(Updated April 2, 2024)
Alexander and Dindimus, Alexander’s Letter, and Other India Writings
George Ashby, Active Policy of a Prince and Dicta et opiniones diversorum philosophorum
Lady Margaret Beaufort, trans. The Imitation of Christ and The Mirror of Gold to the Sinful Soul
Biblical Stories in Middle English Verse
Le Bone Florence of Rome
William Caxton, Mirrour of the World
Chester Whitsun Plays
The Destruction of Troy
The English Apocalypse: A Fourteenth Century Bible Translation in Transition: The Plimpton Manuscript
The Forme of Cury
Ghostly Fathers: The Middle English Lives of Gregory, Austyn, and Erkenwald with related materials in Prose and Verse
John Gower, Vox Clamantis in 2 volumes
Robert Grosseteste, The Castle of Love and Chasteau d'amur
John Hardyng, Chronicle, Volume 2
Richard Holland, The Buke of the Howlat
Prose Life of Alexander the Great
John Lydgate, The Life of Our Lady
Guillaume de Machaut, The Complete Poetry and Music in 13 volumes
- Volume 3: Love Visions (Prologue, Le Dit dou Vergier, Le Livre de la Fonteinne Amoureuse)
- Volume 4: The True Tale (Le Livre dou Voir Dit)
- Volume 5: Romance and Allegory (Le Dit dou Lyon, Le Dit de l'Alerion, Four Minor Dits)
- Volume 6: The Taking of Alexandria (Le Livre de la Prise d'Alixandre)
- Volume 7: The Lyrics I
- Volume 8: The Lyrics II
- Volume 10: The Lays
- Volume 11: The Rondeaux and Virelais
- Volume 12: The Ballades
- Volume 13: The Mass and Other Religious Works
The Magnussona Saga
A Medieval Anglo-Irish Treasure: Harley MS 913
Middle English Breton Lays, 2nd ed.
The Middle English Melusine
Middle English Poems on the Apocryphal Childhood of Jesus
Middle English Seven Sages of Rome
Partonope of Blois
Patient Grissel and the Taming of the Shrew
Richard Rolle, English Psalter and Canticles
Roman de Saladin
Theatre in the Convent: Medieval Women Religious and Their Plays
Welsh Arthurian Poetry: "Culhwch and Olwen," "The Elegy for Owain," "Geraint filius Erbin," and "Ludd and Llefelys"
William of Palerne and Chevalere Assigne