"and he would dance with no one else."1902

"And her sisters fell down on their knees and...1897

Andy Gordon1905

Anima Goes down the Hole1916

"Back cover depicting a young Cinderella" 1902

Ben Bruce: Scenes in the Life of a Bowery Newsboy1892

Bob Burton1856

Bound to Rise; or, Henry Walton's Motto

Christmas Pantomimes and Burlesques at Covent...1859

Christmas Pantomimes and Burlesques at St. James1859

Christmas Pantomimes and Burlesques at the...1859



Cinderella and her Fairy Godmothern.d.

Cinderella and Other Fairy Talesn.d.

Cinderella and the Princen.d.

Cinderella as the Princessn.d.

Cinderella at the hearthn.d.

Cinderella Fitting the Slippern.d.

"Cinderella offered her sisters sweet meats...."1897

Cinderella Pantomime at the Drury1866

Cinderella Returnsn.d.

Cover art for Wait and Hope; or, a Plucky Boy's...1900

Do and Dare; or, A Brave Boy's Fight for Fortune1900

"Everybody at the Palace was astonished when they...1921

"The Fairy touched them with her wand..."1902

Fame and Fortune1868

Finding Her Prince (cover illustration)2002

"Go and fetch me a pumpkin...."1897

"The guard at the door could not think how it was...1902

"The guard at the door could not think how it was...1897

Harry Surprises the Squire1870

"Her godmother, who was a Fairy, came to her...."1897

"Her godmother, who was a Fairy, came to her...." (...1902

Herbert Carter's Legacy1875

Horatio Alger

"Let 'em Fight it Out"1870

Luck and Pluck, or, John Oakley's Inheritance,...1869

Luck and Pluck; or, John Oakley's Inheritance1869

"Next night they went to a ball at the Palace again...1921

"On the grave stood a large box of valuable clothes...1917

Only an Irish Boy1909

Paul the Peddler1871

Paul the Peddler Frontispiece1871

Phil the Fiddler1910

"The Prince fell in love with her at once, and he...1897

"The Prince fell in love with her at once..."1902

"The Prince took her by the hand and led her into...1902

"The Prince took her by the hand and led her into...1897

The pumpkin was changed into a lovely carriage....1897

"'Put these on,' said the Fairy . . . "1897

Ragged Dick1868

The Riding Horsesn.d.

Risen From the Ranks; or, the Story of Harry Walton...1909

"She brought a big pumpkin from the garden, two...1921

She had been brought to the shore to be swallowed...1892

"She remembered what her godmother had said..." 1902

"She was so happy with the Prince that she quite...1897

Sink or Swim, or, Harry Raymond's Resolve: 'High...1870

Sink or Swim; or Harry Raymond's Resolve1870

Slow and Sure1900

"So Cinderella sat down and without any trouble put...1902

"So Cinderella sat down and without any trouble put...1921

"Then Cinderella got into her grand carriage...1902

The transformation scene at Covent Garden1866

The Young Adventurer1878
John D. Batten (1860 - 1932)

The Boy with the Moon on his Forehead1892

Cap O' Rushes1916

The Eagle of Gwern1892

The Herald announces the court ball1916

Katau burst out of his stable with the prince on...1892

The King's Daughter was to be Sacrificed1892

The Lamp1916

Now I have caught you, Molly Whuppie1916

The Sea Maiden1892

The Soldier Lays a Honey Trap1916

The Step-Sister Cuts off her Toe1916

Trembling at the Church Door1892

The Youth Cuts Off One of the Monster's Heads1892

Yspathaden Penkawr1892
Sheilah Beckett (1913 - 2013)

Snow White and Rose Red1978
Harry Clarke (1889 - 1931)

