Camelot 3000 and Beyond: An Annotated Listing or Arthurian Comic Books Published in the United States c. 1980-1998 (Revised Edition, May 2000)
For updates to this listing, please contact Michael Torregrossa at
--TO SNUFF IT OUT?(3) (46)
The assembled mutants then agree that Xavier's dream, like Arthur's, is worth fighting for, and Claremont concludes the work with these words,
The BEGINNING!(4) (48)
I have listed entries by year and alphabetically by writer or editor. Despite the collaborative nature of the comic book genre, I have chosen not to include any additional credits (such as artist, inker, colorist, or letterer) in order to include the largest number of entries. In compiling this listing, I have made no attempt to systemize the spelling of the characters names. Rather, I have retained the original spellings in order to illustrate the variety, frequently within a single title or company, of ways the name has been spelt.
This listing is by no means comprehensive, but, with some notable exceptions, I have included the majority of the Arthurian themed comic books published between c. 1980 and 1998. The books not included here fall into four distinct categories: 1) Books that I was not able to acquire (such as Comico's Elementals Vol. 2) or books in the process of being published (for example Caliber Press' Legends of Camelot anthology formerly known as Pendragon Chronicles and DC's Elseworlds' series Batman: Dark Knight of the Round Table); 2) Story lines and limited series currently in progress at the time of this writing (specifically Matt Wagner's continuation of his MAGE series in Image Comics' MAGE II: The Hero Defined(5) and Brian Fitzgerald's Knewts of the Round Table for PAN Entertainment);(6) 3) Books that contain only marginal references to the Arthurian legend (for example, references to Excalibur in Marvel's Spiderman Vol. 1, No. 17,(7) in addition to the non-Arthurian issues of Matt Wagner's MAGE series); 4) Books published outside of the United States, including Marvel Comics UK (for example, Captain Britain Vols. 1-2 and Knights of Pendragon Vols. 1-2).
The following abbreviations appear in brackets after some entries. If they are preceded by the word "source," then that is the first place that I discovered that particular work. Otherwise, the item is discussed or included within these works. (Full citations for works of Arthurian scholarship appear in the appendix below.)
AA: Dan Nastali and Phillip C. Boardman, comp., The Arthurian Annals (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2004).
AN: Arthurnet Archives. Listserv. Accessed March 2000
CBGMC: Thompson, Don and Maggie, eds. Comic Buyers Guide Marvel Comics Checklist and Price Guide 1961 to Present (Iola, WI: Krause Publications, 1993). [Used to supplement material not listed in OCBPG].
GDHC: Charles W. Rozanski, The Guide to Dark Horse Comics (Denver: Golden Marmot P, 1996).
KATA: Sally K. Slocum and H. Alan Stewart, "Heroes in Four Colors: The Arthurian Legend in Comic Strips and Books," King Arthur Through the Ages, Vol. II, 291-308.
MM: Peter Goodrich, "Modern Merlins: An Aerial Survey (Bibliographic Essay)," The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, 175-197.
OCBPG: Robert M. Overstreet, The Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide, 28th ed., (New York: Avon Books, June 1998). [Omissions only noted.]
TMM: Elizabeth S. Sklar, "Thoroughly Modern Morgan: Morgan le Fey in Twentieth-Century Popular Arthuriana," Popular Arthurian Traditions, 24-35.
Other Abbreviations: This listing refers to abbreviations placed within each listing. They include the color of the books in the case of the independent publishers, the format, and a means to understand my standardization of the citations.
#/# Used when more than one story appears in a single issue. Refers to the issue number and then the individual story number.
app. Appearance of/by.
B&W Black and white. (Unless noted otherwise, all other books may be assumed to be in full color.)
b. birth of.
BSF Bookshelf format. (This term is used to refer to comic-sized books printed on higher paper. Also referred to as "prestige format.")
d. death of.
ed. Editor. (In general I have not cited the editor unless otherwise necessary.)
1st app. First appearance of/by.
HRB. Historia Regum Britanniae. Geoffrey of Monmouth. History of the Kings of Britain. Trans. Lewis Thorpe. 1966. London: Penguin Books, 1988.
MOA. The Mists of Avalon. Marion Zimmer Bradley. The Mists of Avalon. 1982. New York: Del Rey-Ballatine Books, May 1984.
Rpt. Reprinted in or Reprints.
TPB Trade paperback. (This term is usually used for collections of comic-sized reprints.)
wr. Writer. (I have used this term to also include those credited as scripters and plotters.)
Late 1970s
1. Claremont, Chris, wr. "Introducing, Captain Britain." Marvel Team-Up Vol. 1, No. 65 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Jan. 1978): 12-15. (Rpt. entry 55.)
Recounts Captain Britain's origin from Marvel Comics UK. 1st American app. Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) and the Lady of the Northern Skies (later revealed to be Merlin III's daughter, Roma). Also features Merlin III and refers to the Siege Perilous (see also entry 65). Merlin and the Lady ask Braddock to choose between the Amulet of Right or the Sword of Might, and since he is a scholar, not a warrior, Braddock picks the amulet and is transformed into Captain Britain (see also entry 230). [Original not seen.]
2. Gruenwald, Mark, Steven Grant, and David Michelinie, wr. "The Call of the Mountain Thing." Avengers Vol. 1, No. 187 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Sept. 1979): 10-11, 15-17. [AA] (Rpt. entry 163.)
Modred the Mystic (see entries 3-4) continues his battle with the Avengers. Contains a brief flashback depicting Morgan Le Fey's role in the history of the Darkhold during the sixth century. [Original not seen.]
3. Mantlo, Bill, wr. "---Magic is Alive!" Marvel Chillers Vol. 1, No. 1/1 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Oct. 1975): 1-26.
1st app. and origin of Modred the Mystic (see also entry 42). Flashback reveals that Modred was to be apprentice to Merlin (II?), but Modred sacrificed himself to the Darkhold to save his beloved Janice.
4. - - -, wr. "Of Magic and Madness!" Marvel Chillers Vol. 1, No. 2/1 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Dec. 1975): 1-26.
Continues the origin of Modred the Mystic in a series of flashbacks.
5. Wolfman, Marv, wr. "A Sword in Hand!" Spider-Woman Vol. 1, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, May 1978): 1-10, 14-31. [TMM 34 n. 9]
1st app. Morgan Le Fey [II] (in spirit form) in the modern Marvel universe. 1st app. Magnus, Morgan's former lover. Morgan empowers her agent Excalibur with the false Excalibur to battle Spider-Woman I (Jessica Drew).
6. - - -, wr. "Nightmare." Spider-Woman Vol. 1, No. 5 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Aug. 1978). [AA]
In spirit form, Morgan Le Fey causes Spider-Woman I to have nightmares.
7. - - -, wr. "End of a Nightmare!" Spider-Woman Vol. 1, No. 6 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Sept. 1978). [AA]
Again in spirit form, Morgan Le Fey battles Spider-Woman I, Magnus, and the Werewolf by Night (Jack Russell). Spider-Woman destroys Morgan's physical body.
8. Moench, Doug, and John Buscema, wr. "The Quest of the King." Marvel Preview Vol. 1, No. 22 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Summer 1980): 5-59. Magazine. B&W. [source MM 195; AN]
Set during the peaceful years of Arthur's reign. Recounts an adventure of Merlin and King Arthur versus the forces of Hell. App. Queen Guinevere and Sirs Mordred, Gawain, Pellias, Kay, and Lancelot. With two essays on King Arthur by Bill Mantlo (60-61) and Steven Grant (62-63).
9. Claremont, Chris, wr. "La Morte de Jessica." Spider-Woman Vol. 1, No. 41 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Dec. 1981).
Morgan Le Fay attacks Spider-Woman I at Camelot Faire '81, where Spider-Woman finds herself in Camelot reliving Morgan's own life, while her friends take on the roles of Lancelot and Gwynevere. Morgan also makes two references to Merlyn. App. King Arthur. (See also entry 45.)
10. Michelinie, David, and Bob Layton, wr. "Knightmare." Iron Man Vol. 1, No. 150 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Sept. 1981). [TMM 28-30, 32, 34 n. 10]
Doctor Doom (Victor Von Doom) and Iron Man (Anthony Stark) are transported to Camelot. Doom allies himself with Morgana Le Fey and commands an army against Camelot, while Iron Man aids Camelot. App. King Arthur and Sir Gareth. (See also entries 13, 44, 78, 204.)
11. Thomas, Roy, wr. "The World on Fire!" All-Star Squadron Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Sept. 1981): 9-14. [source AA]
6-7 December 1941, Hawaiian Islands, Earth Two: The Shining Knight (Sir Justin) briefly refers to his origins at the court of King Arthur (see entry 50).
12. Barr, Mike W., wr. "Chapter One: The Past and Future King!" Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Dec. 1982). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
This series continues the Arthurian legend in the year 3000. Alien invaders attack the Earth, and Tom Prentice revives King Arthur at the time of the Earth's greatest need. Aided by Merlin, they awaken the spirits of the reincarnated Queen Guinevere and the Knights of the Round Table, including a now female Sir Tristan. (See also entries 14-23, 28, 33, 63.)
This issue, 1st app. of Tom Prentice, Arthur, Merlin, Jules Futrelle (Lancelot), Commander Joan Acton (Guinevere), and the Lady of the Lake. With an essay on the series' origins. Continues entry 14.
13. Grant, Steven, wr. "What if Iron Man Been Trapped in King Arthur's Time?" What If? Vol. 1, No. 33/2 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, June 1982): 1-18.
Based on the events of entry 10. Iron Man helps Arthur defeat Morgana Le Fey and her son, Mordred. Iron Man succeeds to the throne after Arthur's death. (See also entry 204.)
14. Barr, Mike W., wr. "Chapter Two: Many Are Called . . ." Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Jan. 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
Arthur pulls the sword from the stone to awaken Guinevere and the Knights of the Round Table. 1st app. Morgan Le Fay. With an essay on Sir Thomas Malory.
15. - - -, wr. "Chapter Three: Knight Quest!" Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Feb. 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
1st app. the awakened Sirs Kay, Percival, Galahad, Gawain, and Tristan (Amber March). With an essay on the historicity of Arthur.
16. - - -, wr. "Chapter Four: Assault on Camelot." Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 4 (New York: DC Comics, March 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
First appearance of Jordan Matthew (Modred). Includes an art page entitled "The Many Faces of Guinevere", which depicts the evolution of the design of the character for Camelot 3000. Also includes a brief annotated bibliography entitled "King Arthur in Print".
17. - - -, wr. "Chapter Five: The Tale of Morgan Le Fay." Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 5 (New York: DC Comics Inc., April 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
Reveals the origin of Morgan Le Fay and her alliance with the aliens of Chiron, the tenth planet.
18. - - -, wr. "Chapter Six: Royal Funeral." Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 6 (New York: DC Comics Inc., July 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4c 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
1st app. Claire Locklyn (Isolde). Morgan Le Fay tempts Tristan. Arthur weds Guinevere.
19. - - -, wr. "Chapter Seven: Betrayal!" Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 7 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Aug. 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
Arthur and the knights make their first assault against the aliens.
20. - - -, wr. "Chapter Eight: Judas Knight." Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 8 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Sept. 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
1st app. Nyneve, who again ensnares Merlin. d. Kay. Arthur announces the quest for the Grail.
21. - - -, wr. "Chapter Nine: Grailquest 3000." Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 9 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Dec. 1983). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
Completion of the Grail Quest. Transfiguration of Percival. Also contains a series of flashbacks relating the origins of the Grail and the birth of Modred.
22. Barr, Mike W., wr. "Chapter Ten: Prelude to War!" Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 10 (New York: DC Comics Inc., March 1984). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
The knights journey to Chiron. 1st app. Elaine, now a water elemental.
23. - - -, wr. "Chapter Eleven: War!" Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 11 (New York: DC Comics Inc., July 1984). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
The knights and their alien allies lay siege to Castle Le Fay. Concluded entry 28.
24. Englehart, Steve, wr. "The Pike." Amazing High Adventure Vol. 1, No. 1/1 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, August 1984): 1-15. [source AA]
Ireland, 1649: During his invasion of Ireland, Oliver Cromwell encounters an Irish prophet, who claims that the Revolution has disrupted the proper role of the island of England as Ireland's protector. According to the prophet, England has held this role since Merlin established Arthurius as king of England.
