"Then came Queen Morgan le Fay to Alisander, and bade him arise, and put him in a horse-litter, and gave him such a drink that in three days and three nights he waked never, but slept: and so she brought him to her own castle that at the time was called La Beale Regard."
Alice La Belle Pilgrim
"Sixteen wounds should slay a knight,
Alisander le Orphelin!
But where is the faery-leech shall say
If you will live till morning light?"
"Ask Morgan le Fay," said Alisander, "ask Morgan le Fay."
"The sixteenth wound is very deep,
Alisander le Orphelin,"
Said Morgan le Fay, "would you be whole,
Or are you ready for mortal sleep?"
"Who would be sick," said Alisander, "if he might be whole."
"If I search your wounds, and make you well,
Alisander le Orphelin,
Will you be mine?" said Morgan le Fay.
"I would if it were not for Alice la Belle —
"I dream of her," said Alisander, "dream of her night and day."
"For Alice la Belle, steel glaives you need,
Alisander le Orphelin,
But you lie close in the linen-bands:
What shall she say, when your wounds do bleed?"
"With her white hands," said Alisander, "bind them with her hands!"
"But if it be I that make you well,
Alisander le Orphelin,
What of the fee of Morgan le Fay!"
"Earth and wild fire and Alice la Belle
Shall pay the fee," said Alisander, "Alice le Belle shall pay."
Alisander le Orphelin!
But where is the faery-leech shall say
If you will live till morning light?"
"Ask Morgan le Fay," said Alisander, "ask Morgan le Fay."
"The sixteenth wound is very deep,
Alisander le Orphelin,"
Said Morgan le Fay, "would you be whole,
Or are you ready for mortal sleep?"
"Who would be sick," said Alisander, "if he might be whole."
"If I search your wounds, and make you well,
Alisander le Orphelin,
Will you be mine?" said Morgan le Fay.
"I would if it were not for Alice la Belle —
"I dream of her," said Alisander, "dream of her night and day."
"For Alice la Belle, steel glaives you need,
Alisander le Orphelin,
But you lie close in the linen-bands:
What shall she say, when your wounds do bleed?"
"With her white hands," said Alisander, "bind them with her hands!"
"But if it be I that make you well,
Alisander le Orphelin,
What of the fee of Morgan le Fay!"
"Earth and wild fire and Alice la Belle
Shall pay the fee," said Alisander, "Alice le Belle shall pay."