by: Nancy Mason Bradbury (Editor) , Scott Bradbury (Editor)
The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolf: Bibliography
Audelay, John the Blind. The Poems of John Audelay. Ed. Ella Keats Whiting. EETS o.s. 184. London: Oxford University Press, 1931.
———. Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302). Ed. Susanna Fein. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. Rabelais and His World. Trans. Hélène Iswolsky. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968. Rpt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984.
Beecher, Donald, ed. The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolphus. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions, 1995.
Ben-Amos, Dan, ed. Folktales of the Jews. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2006–07.
Benary, Walter, ed. Salomon et Marcolfus: Kritischer Text mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen, Übersicht über die Sprüche, Namen- und Wörterverzeichnis. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1914.
Blake, N. F. “William Caxton.” In Authors of the Middle Ages. No. 7 in vol. 3: English Writers of the Late Middle Ages. Ed. M. C. Seymour. Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1996. Pp. 1–68.
———, ed. The History of Reynard the Fox Translated from the Dutch Original by William Caxton. EETS o.s. 263. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
———. Caxton’s Own Prose. London: Andre Deutsch, 1973.
Blamires, Alcuin. “Women and Creative Intelligence in Medieval Thought.” In Voices in Dialogue: Reading Women in the Middle Ages. Ed. Linda Olson and Kathryn Kerby-Fulton. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. Pp. 213–30.
————, ed. Woman Defamed and Woman Defended: An Anthology of Medieval Texts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
Bose, Mishtooni. “From Exegesis to Appropriation: The Medieval Solomon.” Medium Aevum 65 (1996), 187–210.
Bouchard, Constance Brittain. “Every Valley Shall Be Exalted”: The Discourse of Opposites in Twelfth-Century Thought. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003.
Bradbury, Nancy Mason. “Rival Wisdom in the Latin Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolf.” Speculum 83 (2008), 331–65.
Braekman, Willy L., and Peter S. Macaulay. “The Story of the Cat and the Candle in Middle English Literature.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 70 (1969), 690–702.
Brown, Catherine. Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998.
Camille, Michael. Image on the Edge: The Margins of Medieval Art. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992.
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Riverside Chaucer. Third edition. Gen. ed. Larry D. Benson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
Cooper, Helen. “Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: Reviewing the Work.” Studies in the Age of Chaucer 19 (1997), 183–210.
Cortese-Pagani, Gina. “Il ‘Bertoldo’ di Guilio Cesare Croce ed i suoi fonti.” Studi Medievali 3 (1911), 533–602.
Corti, Maria. “Models and Antimodels in Medieval Culture.” Trans. John Meddemmen. New Literary History 10 (1979), 339–66.
Cosquin, Emmanuel. “Le Conte du chat et de la chandelle dans l’Europe du moyen âge et en Orient.” Romania 40 (1911), 371–430 and 481–531.
Curschmann, Michael. “Marcolfus deutsch, mit einem Faksimile des Prosa-Drucks von M. Ayrer (1487).” In >i. Ed. Walter Haug and Burghart Wachinger. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1993. Pp. 151–255.
———. “Marcolf or Aesop? The Question of Identity in Visio-Verbal Contexts.” Studies in Iconography 21 (2000), 1–45.
Davis, Natalie Zemon. “Proverbial Wisdom and Popular Errors.” In Society and Culture in Early Modern France: Eight Essays. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1975. Pp. 227–67.
Du Cange, Charles Du Fresne, ed. Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis. 7 vols. Paris: F. Didot, 1840–50.
Duff, E. Gordon, ed. The Dialogue or Communing between the Wise King Salomon and Marcolphus. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1892.
Fein, Susanna, ed. My Wyl and My Wrytyng: Essays on John the Blind Audelay. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009.
Freedman, Paul. Images of the Medieval Peasant. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999.
Freidank. Fridankes Bescheidenheit. Ed. H. E. Bezzenberger. Halle: Waisenhaus, 1872.
