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The Palyce of Honour: Index

Following is a list of all names appearing in PH, accompanied with their usual modern forms and line references in PH. OT: Old Testament.

Abacuk. OT Habakkuk. 1341

Abram. OT Abraham. 1504

Absolon. OT Absalom. 582

Achalles, Achil, Achill, Achilles, Achylles. Achilles. 572, 1208, 1212, 1214, 1323, 1620, 1627, 2019

Acheron. The River Acheron. 1130

Achicorontes. The River Orontes. 1118

Achitefel, Achitefell, Achittefell. OT Ahithophel. 236, 271, 1768

Acontus. Acontius. 814

Action, Acteone. Actaeon. 321, 746

Adam. 402, 1500

Adriane. Ariadne. 577

Affricane, Affrycane. See Scipio

Ailssay. Ailsa Craig. 1713

Alane. Alan of Lille. 904

Albion. See Brutus Albion

Alcest. Alcestis. 586

Alcyon. Alcyone. 571

Alexander the Great. 1568

Almane. Southwest Germany. 1087

Alpheus. The River Alpheus. 1093

Ameleth. OT Abimelech. 1515

Amphion. 511

Amphiorax. Amphiaraus, Greek king. 1584

Amyson. The land of the Amazons. 1108

Anchyses. Anchises, father of Aeneas. 1645

Anna. OT Hannah. 584

Antecrist. Antichrist. 1701

Antertik. See Poil Antertik

Anthiacus. Antiochus. 1570

Anthon, Mark. Mark Antony. 585

Aones. Dwellers on Mount Helicon. 884

Appenynus. Apennine Mountains. 1091

Appollo. Apollo. 1133

Araby. Arabia. 438

Archaid. Arcadia. 508

Arestotyl. Aristotle. 251

Argos. Argus. 749

Armany. Armenia. 1120

Arsyte. Arcite. 562

Artik. See Poil Artik

Aurora. 1

Averroes. 258

Babillon, Babilon, Babilone. Babylon. 1341, 1502, 1556

Bachus. Bacchus. 1111

Bacon. Roger Bacon. 1721

Bananyas. OT Benaiah. 1533

Barsabe. Bathsheba. 570

Beird Gray. Graybeard, Maitland’s horse. 1717

Bibles. Byblis. 582

Bocace. Giovanni Boccaccio. 915

Boetius. Boethius. 905

Bongo. Thomas Bungay. 1721

Bonitas, Bonytas. Guido Bonatti. 1721, 1727

Bosiliall. Bezaleel, OT builder. 1453

Brunell. Possibly Brunellus. 915

Brutus Albion. Britain. 918

Brutus Junius. Lucius Brutus Junius 1661

Bryssida. Briseis. 573

Bybyl. The Bible. 277

Caballyne. The Hippocrene spring. 1134

Cacasus. Mount Caucasus. 1125

Caliope. The Muse Calliope. 872, 940, 955, 991, 1000, 1007, 1048, 1054, 1186

Callydon. Calydon, ancient Greek city. 1201

Camp Elysee. Elysian Fields. 1644

Campe Damascene. The Damascene field. 1244

Canyce. Canacee of Chaucer’s Squire’s Tale. 1493

Carmelitis. The Carmelite Order. 1107

Carmelus. Mount Carmel. 1105

Carone. Charon. 1640

Cartage. Carthage. 1636, 1667, 1686

Cassandra. 244

Catalyn, Lucyus, Catulyna. Catiline. 1691, 1770

Caton. Cato. 904

Cedippa. Cydippe. 814

Ceix. Ceyx. 571

Cenobia. Zenobia, warrior queen. 2025

Centauris. Centaurs. 1595

Cesar Julyus. Julius Caesar. 1692

Charité. Charity, third Theological Virtue. 1795

Charle Wain. Ursa Major. 1845

Chaucere, Goffryd. Geoffrey Chaucer. 919

Chyppynuty. 654

Chryst. Jesus Christ. 1394

Cicero. 261, 1772

Cignus. Cycnus. 1209

Cinthus. Mount Cynthus. 1133

Circis. Circe. 244

Citheron. Mount Cithaeron. 1111

