Look About You
List of Characters
in order of appearance
his Servant
HENRY the Second, King of England.
Earl of CHESTER.
the Warden of the Fleet.
REDCAP, son to the porter of the Fleet.
a Constable of the Watch.
BLOCK, servant to Fauconbridge.
Lady FAUCONBRIDGE, sister to Gloucester.
the Porter of the Fleet.
Queen ELINOR, wife of King Henry.
a Pursuivant.
a Drawer.
a Sheriff.
HUMPHREY, servant to Fauconbridge.
a Page of Lady Rawford's.
the Wife of Prince Henry.
Two Heralds, Watch, Sheriffs, Officers, Huntsmen, Senet, Isabel wife of Prince John.
The name Humphrey, by which the servingman in sc. xi (ll. 1767-8) is addressed, is most likely that of the actor Humphrey Jeffes.
A pleasaunt Commodye
EnterRobert Hood a young Noble-man, a servant with him, with ryding wandes in theyr handes, as if they had beene new lighted.
Robert. Goe, walke the horses, wayte me on the hill,
This is the Hermits Cell, goe out of sight:
My busines with him must not be reveal'd,
To any mortall creature but himselfe.
Serv. Ile waite your honour in the crosse high-way.
Rob. Doe so: Hermit devout and reverend,
If drousie age keepe not thy stiffened joyntes,
On thy unrestfull bed, or if the houres
Of holy Orizons detayne thee not,
Come foorth.
Enter Skinke like an Hermit.
Skin. Good morrow son, good morrow, & God blesse thee Huntington,
A brighter Gleame of true Nobility
Shines not in any youth more then in thee.
Thou shalt be rich in honour, full of speed,
Thou shalt win foes by feare, and friends by meede.
Rob. Father, I come not now to know my fate,
Important busines urgeth Princely Richard,
Deliver letters.
In these termes to salute thy reverent age.
Read and be briefe, I know some cause of trust,
Made him imploy me for his messenger.
Skin. A cause of trust indeed true honoured youth,
Princes had need in matters of import,
To make nice choyse faire Earle, if I not erre,
Thou art the Princes ward.
Ro. Father I am his ward, his Chamberlaine & bed-fellow.
Skin. Faire fall thee honourable Robert Hood,
Wend to Prince Richard, say though I am loath,
To use my skill in Conjuration:
Yet Skinke that poysoned red cheekt Rosamond,
Shall make appearaunce at the Parlament,
He shall be there by noone assure his Grace.
Rob. Good morrow Father, see you faile him not,
For though the villaine did a horrible deed,
Yet hath the young King Richard, and Earle John,
Sworne to defend him from his greatest foes.
Skin. Gods benizon be with thee noble Earle.
Rob. Adew good father, holla there, my horse?
Skin. Up, spur the kicking Jade, while I make speede
To Conjure Skinke out of his Hermits weede;
Lye there religion, keep thy M. grave,
And on the faire trust of these Princes word
To Court againe Skinke: but before I goe,
Let mischiefe take advise of villany,
Why to the Hermit letters should be sent,
To poast Skinke to the Court incontinent:
Is there no tricke in this? ha let me see?
Or doe they know already I am he?
If they doe so, faith westward then with Skinke:
But what an asse am I to be thus fond,
Heere lyes the Hermit whom I dying found
Some two monthes since, when I was howerly charg'd
With Hugh the Cryer and with Constables,
I saw him in the ready way to heaven,
I helpt him forward, t'was a holy deed;
And there he lyes some sixe foote in the ground,
Since when, and since, I kept me in his weedes.
O what a world of fooles have fill'd my Cell;
For Fortunes, run-awaies, stolne goods, lost cattle,
Among the number, all the faction
That take the young Kings part against the olde;
Come to my selfe to harken for my selfe,
So did the adverse party make enquire,
But eyther fall full of contrary desire:
The olde Kings part would kill me being stain'd,
The young Kings keep me from their violence.
So then thou needst not feare, goe boldly on,
Brave Hall, Prince Dicke, and my spruce hot spur John,
Heer's their safe conduct: O but for Rosamond!
A fig for Rosamond, to this hope Ile leane:
At a Queenes bidding I did kill a queane.
Sound Trumpets, enter with a Harrald on the one side, Henry the second Crowned, after him Lancaster, Chester,SirRichard Faukenbridge: on the other part, K. Henry the Sonne crowned, Herrald after him: after him Prince Rich. John, Leyster, being set, enters fantasticall Robert of Gloster in a gowne girt: walkes up and downe.
Old. K. Why doth not Gloster take his honoured seate?
Glo. In faith my Liege Gloster is in a land
Where neyther suerty is to sit or stand.
I onely doe appeare as I am summoned,
And will awaite without till I am call'd.
Yon. K. Why heare you Gloster?
Glo. Henry I doe heare you.
Yon. K. And why not King?
Glo. What's he that sits so neere you?
Rich. King too.
Glo. Two Kings? ha, ha.
Ol. K. Gloster sit we charge thee.
Glo. I will obey your charge, I will sit downe,
But in this house, on no seate but the ground.
John. The seat's too good.
Glo. I know it brother John.
Jo. Thy brother?
Ol. K. Silence there.
Yon. K. Passe to the billes Sir Richard Faukenbridge.
Fau. My Lieges both, olde Faukenbridge is proude
Of your right honour'd charge. He that worst may
Will straine his olde eyes, God send peace this day.
A bill for the releasement of the Queene prefer'd,
By Henry the young King, Rich. the Prince, John Earle
Of Murton, Bohmine Earle of Leister and the comons:
Old K. Did you preferre this byll?
All. We did.
Chest. Lanc. Yee did not well.
Glo. Why this is good, now shall we have the hell.
3. Bro. Chester and Lanchaster you wrong the King.
Chest. Lan. Our King we doe not.
Yon. K. Doe not you see me crown'd?
Lanc. But whilst he lives we to none else are bound.
Ley. Is it not wrong thinke you, when all the world
Troubled with rumour of a captive Queene,
Imprisoned by her husband in a Realme,
Where her owne sonne doth weare a Diademe?
Is like an head of people mutinous,
Still murmuring at the shame done her and us?
Is't not more wrong when her mother zeale
Sounded through Europe, Affricke, Assia,
Tels in the hollow of newes-thirsting eares,
Queene Elinor lives in a dungion,
For pitty and affection to her sonne:
But when the true cause, Cliffords daughters death
Shall be exposed to stranger nations:
What vollumes will be writ, what lybels spred?
And in each lyne our state dishonoured.
Fauk. My Lord speakes to the purpose, mary it may bee so,
Pray God it proove not so.
Ley. Heare me conclude, and there withall conclude,
It is an heynous and unheard-of sinne:
Queene Elinor daughter to Kingly Fraunce,
King Henries wife and royall Henries mother,
Is kept close prisoner for an acte of Justice,
Committed on an odious Concubine,
Kin. Thou wrongst her Leister.
Lei. Leachers ever praise the cause of their confusion, she was vile
Fau. She was ill spoken of it's true, true.
Glost. Yonder sits one would doe as much for you
Olde fool, young Richard hath a gift I know it,
And on your wife my sister would bestow it.
Heer's a good world men hate adulterous sin,
Count it a gulfe, and yet they needs will in.
Lei. What answere for the Queene?
Lan. The King replyes your words are foule slaunderous forgeryes.
John. His highnes sayes not so.
Lan. His highnes doth,
Tels you its a shame for such wilde youth,
To smother any impiety,
With shew to chastice loose adulterie.
Say Rosamond was Henries Concubine,
Had never King a Concubine but he?
Did Rosamond begin the fires in Fraunce?
Made she the Northerne borders reeke with flames?
Unpeopled she the townes of Picardy?
Left she the wives of England husbandles?
O no: she sinn'd I graunt, so doe we all,
She fell her selfe, desiring none should fall;
But Elinor whom you so much commend,
Hath been the bellowes of seditious fire,
Eyther through Jealious rage or mad desire;
Ist not a shame to thinke that she hath arm'd
Foure Sonnes right hands, against their fathers head,
And not the children of a low-priz'd wretch,
But one whom God on earth hath deified?
See where he sits with sorrow in his eyes,
Three of his Sonnes and hers tutor'd by her,
Smiles whilst he weeps, and with a proude disdaine,
Imbrace blith mirth, while his sad heart complaine.
Fau. Ha laugh they? nay by the rood that is not wel,
Now fie young Princes fie.
Hen. Peace doting foole.
John. Be silent asse.
Fau. With all my heart my Lords, my humble leave my Lords
Gods mother asse and foole for speaking truth,
Tis terrible, but fare yee well my Lords.
Rich. Nay stay good Faukenbridge, impute it rage,
That thus abuses your right reverend age,
My brothers are too hot.
Fau. Too hot indeed, foole, asse, for speaking truth?
it's more than need.
Rich. Nay good Sir Richard at my kinde intreate
For all the love I beare your noble house,
Let not your absence kindle further wrath,
Each side's at counsell now sit downe I pray,
Ile quite it with the kindest love I may.
Glo. I to his wife.
Fau. Prince Richard Ile sit downe,
But by the faith I owe fayre Englands Crowne,
Had you not been I would have left the place,
My service merits not so much disgrace.
Ric. Good Faukenbridge I thanke thee.
Go to their places.
Glo. And you'l thinke of him, if you can step into his bower at Stepney.
Fau. Prince Richard's very kinde, I know his kindenes,
He loves me, but he loves my Lady better,
No more, Ile watch him, Ile prevent his game,
Young Lad, it's ill to halt before the lame.
They breake a sunder. Papers this while being offred and subscribed betweene eyther.
Hen. Ile not subscribe to this indignity,
Ile not be call'd a King but be a King;
Allow me halfe the Realme, give me the North,
The Provinces that lye beyond the Seas,
Wales and the Isles that compasse in the mayne.
Glo. Nay give him all and he will scant be pleas'd.
Rich. Brother you aske too much.
John. To much, too little, hee shall have that and more, I sweare he shall.
I will have Nottingham and Salisbury,
Stafford and Darby, and some other Earledome,
Or by S. John (whose blessed name I beare)
Ile make these places like a wildernes.
Ist not a plague, an horrible abuse,
A King, a King of England, should be Father
To foure such proper youths, as Hall, and Dicke,
My brother Geffrey and my proper selfe,
And yet not give his sonnes such maintenaunce,
As he consumes among his minions.
Rich. Be more respective John.
Jo. Respective Richard, are you turn'd pure? a changing wether-cocke?
I say it's reason Henry should be King,
Thou Prince, I Duke, as Jeffry is a Duke.
Lan. What shall your Father doe?
Jo. Live at his prayers, have a sufficient pention by the yere,
Repent his sinnes because his end is neere.
Glo. A gratious sonne, a very gratious sonne.
Kin. Will this content you? I that have sat still,
Amaz'd to see my sonnes devoyde of shame;
To heare my subjects with rebellious tongues,
Wound the kinde bosome of their Soveraigne,
Can no more beare, but from a bleeding hart
Deliver all my love, for all your hate:
Will this content thee cruell Elinor?
Your savage mother, my uncivill Queene;
The Tygresse that hath drunke the purple bloud,
Of three times twenty thousand valiant men;
Washing her red chaps, in the weeping teares,
Of widdows, virgins, nurses, sucking babes.
And lastly sorted with her damn'd consorts,
Entred a laborinth to murther love.
Will this content you? she shall be releast,
That she may next seaze me she most enuyes.
Hen. Our mothers liberty is some content.
Kin. What else would Henry have?
Hen. The Kingdome.
Kin. Peruse this byll, draw neere let us conferre.
Joh. Hall be not answered but with Soveraignty,
For glorious is the sway of Majesty.
Kin. What would content you John?
Joh. Five Earledomes Sir.
Kin. What you sonne Richard?
RicPardon gratious father, & th'furtheraunce for my vow of penance
For I have sworne to God and all his Saints,
These armes erected in rebellious brawles,
Against my Father and my Soveraigne,
Shall fight the battles of the Lord of hoasts,
In wrong'd Judea and Palestina,
That shall be Richards pennance for his pride,
His bloud a satisfaction for his sinne,
His patrimony, men, munition,
And meanes to waft them into Siria.
Kin. Thou shalt have thy desire Heroyicke Sonne,
As soone as other home-bred brawles are done.
Lan. Why weepes olde Faukenbridge?
Fau. I am almost blind, to heare sons cruell, and the fathers kinde,
Now well a neere that ere I liv'd to see,
Such patience and so much impiety.
Glo. Brother content thee this is but the first,
Worse is a brewing, and yet not the worst.
Lei. You shall not stand to this.
Hen. And why my Lord?
Ley. The lands of Moorton doth belong to John.
Hen. What's that to me, by Acte of Parlament,
If they be mine confirm'd, he must be pleas'd.
Joh. Be pleas'd King puppet? have I stood for thee,
Even in the mouth of death? open'd my armes
To sercle in seditious ugly shape?
Shooke hands with duety, bad adew to vertue,
Prophan'd all Majesty in heaven and earth;
Writ in blacke Carracters on my white brow,
The name of rebell John against his Father:
For thee, for thee, thou Otimie of honour,
Thou worme of Majesty, thou froth, thou puble.
And must I now be pleas'd in pease to stand,
While statues make thee owner of my land?
Glo. Good pastime good, now will the theeves fall out?
Joh. O if I doe, let me be never held
Royall King Henryes sonne, pardon me father,
Pull downe this rebell that hath done thee wrong.
Dicke, come and leave his side, assayle him Lords,
Let's have no parly but with billes and swoordes.
Ki. Peace John, lay downe thy armes, heare Henry speake,
He mindes thee no such wrong.
Jo.He were not best.
Hen. Why hayre-brain'd brother can yee brooke no jest?
I doe confirme you Earle of Nottingham.
Jo. And Moorton too?
Hen. I and Moorton too.
Jo. Why so, now once more Ile sit downe by you.
Glo. Blow winde, the youngest of King Henries stocke,
Would possibly fitly serve to make a weather-cocke.
Jo. Gape earth, challenge thine owne as Gloster lyes,
Pitty such mucke is cover'd with the skies.
Fau. Be quiet good my Lords, the Kings commaund
You should be quiet, and tis very meete,
It's most convenient, how say you Prince Richard?
Rich. It is indeed.
Fa. Why that is wisely said, you are a kinde indifferent man,
Mary a God and by my hollidame,
Were not I had a feeling in my head,
Of some suspition twixt my wife and him,
I should affect him more then all the world.
Glo. Take heede olde Richard, keep thee there mad lad,
My Sister's faire, and beauty may turne bad.
Enter Robert Hood a paper in his hand.
Officer: Roome there, make roome for young Huntington.
Fau. A gallant youth, a proper Gentleman.
Hen. Richard I have had wrong about his wardship.
Ric. You cannot right your selfe.
Jo. He can and shall.
Ric.Not with your help, but honourable youth
Have yee perform'd the busines I enjoyn'd?
Rob. I have, and Skinke is come, heere is his bill,
Hen. No matter for his bill let him come in.
Kin. Let him not enter, his infectious breath
Will poyson the assembly.
Gl. Never doubt ther's more infectious breaths about your Throne,
Leyster is there, your envious Sonnes is there;
If them you can endure, no poyson feare.
Kin. Content thee Gloster.
Glo. I must be content, when you that should mend all are patient,
Hen. Welcome good Skinke thou justly dost complaine,
Thou standst in dread of death for Rosamond,
Whom thou didst poyson at our dread commaund,
And the appointment of our gratious Mother;
See heere my Fathers hand unto thy pardon.
Skin. I receive it gratiously, wishing his soule sweet peace, in heaven for so meritorious a worke, for I feare me I have not his heart though his hand.
Kin. Be sure thou hast not, murderous bloud-sucker,
To jealious envy executioner.
Hen. Besides thou suest to have some maintenaunce,
We have bethought us how wee will reward thee,
Thou shalt have Rowden Lordship.
Glost. Shal he so? will you reward your murtherers with my lands
Hen. Your lands? it is our gift and he shall have it.
Glo. Ile give him seasure first with this and this.
Strike him.
John. Lay holde on Gloster.
Kin. Holde that murtherous Skinke.
Glo. Villaines hands off, I am a Prince, a Peere,
And I have borne disgrace while I can beare.
Fau. Knaves leave your rudenes, how now brother
Gloster? nay be appeas'd, be patient brother.
Rich. Shift for thy selfe good Skinke, ther's golde, away:
Heere will be parts.
Skin. Swonds Ile make one and stay.
Joh. I prethee be gone since thus it falleth out,
Take water, hence, away, thy life I doubt.
Ski. Well, farewell, get I once out of doore,
Skinke never will put trust in warrants more.
Kin. Will Gloster not be bridled?
Glo. Yes my Liege and sadled too, and ryd, and spur'd, & rayn'd,
Such misery (in your Raigne) falles your friends,
Let goe my armes, you dunghyls let me speake.
Kin. Wher's that knave Skinke? I charge you see him stayd.
Fauk. The swift heel'd knave is fled, body a me heer's rule,
Heer's worke indeed.
Kin. Follow that Skinke, let privy search be made,
Let not one passe except he be well knowne,
Let poastes be every way sent speedily,
For ten miles compasse round about the Citty.
Hen. Take Gloster to you Liefetenant of the Tower,
Keep him aside till we conferre a while,
Father you must subscribe to his committing.
Lan. Why must he Henry?
Ley. Mary for this cause, he hath broke peace and violated lawes.
Glo. So have you all done, rebels as you be.
Fau. Good words good brother, heare me gratious Lords,
Hen. I prethee Faukenbridge be patient,
Gloster must of force answere this contempt.
Kin. I will not yeeld he shall unto the Tower,
Warden of th'Fleete take you the charge of Gloster.
Hen. Why be it so, yet stay with him a while,
Till we take order for the company
That shall attend him, and resort to him.
Glo. Warden of the Fleete I see I am your charge,
Befriend me thus, least by theyr commaund,
I be prevented of what I intend.
Keep.Commaund me any service in my power.
Glo. I pray you call some nimble footed fellow,
To doe a message for me to my sister.
Keep. Call in Redcap, he waiteth with a Tipstaffe,
Exit one for him.
He stammers, but he's swift and trusty Sir.
Enter Redcap.
Glo. No matter for his stammering, is this he?
Red. I I am am Re Redcap s s sir.
Glo. Run Redcap to Stepney.
Red. Ile be at Stepney p p presently.
Glo. Nay stay, goe to the Lady Faukenbridge my sister.
Red. The La La Lady Fau Fau Faukenbreech, I r r run sir.
Glo. But take thy errand, tell her I am prisoner,
Committed to the Fleete.
Red. I am g g glad of th th that, my fa fa father the p p porter sha shall ge ge get a f f fee by you.
Still runnes.
Glo. Stand still a while, desire her to make meanes
Unto Prince Richard for my liberty,
At thy returne (make speed) I will reward thee.
Red. I am g g gone si sir.
Rich. Commend me to her gentle Huntington,
Tell her in these affayres Ile stand her friend,
Her brother shall not long be prisoner:
Say I will visit her immediatlie.
Be gone sweete boy to Marian Faukenbridge,
Thou lookest like love perswade her to be loving.
Ro. So farre as honour will I will perswade,
Ile lay loves battery to her modest eares,
Second my milde assault, you may chaunce wiv,
Fare parley at the least, may hap passe in.
Hen. Heere take your charge, let no man speake with him,
Except our selfe, our brethren, or Earle Leicester.
Fau. Not I my Lord, may not I speake with him?
Hen. Yes Faukenbridge thou shalt.
Jo. And why? he is his wives brother.
Fau. Earle John, although I be, I am true unto the State, & so is he.
Glo. What, shal I have no servant of my owne?
Hen. No, but the housholde servants of the Fleete.
Glo. I thanke you kinsman King, your father knowes,
Gloster may boldelie give a base slave blowes.
Fau. O but not heere, it was not well done heere.
Kin. Farewell good Gloster, you shall heare from us.
Glo.Even what your sonnes will suffer you to send;
Ist not a miserie to see you stand,
That some time was, the Monarch of this land,
Intreating traytors for a subjects freedome?
Lei. Let him not speake, away with him to prison.
Glo. Heer's like to be a well stayd common wealth,
Where in proude Leister, and licentious John,
Are pillers for the King to leane upon.
Jo. Wee'll heare you rayling Lecture in the Fleete.
Hen. On our displeasure see he speake no more.
Glo. On thy displeasure, well yee have me heere;
O that I were within my Fort of Bungye
Whose walles are washt with the cleare streames of Aveney
Then would not Gloster passe a halfe-penny,
For all these rebels, and their poore King too.
Laughst thou King Henry? thou knows my words are true,
God help thee good olde man, adew adew.
Jo. That Castle shal be mine, where stands it Faukenbridge
Faukenbridge Far from your reach sure, under Feckhill ridge.
Five hundred men (England hath few such wight)
Keeps it for Glosters use both day and night:
But you may easily winne it, wantons words
Quickly can master men, tongues out brawle swords.
Jo. Yee are an Idyot.
Rich. I prethee John forbeare.
Joh. What shall olde winter with his frosty jestes,
Crosse flowry pleasure?
Fau. I and nip you too, God mary mother I would tickle you
Were there no more in place but I and you.
Kin. Sease these contentions, forward to the Tower,
Release Queene Elinor, and leave me there
Your prisoner I am sure, if yee had power,
Ther's nothing lets you but the Commons feare:
Keep your State Lords, we will by water goe,
Making the fresh Thames, salt with teares of woe.
Hen. And wee'll by land through the Citty ride,
Making the people tremble at our pride.
Exeunt with Trumpets two waies. Enter Skinke solus
Skin. Blacke Heath quoth he, and I were King of all Kent,
I would give it for a commodity of Apron-strings, to
Be in my cottage agen. Princes warrants, mary Skinke
Findes them as sure as an obligation seal'd with butter.
At Kings Bridge I durst not enter a boate, through
London the stones were fiery, I have had a good
Coole way through the fieldes, and in the high way
To Ratcliffe stands a heater: Mile-end's covered with
Who goes there. Tis for me sure; O Kent, O Kent,
I would give my part of all Christendome to feele
Thee as I see thee. If I goe forward I am stayed,
If I goe backward, ther's a roge in a red cap, he's run
From S. Johnes after me: I were best stay heere,
Least if he come with hue and cry, he stop me yonder,
I would slip the coller for feare of the halter;
But heere comes my runner, and if he run for me,
His race dyes, he is as sure dead, as if a Parlament
Of Devils had decreed it.
Red. Ste Ste Stepney chi church yonder, but I have forgot
The La La Lady Fau Fau Fau plague on her,
I mu must b backe to the Fle Fle Fleete to kn kn know it.
The la the la la Lady Fau, plague on't; G Gloster
Will go ne neere to st stab me, fo for forgetting
My errand, he is such a ma ma mad Lord, the
La Lady Fau Fau Fau.
Skin. Help me devise, upon my life this foole is sent
From Gloster to his sister Marian.
Redc. I m must nee needs goe backe, the La Lady
Fau Fau Fau.
Skin. God speed good fellow.
Red. Go go god sp sp speed you sir.
Skin. Why run'st thou from me?
Red. Ma mary sir, I have lo lost a La Ladyes name, and I am running ba backe to se se seeke it.
Skin. What lady? I prethee stay.
Red. Why the la Lady Fau Fau Fau.
Skin. Faukenbridge?
Red. I the s s same, f f farewell, I th th thanke you ha hartily
Skin. If thou wouldst speake with her she is in Kent,
I serve her, what's thy busines with my Lady?