"Again, vanity is implicitly addressed in the...1922

Am I come hither to serve you with water, pray?1922

"Another gown the colour of the moon."1922

"Anyone but Cinderilla would have dressed their...1922

"At this very instant the young fairy came out from...1922

"Away she drove, scarce able to contain herself for...1922

"Blue beard joins his other wives."1922

Cinderella and her prince1922

"Clarke depicts the disquised princess 'Donkey Skin...1922

"Clarke's illustration ending "Little Thumb"."1922

"Clarke's title page for the tale Riquet with the...1922

"Curiosity made him put his eye to the keyhole."1922

"Endpiece depicting man as servant to beautiful and...1922

He asked whither she was going1922

"He brought them home by the very same way they...1922

"He saw upon a bed, the finest sight was ever...1922

"He thought the Princess was his Queen."1922

"'I will have it so,' replied the queen, 'And will...1922

Illustration of couple with an attendant used to...1922

Illustration of Puppeteer1922

Illustration, implicit of the old dance, posited...1922

"The image of metamorphosis placed at the end of...1922

"Jupiter appeared before him wielding his mighty...1922

"Little Thumb was as good as his word, and returned...1922

"A long black pudding came winding and wriggling...1922

"The marquis gave his hand to the princess, and...1922

"Moral for Blue Beard."1922

"Moral for Perrault's "Ridiculous Wishes"."1922

The Moral of "Little Thumb."1922

The Moral of Perrault's Fairy Tales1922

Perrault's moral appendage for young people1922

"Perrault's moral directive for Donkey Skin"1922

"Perrault's moral for Cinderilla."1922

"Perrault's moral for Sleeping Beauty."1922

"Perrault's morals for Riquet with a Tuft."1922

"Perrault's second moral for Cinderilla."1922

Portrait of Perrault "Avec ardeur il aima les beaux...1922

"The Prince believed he had given her more wit than...1922

"The Prince enquires of the aged countryman."1922

"A Princess, who appeared to be about fifteen or...1922

The puppet motif continues on the title page of "...1922

Putting the slipper to her foot1922

Riquet with the Tuft appeared to her the finest...1922

"She left behind one of her glass slippers, which...1922

Silhouette sketch of lovers in the garden denoting...1922

Table of Contents (Perrault)1922

"This man had the misfortune to have a blue beard...1922

Title Page for Fairy Tales of Charles Perrault1922

Title page of "Cinderilla, or the Little Glass...1922

Title Page of "The Fairy"1922

Title page of "The Ridiculous Wishes".1922

Title Page to "Blue Beard"1922

Title page to "Little Thumb."1922

Title page to "The Master Cat; or Puss in Boots"1922

"Truth to tell, this new ornament did not set off...1922

Two morals Perrault offers for the tale1922

"What is this I see?" said her mother1922

"What, is not the key of my closet among the rest...1922
Walter Crane (1845 - 1915)

""Cock -a-doodle-doo! Our dirty girl has come home...1866

Faithful John1866

"The Frog Prince and the golden ball."1866

"Frontispiece of The Sleeping Beauty."1866

"The headpiece of Aschenputtel."1866

"Headpiece of "Faithful John"."1866

"Headpiece of Little Red Cap."1866

"The headpiece of Mother Hulda."1866

"The headpiece of Prudent Hans."1866

"Headpiece of "The Frog Prince"."1866

"Headpiece of "The Goose Girl"."1866

"Justice revealed in the tailpiece."1866

"The King and Faithful John."1866

"Looking glass upon the wall, who is the fairest of...1866

"The maiden at her mother's grave."1866

"The maiden grew up, adorned with all the gifts of...1866

"Many king's sons had sought to pass the thorn-...1866

Mother Hulda1866

"Oh that I had a child as white as snow, as red as...1866

"Oh, shake me, shake me, we apples are all of us...1866

"The prince thought it must be a wheel breaking...1866

"Prudent Hans casting sheep's eyes at Gretel."1866

"Prudent Hans, who listened well to his mother."1866

"Queen thou art of beauty rare, but Snow White...1866

"Some cakes and a flask of wine for Red Cap to take...1866

"Then she sat down on a stool, drew her foot out of...1866

"Then the wolf, having satisfied his hunger, lay...1866

"The three ravens of "Faithful John"."1866

Title page of "Household Stories."1866

"When it was quite dark, the masters of the house...1866
George Cruikshank (1792 - 1878)

