Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims
Publisher Location: Chicago and New York
Publisher Name: Rand McNally & Company
Publication Date: 1909
Publisher Name: Rand McNally & Company
Publication Date: 1909

Alehouse with Alestake (P. 185)1909

Approach to Cathedral, Mercury Lane, connecting...1909

The Baptistery, Canterbury Cathedral (P. 36)1909

The Black Prince's Well, Harbledown (P. 291)1909

The Canon's Yeoman (P. 286)1909

The Canterbury Cathedral (P. 299)1909

Canterbury Cathedral, Tomb of the Black Prince (P....1909

The Chair of St. Augustine, Canterbury Cathedral (P...1909

Chaucer (P. 150)1909

Chaucer's Dwelling (P. 124)1909

Christ Gate, Canterbury (P. 27)1909

The Clerk of Oxenford (P. 220)1909

"Come here, Sir Priest! ride in the midst with me...1909

The Cook (P. 130)1909

The Doctor of Physic (P. 184)1909

An English Pilgrim (P. 200)1909

The Friar (P. 213)1909

Green Court Gate, Canterbury Cathedral (P. 23)1909

The Grey Friars, Canterbury (P. 218)1909

The Guestern Hall, Winchester, Where Pilgrims Were...1909

The Jew's House in Lincoln (P. 148)1909

The Man of Law (P. 136)1909

The Manciple (P. 292)1909

Martyrdom of St. Thomas (P. 134)1909

The Merchant (P. 256)1909

The Miller (P. 127)1909

The Monk (P. 155)1909

The Monk's Dog (2) (P. 24)1909

The Monk's Dog (P. 24)1909

Norman Crypt, Canterbury Cathedral (P. 19)1909

"Now let us ride and hearken what I say." (P. 48)1909

The Nun's Priest (P. 159)1909

The Pardoner (P. 190)1909

The Parson (P. 297)1909

Part of the Tithe Barn, Maidstone (P. 226)1909

A Pilgrim Rest House (P. 214)1909

The Pilgrims' Way from London (P. 47)1909

Portions of Ancient Hospice on both sides of Water...1909

The Prioress (P. 139)1909

Rochester Castle and Ground (P. 180)1909

The Second Nun (P. 283)1909

The Shipman (P. 138)1909

Site of the Shrine of St. Thomas, Canterbury...1909

The Squire (P. 260)1909

The Steward (P. 128)1909

The Tabard Inn (P. 43)1909

The Tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer, Westminster Abbey (P...1909

Towers of West Gate, Canterbury (P. 55)1909

The Transept of the Martyrdom, Canterbury Cathedral...1909

"Trencher, tankard, pot, and cannikin Appeased all...1909

The Wife of Bath (P. 203)1909
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