Red. I sh sh should doe an errand to her f f from my Lord
Of Gloster, but a a and she be in k Kent, Ile s send it by you.
Skin. Where is my Lord?
Red. Mary p p prisoner in the Fl Fleete, a a and w would have her speake to P Prince R Richard for his re re release.
Skin. I have much busines, hold ther's thy fare by water, my Lady lyes this night.
Red. Wh wh where I pray?
Skin. At Gravesend at the Angell.
Red. Tis devillish co co colde going by water.
Skin. Why there's my cloake and hat to keep thee warme,
Thy cap and Jerkin will serve me to ride in
By the way, thou hast winde and tyde, take Oares.
My Lady will reward thee royally.
Red. G God a mercy, f fa faith and ever th thou co co come to the Fl Fl Fleete, Ile give the tu tu turning of the ke key f for n no nothing.
Skin. Hye thee, to morrow morning at Graves-end Ile wash thy stammering throate with a mug of ale merrily.
Red. God be w with you till s soo soone; what call you the Lady? O now I re remember the La Lady Fa Faukenbridge at what s signe?
Skin. At the Angell.
Red. A Angell, the la la Lady fa fa Fau kenbridge, Fa Fau Faukenbridge.
Skin. Farewell and bee hang'd good stammering ninny, I thinke I have set your Redcaps heeles a running, wold your Pyanet chattering humour could as sa safely se set mee fr from the searchers walkes. Yonder comes some one, hem: Skink to your trickes this tytty tytty, a the tongue I beleeve will faile mee.
Enter Constable and Watch.
Con. Come make up to this fellow, let th'other go, he seems a gentleman, what are you sir?
Skin. Would I had kept my owne sute, if the countenaunce carry it away.
Con. Stand sirra, what are you?
Skin. The po po Porters Sonne of the F Fl Fleete, going to Stepney about businesse to the La La Lady Fa Fa Faukenbridge.
Con. Well bring him thether, some two or three of yee honest neyghbors, and so backe to the Fleete, we'll shew our selves dilligent above other Officers.
Skin. Wh wh why le le let me run I am Re Redcap.
Con. Well, sure you shall now run no faster then I lead you, heare yee neighbor Simmes, I leave my staffe with yee, bee vigilent I pray you, search the suspitious houses at the townes end, this Skink's a trouncer; come, will you be gone sir?
Skin. Yes sir, and the devill goe with you and them,
Well, yet have hope mad ha hart, co co come your way.
Exeunt. Enters Robin hood and Blocke.
Blo. Sweet nobilitie in reversion, Blocke by the commission of his head, Conjures you and withall bindes you, by all the tricks that pages passe in time of Parlament, as swearing to the pantable, crowning with Custords, paper whiffes to the sleepers noses, cutting of tagges, stealing of torches, cum multis aliis tell Blocke, what Blocke you have cast in the way of my Ladies content.
Ro. Block by the antiquity of you ancestrie, I have given your Lady not so much as the least cause of dislike, if she be despleased at any newes I bring, it's more then I must blab.
Blo. Zounds these pages be so proude, they care not for an olde Servingman, you are a ward and so, an Earle, and no more: you disquiet our house that's the most: and I may be even with thee that's the least.
Enter the Ladie Faukenbridge.
La. What Blocke, what Blocke I say what doe you there?
Bloc. Making the young Lord merry Maddame,
La. Go attend ye gate, see if you can let in more greife therat,
Blo Zounds and greife come in there, and I see him once Ile
Conjure his gaberdine.
La. Will you be gone sir?
Blo. Hem, these women, these women, and she bee not in love eyther with Prince Richard or this lad, let blocks head be made a chopping blocke.
Exit Blocke
Rob. Faire Madam, what replye you to my sute,
The prince excepts smiles, welcomes, loving lookes,
La. The Prince, if he give heed to Marrians sute,
Must heare heart-sigh's, see sorrow in my eyes,
And finde cold welcome to calamities,
Rob. And why for gods sake?
La. Even for Glosters sake,
Rob. why be mine honnor, and Prince Richards faith,
Your brother Gloster shall have liberty,
Uppon condition you release a prisoner
That you have longe held in captivitye.
La. I have no prisoner,
Ro. Yes a world of eies, you beuty in a willing bondage ties
La. Go to, you are dispos'd to jest my Lord,
Rob. In earnest I must be an earnest suter
To you for love, yet you must be my tuter.
La. Are you in love?
Rob. I dearely love Prince Richard.
La. Then doe you love the loveliest man alive.
The Princeliest person of King Henries sonnes,
Rob. I like this well.
La. He is vertuous in he minde, his body faire,
His deeds are Just, his speaches debonaire,
Rob. Better and better still.
La. In deed he is what no body can denye.
All lovely, beautie all, all Majestie.
Rob. Ile tell his excelence what you reporte,
No doubt he will be very thankfull, for't,
La. Nay heare you young Lord? Gods pitty staye.
Rob. What have you more in Richards praise to say?
La. I have said to much if you misconster me.
Dutie bids praise him, not unchastitie.
Rob. Unchastitie holy heavens forfend it,
That he or I, or you should once intend it,
Enter Blocke and Richard.
Blo. They are there sir, close at it, I leave you sir, the more
Roome the lesse company.
Ric. Drinke that, farwell,
Blo. If that sir Richard comes, this ties, this bindes,
O golde, thy power converteth servants mindes.
Rich. How now faire Maddam who hath angred you?
La. Greife at my brothers duraunce angers me.
Rich. I had thought my Ward young Huntington had vext you.
La. who he? alas good Gentleman he wrong'd me not.
No matter for all this, Ile tell your tale.
A noyse within, Enter Skinke, Blocke, Constable.
Bls. Sir there comes no more of you in with him then the Constable. Zounds heares a beadroll of Billes at the gate indeed, back ye base
La. Now sirra whats the matter?
Blo. Marry heares a stammerer taken clipping the Kings English, and the Constable and his watch hath brought him to you to be examin'd.
Consta. No Madam wee are commaunded by the King to watch, and meeting this fellow at Mile-end, he tels us, he is the Porters sonne of the Fleete, that the Earle of Gloster sent him to you.
Skin. I f f forsooth h he desire you to speake to the p Prince for him.
La. O I conceave thee, bid him blithly fare,
Beare him this Ring in token of my care.
Skin. If I be rid of this evill Angell that haunts mee, many rings, much Fleete will Skinke come unto.
Con. Madam, if you know this fellow we'll discharge him.
Bloc. Madam, and you be wise, trust your honest neighbors heere, let them bring this ca ca ca ca to the Fleete, and s see your ring delivered.
Skin. A plague upon you for a damned roge,
The Porter of the Fleete will surely know me.
La. Good neighbours bring this honest fellow thether,
Ther's for his paines a crowne, if he say true,
And for your labour ther's as much for you.
Skin. Why Ma Ma Madam, I am Re Re Redcap the Porters sonne.
La. Thou hast no wrong in this, farewell good fellow.
Skin. Best speaking to Prince Richard? no Ile try
And face out Redcap if the slave were by.
La. Make them drinke Blocke.
Blo. Come to the Buttery bar, stitty stitty stammerer, come honest Constable, hey the watch of our towne, we'll drinke trylill I faith.
As they goe out, enters Sir Richard Faukenbridge stealing forward, Prince and Lady talking.
Rob. Lupus in fabula my Noble Lord,
See the olde foxe Sir Richard Faukenbridge.
Rich. We'll fit him well enough, second us Robin.
La. Ile fit you well enough for all your hope,
Fau. beckens to Blocke.
Fau. Leave quaffing sirra, listen to their talke.
Bloc. O while you live beware, two are sooner seene then one: besides, beare a braine Master, if Block should be now spide, my Madam would not trust this sconce neither in time nor tyde.
Fau. Well leave me, now it buds; see see, they kisse.
Bloc. Adew good olde sinner, you may recover it with a sallet of parsly, and the hearbe patience, if not sir you knowe the worst, it's but even this.
Rich. Madam, what you desire I not deny,
But promise Glosters life and liberty,
I beg but love.
Fau. When doth she give her almes?
La. Faire honourable Prince.
Fau. Nay then they speed.
La. My soule hath your deserts in good esteeme.
Fau. Witnesse these goodly times that grace my head.
La.But were you the sole Monarch of the earth,
Your power were insufficient to invade,
My never yeelding heart of chastity.
Fauk. Sayst thou so Mall, I promise thee for this,
Ile owe thy cherry lips an olde mans kisse;
Looke how my Cockerill droopes, tis no matter,
I like it best when women will not flatter.
Rich. Nay but sweet Lady.
Rob. Nay but gracious Lord, does not so much forget your Princely worth,
As to attempt vertue to unchastity.
Fau. O noble youth!
Rob. Let not the Ladyes dead griefe for her brother,
Give life to shamelesse and detested sinne.
Fau. Sweet childe.
Ro. Consider that she is of high decent.
Fau. Most vertuous Earle.
Rob. Wife to the noblest Knight that ever breath'd.
Fau. Now blessing on thee blessed Huntington.
Rob. And would you then first staine your Princely stocke,
Wrong beauty, vertue, honor, chastitye,
And blemmish Faukenbridges untaynted armes?
Fau. By adding hornes unto our Falcones head,
Well thought on noble youth, twas well put in.
La. Besides my gratious Lord.
Fau. Tickle him Mall, plague him on that side for his hot desire.
La. How ever secretly great Princes sin,
Fau Oh now the spring she'll doe it secretly.
La. The King of all harts will have all syns knowne.
Fa. Ah then she yields not.
Ric. Lady heer's my hand, I did but try your honorable faith
Fau. He did but trie her, would she have bin tride
It had grone hard on this and on this side.
Rich. And since I see your vertue so confirm'd,
as vice can have no entraunce in your heart,
I vow in sight of heaven never againe,
To moove like question but for love,
Fau. My hart is eased, holde Blocke take up my cloake.
Blo. And your cap to sir.
Ric. Sir Richard?
Fau. What sweet Prince welcome yfaith,
I see youth quickly get's the starte of age;
But welcome welcome and young Huntington.
Sweet Robyn hude, honors best flowring bloome,
Welcome to Faukenbridge with all my hearte,
How cheares my love, how fares my Marrian, ha?
Be merry chucke, and Prince Richard welcome,
Let it goe Mall I knowe thy grevances.
Away away, tut let it passe sweet girle,
Wee needs must have his helpe about the Earle.
La. Let it not be delayd deere Faukenbridge.
Rich. Sir Richard, first make sute unto my father,
Ile follow you to Courte and second you,
Fau. Follow to Court, ha? then I smell a rat,
Its probable he'll have about agayne,
Long seige makes entraunce to the strongest fort,
It must not be I must not leave him heere,
Prince Richard, if you love my brothers good,
Lets ride back to the Courte, Ile wayte on you,
Rich. He's Jelious, but I must observe the tyme,
We'll ride unto the Court, Ile leave my boy
Till we returne, are you agreed to this?
Fau. Oh I hee is an honourable youth.
Vertuuos and modest, Huntingtons right heyre.
His father Gilbert was the smoothst fac't Lord
That ere bare Armes in England or in Fraunce,
Rich. Solicitie Robin, Lady give good eare,
And of your brothers freedome never feare,
Fau. Marrian farwell, wheres Blocke? open the gate,
Come Prince God send us to prove fortunate?
La. why doe you stay sir?
Rob. Madam as a Lidger to solicite for your absent love
La. Walk in the Garden I will follow you.
Ifaith Ifaith you are a noble wagge.
Rob. An honorable wag, and wagish Earle.
Even what you will sweet Lady I must beare,
Hoping of patience, profit will ensue.
That you will beare the Prince as I beare you.
La. Well said well said, Ile have these toyes amended,
Goe, will you walke into the Garden sir,
Rob. But will you promise me to bring no maides,
To set uppon my litle manship there?
You threatned whipping, and I am in feare,
La. Uppon my word Ile bring none but my selfe,
Rob. You see I am weapned, doe not I beseech you,
Ile stab them come there twenty ere they breech mee.
La. This youth and Richard, think me easily wonne,
But Marrian rather will embrace,
The bony carcasse of dismaying death,
Than prove unchast to Noble Faukenbridge.
Richard's king Henries sonne, is light,
Wanton and loves not humble modestie,
Which makes me (much contrary to my thoughts)
Flatter his humor for my brothers safetye,
But I protest Ile dwel among the dead,
Ere I pollute my sacred nuptiall bed.
Exit. Enter Gloster in his gowne, calling.
Glo. Porter what Porter wher's this drowsie asse?
Enter Porter.
Por. Who calles? my Lord of Gloster all alone?
Glo. Alone and have your wisdomes companie,
Pray wher's the stammering chatterer your sonne?
He's ever running but he makes small haste,
Ile bring his lyther legges in better frame,
And if he serve me thus a nother time.
Knocke within.
Harke sir your clients knocke, and't be your pye,
Let him vouchsafe to chatter us some newes,
Tell him we daunce attendance in our chamber.
Exit porter.
This John and Henry are so full of hate,
That they will have my head by some device,
Gloster hath plotted meanes for an escape,
And if it fadge, why so; if not, then well,
The way to heaven is death, this life's a hell.
Enter Porter and Skink.
Port. Why should the Watchmen come along with thee?
Skin. Ther's such a que question for yon s same r rogue Skink p plague keepe farre enough from him, that a an honest f fellow ca cannot w w walke the streetes.
Port. Well sir dispatch your busines with the Earle,
He's angry at your stay I tell ye that.
Skin. Sbloud what a frowne this Gloster castes at me,
I hope he meanes to lend me no more cuffes,
Such as he paide me at the Parlament.
Glo. What mutter you, what tydings from my sister?
Ski. Co commendations and s she hath s sent ye this r ring.
Glo. Hold ther's two Angels, shut the chamber doore,
You must about some busines for me strayght;
Come nearer man,
Skin. I feare I am to neare,
Glo. Hast thou no tydings for my liberty?
Skin. No b but ye sh shall he heare f from her p p presently.
Glo. And p presently sir off with your coate.
Nay quicke, uncase, I am bold to borrow it,
Ile leave my gowne, change is no robbery.
Stutterer it's so, neare flinch, ye cannot passe,
Cry, and by heaven Ile cut thy cowards throate,
Quickly cashyre your selfe, you see me staye,
Skin. N n nay, b b but wh wh what m meane ye?
Glo. To scape I hope, sir with your priviledge,
How now, who's this, my fine familliar Skinke?
Queen Beldams minnion,
Skin. Zounds you see ti's I.
Glo. Tyme sortes not now to know these misteries.
How thou camst by this ring, or stol'st this coate,
They are mine now in possession, for which kindenes
If I escape Ile get thee Libertie,
Or fire the fleete about the Wardens eares,
Mum budgit not a word as thou lovest thy life,
Skin. I mum mum faire, pray God may chaunce it,
My Lord, but that my state is desperate,
Ide see your eyes out eare I would be cheated.
Glo. Walke like an Earle villaine some are comming.
Enter John and Porter.
Jo. Where is this Gloster?
Glo. Y y yonder he walks. Fa fa father, l let me out.
Port. Why whether must you now?
Glo. To Je Jericho I th thinke, tis such a h h humorous Earle.
Port. Well sir wilt please you hasten home againe.
Glo. I Ile be h heare in a trice; b but p praye have ca care of th this madcap, if he g give us the s s slip, s s some of us a are like to m make a sl sl slyppery occupation on't.
This while John walkes and stalkes by Skinke, never a word betwene them.
Port. Looke to your busines sir let me alone.
Glo. Alone? never trust me if I trouble thee.
Jo. Mad Gloster mute, all mirth turn'd to dispaire?
Why now you see what tis to crosse a King,
Deale against Princes of the Royall blood,
Youle snarle and rayle, but now your toung is bedry'd,
Come caper hay, set all at six and seaven,
What musest thou with thought of hell or heaven?
Skin. Of neither John I muse at my disgrace,
That I am thus kept prisoner in this place.
Jo. O sir, a number are here prisoners,
My Cousen Moorton whome I came to visite,
But he good man is at his morrow masse.
But I that neither care to say nor sing,
Come to seeke that preaching hate and prayer,
And while they mumble up their Orisons,
We'll play a game at bowles, what saist thou Gloster?
Skin. I care not if I doe.
Joh. You doe not care, Let olde men care for graves, we for our sportes,
Off with your gowne, there lies my hatt and Cloake,
The bowles there quickly, hoe?
Skin. No my gowne stirres not, it keeps sorrowe warme,
And she, and I am not to be devorced,
Enter Porter with bowles.
Jo. Yes ther's an axe must part your head and you,
And with your head, sorrowe will leave your heart.
But come shall I begin? a pound a game,
Skin. More pounds and we thus heavy? well begin.
Joh. Rub rub rub rub.
Skin. Amen God send it short enough, and mee
A safe running with them clothes from them.
Joh. Play Robin, run run run.
Skin. Far enough and well, flye one foote more,
Would I were halfe so far without the doore.
Enter Porter.
Joh. Now Porter whats the newes?
Por. Your Coossen Moorton humbly craves,
Leaving your game, you would come visit him,
Jo. Bowle Gloster Ile come presently.
So neere mad Robin? then have after you,
Skin. Would I were gone, make after as you may,
Jo. Well sir tis yours, one all, throw but the Jacke,
While I goe talke with Moorton: Ile not stay,
Keepe Cloake and hat in pawne Ile hould out play,
Skin. I would be sory John but you should stay,
Untill my bias run another way,
Now passe, and hey passe Skink unto your tricks,
Tis but a chaunce at hazard: there lyes Gloster,
And heare stands Skinke. Now John play thou thy part,
And if I scape Ile love thee with my heart.
So porter let me foorth.
Enter Porter.
Por. God blesse your grace, ye spoke with the L. Moorton.
Skin. I have and must about his busines to the Courte.
It greeves me to break my sporte with Gloster,
The melancholy Earle is comfortlesse,
Po. I wold my grace would comfort him from hence,
The Fleet is weary of his company,
Redcap knocks.
Skin. Drink that, some knockes, I prethee let me out.
His head shall off ere long, never make doubt.
Exeunt. Enter John at the other doore.
Jo. Now madcap thou winst all, wher art thou Robyn?
Uncased: nay then he meanes to play in earnest.
But whers my Cloake, my rapier, and my hatt?
I holde my birth-right to a beggars scrip,
The basterd is escaped in my cloathes.
Tis well, he left me his to walke the streets,
Ile fire the Citty but Ile finde him out,
Perchaunce he hides himselfe to try my spleene,
Ile to his chamber, Gloster? hallo Gloster?
Exit. Enter Porter and Redcap.
Por. I wonder how thou camst so strangly chang'd?
Tis not an hower since thou wents from hence,
Red. By my Ch Ch Christendome I ha have not b b been h heere this three nights, a p p plague of him, that made me such a ch chaunting, and s sent me such a Ja Ja Jaunt, blud I was st stayed for Skinke, that ill fa fa fac'd rogue,
Port. I pray God there be no practise in this change.
Now I remember these are Skinkes cloathes,
That he wore last day, at the Parlament,
Knocke, Enter at another doore, John in Glosters gowne.
Jo. Porter? you Porter?
Por. Doe you not heare them knock, you must stay sir,
Jo. Bloud I could eate these rogues.
Red. Wh wh what raw, tis a very hash mo morsell,
Ne next your he heart
Jo. A plague upon your Jaunts, what porter slave?
Red. I have been at g gravesend sir.
Joh. What's that to me?
Red. And at Ca Ca Canterbury.
Jo. And at the gallows: zounds this frets my soule.
Red. But I c could not f finde your s s sister the La Lady Fau Faukenbridge.
Jo. You stammering slave hence, chat among your Dawes,
Come ye to mad me? while the rogue your father.
Enter Porter.
Red. My f fa father.
Jo. Porter? you damned slave.
Port. Ist Midsomer doe you begin to rave?
Joh. Harke how the traytor flouts me to my teeth.
I would intreat your knaveship let me forth,
For feare I dash your branes out with the keyes,
What is become of Gloster and my garments?
Por. Alas in your apparrell Glosters gone,
I let him out, even now I am undone,
Joh. It was your practice, and to keepe me backe
You sent Jacke Daw your sonne with ca ca ca,
To tell a sleveles tale: lay hould on him,
To Newgate with him and you tut atut,
Run redcap and trudge about,
Or bid your fathers portership farwell.
Exeunt with Porter.
Red. He heares a go good Je Je Jest by the L Lord to mo mocke an ape with all: my fa fa father has brought his ho ho hoges to a fa fa faire m m market. Po po porter quoth you? p po porter that will for me, and I po po porter it, let them po po post me to heaven in this qua quarter. But I must s s seeke this Gl Gl Gloster and Sk Sk Skinke that co cony catching ra ra rascall, a pa pa plague co co confound him, Re re redcap must ru run he cannot tell whe whether.
Exit. Sound Trumpets, Enter Henry the younger, on one hand of him Queene Elinor, on the other Leycester.
Hen. Mother and Leycester adde not oyle to fire.
Wrath's kindled with a word, and cannot heare
The numberlesse perswasions you insort,
Quee. O but my sonne thy father favours him.
Richard that vile abortive changling brat,
And Faukenbridge, are fallen at Henries feete.
They wooe for him, but intreat my sonne
Gloster may dye for this that he hath done,
Leic. If Gloster live thou wilt be overthrowne,
Quee. If Gloster live thy mother dies in moane,
Ley. If Gloster live Leyster will flie the realme,
Quee. If Gloster live thy kingdome's but a dreame,
Hen. Have I not sworne by that eternall arme
That puts just vengance sword in Monarcks hands,
Gloster shall die for his presumption?
What needs more conjuration gratious Mother?
And honorable Leyster marke my words.
I have a Bedrole of some threescore Lords,
Of Glosters faction,
Quee. Nay of Henries faction.
Of thy false fathers faction, speake the truth,
He is the head of factions; were he downe:
Peace, plenty, glory will impale thy crowne.
Ley. I ther's the But; whose hart-white if we hit,
The game is our's. Well we may rage and rove,
At Gloster, Lancaster, Chester, Faukenbridge,
But he is the upshot.
Quee. Yet begin with Gloster.
Hen. The destenies run to the booke of Fates,
And read in never-changing Characters
Robert of Glosters end, he dies to day,
So fate, so heaven, so doth King Henry say.
Quee. Emperially resovl'd.
Trumpets far off.
Leic. The olde King comes,
Quee. Then comes Luxurious lust,
The King of Concubines, the King that scornes
The undefiled, chast and numptiall bed,
The King that hath his Queene Imprisoned.
For my sake scorne him, sonne call him not father,
Give him the stile of a competitor,
Hen. Pride seaze uppon my heart, wrath fill myne eyes,
Sit lawfull majestie uppon my front
Dutie flie from me, pitty bee exild,
Sences forget that I am Henries child,
Quee. I kisse thee, and I blesse thee, for this thought.
Enter King, Lancaster, Richard, Faukenbridge.
Kin. O Lancaster bid Henry yeeld some reason
Why he desires so much the death of Gloster,
Hen. I heare thee Henry, and I thus reply.
I doe desire the death of Basterd Gloster,
For that he spends the Treasure of the Crowne.
I doe desire the death of basterd Gloster,
For that he doth desire to pull me downe.
Or were this false (I purpose to be plaine)
He loves thee, and for that I him disdaine.
Hen. Therin thou shewest a hate-corrupted mynde,
To him the more unjust, to me unkynd,
Quee. He loves you as his father lov'd his mother.
Kin. Fie, fie upon thee hatefull Elinor.