Ginzberg, Louis. The Legends of the Jews. Trans. Henrietta Szold. 7 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1937–66.
Goddard, R. N. B. “Marcabru, Li Proverbe au Vilain, and the Tradition of Rustic Proverbs.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 88 (1987), 55–70.
Gower, John. Confessio Amantis. In The Complete Works of John Gower. Ed. G. C. Macaulay. 4 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1899–1902. Vols. 2 and 3.
Gravdal, Kathryn. Vilain and Courtois: Transgressive Parody in French Literature of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989.
Green, Richard Firth. “Marcolf the Fool and Blind John Audelay.” In Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve. Ed. R. F. Yeager and Charlotte C. Morse. Asheville, NC: Pegasus Press, 2001. Pp. 559–76.
———. “Langland and Audelay.” In >i. Ed. Susanna Fein. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009. Pp. 153–69.
Griese, Sabine. Salomon und Markolf: ein literarischer Komplex im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999.
Hanning, Robert W. The Individual in Twelfth-Century Romance. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.
Hellinga, L. "Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus. Gouda: Gheraert Leeu, 31 August 1482.” In Vision of a Collector: The Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1991. Pp. 91–95.
Hellinga, Lotte, and J. B. Trapp, eds. The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. Vol. 3: 1400–1557. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Hellinga, Wytze Gs., with introductory essays by H. de la Fontaine Verwey, and G. W. Ovink. Copy and Print in the Netherlands: An Atlas of Historical Bibliography. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1962.
Hellinga, Wytze Gs., and Lotte Hellinga. The Fifteenth-Century Printing Types of the Low Countries. 2 vols. Amsterdam: M. Hertzberger, 1966.
Henryson, Robert. Poems. Ed. Charles Elliott. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963.
Heywood, John. Works and Miscellaneous Short Poems. Ed. Burton A. Milligan. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1956.
Hirsch, Rudolf. Printing, Selling and Reading 1450–1550. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1964.
Hunt, Tony. “Solomon and Marcolf.” In “Por le soie amisté”: Essays in Honor of Norris J. Lacy. Ed. Keith Busby and Catherine M. Jones. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Pp. 199–224.
Jones, Malcolm. “Marcolf the Trickster in Late Mediaeval Art and Literature or: The Mystery of the Bum in the Oven.” In Spoken in Jest. Ed. Gillian Bennett. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991. Pp. 139–74.
Kay, Sarah. Courtly Contradictions: The Emergence of the Literary Object in the Twelfth Century. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001.
Kemble, John M. The Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus with an Historical Introduction. London: Ælfric Society, 1848.
Kurath, Hans, and Sherman M. Kuhn. Middle English Dictionary. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1952.
Kuskin, William. Symbolic Caxton: Literary Culture and Print Capitalism. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008.
———, ed. Caxton’s Trace: Studies in the History of English Printing. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006.
Lambert of Ardres. Historia Comitum Ghisnensium. Ed. Johannes Heller. Monumenta Germaniae Historica 24. Hanover: Hahn, 1879. Pp. 550–642.
———. The History of the Counts of Guines and Lords of Ardres. Trans. Leah Shopkow. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.
Langland, William. The Vision of Piers Plowman: A Complete Edition of the B-Text. Ed. A. V. C. Schmidt. London: J. M. Dent, 1978.
Latham, R. E., ed. Revised Medieval Latin Word-List: From British and Irish Sources. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.
Latham, R. E., and D. R. Howlett. Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources. 12 vols. to date. London: Oxford University Press, 1975–.
Lewis, Cameron. “Proverbs, Precepts, and Monitory Pieces.” In A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050–1500. Ed. J. Burke Severs, Albert E. Hartung, and Peter G. Beidler. 11 vols. to date. New Haven: Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1967–. 9:2957–3048, 3349–3404.