25. Stern, Roger, and Ann Nocenti, wr. "The Ghost of Jessica Drew." Avengers Vol. 1, No. 240 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, February 1984): 15-22. [AA]
The twentieth century spirit of Morgan Le Fey tries to possess the body of Spider-Woman I.
26. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Dark Angel!" Avengers Vol. 1, No. 241 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, March 1984). [AA]
The Avengers and Doctor Strange (Dr. Stephen Strange) battle Morgan Le Fey on the astral plane. (See also entries 103-06 and 222-24.)
27. Thomas, Roy, wr. "A Man Called Doome!" All-Star Squadron Vol. 1, No. 29 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Jan. 1984): 1-3, 19-22. [source AA]
1942, Earth Two: The Shinning Knight pledges to establish a new Camelot in post-war Great Britain.
28. Barr, Mike W., wr. "Long Live the King!" Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, No. 12 (New York: DC Comics, April 1985). [AN; MM 195; H4C 300-07] (Rpt. entry 63.)
Continued from entry 23. Final battle with Morgan Le Fay and Modred. Rescue of Merlin. d. Galahad, Modred, Morgan Le Fay, and Arthur. Concludes with a new beginning for those who remain.
29. Carlin, Michael, wr. "Walk Upon England!" Captain America Vol. 1, No. 305 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, May 1985): 10-14, 16-22.
Modred the Mystic attacks Captain Britain hoping to attract the attention of Merlin I/III.
30. - - -, wr. "Summoning!" Captain America Vol. 1, No. 306 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, June 1985): 1-4, 6-9, 11-22.
Briefly retells Modred's origin (entries 3-4), and in the end, Merlin I/III transports Modred to the Otherworld to be re-educated. (See also entries 101 and 135.)
31. Thomas, Roy, wr. "Camelot 1942!" All-Star Squadron Vol. 1, No. 48 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Aug. 1985): 1-5, 15-21.
Earth Two, 1942: The Shining Knight encounters a disguised King Arthur at the former site of Camelot. The Knight's fellow All-Stars later discover a Camelot reborn. Doctor Fate (Kent Nelson) engages Merlin in battle and discovers him to be a robot, and King Arthur is revealed to be Fate's old foe, Wotan.
32. - - -, wr. "Death Sword at Sunrise!" All-Star Squadron Vol. 1, No. 49 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Sept. 1985).
Earth Two, 1942: Wotan reveals his plans to demoralize the English with robotic knights of the Round Table and a King Arthur fighting on the side of the Germans.
33. Wein, Len, wr. and ed. "Camelot 3000." Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. 1, No. 4 (New York: DC Comics Inc., June 1985): 4-5.
Presents a summary of the twelve issue series (entries 12, 14-23, 28).
34. - - -, wr. and ed. "The Demon." Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. 1, No. 6 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Aug. 1985): 13.
Brief account of Etrigan's activities. Refers to the fall of Camelot and the roles of Merlin and Morgaine Le Fey. (See also entries 37, 53, 59-62, and 132.)
35. Wolfman, Marv, wr. "And Thus Shall the World Die!" Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol. 1, No. 4 (New York: DC Comics Inc., July 1985): 12-13, 18, 23.
Camelot, Earth-Two: Sent back in time, two twentieth century heroes encounter the Shining Knight and the immortal Vandal Savage (see also entry 107).(8)
36. Gillis, Peter B., wr. "The End of All Songs." Defenders Vol. 1, No. 152 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Feb. 1986): 1-5, 12, 28, 31-38.
Explained that the Eternal called the Interloper last battled the Dragon of the Moon (see entry 80) one thousand years ago aided by his friend Artus [King Arthur], who perished in battle against the Dragon. Continues entry 69.
37. Greenberger, Robert, ed. "Morgaine Le Fey." Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. 1, No. 16 (New York: DC Comics Inc., June 1986): 9.
Brief overview of Morgaine Le Fey's activities.
38. - - -, ed. "The Shining Knight." Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. 1, No. 20 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Oct. 1986): 32.
Brief account of the Shining Knight. Refers to Merlin's role in his origin. (See also entry 50 and 53.)
39. - - -, ed. "The Silent Knight." Who's Who: The Definitive Directory of the DC Universe Vol. 1, No. 21 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Nov. 1986): 3.
Brief account of the Silent Knight (Sir Brian Kent), who lived during the reign of King Arthur. (See also entry 53.)
40. Gruenwald, Mark, and Peter Sanderson, wr. "Black Knight." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe [Deluxe Edition] Vol. 2, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Jan. 1986): 17-19.
An account of the Black Knight III (Dane Whitman), a descendant of the first Black Knight. Also includes information on Black Knight I (Sir Percy of Scandia) and his other known descendants. (See also entry 58.)
41. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Merlin." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe [Deluxe Edition] Vol. 2, No. 8 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, July 1986): 46-48.
a.) Merlin I of the sixth century AD: The traditional Merlin from Geoffrey of Monmouth's HRB and the Arthurian romances. This Merlin was active throughout Arthur's reign, until Nimue imprisoned him. During his life, Merlin empowered the Black Knight I and defeated Morgan Le Fey. (See also entries 82 and 137.)
b.) Merlin II: A mutant with psionic powers, who appeared at Camelot and assumed the role of Merlin for a time. He was later exposed and cast into suspended animation. Merlin II awakened in the twentieth century to face Thor as Merlin, the original X-men as the Warlock, and the Hulk (Robert Bruce Banner) as Maha Yogi. (See also entries 134 and 136-37.)
c.) Merlin/Merlyn III: Described as an alien living in the extra-dimensional realm of Otherworld. This Merlin primarily appears in a series of titles published by Marvel Comics UK. He has a daughter named Roma (see entry 81) and has empowered Captain Britain (Brian Braddock) of Earth 616 in addition to a cross-time corps of Captain Britains throughout the multiverse. (See also entries 137 and 139.)
42. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Modred the Mystic." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe [Deluxe Edition] Vol. 2, No. 8 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, July 1986): 60-61.
An account of Modred the Mystic.
43. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Morgan Le Fey." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe [Deluxe Edition] Vol. 2, No. 9 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Aug. 1986): 13-15. [TMM 26, 28-32]
The history of Morgan Le Fey, beginning with the traditional Arthurian account. However, this Morgan is considered part faerie. (See also entry 122.)
44. Mallonee, Dennis, wr. "Prologue: A Dream of Camelot." Iron Man Vol. 1/1, No. 209 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Aug. 1986): 1-4.
Flashback dated to the last years of Arthur's reign, when Merlin I trapped Morgan Le Fey within Castle Le Fey. App. Sir Tristan. (See also entry 10 and 104.)
45. Mallonee, Dennis, wr. "A Renaissance of Magic." Iron Man Vol. 1/2, No. 209 (New York: Marvel Comics Group, Aug. 1986): 4-22.
Morgan Le Fey attempts to possess the body of Lissa Russell at the Renaissance Pleasure Faire of Augoura, California, but she is defeated by Iron Man and the Werewolf by Night. (See also entries 7 and 9.)
46. Newell, Mindy, wr. "Which Way the Witch?" The New Wave Vol. 1, No. 7 (Guerneville, CA: Eclipse Comics, 16 Sept. 1986): 1-11, 13. [source AA]
Reveals that Elizabeth of New Wave is a daughter of Avalon. Morgaine/Morgana calls the girl home to wed another member of the team, Danny, in his role as the boar prince. The rest of the team then travel to Avalon and rescue their friends. (Heavily influenced by Marion Zimmer Bradley's MOA.)
47. - - -, wr. "The Mists of Avalon." The New Wave Vol. 1, No. 8 (Guerneville, CA: Eclipse Comics, 30 Sept. 1986): 3-13. [source AA]
See entry 46 above.
48. - - -, wr. "The Lady's Daughter." The New Wave Vol. 1, No. 9/1 (Guerneville, CA: Eclipse Comics, Oct. 1986): 1-8, 11-13. [source AA]
See entry 46 above.
49. - - -, wr. "Part Two, Freedom of Choice." The New Wave Vol. 1, No. 9/2 (Guerneville, CA: Eclipse Comics, Oct. 1986): 1-2, 7-12. [source AA]
See entry 46 above.
50. Thomas, Roy, wr. "Tales of the All-Star Squadron: The Origin of the Shining Knight." All Star Squadron Vol. 1, No. 62 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Oct. 1986).
Retells the origin of the Shining Knight from Adventure Comics Vol. 1, No. 66 (Sept. 1941). Features Merlin. App. King Arthur, Guinevere, and Sirs Launcelot, Gawaine, Lucan, and Bors.
51. Wagner, Matt, wr. "Mark Me." MAGE: The Hero Discovered Vol. 1, No. 13 (Norristown, PA: COMICO The Comic Co., Oct. 1986): 17-22. [AN; H4C 298-300] (Rpt. entry 67.)
Mirth reveals to Kevin Matchstick that Edsel is the current incarnation of the Lady of the Lake, that Kevin is the Pendragon now awakened, and that Kevin's baseball bat is Excalibur. [Original not seen.]
52. - - -, wr. ". . . Or Not To Be." MAGE: The Hero Discovered Vol. 1, No. 14 (Norristown, PA: COMICO The Comic Co., Nov. 1986): 2-3, 7-22. [AN; H4C 298-300] (Rpt. entry 67.)
Mirth explains his and Kevin's role as "KING AND WIZARD" and "HERO AND MAGE" (12).(9) Similar to Arthur drawing the sword from the stone, Kevin later draws his bat from a dumpster. (See also entry 214.) [Original not seen.]
53. Wolfman, Marv, wr. "Book One." History of the DC Universe. Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 1986): 21. BSF.
Presents the post-Crisis history of the DC universe. Page 21 treats Camelot and its heroes: Merlin, the Shining Knight, the Knights of the Round Table, and Etrigan the Demon. The illustration shows Etrigan, the Silent Knight, and the Shining Knight (see entries 34 and 132, 38, and 39 respectively)
54. Byrne, John, wr. "Cityscape." Action Comics Vol. 1, No. 587 (New York: DC Comics Inc., April 1987).
The Etrigan of 1987 casts Superman (Kal-El/Clark Kent) back in time, where Superman and the Etrigan of 1162 battle Morgaine le Fey to foil her plans.
55. Claremont, Chris, wr. "Introducing, Captain Britain." Marvel Tales Vol. 1/1, No. 201. (New York: Marvel Comics, July 1987): 12-15.
Rpts. Marvel Team-Up Vol. 1, No. 65 (entry 1).
56. Hawke, Simon, adapter. "Caper." The Wizard of 4th Street Vol. 1, No. 1 (Portland, OR: Dark Horse Comics Publishing Co., 1987): 1-2, 9-10. B&W. [source GDHC 93; AA]
This series adapts Simon Hawke's novel. The two issues (out of six) published recount the misadventures of Melvin Karpinsky, a student of Merlin Ambrosius and wizard school dropout, and Kira, a petty thief.
Merlin appears here on page 2, exploding out of his tree prison and initiating the second age of magic,(10) but he has no bearing on the current plot. There are also a few references to Merlin and one to Arthur.
57. - - -, adapter. "Partners in Crime." The Wizard of 4th Street Vol. 1, No. 2 (Portland, OR: Dark Horse Comics Publishing Co., 1988): 19. B&W. [source GDHC 93; AA]
Melvin suggests that he and Kira seek the advice of Merlin, Melvin's former professor at Cambridge.
58. Sanderson, Peter, wr. "Black Knight (I)." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe [Book of the Dead Deluxe Edition] Vol. 2, No. 16 (New York: Marvel Comics, A New World Pictures Co., June 1987): 24-25.
Surveys the life and afterlife of the Black Knight I (Sir Percy of Scandia). Refers to Merlin and Sir Percy's various descendants. Also, offers some details on the fall of Camelot. (See also entries 40, 103-04 and 205.)