I thought thou hadst been long since scarlet dyde,
Hen. She is and therfore cannot change her colour.
Rich. You are to strickt, Earle Glosters fault
Merrits not death,
Fau. By th'rood the Prince saies true.
Heere is a statute from the Confessor,
Hen. The Confessor was but a simple foole.
Away with bookes my word shall be a lawe,
England her breath shall from this bosome drawe,
Gloster shall die,
Ley. Let Gloster dye the death.
Lan. Leyster he shall not, he shall have lawe, dispight of him and thee.
Hen. What law, will you be Traitors? whats the lawe?
Ric. His right handes losse, and that is such a losse,
As England may lament, all Christians weepe.
That hand hath bin advanst against the Moores,
Driven out the Sarafins from Gads and Cicile,
Fought fifteene Battels under Christs red crosse,
And is it not (thinke you) a greevious losse,
That for a slave (and for no other harme)
It should be sundred from his Princely Arme?
Fau.More for example Noble Lancaster, but tis great pitty,
To to great a pittie.
Hen. Ile have his hand & head.
Ri. Thou shalt have mine the.
Que. Wel sayd stubberne Dicke, Jack wold not serve me so,
Were the boy heere:
Ric. Both John and I have serv'd your will too long;
Mother repent your cruelty and wrong:
Gloster you know is ful of mirth and glee,
And never else did your grace injury.
Qu. Gloster shal dye.
He. Fetch him heere Ile see him dead.
Ric. He that sturs for him shall lay downe his head.
Fau. O quiet good my Lords, patience I pray,
I thinke he comes unsent for by my fay.
Enter John in Glosters gowne.
Ric. What meanst thou Gloster?
He. Who brought Gloster hyther?
Jo. Let Gloster hang and them that lacuna
There lyes his case, a mischiefe on his carkasse.
Qu. My deare sonne Jacke?
Jo.Your deere son Jack an apes, your mokey, your babone, your asse, your gull.
Ley. What ayles Earle John?
Jo. Hence further fro my fight,
My fiery thoughts and wrath have worke in hand;
Ile curse ye blacker then the Levarnian Lake,
If you stand wondring at my sorrow thus;
I am with childe, big, hugely swolne with rage;
Who'll play the Midwife, and my throbs aswage?
Kin. I will my Sonne.
Hen. I will high harted brother.
Jo. You will, and you, tut, tut all you are nothing,
Twill out, twill out, my selfe my selfe can ease:
You chase, you swell, ye are commaunding King,
My father is your foote stoole when he please,
Your word's a law, these Lordes dare never speake,
Gloster must dye, your enemies must fall.
Hen. What meanes our brother?
Joh. He meanes that thou art mad she franticke, Leyster foolish
I the babe, these grinde us, bite us, vexe us, charge,
And discharge, Gloster, O Gloster!
Que. Where is Gloster sonne?
Hen. Where is Glo. brother?
Kin. I hope he be escaped.
Jo. O I could teare my hayre, & falling thus up the
Solide earth, dig into Glosters grave, so he were dead
And gone into the depth of under worlds.
Or get seditious hundreth thousand hands,
And like Briareus, battle with the Starres,
To pull him downe from heaven if he were there,
Fau. Looke to Earle John the Gentleman is mad.
Jo. O who would not be mad at this disgrace?
Gloster the fox is fled, there lies his case,
He cousned me of myne, the porter helpt him,
Hen. The porter shall be hangd let's part and seeke him,
Gloster shall dye all Europe shall not save him.
Jo. He is wise, too wise for us, yet Ile goe with you,
1 To get more fooles into my company.
Quee. This is your fathers plot, revenge it sonne.
Hen. Father by heaven if this were your advice,
Your head or heart shall pay the bitter price,
Come mother, Brother, Leyster, lets away,
Jo. I, Ile be one, in hope to meete the basterd,
And then no more my selfe will be his headsman.
Kin. Richard and Faukenbridge follow the search,
You may prevent mischaunce by meeting Gloster,
If ye finde Skinke see that you apprehend him,
I heare there is a wizard at blacke heath,
Let some enquire of him where Skinke remaynes,
Although I trust not to those fallacies,
Yet now and then such men proove Soothsayers.
Will you be gone?
Fau. Withall my heart, withall my heart my Lord,
Come Princely Richard, we are ever yoak'd.
Pray God there be no mistery in this,
Rich. Be not suspitious where there is no cause,
Fau. Nay nothing, nothing, I am but in jest.
Kin. Call in a Purservant.
Lan. Heares one my Leidge,
Kin. There is a Porter likely to be hangd,
For letting Gloster scape, sirra attend,
You shall have a repreive to bring him us,
These boys are to to stubborne Lancaster,
But tis theyr mothers fault, if thus she move me,
Ile have her head though all the world reprove me.
Exeunt. Enter Robin Hood and Lady Faukenbridge.
La. Doe not deny me gentle Huntington.
Rob. My Lord will misse me.
La. Tut let me excuse thee.
Rob. Turne woman, O it is intollerable!
Except you promise me to play the Page:
Doe that, try one night, and you'l laugh for ever,
To heare the Orizons that Lovers use;
Their ceremonious sighes, their idle oathes,
To heare how you are prais'd and pray'd unto,
For you are Richards Saint, they talke of Mary
The blessed Virgin, but upon his beades
He onely prayes to Marian Faukenbridge.
La. The more his error, but will you agree
To be the Lady Faukenbridge one day?
Rob. When ist?
La. On Munday.
Rob. Wherefore ist?
La. Nay then you doe me wrong with inquisition.
And yet I care not greatly if I tell thee.
Thou seest my husband full of jealousie;
Prince Richard in his sute importunate,
My brother Gloster threatned by young Henry;
To cleare these doubtes, I will in some disguise,
Goe to blacke Heath unto the holy Hermit,
Whose wisedome in fore-telling things to come,
Will let me see the issue of my cares.
If destinyes ordaine me happines,
Ile chase these mistes of sorrow from my heart,
With the bright Sunne of mirth: if fate agree,
It, and my frends, must suffer misery,
Yet Ile be merry too, till mischeefe come.
onely I long to knowe the worst of ill.
Rob. Ile once put on a scarlet countenaunce.
La. Be wary least ye be discovered Robyn.
Rob. Best paint me then, be sure I shall not blush.
Enter Block bleeding. Gloster with him.
Blo. Beate an Officer, Redcap Ile have ye talkt withall,
Beate Sir Richards Porter? help Madam, help,
Glo. Peace you damned rogue.
La. Brother I pray you forbeare.
Glo. Zwounds a hundreth at my heales almost,
And yet the villaine stands on complaiment.
Bloc. A bots one you, ist you?
Glo. Will you to the doore you foole? and bar the gate,
Holde ther's an angell for you broaken pate;
If any knocke let them not in in haste.
Bloc. Well Ile doe as I see cause, blood thou art deare to me, but heere's a soveraigne plaister for the sore: golde healeth wounds, golde easeth heartes: what can a man have more?
La. Deare brother, tell us how you made escape?
Glo. You see I am hear, but if you would knowe how:
I cannot scape and tell the manner too,
By this I knowe your howse is compassed
With hel-hound search.
La. Brother Ile furnish you with beard & hayre, and
Garments like my husband, how like you that?
Exit. Lady
Glo. Well, when I have them: quickly then dispatch: sblood turne gray beard and hayre?
Robyn conceale, this dyeteth my minde,
Myrth is the object of my humorous spleane,
Thou high commaunding furie! further device,
Jests are conceated, I long to see their birth,
What come ye sister? Robyn a theeves hand,
But prethee where hadst thou this beard and haire?
La. Prince Richard wore them hether in a maske,
Glo. Saist thou me so, faith love the Princely youth,
Tut you must tast stolne pleasure now and than,
Rob. But if she steale and Jelious eyes espie:
She will be sure condemnd of Burglary,
Glo. Ha crake? can you low stumps venter so deep
Into affections streame? go to you wanton.
What want we now? my nightcap, O tis heare,
So now no Gloster, but olde Faukenbridge,
Harke, the search knockes, ile let them in my selfe;
Welcome good fellowe; ha, what ist you lacke?
Enter Redcap with another.
Red. Ma master Co constable, se se search you th that way, a and you ho honest man th that way. Ile ru run th this way m my owne se selfe.
They dispearse themselves.
Glo. What search you for? what is it you would have?
Enter Blocke.
Blo. Madam, what shall I doe to these brown-bill fellowes? some runne into the wine seller, some heere, some there.
Glo. Let them alone, let them search their filles.
Block. Ile looke to their fingers for all that.
Glo. Doe so good Blocke, be carefull honest Blocke.
B. Sir stammerer & your wa watch, y'are pa past ifaith.
Gl. Will you not speake knaves, tel me who you seeke?
Red. Ma mary sir we s seeke a va va vacabond, a fu fugative. my La Ladies owne b brother; but and hee were the po po Popes owne b brother, I would s search f f for him; for I have a p poore father r ready to be ha ha hang'd f f for him.
Glo. O tis for Gloster! mary search a gods name,
Seeke peace, will he breake prison too?
It's pitty he should live, nay I defye him.
Come looke about, seach every little corner,
My selfe will lead the way, pray you come,
Seeke, seeke, and spare not, though it be labour lost:
He comes not under my roofe, heare ye wife,
He comes not hyther, take it for a warning.
Red. You sp sp speake like an honest ge ge Gentleman, re re rest you me me mery, co co come my f f friends, I be beleeve h h he r ran by the g g garden w wall toward the wa water side.
Exeunt running.
Glo. This fellow is of the humour I would chuse my wife,
Few words and many paces, a word and a way, and so
Must I: Sister adieu, pray you for me, Ile do the like for you.
Robin farewell, commend me to the Prince.
La. Can ye not stay heere safe?
Glo. No, Ile not trust the changing humours of olde Faukenbridge,
Adieu yong Earle, Sister lets kisse and part;
Tush, neere mourne, I have a merry hart.
La. Farewell all comfort.
Ro. What weeping Lady?
Then I perceive you have forgot Blacke-heath.
La. No, there Ile learne both of his life and death.
Ro. Till Munday Madam I must take my leave.
La. You will not misse then:
Rob. Nay, if Robin faile yee, let him have never favour of faire Lady.
La. Meane while Ile spend my time in prayers & teares,
That Gloster may escape these threatned feares.
Exit. Enter Skinke like Prince John.
Skin. Thus jets my noble Skinke along the streetes,
To whom each bonnet vailes, and all knees bend;
And yet my noble humour is too light,
By the sixe shillings: heere are two crackt groates
To helter skelter, at some vawting house.
But who comes yonder? ha, olde Faukenbridge?
Hath a brave chaine, were John and he good friends,
That chaine were mine, and should unto Black-heath.
Ile venture, it's but tryal, lucke may fall.
Good morrow good sir Richard Faukenbridge.
Fau. Good morrow my sweet Prince, harty good morrow,
This greeting wel becomes us, marry does it;
Betterwis then strife and Jangling.
Now can I love ye, wil ye to the Shiriffes?
Your brother Richard hath beene there this houre.
Skin. Yes I am plodding forward as you doe;
What cost your chaine? it's passing strongly wrought,
I would my Gold-smith had a patterne of it.
Fau. Tis at your graces service, shew it him.
Skin. Then dare ye trust me?
Fau. Who the Princely John?
My Soveraignes sonne, why what a question's that?
Ile leave you, yee may know I dare trust you.
Ski. Ile bring't ye to the Shiriffes, excuse my absence.
Fau. I wil my noble Lord, adieu sweet Prince.
Skin. Why so, this breakfast was wel fed upon,
When Skinkes devises on Black-heath doo faile,
This and such cheates, would set me under saile.
Ile to the water side, would it were later,
For stil I am afraide to meete Prince John.
Enter Gloster like Faukenbridge.
But what a mischiefe meant Faukenbridge
To come againe so soone? that way he went,
And now comes peaking; upon my life
The buzzard hath me in suspicion,
But whatsover chaunce, Ile filch a share.
Glo. Yonder's Prince John I hope he cannot know me,
Ther's naught but Gloster Gloster in their mouthes;
I am halfe strangled with the Garlicke breath,
Of rascals that exclaimes as I passe by,
Gloster is fled, once taken he must dye.
But Ile to John, how does my gratious Lord?
What tattles humour now? what newes of Gloster?
Skin. What newes could I heare since you left me last?
Were you not heere even now? lent me your chaine,
I thinke you dote.
Glo. Sweet Prince, age, age forgets, my brothers chaine? a pretty accident,
Ile have't and be but in the spight of John.
Skin.Ther's more, and more, Ile geld it eare I go.
He breaks the chaine.
This same shal keep me in some Taverne merry,
Til nights blacke hand curtaine this to cleare sky.
Fau. My sweet Prince, I have some cause to use my chaine,
Another time (when ere your Lordship please)
Tis at your service, o mary God it is.
Skin. Heere palsie, take your chaine, stoop and be hang'd,
Yet the fish nibled, when she might not swallow;
Gout I have curtall'd what I could not borrow.
Glo. He's gone away in frets, would he might meete
My brother Faukenbridge in this mad moode,
There would be rare adoe; Why this fits me,
My braine flowes with fresh wit and pollicy.
But Gloster looke about, who have we yonder?
Another John Prince, Richard and the Shiriffe?
Upon my life, the slave that had the chaine,
Was Skinke, escapt the Fleete by some mad sleight,
Wel, farwel he, better and better still,
These seeke for me, yet I wil have my will.
Jo. Shiriffe, in any case be diligent.
Whose yonder, Faukenbridge?
Glo. How now sweet chucke, how fares my lovely Prince?
Jo. What carest thou? or wel, or ill, we crave no help of thee.
Glo. Gods mother doe you scorne me?
Jo. Gout, what then?
Rich. Fye, leave these idle bravles, I prethee John
Lets follow that we are injoyn'd unto.
Glo. I mary Prince, if now you slip the time,
Gloster wil slip away; tut though he hate me
I have done sevice, I have found him out.
Ric. A shame confound thee for thy treachery,
Inconstant dotard, tymerous olde asse,
That shakes with cowardise not with yeares.
Glo. Goe, I have found him, I have winded him.
Jo. O let me hug thee gentle Faukenbridge,
Forgive my oft ill using of thine age,
Ile call thee Father, ile be penitent,
Bring me where Gloster is Ile be thy slave,
All that is mine, thou in reward shalt have.
Glo. Soft, not too hasty, I would not be seene in't,
Mary a god my wife would chide me dead,
If Gloster by my meanes should loose his head.
Princely Richard at this corner make your stand:
And for I know you love my sister well,
Know I am Gloster and not Faukenbridge.
Ric. Heaven prosper thee sweet Prince in thy escape.
Glo. Shiriffe, make this your quarter, make good guard,
John, stay you heere, this way he meanes to turne,
By Thomas I lacke a swoord, body a me.
Jo. What wouldst thou with a swoord olde Faukenbridge?
Glo. O sir to make shew in his defence,
For I have left him yonder at a house
A friends of mine, an honest Cittizen.
Jo. Wee'll fetch him thence.
Glo. Nay then you injure me, stay till he come; he's in a russet cloake
And must attend me like a Servingman.
Jo. Holde ther's my swoord, and with my swoord my heart,
Bring him for Godsake, and for thy desert,
My brother King and mother Queene shall love thee.
Glo. Marke me good Prince, yonder away we come,
I goe afore and Gloster followes me;
Let not the Shiriffe nor Richard meddle with us,
Begin you first, seaze Gloster and arrest him;
Ile draw and lay about me heere and heere,
Be heedfull and your watchmen hurt me not,
Jo. Ile hang him that doth hurt thee, prethee away,
I love thee, but thou kilst me with delay.
Glo. Wel keep close watch, ile bring him presently.
Jo. Away then quickly.
Gl. Gloster, close master Shiriffe, Prince Richard,
Ri. Gloster adieu.
Glo. I trust you.
Rich. By my Knight-hood Ile proove true.
Exit Gloster.
Joh. Revenge, Ile build a Temple to your name;
And the first offring shal be Glosters head,
Thy Alters shal be sprinkled with the bloud,
Whose wanton current his mad humour fed;
He was a rymer and a Ridler,
A scoffer at my mother, prays'd my father,
Ile fit him now for al, escape and all.
Ric. Take heede spight burst not in his proper gall.
Enter Faukenbridge and Blocke.
Jo. How now, what way tooke Faukenbridge I wonder?
That is not Gloster sure that attends on him.
Fau. He came not at the Shiriffes by the morrow masse,
I sought the Goldsmithes rowe and found him not;
Sirra, y'are sure he sent not home my chaine?
Blo. Who should send your chaine sir?
Fau. The Prince, Prince John I lent it him to day.
Jo. What's this they talke?
Bloc. By my truth Sir, and ye lent it him, I thinke you may goe look it: for one of the Drawers of the Salutation tolde me even now, that he had tooke up a chamber there till evening, and then he will away to Kent.
Fau. Body of me, he meanes to spend my chaine,
Come Blocke Ile to him.
Joh. Heare you Faukenbridge?
Fau. Why what a knave art thou? younders Prince John.
Bl. Then the Drawer's a knave, he told me Prince John was at the Salutation.
Jo. Wheres Gloster Faukenbridge?
Fau. Sweet Prince I knowe not.
Joh. Come, jest not with me, tell me where he is?
Fau. I never saw him since the Parlament.
Jo. Impudent lyar, didst thou not even now
Say thou woldst fetch him? hadst thou not my sword?
Fau. Wert thou a King, I will not beare the lye,
Thy sword? no boy, thou seest this sword is myne.
Blo. My Master a lyer? Zounds wert thou a potentate,
Fau. I scorne to weare thy armes untutred childe,
I fetch thee Gloster? shamelesse did I see thee
Since as I went this morning to the Siriffes,
Thou borrowedst my gold chaine?
Jo. Thy chaine?
Fau. I hope thou wilt not cheate me princkocks John.
Jo. Ile cheat thee of thy life if thou charge me
With any chaine.
Fau. Come, let him come I pray, Ile whip yee boy, Ile teach you to out face.
Blo. Come, come, come, but one at once, ye dasterds come
Rich. Keepe the Kings peace, I see you are both deceav'd,
He that was last heare, was not Faukenbridge.
Fau. They slaunder me, who sayes that I was heare?
Ric. Wee doe beleeve ye sir; nor doe you thinke
My brother John deceiv'd you of a chayne.
Fau. He did, I did deliver it with this hand.
Joh. Ile dye upon the slanderer,
Fau. Let the boy come.
Blo. I, let him come, let him come.
Ric. Fellow, thou spakst even now, as if Prince John
Had byn at some olde Taverne in the towne.
Blo. I sir, I came up now, but from the Salutation,
And a drawer that doth not use to lye, tolde me
Prince John hath byn there all this after noone.
Joh. The Devill in my likenesse then is there.
Fau. The Devill in thy likenesse or thy selfe,
Had my gold chaine.
Joh. Thou art the Devill, for thou
Hadst my good sword, all these can witnesse it.
Fau. Gods Mother thou bely'st mee.
Jo. Give me the lye?
Rich. Nay calme this fury, lets down to the Taverne,
Or one, or both, these counterfeites are there.
Fau. I know him well enough that had my chaine,
And there be two Johns, if I finde one there,
BerLady, I will lay him fast.
Rich.It is this Skinke that mockes us I beleeve.
Joh. Alas poor Skink it is the Devill Gloster;
Who if I be so happy once to finde,
Ile give contentment, to his troubled minde.
Rich. I hope he's far enough, and free enough:
Yet these conseytes I know delight his soule.
Fau. Followe me Blocke, follow me honest Blocke.
Blo. Much follow you, I have another peece of worke in hand; I heare say Redcaps father shall bee hanged this after noone, Ile see him slip a string though I give my service the slip; beside my Lady bad me heare his examination at his death: Ile get a good place, and pen it word for word, and as I like it, set out a moornefull Dittie to the tune of Labandalashot, or rowe well ye Marriners, or somwhat as my muse shall me invoke.
Exit. Enter Gloster like Faukenbridge with a Pursevant, Gloster having a paper in his hand, the Pursevant bare.
Glo. A charytable deed, God blesse the King,
He shall be then repreeved.
Pur. I sir, some day or two, till the young King and Prince John chaunge it, especially if the good Earle bee not found which God forbid.
Glo. What house is this that wee are stept into a read this warrant in?
Pur. A Taverne sir, the Salutation.
Glo. A Taverne? then I will turne prodigall,
Call for a pint of Sacke good fellow.
Pur. Drawer?
Dra. Anan sir.
Glo. A pint of thy best Sacke my pretty youth.
Dra. God blesse your worship sir, ye shal have the best in London sir.
Gl. What knowst thou me? knowst thou old Faukenbridge? I am no Taverne hunter I can tell thee.
Draw. But my Master hath taken many a faire pound of your man Blocke; he was heere to day sir, and fild two bottom of nippitate sacke.
Glo. Well, fill us of your nippitate sir,
This is well chauncst, but heere ye boy?
Bring Suger in white paper, not in browne;
For in white paper I have heere a tricke,
Shall make the Pursevant first swound, then sicke.
Thou honest fellow what's thy name?
Pur. My name is Winterborne sir.
Glo. What countryman I prethee?
Pur. Barkeshire and please ye.
Gl. How long hast thou bin sworne a messenger?
Pur. But yesterday and please your worship,
This is the First imployment I have had.
Enter Drawer with wine and Suger.
Glo. A good beginning, heere have too thee fellow;
Thou art my fellow now thou servest the King,
Nay take Suger too, Gods Lady deere,
I put it in my pocket, but it's heere:
Drinke a good draught I prethee Winterborne.
He drinkes and falles over the stoole.
Dra. O Lord Sir Richard, the man, the man.
Glo. What a forgetfull beast am I? peace boy,
It is his fashion ever when he drinkes.
Fellow he hath the falling sickenes,
Run fetch two cushions to rayse up his head,
And bring a little Key to ope his teeth.
Exit Drawer.
Pursevant, your warrant and your boxe,
These must with me, the shape of Faukenbridge
Will holde no longer water heere about.
Gloster wil be a proteus every houre,
That Elinor and Leyster, Henry, John,
And all that rabble of hate loving curres,
May minister me more mirth to play upon.
Enter Drawer.
Dra. Heer's a key sir, and one of our folke to help.
Glo. No matter for a key, help him but in,
And lay him by the fire a little while,
He'll wake immediatly, but be hart sicke,
Ther's money for a candle and thy wine,
Ile goe but up unto your Aldermans,
And come downe presently to comfort him.
Within Ski. Drawer? what Drawer? with a vengeance Dra.
Within Dra. Speake in the Crowne there.
Enter Skinke like Prince John.
Skin. They be come, the devill crowne yee one by one,
Skinke tho'art betraide, that master Faukenbridge
Missing some of his chaine, hath got thee dog'd.
Drawer? what Drawer?
Dra. Anan, anan sir.
Ski. Was not sir Richard Faukenbridge below?
Dra. Yes and please yee.
Skin. It does not please me wel, knowes he that I am heer?
Dra. No I protest.
Ski. Come hether sirra, I have little money,
But ther's some few linkes of a chayne of golde:
Upon your honesty knowes not sir Richard,
That I am heere?
Dra. No by my holydam.
Skin. Who's that was with him?
Dra. Why a Persevant.
Skin. Where is sir Richard?
Dra. At the Aldermans.
Skin. A Pursevant and at the Aldermans.
What Pyg, or Goose, or Capon have you kill'd,
Within your Kitchin new?
Dra. A pyg new stickt.