"Cinderella and the Glass Slipper"1911

"Cinderella having fitted on the Glass Slipper...1911

"Cinderella Helping her Sisters to Dress for the...1911

"Cinderella leaving the Royal Palace after the...1911

"Cinderella scouring the Pots and Kettles"1911

"The Fairy changing Cinderella's Kitchen dress into...1911

"The Herald's proclaiming the Prince's wish that...1911

"The Marriage of Cinderella to The Prince"1911

"The Prince, picking up Cinderella's Glass Slipper...1911

"The Pumpkin, and the Rat, and the Lizards, being...1911

"Aladdin and his Lamp"1925

Associating the transformation motif.1925

The back cover depicts a mother entertaining and...1925

Both Aladdin and the consumer of Dr. Caldwell's...1925


Cinderella in flight at midnight1925

The Fairy godmother commences the magical...1925

"Famous Fairy Tales for Children"1925

Introductory page with photograph of W.B. Caldwell...1925

Is the magic of the Pepsin comparable to that which...1925

"Jack and the Beanstalk."1925

"Little Red Riding Hood."1925

Red Riding Hood examines the appearance of "Granny...1925

Reiterating consistency through generations of...1925

Rescued...recovered...regained...restoration themes...1925

The restoration of wealth aligned with the...1925

Restoring order in the fairy tale narrative and in...1925

A testimonial from a Granny?1925

Timeless tales and timeless remedies...'Note the...1925

The villain is felled.1925
Frank Dillon (1823 - 1909)

"Aladdin and his Lamp"1925

Associating the transformation motif.1925

The back cover depicts a mother entertaining and...1925

Both Aladdin and the consumer of Dr. Caldwell's...1925


Cinderella in flight at midnight1925

The Fairy godmother commences the magical...1925

"Famous Fairy Tales for Children"1925

Introductory page with photograph of W.B. Caldwell...1925

Is the magic of the Pepsin comparable to that which...1925

"Jack and the Beanstalk."1925

"Little Red Riding Hood."1925

Red Riding Hood examines the appearance of "Granny...1925

Reiterating consistency through generations of...1925

Rescued...recovered...regained...restoration themes...1925

The restoration of wealth aligned with the...1925

Restoring order in the fairy tale narrative and in...1925

A testimonial from a Granny?1925

Timeless tales and timeless remedies...'Note the...1925

The villain is felled.1925
H. J. Ford (1860 - 1941)

"Aphrodite brings Cupid to Psyche."1905

"Apuleius changes into an Ass."1905

"The Bearskin - Am not I a bold Beast?."1905

"The Emperor carries William away."1905

"The Fury of the Werwolf."1905

"Havelok presents Goldborough to the English people...1905

"Little Sir Bevis avenges his father."1905

"The lovers meet by plan of Alexandrine."1905

"Round the bag which held the boy a brilliant light...1905

Strong Sir Bevis keeps the two dragons at bay1905

"The Wer-wolf carries Prince William away."1905

"The Werwolf's visit to the cave."1905

"Zephyr carries Psyche down from the mountain."1905

Cinderellac. 1876

Cinderella Plate
Vereker Hamilton (1856 - 1931)

"Venus and a Seagull"1887
Jessie M. King (1875 - 1949)

