Legends of King Arthur and His Knights
Publisher Location: London; New York
Publisher Name: Ernest Nister; E.P. Dutton & Co.
Publication Date: 1914
Publisher Name: Ernest Nister; E.P. Dutton & Co.
Publication Date: 1914

(Frontispiece) There, before all the people, Arthur...1914

Arthur (P. 19)1914

Arthur seized the sword by the handle and pulled it...1914

Balan, full of fear, crawled on his hands and knees...1914

Balin jumped over the wall of the castle (P. 81)1914

Balin rushed from room to room looking for a weapon...1914

Balin started to his feet, and drew his sword (P....1914

By her side was lying a white brachet (P. 51)1914

By the side of a well, King Pellinore saw a lady...1914

The Castle of Carboneck (P. 83)1914

Dame Brisen gave Sir Launcelot a cup of wine (P....1914

The damsel brought Sir Launcelot out of the castle...1914

The dwarf hit Sir Tor's horse such a blow between...1914

Excalibur (P. 291)1914

Gareth at once seized the horn; but Linet tried to...1914

Gareth used to think about all his brother's brave...1914

Guinever (P. 33)1914

The hand and arm passed before Sir Ector and Sir...1914

The Holy Grail, covered with white silk, came into...1914

The Holy Grail (P. 211)1914

The horse brought Sir Percivale to the shores of a...1914

"I shall try to kill you, ere you go," said the...1914

"I will serve none of you, for ye be all false...1914

In the morning one of these ladies came to Gawaine...1914

Joseph of Arimathea, with his own blood, marked the...1914

King Arthur caught sight of a little ship (P. 107)1914

King Arthur sprang at King Pellinore, and gripped...1914

King Arthur still defended himself (P. 115)1914

King Arthur took the sword and the scabbard (P. 29...1914

The knight weeping for his master (P. 131)1914

Lady Liones (P. 183)1914

Lady Nimue (P. 96)1914

The lady with the sword (P. 62)1914

"Let be, thou foul knave!" she said. "Slay him not...1914

Linet (P. 167)1914

"Look!" said the Lady Nimue, "ye ought to be sore...1914

Merlin (P. 97)1914

Merlin, to make sure of King Arthur's safety, gave...1914

A monk brought them to where the shield hung (223)1914

Morgan le Fay (P. 103)1914

"O, Merlin, tell me that spell!" said the Lady...1914

The old man led Sir Galahad to the Siege Perilous (...1914

On his hands and knees, the sick knight crept to...1914

Queen Guinever (P. 134)1914

Queen Guinever went to Almesbury, and there she...1914

Queen Morgan le Fay took the scabbard (P. 121)1914

The Ruined Chapel (P. 243)1914

She was known to have studied magic while she was...1914

Sir Bevidere found the archbishop lying, praying,...1914

Sir Bevidere put King Arthur gently into the barge...1914

Sir Bors found a ship waiting for him (P. 265)1914

Sir Bors met a man in monk's clothing, riding upon...1914

Sir Galahad and the nuns (P. 193)1914

Sir Galahad held King Evelake in his arms, and at...1914

Sir Gawaine and Sir Ector went on foot until they...1914

Sir Launcelot could find no way in, for though the...1914

Sir Launcelot lay asleep under the apple tree (P....1914

Sir Launcelot saw the Holy Grail, but dimly (P....1914

Sir Lionel had brooded so long over his brother's...1914

Sir Pelleas bound as a prisoner (P. 125)1914

Sir Pelleas, looking in, saw Sir Gawaine stoop and...1914

Sir Percivale and the recluse (P. 230)1914

"Sir Priest!" said Lionel, "if ye leave him not, I...1914

So with a good heart, and now fully armed, Galahad...1914

The Sword in the floating stone (P. 195)1914

Then Sir Percivale's sister hung the sheathed sword...1914

Uther Pendragon (P. 9)1914

When Sir Launcelot du Lake came to her father's...1914

"Where is my lady, the queen?" said Sir Launcelot (...1914
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