Claudyus. Claudian, Latin poet. 915

Cleo. The Muse Clio. 854

Cleopatra. 585

Cochyte. The River Cocytus. 138

Coilyear. See Raf Coilyear

Colchos. Colchis. 1607

Coridon. Corydon, shepherd in Virgil’s Eclogues. 1226

Cowkewyis sow. Colkelbie’s Sow. 1712

Creon. King of Thebes. 1582

Cressida. Criseyde. 565

Crete. 1197

Cupid, Cupyd. Son of Venus, god of love. 482, 634, 664, 931, 1470

Curtyus. Marcus Curtius. 1676

Dalida. Delilah. 580

Damascene. See Campe Damascene

Danyell. OT Daniel. 1553

Daphnis. Shepherd in Virgil’s Eclogues. 1226

Daris. Darius Phrygius, Trojan chronicler. 900

Darius. Persian king. 1457

David, Davyd, Davidis. OT king. 509, 570, 1525, 1528, 1530

Delbora. OT prophet and judge. 244

Demophon. Demophoon. 574, 810

Dian, Diane. Diana. 297, 317, 321, 332, 336, 746, 1201

Dido. Queen of Carthage. 564, 1636, 1669

Dindama. Mount Dindyma. 1123

Diogenes. Cynic philosopher. 259

Dyonera. Deianeira. 581

Ditis. Dictys Cretensis, Trojan chronicler. 900

Donat. Donatus, Roman grammarian. 902

Dorida. The sea-nymph Doris. 1850

Dryades. Dryads, the tree-nymphs. 883

Dunbar. William Dunbar. 923

Ebrewes. Jews. 1505, 1510

Ebron. Hebron. 1244

Effygyn. Iphigenia. 342

Egypt. 1088, 1506, 1573

Elicon, Hylicon. Mount Helicon. 840, 1129

Elysee. See Camp Elysee

Emylya. Emily of Chaucer's Knight's Tale. 563

Empedocles. 257

Emus. Mount Haemus. 1103

Eneas, Enee. Aeneas. 564, 1631–56, 1668

Enoth. Enoch. 259

Eolus. Aeolus. 49

Eous. Eoos, Apollo’s horse. 30

Erato. Muse. 864

Erix. Mount Eryx. 1130

Esachy. King Hezekiah. 1549

Esdras. OT Ezra. 1552

Ethiop. Ethiopian warrior. 1535

Ethna. Mount Etna. 1122

Eufrates. The River Euphrates. 1120

Europe. 1116

Euterpe. Muse. 856

Exiona, Ixion. Hesione. 586, 1598, 1610

Faustus. Fausto Andrelini. 910

Fend, the. The Devil. 1700

Fyn Makcoull. Fionn mac Cumhaill. 1715

Flakcus Valeriane. Valerius Flaccus, Latin author. 903

Flandris. Flanders. 1087, 1723

Flora. Goddess of flowers and springtime. 5, 10

Fortoun, Fortune. The goddess. 166

France. 576, 1086, 1095

Francys. See Petrark

Frygy. Phrygia. 1123

Galien. Galen. 258

Galterus. Walter of Châtillon, medieval poet. 905

Ganamedis. Ganymede. 1846

Garmanie. Germany. 1090

Gedione. Gideon, OT judge. 1514

Gilbert. Gilbert of the white hand. 1718

Glaskeryane. Glascurion, Welsh bard. 525

Gnaton. Gnatho, slave in Terence’s Eunuch. 1228

Goffryd. See Chaucere

Golyas. Goliath. 1525

Gowere. John Gower. 920

Gowmakmorne. Goll mac Morna. 1715

Grece. Greece. 1573, 1579, 1585, 1604

Gregor. King of Scots. 2027

Greik, Grekis. Greek warriors. 282, 1207, 1210, 1608, 1616, 1624

Gressillida. Griselde of Chaucer’s Clerk’s Tale. 587

Grew. The Greek language. 797, 896

Hannyball. Hannibal, Carthaginian general. 1681, 1685

Hay of Nauchtoun. Unknown member of the Hay of Naughton family. 1719

Hebrun. The River Hebrus. 1127

Hector. Trojan hero. 1626

Hel, Heill. Hell. 309, 354, 985, 1192, 1317, 1584, 1638, 1641, 2094

Helcana. OT Elkanah. 584

