Francis James Child
1825 - 1896Text(s)
The Bold Pedlar and Robin Hood (Child Ballad No. 132) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
The King's Disguise, and Friendship with Robin Hood (Child Ballad No. 151) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Little John A Begging (Child Ballad No. 142A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
The Noble Fisherman, or, Robin Hood's Preferment (Child Ballad No. 148) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and Queen Katherine (Child Ballad No. 145A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and Queen Katherine (Child Ballad No. 145B) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and Queen Katherine (Child Ballad No. 145C) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Beggar, I (Child Ballad No. 133) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Beggar, II (Child Ballad No. 134) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford (Child Balld No. 144A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Bishop of Hereford (Child Balld No. 144B) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Butcher (Child Ballad No. 122A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Butcher (Child Ballad No. 122B) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Curtal Friar (Child Ballad No. 123A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Prince of Aragon (Child Ballad No. 129) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Ranger (Child Ballad No. 131) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Scotchman (Child Ballad No. 130A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Scotchman (Child Ballad No. 130B) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Shepherd (Child Ballad No. 135) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Tanner (Child Ballad No. 126) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Tinker (Child Ballad No. 127) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood and the Valiant Knight (Child Ballad No. 153) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood Rescuing Three Squires (Child Ballad No. 140A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood Rescuing Will Stutly (Child Ballad No. 141) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood's Chase (Child Ballad No. 146) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood's Death (Child Ballad No. 120A) - 1882-1889 (Editor)
Robin Hood's Delight (Child Ballad No. 136) - 1882-1889 (Editor)