Lyrics and Old World Idylls by: Madison J. Cawein (Author)Publisher Location: Boston Publisher Name: Small, Maynard, and Co. Publication Date: 1907Text(s) After the Tournament The Daughter of Merlin The Dream of Sir Galahad Peredur, the Son of Evrawc Tristram to Isolt Images "And grasped of both wild hands, swung trenchant" (...1907"In her ecstasy a lovely devil" (P. 250 - 251)1907"It shall go hard with him through thee,...1907"She raised her oblong lute and smote some chords...1907 "And grasped of both wild hands, swung trenchant" (P. 374 - Eric Pape "In her ecstasy a lovely devil" (P. 250 - 251)by Eric Pape "It shall go hard with him through thee, unconquerable blade" ( Eric Pape "She raised her oblong lute and smote some chords" (P. 124 Eric Pape