"Back cover"1924

"Cinderella danced for joy in her saffron-tinted...1924

"Cinderella Goes To The Bees For beeswax and to the...1924

"Contents of How Cinderella Was Able To Go to The...1924

"Dress in Batik."1924

"Endpiece: Cinderella working Batik."1924

"Frontispiece: Cinderella could not help crying."1924

"Guenevere Gone A Maying."1924

"How Cinderella Was Able To Go to The Ball."1924

"Javanese Earthenware Dish with Heater-for Charcoal...1924

"Lampshade Title: The Chase."1924

"Pair of curtains, title: Little Sister and Faire...1924

"Progressive examples of Batik."1924

Requirements for Success in Batik1924

"Silk Opera Cloak in Batik."1924

Sleeveless tunic with hanging side sash - yellow...1924


"Tunic - green painted in orange and red dyes."1924

"Tunic - orange and cerise - painted in dyed green...1924
Margaret Evans Price (1888 - 1973)


"Cinderella chose the biggest and finest pumpkin on...1921

"Cinderella shared with her sisters the fruit and...1921

"Cinderella sprang up and ran out of the ballroom...1921

"Cinderella tried to make her sisters look as well...1921

"If you had been at the ball you would not have...1921

"The Prince's Messenger blew a great blast on his...1921

"We might make a coachman out of these"1921

"You must not stay one minute after midnight."1921
Edwin J. Prittie (1851 - 1882)

"Bending over the brook, she drank."1924

"The better to eat you with."1924

"Cinderella in her fright ran so fast."1924

"Cinderella left one of her glass slippers on the...1924

"The daintiest pair of glass slippers that ever...1924

"The end of his beard was fixed in a split of a...1924

"'Good morning,' said the wolf, and trotted away."1924

Grimm's Fairy Tales1924

"It looks quite easy. May I try to do it?"1924

"The King bade him tell all that happened."1924

"The king sent out all his heralds and trumpeters"1924

"The lock of hair fell out of her bosom."1924

"The old king stood outside and listened."1924

"The poor child was sent to live in the kitchen."1924

"The Prince married his rightful bride, and they...1924

"So sweet and pretty that everybody loved her."1924

"Stretch your finger that I may feel if you are...1924

A strong wind snatched his hat off.1924

"There on the hearth in front of her stood an old...1924

"There was no doubt as to whom he would choose."1924

"They travelled on till they came to the King's...1924

"The wolf reached the Grandmother's cottage and...1924
Prud'hon (1758 - 1826)

Proserpine and Psyche1887
W. B. Richmond (1842 - 1921)

Cupid and Psyche1887
W. Graham Robertson (1866 - 1948)

"And these are your sisters - ugly and cruel...1919

"If you please, miss, was it by your orders that...1919

The Slippers of Cinderella.1919

"So much depends upon the way a thing is worn."1919

"Cinderella had to wash the dishes and scrub the...1921

"Frontispiece of Cinderella."1921

"The little slipper fitted Cinderella like wax."1921

"The Prince asked the guards if they had seen the...1921

"The Prince stayed close beside Cinderella"1921

The Sisters called in Cinderella to ask her advice...1921

Title page of "Cinderella."1921

"The wedding cake with the slippers."1921

"You will find six lizards behind the watering pot...1921
John D. Batten (1860 - 1932)
Sheilah Beckett (1913 - 2013)
Harry Clarke (1889 - 1931)
Walter Crane (1845 - 1915)
George Cruikshank (1792 - 1878)
Frank Dillon (1823 - 1909)
H. J. Ford (1860 - 1941)
Vereker Hamilton (1856 - 1931)
Jessie M. King (1875 - 1949)
Margaret Evans Price (1888 - 1973)
Edwin J. Prittie (1851 - 1882)
Prud'hon (1758 - 1826)
W. B. Richmond (1842 - 1921)
W. Graham Robertson (1866 - 1948)

"Again, vanity is...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Aladdin and his Lamp"Dillon, Frank 1925

Am I come hither to serve...Clarke, Harry 1922

"and he would dance with...Anonymous 1902

"And her sisters fell down...Anonymous 1897

"And these are your...Robertson, W. Graham 1919

Andy GordonAnonymous 1905

Anima Goes down the HoleAnonymous 1916

Annie and the Prince (...2000

"Another gown the colour...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Anyone but Cinderilla...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Aphrodite brings Cupid to...Ford, H. J. 1905

