The loyal Zeal excuse,
The fond Ambition, of a
British Muse,
Who wou'd, in
Merlin's Praise, attempt to soar;
And in his
Cave, Your Patronage implore:
Protection seek, beneath Your
Royal Name;
And borrow Strength to rise, from
Merlin's Fame.
Sol to distant Climes had giv'n the Day,
And shone on ours, with pale reflected Ray;
Night with solemn pace, advanc'd her Head,
And o'er the Hemisphere her Mantle spread;
Yet thro' the fable Gloom, those Orbs reveal'd,
Which in a Flood of Light, the Day conceal'd:
I, to a Summit, mus'd along, to see
Suns, which croud the
Merlin's Cave, had such Impressions made,
And Royal Honours, to his Mem'ry pay'd;
Pleas'd with Reflection, and involv'd in Thought;
Fancy, soon this
Vision wrought.
Then, lo! beneath a venerable
Which oft repell'd the Tempest's furious stroke;
Whose spreading Arms, a wide Circumf'rence show,
And from whose Trunk, springs sacred
Methought, I saw an awful
Shade arise;
(Fit object only, for Poetick Eyes.)
The Form Majestick, and the Front serene;
Angles, and
Circles, on his Robe were seen.
Northern Crown1, around his Temples shone,
And the
Celestial Signs adorn'd his Zone.
British Harp, seem'd to support one Hand;
While t'other, gently wav'd the sacred
Manes of great
Merlin stood confess'd;
And my enraptur'd Fancy, thus address'd:
"Why will
Merlin's praise decline,
"Distinguish'd now, by Royal C
"Believe not
such, as wou'd asperse my Name;
"But trust those
Authors, who defend my Fame.
"You, to the Royal
Grotto, touch'd the Lyre,
"And durst in God-like
Newton's Praise aspire.
"Why shou'd not
British Merlin, grace thy Page,
Mathematicks, once esteem'd a Sage?
"A well-try'd
Genius, cou'd transmit to Fame
"My honour'd Modern
Cave, and Ancient
"Might to my R
UEST, re-touch the String,
And as
he2 sung the
Saint, the
Prophet sing.
"But since the
Cambrian Bards, neglect the Muse;
Melissa's humbler Strains, I'll not refuse.
IX Centuries, twice told, are now compleat,
Merlin liv'd on this terrestrial Seat.
"Knowledge appear'd, but dawning to my Sight;
"She blaz'd on
Newton with Meridian Light.
"Yet the faint Glimm'rings, which my
Genius taught,
"Beyond the ken, of human Art, were thought.
"What I by meer mechanick Pow'rs atchiev'd,
"Th' Effects of
Magick, then, by most believ'd.
Stone-henge, let the Sons of Art, repair,
"And View the Wonders, I, erected There.
"Try, if their Skill improv'd, Mine, e'er can foil;
"Restore the
Giants-Dance t'
Hibernian Soil.
"Nor in
Geometry, excell'd alone;
"But other
Sciences to me were known.
"I study'd
Nature, through her various Ways;
"And chaunted to this
Harp, prophetick Lays.
Cader Ydris3 oft, I took my Way;
"Rose with the
Sun, toil'd up th' Ascent all Day;
"But scarce could reach, the Mountains tow'ring height,
"E'er Radiant
Vesper, usher'd in the Night.
"The Summit gain'd, I sought with naked Eye,
"To penetrate, the Wonders of the Sky.
"No Telescopic Glass known in that Age,
"To assist the Optics of the curious Sage.
"Though lov'd
Astronomy oft charm'd my Mind,
"I now erroneous, all my Notions fined.
"I thought bright
Sol, around our
Globe had run;
"Nor knew Earth's Motion, nor the central
"And had I known; cou'd I Belief have gain'd,
"When Ignorance, and Superstition reign'd?
'Unseen by me,
Attraction's mighty Force,
"And how fierce
Comets, run their stated Course;
"Surprizing Scenes! by Heav'n reserv'd in store,
"For its own Fav'rite
Newton, to explore.
"With Faculties enlarg'd,
He's gone to prove
"The Laws, and Motions of yon
Worlds above;
"And the vast Circuits of th'Expanse
Solar Systems in the
Milky Way.
"My Spirit too through Ether wings its Flight,
Truths, deny'd my mortal Sight.
"Transported hovers, o'er my native Isle,
"Where Arts improve, and Peace and Plenty smile.
"But lo! Boötes drives his radiant Car,
"High on its Course, around the
Polar Star,
"And fiery
Draco, drops his starry Crest;
"'Tis time, though shouldst indulge thy needful Rest.
"Yet stay,
Melissa!---try this fav'rite Lyre;
Merlin will the grateful Song inspire.
Patroness, my Thanks convey;
"And humbly at her Feet, present thy Lay.
"Conscious, how mean, and how unskill'd thy Hand,
"I see thee tremble, at my kind Command.
"Let my Persuasion, once, thy Fears beguile;
"The gracious Q
UEEN, will condescend to smile.
Merlin's sake, will give
Melissa leave,
"To touch the Strings, in my much-honour'd
Wallia's gen'rous Prince, will not disdain
"What I foretell; ---tho' low, thy Lyrick Strain.