Skin. Fetch me a sawcer of the bloud, quicke run;
Ile fit the Pursevant, and Alderman,
And Faukenbridge, if Skinke have any wit.
Well Gloster, I did never love thee yet,
But th'art the maddest Lord that ere I met,
If I scape this, and meete thee once againe,
Cursse Skinke, if he dye penny in thy det.
Enter Drawer.
Dra. O my Lord the house is full of holberts, and a great many Gentlemen aske for the roome where Prince John is?
Skin. Lend me thy Aprone, runne and fetch a pot from the next roome.
Betray'd, swounds betray'd, by gout, by palsie, by dropsie;
O brave boy, excellent bloud: up, take my cloake
And my hat to thy share, when I come from Kent, ile pay
Thee like a King.
Dra. I thanke thee my Lord.
Exit. Enter John, Richard, Faukenbridge, Shiriffes and Officers.
Ski. Now fortune help or never: they come, and yee were a Prince as yee say ye are, yee would bee ashamed to abuse a poore servant thus, but and if you were not of the bloud Royall, Ide breake the necke of yee downe the stayres, so would I, Ide teach you to hurt prentises.
Ri. Who hurt thee fellow?
Skin. Prince devill or his dam, Prince John they call him.
Joh. Gloster I hope.
Ri. I doubt not but it's Skinke.
Jo. Where is he?
Skin. Up them stayres, take heede of him.
He's in the Crowne.
Fau. Alas poor fellow, he hath crown'd thee shrewdly.
Jo. In recompence, if it be him I seeke,
Ile give thee his whole head to tread upon.
Follow me brother, come olde Faukenbridge,
Keep the stayres Shiriffes, you see it waxeth darke,
Take heede he slip not by you.
Ski. Hange your selves, this darkenes shal convay me out of doors
Ile swim the Thames, but Ile attaine Black-heath,
London farewell, curse John, rave Faukenbridge,
Skinke scapes you all by twylights privyledge.
Within. Where is he? lights, bring lights, drag out that boy.
Enter all with the boy.
Jo. This is my cloke, my hat, my rapier,
And eyther it was Skinke or Gloster.
Dra. I know not who twas sir, he said he was Prince John, he tooke away my aprone and a pottle pot with him, and al to bloudied his head and face.
Fau. We met him, by S. Anthony, we met him.
Jo. The fire of S. Anthony confound
This changing counterfeit whatsover he be.
Rich. It makes me laugh at envious greedines,
Who feedes upon her owne harts bitternes.
Joh. Sirra you that were borne to cry anan,
What other copesmates have you in the house?
Draw. Sir, my Maisters gesse be none of my copesmates,
Jo. Well your gesse, can ye gesse who they be?
Draw. Marry heere's a pursevant, that this Gentleman sir
Richard Faukenbridge left sick even now.
Fau. Marry of God dyd I, thou lying knave?
Dra. I am a poore boy sir, your worship may say your pleasure, our maides have had a foule hand with him, you said he would be sicke: so he is with a witnesse.
Joh. Looke about Faukenbridge, heere's worke for you,
You have some evill Angell in your shape,
Goe sirra, bring us foorth that Pursevant?
Enter two leading the Pursevant sicke.
Rich. Gloster, thou wilt be too too venterous,
Thou doost delight in those odde humours so,
That much I feare they'll be thy overthrowe.
Pur. O O O not too fast; O I am sicke, O very sicke.
Joh. What picture of the pestilence is this?
Purs. A poore man sir, a poore man sir: downe I pray yee, I pray let me sit downe. A sir Richard, sir Richard, a good sir Richard: what have I deserv'd to be thus dealt with all at your worships hands? a ha, ah, ah.
Fau. At my hands knave? at my hands paltry knave?
Dra. And I should be brought to my booke oath sir:
Within. What Jeffrey?
Dra. Anan, anan.
Joh. A plague upon your Jeffring, is your name Jeffrey?
Dra. I and't please you sir.
Rich. Why gentle Jeffrey then stay you awhile,
What can you say, if you come to your booke?
Dra. If I bee pos'd upon a booke sir, though I bee a poore prentise, I must speake the truth, & nothing but the truth sir.
Jo. And what's your truth sir?
Pur. O, O my heart.
Dra. Mary sir this Knight, this man of worship.
Fau. Well, what of me? what did my worship doe?
Dra. Mary ye came into the Bel, out roome next the Barre, with this honest man as I take it.
Fau. As thou tak'st it?
Pur. O sir tis too true, too true, too true O Lord.
Dra. And there he call'd for a pint of Sacke, as good Sacke (Ile bee pos'd upon all the bookes that ever opened and shut) as any is in all Christendome.
Fau. Body of me, I come and call for Sacke?
Pur. O ye did, ye did, ye did, O O.
Joh. Well forward sirra.
Ric. Gloster hath done this jest.
Dra. And you call'd then for Suger sir, as good Suger and as wholsome, as ever came in any cup of Sacke: you drunke to this man, and you doe well God be thanked, but hee no sooner drunke:
Pur. But I, but I, but I, O my head, O my heart.
Rich. I cannot chuse but smile at these conseites.
Jo. I am mad, and yet I must laugh at Faukenbridge:
Brother, looke how sir Richard actes his rage?
Fau. I came? I call? the man is like to dye,
Practise by the masse, practise by the marry God,
John loves me not, Prince Richard loves my wife,
I shall be charg'd heere, for a poysoned knave,
Practise by th'Lord, practise I see it cleare.
Pur. And more Sir Richard, O Lord O Sir Richard,
Fa. What more? what hast thou more? what practise more?
Pur. O my box, my box, with the Kings armes, O my box,
O my box, it cost me, O Lord every penny O, my box,
Rich. And what of your box sir.
Dra. Mary sir it's lost, & tis wel knowne my Master keeps no theeves in his house, O there was none but you and he.
Fau. O then belike thou thinkest I had his box,
Pur. O sir Richard I will not, O Lord I will not charge you for all the world, but, but, but for the warrant the olde King signd to repreeve the Porter of the fleet, O God, O God!
Joh. The Porter of the Fleet, the olde king signd,
Pur. I my good Lord, oh, oh,
Jo. Is he repreived then?
Pur. No my Lord, O sir Richard tooke it from me with his owne hand, O.
Fau. Heeres a device to bring me in contempt
With the olde King, that I ever lov'd,
Princes and Shiriffe, you can witnesse with me,
That I have bin with you, this after noone,
Onely with you, with no body but you,
And now a fellow whome the King would save,
By a repreive, this fellow sayes is hang'd,
Jo. If thou hadst done it, Ide have justified it,
But Richard I conceipt this jest already,
This mad mate Skinke, this honest merry knave,
Meeting this Pursevant, and hearing tell
He had a warrant to repreeve a slave,
Whome we would hang: stole it away from him.
This is sure the Jest, upon my life it is,
Pur. O but my warrant, how shall I doe? O,
Ric. But looke about you, hot braind brother John,
And I beleeve you'l find it otherwise,
Gloster hath got the warrant in disguise,
And sav'd the fellow you fo faine would hang.
Jo. No, no, how say you M. Shiriffe, is he not hang'd?
Shi. My Lord, the gibbet was set up by noone
In the olde Bayly, and I charg'd my men,
If I returne not, though it were by Toarch light,
To see him executed ere they come.
Jo. I am greedy to heare newes.
Fau. Rob'd of my chaine, out-fac'd I had a swoord,
Accus'd of poysoning, cousonage, seeking bloud?
Not to be borne: it is untollerable.
Rich. Sir Richard, I prethee have some patience.
Fau. Ile to Blacke-heath, talke not of patience,
It is intollerable, not to be borne.
Jo. It is intollerable not to be borne,
A warrant brother, Faukenbridge a warrant?
Fau. I saw no warrant, I defie you all.
Jo. A slave, a Pursevant, one winter borne.
Fau. I care not for thee that winter borne.
Pur. O it is I sir, that's my warrant.
Jo. Ist you? you rogue, you drunkerd; ye are cheated,
And we are cheated of the prisoner,
Out dog, dog.
Pur. O o o o my Lord.
Exit and Drawer.
Shi. Have patience and we wil have a privy search.
Joh. Goe hang ye block-heads, get ye from my sight,
O would I were a Basiliske, to kill
These gleare ey'd villaines.
Shir. Come away let's leave him.
We have a warrant let him doe his worst.
Exeunt Shiriffes and Officers.
Fau. Ile to Blacke-heath, Ile to the holy Hermit,
There shall I knowe not onely these deceivers,
But how my wife playes fast and loose with Richard,
Ha, I shall fit them, Ile tickle them,
Ile doo't, Ile hence, Ile to the Heath amaine,
Joh. There shall I know, where this damned Gloster is,
Ile have the Devils rous'd to finde that Devill,
Or else Ile conjure the olde Conjurer.
Ile to Blacke-heath, and there with friends conspire,
But Ile have Glosters head my hearts desire.
Rich. Would mad Earle Robyn saw these humouristes.
Twol'd feed him fat with Laughter; O twould fit him,
Where ever he is, I knowe the bare consaite
Is better to him than his daintiest foode,
Well, and it fits mee well, now I have time,
To coort my Lady Faukenbridge at leysure,
Love I emplore thy aide faire Cipria,
Thou sea-borne mother at affections ring,
Shine brightly in thy sphere, that at my starre,
My plannet thou of all lights most beautious,
Be thou to my desires Auspitious.
Exit. Enter Robin Hood in the Lady Faukenbridges gowne, night attire on his head.
Rob. O for this Lady, was never poore Gentleman troubled with Gentlewoman as I am with my selfe, my Lady Faukenbridge hath fitted me a turne, heere I am visited with sleevelesse errands and with asking for this thing Madam and that thing Madam, that they make me almost mad in earnest. whoop heer's another Client.
Enter a Servingman.
Ser. Heer's my Lady Rawfords Page attends to speake with your Ladyship.
Rob. I pray ye bid her Lordships Page come into my
Ladyship: well Robin Hood, part with these pettycoates,
And cast these loose devices from thy backe,
Ile nere goe more untrust, never bee kercheft.
Never have this adoe, with what doe you lacke?
Enter Page.
Pag. Madam my Lady greets your honour kindely,
And sends you the first grapes of her young vine.
Rob. I am much indepted to her honour, thers an angel for you to drinke; set them up till after supper. Humphery, pray look about for Blocke. Humphery? trust mee I thinke the foole be lost.
Pa. No forsooth, Madam hee's upon the greene Jesting with a stammerer, one Redcap.
Rob. It is a lewd fellowe, pray bid him come in youth, Ile give him his welcome at the doore: commend me to your Lady, I pray ye hartily.
Exit Page
Humphery, I marvell where sir Richard is so late? truely, truely hee does not as beseemes a gentleman of his calling, pray let some goe foorth to meete him on the greene, and send in that blockehead Blocke.
Exit Humphery. Enter Redcap and Blocke after him.
Bloc. Wil ye tel tales ye asse, will ye?
Red. Ile te te tell your La La Lady or I would to g God we were ha hang'd else, as my fa father should have bin.
Rob. Now what's the matter there I pray you? what company have you there a gods name? where spend you the day I pray?
Bloc. Why where you gave me leave, at the gallows I was, no farther.
Red. A a and you be his La Lady, you are the La Lady Fau Faukenbridge, the Earle of glo Glosters sister.
Rob. I am so fellow.
Red. Y y your man b b Blocke heere, does no nothing but f f floute m me, a and cr cries r run Re Redcap ad s s see your f f father ha ha hang'd. I sh shal g go neere to m make m murder and he u use it.
Rob. Wel sirra, leave your mocking you were best, Ile bob your beetle head and if you mocke him.
Blo. He's run Redcap.
Red. La la law ma Madam.
Rob. Away ye saucy foole, goe waite within.
Blo. Run Redcap, run Redcap.
Rob. Art thou the Porters sonne, that was condemned about my brother Gloster?
Red. I g g God be with ye, I am the p p Porters son, I m must r run to s s seeke your b br brother.
Rob. Wel, drinke that fellow, if thou finde my brother bee not too violent, and Ile reward thee.
Red. I th th thanke ye h hartily, and I had not bin cousoned with Sk Skinke, I had no nee need of these ja jaunts, for Gl Gloster was s safe enough.
Enter Blocke and the Porter with his cloake muffled.
Blo. Ah farewel Redcap.
Red. Fa fare we wel and be ha hang.
Rob. You'll never leave your knavery, whose there more?
Blo. One Madam that hath commendations to you from your brother.
Rob. Commest thou from Gloster? thou art welcome friend
Blo. O it's one of the kindest Ladies (though she wil now & then have about with Block) that ever breath'd, and she had been in her mood now, Redcap would have made her such sp sp sport as't a pa pa past.
Rob. Wil you make sport and see who knockes againe?
Bl. Our gates are like an Anuile, from foure to ten, nothing but knicke a knocke upon't.
Rob. Wil you be gone sir? honest friend I am glad
My brother Gloster got thy liberty,
Whose flight was cause of thy captivity:
Nor shal there be in us such negligence,
Though thou have lost thy Office and thy house,
But we wil see thee better farre provided,
Than when thou wert porter in the Fleete.
Enter Blocke.
Blo. Madam your olde friend Prince Richard,
All alone, making mone, fetching many a greevous grone.
Rob. Prince Richard come so late? lights to his chamber,
Sirra, in any case say I am sicke.
Blo. Very sicke, sicke and like to dye: Ile sing it and you wil.
Ro. Away ye knave, tel him, in the morning
Ile humbly waite upon his excellence.
Blo. That's all his desire to have ye lowly and humble, and tis a courteous thing in a Lady.
Ro. Hence, or else ile set you hence: goe in good friend.
Come Lady Faukenbridge, it's time to come,
Robin can holde out no longer I see,
Hot wooers will be tempters presently.
Exit. Enter Skinke like a Hermit.
Ski. Now holy Skinke in thy religious weed,
Looke out for purchase, or thy wonted clyants:
Warrents quoth you, I was fairely warrented,
Young Robin Hood the Earle of Huntington,
Shall never fetch me more unto his Prince.
Enter Ladie Faukenbridge in Merchants wives attyre.
But pauca verba Skinke, a prize, a prize,
By th'mas a pretty girle, close Hermit close,
Ore-heare if thou canst, what she desires,
For so my cunning and my credit spreads.
La. See how affection armes my feeble strength,
To this so desperate journeying all alone,
While Robin Hood young Earle of Huntington,
Playes Lady Faukenbridge for me at home.
Ski. What mistery is this? the Lady Faukenbridge,
It's she, sweet fortune thou hast sent her wel,
I will intice this morcell to my Cell:
Her husband's jealious, I will give him cause,
As he beleeves, I hope it shall succeed;
Nay swounds it shal, she's mine in scorne of speed.
La. By this broad beaten path, it should appeare,
The holy Hermits Cave cannot be farre,
And if I erre not, this is he himselfe.
Ski. What honour'd tongue enquereth for the Hermit?
La. What honour'd tongue? Ski. I Lady Faukenbridge,
I know ye, and I know for what you come,
For Gloster and your husbands jealousie.
La. O thou, whose eye of contemplation,
Lookes through the windows of the highest heavens,
Resolve thy Hand-maide, where Earle Gloster lives:
And whether he shal live, and scape the hate,
Of proude young Henry and his brother John?
Ski. Ile have you first in, Ile tel you more anone.
Madam, they say bushes have eares and eyes,
And these are matters of great secrecy:
And you'll vouchsafe enter my holy Cell,
There what you long to know, ile quickely tell.
Enter John and Faukenbridge.
La. Stay heere are strangers.
Ski. A plague upon them, come they in the nicke,
To hinder Raynald of his Foxes tricke?
Jo. Good day olde Hermit.
Fau. So to you faire Dame.
Jo. By Elinors gray eye she's faire indeed;
Sweet heart come ye for holy benizons?
Hermit hast thou good custome with such Cliants?
I cannot blame your feates, your jugling trickes,
Plague juggle you.
La. Why cursse ye sacred worth?
Fau. Ill done in sooth my Lord, very ill done,
Wrong holines: a very pretty woman.
Mocke gravity; by the masse a cherry lippe,
A it's not wel done, deride a holy Hermit?
Joh. I have it in my purse shall make amends.
Ski. His purse and yours, shall make me some amends,
For hindring me this morning from the Lady;
For scaring me at Taverne yesternight,
For having backe your chaine, Ile fit you both.
Jo. Hermit, a word.
Fau. A word with you faire mistresse.
Jo. Where lye your devils that tel all your newes?
Would you would trouble them for halfe and houre,
To know what's become of traytor Gloster,
That in my cloathes brake prison in the Fleete?
Ski. No, it was Skinke.
Jo. Come olde foole yee dote.
Ski. But heare me.
Fau. Heare him Prince.
Jo. Swounds who heares you? Ile make your Lady graft ye for this worke: but to your tale sir.
Ski. Knowe thrise honour'd Prince, that Skinke did cousen Redcap of his cloathes.
Gloster did couzen Skinke, and so escapt.
Jo. Well done Faukenbridge?
Fau. My Lord, he tels you true.
Jo. You finde it on her lippes: but forward sir.
Ski. Twas Skinke in Glosters gowne, whome you did visit,
That playd at bowles and after stole your cloths,
While you went into the Lord Moortons chamber.
Jo. This savors of some truth,
Fau. Tis very like,
Joh. Well Faukenbridge by heaven Ile tell your wife,
Fau. She'l much beleeve you: you will come?
Tell me of my wife: this evening faile me not.
My wife quoth you: Ile send my wife from home,
Do, tell my wife prince John, by my deare mother,
I love her too too well to like another.
La. It seemes so fox, O what a world is this,
There most sinne raynes where least suspition is,
Fau. You'l come.
La. I will not faile, I warrant you,
Jo. Hermit is all this true,
Ski. Himselfe deliver not so much before ye sleepe,
Roote me from out the borders of this Realme.
Jo. Well by your leave sir Richard Faukenbridge,
Hence free from feare, you'l melt you'l melt olde man,
Fau. Nay take her to you, she is a shrow I warrant,
Ile to the holy Hermit, and inquire,
About my chaine, your sword, the Purservant
And other matters that I have to aske,
Ski. Your welcome good sir Richard,
Jo. Nay doe not stand on tearmes, I am fire, all life,
Nor never tell me that I have a wife.
I doe not meane to marry, ye think so,
But to be merry, you the manner knowe.
And you will have me, have me, poynt a meeting,
Ile be your true love, you shall be my sweeting,
If you deny to promise, this is plaine
Ile have my will eare you get home againe.
La. most gratious Lord.
Jo. Tut tell not me of grace I like no goodnes but a beautious face.
Be therefore breefe, give me your hand & sweare,
Or Ile away with you into the heath,
Neither shall Faukenbridge nor Hermit helpe,
And what I doe Ile answer well enough.
La. Why, then my Lord.
Jo. Nay do not stand on then,
But tell me when my Lord shall have you Lady,
Its presently, ile venter for a baby.
La. This night at stepney by my summer house,
There is a taverne which I sometime use,
When we from London come a gossoping,
It is the Hinde.
Jo. Give me thy pretty hand.
Thou'lt meet me at the Hinde, Ile by thy Roe,
La. One word's enough,
Joh. Suffice then be it so,
La. Ile fit my olde adulterer and your grace,
Ile send the Princesse thether in my place.
Fa. Prince John, Prince John, the Hermit teles me wonders.
He sayes it was Skinke that scapt us at the Taverne,
Skinke had my chaine: nay sure that Skinke did all.
Skin. I say goe but to yonder corner,
And ere the Sun be halfe an hower higher,
Ther will the theefe attempt a robery,
Jo. Who Skinke?
Fau. Will Skinke?
Ski. I Skinke upon my word.
Fau. Shal we goe seaze upon him good Prince John?
Jo. Nay we will have him that's no question.
And yet not hurte the honest rogue.
He'll helpe us well in quest of changeing Gloster,
Hermit farewell, Lady keepe your houre.
Fau. Adeiu olde Hermit: soone in th'evening Lasse,
La. Ile meet you both, and meet with both of you.
Father what answere doe you give to me?
Ski. Lady start downe I must into my cell,
Where I am curing of a man late hurt,
He drest, I must unto my Orizons,
In halfe an houre al wil be dispatcht,
And then I will attend your Ladyship.
La. At your best leasure father, O the life
That this thrise reverend Hermit leadeth heere.
How farre remote from mortall vanities,
Baites to the soule, enticements to the eye?
How farre is he unlike my lustfull Lord?
Who being given himselfe to be unchaste,
Thinke all men like himselfe, in their effects,
And injures me, that never had a thought,
To wrong the sacred rytes of spotlesse faith.
Enter Skinke with a patch on his face, and a Faulconers lure in his hand.
Ski. Hermit farewel, ile pay ye or speake with ye next time I see yee. Sweete mouse the Hermit bids you stay heere, he'll visit you anon. Now John and Faukenbridge, Ile match yee, and I doe not say Skinke's a wretch, a wren, a worme, when I have trickt them, Madam I will trimme you. Commodity is to be prefer'd before pleasure. About profit Skink, for crownes for crownes, that make the kingly thoughts.
La. I am assur'd that man's some murderer,
Good Father Hermit speake and comfort me,
Are ye at prayers good olde man? I pray ye speake,
What's heere a beard? a counterfeited hayre?
The Hermits portes? garments and his beades?
Jesus defend me I will fly this denne,
It's some theeves cave, no haunt for holy men.
What if the murderer, (as I ges him one)
Set on my husband, tush Prince John and hee
Are able to defend their noble selves,
How eare, I will not tarry, Ile away,
Least unto theft and rape, I proove a pray.
Exit. Enter Skinke Solus
Skin. Younder they are Ile fit them, heer's my ground:
Wa ha how, wa ha how, wa ha how?
Enters Faukenbridge.
Fau. I warrant ye my Lord some man's distrest.
Joh. Why man tis a Faulconer.
Fau. Mary of me good fellow, I did think thou hadst bin robd.
Ski. Rob'd, sir no, he that comes to rob me shal have a hard match on't, yet two good fellows had like to bin rob'd by one tall theefe, had not I stept in: abots on him, I lost a hauke by him, & yet I car'd not to send another after him, so I could find the theefe; and here about he is. I know he is squatted.
Fau. Sayst thou me so? we'l finde him by S. Mary.
An honest fellow, a good common wealths man.
Jo. There are caves heereabout good fellow, are there not?
Ski. Yes sir, tread the ground sir, & you shal heare their hollownes, this way sir this way.
Jo. Help Faukenbridge.
Fau. O help me good prince John.
Skin. Ile helpe you both, deliver sir deliver, Swounds linger not: Prince John put up your pursse, or ile throw ponniards downe upon your pate. Quickely, when? I am Skink that scapt ye yesternight, and fled the Fleete in your cloake, carrying mee cleane out of winde and raine. I broke the bonds and linkes that fettered your chaine amity, this cheate is mine: Farewel I cannot stay, sweet Prince, olde Knight, I thanke ye for this pray.
Fau. Gods mary mother, heer's a jest indeed,
We came to take, a theefe takes us:
Where are ye good my Lord?
Jo. No matter where, I thinke I was fore-spoken at ye teate,
This damn'd rogue serv'd me thus? Gloster and he
Upon my life conclude in villany.
He was not wont to plot these stratagems,
Lend me your hand a little, come away,
Let's to the Cell againe, perchaunce the Hermit
Is Skinke, and theefe, and Hermit al in one.
Fau. Mary a God then ten to one its so,
Wel thought on Princely John,
He had my chayne, no doubt he had your swoord.
