The Towneley Plays: Bibliography
Ed. Francis Douce. Judicium, a Pageant: Extracted from the Towneley MS. of Ancient Mysteries. London: Richard and Arthur Taylor for The Roxburghe Club, 1822.
Ed. James Raine. The Towneley Mysteries. With a Preface by Joseph Hunter and a Glossary by James Gordon. Surtees Society, Vol. 3. London: J. B. Nichols and Son, 1836.
Ed. George England. The Towneley Plays. Re-edited from the unique ms. by George England with side-notes and introduction by Alfred W. Pollard. EETS e.s. 71. London: Oxford University Press, 1897.
Ed. A. C. Cawley. The Wakefield Pageants in the Towneley Cycle. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1958.
Ed. and trans. Martial Rose. The Wakefield Mystery Plays. New York: Norton, 1961.
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———. “Noah’s Wife: The Shaming of the ‘Trew.’” In Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts. Ed. Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2002. Pp. 223–41.
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———. “Doubting Thomas: ‘Womans Witnes’ and the Towneley Thomas Indie.” In ‘Bring furth the Pagants’: Essays in Early English Drama Presented to Alexandra F. Johnston. Ed. David N. Klausner and Karen Sawyer Marsalek. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Pp. 165–80.
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[eLALME] Benskin, Michael, Angus McIntosh, M. L. Samuels, Margaret Laing, Vasilis Karaiskos, and Keith Williamson. An Electronic Version of A Linguistic Atlas of Late Mediaeval English. University of Edinburgh. Online at Originally published in Aberdeen: Aberdeen University Press, 1986.
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———. “Noah’s Wife: The Shaming of the ‘Trew.’” In Domestic Violence in Medieval Texts. Ed. Eve Salisbury, Georgiana Donavin, and Merrall Llewelyn Price. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida, 2002. Pp. 223–41.
———. “‘Corected & not playd’: An Unproductive History of the Towneley Plays.” Research Opportunities in Renaissance Drama 43 (2004), 38–53.
———. “Doubting Thomas: ‘Womans Witnes’ and the Towneley Thomas Indie.” In ‘Bring furth the Pagants’: Essays in Early English Drama Presented to Alexandra F. Johnston. Ed. David N. Klausner and Karen Sawyer Marsalek. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Pp. 165–80.
———. “The Towneley Conspiracy.” Ed. Jill Stevenson and Mario Longtin. Special Issue, ROMARD 51 (2012), 101–06.
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