Tales from Tennyson by: Nora Chesson (Author) Frances Brundage (Artist) M. Bowley (Artist)Publisher Location: London Publisher Name: Raphael Tuck & SonsPublication Date: n.d. Images Elaine Sews a Cover for Lancelot's Shieldn.d.Geraint and Enid with King Arthurn.d.Guinevere at the Nunnery at Almesburyn.d.Guinevere's Lady Insulted by Edyrn's Dwarfn.d.King Arthur Reads Elaine's Lettern.d.The Lady of Shalottn.d.The Lady of Shalott (Facing p. 34)n.d.The Lily Maidn.d.Sir Lancelotn.d. Show Full List Hide Full List Elaine Sews a Cover for Lancelot's Shieldby M. Bowley Geraint and Enid with King Arthurby M. Bowley Guinevere at the Nunnery at Almesburyby M. Bowley Guinevere's Lady Insulted by Edyrn's Dwarfby M. Bowley King Arthur Reads Elaine's Letterby M. Bowley The Lady of Shalottby M. Bowley The Lady of Shalott (Facing p. 34)by Frances Brundage The Lily Maidby M. Bowley Sir Lancelotby M. Bowley