Joh. If there be now no Hermit at the Cel,
Ile sweare by al the Saints its none but he.
Exeunt. Enter Gloster in the Hermits gowne, putting on the beard.
Glo. This accident hath hit thy humour Gloster,
From pursevant ile turne a Hermit now.
Sure he that keeps this Cell is a counterfeit,
Else what does he heere with false hayre and beard?
Well how so eare it be, Ile seeme to be
The holy Hermit: for such fame there is,
Of one accounted reverend on this heath.
Enter Skinke.
Ski. Ile faine unto my cell, to my faire Lady,
But John and Faukenbridge are at my heeles.
And some od mate is got into my gowne,
And walks devoutly like my counterfeite,
I cannot stay to question with you now,
I have another gowne, and all things fit,
These guests once rid, new mate? Ile bum, Ile marke you.
Gl. What's he a gods name? he is quickly gone,
I am for him, were he Robin-good fellow,
Whose yonder the Prince John and Faukenbridge?
I thinke they haunt me like my genii,
One good the other ill, by th'mas they prye
And looke uppon me but suspitiously.
Jo. This is not Skinke, the Hermit is not Skinke:
He is a learned reverend holy man.
Fau. He is he is a very godly man.
I warrant ye, he's at his booke at's prayers,
Wee should have tooke you, by my hollydam
Even for a very theefe.
Glo. Now God forfend such noblemen as you should gesse me so,
I never gave such cause for ought I knowe.
Joh. Yet thou didst tell us Skinke should doe a roberye,
Appoynted us the place, and there we found him,
Fau. And he felt us, for he hath rob'd us both.
Glo. He's a lewd fellow, but he shall be taken.
Jo. I had rather heere of Gloster then of him.
Glo. Gloster did cheat him, of the same golde chaine,
That deceiv'd Sir Richard Faukenbridge.
He got your sword Prince John: twa's he that savde
The porter, and beguil'd the Pursevant,
Joh. A vengaunce on him.
Glo. Doo not cursse good Prince, he's bad enough, twere better pray for him.
Jo. Ile kill thee, and thou bid me pray for him.
Ile fell woods, and ring thee round with fire,
Make thee an offring unto fierce revenge,
If thou have but a thought to pray for him.
Glo. I am bound to pray for all men, chefely christians.
Joh. Ha ha, for christians, thinkst thou he is one?
For men: hast thou opinion he is a man?
He that changes himselfe to sundry shapes,
Is he is christian? can he be a man?
O, Irreligious thoughts,
Glo. Why worthy Prince I saw him christened, dept into the font
Jo. Then nyne times like the northern laplanders,
He backward circled the sacred Font,
And nyne times backward sayd his Orisons,
As often curst the glorious hoast of heaven,
As many times invocke the fiends of hell,
And so turn'd witch, for Gloster is a witch.
Glo. Have patient Gentle Prince, he shall appeare,
Before your Kingly father speedily.
Jo. Shall he indeed? sweet comfort kisse thy cheeke,
Peace circle in thy aged honoured head,
When he is taken: Hermit I protest
Ile build thee up a chappell and a shrine:
Ile have thee worshipt, as a man devine,
Assure he shall come, and Skinke shall come.
Glo. I that same Skinke, I prethee send that Skinke,
Joh. Send both, and both as prisoners crimminate
Shall forfeite their last lives to Englands state,
Which way will Faukenbridge?
Fau. Over the water, and so with al speed I may to Stepney
Jo. I must to Stepney too, and revile, and be blith,
Olde winke at my mirth, t'may make amends,
So thou, and I, and our friends, may be friends,
Fau. Withall my heart, withall my heart Prince,
Olde Faukenbridge will waite uppon your grace,
Be good to Gloster for my Marrians sake,
And me and myne you shall your servants make,
Glo. Of that anon my pleasure being serv'd,
Gloster shall have what Gloster hath deserv'd.
Fau. Why, that's well said, adew good honest Hermit,
Jo. Hermit farwell, if I had my desire,
Ile make the world thy wonderous deeds admire,
Glo. Still good, still passing good, Gloster is still
Henryes true hate, foe to Johns froward will.
No more of that for them in better tyme,
If this same Hermit be an honest man,
He will protect me by this simple life,
If not I care not, Ile be ever Gloster,
Make him my foot stole if he be a slave,
For Basenesse over worth can have no power.
Robin bethinke thee, thou art come from Kings,
Then scorne to be slave to underlings,
Looke well about thee Lad and thou shalt see,
Them burst in envy that would injure thee.
Hermit Ile meet you in your Hermits gowne,
Honest, Ile love you: worse, Ile knocke you downe.
Exit. Enter Prince Richard with musicke.
Kinde friends, wee have troubled Lady Faukenbridge,
And eyther she's not willing to be seene,
Or els not well: or with our boldnesse greev'd,
To ease these I have brought you to this window,
Knowing your are in musicke excellent,
I have pend a ditty heere: and I desire
You would sing it for her love and my content,
Musi. With all my heart my Lord.
Enter Robin Hood like the Lady.
Rob. Your excellence forgets your Princely worth,
If I may humbly crave it at your hands,
Let me desire this musicke be dismist,
Ric. For beare I pray and with draw your selves.
Be not offended gratious Marrian,
Exeunt Musicke.
Under the upper heaven, nine goodly spheres,
Turne with a motion ever musicall,
In Pallaces of Kings, meliodious sounds,
Offer pleasures to ther soveraignes eares.
In Temples, milke white clothed queristors,
Sing sacred Anthemes bowing to the shrine,
And in the feelds whole quires of winged clarkes,
Salutes the morning bright and Christaline,
Then blame not me, you are my heaven, my Queene,
My saint, my comfort, brighter then the morne,
To you all musicke, and all praise is due.
For your delight you for delight was borne,
The world wold have no mirth, no joy, no day,
If from the world your beautie were away.
Rob. Fie on loves blasphemie and forgery,
To call that in, thats onely misery,
I that am wedded to suspitious age,
Solicited by your lascivious youth,
I that have one poore comforte living,
Gloster my brother, my hie harted brother,
He flies for feare, least he should faint and fall
Into the hands of hate tirannicall.
Ric. What would you I should doe?
Rob. I would full faine, my brother Gloster had his peace againe.
Ric. Shall love be my reward if I doe bring
A certaine token of his good estate,
And after pacyfie my brothers wrath?
Say you'l love, we'l be fortunate,
Rob. I will.
Rich. No more, I vow to dye unblest
If I performe not this inposed quest,
But one word Madam pray can you tell,
Where Huntington my ward is?
Rob. I was bold to send yong Robin Hood your noble ward
Upon some busines of import for me.
Ri. I am glad he is imployd in your affayres,
Farewell kinde faire, let one cloudy frowne
Shaddow the bright sunne of thy beauties light.
Be confident in this, ile finde thy brother,
Rayse power but we'l have peace, onely performe
Your gratious promise at my backe returne.
Rob. Wel, heer's my hand, Prince Richard that same night
Which secondeth the day of your returne,
Ile be your bedfellow, and from that houre
Forsweare the loathed bed of Faukenbridge:
Be speedy therefore, as you hope to speed.
Ric. O that I were as large wing'd as the winde,
Then should you see my expeditious will:
My most desire, adew, guesse by my haste,
Of your sweet promise the delicious taste.
Rob. Why so: I am rid of him by this devise,
He would else have tyred me with his sighes and and songs,
Enter Blocke.
But now I shall have ease, heere comes the Saint,
To whom such sute was made.
Bl.My Lady Gentlewoman is eve n heere in her privitye walke, Madam heer's the Marchants wife was heere yesterday would speake with yee; O I was somewhat bolde to bring her in.
Ro. Wel leave us sir; y'are welcome gentlewoman.
Blo. These women have no liberality in the world in them,
I never let in man to my Lady, but I am rewarded.
Rob. Please ye to walke sir? wherfore mumble ye?
La. Robin what newes? how hast thou done this night?
Ro. My Ladiship hath done my part, my taske,
Lyne all alone for lacke of company,
I might have had Prince Richard,
La. Was he heere?
Rob. He went away but now; I have bin lov'd & wood too simply,
God rid me of the woman once againe,
Ile not be tempted so for all the world,
Come, wil you to your chamber and uncase?
La. Nay keep my habit yet a little while,
Olde Faukenbridge is almost at the gate,
I met him at Black heath just at the Hermits,
And taking me to be a Merchants wife,
Fell mightily in love, gave me his ring,
Made me protest that I would meete him heere.
I tolde him of his Lady, O tut quoth he,
Ile shake her up, ile packe her out of sight,
He comes kinde Robin Hood, holde up the jest.
Enter Sir Rich. Faukenbridge and Blocke.
Fau. Gods mary knave, how long hath she bin heere?
Blo. Sir she came but even in afore you.
Fa. A cunning queane, a very cunning queane,
Go to your busines Block, ile meete with her.
Blo. Ah old Muttonmounger I beleeve heer's worke towards.
Fau. Doe not beleeve her Mall, doe not beleeve her:
I onely spake a word or two in jest,
But would not for the world have bin so mad,
Doe not beleeve her Mall, doe not beleeve her:
Rob. What should I not beleeve? what doe you mean?
La. Why good Sir Richard, let me speake with you,
Alas wil you undoe me? wil you shame me?
Is this your promise? came I heere for this?
To be a laughing stocke unto your Lady
Rob. How now Sir Richard, what's the matter there?
Fa. I talke with you anon, come hyther woman?
Didst not tel my wife what match we made:?
La. Ile tel your wife? thinke ye I am such a beast?
Now God forgive ye, I am quite undone.
Fau. Peace duck, peace ducke, I warrant al is wel.
Rob.What's the matter? I pray ye sir Richard tell me?
Fau. Mary Mall thus, about some twelve months since,
Your brother Gloster, that mad prodigall,
Caus'd me to passe my word unto her husband,
For some two thousand pound: or more perchaunce,
No matter what it is, you shall not know,
Nay ye shal never aske to know.
Rob. And what of this?
Fau. Mary the man's decayde,
And I beleeve a little thing would please her;
A very little thing, a thing of nothing.
Goe in good Mall, and leave us two alone,
Ile deale with ye as simply as I can.
La. Fox looke about ye, ye are caught yfaith.
Rob. Deale with her simply, o ho; what kinde of dealing?
Can ye not deale with her and I be by?
Fau. Mary a God, what are ye jealous?
Ye teach me what to doe: in, get you in.
O I have heard Prince Richard was your guest,
How dealt you than? In get you in I say,
Must I take care about your brothers debts,
And you stand crossing me, in , or ile send you in.
Exit Robin.
Ha sirra, you'l be master, you'l weare the yellow,
You'l be an over-seer: mary shal yee.
La. Ye are too curst (methinkes sir) to your Lady;
Fau. Ah wench content thee, I must beare her hard,
Else she'l be priving into my dalliances:
I am an olde man sweet girle I must be merry,
All steele, al spright, keep in health by change,
Men may be wanton, wowen must not range.
La. You have given good consel sir, ile repent me,
Heer's your ring, ile onely love my husband.
Fau. I meane not so, I thinke to day thou toldes me
Thy husband was an unthrift, and a bankrout,
And he be so, tut thou hast favour store,
Let the knave beg, beauty cannot be poore.
La. Indeed my husband is a bankrout,
Of faith, of love, of shame, of chastity,
Dotes upon other women more then me.
Fau. Ha doe he so? then give him tit for tat,
Have one so young and faire, and loves another,
He's worthy to be coockolded by the masse.
What is he olde or young?
La. About your age.
Fa. An old knave and cannot be content with such a peate,
Come to my closet girle, make much of me,
We'll appoint a meeting place some twise a weake,
And ile maintaine thee like a Lady, ha?
La. O but you'll forget me presently,
When you looke well upon your Ladies beauty.
Fau. Who upon her? why she is a very dowdy,
A dishclout, a foule Jipsie unto thee,
Come to my closset lasse, there take thy earnest
Of love, of pleasure and good maintenaunce.
La. I am very fearefull.
Fau. Come foole never feare I am Lord heare, who shall disturb as then?
Nay come, or by the rood Ile make you come,
La. Help Madam Faukenbridge for gods sake.
Enter Robin Hood and Blocke.
Fau. How now, what meanst?
La. Help Gentle Madam help,
Rob. How now what aylst thou?
Bloc. Nay and't be a woman, nere feare my master Madam
La. Why speakst thou not, what aylst thou?
Fau. Why nothing, by the rood nothing she ayls.
La. O Madam this vile man would have abused me,
And forcst me to his closset,
Rob. Ah olde cole, now looke about, you are catcht,
La. Call in your fellowes blocke,
Fa. Doe not thou knave,
La. Doe or Ile cracke your crowne,
Blo. Nay Ile doo't, I knowe she meanes to shame you.
Fau. Why Mall wilt thou beleeve this paultrie woman?
Huswife Ile have you whipt for slaundring me.
Ro. What Leacher, no she is an honest woman,
Her husband's well knowne, all the houshold knowes.
Blo. Heer's some now, to tell all the towne your mynd,
La. Before ye all I must sure complaine,
You see this wicked man, and ye all knowe
How oft he hath byn Jealous of my life,
Suspecting falshood being fasle himselfe;
Blo. O maister, O maister,
Fau. She slaunders me. she is a cousoning queane,
Fetch me the Constable, Ile have her punisht,
La. The Constable for me fie, fie upon ye.
Madam do you know this ring?
Rob. It is sir Richards.
Blo. O I, that's my masters too sure.
Fau. I mary, I did lend it to the false drab
To fetch some money for that bankrout knave
Her husband, that lyes prisoner in the Fleete.
La. My husband bankrout? my husband in the Fleete prisoner?
No, no, he is as good a man as you.
Rob. I that he is, and can spend pound for pound
With thee yfaith, wert richer then thou art,
I know the gentleman.
La. Nay Madam he is hard by, there must be Revelles at the Hinde to night;
Your copesmate there, Prince John.
Rob. Ther's a hot youth.
Bl. O, a fierce Gentleman.
La. He was fierce as you, but I have matcht him,
The Princesse shall be there in my attyre.
Fau. A plaguy crafty queane, mary a God
I see Prince John, coorted as well as I,
And since he shal be mockt as well as I,
Its some contentment.
Bl. Masse he droopes, fellow Humphrey, he is almost taken,
Looke about ye old Richard?
Fau. Hence knaves, get in a little, prethee Mall
Let thou and I and she, shut up this matter.
Rob. Away sirs, get in.
Bl. Come, come let's goe, he wil be baited now, farewel old Richard.
Rob. Now sir, what say you now?
Fa. Mary sweet Mall I say I met this woman, likt her, lov'd her,
For she is worthy love I promise thee;
I say I coorted her: tut make no braule
Twixt thou and I, we'l have amends for all.
Ro. Had I done such a tricke, what then? what then?
Fau. Ah prethee Mall, tut beare with men.
Rob. I, we must beare with you; you'l be excus'd
When women undeserved are abus'd.
Fau. Nay doe not weep, pardon me gentle Lady,
I know thee vertuous, and I doo protest,
Never to have an evill thought of thee.
Rob. I, I, ye sweare, who's that that will beleeve ye?
Fau. Now by my holydam and honest faith,
This Gentlewoman shall witnes what I sweare.
Sweet Ducke a little help me?
La. Trust him Madam.
Fau. I will be kinde, credulous, constant ever,
Doe what thou wilt, ile be suspitious never.
Ro. For which I thanke noble Faukenbridge.
Fau. Body of me who's this? yong Huntington?
La. And I your Lady whome you coorted last,
Ye lookt about you ill, foxe we have caught ye,
I met ye at Blacke heath, and ye were not.
Fau. I knew thee Mall, now by my swoord I knew thee,
I winkt at all, I laught at every jest.
Rob. I, he did winke, the blinde man had an eye.
Fa. Peace Robin, thou't once be a man as I.
La. Well, I must beare it all.
Fa. Come, & ye beare, its but your office, come forget sweet Mall.
La. I doe forgive it, and forget it sir.
Fa. Why that's well said, that's done like a good girle:
Ha sirra, ha you matcht me pretty Earle?
Rob. I have, ye see sir I must unto Blacke heath,
In quest of Richard, whom I sent to seeke
Earle Gloster out, I know he's at the Hermits;
Lend me your Coach; Ile shift me as I ride,
Farewell sir Richard.
Fau. Farewell Englands pride, by the mattins Mall it is a pretty childe;
Shall we goe meete John? shall we goe mocke the Prince?
La. We will.
Fa. O then we shall have sport anon,
Never weare yellow Mall, twas but a tricke,
Olde Faukenbridge wil stil be a mad Dicke.
Exeunt. Enter Redcap and Gloster.
Red. Doe ye s s say fa fa father Hermit, th that Gl Gloster is about this Heath?
Glo. He is upon this Heath, Sonne looke about it,
Run but the compasse, thou shalt finde him out,
Red. R r run? ile r run the co compasse of all k Kent but Ile f finde him out, my f f father (where ere hee layes his head) dare ne never co come home I know, t t till hee bee fo fo found.
Gl. Wel thou shalt find him, knowst thou who's a hunting?
Red. M m mary tis the Earles of La La Lancaster and Le Leyster. Fa fa farewell f father, and I finde Skink or Glo Gloster, Ile g g give thee the pr prise of a penny p p pudding for thy p paines.
Glo. Adew good friend: this is sure the fellow
I sent on message from Parlament.
The Porters sonne, he's still in quest of me,
And Skinke that cousoned him of his red cap.
Enter Richard like a Serving man.
But looke about thee Gloster, who comes yonder?
O a plaine servingman, & yet perhaps his bags are lyn'd,
And my pursse now growes thin: if he have any I must share with him.
Enter Skinke like a Hermit.
And who's on yond side? O it is my Hermit,
Hath got his other sute since I went foorth.
Ski. Sbloud yonder's company, ile backe againe,
Else I would be with you counterfeite,
Ile leave the rogue till opportunity,
But never eate till I have quit my wrong.
Ric. I saw two men attend like holy Hermits,
One's slipt away, the other at his beades,
Now Richard for the love of Marian,
Make thy inquiry where mad Gloster lives.
If England or the verge of Scotland holde him,
Ile seeke him thus disguis'd: if he be past
To any forraigne part; ile follow him.
Love thou art Lord of hearts, thy lawes are sweet,
In every troubled way, thou guidst our feete.
Lovers injoyn'd to passe the daungerous Sea
Of big swolne sorrow, in the Barke affection;
The windes and waves of woe need never feare,
While Love, the helme doth like a Pylate steare.
Glo. Heer's some lover come, a mischiefe on him,
I know not how to answere these mad fooles,
But ile be briefe, ile marre the Hermits tale;
Off gowne, holde Buckler, slice it bilbowe blade.
Ric. What's this? what should this meane? old man, good friend
Glo. Young foole deliver else see your end.
Ric. I thought thou hadst been holy and a Hermit.
Glo. What ere you thought, your pursse? come quickly sir?
Cast that upon the ground, and then conferre.
Ric. There it is.
Glo. Falles it so heavy? then my heart is light.
Ric. Thou't have a heavy heart before thou touch it,
Theft shrinde in holy weedes? stand to't y'are best.
Glo. And if I doe not, seeing such a pray,
Let this be to me a disaster day.
Ric. Art thou content to breath?
Fight & part once or twice.
Glo. With al my heart, take halfe thy money & we'l friendly part.
Ric. I will not cherish theft.
Glo. Then I defye thee.
Fight againe and breath.
Ric. Alas for pitty, that so stout a man,
So reverend in aspect, should take this course.
Glo. This is no common man with whom I fight,
And if he be, he is of wondrous spright,
Shall we part stakes?
Ric. Fellow take the pursse upon condition thou wilt follow me?
Glo. What waite on you? weare a turn'd Livery?
Whose man's your master? If I be your man,
My mans mans office will be excellent:
There lyes your pursse againe, win it and weare it.
Fight. Enter Robin Hood, they breath, offer againe.
Rob. Clashing of weapons at my welcome hyther?
Bickring upon Blacke-heathe, well said olde man,
Ile take thy side, the yonger hath the oddes.
Stay, end your quarell, or I promise ye
Ile take the olde mans part.
Ric. You were not wont yong Huntington, stil on Richards side
Rob. Pardon gratious Prince I knew ye not.
Gl. Prince Richard: then lye envy at his foote,
Pardon thy cousen Gloster, valiant Lord,
I knew no common force confronted myne,
O heaven I had the like conseite of thine.
Ric. I tell thee Robin Gloster thou art met,
Bringing such comfort unto Richards heart,
As in the foyle of warre when dust and sweat,
The thirst of weake, and the Sunnes fiery heate,
Have seazd uppon the soule of valiaunce,
And he must faint except he be refresht,
To me thou comst as if to him should come,
A perry from the North, whose frostie breath
Might fan him coolnesse in that doubt of death.
With me then meets, as he a spring might meet,
Cooling the earth under his toyle partcht feet,
Whose christall moysture in his Helmit taine,
Comforts his spyrits, makes him strong againe.
Glo. Prince, in short termes if you have brought me comfort
Know if I had my pardon in this hand
That smit base Skinke in open Parlament,
I would not come to Court, till the high feast
Of your proud brothers birth day be expyred,
For as the olde King as he made a vow
At his unluckie Coronation,
Must waite upon the boy and fill his cuppe,
And all the Pieres must kneele while Henry kneeles
Unto his cradle; he shall hang me up,
Eare I commit that vile Idolatrie.
But when the feast is past if you'll befrend me,
Ile come and brave my proud foes to their teeth,
Ric. Come Robin, and if my brothers grace denye,
Ile take thy parte, them and their threates defye,
Glo. Gramercy Princly Dicke,
Rob. I have some power, I can rayse two thousand Soldiers in an hower,
Glo. Gramercy Robin, gramercy little wag,
Prince Richard, pray let Huntington
Carry my sister Faukenbridge this ring,
Ric. Ile carry it my selfe, but I had rather
Had thy kinde company, thou mightest have mov'd
Thy Sister, whome I long have vainely lov'd,
Glo. I like her that she shunes temptation
Prince Richard, but I beare with doting lovers,
I should not take it well, that you urge me
To such an office: but I beare with you,
Love's blind and mad, hie to her boldly, try her;
But if I know she yeeld, faith Ile defie her,
Ric. I like thy honorable resolution,
Gloster I pray thee pardon my intreate,
Glo. its mens custome; part part Gentle Prince,
Farwell good Robin, this gold I will borrow,
Meet you at stepney pay you all to morrow,
Rob. A dew Gloster,
Gl. Farwell, be short; you gone, I hope to have a little sport
Ric. Take heed mad Cuz.
Gl. Tut tell not me of heed,
He that's too wray never hath good speed.
Hollowing within, Enter Lanc. with a broken staffe in his hand.
Whose this old Lancaster my honoured frend?
Lan. These knaves have serv'd me well, left me alone,
I have hunted fairely, lost my purse, my chaine,
My Jewels, and bin bangd hy a bold knave,
Clad in a Hermits gowne like an olde man,
O what a world is this?
Glo. Its ill my Lord.
Lan. Hee's come againe, O knave tis the worse for thee,
Keepe from me, be content with that thou hast,
And see thou flie this heath, for if I take thee,
Ile make thee to all theeves aspectacle,
Had my staffe held, thou hadst not scaped me so,
But come not neare me, follow not thou art best,
Holla, Earle Leyster, holla Huntsman hoe?
Glo. Uppon my life, old Lancaster a Hunting,
Hath met my fellow Hermit, could I meet him,
Ide play rob theese, at least part stakes with him.