59. Wagner, Matt, wr. "Chapter One: Direction from the Darkness." The Demon Vol. 2, No. 1 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Jan. 1987). [AN, H4C 297]
This four issue limited series begins at the end. Merlin appears in all four issues as the prisoner of the demon Asteroth, who narrates a series of flashbacks leading up to Merlin's imprisonment.
Here, Jason Blood and Glenda Mark travel to Cornwall, the site of Merlin's resting-place. Glenda uses Merlin's Philosopher's Stone to transport the statue of Morgaine le Fey(11) to Cornwall.
60. - - -, wr. "Descension from Below." The Demon Vol. 2, No. 2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Feb. 1987). [AN, H4C 297]
See entry 59 above.
61. - - -, wr. "Chapter 3: So Made He in His Likeness." The Demon Vol. 2, No. 3 (New York: DC Comics Inc., March 1987). [AN, H4C 297]
See entry 59 above. Jason Blood summons up the demon Belial, who reveals that both Etrigan and Merlin (Merlinus Ambrosius) are his sons (see also entry 218). Etrigan later explains a way to defeat Merlin through music.
62. - - -, wr. "Begins Our Tale of Woe." The Demon Vol. 2, No. 4 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Apr. 1987). [AN, H4C 297]
See entry 59 above. Jason Blood returns to Cornwall to confront Merlin, and Jason initiates Etrigan's plan, when Merlin refuses to separate Jason from Etrigan. Entranced, Merlin wanders into a hawthorn grove. Ends with Merlin's apparent death, but he is instead made a captive in Hell by Asteroth. Continues entry 71.
63. Barr, Mike W., wr. Camelot 3000. Intro. by Don and Maggie Thompson. Preface by Mike W. Barr. New York: DC Comics Inc., 1988. TPB. [AN; H4C 306-07; TMM 26, 28-29, 31-32, 34 n. 11]
Rpt. Camelot 3000 Vol. 1, Nos. 1-12 (entries 12, 14-23, and 28).
64. Claremont, Chris, wr. "The Sword is Drawn." Excalibur Special Edition, 1987. New York: Marvel Comics, A New World Co., 1988. 34, 43, 45-48. BSF. [H4C 296]
1st app. and origin of the team Excalibur. Two genuine Arthurian references: the inspiration for the team name Excalibur (34 and 43) and when Phoenix II (Rachel Summers) links the dream of Professor Charles Xavier with Arthur's dream of Camelot (45-48). Subsequent issues do not generally continue the Arthurian theme. However, see entries 101, 124, 138-39, and 229.
65. - - -, wr. "Down Under." Uncanny X-men Vol. 1, No. 229 (New York: Marvel Comics, A New World Co., May 1988): 24-30.
Roma reappears to offer the X-men a second chance at life through the Siege Perilous (see also entry 1). Roma then leaves the Siege Perilous in the X-men's charge.
66. Edelman, Daryl, adapter. "Excalibur!" Thundercats Vol. 1, No. 20. (New York: Star Comics-Marvel Comics, A New World Company, Feb. 1988). Based on the teleplay by Peter Lawrence.
Adapts an episode of the cartoon series. Mumm-Ra, the series' villain, assumes the guise of King Arthur to defeat the Thundercats with the power of Excalibur, which he receives from the Lady of the Lake. Excalibur defeats the Thundercat's Sword of Omens, and Merlin appears to set things right. Lion-O then returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake. Also features a series of flashbacks from the Arthurian legend.
67. Wagner, Matt, wr. MAGE--The Hero Discovered, Volume Three. Intro. by Bob Pinaha. Norfolk, VA: The Donning Co./Publishers, Oct. 1988. [H4C 308 n. 9]
Rpt. MAGE: The Hero Discovered Vol. 1, Nos. 12-15 (see entries 51-52) and Kevin's battle with a Kelpie from Grendel Vol. 2, Nos. 16-19.(12)
68. DeMatteis, J. M., wr. "The Night of Brahma, Part Three: Nightfall." Doctor Fate Vol. 2, No. 4 (New York: DC Comics, February 1989): 5-6, 10-12, 16-19, 24. [source AA]
App. the Grail in the secondary story line, which features the vampire Andrew Bennett.
69. Gillis, Peter B., wr. "Dragon Circle." Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York: Marvel Comics, March 1989): 13-14, 16-32.
Continues from entry 36. 1st app. Dafydd ap Iowerth, the spiritual descendant of King Arthur Pendragon. 1st app. Dragon Circle.
70. - - -, wr. "Dragon's Dream." Doctor Strange, Sorcerer Supreme Vol. 1, No. 4 (New York: Marvel Comics, March 1989).
Dragon Circle confronts the evils of the Dragon of the Moon and defeats him by calling upon the powers of the Arthurian legend. Much of the focus of this issue is on Dafydd learning to use his power as Pendragon.
71. Grant, Alan, wr. Untitled. Action Comics Weekly Vol. 1, No. 636/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 24 Jan. 1989): 1, 5-6.
This story arc occurs between The Demon Vols. 2 (entries 59-62) and 3 (begins entry 95). Explains that instead of dying in entry 62, Merlin was imprisoned by Asteroth in Hell. Later, Glenda Mark sees an image in Merlin's Philosopher's Stone of Morgaine le Fey surrounded by witches.
72. - - -, wr. "Never Trust a Demon!" Action Comics Weekly Vol. 1, No. 637/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 31 Jan. 1989): 4.
Tintagel Castle: A coven of witches attempts to restore Morgaine le Fey to flesh and blood.
73. - - -, wr. "Part III: The Road to Hell." Action Comics Weekly Vol. 1, No. 638/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 7 Feb. 1989): 6.
Asteroth tortures Merlin and collects his blood into a chalice to acquire the mage's powers.
74. - - -, wr. "Witches." Action Comics Weekly Vol. 1, No. 639/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 21 Feb. 1989): 2-4, 6-7.
Asteroth continues to torture Merlin, while Jason Blood recalls the events that bound him to Etrigan a thousand years ago, including Morgaine le Fey's final assault against Merlin at Tintagel Castle. The coven of witches (from entry 72) invokes Asteroth's power to revive Morgaine.
75. - - -, wr. "Abandon Hope." Action Comics Weekly Vol. 1, No. 640/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 28 Feb. 1989).
Asteroth informs Merlin that he has captured two of Jason's friends. Etrigan battles Morgaine le Fey.
76. - - -, wr. "Welcome to Hell." Action Comics Weekly Vol. 1, No. 641/1 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 7 March 1989).
Asteroth continues to torture Merlin. At Tintagel, Etrigan seemingly destroys Morgaine le Fey. Continues entry 95.
77. Michelinie, David, adapter. Untitled. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Marvel Comics, Aug. 1989). B&W. Magazine. Based on the screenplay by Jeff Boam.
Adaptation of the Lucasfilm Ltd. film.
78. - - -, and Bob Layton, wr. "Recurring Knightmare." Iron Man Vol. 1, No. 250 (New York: Marvel Comics, Dec. 1989). [AA]
Merlin I transports Iron Man and Doctor Doom to aid a toddler King Arthur in the London of the year 2093. 1st app. King Arthur (II) and the Lady of the Lake of 2093. (See also entry 10.)
79. Sanderson, Peter, wr. "Darkhold." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Update 89 Vol. 2, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics, Aug. 1989): 18-19.
Discusses Morgan Le Fey's role in the history of the Darkhold (see also entries 2-4 and 82).
80. - - -, wr. "Dragon of the Moon." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Update 89 Vol. 2, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics, Aug. 1989): 39.
Gives an account of the Dragon of the Moon's activities with a brief reference to the Dragon's appearance at Camelot a thousand years ago, when it allied with Mordred against King Arthur. (See also entries 36 and 69-70.)
81. - - -, wr. "Roma." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Update '89 Vol. 2, No. 6 (New York: Marvel Comics, Mid Nov. 1989): 30.
Discusses Roma's role in Marvel Comics UK's Captain Britain series (see entry 1) and more recently in Marvel's Uncanny X-men (see entry 65). Also includes some details on her father, Merlin III.
82. Thomas, Roy, and R. J. M. Lofficier, wr. "The Book of the Vishanti: The Curse of the Darkhold, Part III: Dawn of Blood." Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Vol. 1, No. 11/2. (New York: Marvel Comics, Dec. 1989): 26-28.
500 AD: Recounts Morgan Le Fey's gathering of the Darkhold and Merlin I's attempts to thwart her plans. Reveals that Merlin asked the Church of Rome, in the person of St. Brendan, and their white magic to defeat Morgan and the powers of the Darkhold. The brief episode also recaps the origin of Modred the Mystic (see entries 3-4) and places it into the larger stories of Merlin and Morgan Le Fey.
83. Veitch, Rick, wr. "Fall of the House of Pendragon." Swamp Thing Vol. 2, No. 87 (New York: DC Comics Inc., June 1989). [source TMM 28, 31-32; AN]
Sent by Merlin, the Shining Knight retrieves the time lost Swamp Thing (Alec Holland) to protect Camelot from the forces of Morgaine Le Fay and Modred. Instead, the Swamp Thing's efforts lead to the fall of Camelot.(13) The Shining Knight brings the Grail to Camelot. App. King Arthur, Guinevere, and Etrigan.
84. Wheeler, Doug, wr. "Survival of the Fittest." Swamp Thing Vol. 2, No. 88 (New York: DC Comics Inc., September 1989). [source AA]
The time lost Swamp Thing appears at the moment when the Cro-Magnons destroy the Neanderthals. The Grail is a gift made by the Neanderthals for their successors in this world.
85. Calafiore, James, wr. "Prologue: The End of the Beginning." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 1/1 (Westland, MI: Caliber P, 1990): i-x. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
A "What if . . .?" version of the Arthurian legend based on Malory's Le Morte Darthur. Premise is that Launcelot and Merlin saved Arthur from dying at Camlann, and events continue from there.
Here, 1st app. King Arthur, Merlin, and Sirs Gawain, Gryfflet, Kay, Launcelot, Modred, Uwayne. Also, 1st app. and apparent d. Morgan le Fay.
86. - - -, wr. "Chapter One: After the Fall." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 1/2 (Westland, MI: Caliber P, 1990): 2-21. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Merlin experiments on Modred. Arthur begins to heal and forgives Launcelot, but Gawain still refuses to forgive Launcelot for the death of his brothers. 1st app. Margawse, Sir Percivale, and Gwynevere.
87. - - -, wr. "Chapter Two: An Ominous Interlude." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 2/1 (Westland, MI: Caliber P, 1990): 2-4. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Modred has a visitor. Launcelot scourges himself.
88. - - -, wr. "Chapter Three: Recovery." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 2/2 (Westland, MI: Caliber P, 1990): 5-20. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
1st app. Cabal (Arthur's dog), Sir Lucas the butler, and Sir Aggravayne.
89. - - -, wr. "Chapter Four: All Hallows." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 2/3 (Westland, MI: Caliber P, 1990): 21-31. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
A tournament occurs, where the remaining knights are named. Arthur has a mysterious dream.
90. - - -, wr. "Chapter Five: Leaving Home." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 3/1 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1990): 2-6. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Arthur sets out in search of Nacien the hermit for advice about his dream.
91. - - -, wr. "Chapter Six: Couplings." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 3/2 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1990): 7-15. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Merlin visits the imprisoned Nyneve. Kay and Gawain ally to protect Arthur from Launcelot and Gwynevere's treachery. Continues entry 110.
92. - - -, wr. "Interlude: Merlin's Guided Tour." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 3/3 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1990): 16-24. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG] (Rpt. entry 109.)
Merlin's tour of hell.
93. Gaiman, Neil, wr. "The Invisible Labyrinth." The Books of Magic Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, 1990): 32-36. BSF. (Rpt. entry 116.)
The Phantom Stranger takes Tim Hunter on a tour through the history of magic in the DC universe. They eventually meet a fourteen year old Merlin, who sums up his future and that of Camelot. App. Iason [Jason Blood]. [Original not seen.]
94. Gaiman, Neil, wr. "The Land of Summer's Twilight." The Books of Magic Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, 1990): 18-22. BSF. [source AN 17 Nov. 1997] (Rpt. entry 116.)
