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The Crusades Project: Early Modern Literature

Early Modern Drama

Robert Daborne's A Christian Turned Turk
Thomas Dekker's Lust’s Dominion
Robert Greene's Selimus, Emperor of the Turks.
Thomas Goffe’s The Raging Turk, or Bajazet the Second
Thomas Heywood's The Fair maid of the West, Parts I and II
Thomas Heywood and William Rowley's Fortune by Land and Sea
Thomas Kyd's The Tragedye of Solyman and Perseda
Christopher Marlowe's Tamberlaine the Great, Parts One and Two
Christopher Marlowe's The Jew of Malta
Philip Massinger's The Renegado
Thomas Middleton's The Triumphs of Truth
Thomas Middleton and William Rowley's All’s Lost by Lust
William Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Othello, the Moor of Venice