by: Edward H. Weatherly (Author) , Sherry L. Reames (Editor)
from: Middle English Legends of Women Saints 2003
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In syche a day ye schull have the feste of Seynt Marye Magdalene, whiche was the synneful womman and servyd to hure fleschely desires, and to whome God afterward gafe siche grace that sche servyd forgevenes of here synnes. For when Crist was in the hous of Symon the Leprous, as sone as Marye herde telle of Hym, sche thought in hireself by dyvyne aspiracion and grace that it were then covenable tyme for to converte and make sorowe and penaunce of hure lyf that sche hadde ladde afore. And sche toke an oynement in a vessel and yede into the hous of Symon where Jhesu was and yede to the feet of Jhesu and wasshid hem with here teris of hure yghen and then dide wipe hem with the heeres of hire heed and anoyntyd hem then with hire oynement. And seeynge Crist that the Pharasye Symon hadde indignacion that Crist lete siche a synful womman come so nye hym, he seide to hym thus: "Symon, sethen I come into thyn hows thou nether kyssid my feet ne wasshid hem ne anoyntid hem, but this womman hath done al this sethen sche come." And therefore seide Crist to Symon, "Propterea dimittuntur ei peccata multa quoniam dilexit multum. Therfore for hure myche love is the multitude of hure synnes forgeven." And then he seide to the womman, "Remittuntur tibi peccata tua quoniam dilexisti me. Woman, for thou hast shewyd to me love, thi synnes are forgeven. Vade, fides tua te salvam fecit. Go, thi feith hath made thee safe." Joseph telleth us that Marie Magdalein for the grete brennyng love that sche loved God wold never have housbonde ne se man with hire yghen after the ascen- sion of Crist. But sche yede into deserte and there sche dwellyd the space of thirty yere unknowyn to alle maner of men, ne never ete mete of man ne dronke drynke. But in yche tyme and in yche houre when that men worschipid here God, then the aungels of Hevene come to hyre and reysed hure up betwene hem into the eyre, and there sche made hire prayer with hem to God. So it happened after the space of the thirty yere that there was an holy preste, mayster of a serteyne bretherhede. And this preste usyd in yche tyme of the Quadragesime for to go and dwelle in the deserte in prayingis and fastyngis by hymself fro his bretheren. And in a tyme he sawe with his yghen howe the angels of God come downe fro Hevene and there toke a thynge and bare it up betwene hem and after brought it ageyn and left it where they toke it. At the laste this preste thought in hymself that there was some seynt in that coste that was so often tyme ivisit with angels. And atte the excitacion of the Holy Gost he yede to the place where the angels went to, and there he fonde a denne iclosid, and there he knelyd and cryed, seyinge, "I conjure thee by vertu of the Fader and Sone and the Holy Goste that whether thou be man or what creature that thou be that is in this place, that thou speke with me, and yif thou be a spirit that thou answere to me." And then a voyce spake unto hym out of the denne and seide, "For that thou haste so conjured me by the holy Trinité, therfore I shall answere and speke to thee and schewe to thee what I am. Ne herdest thou never in the Gospel ne redde never of Marie the grete synner, that wateryd the feet of hire Savyoure and wypid hem with here heeres and deserved so to have forgevenes of hire synnes?" And he answerd and seid, "Yis, I have herde it and redde it, and nowe it is the holy Gospel over alle the world." And then Marie seide to hym ageyn, "Sire, I am the same Marie; and for the grete love that I have to my Lord, I may se no man. And therfore anone after His ascencion I come into this wyldernes and have dwellyd here thirty yere, and in al this tyme I sawe never man ne herde man but thee nowe. And in yche houre commeth to me angels of my Lord God and ledeth me to my prayinge place to- ward Hevene. And there they schewe to me swetnes of the blisse, and then they brynge me ageyn unto this denne. And for this swetnes of Hevene and fayrenes of angels, I never covetyd mete ne drynke of man ne hunguryd ne thyrstid this thirty yere. And, sire, nowe I knowe well that the day of my passynge out of this world commeth nye, that I may dwelle in the sight of my Lord for evermore. And therfore I praye thee, do nowe at my prayere, as I have done at thyne: scilicet, go home and come ageyn at the seventhe day hens, and brynge with thee a wyndynge clothe. For I wol ende in the same maner as othir men doth." And then the preste yede and brought afterward syche a