Eve Salisbury
Athelston - 1997 (Editor)
Athelston: Introduction - 1997 (Editor)
Ballad of a Tyrannical Husband - 2002 (Editor)
Bevis of Hampton - 1997 (Editor)
Bevis of Hampton: Introduction - 1997 (Editor)
Dame Sirith - 2002 (Editor)
Emare - 1995 (Editor)
Emare: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
Emperator Felicianus (How a Wife Employed a Necromancer to Cause the Death of Her Husband, and How He Was Saved by a Clerk) - 2002 (Editor)
Erle of Tolous - 1995 (Editor)
Erle of Tolous: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
Four Romances of England: Introduction - 1997 (Editor)
Godfridus a Wise Emperoure (Of the Magic Ring, Brooch, and Cloth, Which an Emporer Left to His Son: Now He Lost Them and How They Were Recovered - 2002 (Editor)
Havelok the Dane - 1997 (Editor)
Havelok the Dane: Introduction - 1997 (Editor)
How the Goode Man Taught Hys Sone - 2002 (Editor)
How the Goode Wife Taught Hyr Doughter - 2002 (Editor)
Interludium de clerico et puella - 2002 (Editor)
John Lydgate(?), Prohemy of a Mariage Betwixt an Olde Man and a Yonge Wife, and the Counsail - 2002 (Revisor)
John Lydgate, Payne and Sorowe of Evyll Maryage - 2002 (Editor)
John Wyclif (?), Of Weddid Men and Wifis and of Here Children Also - 2002 (Editor)
King Horn - 1997 (Editor)
King Horn: Introduction - 1997 (Editor)
Lay le Freine - 1995 (Editor)
Lay le Freine: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
Lybeaus Desconus (Lambeth Palace, MS 306) - 2013 (Editor)
Lybeaus Desconus (Naples, Biblioteca Nazionale, MS XIII.B.29) - 2013 (Editor)
Lybeaus Desconus: Bibliography - 2013 (Editor)
Lybeaus Desconus: Introduction - 2013 (Editor)
Lybeaus Desconus: List of Names, Place-Names, and Variant Spellings - 2013 (Editor)
The Meaning of Marriage - 2002 (Editor)
The Middle English Breton Lays: General Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
The Punished of Adulterers or The Bawd and the Adulterers - 2002 (Editor)
Select Secular Lyrics of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries - 2002 (Editor)
Sir Cleges - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Cleges: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Degare - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Degare: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Gowther - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Gowther: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Launfal - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Launfal: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Orfeo - 1995 (Editor)
Sir Orfeo: Introduction - 1995 (Editor)
A Talk of Ten Wives on Their Husbands' Ware - 2002 (Editor)
The Trials and Joys of Marriage, Introduction - 2002 (Author)
Willian Dunbar, The Tretis of the Twa Mariit Wemen and the Wedo - 2002 (Editor)
The Wright's Chaste Wife - 2002 (Editor)