We ar bot deid but only thy clemens. We thee exort on kneis law prostrait, Preserve us from this perrellus pestilens. We ar rycht glaid thow punis our trespas Be ony kynd of udir tribulatioun, Wer it thy will, O lord of hevin, allais, That we suld thus be haistely put doun And de as beistis without confessioun, That nane dar mak with udir residens. O blissit Jesu that wore the thorny croun Preserve us from this perrelus pestilens. Use derth, O lord, or seiknes and hungir soir And slak thy plaig that is so penetryfe. The pepill ar perreist quha may remeid thairfoir. Bot thow, O lord, that for thame lost thy lyfe. Suppois our syne be to thee pungetyfe, Our deid ma nathing our synnis recompens. Haif mercy, lord, we may nocht with thee stryfe, Preserve us fra this perrelus pestilens. Haif mercy, lord, haif mercy, hevins king, Haif mercy of thy pepill penitent, Haif mercy of our petous punissing, Retreit the sentence and thy just jugement Aganis us synnaris that servis to be schent. Without mercy, we may mak no defens. Thow that but rewth upoun the rud wes rent, Preserve us frome this perrellus pestilens. Remembir, lord, how deir thow hes us bocht That for us synnaris sched thy pretius blude, Now to redeme that thow hes maid of nocht, That is of virtew barran and denude. Haif rewth, lord, of thyn awin similitude. Punis with pety and nocht with violens. We knaw it is for our ingratitude That we are punist with this pestillens. Thow grant us grace for till amend our mis And till evaid this crewall suddane deid. We knaw our sin is all the caus of this. For opin sin thair is set no remeid. The justice of God mon punis than be deid For by the law he will with nane dispens. Quhair justice laikis, thair is eternall feid Of God that suld preserf fra pestilens. Bot wald the heidismen that suld keip the law Punis the peple for thair transgressioun, Thair wald na deid the peple than ourthraw, Bot thay ar gevin sa plenly to oppressioun That God will nocht heir thair intercessioun, Bot all ar punist for inobediens Be swerd or deid withouttin remissioun, And hes just caus to send us pestilens. Superne lucerne, guberne this pestilens Preserve and serve that we nocht sterf thairin, Declyne that pyne be thy devyne prudens, For treuth, haif reuth, lat nocht our slewth us twyn. Our syte full tyte, wer we contryt, wald blin. Dissivir did nevir quha euir thee besocht But grace with space for to arrace fra sin. Lat nocht be tint that thow sa deir hes bocht. O prince preclair, this cair quotidiane, We thee exort, distort it in exyle. Bot thow remeid, this deid is bot ane trane For to dissaif the laif and thame begyle, Bot thow sa wyse, devyse to mend this byle, Of this mischeif quha may releif us ocht For wrangus win, bot thow our sin oursyle? Lat nocht be tint that thow sa deir hes bocht. Sen for our vice that justice mon correct, O king most he, now pacife thy feid. Our sin is huge, refuge we nocht suspect. And thow be juge, dislug us of this steid. In tyme assent or we be schent with deid, For we repent, all tyme mispent forthocht. Thairfoir evirmor be gloir to thy godheid. Lat nocht be tint that thow sa deir hes bocht. The Ressoning betwix Deth and Man O mortall man behald, tak tent to me Quhilk sall thi myrrour be baith day and nycht. All erdly thing that evir tuke lyfe mon de. Paip, empriour, king, barroun, and knycht, Thocht thai be in thair ryell estait and hicht, May nocht ganestand quhen I pleis schote this derte.1 Waltownis, castellis, towiris nevir so wicht May nocht resist quhill it be at his hart. Now quhat art thow that biddis me thus tak tent And mak ane myrrour day and nycht of thee Or with thi dert I suld rycht sair repent? I trest trewly of that that thow sall le. Quhat freik on fold sa bald dar manniss me Or with me fecht outhir on fute or hors? Is none so wicht, so stark, in this cuntré Nor I sall gar him bow to me on fors. My name at me forsuth sen that thow speirs, Tha call me Deid, suthly I thee declair, Calland all man and woman to thair beirs Quhenevir I pleis, quhat tyme, quhat plais, or quhair. Is nane sa stowt, sa fresch, nor yit sa fair, So yung, so auld, so riche, nor yit so pure, Quhairevir I pas, outhir be it lait or air, Man put thaim heill on fors under my cure. Sen it is swa that natur can so wirk That yung and auld, riche and pur man de, Inn my youtheid allace I wes full irk, Culd nocht tak tent to gyd and govern me, Ay gud to do, fra evill deidis to fle, Trestand ay youtheid wald with me abyd, Fulfilland evir my sensualitie, In deidly syn and speacialy in pryd. Thairfoir repent and remord thi conscience, Think on thir wirdis I now upoun thee cry: O wrechit man, O