"Apuleius changes into an...Ford, H. J. 1905

Associating the...Dillon, Frank 1925

At Midnight (cover...1995

"At this very instant the...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Away she drove, scarce...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Back cover"King, Jessie M. 1924

"Back cover depicting a...Anonymous 1902

The back cover depicts a...Dillon, Frank 1925

"The Bearskin - Am not I a...Ford, H. J. 1905

Ben Bruce: Scenes in the...Anonymous 1892

"Bending over the brook,...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"The better to eat you...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"Blue beard joins his...Clarke, Harry 1922

Bob BurtonAnonymous 1856

Both Aladdin and the...Dillon, Frank 1925

Bound to Rise; or, Henry...Anonymous

The Boy with the Moon on...Batten, John D. 1892

Cap O' RushesBatten, John D. 1916

Christmas Pantomimes and...Anonymous 1859

Christmas Pantomimes and...Anonymous 1859

Christmas Pantomimes and...Anonymous 1859

"Cinderella"Price, Margaret Evans 1921

"Cinderella"Anonymous 1897

CinderellaGunston, W. c. 1876

CinderellaAnonymous 1902

"Cinderella"Dillon, Frank 1925

A Cinderella Affair (cover...1992

Cinderella After Midnight...1967

Cinderella After Midnight...2001

Cinderella and her Fairy...Anonymous n.d.

Cinderella and her princeClarke, Harry 1922

Cinderella and Other Fairy...Anonymous n.d.

"Cinderella and the Glass...Cruikshank, George 1911

Cinderella and the PrinceAnonymous n.d.

Cinderella and the Spy (...2000

Cinderella and the Texas...1998

Cinderella as the Princess...Anonymous n.d.

Cinderella at the...1993

Cinderella at the hearthAnonymous n.d.

Cinderella Bride (cover...1998

"Cinderella chose the...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

"Cinderella danced for joy...King, Jessie M. 1924

The Cinderella Deal (cover...1996

Cinderella Fitting the...Anonymous n.d.

Cinderella for a Night (...2000

The Cinderella Game (cover...1992

Cinderella Girl (cover...1990

"Cinderella Goes To The...King, Jessie M. 1924

"Cinderella had to wash...Snow, Dorothea 1921

"Cinderella having fitted...Cruikshank, George 1911

"Cinderella Helping her...Cruikshank, George 1911

Cinderella in flight at...Dillon, Frank 1925

"Cinderella in her fright...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Cinderella in Mink (cover...1973

"Cinderella leaving the...Cruikshank, George 1911

"Cinderella left one of...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Cinderella Nurse (cover...1967

"Cinderella offered her...Anonymous 1897

Cinderella Pantomime at...Anonymous 1866

Cinderella PlateGunston, W.

Cinderella ReturnsAnonymous n.d.

"Cinderella scouring the...Cruikshank, George 1911

The Cinderella Search (...1998

"Cinderella shared with...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

The Cinderella Solution (...2000

"Cinderella sprang up and...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

Cinderella Summer (cover...1992

The Cinderella Trap (cover...1988

"Cinderella tried to make...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

Cinderella Twin (cover...1998

Cinderella Wife (cover...1986

Cinderella's Big Sky Groom...1999

Cinderella's Midnight Kiss...2000

Cinderella's Secret Agent...2001

Cinderella's Secret Baby (...1998

Cinderella's Shoe Size (...2001

Cinderella's Tycoon1999

Cinderman (cover...1994

Cinders to Satin1983

Cindy and the Prince (...1988

"Clarke depicts the...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Clarke's illustration...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Clarke's title page for...Clarke, Harry 1922

""Cock -a-doodle-doo! Our...Crane, Walter 1866

"Contents of How...King, Jessie M. 1924

Cover art for Wait and...Anonymous 1900

Cupid and PsycheRichmond, W. B. 1887

"Curiosity made him put...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The daintiest pair of...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Do and Dare; or, A Brave...Anonymous 1900