Li Proverbe Au Vilain: A Critical Edition. Ed. John Bednar. New Orleans, LA: University Press of the South, 2000.
Lydgate, John. The Minor Poems of John Lydgate: Edited from All Available Manuscripts, with an Attempt to Establish the Lydgate Canon. Vol. 2: Secular Poems. Ed. Henry Noble MacCracken. EETS o.s. 192. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
Marini, Quinto. “La dissacrazione come strumento di affermazione ideologica. Una lettura del ‘Dialogo di Salomone e Marcolfo.’” Studi Medievali, third series 28 (1987), 667–705.
———, ed. Il dialogo di Salomone e Marcolfo. Rome: Salerno, 1991.
Menner, Robert J., ed. The Poetical Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn. London: Oxford University Press, 1941.
O'Brien O’Keeffe, Katherine. “The Geographic List of Solomon and Saturn II.” Anglo-Saxon England 20 (1991), 123–41.
Orme, Nicholas. Education and Society in Medieval and Renaissance England. London: Hambledon Press, 1989.
Pearsall, Derek. “Audelay’s Marcolf and Solomon and the Langlandian Tradition.” In My Wyl and My Wrytyng: Essays on John the Blind Audelay. Ed. Susanna Fein. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009. Pp. 138–52.
Raimbaut d’Orange. The Life and Works of the Troubadour Raimbaut d’Orange. Ed. Walter T. Pattison. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1952.
Scattergood, V. J. “‘The Debate between Nurture and Kynd’ — An Unpublished Middle English Poem.” Notes and Queries 215 (1970): 244–46.
Schorbach, Karl. “Eine Buchanzeige des Antwerpener Druckers Geraert Leeu in niederländischer Sprache (1491).” Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde 9, no. 4 (1905/06), 139–48.
Simpson, James. “Saving Satire after Arundel’s Constitutions: John Audelay’s ‘Marcol and Solomon.’” In Text and Controversy from Wyclif to Bale: Essays in Honour of Anne Hudson. Ed. Helen Barr and Ann M. Hutchison. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005. Pp. 387–404.
Singer, Samuel. Sprichwörter des Mittelalters. 3 vols. Bern: Herbert Lang & CIE, 1944–47.
Solterer, Helen. The Master and Minerva: Disputing Women in French Medieval Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
Steiner, Arpad. “The Vernacular Proverb in Mediaeval Latin Prose.” American Journal of Philology 65 (1944), 37–68.
Stump, Eleonore. Dialectic and Its Place in the Development of Medieval Logic. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989.
Utley, Francis Lee. “Dialogues, Debates, and Catechisms.” In A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050–1500. Ed. J. Burke Severs, Albert E. Hartung, and Peter G. Beidler. 11 vols. to date. New Haven: Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1967–. 3:669–745, 829–902.
Vreese, Willem de, and Jan de Vries, eds. Dat dyalogus of twisprake tusschen den wisen coninck Salomon ende Marcolphus. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1941.
Welsford, Enid. The Fool: His Social and Literary History. London: Faber and Faber, 1935.
Whiting, Bartlett Jere, with the collaboration of Helen Wescott Whiting. Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases from English Writings Mainly before 1500. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968.
William of Tyre. Chronicon. Ed. R. B. C. Huygens, H. E. Mayer, and Gerhard Rösch. 2 vols. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis 63–63A. Turnholt: Brepols, 1986.
Ziolkowski, Jan M. “The Deeds of Aesop and Marcolf.” In Scripturus vitam : lateinische Biographie von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart: Festgabe für Walter Berschin zum 65. Geburtstag. Ed. Dorothea Walz. Heidelberg: Mattes, 2002. Pp. 105–23.
———. Solomon and Marcolf. Harvard Studies in Medieval Latin 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008.
———. Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302). Ed. Susanna Fein. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. Rabelais and His World. Trans. Hélène Iswolsky. Cambridge: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1968. Rpt. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984.