Skin. Zounds he is yonder alone,
Enter Redcap with a cudgell.
Skinke now revenge thy selfe on yonder slave,
Znayles still prevented? this same Redcap rogue
Runs like hob-goblin up and downe the heath.
Red. Wh wh wh whope He Hermit, ye ha ha ma ma made Re Redcap run a fine co co compasse, ha have you not?
Ski. I made thee run?
Glo. Younders my evill Angell, were redcap gone, Gloster would conjure him.
Red. Je Je Jesus bl blesse me, whop to two Hermits? Ile ca ca caperclaw to to tone of yee, for mo mo mocking me, and I d d doo not ha ha hang me: wh wh which is the fa fa false k k k knave? for I am s s sure the olde He He Hermit wo would never mo mocke an honest man.
Glo. he is the counterfet he mockt thee fellow.
I did not see thee in my life before,
He weares my garments, and had coussoned me,
Red. Have you co co cousoned the he Hermit and m made Redcap run to no pu pu purpose?
Ski. No he's counterfet I will tell no lyes,
As sure as Skinke deceiv'd thee of thy clothes,
Sent thee to Kent, gave thee thy fare by water,
So sure hee's false, and I the perfet Hermit,
Glo. This villaines is a conjurer I doubt,
Were he the devill yet I would not budge,
Red. Si si sirra, you are the co countefeite, O this is the tr tr true He Hermit, sta sta stand still g good man at that, ile bu bumbast you yfaith, ile make you g give the olde m m man his gowne.
Offers to strike, Gloster trippes up his heeles, shifts Skinke into his place.
G g gods lid ye go good at that? ile cu cudgell yee f f for this tr tr tricke.
Ski. It was not I twas he that cast thee downe,
Red. You li li li lye you ra ra rascall you, I le left ye st standing he heare.
Ski. Zounds hold you stammerer, or Ile cut your stumps.
Gl. He's for me he's weapon'd, I like that.
Red. O heer's a ro ro rogue in ca ca carnat, help, mu murder murder.
Enter Lancaster & Huntsmen at one doore, Leyster & Huntsmen at another.
Lan. Lay holde upon that theevish counterfeit,
Ley. Why heares another Hermit Lancaster:
Glo. I am the Hermit sir, that wretched man
Doth many a robberie in my disguise:
Skin. Its he that robs, he slaunders me, he lies.
Lan. Which set on thee?
Red. Th this f f fellow has a s s sword and a buckler.
Lan. Search him; this is the theefe, o heares my purse,
My chaine, my Jewels: oh thou wicked wretch,
How darst thou under show of holines,
Commit such actions of impietie?
Bind him, Ile have him made a publicke scorne.
Ski. Lay holde upon that other hermit.
He is a counterfeit as well as I,
He stole those clothes from me, for I am Skinke,
Search him, I know him not, he is some slave.
Glo. Thou lyest base varlet.
Re. O g God he has a sword too, S Skink are you ca catcht?
Lan. Villaine thou shalt with me unto the Court.
Ley. And this with me, this is the traytor Gloster.
Glo. Thou lyest proud Leyster I am no traytor.
Re. G gloster? O b brave, now m my father sh shal be f free
Lan. Earle Gloster I am sorry thou art taken.
Glo. I am not taken yet, nor will I yeild
To any heare but noble Lancaster,
Let Skinke be Leysters prisoner Ile be thine.
Ley, Thou shalt be mine.
Gl. First through a crimson sluce, Ile send thy hated soule to those blacke fiendes
That long have hovered gaping for their parte,
When tyrant life should leave thy traytor heart.
Come Lancaster keep Skinke ile goe with thee,
Let loose the mad knave, for I prayse his shifts,
He shall not starte away, ile be his guide,
And with proude looks outface young Henries pride.
Ley. Looke to them Lancaster upon thy life.
Red. Well ile r r run and get a p pardon of the K K King, Gl Gloster and Skinke ta ta taken? O b b brave, r r run re Re Red ca cap a and ca ca cary the first n n newes to co co court.
Ley. Lancaster ile helpe to guarde them to the Court.
Lan. Doe as you please.
Glo. Leyster doe not come neare me, for if thou doe, thou shalt buy it dearely.
Ley. Ile have thy hand for this.
Glo. Not for thy heart.
Ski. Brave Earle, had Skinke knowne thou hadst been the Noble Gloster (whose mad trickes have made mee love thee) I would have dy'd Blacke heath red with the bloud of millions, ere we would have been taken; but what remedy, we are fast & must answere it like Gentlemen, like Souldiers, like resolutes.
Gl. I ye are a gallant, come olde Lancaster,
For thy sake will I goe; or else by heaven
Ide send some dozen of these slaves to hel.
Exeunt. Enter Prince Richard, Robert Hoode & Lady Faukenbridge.
La, Your travaile and your comfortable newes,
This Ring, the certaine signe you met with him,
Bindes me in duetyous love unto your grace:
But on my knees I fall, and humbly crave,
Importune that no more, you nere can have.
Ric. Nay then ye wrong me Lady Faukenbridge,
Did you not joyne your faire white hand?
Swore that ye would forsweare your husbands bed,
If I could but finde out Gloster?
La. I sweare so?
Ric. By heaven
Rob. Take heed, its a high oath my Lord.
Ric. What meanst thou Huntington?
Ro. To save your soule, I doe not love to have my friends forsworne,
She never promist that your urge her with.
Ric.Goe to, provoke me not.
Rob. I tell you true, twas I in her attyre that promist you,
She was gone unto the wizard at Blacke heath,
And there had suters more then a good many.
Ric. Was I deluded then?
La. No not deluded, but hindred from desire unchast and rude:
O let me wooe yee with the tougue of ruth,
Dewing your Princely hand with pitties teares,
That you would leave this most unlawful sute,
If ere we live till Faukenbridge be dead,
(As God defend his death I should desire)
Then if your highnes daine so base a match,
And holy lawes admit a mariage,
Considering our affinity in bloud,
I will become your Handmayde not your harlot.
That shame shall never dwell upon my brow.
Rob. Ifaith my Lord she's honorably resolv'd,
For shame no more, importune her no more.
Ri. Marian I see thy vertue, and commend it,
I know my error seeking thy dishonor,
But the respectlesse, reasonles commaund
Of my inflamed love, bids me still try,
And trample under foote all pietye.
Yet for I will not seeme too impyous,
Too inconsiderate of thy seeming griefe,
Vouchsafe to be my Mistris: use me kindely,
And I protest ile strive with all my power,
That luste himselfe may in his heate devour.
La. You are my servant then.
Ric. Thankes sacred Mistresse.
Ro. What am I?
La. You are my fellow Robert.
Enter Faukenbridge in his hose and dublet.
Fau. What Prince Richard? noble Huntington?
Welcome, yfaith welcome, by the morrow Masse
You are come as fitly as my heart can wish:
Prince John this night will be a Reveller,
He hath invited me and Marian.
Gods mary mother goe along with us,
Its but hard by, close by, at our towne Taverne.
Ric. Your Taverne?
Fau. O I I I tis his owne made match,
Ile make you laugh, ile make you laugh yfaith;
Come, come, he's ready, O come, come away.
La. But wher's the Princesse?
Fa. He's ready too, Block Bl. my man, must be her waiting man,
Nay wil ye goe? for gods sake let us goe.
Ri. Is the jest so? nay then let us away.
Rob. O twill allay his heate, make dead his fire.
Fau. Ye bob'd me first, ye first gave me my hyre,
But come agods name, Prince John stayes for us.
Rob. This is the word, ever at spend-thriftes feastes,
They are guld themselves, and scoft at by their guests.
Exit. Enter John.
Joh. Buffild and scoft, Skinke, Gloster, women, fooles, and boyes abuse me?
Ile be reveng'd,
Ric. Reveng'd, and why good childe?
Old Faukenbridge hath had a worser basting.
Fa. I, they have banded from chase to chase;
I have been their tennis ball, since I did coort,
Ric. Come John, take hand with vertuous Isabell,
And lets unto the Court like loving friends,
Our Kingly brothers birth daies feastivall,
And foorthwith to be kept, thether we'l hye,
And grace with pompe that great solemnity.
Jo. Whether ye wil, I care not where I goe:
If griefe wil grace it, ile adorne the shew.
Fa. Come Madam, we must thither, we are bound.
La. I am loath to see the Court, Gloster being from thence,
Or kneele to him that gave us this offence.
Fa. Body of me peace woman, I prethee peace.
Enter Redcap.
Red. Go go god ye, go god s speed ye,
Joh. Whether run you sir knave?
Red. R r run ye sir knave? why I r run to my La Lady Fa Faukenbridge, to te te tell her Sk Skinke and Gl Gloster is t taken, and are g g gone to the C C Court with L Lord Leyster, and L Lord la la Lancaster.
Jo. Is Gloster taken? thether will I flye
Upon wraths wings, not quiet til he dye.
Exit with Princesse
Rich. Is Gloster taken?
Red: I he is ta taken I wa warrant ye with a wi witnes,
Ric. Then will I to Court, & eyther set him free, or dye the death,
Follow me Faukenbridge, feare not faire Madam:
You said you had the Porter in your house,
Some of your servants bring him, on my life
One hayre shal not be taken from his head,
Nor he, nor you, nor Gloster injured.
Fa. Come Mall, and Richard say the word nere feare.
Ro. Madam, we have twenty thousand at our call,
The most, young Henry dares, is but to braule.
La: Pray God it proove so.
Ric: Follow Huntington: sir Rich. doe not faile to send the Porter.
Fa: Blocke, bring the Porter of the Fleete to Court.
Bl. I wil sir.
Red: The p p Porter of the fl fl Fleete to Court? what p p porter of the fl fl Fleete?
Blo. What Redcap, run redcap, wilt thou see thy father?
Red. My fa father? I that I w wold s see my f father, & there be a p porter in your ho house, its my f father.
Bl. Follow me Redcap then.
Red. And you were two to twenty b Blockes, ide f f follow ye s so I would, and r run to the co co court too, and k kneele before the k k King f f for his pa pardon.
Block within. Come away Redcap, run Redcap.
Red. I I I r r run as f f fast as I I ca ca can run I wa warrant yee.
Enter a Sinet, first two Herraldes, after them Leyster with a Scepter, Lancaster with a Crowne Imperiall on a cushion: After them Henry the elder bareheaded, bearing a swoord and a Globe: after him young Henry Crowned: Elinor the mother Queene Crowned: young Queene Crowned. Henry the elder places his Sonne, the two Queenes on eyther hand, himselfe at his feete, Leyster and Lancaster below him.
Hen. Herrald, fetch Lancaster and Leyster Coronets,
Suffer no Marquesse, Earle, nor Countesse enter,
Except their temples circled are in golde,
He delivers Coronets to Leyster and Lancaster.
Shew them our vize-roys: by our will controld
As at a coronation, every Peere
Appeares in all his pompe, so at this feast
Held for our birth-right, let them be adorn'd.
Let Gloster be brought in, crown'd like an Earle,
This day we'll have no parley of his death,
But talke of Jouisanes and gleefull mirth.
Let Skinke come in, give him a Barons seat,
High is his spirrit, his deserts are greate,
Kin. You wrong the honour of Nobilitie,
To place a robber in a Barons stead,
Quee. Its well ye tearme him not a murtherer.
Kin. Had I mistearmed him?
Quee. I that had you Henry.
He did a peece of Justice at my Bidding.
Kin. Who made you a Justice?
Hen. I that had the power.
Kin. You had none then.
Enter Gloster and Skinke.
Ley. Yes he was crowned before.
Hen. Why does not Gloster weare a Coronet?
Glo. Because his Soveraigne doth not weare a Crowne.
Hen. By heaven put on thy Coronet, or that heaven
Which now with a clear, lends us this light,
Shall not be courtain'd with the vaile of night,
Eare on thy head I clap a burning Crowne,
Of red hot Yron that shall seare thy braines.
Ri. Good Gloster Crowne thee with thy Coronet.
Lan. Doo gentle Earle.
Skin. Swounds doo, would I had one.
Qu. Doo not I prethee keepe thy proud heart still.
Glo. Ile weare it but to crosse thy froward will.
Hen. Sit downe and take thy place.
Glo. Its the low earth.
To her I must, from her I had my breath.
Hen. We are pleas'd thou shalt sit there, Skinke take thy place among my nobles.
Enter John and Isabell with Coronets.
Ski. Thankes to King Henries grace.
Jo. John Earle of Morton and of Notingham,
With Isabell his Countesse, bow themselves
Before their brother Henries Royall Throane.
Hen. Assend your seats live in our daily love.
Enter Richard, and Robert with Coronets.
Ric. Richard the Prince of England, with his Ward
The noble Robert Hood, Earle Huntington,
Present their service to your Majestie.
Hen. Y'are welcome too, though little be your love.
Enter Faukenbridge with his Lady, she a Coronet
Fa. Olde Richard Faukenbridge, Knight of the crosse,
Lord of the Cinque ports, with his noble wife
Dame Marrian Countesse of west Hereford,
Offer their duties at this Royall meeting.
Hen. Sit downe, thou art a newter, she a foe,
Thy love we doubt, her hart too well we know.
What sutors are without, let them come in.
Glo. And have no Justice where contempt is King.
Hen. Mad man I give no care to thy loose words.
Jo. O sir y'are welcome, you have your old seat.
Glo. Though thou sit hier yet my heart's as great.
Que. Great heart wee'll make you lesser by the head.
Glo. Ill comes not ever to the threatned.
Enter Blocke and Redcap.
Hen. What are you two?
Red. M m mary and't please you I am re re Redcap.
Hen. And what's your mate?
Blo. A poore Porter sir.
Joh. The Porter of the fleet that was condemned.
Blo. No truely sir I was Porter last, when I left
The doore open at the Taverne.
Jo. O ist you sir?
Ley. And what would you two have?
Red. I co co come to re re re qui quier the young K K King of his go goo goodnes, since Glo Gloster is t t taken, that he wo wo would let my fa fa father have his pa pa pardon.
Hen. Sirra your father has his pardon sign'd,
Go to the office it shall be delivered.
Red. And shall he be p p Porter a ga gaine?
Hen. I that he shall, but let him be advis'd
Heareafter, how lets out prisoners.
Red. I wa warrant ye my Lord.
Hen. What hast thou more to say?
Red. Marry I wo would have Skinke pu punisht for co co Cunnicatching me.
Ley. Is that your busines?
Red. I by my t t troth is it.
Hen. Then get away.
Glo. Against Skinke (poor knave)
Thou gets no right this day.
Blo. O but run backe Redcap for the Pursevant.
Red. O l Lord s sir, I have another s sute for the p p Pursevant, that has l l lost his b b box, and his wa wa warrant.
Hen. What meanes the fellow?
Red. Why the pu pu Pursevant sir and the po po Porter.
Glo. The box that I had from him, there it is.
Fau. Mary a me, and I was chargd with it.
Had you it brother Gloster? Gods good mercy,
Hen. And what have you to say?
Bl. Nothing sir but God blesse you, you are a goodly company, except sir William or my Lady wil command me any more service.
Fau. Away you prating knave, hence varlet, hence.
Ley. Put forth them fellowes there.
Red. A f fo fore I go goe I b b be s s seech you let Sk Skinke and gl Gloster be lo lo looked too, for they have p p playd the k k knaves to to to b b bad.
Hen. Take hence that stuttering fellow, shut them forth.
Red. Nay Ile ru ru run, faith you shall not n n need to b b b bid him ta ta take m me away, for re re Redcap will r ru run rarely.
Hen. The sundrie misdemeanors late committed,
As theftes and shifts in other mens disguise,
We now must (knave Skinke) freely tell thy faults.
Skin. Sweet King by these two terrors to myne enemies, that lend light to my bodies darknes: Cavilero Skinke being beleagerd with an hoste of leaden heeles, arm'd in ring Irish: cheated my hammerer of his Red cap and Coate; was surprised, brought to the fleet as a person suspected, past currant, till Gloster stript me from my counterfet, clad my backe in silke and my hart in sorrow, and so left me to the mercy of my mother witt: how Prince John releast me, he knowes: how I got Faukenbridges chaine, I know: but how he will get it againe, I know not.
Fau. Where is it sirra, tell me where it is?
Glo. I got it from him, and I got Johns sword,
Joh. I would twere to the hilts up in thy harte.
Ric. O be more charitable brother John.
Ley. My Leidge, you need not by perticulars
Examine what the world knows too plaine,
If you will pardon Skinke, his life is sav'd,
If not, he is convicted by the Law.
For Gloster: as you worthyly resovl'd,
First take his hand, and afterward his head.
Hen. Skinke thou hast life, our pardon and our love.
Ski. And your forgivenesse for my robbery?
Jo. Tut never trouble me with such a toy.
Thou hindrest me from hearing of my joye.
Hen. Bring forth a blocke, wine, water and towell,
Knives, and a Surgion to binde up the vaines,
Of Glosters arme: when his right hand is off,
His hand that strooke Skinke at the Parlament:
Sk. I shall beare his blowes to my grave my Lord.
Kin. Sonne Henry see thy fathers palzie hands,
Joyn'd like two supplyants, pressing to thy throwne?
Looke how the furrowes of his aged cheeke,
Fild with the revolets of wet eyde mone,
Begs mercy for Earle Gloster? weigh his gilt,
Why for a slave, should Royall blood be split?
Ski. You wrong myne honour: Skink may be reveng'd,
Hen. Father I doe commend your humble course.
But quite dislike the project of your sute,
Good words in an ill cause makes the fact worse,
Of blood or Basenes, Justice will dispute,
The greater man the greater his transgression,
Where strength wrongs weaknes, it is meare oppression,
La. O but King Henry heare a sister speake,
Gloster was wrong'd, his lands were given away,
They are not Justly said, Just lawes to break,
That keep their owne right, with what power they may,
Thinke then thy Royalle selfe began the wrong,
In giving Skinke what did to him belong.
Quee. Heare me Sonne Henry, while thou art a King,
Give, take, pryson, thy subjects are thy slaves,
Grace men to day, to morrowe give them graves.
A King must be like Fortune; ever turning,
The world his football, all her glory spurning.
Glo. Still your olde cousaile Beldam pollicie,
You'r a fit Tutresse in a Monarchy.
Rich. Mother you are unjust, savage, too cruell,
Unlike a woman: gentlenes guides their sexe,
But you to furyes fire ad more fewell,
The vexed spirit, will you delight to vex?
O God when I consaite what you have done,
I am a sham'd to be estem'd your sonne.
Jo. Base Richard I disdaine to call thee brother,
Takest thou a traytors part in our disgrace?
For Gloster, wilt thou wrong our sacred mother?
I scorne thee and defie thee to thy face.
O that we were in field, then shouldst thou trie,
Rob. How fast Earle John would from Prince Richard flye
Thou meet a Lyon in feeld? poor mouse,
All thy Carreers are in a Brothell house.
Joh. Zounds boy.
Rich. Now man:
Ley. Richard you wrong Prince John.
Ric. Leyster tweare Good you proov'd his Champion.
Jo. Hasten the execution Royall Lord,
Let deeds make answer for their worthlesse wordes.
Glo. I know if I respected hand or head,
I am encompassed with a world of frends,
And could from fury bee delivered.
But then my freedom hazards many lives.
Henry performe the utmost of thy hate,
Let thy hard harted mother have her wil,
Give Franticke John no longer cause to prate,
I am prepared for the worst of ill,
You see my knees kisse the could pavements face,
They are not bent to Henry nor his frends,
But to all you whose blood fled to your hearts,
Shewes your true sorrowe in your ashye cheekes:
To you I bend my knees, you I intreat,
To smile on Glosters Resolution.
Who ever loves me will not shed a teare,
Nor breath a sigh, nor show a cloudy frowne,
Looke Henry, heares my hand, I lay it downe,
And sweare as I have Knighthood heer't shall lye,
Till thou have used all thy tyranny.
La. Has no man heart to speake?
Glo. Let all that love me keepe silence, or by heaven Ile hate them dying.
Quee. Harry off with his hand, then with his head.
Fau. By the red rood I cannot chuse but weepe.
Come love or hate my teares I cannot keepe.
Que. When comes this lingring executioner?
Joh. An executioner: an executioner:
Hen. Call none till we have drunke: father fill wine,
To day your Office is to beare our cupp.
Ric. Ile fill it Henry.
K. kneele downe.
He. Dick you are too meane, so bow unto your soveraigne, Gloster learne:
Gl. Kneele to his childe? Oh hell! O tortor!
Who would love life, to see this huge dishonor?
Hen. Saturne kneel'd to his Sonne, the God was faine
To call young Jove his ages Soveraigne,
Take now your seate againe and weare your Crowne;
Now shineth Henry like the Middayes Sonne,
Through his Horizon, darting all his beames,
Blinding with his bright splendor every eye,
That stares against his face of Majesty.
The Commets, whose malicious gleames
Threatned the ruyne of our Royalty,
Stands at our mercy, yet our wrath denyes
All favour, but extreame extreamityes.
Gloster, have to thy sorrow, chase thy arme
That I may see thy bloud (I long'd for oft)
Gush from thy vaines, and staine this Pallace roofe.
Jo. Twould exceed gilding.
Quee. I as golde doth Oaker.
Glo. Its wel ye count my bloud so precious.
Hen. Leyster reach Gloster wine.
Ley. I reach it him?
Hen. Proude Earle ile spurne thee, quickely go & beare it
Glo. Ile count it poyson if his hand come neere it.
Hen. Give it him Leyster upon our displeasure.
Glo. Thus Gloster takes it, thus againe he flings it,
In scorne of him that sent it, and of him that brought it.
Ski. O brave spirit!
La. Bravely resolv'd brother, I honour thee.
Quee. Harke how his sister joyes in his abuse?
Wilt thou indure it Hall?
Fau. Peace good Marian.
Hen. Avoyde there every under Officer.
Leave but us, our Pieres and Ladyes heere.
Richard you love Earle Gloster: looke about
If you can spye one in this company,
That hath not done as great a sinne as Gloster;
Chuse him, let him be the executioner.
Ric. Thou hast done worse then, like rebellious head,
Hast arm'd ten thousand hands against his life
That lov'd thee so, as thou wert made a King,
Being his childe, now he's thy underling.
I have done worse: thrise I drew my swoord,
In three set battles for thy false defence.
John hath done worse, he still hath tooke thy part,
All of us three have smitte our fathers heart;
Which made proude Leyster bolde to strike his face,
To his eternall shame, and our disgrace.
Hen. Silence, I see thou meanst to find none fit.
I am sure, nor Lancaster, nor Huntington,
Nor Faukenbridge, will lay a hand on him.
Mother, wife, brother, lets descend the Throane
Where Henry is the Monarch of the West,
Hath set amongst his Princes dignified.
Father take you the place, see Justice.
Kin. Its injust Justice I must tell thee Sonne.
Hen. Mother holde you the Bason, you the Towell,
I know your French hearts thirst for English bloud;
John, take the Mallet, I will holde the knife,
And when I bid thee smite, strike for thy life:
Made a marke Surgion, Gloster now prepare thee.
Glo. Tut, I am ready, to thy worst I dare thee.
Hen. Then have I done my worst, thrise honoured Earle,
I doe imbrace thee in affections armes.
Quee. What meanes thou Henry? O what meanes my Son?
Hen. I meane no longer to be lullaby'd,
In your seditious armes.
Hen. wife. Mordieu Henry.
Hen: Mordieu nor devill, little tit of Fraunce,
I know your hart leapes, at our hearts mischaunce,
Jo. Swounds Henry thou art mad:
Hen. I have bin mad; what stampst thou John? knowst thou not who I am?