"Dress in Batik."King, Jessie M. 1924

The Eagle of GwernBatten, John D. 1892

Emma and the Earl (cover...1999

"The Emperor carries...Ford, H. J. 1905

"The end of his beard was...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"Endpiece depicting man as...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Endpiece: Cinderella...King, Jessie M. 1924

"Everybody at the Palace...Anonymous 1921

"The Fairy changing...Cruikshank, George 1911

The Fairy godmother...Dillon, Frank 1925

"The Fairy touched them...Anonymous 1902

Faithful JohnCrane, Walter 1866

Fame and FortuneAnonymous 1868

"Famous Fairy Tales for...Dillon, Frank 1925

Finding Her Prince (cover...Anonymous 2002

Footprint of Cinderella (...1931

"The Frog Prince and the...Crane, Walter 1866

"Frontispiece of...Snow, Dorothea 1921

"Frontispiece of The...Crane, Walter 1866

"Frontispiece: Cinderella...King, Jessie M. 1924

"The Fury of the Werwolf...Ford, H. J. 1905

"Go and fetch me a pumpkin...Anonymous 1897

"'Good morning,' said the...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Grimm's Fairy TalesPrittie, Edwin J. 1924

"The guard at the door...Anonymous 1902

"The guard at the door...Anonymous 1897

"Guenevere Gone A Maying...King, Jessie M. 1924

Harry Surprises the Squire...Anonymous 1870

"Havelok presents...Ford, H. J. 1905

He asked whither she was...Clarke, Harry 1922

"He brought them home by...Clarke, Harry 1922

"He saw upon a bed, the...Clarke, Harry 1922

"He thought the Princess...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The headpiece of...Crane, Walter 1866

"Headpiece of "Faithful...Crane, Walter 1866

"Headpiece of Little Red...Crane, Walter 1866

"The headpiece of Mother...Crane, Walter 1866

"The headpiece of Prudent...Crane, Walter 1866

"Headpiece of "The Frog...Crane, Walter 1866

"Headpiece of "The Goose...Crane, Walter 1866

"Her godmother, who was a...Anonymous 1897

"Her godmother, who was a...Anonymous 1902

The Herald announces the...Batten, John D. 1916

"The Herald's proclaiming...Cruikshank, George 1911

Herbert Carter's LegacyAnonymous 1875

His Cinderella Bride (...1996

Honky-Tonk Cinderella (...2001

Horatio AlgerAnonymous

"How Cinderella Was Able...King, Jessie M. 1924

"'I will have it so,'...Clarke, Harry 1922

If Wishes Were Husbands (...1998

"If you had been at the...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

"If you please, miss, was...Robertson, W. Graham 1919

Illustration of couple...Clarke, Harry 1922

Illustration of PuppeteerClarke, Harry 1922

Illustration, implicit of...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The image of...Clarke, Harry 1922

Introductory page with...Dillon, Frank 1925

Is the magic of the Pepsin...Dillon, Frank 1925

"It looks quite easy. May...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"Jack and the Beanstalk."Dillon, Frank 1925

"Javanese Earthenware Dish...King, Jessie M. 1924

"Jupiter appeared before...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Justice revealed in the...Crane, Walter 1866

Katau burst out of his...Batten, John D. 1892

"The King and Faithful...Crane, Walter 1866

"The King bade him tell...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"The king sent out all his...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

The King's Daughter was to...Batten, John D. 1892

The LampBatten, John D. 1916

"Lampshade Title: The...King, Jessie M. 1924

"Let 'em Fight it Out"Anonymous 1870

"Little Red Riding Hood."Dillon, Frank 1925

"Little Sir Bevis avenges...Ford, H. J. 1905

"The little slipper fitted...Snow, Dorothea 1921

"Little Thumb was as good...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The lock of hair fell out...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"A long black pudding came...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Looking glass upon the...Crane, Walter 1866

