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Everyman and Its Dutch Original, Elckerlijc: Bibliography
Adolf, Helen. “From Everyman and Elckerlijc to Hofmannsthal and Kafka.” Comparative Literature 9, no. 3 (1957): 204–14.
Anderson, M. D. Drama and Imagery in English Medieval Churches. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1963.
The Art and Crafte to Knowe Well to Dye. London: William Caxton, 1490.
Audelay, John. The Poems. Ed. Ella Keats Whiting. EETS o.s. 184. London: Oxford University Press, 1931.
Augustine. On Christian Doctrine. Trans. D. W. Robertson. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1958.
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———. Barlaam and Josaphat: A Transcription of MS Egerton 876, with Notes, Glossary, and Comparative Study of the Middle English and Japanese Versions. Ed. Keiko Ikegami. New York: AMS Press, 1999.
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———. Tudor Drama and Politics: A Critical Approach to Topical Meaning. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968.
———. Medieval Drama. See Everyman.
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———. “The Identity of Discretion in Everyman,” Notes and Queries 228 (1983): 394–96.
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———. Illustrations of the Stage and Acting in England to 1580. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 1991.
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———. “Saint Plays and Pageants of Medieval Britain.” Early Drama, Art, and Music Review 22, no. 1 (1999): 11–37.
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———.“The Doctrine of Friendship in Everyman.” Speculum 44 (1969): 374–82.
———. “The Phrase ‘the Oyle of Forgyuenes’ in ‘Everyman’: A Reference to Extreme Unction?” Notes and Queries 220 (1975): 105–06.
———. “The Identity of Discretion in Everyman,” Notes and Queries 228 (1983): 394–96.
———. “‘If ye had parfytely chered me’: The Nurturing of Good Deeds in Everyman.” Notes and Queries 240 (1995): 166–67.
Cowling, Douglas. “The Angels’ Song in Everyman.” Notes and Queries 233 (1988): 301–03.
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Cunningham, John. “Comedic and Liturgical Restoration in Everyman.” Comparative Drama 22 (1988): 162–73.
The Dance of Death. See Lydgate, John.
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Davidson, Clifford. The Guild Chapel Wall Paintings at Stratford-upon-Avon. New York: AMS Press, 1987.
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———. “Repentance and the Fountain: The Transformation of Symbols in English Emblem Books.” In The Art of the Emblem: Essays in Honor of Karl Josef Höltgen. Ed. Michael Bath et al. New York: AMS Press, 1993. Pp. 5–37.
———. “Saint Plays and Pageants of Medieval Britain.” Early Drama, Art, and Music Review 22, no. 1 (1999): 11–37.
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