Beecher, Donald, ed. The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolphus. Ottawa: Dovehouse Editions, 1995.
Ben-Amos, Dan, ed. Folktales of the Jews. 2 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 2006–07.
Benary, Walter, ed. Salomon et Marcolfus: Kritischer Text mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen, Übersicht über die Sprüche, Namen- und Wörterverzeichnis. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1914.
Blake, N. F. “William Caxton.” In Authors of the Middle Ages. No. 7 in vol. 3: English Writers of the Late Middle Ages. Ed. M. C. Seymour. Aldershot: Ashgate Variorum, 1996. Pp. 1–68.
———, ed. The History of Reynard the Fox Translated from the Dutch Original by William Caxton. EETS o.s. 263. London: Oxford University Press, 1970.
———. Caxton’s Own Prose. London: Andre Deutsch, 1973.
Blamires, Alcuin. “Women and Creative Intelligence in Medieval Thought.” In Voices in Dialogue: Reading Women in the Middle Ages. Ed. Linda Olson and Kathryn Kerby-Fulton. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2005. Pp. 213–30.
————, ed. Woman Defamed and Woman Defended: An Anthology of Medieval Texts. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1992.
Bose, Mishtooni. “From Exegesis to Appropriation: The Medieval Solomon.” Medium Aevum 65 (1996), 187–210.
Bouchard, Constance Brittain. “Every Valley Shall Be Exalted”: The Discourse of Opposites in Twelfth-Century Thought. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003.
Bradbury, Nancy Mason. “Rival Wisdom in the Latin Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolf.” Speculum 83 (2008), 331–65.
Braekman, Willy L., and Peter S. Macaulay. “The Story of the Cat and the Candle in Middle English Literature.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 70 (1969), 690–702.
Brown, Catherine. Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998.
Camille, Michael. Image on the Edge: The Margins of Medieval Art. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1992.
Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Riverside Chaucer. Third edition. Gen. ed. Larry D. Benson. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1987.
Cooper, Helen. “Sources and Analogues of Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: Reviewing the Work.” Studies in the Age of Chaucer 19 (1997), 183–210.
Cortese-Pagani, Gina. “Il ‘Bertoldo’ di Guilio Cesare Croce ed i suoi fonti.” Studi Medievali 3 (1911), 533–602.
Corti, Maria. “Models and Antimodels in Medieval Culture.” Trans. John Meddemmen. New Literary History 10 (1979), 339–66.
Cosquin, Emmanuel. “Le Conte du chat et de la chandelle dans l’Europe du moyen âge et en Orient.” Romania 40 (1911), 371–430 and 481–531.
Curschmann, Michael. “Marcolfus deutsch, mit einem Faksimile des Prosa-Drucks von M. Ayrer (1487).” In >i
———. “Marcolf or Aesop? The Question of Identity in Visio-Verbal Contexts.” Studies in Iconography 21 (2000), 1–45.
Davis, Natalie Zemon. “Proverbial Wisdom and Popular Errors.” In Society and Culture in Early Modern France: Eight Essays. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1975. Pp. 227–67.
Du Cange, Charles Du Fresne, ed. Glossarium Mediae et Infimae Latinitatis. 7 vols. Paris: F. Didot, 1840–50.
Duff, E. Gordon, ed. The Dialogue or Communing between the Wise King Salomon and Marcolphus. London: Lawrence & Bullen, 1892.
Fein, Susanna, ed. My Wyl and My Wrytyng: Essays on John the Blind Audelay. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009.
Freedman, Paul. Images of the Medieval Peasant. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1999.
Freidank. Fridankes Bescheidenheit. Ed. H. E. Bezzenberger. Halle: Waisenhaus, 1872.
Ginzberg, Louis. The Legends of the Jews. Trans. Henrietta Szold. 7 vols. Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1937–66.
Goddard, R. N. B. “Marcabru, Li Proverbe au Vilain, and the Tradition of Rustic Proverbs.” Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 88 (1987), 55–70.