Doctor Occult and his sister Rose take Tim Hunter on a journey into the worlds of Faerie, where Tim meets the bard True Thomas of Erceldoun. Thomas sings of the king who sleeps beneath the hollow hill called Joyous Garde, and he explains that the king has many names, including Arthur. [Original not seen.]
95. Grant, Alan, wr. "Lost Souls." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 1 (New York: DC Comics Inc., July 1990): 6-11. [AA]
Continues from entry 76. Merlin explains about the ruling triumvirate of Hell. Revealed that Asteroth held Merlin prisoner for three years. Now with Asteroth defeated, Merlin falls asleep.
96. - - -, wr. "Into the Abyss." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Aug. 1990): 8-10, 16-19, 21-23. [AA]
Retells the origin of Etrigan and Merlin. Recaps events at the fall of Camelot. Mentions Morgan le Fay.
97. - - -, wr. "Sins of the Father." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 3 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Sept. 1990): 4-7, 15-16. [AA]
Merlin searches for Etrigan, and later, not finding him, summons their mutual father, Belial, for aid.
98. - - -, wr. "In Loving Memory." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 4 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Oct. 1990): 6-7. [AA]
Merlin warns Belial of the threat Etrigan represents to the triumvirate now that he is loose in Hell.
99. - - -, wr. "The Scheme of Things." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 5 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Nov. 1990): 6, 10, 15-16, 22-24. [AA]
Merlin warns the other members of the triumvirate about Etrigan. Flashback depicts Merlin and Etrigan at the fall of Camelot, and Merlin's spell binding the demon to Jason Blood.
100. - - -, wr. "Song of the Demon." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 6 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Dec. 1990): 1-6. [AA]
Merlin and Jason Blood plot against Etrigan, but the demon attacks his brother and imprisons Merlin. Continues entry 118.
101. Gruenwald, Mark, wr. "By the Time I Get to Phoenix." Quasar Vol. 1, No. 11 (New York: Marvel Comics, June 1990).
Modred the Mystic possesses Phoenix II and uses the Phoenix Force to escape from Otherworld (see entry 30). He then battles Quasar (Wendell Vaughn) and Excalibur (see entry 64). (See also entry 135.)
102. Jones, R. A., wr. "Chapter One: To the Devil a Son." Merlin Vol. 1, No. 1 (Newbury Park, CA: Adventure Comics, Dec. 1990). [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Details events from the youth of King Vortigern to the birth of Merlin. Here Merlin is the son of the nun Alwyn, Vortigern's daughter, and a demon. Continues entry 125.
103. Thomas, Roy, and Dann Thomas, wr. "The Rebirth of the Black Knight." Black Knight Vol. 2, No. 1 (New York: Marvel Comics, June 1990).
Presents a comprehensive retelling of the origins of the various Black Knights and the role of Merlin I in the creation of the Black Knight I and the Ebony Blade. Flashback in Camelot depicts the definitive Marvel Comics' version of the Arthurian legend. App. King Arthur, Sir Mordred, and Morgan Le Fey.
In the present, Sir Percy of Scandia (Black Knight I) possesses his descendant Dane Whitman (Black Knight III). Sir Percy and Victoria Bentley then encounter the spirits of Morgan Le Fey and Mordred.
104. - - -, and - - -, wr. "In the Dread of Knight." Black Knight Vol. 2, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics, July 1990).
Flashback in which Sir Percy learns of Morgan Le Fey and Mordred's plot to depose Arthur. Merlin then binds Morgan in Castle Le Fey (see entry 44). Revealed that upon Mordred's death, Morgan drew his essence into the Netherworld. Also recaps Morgan's previous activities in the twentieth century.
In the present, Morgan revives the Dreadknight (Bram Velsing) to attack the Black Knight and Captain Britain. Images of Morgan and Mordred appear and reveal their plans to reconstruct the Castle Le Fey. 1st app. Sean Dolan, who later becomes The Blood Wraith (see entry 152).
105. - - -, and - - -, wr. "The Black Knight Has a Thousand Eyes . . . " Black Knight Vol. 2, No. 3 (New York: Marvel Comics, Aug. 1990).
The Black Knight I, Doctor Strange, and Sean Dolan battle Balor of the Fomor in the Netherworld. Morgan Le Fey and Mordred observe the battle and step up their plans to bring Castle Le Fey back into the world. Ends with Morgan and Mordred escaping from the Netherworld with a host of Fomor.
106. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Knight . . . and Day!" Black Knight Vol. 2, No. 4 (New York: Marvel Comics, Sept. 1990).
The Black Knight I and his allies defeat Morgan Le Fey, Mordred, and the Fomor of the Celtic Netherworld. The heroes eventually thwart the plans of Morgan and Mordred, and the villains, along with Castle Le Fey, then return to the Netherworld. (See also entries 176-79, 182-84, and 222-24.)
107. Wayne, Bob, and Lewis Shiner, wr. "Chapter 5, Good Times . . . Bad Times!" Time Masters Vol. 1, No. 5 (New York: DC Comics Inc., June 1990).
Franconia, 980 AD: Time traveler Rip Hunter sends Antonia into the past to aid the Viking Prince in stealing the Grail from the immortal Vandal Savage (see also entry 35) and the Illuminati.
108. Willingham, Bill, wr. "The Sword in the Stone." Morningstar Special Vol. 1, No. 1 (Norristown, PA: Comico The Comic Co., April 1990). [source AA]
A post-honeymoon adventure of Merlin Ambrose and his bride Morningstar (Jeanette Crane) of the Elementals. Morningstar and Fantasia tour Avalon, including the tomb of King Arthur (5-8).
109. Calafiore, J., wr. "Interlude: Merlin's Guided Tour." Caliber Summer Special Vol. 1, No. 1/3 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1991). [source AA; AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Rpt. from Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 3/3 (entry 92).
110. - - -, wr. "Chapter Seven: When the Kings Away." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 4 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1991). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Continues from entry 91. Arthur completes his quest and battles a giant. Percivale continues to make friends with the imprisoned Modred. Launcelot and Gwynevere continue their illicit affair. Aggravayne and Modred continue to plot.
111. - - -, wr. "Chpt. 8: A Man's Castle is His Home." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 5/1 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1991): 90-101. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Arthur returns to Camelot and discovers that Launcelot and the queen have resumed their affair. Percivale pledges to free Modred.
112. - - -, wr. "Chpt. 9: The King and the Champion." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 5/2 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1991): 102-121. B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Arthur does battle with Launcelot. Modred is freed, and he traps Merlin within the castle walls.
113. - - -, wr. "Chpt. 10: A Father's Love." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 6 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1991). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Modred engages the knights of the Round Table in mystic battle and kills the majority of them. Return of Sir Galahad. Merlin frees himself. Revealed that Morgan le Fay had hid herself within Modred's body.
114. - - -, wr. "Chpt. 11: Anything Thou Can Do . . ." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 7 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1991). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Merlin and Morgan le Fay battle. Morgan destroys Galahad, and Launcelot avenges his death. Morgan then kills her son, Uryens, and most of the remainder of the knights. Percivale reappears to slay Morgan.
115. - - -, wr. "Epilogue: Judgement Passed in the Hands of Children." Camelot Eternal Vol. 1, No. 8 (Plymouth, MI: Caliber P, 1991). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Merlin lies near death. Arthur learns that Launcelot has left Camelot and that Gawain has followed him. d. Aggravayne. Arthur begins to rebuild Camelot but later learns of a growing rebellion against his kingship. Gawain kills Launcelot and then attempts to commit suicide. Arthur learns that Gwynevere is pregnant.
116. Gaiman, Neil, wr. The Books of Magic. Intro. by Roger Zelazny. New York: DC Comics, 1991. TPB. ISBN 1-56389-082-8.
Rpt. Books of Magic Vol. 1, Nos. 1-4 (1990-91). (See entries 93-94.)
117. Giffen, Keith, wr. "Too Much Time." Justice League Europe Annual Vol. 1, No. 2/3 (New York: DC Comics Inc., 1991): 12-15. [AA]
The time lost Rocket Red IV (Dimitri Pushkin) finds himself in Camelot and assumes a Connecticut Yankee-like role. Merlin grows tired of Sir Dimitri's exploits, and the hell-spawned wizard sends his brother, Etrigan, to destroy the Russian hero. App. King Arthur, Sir Galahad, and Ivanhoe.
118. Grant, Alan, wr. "The Demon King." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 7 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Jan. 1991). [AA]
Continues from entry 100. Etrigan attempts to kill Belial and tortures Merlin hoping to learn how to free himself from Jason Blood. Merlin proves himself his father's son in the end and betrays Etrigan.
119. - - -, wr. "Home is the Hero." The Demon. Vol. 3, No. 8. (New York: DC Comics Inc., Feb. 1991): 20-23. [AA]
Jason Blood recaps the events of the previous seven issues and Merlin's role in those events.
120. - - -, wr. "Apocalypse Now!: 3, Stranger than Fiction." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 11 (New York: DC Comics Inc., May 1991): 5-11. [AA]
Flashback sequence in which Jason Blood recalls his first meeting with Etrigan. Depicts Jason as a druid-type character and priest of the Goddess. Recaps events at the end of Camelot.
121. - - -, wr. "The Region Beyond, Part 1: Beyond the Pale." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 16 (New York: DC Comics, Oct. 1991): 21.
1st app. the Thing-that-cannot-die. The Thing originated in England, but Arthur had Merlin banish mystical entities, such as the Thing, into the Region Beyond. (See also entry 141 and 216.)
122. Gruenwald, Mark, ed. "Morgan Le Fey." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition Vol. 3, No. 3 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1991). Loose-leaf format. [not listed in OCBPG; CBGMC 200]
Brief overview of Morgan Le Fay [II]and lists significant issues. (See also entry 43.)
123. - - -, ed. "Mordred the Evil." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition Vol. 3, No. 6 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1991). Loose-leaf format. [not listed in OCBPG; CBGMC 200]
Brief overview of Sir Mordred and lists significant issues.
124. Higgins, Michael, wr. "The Changeling." Excalibur: The Possession Vol. 1, No. 1 ([New York]: Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc., July 1991): 21-22, 28-48.
Merlin III returns to the Marvel universe and assumes the guise of an old man named Myrd, who aids Excalibur. Page 48 depicts Merlin I/III, King Arthur, and Roma in the clouds above Excalibur. (See also entry 138.)
125. Jones, R. A., wr. "Poet of Pain." Merlin Vol. 1, No. 2 (Newbury Park, CA: Adventure Comics, Jan. 1991). [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Continued from entry 102. Various episodes depicting the emergence of Merlin's supernatural powers as he grows to maturity. Also shows Merlin's initiation into the druid religion. d. Alwyn.
126. - - -, wr. "Where Madness Lies." Merlin Vol. 1, No. 3 (Newbury Park, CA: Adventure Comics, Feb. 1991). [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Merlin begins to learn the healing arts. Merlin goes mad after the battle at Clywd. d. Vortigern.
127. - - -, wr. "Belle du Lac." Merlin Vol. 1, No. 4 (Newbury Park, CA: Adventure Comics, March 1991). [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Ninevah, the Lady of the Lake, restores Merlin's sanity and trains him in the art of shape-shifting. Merlin later forms an alliance with Aurelius, who asks Merlin to help him produce an heir upon his third wife Millicynthe, Merlin's cousin. 1st app. Baalin the wolf and Cinobar.
128. - - -, wr. "Dark Desires." Merlin Vol. 1, No. 5 (Newbury Park, CA: Adventure Comics, April 1991). [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Merlin withdraws from the world to learn magic from Cinobar, but he pays the price for his seclusion in refusing to aid Aurelius against Carados and the Saxons.
129. - - -, wr. "Circle of Fire." Merlin Vol. 1, No. 6 (Newbury Park, CA: Adventure Comics, July 1991). [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Cinobar tells Merlin a way to acquire more power. Merlin lies with his beloved Millicynthe. He later immerses himself in a mystic pool to receive unimaginable power, which he uses to destroy Carados. b. Uther Pendragon, the son of Merlin and Millicynthe. d. Millicynthe. (Series continues in entries 142-43.)