Helena, Helyne. Helen of Troy. 566, 1615

Helyas. OT Elijah. 1106

Helyne. See Helena

Heliseus. OT Elisha. 1106

Hercules. 586, 1098, 1191, 1597, 2018

Hermes. Hermes Trismegistus. 257

Hester. Esther. 579

Hylicon. See Elicon

Homere. Homer the epic poet. 896

Hude. See Robene Hude

Yda. Mount Ida. 1119

Ylion, Ylyon. Ilium. 1456, 1629

Yo. Io. 748

Iole. 586

Ipocras. Hippocrates. 256

Ypollita, Ypolytha. Hippolyta. 1196, 2024

Ipomedon. 578

Ireland. 1716

Ysacon. Aesacus, Trojan prince metamorphosed. 1204–06

Ysak. OT Isaac. 1504

Yside. Iseult, Mark’s queen and Tristram’s beloved. 584

Ysiphile, Ysyphele. Hypsipyle, queen of Lemnos, wedded to and forsaken by Jason. 583, 1606

Ysop. Aesop. 904

Italie, Ytalie. Italy. 1088, 1091, 1653

Ixion. See Exiona

Jacob. OT patriarch. 589, 1504

Jael. Female warrior of the OT. 246

James the Ferd. James IV of Scotland. 2145

Jason, Jasone. Greek hero. 575, 1604, 1606

Jepty. OT Jephthah. 1514

Jeptyis douchtir. Jephthah’s sacrificed daughter in the OT. 338

Jesbedonab. The giant Jesbibenob. 1527

Job. OT 259, 1567

Johne the Reif. John the Reeve. 1712

Jonas. Jonah. 1565

Jonathas. Jonathan, son of Saul. 1523

Jonathas. One of the Maccabees. 1575

Jordane. The River Jordan. 1128

Josaphat. Valley of Jehosaphat. 1245

Josephus. Flavius Josephus. 261

Josoph. OT Joseph. 1504

Josuy. OT Joshua. 1512

Jove. Jupiter. 754

Jowry, Jowrye. Judea. 1548, 1571

Judicum. OT Book of Judges. 1513

Judith, Judyth. OT Judith. 246, 1563

Jugurtha. King of Numidia. 1688, 1775

Julyus. See Cesar Julyus

Junius. See Brutus Junius

Juno. 747

Jupiter. Ruler of the Roman gods. 1848

Juvinale, Juvynale. Juvenal, Roman satirist. 907, 1229

Kened. Kenneth mac Alpin, king of Scots. 2027

Kennedy. Walter Kennedy, Scots poet. 923

Laban. OT 590

Lamedon. Laomedon. 1608, 1610

Lameth. OT Lamech. 259

Lare. The Loire River. 1095

Latyn, Latyne. Latin. 797, 878, 898

Laurence. See Vale

Lavyne, the strandis of. The coast of Latium. 1654

Lentulus. 1691

Levius, Livius. Titus Livius (Livy), Roman historian. 252, 1658

Lybane. Lebanon. 1132

Lycaon. Arcadian king. 755

Lydgat. John Lydgate. 921

Loth. OT Lot. 753

Lucane. Lucan, Roman poet. 900

Lucifer. 1499

Lucyus. See Catalyn

Lucres. Lucretia (Lucrece). 567, 1664

Macabeus. Judas Maccabeus. 1572

Madin land. The Mainland of the Shetlands (?). 1719

Maitland. Sir Richard (?). 1717

Makcoull. See Fyn

Marciale, Marcyall. Martial. 908, 1231

Marcus. See Regulus

Mark. See Anthon

Mars, Martis. 83, 552, 664, 1471

Massidon. Macedonia. 1112

Medea, Medeas. 575, 1605

Medus. Medusa. 2025

Melchisedech. OT Melchizedek. 262

Melysses. Melissus. 254

Melphomyne. The Muse Melpomene. 861

Mercurius. Mercury. 750

Mynas. Mount Mimas. 1110

Minerve. Minerva. 242

Mynotaure. Minotaur. 1197

Moab. OT kingdom. 1534

Modyn. Modiin, the Maccabees’ home. 1128

Moyses. OT Moses. 1505

Musis, Musys. The Muses. 852, 880, 892, 929, 934, 1046, 1053, 1079, 1134, 1137, 1176, 1288, etc.