Gower, John. Confessio Amantis. In The Complete Works of John Gower. Ed. G. C. Macaulay. 4 vols. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1899–1902. Vols. 2 and 3.
Gravdal, Kathryn. Vilain and Courtois: Transgressive Parody in French Literature of the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1989.
Green, Richard Firth. “Marcolf the Fool and Blind John Audelay.” In Speaking Images: Essays in Honor of V. A. Kolve. Ed. R. F. Yeager and Charlotte C. Morse. Asheville, NC: Pegasus Press, 2001. Pp. 559–76.
———. “Langland and Audelay.” In >i
Griese, Sabine. Salomon und Markolf: ein literarischer Komplex im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999.
Hanning, Robert W. The Individual in Twelfth-Century Romance. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1977.
Hellinga, L. "Dialogus creaturarum moralisatus. Gouda: Gheraert Leeu, 31 August 1482.” In Vision of a Collector: The Lessing J. Rosenwald Collection in the Library of Congress. Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1991. Pp. 91–95.
Hellinga, Lotte, and J. B. Trapp, eds. The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain. Vol. 3: 1400–1557. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Hellinga, Wytze Gs., with introductory essays by H. de la Fontaine Verwey, and G. W. Ovink. Copy and Print in the Netherlands: An Atlas of Historical Bibliography. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1962.
Hellinga, Wytze Gs., and Lotte Hellinga. The Fifteenth-Century Printing Types of the Low Countries. 2 vols. Amsterdam: M. Hertzberger, 1966.
Henryson, Robert. Poems. Ed. Charles Elliott. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1963.
Heywood, John. Works and Miscellaneous Short Poems. Ed. Burton A. Milligan. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1956.
Hirsch, Rudolf. Printing, Selling and Reading 1450–1550. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1964.
Hunt, Tony. “Solomon and Marcolf.” In “Por le soie amisté”: Essays in Honor of Norris J. Lacy. Ed. Keith Busby and Catherine M. Jones. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000. Pp. 199–224.
Jones, Malcolm. “Marcolf the Trickster in Late Mediaeval Art and Literature or: The Mystery of the Bum in the Oven.” In Spoken in Jest. Ed. Gillian Bennett. Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1991. Pp. 139–74.
Kay, Sarah. Courtly Contradictions: The Emergence of the Literary Object in the Twelfth Century. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001.
Kemble, John M. The Dialogue of Salomon and Saturnus with an Historical Introduction. London: Ælfric Society, 1848.
Kurath, Hans, and Sherman M. Kuhn. Middle English Dictionary. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1952.
Kuskin, William. Symbolic Caxton: Literary Culture and Print Capitalism. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008.
———, ed. Caxton’s Trace: Studies in the History of English Printing. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2006.
Lambert of Ardres. Historia Comitum Ghisnensium. Ed. Johannes Heller. Monumenta Germaniae Historica 24. Hanover: Hahn, 1879. Pp. 550–642.
———. The History of the Counts of Guines and Lords of Ardres. Trans. Leah Shopkow. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.
Langland, William. The Vision of Piers Plowman: A Complete Edition of the B-Text. Ed. A. V. C. Schmidt. London: J. M. Dent, 1978.
Latham, R. E., ed. Revised Medieval Latin Word-List: From British and Irish Sources. London: Oxford University Press, 1965.
Latham, R. E., and D. R. Howlett. Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources. 12 vols. to date. London: Oxford University Press, 1975–.
Lewis, Cameron. “Proverbs, Precepts, and Monitory Pieces.” In A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050–1500. Ed. J. Burke Severs, Albert E. Hartung, and Peter G. Beidler. 11 vols. to date. New Haven: Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1967–. 9:2957–3048, 3349–3404.
Li Proverbe Au Vilain: A Critical Edition. Ed. John Bednar. New Orleans, LA: University Press of the South, 2000.