130. Moore, Steve, wr. "Miracleman and the Magic Monsters." Miracleman: Apocrypha Vol. 1, No. 1/2 (Forestville, CA: Eclipse Comics, Nov. 1991): 3-8. [source AA]
Miracleman confronts Peter Penman, an artist who has purchased Merlin's magic pen.
131. Orway, Jerry, wr. "Time & Time Again, Phase Six." Superman Vol. 2, No. 55 (New York: DC Comics Inc., May 1991) 1-7, 9-15.
Morgaine le Fey draws Superman from the time stream. She then enchants him to use in her and Mordred's war against Camelot (see entry 83). Merlin calls upon Etrigan to defend Camelot, and the mage later removes the spell over Superman, who then aids Camelot. However, it is too late for Camelot. A weakened Merlin binds Etrigan to a young druid, Jason Blood, and he then casts a final spell from The Eternity Book.
132. Raspler, Dan, wr. "The Demon Etrigan." in Who's Who in the DC Universe Vol. 1, No. 7 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Feb. 1991). Loose-leaf format. [not listed in OCBPG]
A brief summary of Etrigan's history. Also includes some information on Merlin and the fall of Camelot. (See also entry 34.)
133. Sanderson, Peter, wr. "The History of Subterranea." Avengers Annual Vol. 1, No. 20/2 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1991): 36-37.
Camelot, sixth century: Recaps events from Tales to Astonish Vol. 1, No. 52 (Feb. 1964). The Black Knight I leads the forces of King Arthur against the army of Tyrranus, the last emperor of Rome, and Merlin later banishes Tyrranus to Subterranea. App. King Arthur.
134. Thomas, Roy, and R. J. M. Lofficier, wr. "The Book of the Vishanti: Legacy of the Wolf, Part II." Doctor Strange: Sorcerer Supreme Vol. 1, No. 27/2. (New York: Marvel Comics, March 1991): 19.
Reveals Maha Yogi/Merlin II's true origin. Depicts Maha Yogi as Merlin II. (See also entries 41 and 136.)
135. Cooper, Chris, wr. "No Place Like It on Earth." Darkhold: Pages From the Book of Sins Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York: Marvel Comics, Dec. 1992): 5-9. [AA]
Modred the Mystic presents a brief recap of his life and explains how he was able to free himself and return to the Earth after Merlin's (III?) death (see entry 139 n. 14). (See also entry 30 and 101.)
136. Corvese, Kelly, ed. "Maha Yogi." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition Vol. 3, No. 20 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1992). Loose-leaf format. [not listed in OCBPG; CBGMC 200]
Brief overview of Maha Yogi (Merlin II) and lists significant issues. (See also entry 41.)
137. - - -, ed. "Merlin." The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe: Master Edition Vol. 3, No. 22 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1992). Loose-leaf format. [not listed in OCBPG; CBGMC 200]
Brief overview of Merlin I (see also entry 41) and lists significant issues. Also briefly notes the existence of Merlin II (see above entry 136) and Merlyn III (see entries 41 and 139). Suggests that a Merlin IV also exists in Albion (Peter Hunter) of Marvel UK's Knights of Pendragon Vols. 1-2 (see also entry 146). Albion is either the reincarnation of Merlin I or merely taps into the Pendragon of Merlin.
138. Davis, Alan, wr. "Let There Be Dark." Excalibur Vol. 1, No. 49 (New York: Marvel Comics, April 1992): 28-30.
Starlight Citadel, Otherworld: Continues from entry 124. Believed dead, Merlyn III appears before his daughter, Roma.
139. - - -, wr. "Winner Loses All." Excalibur Vol. 1, No. 50 (New York: Marvel Comics, May 1992).
Finally, Merlyn III of Otherworld reveals to Roma his origin and connection to the villain Necrom. Merlyn explains how he faked his death(14) to lure Necrom out of hiding. Merlyn reveals that he has been guiding and shaping Excalibur to confront Necrom since their founding in entry 64. (See also entry 229.)
140. Dorman, Dave, wr. "The Edge." A1 Vol. 2, No. 4/2 (New York: Epic Comics, 1992): 1-8. BSF. [source AA]
A modern-day knight in the service of the Lady of the Lake reclaims a fragment of Excalibur.
141. Grant, Alan, wr. "The Region Beyond, Pt 5: Beyond Virtue." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 20 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Feb. 1992): 7, 11-14. [AA]
The fate of Sir Percival is revealed to the Thing-that-cannot-die (see entry 121). A thousand years ago, Launcelot succeeded in the Grail Quest and ascended. Merlin appeared before Percival, and he asked the knight to guard the mystic prison that he had created for all the evil beings in England. Merlin then cast Percival into the Region Beyond, where his purity manifested as the Golden Knight.
142. Jones, R. A., wr. "Rhiannon's Dream." Merlin: Idylls of the King Vol. 1, No. 1 (Westlake Village, CA: Adventure Comics, Oct. 1992). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Continues from entries 102, 125-29. Merlin, Cinobar, and Baalin aid Rhiannon and her lover, an angel named Tryon, in his quest to return to heaven. Merlin engages Lord Gadosius, in mystical combat.
143. - - -, wr. "Part II, Taken to the Sky." Merlin: Idylls of the King Vol. 1, No. 2 (Westlake Village, CA: Adventure Comics, Nov. 1992). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
See above entry 142.
144. Lobdell, Scott, wr. "Screen 5." Excalibur: XX Crossing Vol. 1, No. 1/6 (New York: Marvel Comics, May 1992): 29-34.
The original X-men are cast adrift in time and rescued by members of Excalibur. 1st and only app. Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) of the X-men as Marvel Le Fey. Shadowcat (Katherine "Kitty" Pryde) of Excalibur watches as Arthur returns Excalibur to the Lady of the Lake. Marvel Le Fey then uses her telekinesis to steal the sword from the Lady's grasp. Shadowcat confronts Le Fey and wrests the blade from the mutant sorceress. The Lady then reclaims Excalibur.
145. DeMatteis, J. M., wr. "Book Three: Blind Darkness." The Last One Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, Sept. 1993): 18-25. [source AA]
A grail, though apparently not the Grail, appears in a flashback sequence from the Middle Ages.
146. Dietz, Skip, wr. "Seeds of Winter." Marvel Comics Presents Vol. 1, No. 122/2 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1993): 9-16.
The Knights of Pendragon(15) battle Shadow Wing of the Bane, who makes a series of references hinting that the Pendragons may be the reincarnations of Arthurian characters.
147. Fraley, Michael, wr. "The Birth of Arthur." Arthur, King of Britain Vol. 1, No. 1 (Plymouth, MI: Tome P-Caliber P, 1993). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Retelling based on Geoffrey of Monmouth's HRB.
This issue presents events leading up to Arthur's birth and concludes with Arthur being named king. With an essay on Geoffrey of Monmouth.
148. - - -, wr. "The Saxon Threat." ARTHUR King of Britain Vol. 1, No. 2 (Plymouth, MI: Tome P-Caliber P, 1993). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Arthur's battles with the Saxons. Arthur weds Ganhumara. With an essay on Arthur's war with the Saxons. Continues entry 159.
149. Grant, Alan, wr. "The Eternity Quest, Part Five: Don't Mess with the Four Dudes!" The Demon Vol. 3, No. 35 (New York: DC Comics, May 1993): 5, 13-18.
Merlin takes on the guise of Macawfully Cutekin as he plots against Etrigan.
150. - - -, wr. "The Eternity Quest, Part 8: Anyone Who Had a Heart." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 38 (New York: DC Comics, Aug. 1993): 10-11, 15, 23-24. [AA]
Merlin and Belial continue to plot against Etrigan, who falls for a thousand-year-old trap.
151. - - -, wr. "The Eternity Quest, Part 9: Funeral for a Fiend." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 39 (New York: DC Comics, Sept. 1993): 1-14. [AA]
The Thing-that-cannot-die burns off Merlin's beard and hair. Etrigan defeats Merlin and Belial, and he buries Merlin within their father's chest. (See also entry 156.)
152. Herdling, Glenn, wr. "Blood Wraith." Avengers Annual Vol. 1, No. 22/1 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1993): 2-42. [AA]
1st app. the Blood Wraith (Sean Dolan) (see also entries 182-84). Page 10 recaps the legend of the Black Knight I, and the fourth panel depicts the Black Knight I and Merlin I.
153. Lackey, Mike, wr. "Opposites Attract." King Arthur and the Knights of Justice Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Marvel Comics, December 1993). Based on the cartoon series created by Jean Chalopin.
Morgana's warlords have captured Guinevere. The Lady of the Table urges Merlin to search the future for substitute Knights of Justice, who he finds in a twentieth-century college football team named the Knights. Continues entries 165-66.
154. Thomas, Roy, and R. J. M. Lofficier, wr. "A Gamble With Time." Avengers Annual Vol. 1, No. 22/5 (New York: Marvel Comics, 1993): 47-61. [AA]
Recaps how Merlin I forged two weapons from a meteorite dubbed the Starstone. The Anachro-nauts and Professor Gamble later prevent the theft of the Starstone before Merlin could discover it.
155. Bierbaum, Tom, and Mary Bierbaum, wr. Untitled. StormQuest Vol. 1, No. 2 (Livonia, MI: SkyUniverse-Caliber P, Dec. 1994): 1-8. SkyUniverse.
In this series, Merlin appears as a Time Lord and plays an important role in the main plot, where the various members of StormQuest (the LeBeck family and their friends) seek to return to their original time.
Here, Merlin plays cards with a group of mythological figures. Merlin offers a crystal called the Time Stone to cover his wager, but he loses the hand to the goddess Ashtart. The other Time Lords then eternally strip Merlin of his powers as a Time Lord and banish him to Britain during the Dark Ages. Suggested that Ashtart then hid the Time Stone as the stone in the Sword-in-the-Stone. Continues entry 168.
156. Ennis, Garth. "Sons & Lovers." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 51 (New York: DC Comics, Sept. 1994).
Gotham City: A bald, beardless, and seemingly powerless Merlin II (see entries 151 and 217-18) appears at Jason Blood's apartment. Merlin describes how he escaped from Hell and allies with Jason against Etrigan.
157. - - -, wr. "Zero Hour." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 0 (New York: DC Comics, Oct. 1994): 1-8, 25-26.
Through Merlin II's elixir, Jason Blood recalls the atrocities he committed while bound to Etrigan. (See also entry 218.)
560 AD: Yet another version of Merlin's binding of Jason, here a peasant, and Etrigan.
158. - - -, wr. "Suffer the Children, Part One." The Demon Vol. 3, No. 52 (New York: DC Comics, Nov. 1994).
b. Jason and Glenda Mark's daughter. Etrigan steals the child, and Merlin II discovers that Etrigan plans to bind his son to the infant with the same spells used to bind Jason and Etrigan.
159. Fraley, Michael, wr. "A Growing Empire." ARTHUR King of Britain Vol. 1, No. 3 (Livonia, MI: Tome P-Calibur P, 1994). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Continued from entry 148. Arthur's empire building campaigns. Arthur receives visitors from Rome. Preceded by an essay on Arthur's continental campaigns.
160. - - -, wr. "The Monster of the Mont-Saint-Michel." ARTHUR King of Britain Vol. 1, No. 4 (Livonia, MI: Tome P-Caliver P, 1994). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Arthur journeys towards Rome. Arthur defeats the giant of Mont-Saint-Michel. Flashback depicts Arthur's victory over Ritho [King Ryons]. With an essay on Arthur and the giants.
161. - - -, wr. "The Battle of Soissie." ARTHUR: King of Britain Vol. 1, No. 5/1 (Livonia, MI: Tome P-Caliver P, 1994). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Arthur defeats the forces of Rome. Treachery in Britain. Preceded by an essay on Arthur and Rome.
162. - - -, wr. "Camlaun." ARTHUR: King of Britain Vol. 1, No. 5/2 (Livonia, MI: Tome P-Caliver P, 1994). B&W. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
542 AD: Arthur and Modred's final battle. Arthur departs for Avalon. With an essay on Camlaun.
163. Gruenwald, Mark, Steven Grant, and David Micheline, wr. Avengers: The Yesterday Quest. New York: Marvel Comics, Oct. 1994. TPB.