full of ignorance, All thi plesance thow sall deir aby. Dispone for thee and cum with me in hy, Edderis, askis, wirmes meit to be. Cum quhen I call, thow may me nocht deny Thocht thow wer paip, empriour, and king al thre. Sen it is swa fra thee I may nocht chaip, This wrechit warld for me heir I defy And to the deid to lurk undir thi caip I offir me with hairt rycht hummilly, Beseikand God the devill my enemy Na power haif my saule till assay. Jesus, on thee with peteous voce I cry Mercy one me to haif on Domisday. The Thre Deid Pollis O sinfull man into this mortall se Quhilk is the vaill of murnyng and of cair, With gaistly sicht behold oure heidis thre, Oure holkit ene, oure peilit pollis bair. As ye ar now, into this warld we wair, Als fresche, als fair, als lusty to behald. Quhan thow lukis on this suth examplair, Of thyself, man, thow may be richt unbald. For suth it is that every man mortall Mon thole the deid and de that lyfe hes tane.2 Na erdly stait aganis deid ma prevaill. The hour of deth and place is uncertane Quhilk is referrit to the hie God allane. Heirfoir haif mynd of deth, that thow mon dy. This sair exampill to se quotidiane Sould caus all men fra wicket vycis fle. O wantone youth, als fresche as lusty May, Farest of flowris renewit, quhyt and reid, Behald our heidis, O lusty gallandis gay. Full laithly thus sall ly thy lusty heid, Holkit and how and wallowit as the weid. Thy crampand hair and eik thy cristall ene Full cairfully conclud sall dulefull deid. Example heir be us it may be sene. O ladeis quhyt in claithis corruscant, Poleist with perle and mony pretius stane, With palpis quhyt and hals so elegant, Sirculit with gold and sapheris mony ane, Your finyearis small, quhyt as quhailis bane, Arrayit with ringis and mony rubeis reid, As we ly thus so sall ye ly ilk ane With peilit pollis and holkit thus your heid. O wilfull pryd, the rute of all distres, With humill hairt upoun our pollis pens. Man, for thy mis ask mercy with meiknes. Aganis deid na man may mak defens. The empriour for all his excellens, King and quene and eik all erdly stait, Peure and riche salbe but differens, Turnit in as and thus in erd translait. This questioun quha can obsolve, lat see, Quhat phisnamour or perfyt palmester: Quha was farest or fowlest of us thre Or quhilk of us of kin was gentillar Or maist expert in science or in lare, In art musik or in astronomye? Heir still sould ly your study and repair And think as thus all your heidis mon be. O febill aige, ay drawand neir the dait Of dully deid and hes thy dayis compleit, Behald our heidis with murning and regrait, Fall on thy kneis, ask grace at God, and greit With orisionis and haly salmes sweit, Beseikand him on thee to haif mercy, And of our saulis bydand the decreit Of his godheid, to rew and glorife. Als we exhort that every man mortall, For his saik that maid of nocht all thing, For mercy cry and pray in generall To Jesus Chryst of hevin and erd the king, Throuch your prayar that we and ye may ring With the hie Fader be eternitie, The Sone alswa, the Haly Gaist conding, Thre knit in ane be perfyt unitie. |
(t-note) Alone; walked; (see note) [that] was; see Considering what Was; in By chance I directed my sight to one side written on Of whatever rank; you; (t-note) your; for everything; (see note) kingdom; great royalty; clothing; (t-note) Shall not endure But; pass your fine belongings wishes; fall away from you Since; such examples seest each; (t-note) most; scripture; (see note) Tobit; charity became poor Both provoked by was a disability inevitable Therefore Obeyed; thanked Though you; have a limp; (see note) [are] seriously deformed If; through; fault should condemn you according to reason [that] his will is thus Kick; against; (see note) meek heart; continually [because] of; must; (see note) [must] have pity a judge mistrusted by no one; (see note) punish; save Though; above the rest made captive and enslaved poor beggar; pouch; staff great mutability; (see note) worldly ranks Happens not by accident; (t-note) according to the great foresight above who rule make yourself ready meek, do not exalt glad; willing worldly possessions; (see note); (t-note) nothing; utter cross; (t-note) tasted bitter; (t-note) Who exalts the low; lowers [the] high (t-note) Plague; (t-note) eternal; infinite power whose; nothing Whatever; shall be; complete In your sight as long as Have; on; poor wrong in punishing our offense; (t-note) complete help from; dangerous pestilence beseech you ears; hear; great distress; (t-note) aid in general from you Who are; destitute Unless; pity; restore merely dead without; mercy beg; low in humility