James M. Dean
Above All Thing Thow Arte a Kyng - 1996 (Editor)
Addresses of the Commons - 1996 (Editor)
Allas, What Schul We Freris Do - 1996 (Editor)
Anticlerical Poems and Documents: Introduction - 1996 (Editor)
Beati Qui Esuriunt - 1996 (Editor)
Chaucer's Plowman - 1996 (Editor)
Chronology of Events Relating to Richard the Redeless & Mum and the Sothsegger - 2000 (Editor)
Chronology of Political and Literary Events - 1996 (Editor)
Ercyldoun's Prophecy - 1996 (Editor)
Freers, Freers Wo Ye Be - 1996 (Editor)
Friar Daw's Reply - 1991 (Editor)
Friar Daw's Reply: Introduction - 1991 (Editor)
God Spede the Plough - 1996 (Editor)
I-blessyd Be Cristes Sonde - 1996 (Editor)
In Erth It Es a Litill Thing - 1996 (Editor)
Jack Upland - 1991 (Editor)
Jack Upland: Introduction - 1991 (Editor)
John Ball's Sermon Theme - 1996 (Editor)
The Lanterne of Light - 1996 (Editor)
The Letter of John Ball (Royal MS) - 1996 (Editor)
The Letter of John Ball (Stow) - 1996 (Editor)
Literature of Richard II's Reign and the Peasants' Revolt: Introduction - 1996 (Editor)
Lo, He That Can Be Cristes Clerc - 1996 (Editor)
London Lickpenny - 1996 (Editor)
Man Be Ware and Be No Fool - 1996 (Editor)
Medieval English Political Writings: Preface - 1996 (Editor)
Mum and the Sothsegger - 2000 (Editor)
Mum and the Sothsegger: Introduction - 2000 (Editor)
Of Thes Frer Mynours - 1996 (Editor)
On the Times - 1996 (Editor)
Piers the Plowman's Crede - 1991 (Editor)
Piers the Plowman's Crede: Introduction - 1991 (Editor)
Plowman Writings: Introduction - 1996 (Editor)
The Plowman's Tale - 1991 (Editor)
The Plowman's Tale: Introduction - 1991 (Author)
Poems Against Simony and the Abuse of Money: Introduction - 1996 (Editor)
Poems of Political Prophecy: Introduction - 1996 (Editor)
Preste, Ne Monke, Ne Yit Chanoun - 1996 (Editor)
The Prophecy of Merlin (Bodley MS) - 1996 (Editor)
The Prophecy of Merlin (Dublin MS) - 1996 (Editor)
The Prophecy of Merlin (Magdalene Coll. MS) - 1996 (Editor)
Richard the Redeless - 2000 (Editor)
Richard the Redeless: Introduction - 2000 (Editor)
The Simonie - 1996 (Editor)
Song of the Husbandman - 1996 (Editor)
Tax Has Tenet Us Alle - 1996 (Editor)
There is a Busch that is Forgrowe - 1996 (Editor)
Thomas of Erceldoune's Prophecy - 1996 (Editor)
Thou That Sellest the Worde of God - 1996 (Editor)
Truthe, Reste, and Pes - 1996 (Editor)
Upland's Rejoinder - 1991 (Editor)
Upland's Rejoinder: Introduction - 1991 (Editor)
When Rome is Removed - 1996 (Editor)
Why I Can't Be a Nun - 1991 (Editor)
Why I Can't Be a Nun: Introduction - 1991 (Editor)
The Wycliffite Bible: From the Prologue - 1996 (Editor)