John Lydgate
- Appendix: Gerald of Cornwall's Life of Guy of Warwyck - 2016 (Author)
- Appendix: Margaret of Anjou's Entry into London, 1445 - 2010 (Author)
- Appendix: Mumming of the Seven Philosophers - 2010 (Author)
- Bycorne and Chychevache - 2010 (Author)
- Dance of Death: A Version (Selden) - 2019 (Author)
- Dance of Death: B Version (Lansdowne) - 2019 (Author)
- Disguising at Hertford - 2010 (Author)
- Disguising at London - 2010 (Author)
- Fabula Duorum Mercatorum - 2016 (Author)
- Fabula Duorum Mercatorum and Guy of Warwyck: Bibliography - 2016 (Author)
- Fabula Duorum Mercatorum and Guy of Warwyk: Glossary - 2016 (Author)
- General Introduction - 2016 (Author)
- Guy of Warwyk - 2016 (Author)
- Henry VI's Triumphal Entry into London - 2010 (Author)
- Introduction to Fabula Duorum Mercatorum - 2016 (Author)
- Introduction to Guy of Warwyk - 2016 (Author)
- Isopes Fabules: Bibliography - 2013 (Author)
- Isopes Fabules: Introduction - 2013 (Author)
- John Lydgate(?), Prohemy of a Mariage Betwixt an Olde Man and a Yonge Wife, and the Counsail - 2002 (Author)
- John Lydgate, Payne and Sorowe of Evyll Maryage - 2002 (Author)
- John Lydgate, The Lyfe of Seynt Margarete - 2003 (Author)
- John Lydgate, The Temple of Glas - 2007 (Author)
- John Lydgate, The Temple of Glas: Bibliography - 2007 (Author)
- John Lydgate, The Temple of Glas: Introduction - 2007 (Author)
- John Lydgate: Beware (The Blynde Eteth Many a Flye) - 2005 (Author)
- John Lydgate: Saint Austin at Compton (c. 1420-40) - 2004 (Author)
- John Lydgate: Saint Austin at Compton: Introduction - 2004 (Author)
- John Lydgate: The Floure of Curtesye - 2005 (Author)
- John Lydgate's Prologue to the Siege of Thebes - 1992 (Author)
- John Lydgate's Prologue to the Siege of Thebes: Introduction - 1992 (Author)
- The Legend of St. George - 2010 (Author)
- Lydgate's Isopes Fabules - 2013 (Author)
- Mesure is Tresour - 2010 (Author)
- Mumming at Bishopswood - 2010 (Author)
- Mumming at Eltham - 2010 (Author)
- Mumming at Windsor - 2010 (Author)
- Mumming for the Goldsmiths of London - 2010 (Author)
- Mummings and Entertainments: Bibliography - 2010 (Author)
- Mummings and Entertainments: Introduction - 2010 (Author)
- Mummings for the Mercers of London - 2010 (Author)
- Of the Sodein Fal of Princes in Oure Dayes - 2010 (Author)
- Pageant of Knowledge - 2010 (Author)
- A Procession of Corpus Christi - 2010 (Author)
- The Siege of Thebes: Introduction - 2001 (Author)
- The Siege of Thebes: Prima Pars - 2001 (Author)
- The Siege of Thebes: Prologus - 2001 (Author)
- The Siege of Thebes: Secunda Pars - 2001 (Author)
- The Siege of Thebes: Tercia Pars - 2001 (Author)
- Soteltes at the Coronation Banquet of Henry VI - 2010 (Author)
- Troy Book: Book 1 - 1998 (Author)
- Troy Book: Book 2 - 1998 (Author)
- Troy Book: Book 3 - 1998 (Author)
- Troy Book: Book 4 - 1998 (Author)
- Troy Book: Book 5 - 1998 (Author)
- Troy Book: Envoy - 1998 (Author)
- Troy Book: Introduction - 1998 (Author)
- Troy Book: Prologue - 1998 (Author)
- “Death’s Warning to the World” (DIMEV 4905) - 2019 (Author)