very glad; punish; sins; (see note) By any; other If it were your intention; alas should; quickly exterminated die like beasts no one dare live with another blessed; crown of thorns famine; sickness; keen hunger diminish; plague; piercing killed who could cure it; (t-note) Except you; them; life Granted; offensive to you; (see note) death cannot; recompense cannot strive against you Have; heaven’s on your penitent people pitiful punishment Commute; fitting judgment Against; sinners; deserve; destroyed can; defense without pity upon; cross; torn expensively; paid for us shed; precious blood what; made out of nothing barren and naked of virtue Have mercy; on; own likeness Punish; pity; not know respite to; wickedness to evade; cruel; death the complete cause for manifest; no redress assigned must; therefore with death make allowance for no one is lacking, there; feud who should preserve chief men; should maintain Punish; their There; no death; then destroy addicted so manifestly not hear their entreaty are punished; disobedience By sword; forgiveness has; (t-note) Highest lamp, control; (see note) Protect; aid; not die Reduce; torment by loyalty; pity; sloth part us ills very soon; would cease Perish; whoever begged you Without [there being] grace with [sufficient] time Let nothing; lost; dearly illustrious; daily trouble beg you; avert; exile Unless; help; merely a trap deceive the others; trick them; (t-note) contrive; boil; (t-note) From; who can relieve; at all ill-gotten gains unless; cover As for; must; (see note) high; soothe your anger we do not expect protection If; remove; from this plight Relent in time before; ruined by death misused time regretted glory be to your divine power; (t-note) (t-note) Dialogue between Death; (t-note) Death; behold, pay attention; (t-note) Who shall; both; night earthly; came to life must die Pope; knight; (see note) Though; royal state; greatness Walled towns; ever; strong Cannot; until Man; what; you; commands; pay heed; (t-note) very bitterly regret trust indeed; do lie What man on earth so bold; threaten fight with me either; foot strong; powerful That; not make; perforce from; indeed since you ask They; Death, truly Calling; their biers Whenever; please, place; where none so strong; brisk; yet young; old; poor Wherever; go; whether; early Must; themselves wholly; rule Since; thus; work must die In; youth alas; stubborn Could not; heed; myself Always good; from; deeds; flee Trusting always; would; stay; (t-note) Indulging always mortal; especially examine your; (see note) about these words wretched your pleasure; shall pay dearly for Arrange; yourself; come; haste Snakes’, newts’, worms’ food when; cannot refuse me Though; pope; all three Since; so [that] from; escape wretched; here; renounce death; your cloak; (t-note) myself; heart; very humbly Beseeching; [that] the devil Have no power; soul; attack to you; pitiful voice on me to have; Doomsday; (t-note) Three Dead Skulls in this earthly realm Which; vale; sorrow; woe fearful eyes; three heads hollowed eyes; skinned; bare; (see note) you are, in; world were we As lively; attractive; see When; looks; true example For; very apprehensive true; mortal man (t-note) No earthly; against; can win uncertain Which; entrusted; high; alone Thus have; must die; (see note) painful; see each day Should; from wicked; to flee lascivious; lively; pleasant; (see note) flowers fresh grown, white Behold; heads; lusty, merry young men Just as hideously shall lie Eyeless; hollow; faded; weed curly; also; crystal eyes Very sadly woeful death shall bring to an end here in us; seen; (t-note) ladies white; glittering clothes Shining; pearls; precious stone breasts; throat; (t-note) Encircled; sapphires many slender fingers; whalebone Arrayed; red rubies lie; shall; each one flayed skulls; hollowed source; distress; (t-note) humble heart about; meditate wrongs; meekness Against death; withstand also every earthly rank Poor; shall be without distinction Turned into ash; transformed into earth who; answer; may he adjudge What face-reader; palmist Who; prettiest; ugliest which; of more noble a family most; knowledge; learning; (t-note) musical art Here always; lie; destination; (t-note) like this; heads must be age, always approaching; date; (t-note) dismal death; has; finished distress mercy; from; weep; (t-note) prayers; holy, sweet psalms Begging souls awaiting judgment; (t-note) divine power; pity; exalt; (t-note) Furthermore sake who made everything from nothing Cry for mercy; (t-note) the king of heaven and earth Through; reign high; for eternity son also; Holy Spirit of equal rank Three; one by; (t-note) |