"With hym ther was his sone, a yong Squier,
A lovyere and a lusty bacheler,
With lokkes crulle as they were leyd in presse.
Of twenty yeer of age he was, I gesse.
Of his stature he was of evene length,
And wonderly delyvere, and of greet strengthe.
And he hadde been somtyme in chyvachie
In Flaundres, in Artoys, and Pycardie,
And born hym weel, as of so litel space,
In hope to stonden in his lady grace" (79-88).
The Squire's Tale of Cambyuskan is unfinished, perhaps in part because it is highly ambitious.
A lovyere and a lusty bacheler,
With lokkes crulle as they were leyd in presse.
Of twenty yeer of age he was, I gesse.
Of his stature he was of evene length,
And wonderly delyvere, and of greet strengthe.
And he hadde been somtyme in chyvachie
In Flaundres, in Artoys, and Pycardie,
And born hym weel, as of so litel space,
In hope to stonden in his lady grace" (79-88).
The Squire's Tale of Cambyuskan is unfinished, perhaps in part because it is highly ambitious.
Anne Anderson (1874 - 1930)
Edward Coley Burne-Jones (1833 - June 16, 1898)
Edward Henry Corbould (1815 - 1905)
Sir W. Russell Flint (1880 - 1969)
Mrs. H. R. Haweis (1848 - 1898)
M. L. Kirk (1860 - 1938)
John Saunders (1811 - 1895)
Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920)
Anne Anderson (1874 - 1930)

Edward Coley Burne-Jones (1833 - June 16, 1898)

Edward Henry Corbould (1815 - 1905)

Sir W. Russell Flint (1880 - 1969)

Mrs. H. R. Haweis (1848 - 1898)

M. L. Kirk (1860 - 1938)

John Saunders (1811 - 1895)

Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920)