Come stamp the devill out, suckt from thy Dam.
Que. Ile cursse thee Henry.
Hen. You'r best be quiet, least where we finde you, to the
Tower we beare you,
For being abroad, England hath cause to feare yee.
Kin. I am strucke dome with wonder.
Glo. I amaz'd, imagine that I see a vizion.
Hen. Gloster, I give thee first this Skinke, this slave,
Its in thy power, his life to spill or save,
Skin. He's a noble gentleman, I doe not doubt his usage.
Hen. Stand not thus wondring, Princes kneele all downe,
And cast your Coronets before his Crowne.
Downe stubborne Queene, kneele to your wronged King,
Downe Mammet; Leyster ile cut of thy legs,
If thou delay thy duety: when proude John?
Jo. Nay if all kneele, of force I must be one.
Fau. Now by my holydom a vertuous deed.
Hen. Father you see your most rebellious sonne,
Striken with horror of his horred guilt,
Requesting sentence fitting his desart,
O treade upon his head, that trode your heart.
I doe deliver up all dignity,
Crowne, Scepter, swoord unto your Majesty.
Kin. My heart surfets with joy in hearing this.
And deare Sonne ile blesse thee with a kisse.
Hen. I will not rise, I will not leave this ground,
Till all these voyces joyned in one sound:
Cry, God save Henry second of that name,
Let his friends live, his foes see death with shame.
All. God save Henry second of that name,
Let his friends live, his foes see death with shame.
Hen. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Joh. Harke mother harke?
My brother is already turned Clarke.
Quee. He is a recreant, I am mad with rage.
Hen. Be angry at your envy gracious mother,
Learne patience and true humility
Of your worst tuter'd Sonne, for I am he.
Send hence that Frenchwoman, give her her dowry,
Let he not speake, to trouble my milde soule,
Which of this world hath taken her last leave:
And by her power, will my proude flesh controule.
Off with these silkes, my garments shall be gray,
My shirt hard hayre, my bed the ashey dust,
My pillow but a lumpe of hardned clay:
For clay I am, and unto clay I must,
O I beseech ye let me goe alone,
To live, where my loose life I may bemone.
Kin. Sonne?
Quee. Sonne?
Ric. Brother?
Jo. Brother?
Hen. Let none call me their Sonne, I am no mans brother,
My kindred is in heaven, I know no other,
Farewell, farewell, the world is yours, pray take it,
Ile leave vexation, and with joy forsake it.
La. Wondrous conversion.
Fau. Admirable good: now by my holydam Mall passing good.
Ric. H'ath fir'd my soule I will to Palestine,
And pay my vowes before the Sepulcher,
Among the multitude of misbeliefe.
Ile shew my selfe the Souldier of Christ,
Spend bloud, sweat teares, for satisfaction
Of many many sinnes which I lament:
And never thinke to have them pardoned,
Till I have part of Sirria conquered.
Glo. He makes me wonder, and inflames my spirits,
With an exceeding zeale in Portingale,
Which Kingdome the unchristned Sarisons,
The blacke fac'd Affricans, and tawny Moores,
Have got unjustly in possession:
Whence I will fire them with the help of heaven.
Ski. Skinke will scortch them brave Gloster
Make Carbonadoes of their Bacon fletches;
Deserve to be counted valiant by his valour,
And Ryou will he cry, and Castile too,
And wonders in the land of Civile doo.
Rob. O that I were a man to see these fights,
To spend my bloud amongst these worthy Knights.
Fa. Mary aye me, were I a boy againe,
Ide either to Jerusalem or Spaine.
Joh. Faith Ile keepe England, mother you and I
Will live, for all this fight and foolery.
Kin. Peace to us all, let's all for peace give prayse,
Unlookt for peace, unlookt for happy dayes.
Love Henries birth day, he hath bin new borne,
I am new crowned, new settled in my seate.
Lets' all to the Chappell, there give thankes and praise,
Beseeching grace from Heavens eternal Throne,
That England never know more Prince then one.
in order of appearance
his Servant
HENRY the Second, King of England.
Earl of CHESTER.
the Warden of the Fleet.
REDCAP, son to the porter of the Fleet.
a Constable of the Watch.
BLOCK, servant to Fauconbridge.
Lady FAUCONBRIDGE, sister to Gloucester.
the Porter of the Fleet.
Queen ELINOR, wife of King Henry.
a Pursuivant.
a Drawer.
a Sheriff.
HUMPHREY, servant to Fauconbridge.
a Page of Lady Rawford's.
the Wife of Prince Henry.
Two Heralds, Watch, Sheriffs, Officers, Huntsmen, Senet, Isabel wife of Prince John.
The name Humphrey, by which the servingman in sc. xi (ll. 1767-8) is addressed, is most likely that of the actor Humphrey Jeffes.
A pleasaunt Commodye
Looke about you.
EnterRobert Hood a young Noble-man, a servant with him, with ryding wandes in theyr handes, as if they had beene new lighted.
Robert. Goe, walke the horses, wayte me on the hill,
This is the Hermits Cell, goe out of sight:
My busines with him must not be reveal'd,
To any mortall creature but himselfe.
Serv. Ile waite your honour in the crosse high-way.
Rob. Doe so: Hermit devout and reverend,
If drousie age keepe not thy stiffened joyntes,
On thy unrestfull bed, or if the houres
Of holy Orizons detayne thee not,
Come foorth.
Enter Skinke like an Hermit.
Skin. Good morrow son, good morrow, & God blesse thee Huntington,
A brighter Gleame of true Nobility
Shines not in any youth more then in thee.
Thou shalt be rich in honour, full of speed,
Thou shalt win foes by feare, and friends by meede.
Rob. Father, I come not now to know my fate,
Important busines urgeth Princely Richard,
Deliver letters.
In these termes to salute thy reverent age.
Read and be briefe, I know some cause of trust,
Made him imploy me for his messenger.
Skin. A cause of trust indeed true honoured youth,
Princes had need in matters of import,
To make nice choyse faire Earle, if I not erre,
Thou art the Princes ward.
Ro. Father I am his ward, his Chamberlaine & bed-fellow.
Skin. Faire fall thee honourable Robert Hood,
Wend to Prince Richard, say though I am loath,
To use my skill in Conjuration:
Yet Skinke that poysoned red cheekt Rosamond,
Shall make appearaunce at the Parlament,
He shall be there by noone assure his Grace.
Rob. Good morrow Father, see you faile him not,
For though the villaine did a horrible deed,
Yet hath the young King Richard, and Earle John,
Sworne to defend him from his greatest foes.
Skin. Gods benizon be with thee noble Earle.
Rob. Adew good father, holla there, my horse?
Skin. Up, spur the kicking Jade, while I make speede
To Conjure Skinke out of his Hermits weede;
Lye there religion, keep thy M. grave,
And on the faire trust of these Princes word
To Court againe Skinke: but before I goe,
Let mischiefe take advise of villany,
Why to the Hermit letters should be sent,
To poast Skinke to the Court incontinent:
Is there no tricke in this? ha let me see?
Or doe they know already I am he?
If they doe so, faith westward then with Skinke:
But what an asse am I to be thus fond,
Heere lyes the Hermit whom I dying found
Some two monthes since, when I was howerly charg'd
With Hugh the Cryer and with Constables,
I saw him in the ready way to heaven,
I helpt him forward, t'was a holy deed;
And there he lyes some sixe foote in the ground,
Since when, and since, I kept me in his weedes.
O what a world of fooles have fill'd my Cell;
For Fortunes, run-awaies, stolne goods, lost cattle,
Among the number, all the faction
That take the young Kings part against the olde;
Come to my selfe to harken for my selfe,
So did the adverse party make enquire,
But eyther fall full of contrary desire:
The olde Kings part would kill me being stain'd,
The young Kings keep me from their violence.
So then thou needst not feare, goe boldly on,
Brave Hall, Prince Dicke, and my spruce hot spur John,
Heer's their safe conduct: O but for Rosamond!
A fig for Rosamond, to this hope Ile leane:
At a Queenes bidding I did kill a queane.
Sound Trumpets, enter with a Harrald on the one side, Henry the second Crowned, after him Lancaster, Chester,SirRichard Faukenbridge: on the other part, K. Henry the Sonne crowned, Herrald after him: after him Prince Rich. John, Leyster, being set, enters fantasticall Robert of Gloster in a gowne girt: walkes up and downe.
Old. K. Why doth not Gloster take his honoured seate?
Glo. In faith my Liege Gloster is in a land
Where neyther suerty is to sit or stand.
I onely doe appeare as I am summoned,
And will awaite without till I am call'd.
Yon. K. Why heare you Gloster?
Glo. Henry I doe heare you.
Yon. K. And why not King?
Glo. What's he that sits so neere you?
Rich. King too.
Glo. Two Kings? ha, ha.
Ol. K. Gloster sit we charge thee.
Glo. I will obey your charge, I will sit downe,
But in this house, on no seate but the ground.
John. The seat's too good.
Glo. I know it brother John.
Jo. Thy brother?
Ol. K. Silence there.
Yon. K. Passe to the billes Sir Richard Faukenbridge.
Fau. My Lieges both, olde Faukenbridge is proude
Of your right honour'd charge. He that worst may
Will straine his olde eyes, God send peace this day.
A bill for the releasement of the Queene prefer'd,
By Henry the young King, Rich. the Prince, John Earle
Of Murton, Bohmine Earle of Leister and the comons:
Old K. Did you preferre this byll?
All. We did.
Chest. Lanc. Yee did not well.
Glo. Why this is good, now shall we have the hell.
3. Bro. Chester and Lanchaster you wrong the King.
Chest. Lan. Our King we doe not.
Yon. K. Doe not you see me crown'd?
Lanc. But whilst he lives we to none else are bound.
Ley. Is it not wrong thinke you, when all the world
Troubled with rumour of a captive Queene,
Imprisoned by her husband in a Realme,
Where her owne sonne doth weare a Diademe?
Is like an head of people mutinous,
Still murmuring at the shame done her and us?
Is't not more wrong when her mother zeale
Sounded through Europe, Affricke, Assia,
Tels in the hollow of newes-thirsting eares,
Queene Elinor lives in a dungion,
For pitty and affection to her sonne:
But when the true cause, Cliffords daughters death
Shall be exposed to stranger nations:
What vollumes will be writ, what lybels spred?
And in each lyne our state dishonoured.
Fauk. My Lord speakes to the purpose, mary it may bee so,
Pray God it proove not so.
Ley. Heare me conclude, and there withall conclude,
It is an heynous and unheard-of sinne:
Queene Elinor daughter to Kingly Fraunce,
King Henries wife and royall Henries mother,
Is kept close prisoner for an acte of Justice,
Committed on an odious Concubine,
Kin. Thou wrongst her Leister.
Lei. Leachers ever praise the cause of their confusion, she was vile
Fau. She was ill spoken of it's true, true.
Glost. Yonder sits one would doe as much for you
Olde fool, young Richard hath a gift I know it,
And on your wife my sister would bestow it.
Heer's a good world men hate adulterous sin,
Count it a gulfe, and yet they needs will in.
Lei. What answere for the Queene?
Lan. The King replyes your words are foule slaunderous forgeryes.
John. His highnes sayes not so.
Lan. His highnes doth,
Tels you its a shame for such wilde youth,
To smother any impiety,
With shew to chastice loose adulterie.
Say Rosamond was Henries Concubine,
Had never King a Concubine but he?
Did Rosamond begin the fires in Fraunce?
Made she the Northerne borders reeke with flames?
Unpeopled she the townes of Picardy?
Left she the wives of England husbandles?
O no: she sinn'd I graunt, so doe we all,
She fell her selfe, desiring none should fall;
But Elinor whom you so much commend,
Hath been the bellowes of seditious fire,
Eyther through Jealious rage or mad desire;
Ist not a shame to thinke that she hath arm'd
Foure Sonnes right hands, against their fathers head,
And not the children of a low-priz'd wretch,
But one whom God on earth hath deified?
See where he sits with sorrow in his eyes,
Three of his Sonnes and hers tutor'd by her,
Smiles whilst he weeps, and with a proude disdaine,
Imbrace blith mirth, while his sad heart complaine.
Fau. Ha laugh they? nay by the rood that is not wel,
Now fie young Princes fie.
Hen. Peace doting foole.
John. Be silent asse.
Fau. With all my heart my Lords, my humble leave my Lords
Gods mother asse and foole for speaking truth,
Tis terrible, but fare yee well my Lords.
Rich. Nay stay good Faukenbridge, impute it rage,
That thus abuses your right reverend age,
My brothers are too hot.
Fau. Too hot indeed, foole, asse, for speaking truth?
it's more than need.
Rich. Nay good Sir Richard at my kinde intreate
For all the love I beare your noble house,
Let not your absence kindle further wrath,
Each side's at counsell now sit downe I pray,
Ile quite it with the kindest love I may.
Glo. I to his wife.
Fau. Prince Richard Ile sit downe,
But by the faith I owe fayre Englands Crowne,
Had you not been I would have left the place,
My service merits not so much disgrace.
Ric. Good Faukenbridge I thanke thee.
Go to their places.
Glo. And you'l thinke of him, if you can step into his bower at Stepney.
Fau. Prince Richard's very kinde, I know his kindenes,
He loves me, but he loves my Lady better,
No more, Ile watch him, Ile prevent his game,
Young Lad, it's ill to halt before the lame.
They breake a sunder. Papers this while being offred and subscribed betweene eyther.
Hen. Ile not subscribe to this indignity,
Ile not be call'd a King but be a King;
Allow me halfe the Realme, give me the North,
The Provinces that lye beyond the Seas,
Wales and the Isles that compasse in the mayne.
Glo. Nay give him all and he will scant be pleas'd.
Rich. Brother you aske too much.
John. To much, too little, hee shall have that and more, I sweare he shall.
I will have Nottingham and Salisbury,
Stafford and Darby, and some other Earledome,
Or by S. John (whose blessed name I beare)
Ile make these places like a wildernes.
Ist not a plague, an horrible abuse,
A King, a King of England, should be Father
To foure such proper youths, as Hall, and Dicke,
My brother Geffrey and my proper selfe,
And yet not give his sonnes such maintenaunce,
As he consumes among his minions.
Rich. Be more respective John.
Jo. Respective Richard, are you turn'd pure? a changing wether-cocke?
I say it's reason Henry should be King,
Thou Prince, I Duke, as Jeffry is a Duke.
Lan. What shall your Father doe?
Jo. Live at his prayers, have a sufficient pention by the yere,
Repent his sinnes because his end is neere.
Glo. A gratious sonne, a very gratious sonne.
Kin. Will this content you? I that have sat still,
Amaz'd to see my sonnes devoyde of shame;
To heare my subjects with rebellious tongues,
Wound the kinde bosome of their Soveraigne,
Can no more beare, but from a bleeding hart
Deliver all my love, for all your hate:
Will this content thee cruell Elinor?
Your savage mother, my uncivill Queene;
The Tygresse that hath drunke the purple bloud,
Of three times twenty thousand valiant men;
Washing her red chaps, in the weeping teares,
Of widdows, virgins, nurses, sucking babes.
And lastly sorted with her damn'd consorts,
Entred a laborinth to murther love.
Will this content you? she shall be releast,
That she may next seaze me she most enuyes.
Hen. Our mothers liberty is some content.
Kin. What else would Henry have?
Hen. The Kingdome.
Kin. Peruse this byll, draw neere let us conferre.
Joh. Hall be not answered but with Soveraignty,
For glorious is the sway of Majesty.
Kin. What would content you John?
Joh. Five Earledomes Sir.
Kin. What you sonne Richard?
RicPardon gratious father, & th'furtheraunce for my vow of penance
For I have sworne to God and all his Saints,
These armes erected in rebellious brawles,
Against my Father and my Soveraigne,
Shall fight the battles of the Lord of hoasts,
In wrong'd Judea and Palestina,
That shall be Richards pennance for his pride,
His bloud a satisfaction for his sinne,
His patrimony, men, munition,
And meanes to waft them into Siria.
Kin. Thou shalt have thy desire Heroyicke Sonne,
As soone as other home-bred brawles are done.
Lan. Why weepes olde Faukenbridge?
Fau. I am almost blind, to heare sons cruell, and the fathers kinde,
Now well a neere that ere I liv'd to see,
Such patience and so much impiety.
Glo. Brother content thee this is but the first,
Worse is a brewing, and yet not the worst.
Lei. You shall not stand to this.
Hen. And why my Lord?
Ley. The lands of Moorton doth belong to John.
Hen. What's that to me, by Acte of Parlament,
If they be mine confirm'd, he must be pleas'd.
Joh. Be pleas'd King puppet? have I stood for thee,
Even in the mouth of death? open'd my armes
To sercle in seditious ugly shape?
Shooke hands with duety, bad adew to vertue,
Prophan'd all Majesty in heaven and earth;
Writ in blacke Carracters on my white brow,
The name of rebell John against his Father:
For thee, for thee, thou Otimie of honour,
Thou worme of Majesty, thou froth, thou puble.
And must I now be pleas'd in pease to stand,
While statues make thee owner of my land?
Glo. Good pastime good, now will the theeves fall out?
Joh. O if I doe, let me be never held
Royall King Henryes sonne, pardon me father,
Pull downe this rebell that hath done thee wrong.
Dicke, come and leave his side, assayle him Lords,
Let's have no parly but with billes and swoordes.
Ki. Peace John, lay downe thy armes, heare Henry speake,
He mindes thee no such wrong.
Jo.He were not best.
Hen. Why hayre-brain'd brother can yee brooke no jest?
I doe confirme you Earle of Nottingham.
Jo. And Moorton too?
Hen. I and Moorton too.
Jo. Why so, now once more Ile sit downe by you.
Glo. Blow winde, the youngest of King Henries stocke,
Would possibly fitly serve to make a weather-cocke.
Jo. Gape earth, challenge thine owne as Gloster lyes,
Pitty such mucke is cover'd with the skies.
Fau. Be quiet good my Lords, the Kings commaund
You should be quiet, and tis very meete,
It's most convenient, how say you Prince Richard?
Rich. It is indeed.
Fa. Why that is wisely said, you are a kinde indifferent man,
Mary a God and by my hollidame,
Were not I had a feeling in my head,
Of some suspition twixt my wife and him,
I should affect him more then all the world.
Glo. Take heede olde Richard, keep thee there mad lad,
My Sister's faire, and beauty may turne bad.
Enter Robert Hood a paper in his hand.
Officer: Roome there, make roome for young Huntington.
Fau. A gallant youth, a proper Gentleman.
Hen. Richard I have had wrong about his wardship.
Ric. You cannot right your selfe.
Jo. He can and shall.
Ric.Not with your help, but honourable youth
Have yee perform'd the busines I enjoyn'd?
Rob. I have, and Skinke is come, heere is his bill,
Hen. No matter for his bill let him come in.
Kin. Let him not enter, his infectious breath
Will poyson the assembly.
Gl. Never doubt ther's more infectious breaths about your Throne,
Leyster is there, your envious Sonnes is there;
If them you can endure, no poyson feare.
Kin. Content thee Gloster.
Glo. I must be content, when you that should mend all are patient,
Hen. Welcome good Skinke thou justly dost complaine,
Thou standst in dread of death for Rosamond,
Whom thou didst poyson at our dread commaund,
And the appointment of our gratious Mother;
See heere my Fathers hand unto thy pardon.
Skin. I receive it gratiously, wishing his soule sweet peace, in heaven for so meritorious a worke, for I feare me I have not his heart though his hand.
Kin. Be sure thou hast not, murderous bloud-sucker,
To jealious envy executioner.
Hen. Besides thou suest to have some maintenaunce,
We have bethought us how wee will reward thee,
Thou shalt have Rowden Lordship.
Glost. Shal he so? will you reward your murtherers with my lands
Hen. Your lands? it is our gift and he shall have it.
Glo. Ile give him seasure first with this and this.
Strike him.
John. Lay holde on Gloster.
Kin. Holde that murtherous Skinke.
Glo. Villaines hands off, I am a Prince, a Peere,
And I have borne disgrace while I can beare.
Fau. Knaves leave your rudenes, how now brother
Gloster? nay be appeas'd, be patient brother.
Rich. Shift for thy selfe good Skinke, ther's golde, away:
Heere will be parts.
Skin. Swonds Ile make one and stay.
Joh. I prethee be gone since thus it falleth out,
Take water, hence, away, thy life I doubt.
Ski. Well, farewell, get I once out of doore,
Skinke never will put trust in warrants more.
Kin. Will Gloster not be bridled?
Glo. Yes my Liege and sadled too, and ryd, and spur'd, & rayn'd,
Such misery (in your Raigne) falles your friends,
Let goe my armes, you dunghyls let me speake.
Kin. Wher's that knave Skinke? I charge you see him stayd.
Fauk. The swift heel'd knave is fled, body a me heer's rule,
Heer's worke indeed.
Kin. Follow that Skinke, let privy search be made,
Let not one passe except he be well knowne,
Let poastes be every way sent speedily,
For ten miles compasse round about the Citty.
Hen. Take Gloster to you Liefetenant of the Tower,
Keep him aside till we conferre a while,
Father you must subscribe to his committing.
Lan. Why must he Henry?
Ley. Mary for this cause, he hath broke peace and violated lawes.
Glo. So have you all done, rebels as you be.
Fau. Good words good brother, heare me gratious Lords,
Hen. I prethee Faukenbridge be patient,
Gloster must of force answere this contempt.
Kin. I will not yeeld he shall unto the Tower,
Warden of th'Fleete take you the charge of Gloster.
Hen. Why be it so, yet stay with him a while,
Till we take order for the company
That shall attend him, and resort to him.
Glo. Warden of the Fleete I see I am your charge,
Befriend me thus, least by theyr commaund,
I be prevented of what I intend.
Keep.Commaund me any service in my power.
Glo. I pray you call some nimble footed fellow,
To doe a message for me to my sister.
Keep. Call in Redcap, he waiteth with a Tipstaffe,
Exit one for him.
He stammers, but he's swift and trusty Sir.
Enter Redcap.
Glo. No matter for his stammering, is this he?
Red. I I am am Re Redcap s s sir.
Glo. Run Redcap to Stepney.
Red. Ile be at Stepney p p presently.
Glo. Nay stay, goe to the Lady Faukenbridge my sister.
Red. The La La Lady Fau Fau Faukenbreech, I r r run sir.
Glo. But take thy errand, tell her I am prisoner,
Committed to the Fleete.
Red. I am g g glad of th th that, my fa fa father the p p porter sha shall ge ge get a f f fee by you.
Still runnes.
Glo. Stand still a while, desire her to make meanes
Unto Prince Richard for my liberty,
At thy returne (make speed) I will reward thee.
Red. I am g g gone si sir.
Rich. Commend me to her gentle Huntington,
Tell her in these affayres Ile stand her friend,
Her brother shall not long be prisoner:
Say I will visit her immediatlie.
Be gone sweete boy to Marian Faukenbridge,
Thou lookest like love perswade her to be loving.
Ro. So farre as honour will I will perswade,
Ile lay loves battery to her modest eares,
Second my milde assault, you may chaunce wiv,
Fare parley at the least, may hap passe in.
Hen. Heere take your charge, let no man speake with him,
Except our selfe, our brethren, or Earle Leicester.
Fau. Not I my Lord, may not I speake with him?
Hen. Yes Faukenbridge thou shalt.
Jo. And why? he is his wives brother.
Fau. Earle John, although I be, I am true unto the State, & so is he.
Glo. What, shal I have no servant of my owne?