Nabugodonosore. OT Nebuchadnezzar. 756

Napee. Napaeae. 884

Nauchtoun. See Hay of Nauchtoun

Neamy. OT Nehemiah. 1552

Neptennebus. Nectanebus. 257

Neptunus. Neptune. 52, 1209

Neriedes. The Nereids. 884

Nersissus. Narcissus. 588

Nyle. The Nile River. 1121

Nimphe, Nympe, Nymphe, Nynphe. The dreamer’s guide. 1071, 1078, 1305, 1331, 1378, 1441, 1459, 1758, 1783, 1865, 1900, 1926, etc.

Nymphis. 881

Ninive. OT Nineveh. 1566

Nobillis Nyne. Nine Worthies. 2019

Noys flude. Noah’s flood. 1501

Oethé. Mount Oeta. 1097

Oliab. OT Aholiab. 1453

Olyfarnus. OT Holophernes. 1563

Olympus. 1112

Orpheus, Orphius. 524, 1104

Ovid, Ovidius, Ovyd. 809, 899, 1186, 1199, 1847

Palemon. Palamon. 562

Pan. 508

Panthessilé, Pantyssale. Penthesilea. 341, 2025

Paradyce. The Garden of Eden. 1551

Paralipomenon. OT Chronicles. 1557

Paris, Parys. Trojan Paris. 566, 1612

Paris. Hero of Paris and Vienne, a French romance. 576

Parsius. Persius the Roman satirist. 901

Peirs Plewman. Piers Plowman. 1714

Peneyus. The River Peneus. 1099

Pennolepe, Penolype. Penelope. 567, 811

Permenydus. Parmenides. 253

Permeno. Terence’s Parmeno. 1228

Pernasus. Mount Parnassus. 1102

Persyus. Perseus. 1198

Petrark, Francys. Petrarch. 903

Phanee. Fanae. 882

Pharo. OT Pharaoh. 1508

Phebus. Phoebus. 36, 47, 63, 451, 1433, 1876

Phedra. Phaedra. 577

Pheton. Phaethon, stellified son of the sun god. 1845

Phillys. Phyllis. 574, 810

Philomena. Philomela. 569

Phison. The River Pishon. 1126

Picthagoras. Pythagoras. 253

Pyerides. The Pierides, rivals to the Muses. 883

Pirramus. Pyramus. 568

Pyrrotheus. Pirithous. 1594

Plato. 258

Plautus. 901

Pogius, Pogyus. Poggio Bracciolini. 901, 1232

Poil Antertik. The “Antarctic Pole,” the lowermost point in the zodiac. 1843

Poil Artik. The “Arctic Pole,” uppermost point in the zodiac. 1844

Polimnya. The Muse Polyhymnia. 866

Pollixena. Polyxena. 340

Pompey, Pompeyus. 1692, 2020

Pomponeus. Pietro Pomponazzi. 911

Porphure. Porphyry, Greek philosopher. 253

Pow. The Po River. 1092

Priamus. Priam, king of Troy. 1204, 1611

Progne. Procne, Ovidian heroine. 569

Ptholomeus. Claudius Ptolemy the ancient scientist. 256

Quintilliane. Quintilian. 906

Quyntyne. Scottish poet. 924

Rachel. OT 589

Raf Coilyear. 1711

Raguell. OT 1559

Raphell. Raphael. 1558

Regulus, Marcus. Marcus Atilius Regulus. 1671

Reid See. The Red Sea. 1507

Ryne. The Rhine River. 1092

Robene Hude. Robin Hood. 1718

Robert. Robert Bruce. 2027

Roboam. OT Rehoboam. 1542

Romanis, Romanys. The Romans. 1667, 1682

Rome. 1492, 1657, 1659, 1687

Romulus. 1657

Ron. The Rhone River. 1095

Rutuleis. The Rutulians. 1656

Salomon. OT Solomon. 250, 1455, 1540

Salust. Sallust. 252

Sampson, Sampsone. OT Samson. 1516, 2017