Lydgate, John. The Minor Poems of John Lydgate: Edited from All Available Manuscripts, with an Attempt to Establish the Lydgate Canon. Vol. 2: Secular Poems. Ed. Henry Noble MacCracken. EETS o.s. 192. London: Oxford University Press, 1934.
Marini, Quinto. “La dissacrazione come strumento di affermazione ideologica. Una lettura del ‘Dialogo di Salomone e Marcolfo.’” Studi Medievali, third series 28 (1987), 667–705.
———, ed. Il dialogo di Salomone e Marcolfo. Rome: Salerno, 1991.
Menner, Robert J., ed. The Poetical Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn. London: Oxford University Press, 1941.
O'Brien O’Keeffe, Katherine. “The Geographic List of Solomon and Saturn II.” Anglo-Saxon England 20 (1991), 123–41.
Orme, Nicholas. Education and Society in Medieval and Renaissance England. London: Hambledon Press, 1989.
Pearsall, Derek. “Audelay’s Marcolf and Solomon and the Langlandian Tradition.” In My Wyl and My Wrytyng: Essays on John the Blind Audelay. Ed. Susanna Fein. Kalamazoo, MI: Medieval Institute Publications, 2009. Pp. 138–52.
Raimbaut d’Orange. The Life and Works of the Troubadour Raimbaut d’Orange. Ed. Walter T. Pattison. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1952.
Scattergood, V. J. “‘The Debate between Nurture and Kynd’ — An Unpublished Middle English Poem.” Notes and Queries 215 (1970): 244–46.
Schorbach, Karl. “Eine Buchanzeige des Antwerpener Druckers Geraert Leeu in niederländischer Sprache (1491).” Zeitschrift für Bücherfreunde 9, no. 4 (1905/06), 139–48.
Simpson, James. “Saving Satire after Arundel’s Constitutions: John Audelay’s ‘Marcol and Solomon.’” In Text and Controversy from Wyclif to Bale: Essays in Honour of Anne Hudson. Ed. Helen Barr and Ann M. Hutchison. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005. Pp. 387–404.
Singer, Samuel. Sprichwörter des Mittelalters. 3 vols. Bern: Herbert Lang & CIE, 1944–47.
Solterer, Helen. The Master and Minerva: Disputing Women in French Medieval Culture. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995.
Steiner, Arpad. “The Vernacular Proverb in Mediaeval Latin Prose.” American Journal of Philology 65 (1944), 37–68.
Stump, Eleonore. Dialectic and Its Place in the Development of Medieval Logic. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1989.
Utley, Francis Lee. “Dialogues, Debates, and Catechisms.” In A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050–1500. Ed. J. Burke Severs, Albert E. Hartung, and Peter G. Beidler. 11 vols. to date. New Haven: Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1967–. 3:669–745, 829–902.
Vreese, Willem de, and Jan de Vries, eds. Dat dyalogus of twisprake tusschen den wisen coninck Salomon ende Marcolphus. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1941.
Welsford, Enid. The Fool: His Social and Literary History. London: Faber and Faber, 1935.
Whiting, Bartlett Jere, with the collaboration of Helen Wescott Whiting. Proverbs, Sentences, and Proverbial Phrases from English Writings Mainly before 1500. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1968.
William of Tyre. Chronicon. Ed. R. B. C. Huygens, H. E. Mayer, and Gerhard Rösch. 2 vols. Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Mediaevalis 63–63A. Turnholt: Brepols, 1986.
Ziolkowski, Jan M. “The Deeds of Aesop and Marcolf.” In Scripturus vitam : lateinische Biographie von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart: Festgabe für Walter Berschin zum 65. Geburtstag. Ed. Dorothea Walz. Heidelberg: Mattes, 2002. Pp. 105–23.
———. Solomon and Marcolf. Harvard Studies in Medieval Latin 1. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2008.