Love Is a Fairy Tale (...1984

"The lovers meet by plan...Ford, H. J. 1905

Luck and Pluck, or, John...Anonymous 1869

Luck and Pluck; or, John...Anonymous 1869

Magic Slippers (cover...1996

"The maiden at her mother'...Crane, Walter 1866

"The maiden grew up,...Crane, Walter 1866

Mail-Order Cinderella (...2000

"Many king's sons had...Crane, Walter 1866

"The marquis gave his hand...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The Marriage of...Cruikshank, George 1911


"Moral for Blue Beard."Clarke, Harry 1922

"Moral for Perrault's "...Clarke, Harry 1922

The Moral of "Little Thumb...Clarke, Harry 1922

The Moral of Perrault's...Clarke, Harry 1922

Mother HuldaCrane, Walter 1866

The Mysterious Maid-...1977

"Next night they went to a...Anonymous 1921

Now I have caught you,...Batten, John D. 1916

"'Now the Vinegar', said...1924

"O wind, blow Conrad's hat...1866

"Oh that I had a child as...Crane, Walter 1866

"Oh, shake me, shake me,...Crane, Walter 1866

"The old king stood...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"On the grave stood a...Anonymous 1917

Only an Irish BoyAnonymous 1909

Overnight Cinderella (...2001

"Pair of curtains, title:...King, Jessie M. 1924

Paul the PeddlerAnonymous 1871

Paul the Peddler...Anonymous 1871

Perrault's moral appendage...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Perrault's moral...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Perrault's moral for...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Perrault's moral for...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Perrault's morals for...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Perrault's second moral...Clarke, Harry 1922

Phil the FiddlerAnonymous 1910

Plain Jane Gets Her Man (...1997

Plain Jane Marries the...1999

"The poor child was sent...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Portrait of Perrault "Avec...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The Prince asked the...Snow, Dorothea 1921

"The Prince believed he...Clarke, Harry 1922

Prince Charming, M.D. (...1998

"The Prince enquires of...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The Prince fell in love...Anonymous 1897

"The Prince fell in love...Anonymous 1902

"The Prince married his...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"The Prince stayed close...Snow, Dorothea 1921

"The prince thought it...Crane, Walter 1866

"The Prince took her by...Anonymous 1902

"The Prince took her by...Anonymous 1897

"The Prince, picking up...Cruikshank, George 1911

"The Prince's Messenger...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

The Princess Gets Engaged...1997

Princess in Denim (cover...1998

"A Princess, who appeared...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Progressive examples of...King, Jessie M. 1924

Proserpine and PsychePrud'hon 1887

"Prudent Hans casting...Crane, Walter 1866

"Prudent Hans, who...Crane, Walter 1866

The pumpkin was changed...Anonymous 1897

"The Pumpkin, and the Rat...Cruikshank, George 1911

The puppet motif continues...Clarke, Harry 1922

"'Put these on,' said the...Anonymous 1897

Putting the slipper to her...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Queen thou art of beauty...Crane, Walter 1866

Ragged DickAnonymous 1868

Red Riding Hood examines...Dillon, Frank 1925

Reiterating consistency...Dillon, Frank 1925

Requirements for Success...King, Jessie M. 1924

Rescued...recovered......Dillon, Frank 1925

The restoration of wealth...Dillon, Frank 1925

Restoring order in the...Dillon, Frank 1925

The Riding HorsesAnonymous n.d.

A Ring for Cinderella (...1999

Riquet with the Tuft...Clarke, Harry 1922

Risen From the Ranks; or,...Anonymous 1909

"Round the bag which held...Ford, H. J. 1905

The Sea MaidenBatten, John D. 1892

"She brought a big pumpkin...Anonymous 1921

She had been brought to...Anonymous 1892

"She left behind one of...Clarke, Harry 1922

"She remembered what her...Anonymous 1902

"She was so happy with the...Anonymous 1897

Sign Me, Speechless in...1998

Silhouette sketch of...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Silk Opera Cloak in Batik...King, Jessie M. 1924