Samuell. OT Samuel. 1522

Sancta Sanctorum. OT Ark of the Covenant. 1454

Sane. The Seine River. 1095

Sangor. OT Shamgar. 1520

Saphik. Sapphic. 801

Sara. OT Sarah, bride of Tobias. 1559

Saturee. Satyrs. 883

Saturn, Saturne. 50, 754

Saul, Saule. OT king. 510, 1523

Scipio Affricane. Scipio Africanus, Roman general. 1683, 1684, 2020

Secyle. Sicily. 1122

Secundus. Julius Secundus, Roman orator. 255

Semiramis. 2024

Senek. Seneca. 252

Servius. Latin grammarian. 902.

Sextus. See Sextus Terquine

Sibillais. Sibyls. 243

Sidrag. Sidrak. 255

Sylla. Scylla, female sea-monster. 583

Symon. Simon Maccabeus. 1575

Synachoryb. Sennacherib, Assyrian king. 1547

Synon, Synone. Sinon. 236, 239, 282, 1768

Sisipho. Sisiphus. 1643

Sythia. Scythia. 1125

Skrymmory. 653

Socrates. 256

Sodomus. OT Sodom. 1503

Solenyus. Solinus, Roman geographer. 255

Spane. Spain. 1089, 1687

Sparthiades. The River Spercheios. 1117

Stace, Stacius. Statius. 909, 1583

Stix. The River Styx. 1639

Strymon. The River Strymon. 1127

Surry. Syria. 1118

Susane. OT Susanna. 579

Tagus. The Tagus River. 1096

Tarnus. Turnus. 1656

Tarpsychore. The Muse Terpsichore. 862

Tebes, Thebes. Greek city. 512, 1577, 1587

Terens, Therens. Terence the Roman dramatist. 902, 1227

Termodyon. The River Thermodon. 1109

Terquine, Sextus. Sextus Tarquinius. 1665

Terquinius. Tarquin the Proud. 1660

Thalia. The Muse. 858

Thamar. OT Tamar. 2024

Thanas. The Don River. 1116

Thedeus. Tydeus. 1578

Thesyus. Theseus. 577, 1195, 1581

Thespis. The Boeotian goddess. 852

Thessaly. 1097

Thysbe. Thisbe. 568

Thobyas. OT Tobias. 1560

Thrason. Terence’s Thraso. 1228

Tygris. The Tigris River. 1126

Tirbir. The River Tiber. 1092

Tytan. The Sun (Apollo). 33, 40

Titus. See Levius

Tmolus. 1100

Trastram. Tristram. 584

Troianys. The Trojans. 1624

Troy. 283, 813, 1207, 1322, 1598, 1602, 1607, 1609, 1618, 1620, 1623, 1628, 1630

Troylus. Troilus. 565, 1627

Tryphon. Diodotus Tryphon. 1775

Tullius. See Cicero

Tullius Servilius. Servius Tullius. 1675

Tuskane. Tuscany. 1086

Ulisses, Ulixes. Ulysses. 260, 1619

Vale, Laurence of the, Valla, Laurence. Lorenzo Valla. 910, 1233

Valeriane. See Flakcus

Varius. Prosecuting attorney in the court of Venus. 665, 680, 727

Veane. Vienne, heroine of the French romance Paris and Vienne. 576

Venus. Goddess of love. 93, 297, 315, 483, 559, 595, 634, 639, 656, 664, 677, 703, 739, 832, 886, 930, 936, 941, 976, 991, 1003, 1008, 1040, 1046, 1049, 1131, 1323, 1448, 1465, 1469, 1472, 1614, 1733, 1761

Virgenius. Virginius. 342.

Virgilius, Virgill, Virgillyus, Virgyll. Virgil, author of Eclogues, Georgics, and Aeneid. 283, 898, 1225, 1631

Xantus. The River Xanthus. 1322–23

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