Rpt. and reformatted from Avengers Vol. 1, Nos. 181-182 (March-April 1979) and 185-187 (July-Aug. 1979). (See entry 2.)
164. Hampton, Bo, and Dan Abnett. Uther the Half Dead King. New York: Nantier Beall Minoustchine Publishing Inc., 1994. Graphic novel. ISBN 1-56163-110-8. [AN; not listed in OCBPG]
Retells the Merlinian portion of Geoffrey of Monmouth's HRB. Told from the point of view of both Uther and Merlin through a series of flashbacks to explain why Uther is the half-dead king of the title.
165. Lackey, Mike, wr. "Wizzed!" King Arthur and the Knights of Justice Vol. 1, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics, Jan. 1994). Based on the cartoon series created by Jean Chalopin.
Continued from entry 153. Merlin explains the situation, and the Knights reluctantly agree to help. The Knights transform into the Knights of Justice, and their team captain, Arthur King, becomes King Arthur II.
166. - - -, wr. "Crescendo." King Arthur and the Knights of Justice Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York: Marvel Comics, Feb. 1994). Based on the cartoon series created by Jean Chalopin.
The Knights of Justice invade Morgana's lair to rescue Guinevere.
167 Vess, Charles, and Elaine Lee, wr. "Book One: The Sword in the Stone." Prince Valiant Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Marvel Select-Marvel Comics, Dec. 1994). Based on the comic strip created by Harold R. Foster. [AN]
This four issue limited series focuses on Prince Valiant and his son Arn's quest to defeat Morgause, who has stolen both the sword Excalibur and Arn's daughter, Ingrid. Morgause seeks to corrupt young Ingrid, Modred's granddaughter and Arthur's designated heir, as she did Modred.
This issue begins with the battle on Salisbury Plain. d. Modred. Merlin returns to take Arthur to Avalon, and Morgause steals Excalibur from Gawain and then orders him slain. Valiant later comes upon the body and vows to recover Excalibur. Valiant encounters Merlin and Nimue. Merlin charges Valiant with a quest, and then the Dragon carries Merlin beneath the Earth to rest. Continued in entry 189.
168. Bierbaum, Tom, and Mary Bierbaum, wr. Untitled. StormQuest Vol. 1, No. 3 (Livonia, MI: SkyUniverse-Caliber P, Jan. 1995): 18-22.
Continues from entry 155. Sir Edmund da Orkney retrieves the time-lost Rebecca LeBeck for Merlin, who begins to train her in the art of time-weaving.
A second Merlin appears in the twentieth-seventh century
169. - - -, and - - -, wr. Untitled. StormQuest Vol. 1, No. 4 (Livonia, MI: SkyUniverse-Caliber P, Feb. 1995): 1-5, 15-19.
The Merlin of 2660 offers Lord Trimalion a shard of the Time-Stone in exchange for Warren LeBeck. Merlin II seeks to acquire all of StormQuest to correct the damage done to the time steam.
Meanwhile in medieval Britain, Merlin I ponders his actions towards Rebecca LeBeck.
170. - - -, and - - -, wr. Untitled. StormQuest Vol. 1, No. 5 (Livonia, MI: SkyUniverse-Caliber P, March 1995): 4-13.
Rebecca LeBeck learns that Merlin I has lied and now plans to kill Sir Edmund. Soon, StormQuest appears to rescue her, and Merlin attacks them. Sir Edmund faces Merlin, who ages the knight. Rebecca then confronts Merlin and departs with StormQuest and Sir Edmund, while Merlin continues to beg for her help.
171. Brevoort, Tom, and Mike Kanterovich, wr. "The Torch is Passed!" Fantastic Force Vol. 1, No. 9 (New York: Marvel Comics, July 1995): 6-7, 28.
Part of the "Atlantis Rising" crossover. Morgan Le Fey sends Triton of the Inhumans to recover the bottled city of Attilan. (See also entries 176-79.)
172. Byrne, John, wr. "Second Genesis, Part Three." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 103 (New York: DC Comics, Nov. 1995): 14-16.
An ancient-looking Morgaine le Fay discusses her plan to transfer the immortality of various immortals, including Wonder Woman (Princess Diana of Themyscria), into herself. Revealed that Morgaine is over a million years old (see also entry 194).
173. - - -, wr. "Second Genesis, Part Four." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 104 (New York: DC Comics, Dec. 1995): 10-12.
Attempts to rejuvenate herself fail to have the desired effect, and Morgaine le Fay steps up her plans to capture Wonder Woman. Morgaine then captures Jason Blood. Continues entry 192.
174. Dakin, Glenn, wr. "Into the Vault of Dreams." ClanDestine Vol. 1, No. 10 (New York: Marvel Comics Ltd., July 1995): 1-3, 6-7, 11-12, 17-18.
Destine Estate, Ravenscroft, England: Crimson Crusader (Rory Destine) and Imp (Pandora Destine) encounter spectral images of Merlin and King Arthur. Arthur urges the Crimson Crusader to free the Sword from the Stone, and he later tells the youth to return the Sword to a loch on the Isle of Lewis.
175. - - -, wr. "Sub-terfuges!" ClanDestine Vol. 1, No. 11 (New York: Marvel Comics Ltd., August 1995): 1-2, 6-7, 14-15, 21-22.
The Isle of Lewis, Scotland: Rory and Pandora encounter the mysterious Lady of the Loch. She takes them to the tomb of their brother Vincent, who later reveals that he was behind the younger Destine's quest.
176. DeFalco, Tom, and Paul Ryan, wr. "At the Mercy of Maximus!" Fantastic Four Vol. 1, No. 401 (New York: Marvel Comics, June 1995): 10-13, 23, 31.
Part of the "Atlantis Rising" crossover. Morgan Le Fey allies herself with the Inhumans, who claim the newly risen island of Atlantis (see entry 183) as their ancestral home.
177. - - -, and - - -, wr. "By Our Friends, Besieged!" Fantastic Four Vol. 1, No. 402 (New York: Marvel Comics, July 1995): 1-12, 26, 30.
Continuing the "Atlantis Rising" crossover. Morgan Le Fey sends Thor to attack the Fantastic Four, and Nathaniel Richards offers to restore the bottled city of Attilan to its former size.
178. - - -, and Glenn Herdling, wr. "--Atlantis is Rising!" Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Marvel Comics, June 1995): 6, 20-24. 28-31, 34-37.
Continuing from entry 183. Morgan Le Fey has successfully raised the subaquatic island of Atlantis, which she now calls Avalon. Morgan takes control of Thor, and she orders the Darkholders to erect a mystic force field composed of ley lines around Atlantis. (See also entries 182-84.)
179. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Assault on Atlantis." Fantastic Four: Atlantis Rising Vol. 1, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics, July 1995): 1-11, 28, 32, 38-48.
Concludes the "Atlantis Rising" crossover. Morgan Le Fey uses the Blood Wraith's Ebony Blade to entrap the Fantastic Four and their allies. Nathaniel Richards begins to enlarge Attilan upon the site of Atlantis. Morgan is defeated when the power of the Ebony Blade backfires on her, and she presumably perishes because she remains on the island while Attilan continues to expand. (See also entries 177-78, 182-84.)
180. Fisch, Sholly, wr. "Avalon Arising." Fantastic Four Atlantis Rising Collector's Preview Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Marvel Comics, May 1995): 20-21. Text piece.
Presents a summary of Morgan Le Fey's activities with emphasis on her role in the life of Spider-Woman I.
181. Gibbons, Dave, wr. Superman: Kal. New York: Elseworlds-DC Comics, 1995. 58-60. BSF.
Premise is that the infant Kal-El's (Superman) rocket had landed during the Dark Ages. Kal becomes a blacksmith and forges a sword from the remains of his rocket. Kal's friend, Master Ollson [Jimmy Olson], later instructs his young apprentice, Merlin, and the final page hints that Kal's sword becomes Excalibur.
182. Herdling, Glenn, wr. "The Dichotomy of Souls." Namor, The Sub-mariner Vol. 1, No. 61 (New York: Marvel Comics, April 1995).
Prelude to the "Atlantis Rising" crossover. Trapped within the Ebony Blade, the soul of Prince Namor is aided by the Black Knight I. Morgan Le Fey begins her plans to raise Atlantis. Revealed that Morgan Le Fey has reincarnated as Vivian Morgan (see entry 184).
183. - - -, wr. "Beware the Tides of March." Namor, The Sub-mariner Vol. 1, No. 62 (New York: Marvel Comics, May 1995).
Prelude to the "Atlantis Rising" crossover. Morgan completes her spell to raise Atlantis, the larger part of the island of Avalon, from beneath the waves. (See also entries 178-79, 184.) Heavily influenced by Marion Zimmer Bradley's MOA, a flashback proposes an Atlantean link to Merlin I/V and Morgan Le Fey.(16) 1st and only app. Merlin V.
184. Isherwood, Geoff, wr. "Swords and Souls." Namor, The Sub-mariner Vol. 1, No. 60 (New York: Marvel Comics, March 1995).
Prelude to the "Atlantis Rising" crossover. Namor battles the Blood Wraith on San Paulo Island. Suggests that Morgan Le Fey has possessed Dr. Vivian Morgan, an oceanographer. (See also entries 182-83 above.)
185. Lee, Elaine, wr. "Book One: The Land Below." Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny Vol. 1, No. 1 (Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Comics, Inc., April 1995). [GDHC 58]
1945: Depicts Indiana Jones and his father, Dr. Henry Jones, Sr., versus the Nazis in search of the Spear of Destiny from the Grail legends.(17) The Jones' are aided in their quest by a young Irishman, Brendan O'Neal. The series also includes a series of lectures on the Grail legends by the various characters.
186. - - -, wr. Untitled. Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny Vol. 1, No. 2 (Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Comics, Inc., May 1995). [GDHC 58]
See entry 185 above. Much of the action here revolves around Glastonbury and its connection to the Grail.
187. - - -, wr. Untitled. Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny Vol. 1, No. 3 (Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Comics, Inc., June 1995). [GDHC 58]
See entry 185 above.
188. - - -, wr. "Book IV: The Shrieking Stone!" Indiana Jones and the Spear of Destiny Vol. 1, No. 4 (Milwaukie, OR: Dark Horse Comics, Inc., July 1995). [GDHC 58]
See entry 185 above. Brendan O'Neal and Henry Jones, Sr. exchange Grail myths at New Grange. Jones proposes that both the Lance of Longinus and the Aredbair of the god Lugh were one and the same (10-12).
189. Vess, Charles, and Elaine Lee, wr. "Book Two: The Queen of Air and Darkness." Prince Valiant Vol. 1, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Select-Marvel Comics, Jan. 1995). Based on the comic strip created by Harold R. Foster. [AN]
Continues from entry 167. Valiant and Nimue set sail for the Orkneys, as does Arn and his wife aided by Boltarson the Viking. Meanwhile, Morgause strikes an alliance with the kings of Dalriada.
190. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Book Three: The Ill-Made Knight." Prince Valiant Vol. 1, No. 3 (New York: Marvel Select-Marvel Comics, Feb. 1995). Based on the comic strip created by Harold R. Foster. [AN]
Morgause continues to brainwash Ingrid, and the witch later uses the blood of Valiant's son, Galen, to bind Excalibur again to a stone. Valiant and Nimue continue their journey and reunite with Arn and his family.
191. - - -, and - - -, wr. "Book Four: A Candle in the Wind." Prince Valiant Vol. 1, No. 4 (New York: Marvel Select-Marvel Comics, March 1995). Based on the comic strip created by Harold R. Foster. [AN]
Valiant thwarts Morgause's plan to claim the power of Excalibur, and she is defeated by the power of maiden, mother, and crone. With her true age restored to her, Morgause flees. Nimue bears Excalibur to Avalon for Arthur's return. d. Morgause. Also contains a flashback recounting the history of Excalibur.
192. Byrne, John, wr. "Lifelines, Part One." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 105 (New York: DC Comics, Jan. 1996): 10-14. [AN]
Continued from entry 173. Morgaine le Fay's servant, Warly, captures Jason Blood and brands his forehead with Morgaine's branding iron.
