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English and Scottish Popular Ballads, The


The English and Scottish Popular Ballads

Publisher Location: Boston and New York
Publisher Name: Houghton, Mifflin
Publication Date: 1882-1889
Number of Volumes: 5
Additional Information:
The Robin Hood ballads were published in volume III of the five volume edition of The English and Scottish Popular Ballads.  The edition itself was published in ten parts, and collected in five volumes.  Volume III was originally published in two parts: part V in 1888 and part VI in 1889.  Vol. III part V contained all the Robin Hood ballads.  The English and Scottish Popular Ballads was not Child's first attempt to collect the ballads of the British Isles: in 1857-58, he published a selection of ballads in an eight volume set, under the title English and Scottish Ballads (Boston: Little, Brown).  The Robin Hood ballads appeared in vol. V of the 1857-58 edition of English and Scottish Ballads, foreshadowing their place in the 1882-98 edition of The English and Scottish Popular Ballads.