clothe and cast it at the dore of the denne. And then Marie prayed hym that he schuld brynge hire to some place of men, where that hymself wold, that sche myght ende ther hire lyf. And he brought hire home to his bretheren, and there Marie was comonyd with the body and blode of oure Lord Jhesu Crist. And sche then lyfte up hire yghen and hire handes to God, and so passid the spirit. And after tyme of hire passynge there was ther syche a smelle and a savoure that it was felyd by five dayes after. And then the preste beriede worschipfully hire holy body, and after his deth he made hym to be beriede with hire. And this Marie was the suster of Lazar, that Crist rerede fro his sepulcre, and also sustre of Martha, the whiche did myche mynystracion to Crist, as is redde in the Gospel. But the Marie aforesaid chese the beste parte, for sche sete by the feete of oure Lord and herde his holy wordes, and sche folowyd hym to the crosse, and sche yede in the day of Paske to his sepulcre for to anoynte hym. And after that he was up resyn, sche was the firste that sawe hym. And therfore in oure Letanie we take hure before alle virgines except the moder of God, the whiche noght onely is set and prayede afore virgines, but also afore alle other seyntis after hire Sone. And oure Lord hath shewyd for Marie aforeseide syche a myracle. In the flode that is callyd Flumen Ligeris was a schip chargyd with men and wymmen. So it happenyd that there rose up a wynde and siche a storme that the schip perischid and was fillyd with the water and isonkyn. And then alle that were in the schipp were so trowbulyd with the drede of deth that they nolde triste in no prayere ne behotynge to God or to eny other good seyntis. But as the mayny were in drenchynge, it sterde into the mynde of a certeyn womman of hem that sche schuld crie and speke with as hye a voyce as she myght, in these wordes: "O Seynt Marie Magdalen, so wele beloved with Crist, I praye thee by thy byttre terys that thou wettest Cristis feet with, for to delyver me fro this peril of deth." And this same womman was grete with childe, and she made a vowe to God for to geve hure childe, yif that he schuld be a man, to be made a monke in an abbey therebeside. And anone there aperyd to hire a womman of gentel schap, and put hire hande unto the womman, and toke hire by the chynne, and brought hire up saf and sownde unto the banke. And so was the womman delyvered through help of God and of Mary Magdaleyn, and alle the tother pereschid ychone. So after- ward when the womman hadde conceyved and was avised of hire vowe that sche hadde made, sche offrid the childe to God and to Seynt Marie Magdaleyn, and he evermore in alle his lyf was here servaunt. Also ther was a knyght slawe in a batell, the whiche hadde used every yere to come to the sepulcre of Marie Magdalen. And as his frendis wepte and sorowed for hym, beholdyng hym on the beere, they were wrothe to Marie Magdaleyn and seide why that sche suffred hire servant for to dye sodeynly withoute confession, doynge of penaunce, and contricion. And sodeynly the dede body in grete mervayle to alle men rose fro deth and made a preste to come to hym. And anoon when he hadde confessid hym and receyvyd Goddis body, he passyd ageyn to reste. Also there was a clerk of Flaundres and felle into siche a multitude of crymes, and so he usid syche grete vicis and crymes that he wolde nether do that good was ne yit heere it. Nevertheles he hadde in Marie Magdaleyn grete devocion, and worschepid hire feste and fastid for hire devoutly. So in a tyme as he had visit hire sepulcre, as he lay in his devocion and hadde fallen into a slomerynge, scilicet, half slepyng, half wakyng, Marie Magdaleyn come to hym, havynge as hym thought sterne yghen, and in a faire semely schape and borne betwene two aungels, and seide to hym, "Stevene, answere nowe to me. Why and wherfore dost thou so wickydly ageinst the prayers and the merites that I make for thee? I make for thee grete instaunce and stere my lippes for thee to my Lord, that thou schuldest noght be perischid, and thou wolt noght amende; for I have evermore prayede for thee to God, for the grete devocion that thou haste hadde for me. And therefore ryse and amende it, and I shal nevere leve thee til thou be reconselyd to God." And anone this clerke felid this grace of God and Marie Magdaleyn, that he forsoke the world and enteryd into religion and was of a passynge parfite lyf. And in the tyme of his deth, Marie Magdaleyn was seen stondyng with angels beside his beere, takyng and berynge up his sowle like a white dowve to heven, with lovyng and songes, et cetera. |