Sink or Swim, or, Harry...Anonymous 1870

Sink or Swim; or Harry...Anonymous 1870

The Sisters called in...Snow, Dorothea 1921

Sleeveless tunic with...King, Jessie M. 1924

The Slippers of Cinderella...Robertson, W. Graham 1919

Slow and SureAnonymous 1900

Snow White and Rose RedBeckett, Sheilah 1978

Snowbound Cinderella (...1999

"So Cinderella sat down...Anonymous 1902

"So Cinderella sat down...Anonymous 1921

"So much depends upon the...Robertson, W. Graham 1919

"So sweet and pretty that...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

The Soldier Lays a Honey...Batten, John D. 1916

"Some cakes and a flask of...Crane, Walter 1866

The Step-Sister Cuts off...Batten, John D. 1916

"Stretch your finger that...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Strong Sir Bevis keeps the...Ford, H. J. 1905

A strong wind snatched his...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Stubborn Cinderella (cover...1986

Table of Contents (...Clarke, Harry 1922

A testimonial from a...Dillon, Frank 1925

"Then Cinderella got into...Anonymous 1902

"Then she sat down on a...Crane, Walter 1866

"Then the wolf, having...Crane, Walter 1866

"There on the hearth in...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"There was no doubt as to...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"They travelled on till...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

"This man had the...Clarke, Harry 1922

"The three ravens of "...Crane, Walter 1866

Timeless tales and...Dillon, Frank 1925

Title Page for Fairy Tales...Clarke, Harry 1922

Title page of "Cinderella...Snow, Dorothea 1921

Title page of "Cinderilla...Clarke, Harry 1922

Title page of "Household...Crane, Walter 1866

Title Page of "The Fairy"Clarke, Harry 1922

Title page of "The...Clarke, Harry 1922

Title Page to "Blue Beard...Clarke, Harry 1922

Title page to "Little...Clarke, Harry 1922

Title page to "The Master...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Tjanzings."King, Jessie M. 1924

The transformation scene...Anonymous 1866

Trembling at the Church...Batten, John D. 1892

"Truth to tell, this new...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Tunic - green painted in...King, Jessie M. 1924

"Tunic - orange and cerise...King, Jessie M. 1924

Two morals Perrault offers...Clarke, Harry 1922

"Venus and a Seagull"Hamilton, Vereker 1887

The villain is felled.Dillon, Frank 1925

"We might make a coachman...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

"The wedding cake with the...Snow, Dorothea 1921

"The Wer-wolf carries...Ford, H. J. 1905

"The Werwolf's visit to...Ford, H. J. 1905

"What is this I see?" said...Clarke, Harry 1922

"What, is not the key of...Clarke, Harry 1922

"When it was quite dark,...Crane, Walter 1866

"The wolf reached the...Prittie, Edwin J. 1924

Wyoming Cinderella (cover...2001

"You must not stay one...Price, Margaret Evans 1921

"You will find six lizards...Snow, Dorothea 1921

The Young AdventurerAnonymous 1878

The Youth Cuts Off One of...Batten, John D. 1892

Yspathaden PenkawrBatten, John D. 1892

"Zephyr carries Psyche...Ford, H. J. 1905

by Harry Clarke

by Anonymous

by Frank Dillon , Alvie Dillon

by Frank Dillon , Alvie Dillon

by George Cruikshank

by Anonymous

by Anonymous

by George Cruikshank

by Harry Clarke

by Frank Dillon , Alvie Dillon

by Walter Crane

by Harry Clarke

by Walter Crane

by Harry Clarke

by Harry Clarke

by Edwin J. Prittie

by George Cruikshank

by Walter Crane

by Frank Dillon , Alvie Dillon

by Frank Dillon , Alvie Dillon

by Frank Dillon , Alvie Dillon

by Frank Dillon , Alvie Dillon

by Anonymous

by Harry Clarke

by Jessie M. King

by Anonymous

by Walter Crane