193. - - -, wr. "Lifelines, Part Two." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 106 (New York: DC Comics, Feb. 1996): 5-14, 19-22. [AN]
Morgaine le Fay animates the figures of a tapestry to attack Wonder Woman, and she later sends the branded Etrigan to capture Wonder Woman and her new ally, the Phantom Stranger.
194. - - -, wr. "Lifelines, Part Three." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 107 (New York: DC Comics, Feb. 1996): 1-9, 13-22.
Morgaine le Fay sends another of her captive immortals to attack Jason Blood, the Phantom Stranger, and Wonder Woman. The Phantom Stranger later explains that Merlin created Jason Blood to serve as a vessel for Etrigan (17), and the Stranger contrasts the legendary, Arthurian Morgaine from the actual one (19).
195. - - -, wr. "Lifelines, Part Four." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 108 (New York: DC Comics, April 1996): 1-9, 12-22.
Morgaine le Fay succeeds in capturing Wonder Woman and her allies. Morgaine attempts to drain the immortality from the immortals she has captured, and she also battles Wonder Woman for her prowess as a warrior. However, Morgaine suddenly weakens, as the transference goes awry because Wonder Woman has forsaken her immortality to live in our world. Morgaine ages rapidly, and soon all that remains of her is her armor and a pile of dust. (See also entry 218.)
196. Hawkins, Matt, wr. Untitled. Lady Pendragon Vol. 1, No. 1 (Anaheim: Maximum P, March 1996).
After Arthur's death, Guinevere claims Excalibur to become Lady Pendragon. Aided by Nimue, she battles Saxons and any Britons, who oppose her. (Heavily influenced by Marion Zimmer Bradley's MOA.)
197. Kolkman, Richard, wr. "'Some Weirdo With A Thing For Halloween'." The Jack Kirby Collector Vol. 3, No. 13 (Raleigh, NC: TwoMorrows Advertising, Dec. 1996): 20-21. Ed. John Morrow. B&W. Fanzine. Text piece. [not listed in OCBPG]
This issue focuses on Jack Kirby's supernatural stories, including DC's The Demon Vol. 1. Here Kolkman discusses the development of The Demon series and Kirby's debt to Hal Foster's Prince Valiant comic strip (25 December 1937) for Etrigan's peculiar face. Some mention of Merlin's role in the series.
198. Leary, Ron, Jr., and Peter Stone, wr. "Sex and Death in the Fiery Moonlight." Vampire Bayne, Lord of the Night Vol. 2, No. 1 (Hauppauge, NY: Comicolor Comics, 1996): 2-5, 7-9, 16-20. [not listed in OCBPG]
Continues the adventures of the vampire Bayne Wolfe and Anastasia Romanov from Vampire Bayne, Lord of the Night Vol. 1 (Redline Comics). Merlin appears here in two flashbacks:
Ural Mountains, 1925: Merlin forces his charges to complete their magical training or the future may be lost. He has Bayne and Anastasia drink a potion, which ignites their passions towards each other, and the resulting act of love both empowers their magicks and binds them to one another.
During the medieval period, Merlin appears to the vampire Alucard on the night he becomes undead to proclaim that Alucard's reign will end when a true lord of the night, Bayne Wolfe, emerges.
199. Mackie, Howard, and James Felder, wr. "Demon's Night." Speed Demon Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Amalgam Comics-Marvel Comics, April 1996): 6-7, 16-17, 19-24. The Merlin of the Amalgam universe appears here as the creator of the Speed Demons when he binds Blaze Allen to the demon Etrigan and Allen's nephew, Wally West, to an unknown demon.
200. Byrne, John, wr. "All My Sins Remembered." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 124 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Aug. 1997): 1, 9, 12,.16.
The realm of Hell: Neron and Etrigan, who Neron has separated from Jason Blood, capture Wonder Woman and her friends. Neron has also captured Merlin I, who aids young Cassandra "Cassie" Sandsmark. Also some references to Etrigan's origins and Merlin's role in them. (The story line that begins here ties up hanging plot lines from The Demon Vols. 2 [entries 59-62] and 3 [beginning in entry 95].)
201. - - -, wr. "Deathwatch." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 125 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Sept. 1997): 10-12.
Merlin I tells Helena Sandsmark of Etrigan and Jason Blood's dual history. He then asks for her aid.
202. - - -, wr. "Where Have All the Heroes Gone?" Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 126 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Oct. 1997): 21.
Merlin I believes something is seriously wrong with Etrigan, and he asks Helena if she is willing to sacrifice her own soul to save Jason, whose body they have stolen from the hospital.
203. - - -, wr. "Transfiguration." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 127 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Nov. 1997): 21.
Helena agrees to aid Merlin I in saving Jason. Merlin then casts a spell. Continued entry 215.
204. Felder, James, wr. "Last Light." What If...? Vol. 2, No. 97 (New York: Marvel Comics, May 1997).
Continuing events from entry 10. The ideals of Camelot are reborn in a new generation of champions, who defeat Doctor Doom. 1st and only app. Merlin VI, who replaces the traditional figure of Merlin with Nathaniel Richard (see entries 177 and 179), Doom's recent nemesis in The Fantastic Four; Valeria, the daughter of Doctor Doom and Morgan Le Fey; Eirik Garrettson, the first successor to the Black Knight I and Sir Percy's nephew; and Eoin Braddock, Sir Percy's aide. (See also entry 13.)
205. Herdling, Glenn, wr. "Bloodline." Uncanny Origins Vol. 1, No. 11 (New York: Marvel Comics, July 1997): 13-14.
Retells the origin of the Black Knights I and III in a cartoonish style. App. Merlin I, Arthur, and Mordred.
206. Jenkins, Paul, wr. "Last Man Standing: Part One, A Different Kind of Tension." Hellblazer Vol. 1, No. 110 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, Feb. 1997). [AN]
It is Britain's darkest hour. Myrddin has awakened and poses as the mysterious Mister Meardon, who has begun to tear down the mystical landmarks of ancient Britain and disrupt the system of dragon lines. A group of eternal knights, characters from Culhwch ac Olwen, has also appeared awaiting King Arthur's return. Later revealed that Arthur has hidden the Grail within an ancient monument. br>
Here, 1st app. the eternals Sandda, Owain, Sgilti, and Afagddu. They seek out John Constantine's aid to defeat Myrddin. Also, brief reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail (22).
207. - - -, wr. "Last Man Standing: Part Two, No More Heroes." Hellblazer Vol. 1, No. 111 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, March 1997). [AN]
Reveals the origins of Myrddin and his fellow eternals. They are among God's earliest creations, but God has entrusted Arthur, a former mortal, with the reason why He forsook his first children. Arthur placed this knowledge into a box, the Grail, and he later disappeared after arguing with Myrddin. The elemental Jack Green reveals that Constantine's friend, Rich the Punk, is Arthur's rightful heir.
208. - - -, wr. "Last Man Standing: Part Three, Human Punk." Hellblazer Vol. 1, No. 112 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, April 1997). [AN]
Constantine sends Rich in search of the Grail. Eventually, Jack Green takes Rich to the Grail's hiding place between Albion and the realm of Faerie (see entry 94), and Rich then presents the Grail to Constantine, who opens the box to reveal the head of Bran the Blessed.
209. - - -, wr. "Last Man Standing: Part Four, You're Just a . . ." Hellblazer Vol. 1, No. 113 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, May 1997). [AN]
Bran explains how Arthur found him dying from poison. Arthur then cut off Bran's head, told him God's secret, and placed the head in a safe place. Later, Constantine dreams of Arthur, who tells him to confront Myrddin. Still later, Constantine takes the Grail to Myrddin.
210. - - -, wr. "Last Man Standing: Part Five, No One is Innocent." Hellblazer Vol. 1, No. 114 (New York: Vertigo-DC Comics, June 1997). [AN]
Myrddin discovers that the Grail box is anathema to him. Constantine reveals that he boiled up the head of Bran the Blessed and fed it to his friends. Therefore, each now possesses a portion of God's secret, and Myrddin cannot kill them. Arthur now appears to reconcile with Myrddin and beg for forgiveness.
211. Lee, Jim, and Jeph Loeb, wr. "Magical Mystery Tour." Iron Man Vol. 2, No. 11 (New York: Heroes Reborn-Marvel Comics, Sept. 1997): 13-14. [AN]
In a scene reminiscent of entry 10, the Heroes Reborn universe's Iron Man and Doctor Doom are hurled through the history of the mainstream Marvel universe. At one thousand years ago, they appear within Merlin I's hourglass. Merlin explains that their existence is tearing apart the fabric of reality Iron Man asks for help, and the mage replies only "TIME. / TIME AND TIME AGAIN HOLDS THE KEY."(18) (14) Merlin then tries to send Iron Man and Doctor Doom back to the present.(19)
212. Moench, Doug, wr. "Major Arcana Part One: Jokin' with Mister D." Batman Vol. 1, No. 544 (New York: DC Comics, July 1997): 12-14.
Etrigan recaps his origin for the Joker. Merlin is here depicted dressed as a druid and has antlers coming out of his head.
213. Scott, T., adapter. Classics Illustrated Study Guides: A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain. With an essay by Andrew Jay Hoffman. New York: Acclaim Books, 1997. [AN]
Reformatted and re-colored from the original Classics Illustrated series. With an essay on the book.
214. Wagner, Matt, wr. "The Handle Towards My Hand." MAGE: The Hero Defined Vol. 1, No. 1 (Fullerton. CA: Image Comics, July 1997): 14. Kevin Matchstick tells his new friend, Joe Phat, about Mirth (Myrddin Aurelius Ambrosius) and explains that the Mage has left clues for him in the ATM system. (See also entries 51-52.)
215. Byrne, John, wr. "Harvest of Souls." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 129 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Jan. 1998): 22.
Continuing from entry 203. Etrigan traps Helena Sandsmark at Camelot. The demon then announces that he has always been evil, even when bound to Jason Blood. Merlin I then appears to confront Etrigan.
216. - - -, wr. "Meanwhile . . ." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 130/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., Feb. 1998): 19-22.
Sets in motion Byrne's denouement of the Etrigan-Merlin story line in entry 218. Revealed that the pillow Harry Matthews (transformed in entry 61) and the Thing-that-cannot-die (1st app. entry 121) are demons.
217. - - -, wr. "Meanwhile." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 131/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., March 1998): 19-22.
Little Marmsey on the Tide, Cornwall: Wonder Woman's friends encounter Etrigan, a bald and scarred Merlin II (1st app. entry 156), and a transformed Helena Sandsmark.
218. - - -, wr. "Meanwhile." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 132/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., April 1998): 19-22.
Merlin II and his allies capture Wonder Woman's friends. Revealed that the Merlin, who earlier aided Cassie Sandsmark in entry 200 was in fact the sorcerer in middle age, while the scarred Merlin II represents Merlin nearer the end of his life.(20)
Also reveals the fate of Morgaine le Fay (last seen in entry 195), who has possessed Helena Sandsmark. Morgaine explains how she once came upon Merlin II and formed an alliance with him hoping to eventually gain control over Etrigan. This Merlin later (or earlier) came into contact with Jason Blood and gave Jason a potion (see entry 157) that implanted a set of false memories into his and Etrigan's shared mind. Furthermore, Morgaine again revises the origin of Etrigan. She explains that Merlin and Etrigan are not in fact brothers. Rather, Merlin (I) had merely conjured up the demon to save Camelot from Morgaine's forces, and after the fall of Camelot, he then transformed Etrigan into Jason.(21)
219. - - -, wr. "Meanwhile." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 133/2 (New York: DC Comics Inc., May 1998): 19-22.
Merlin I saves Cassie Sandsmark and later uses his powers to separate Morgaine le Fay from Helena Sandsmark. The villains then vanish, as Merlin I announces that the final battle must be fought in Hell.
220. - - -, wr. "Meanwhile." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 134/2 (New York: DC Comics, June 1998): 19-22.
Merlin I continues to aid Wonder Woman's friends against the forces of Hell. Revealed that Merlin II, Morgaine Le Fay, and Etrigan are working with Neron.
221. - - -, wr. "Fragments." Wonder Woman Vol. 2, No. 135 (New York: DC Comics, July 1998): 8-22.
The realm of Hell: Morgaine Le Fay, Merlin II, and Etrigan attack Merlin I, Wonder Woman, and her friends. Later, Wonder Woman's one time replacement, the Amazon named Artemis, purifies her sword in hellfire and then uses the sword to kill Morgaine le Fay. The two Merlins engage in battle, and both aspects of the mage are consumed by the hellfire as well. Etrigan, freed from Morgaine and Merlin II's spells, finally transforms back into Jason Blood.
222. Busiek, Kurt, wr. "Once an Avenger . . ." Avengers Vol. 3, No. 1 (New York: Marvel Comics, Feb. 1998).
Tintagel Head, Cornwall: One group of Avengers discover Morgan Le Fay and her nephew, Mordred. Morgan captures the Scarlet Witch (Wanda Maximoff) and remakes the world by combining the Witch's probability altering powers with the magicks of the Twilight Sword and the Norn Stones of Asgard.
223. - - -, wr. "Once an Avenger . . ., Part 2: The Call." Avengers Vol. 3, No. 2 (New York: Marvel Comics, March 1998).
Revealed that Morgan Le Fay's spell has transformed the Earth, and the Middle Ages live again in a world ruled by Queen Morgan I. The spell has also transformed the Avengers and given them more medieval-sounding names as the Queen's Vengeance. However, both Donar (Thor) and Yeoman America (Captain America) break free of Morgan's spell. Captain America then wakes six of the other Avengers.
224. - - -, wr. "Once an Avenger . . ., Part 3: Fata Morgana." Avengers Vol. 3, No. 3 (New York: Marvel Comics, April 1998).
Captain America's small band of Avengers attack Morgan and the Queen's Vengeance. Morgan soon faces the combined might of the Scarlet Witch and Wonder Man (Simon Williams). The remaining Avengers awaken as Morgan's hold over them weakens, and they pour their combined strength into Wonder Man. The Avengers defeat, and possibly destroy, Morgan, and the world is restored to normal.
225. Jurgens, Dan, wr. "Covenant of Iron." Tangent Comics/The Batman Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: Tangent Comics-DC Comics, September 1998): 11-18.
The Batman of the Tangent universe fights crime in the present day city of London, but he is actually a suit of armor animated by the spirit of the Arthurian era Sir William, who was cursed by Merlin to remain imprisoned within his castle until he can atone for his actions against King Arthur. A flashback reveals these earlier events, where a demonic Morgan Le Fay has assumed the form of Sir William's new wife and persuades him to turn against his king. Sir William must kill his wife to save Arthur, and Merlin then appears to explain Morgan's deception and pronounce his curse upon the knight.
226. Martin, Joe, comp. Knights of the Round Table Vol. 1, No. 1 (Plymouth, MI: Tome P, 1998).
Presents a brief introduction to the various Knights of the Round Table, including several of the more obscure knights.
227. McCann, Jesse Leon, and Robert Graff, wr. Untitled. Quest for Camelot Vol. 1, No. 1 (New York: DC Comics, July 1998). Based on the screenplay by Kirk de Micco and William Schifrin.
Adaptation of the Warner Bros. animated film.
228. Ostrander, John, wr. "The Dragon of Wall Street." Heroes for Hire Vol. 1, No. 14 (New York: Marvel Comics, August 1998).
Explains that the Black Knight III is now empowered by Avalon as the new Pendragon.
229. Raab, Ben, wr. "Tying the Knot." Excalibur Vol. 1, No. 125 (New York: Marvel Comics, October 1998).
Otherworld: Roma, the daughter of Merlyn III, officiates at the wedding of Captain Britain and Meggan in the final issue of the long-running series (see entries 64, 124, and 138-39). Excalibur disbands, as the former X-men decide to return home to the United States. Roma later encounters her father, and Merlyn prophesies Excalibur's separation will only be temporary and that the sword will be redrawn again one day (37-38).
230. Smith, Matt, wr. "Time Slip: Captain Britain." Marvel Vision Vol. 1, No. 25 (New York: Marvel Comics, Jan. 1998): 28-29. Ed. Tim Tuohy. Text piece.
Presents a brief overview of the history of Captain Britain in the mainstream Marvel universe, and then presents the legend of the Captain Britain of this Time Slip universe. There, Brian Braddock chooses both the objects of power offered to him by Merlyn III and Roma (see entry 1), and he is transformed into the embodiment of knightly virtue. This Captain Britain battles villains, such as Morgane LeFay, and some of the people of Britain believe him to be King Arthur returned.
231. Vance, Steve, wr. "Battle Royal." Adventures in the DC Universe Vol. 1, No. 15 (New York: DC Comics, June 1998): 13-22.
Viviane, the Lady of the Lake, summons Aquaman (Arthur Curry), king of Atlantis, to aid her against the mystic might of Morgan le Fay (II?).(22) Aquaman draws Excalibur from an underwater stone for Viviane, and in following Morgan out of the lake, he encounters a young King Arthur and Merlin. Aquaman departs, and Viviane bestows the sword upon Arthur.
Goodman, Jennifer R. The Legend of Arthur in British and American Literature. Twayne's English Authors Series. 461. Ed. Kinley Roby. Boston: Twayne, 1988. 111.
Goodman comments here on Hal Foster's Prince Valiant comic strip and Barr and Bolland's Camelot 3000.
Goodrich, Peter. "Modern Merlins: An Aerial Survey (Bibliographic Essay)." The Figure of Merlin in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. Eds. Jeanie Watson and Maureen Fries. Studies in Comparative Literature 2. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellon P, 1988. 175-197.
Presents an overview of Merlin in nineteenth and twentieth century literature, including comic books.
Lacy, Norris J., Geoffrey Ashe, and Debra N. Mancoff. "Chapter IV: Arthur in the Arts." The Arthurian Handbook. 2nd ed. GRLH. 1920. New York and London: Garland, 1997. 246-47.
Lacy makes some brief comments on the Prince Valiant comic strip and Camelot 3000.
Nash, Jesse W. "Gotham's Dark Knight: The Postmodern Transformation of the Arthurian Mythos." Popular Arthurian Traditions. Ed. Sally Slocum. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1992. 36-45.
Nash explores the Arthurian theme in various Batman comics published by DC Comics. Though not an Arthurian comic book, the Batman books that Nash has looked at do somewhat fit into an Arthurian context. Thus proving once more how pervasive the Arthurian legend is in popular culture.
Schmidt, Siegrid, and Peter Meister. "Comics." The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. Updated Paperback Edition with Supplement, 1990-1995. Ed. Norris J. Lacy, et al. GRLH. 931. New York and London: Garland, 1996. 98.
Discusses the German comic book Ritter Roland: Der Kämpfer mit dem Löwenherz by Götz Altenberg, Gunther Herbst, Joachim Honnef, et al.
Sklar, Elizabeth S. "Thoroughly Modern Morgan: Morgan le Fey in Twentieth-Century Popular Arthuriana." Popular Arthurian Traditions. Ed. Sally Slocum. Bowling Green, OH: Bowling Green State U Popular P, 1992. 24-35.
Discusses how the figure of Morgan le Fay has been represented in various genres of twentieth century popular culture, including role-playing games, film, and comic books
Slocum, Sally K.. Review of Camelot 3000, by Mike W. Barr and Brian Bolland. Studies in Medievalism 2.4 (Feb. 1983): 113-16.
Reviews the first ten issues of the series and notes significant elements of the plot.
- - - and H. Alan Stewart. "Heroes in Four Colors: The Arthurian Legend in Comic Strips and Books." King Arthur Through the Ages. Ed. Valerie M. Lagorio and Mildred Leake Day. Vol. II. GRLH. 1301. New York and London: Garland, 1990. 291-308.
The most comprehensive of all articles that deal with the Arthurian comic book. Slocum and Stewart begin with the comic strip and give an in depth overview of Foster's Prince Valiant. Next, they turn their attention to the Arthurian elements of American super-hero comic books, and here they briefly discuss DC's the Shining Knight and the Demon and Marvel's the Black Knight and Captain Britain. The article concludes by looking at Wagner's MAGE: The Hero Discovered and Barr and Bolland's Camelot 3000.
- - -. "King Arthur Is Alive and Well: Camelot 3000 and the Comics." Moderne Artus-Rezeption 18.-20. Jahrhundert. Hrsg. von Kurt Gamerschlag. Göppinger Arbeiten zur Germanistik. Nr. 548. Hrsg. von Ulrich Müller, Franz Hundsnurscher und Cornelius Sommer. Göppingen: Kümmerle Verlag, 1991. 305-319.
Presents a very brief summary of H. Alan Stewart's article in Amazing Heroes (see below). Slocum then presents a detailed analysis of the Camelot 3000 series and focuses on its portrayal of the various characters and how they relate to medieval tradition. [Includes one illustration.]
Stewart, [H.] Alan. "Camelot in Four Colors. Amazing Heroes (15 Sept. 1984): 80-97.
This is the most comprehensive article available on Arthurian comics up to 1984. Updates now appear online at Camelot in Four Colors: A Survey of the Arthurian Legend in Comics
Stewart, H. Alan. "Comics." The New Arthurian Encyclopedia. Updated Paperback Edition with Supplement, 1990-1995. Ed. Norris J. Lacy, et al. GRLH. 931. New York and London: Garland, 1996. 97-98.
Discusses the Prince Valiant newspaper strip and includes a very brief paragraph on Marvel, DC, and others to conclude with a mention of Camelot 3000 and MAGE: The Hero Discovered.
- - -. "King Arthur in the Comics." Avalon to Camelot 2 (1986): 12-14.
Brief overview of the Arthurian legend in comic books and comic strips. Primarily concerned with Harold R. Foster's Prince Valiant, in the Days of King Arthur, P. Craig Russell's Parsifal, Mike W. Barr's Camelot 3000 and Matt Wagner's MAGE: The Hero Discovered. Stewart includes some discussion on the artistic influences of these three artists, and he also considers the recent trends in medium of Arthurian comic books. [Includes 2 illustrations--One from Prince Valiant and one from Camelot 3000.]
Wood, Charles T. "Camelot 3000 and the Future of Arthur." Culture and the King: The Social Implications of the Arthurian Legend, Essays in Honor of Valerie M. Lagorio. Ed. Martin B. Shichtman and James P. Curley. SUNY Series in Mediaeval Studies. Series ed. Paul E. Szarmach. Albany: State U of New York P, 1994. 297-313. [Includes four pictures.]
Wood discusses Camelot 3000 in terms of its plot, characterization, and relevance to the Arthurian mythos.
I wish to thank everyone on Arthurnet for their help and lists of Arthurian themed comics during the initial stages of this listing in November 1997 and subsequent posts on the subject. Special thanks to Dan Nastali for sharing a partial list from the Arthurian Annals, to Norman Hinton of Arthurnet for suggesting that I submit the proposal for this listing, to Charles T. Wood for his assistance regarding DC Comics, and to Kevin J. Harty for providing me a copy of Slocum's "King Arthur Is Alive and Well: Camelot 3000 and the Comics" and for his invaluable comments on my introduction. My gratitude also goes to the guest editor of this issue of Arthuriana, John Matthews, for his support of my research and encouragement. I also wish to thank Carol Platt of Marvel Comics from granting me permission to reproduce an illustration from Excalibur Special Edition, 1987 and to quote from Excalibur Special Edition, 1987 in my introduction and Iron Man Vol. 2, No. 11 in entry 211 above. My thanks also to Matt Wagner for his permission to quote from MAGE: The Hero Discovered in entry 52 above.
May 2000: I wish to thank Bonnie Wheeler of Arthuriana and Alan Lupack of The Camelot Project for hosting this listing and for their interest in my research. Special thanks to the members of the nascent Arthurian Comic Books Discussion List (Dan Nastali, Rodney Parrish, Alan Stewart and Jason Tondro) for their comments. I also wish to thank Kevin J. Harty for providing a copy of Stewart's "King Arthur in the Comics" and Alan Stewart for correcting my spelling of the demon Etrigan.