Hen. No, but the housholde servants of the Fleete.
Glo. I thanke you kinsman King, your father knowes,
Gloster may boldelie give a base slave blowes.
Fau. O but not heere, it was not well done heere.
Kin. Farewell good Gloster, you shall heare from us.
Glo.Even what your sonnes will suffer you to send;
Ist not a miserie to see you stand,
That some time was, the Monarch of this land,
Intreating traytors for a subjects freedome?
Lei. Let him not speake, away with him to prison.
Glo. Heer's like to be a well stayd common wealth,
Where in proude Leister, and licentious John,
Are pillers for the King to leane upon.
Jo. Wee'll heare you rayling Lecture in the Fleete.
Hen. On our displeasure see he speake no more.
Glo. On thy displeasure, well yee have me heere;
O that I were within my Fort of Bungye
Whose walles are washt with the cleare streames of Aveney
Then would not Gloster passe a halfe-penny,
For all these rebels, and their poore King too.
Laughst thou King Henry? thou knows my words are true,
God help thee good olde man, adew adew.
Jo. That Castle shal be mine, where stands it Faukenbridge
Faukenbridge Far from your reach sure, under Feckhill ridge.
Five hundred men (England hath few such wight)
Keeps it for Glosters use both day and night:
But you may easily winne it, wantons words
Quickly can master men, tongues out brawle swords.
Jo. Yee are an Idyot.
Rich. I prethee John forbeare.
Joh. What shall olde winter with his frosty jestes,
Crosse flowry pleasure?
Fau. I and nip you too, God mary mother I would tickle you
Were there no more in place but I and you.
Kin. Sease these contentions, forward to the Tower,
Release Queene Elinor, and leave me there
Your prisoner I am sure, if yee had power,
Ther's nothing lets you but the Commons feare:
Keep your State Lords, we will by water goe,
Making the fresh Thames, salt with teares of woe.
Hen. And wee'll by land through the Citty ride,
Making the people tremble at our pride.
Exeunt with Trumpets two waies. Enter Skinke solus
Skin. Blacke Heath quoth he, and I were King of all Kent,
I would give it for a commodity of Apron-strings, to
Be in my cottage agen. Princes warrants, mary Skinke
Findes them as sure as an obligation seal'd with butter.
At Kings Bridge I durst not enter a boate, through
London the stones were fiery, I have had a good
Coole way through the fieldes, and in the high way
To Ratcliffe stands a heater: Mile-end's covered with
Who goes there. Tis for me sure; O Kent, O Kent,
I would give my part of all Christendome to feele
Thee as I see thee. If I goe forward I am stayed,
If I goe backward, ther's a roge in a red cap, he's run
From S. Johnes after me: I were best stay heere,
Least if he come with hue and cry, he stop me yonder,
I would slip the coller for feare of the halter;
But heere comes my runner, and if he run for me,
His race dyes, he is as sure dead, as if a Parlament
Of Devils had decreed it.
Red. Ste Ste Stepney chi church yonder, but I have forgot
The La La Lady Fau Fau Fau plague on her,
I mu must b backe to the Fle Fle Fleete to kn kn know it.
The la the la la Lady Fau, plague on't; G Gloster
Will go ne neere to st stab me, fo for forgetting
My errand, he is such a ma ma mad Lord, the
La Lady Fau Fau Fau.
Skin. Help me devise, upon my life this foole is sent
From Gloster to his sister Marian.
Redc. I m must nee needs goe backe, the La Lady
Fau Fau Fau.
Skin. God speed good fellow.
Red. Go go god sp sp speed you sir.
Skin. Why run'st thou from me?
Red. Ma mary sir, I have lo lost a La Ladyes name, and I am running ba backe to se se seeke it.
Skin. What lady? I prethee stay.
Red. Why the la Lady Fau Fau Fau.
Skin. Faukenbridge?
Red. I the s s same, f f farewell, I th th thanke you ha hartily
Skin. If thou wouldst speake with her she is in Kent,
I serve her, what's thy busines with my Lady?
Red. I sh sh should doe an errand to her f f from my Lord
Of Gloster, but a a and she be in k Kent, Ile s send it by you.
Skin. Where is my Lord?
Red. Mary p p prisoner in the Fl Fleete, a a and w would have her speake to P Prince R Richard for his re re release.
Skin. I have much busines, hold ther's thy fare by water, my Lady lyes this night.
Red. Wh wh where I pray?
Skin. At Gravesend at the Angell.
Red. Tis devillish co co colde going by water.
Skin. Why there's my cloake and hat to keep thee warme,
Thy cap and Jerkin will serve me to ride in
By the way, thou hast winde and tyde, take Oares.
My Lady will reward thee royally.
Red. G God a mercy, f fa faith and ever th thou co co come to the Fl Fl Fleete, Ile give the tu tu turning of the ke key f for n no nothing.
Skin. Hye thee, to morrow morning at Graves-end Ile wash thy stammering throate with a mug of ale merrily.
Red. God be w with you till s soo soone; what call you the Lady? O now I re remember the La Lady Fa Faukenbridge at what s signe?
Skin. At the Angell.
Red. A Angell, the la la Lady fa fa Fau kenbridge, Fa Fau Faukenbridge.
Skin. Farewell and bee hang'd good stammering ninny, I thinke I have set your Redcaps heeles a running, wold your Pyanet chattering humour could as sa safely se set mee fr from the searchers walkes. Yonder comes some one, hem: Skink to your trickes this tytty tytty, a the tongue I beleeve will faile mee.
Enter Constable and Watch.
Con. Come make up to this fellow, let th'other go, he seems a gentleman, what are you sir?
Skin. Would I had kept my owne sute, if the countenaunce carry it away.
Con. Stand sirra, what are you?
Skin. The po po Porters Sonne of the F Fl Fleete, going to Stepney about businesse to the La La Lady Fa Fa Faukenbridge.
Con. Well bring him thether, some two or three of yee honest neyghbors, and so backe to the Fleete, we'll shew our selves dilligent above other Officers.
Skin. Wh wh why le le let me run I am Re Redcap.
Con. Well, sure you shall now run no faster then I lead you, heare yee neighbor Simmes, I leave my staffe with yee, bee vigilent I pray you, search the suspitious houses at the townes end, this Skink's a trouncer; come, will you be gone sir?
Skin. Yes sir, and the devill goe with you and them,
Well, yet have hope mad ha hart, co co come your way.
Exeunt. Enters Robin hood and Blocke.
Blo. Sweet nobilitie in reversion, Blocke by the commission of his head, Conjures you and withall bindes you, by all the tricks that pages passe in time of Parlament, as swearing to the pantable, crowning with Custords, paper whiffes to the sleepers noses, cutting of tagges, stealing of torches, cum multis aliis tell Blocke, what Blocke you have cast in the way of my Ladies content.
Ro. Block by the antiquity of you ancestrie, I have given your Lady not so much as the least cause of dislike, if she be despleased at any newes I bring, it's more then I must blab.
Blo. Zounds these pages be so proude, they care not for an olde Servingman, you are a ward and so, an Earle, and no more: you disquiet our house that's the most: and I may be even with thee that's the least.
Enter the Ladie Faukenbridge.
La. What Blocke, what Blocke I say what doe you there?
Bloc. Making the young Lord merry Maddame,
La. Go attend ye gate, see if you can let in more greife therat,
Blo Zounds and greife come in there, and I see him once Ile
Conjure his gaberdine.
La. Will you be gone sir?
Blo. Hem, these women, these women, and she bee not in love eyther with Prince Richard or this lad, let blocks head be made a chopping blocke.
Exit Blocke
Rob. Faire Madam, what replye you to my sute,
The prince excepts smiles, welcomes, loving lookes,
La. The Prince, if he give heed to Marrians sute,
Must heare heart-sigh's, see sorrow in my eyes,
And finde cold welcome to calamities,
Rob. And why for gods sake?
La. Even for Glosters sake,
Rob. why be mine honnor, and Prince Richards faith,
Your brother Gloster shall have liberty,
Uppon condition you release a prisoner
That you have longe held in captivitye.
La. I have no prisoner,
Ro. Yes a world of eies, you beuty in a willing bondage ties
La. Go to, you are dispos'd to jest my Lord,
Rob. In earnest I must be an earnest suter
To you for love, yet you must be my tuter.
La. Are you in love?
Rob. I dearely love Prince Richard.
La. Then doe you love the loveliest man alive.
The Princeliest person of King Henries sonnes,
Rob. I like this well.
La. He is vertuous in he minde, his body faire,
His deeds are Just, his speaches debonaire,
Rob. Better and better still.
La. In deed he is what no body can denye.
All lovely, beautie all, all Majestie.
Rob. Ile tell his excelence what you reporte,
No doubt he will be very thankfull, for't,
La. Nay heare you young Lord? Gods pitty staye.
Rob. What have you more in Richards praise to say?
La. I have said to much if you misconster me.
Dutie bids praise him, not unchastitie.
Rob. Unchastitie holy heavens forfend it,
That he or I, or you should once intend it,
Enter Blocke and Richard.
Blo. They are there sir, close at it, I leave you sir, the more
Roome the lesse company.
Ric. Drinke that, farwell,
Blo. If that sir Richard comes, this ties, this bindes,
O golde, thy power converteth servants mindes.
Rich. How now faire Maddam who hath angred you?
La. Greife at my brothers duraunce angers me.
Rich. I had thought my Ward young Huntington had vext you.
La. who he? alas good Gentleman he wrong'd me not.
No matter for all this, Ile tell your tale.
A noyse within, Enter Skinke, Blocke, Constable.
Bls. Sir there comes no more of you in with him then the Constable. Zounds heares a beadroll of Billes at the gate indeed, back ye base
La. Now sirra whats the matter?
Blo. Marry heares a stammerer taken clipping the Kings English, and the Constable and his watch hath brought him to you to be examin'd.
Consta. No Madam wee are commaunded by the King to watch, and meeting this fellow at Mile-end, he tels us, he is the Porters sonne of the Fleete, that the Earle of Gloster sent him to you.
Skin. I f f forsooth h he desire you to speake to the p Prince for him.
La. O I conceave thee, bid him blithly fare,
Beare him this Ring in token of my care.
Skin. If I be rid of this evill Angell that haunts mee, many rings, much Fleete will Skinke come unto.
Con. Madam, if you know this fellow we'll discharge him.
Bloc. Madam, and you be wise, trust your honest neighbors heere, let them bring this ca ca ca ca to the Fleete, and s see your ring delivered.
Skin. A plague upon you for a damned roge,
The Porter of the Fleete will surely know me.
La. Good neighbours bring this honest fellow thether,
Ther's for his paines a crowne, if he say true,
And for your labour ther's as much for you.
Skin. Why Ma Ma Madam, I am Re Re Redcap the Porters sonne.
La. Thou hast no wrong in this, farewell good fellow.
Skin. Best speaking to Prince Richard? no Ile try
And face out Redcap if the slave were by.
La. Make them drinke Blocke.
Blo. Come to the Buttery bar, stitty stitty stammerer, come honest Constable, hey the watch of our towne, we'll drinke trylill I faith.
As they goe out, enters Sir Richard Faukenbridge stealing forward, Prince and Lady talking.
Rob. Lupus in fabula my Noble Lord,
See the olde foxe Sir Richard Faukenbridge.
Rich. We'll fit him well enough, second us Robin.
La. Ile fit you well enough for all your hope,
Fau. beckens to Blocke.
Fau. Leave quaffing sirra, listen to their talke.
Bloc. O while you live beware, two are sooner seene then one: besides, beare a braine Master, if Block should be now spide, my Madam would not trust this sconce neither in time nor tyde.
Fau. Well leave me, now it buds; see see, they kisse.
Bloc. Adew good olde sinner, you may recover it with a sallet of parsly, and the hearbe patience, if not sir you knowe the worst, it's but even this.
Rich. Madam, what you desire I not deny,
But promise Glosters life and liberty,
I beg but love.
Fau. When doth she give her almes?
La. Faire honourable Prince.
Fau. Nay then they speed.
La. My soule hath your deserts in good esteeme.
Fau. Witnesse these goodly times that grace my head.
La.But were you the sole Monarch of the earth,
Your power were insufficient to invade,
My never yeelding heart of chastity.
Fauk. Sayst thou so Mall, I promise thee for this,
Ile owe thy cherry lips an olde mans kisse;
Looke how my Cockerill droopes, tis no matter,
I like it best when women will not flatter.
Rich. Nay but sweet Lady.
Rob. Nay but gracious Lord, does not so much forget your Princely worth,
As to attempt vertue to unchastity.
Fau. O noble youth!
Rob. Let not the Ladyes dead griefe for her brother,
Give life to shamelesse and detested sinne.
Fau. Sweet childe.
Ro. Consider that she is of high decent.
Fau. Most vertuous Earle.
Rob. Wife to the noblest Knight that ever breath'd.
Fau. Now blessing on thee blessed Huntington.
Rob. And would you then first staine your Princely stocke,
Wrong beauty, vertue, honor, chastitye,
And blemmish Faukenbridges untaynted armes?
Fau. By adding hornes unto our Falcones head,
Well thought on noble youth, twas well put in.
La. Besides my gratious Lord.
Fau. Tickle him Mall, plague him on that side for his hot desire.
La. How ever secretly great Princes sin,
Fau Oh now the spring she'll doe it secretly.
La. The King of all harts will have all syns knowne.
Fa. Ah then she yields not.
Ric. Lady heer's my hand, I did but try your honorable faith
Fau. He did but trie her, would she have bin tride
It had grone hard on this and on this side.
Rich. And since I see your vertue so confirm'd,
as vice can have no entraunce in your heart,
I vow in sight of heaven never againe,
To moove like question but for love,
Fau. My hart is eased, holde Blocke take up my cloake.
Blo. And your cap to sir.
Ric. Sir Richard?
Fau. What sweet Prince welcome yfaith,
I see youth quickly get's the starte of age;
But welcome welcome and young Huntington.
Sweet Robyn hude, honors best flowring bloome,
Welcome to Faukenbridge with all my hearte,
How cheares my love, how fares my Marrian, ha?
Be merry chucke, and Prince Richard welcome,
Let it goe Mall I knowe thy grevances.
Away away, tut let it passe sweet girle,
Wee needs must have his helpe about the Earle.
La. Let it not be delayd deere Faukenbridge.
Rich. Sir Richard, first make sute unto my father,
Ile follow you to Courte and second you,
Fau. Follow to Court, ha? then I smell a rat,
Its probable he'll have about agayne,
Long seige makes entraunce to the strongest fort,
It must not be I must not leave him heere,
Prince Richard, if you love my brothers good,
Lets ride back to the Courte, Ile wayte on you,
Rich. He's Jelious, but I must observe the tyme,
We'll ride unto the Court, Ile leave my boy
Till we returne, are you agreed to this?
Fau. Oh I hee is an honourable youth.
Vertuuos and modest, Huntingtons right heyre.
His father Gilbert was the smoothst fac't Lord
That ere bare Armes in England or in Fraunce,
Rich. Solicitie Robin, Lady give good eare,
And of your brothers freedome never feare,
Fau. Marrian farwell, wheres Blocke? open the gate,
Come Prince God send us to prove fortunate?
La. why doe you stay sir?
Rob. Madam as a Lidger to solicite for your absent love
La. Walk in the Garden I will follow you.
Ifaith Ifaith you are a noble wagge.
Rob. An honorable wag, and wagish Earle.
Even what you will sweet Lady I must beare,
Hoping of patience, profit will ensue.
That you will beare the Prince as I beare you.
La. Well said well said, Ile have these toyes amended,
Goe, will you walke into the Garden sir,
Rob. But will you promise me to bring no maides,
To set uppon my litle manship there?
You threatned whipping, and I am in feare,
La. Uppon my word Ile bring none but my selfe,
Rob. You see I am weapned, doe not I beseech you,
Ile stab them come there twenty ere they breech mee.
La. This youth and Richard, think me easily wonne,
But Marrian rather will embrace,
The bony carcasse of dismaying death,
Than prove unchast to Noble Faukenbridge.
Richard's king Henries sonne, is light,
Wanton and loves not humble modestie,
Which makes me (much contrary to my thoughts)
Flatter his humor for my brothers safetye,
But I protest Ile dwel among the dead,
Ere I pollute my sacred nuptiall bed.
Exit. Enter Gloster in his gowne, calling.
Glo. Porter what Porter wher's this drowsie asse?
Enter Porter.
Por. Who calles? my Lord of Gloster all alone?
Glo. Alone and have your wisdomes companie,
Pray wher's the stammering chatterer your sonne?
He's ever running but he makes small haste,
Ile bring his lyther legges in better frame,
And if he serve me thus a nother time.
Knocke within.
Harke sir your clients knocke, and't be your pye,
Let him vouchsafe to chatter us some newes,
Tell him we daunce attendance in our chamber.
Exit porter.
This John and Henry are so full of hate,
That they will have my head by some device,
Gloster hath plotted meanes for an escape,
And if it fadge, why so; if not, then well,
The way to heaven is death, this life's a hell.
Enter Porter and Skink.
Port. Why should the Watchmen come along with thee?
Skin. Ther's such a que question for yon s same r rogue Skink p plague keepe farre enough from him, that a an honest f fellow ca cannot w w walke the streetes.
Port. Well sir dispatch your busines with the Earle,
He's angry at your stay I tell ye that.
Skin. Sbloud what a frowne this Gloster castes at me,
I hope he meanes to lend me no more cuffes,
Such as he paide me at the Parlament.
Glo. What mutter you, what tydings from my sister?
Ski. Co commendations and s she hath s sent ye this r ring.
Glo. Hold ther's two Angels, shut the chamber doore,
You must about some busines for me strayght;
Come nearer man,
Skin. I feare I am to neare,
Glo. Hast thou no tydings for my liberty?
Skin. No b but ye sh shall he heare f from her p p presently.
Glo. And p presently sir off with your coate.
Nay quicke, uncase, I am bold to borrow it,
Ile leave my gowne, change is no robbery.
Stutterer it's so, neare flinch, ye cannot passe,
Cry, and by heaven Ile cut thy cowards throate,
Quickly cashyre your selfe, you see me staye,
Skin. N n nay, b b but wh wh what m meane ye?
Glo. To scape I hope, sir with your priviledge,
How now, who's this, my fine familliar Skinke?
Queen Beldams minnion,
Skin. Zounds you see ti's I.
Glo. Tyme sortes not now to know these misteries.
How thou camst by this ring, or stol'st this coate,
They are mine now in possession, for which kindenes
If I escape Ile get thee Libertie,
Or fire the fleete about the Wardens eares,
Mum budgit not a word as thou lovest thy life,
Skin. I mum mum faire, pray God may chaunce it,
My Lord, but that my state is desperate,
Ide see your eyes out eare I would be cheated.
Glo. Walke like an Earle villaine some are comming.
Enter John and Porter.
Jo. Where is this Gloster?
Glo. Y y yonder he walks. Fa fa father, l let me out.
Port. Why whether must you now?
Glo. To Je Jericho I th thinke, tis such a h h humorous Earle.
Port. Well sir wilt please you hasten home againe.
Glo. I Ile be h heare in a trice; b but p praye have ca care of th this madcap, if he g give us the s s slip, s s some of us a are like to m make a sl sl slyppery occupation on't.
This while John walkes and stalkes by Skinke, never a word betwene them.
Port. Looke to your busines sir let me alone.
Glo. Alone? never trust me if I trouble thee.
Jo. Mad Gloster mute, all mirth turn'd to dispaire?
Why now you see what tis to crosse a King,
Deale against Princes of the Royall blood,
Youle snarle and rayle, but now your toung is bedry'd,
Come caper hay, set all at six and seaven,
What musest thou with thought of hell or heaven?
Skin. Of neither John I muse at my disgrace,
That I am thus kept prisoner in this place.
Jo. O sir, a number are here prisoners,
My Cousen Moorton whome I came to visite,
But he good man is at his morrow masse.
But I that neither care to say nor sing,
Come to seeke that preaching hate and prayer,
And while they mumble up their Orisons,
We'll play a game at bowles, what saist thou Gloster?
Skin. I care not if I doe.
Joh. You doe not care, Let olde men care for graves, we for our sportes,
Off with your gowne, there lies my hatt and Cloake,
The bowles there quickly, hoe?
Skin. No my gowne stirres not, it keeps sorrowe warme,
And she, and I am not to be devorced,
Enter Porter with bowles.
Jo. Yes ther's an axe must part your head and you,
And with your head, sorrowe will leave your heart.
But come shall I begin? a pound a game,
Skin. More pounds and we thus heavy? well begin.
Joh. Rub rub rub rub.
Skin. Amen God send it short enough, and mee
A safe running with them clothes from them.
Joh. Play Robin, run run run.
Skin. Far enough and well, flye one foote more,
Would I were halfe so far without the doore.
Enter Porter.
Joh. Now Porter whats the newes?
Por. Your Coossen Moorton humbly craves,
Leaving your game, you would come visit him,
Jo. Bowle Gloster Ile come presently.
So neere mad Robin? then have after you,
Skin. Would I were gone, make after as you may,
Jo. Well sir tis yours, one all, throw but the Jacke,
While I goe talke with Moorton: Ile not stay,
Keepe Cloake and hat in pawne Ile hould out play,
Skin. I would be sory John but you should stay,
Untill my bias run another way,
Now passe, and hey passe Skink unto your tricks,
Tis but a chaunce at hazard: there lyes Gloster,
And heare stands Skinke. Now John play thou thy part,
And if I scape Ile love thee with my heart.
So porter let me foorth.
Enter Porter.
Por. God blesse your grace, ye spoke with the L. Moorton.
Skin. I have and must about his busines to the Courte.
It greeves me to break my sporte with Gloster,
The melancholy Earle is comfortlesse,
Po. I wold my grace would comfort him from hence,
The Fleet is weary of his company,
Redcap knocks.
Skin. Drink that, some knockes, I prethee let me out.
His head shall off ere long, never make doubt.
Exeunt. Enter John at the other doore.
Jo. Now madcap thou winst all, wher art thou Robyn?
Uncased: nay then he meanes to play in earnest.
But whers my Cloake, my rapier, and my hatt?
I holde my birth-right to a beggars scrip,
The basterd is escaped in my cloathes.
Tis well, he left me his to walke the streets,
Ile fire the Citty but Ile finde him out,
Perchaunce he hides himselfe to try my spleene,
Ile to his chamber, Gloster? hallo Gloster?
Exit. Enter Porter and Redcap.
Por. I wonder how thou camst so strangly chang'd?
Tis not an hower since thou wents from hence,
Red. By my Ch Ch Christendome I ha have not b b been h heere this three nights, a p p plague of him, that made me such a ch chaunting, and s sent me such a Ja Ja Jaunt, blud I was st stayed for Skinke, that ill fa fa fac'd rogue,
Port. I pray God there be no practise in this change.
Now I remember these are Skinkes cloathes,
That he wore last day, at the Parlament,
Knocke, Enter at another doore, John in Glosters gowne.
Jo. Porter? you Porter?
Por. Doe you not heare them knock, you must stay sir,
Jo. Bloud I could eate these rogues.
Red. Wh wh what raw, tis a very hash mo morsell,
Ne next your he heart
Jo. A plague upon your Jaunts, what porter slave?
Red. I have been at g gravesend sir.
Joh. What's that to me?
Red. And at Ca Ca Canterbury.
Jo. And at the gallows: zounds this frets my soule.
Red. But I c could not f finde your s s sister the La Lady Fau Faukenbridge.
Jo. You stammering slave hence, chat among your Dawes,
Come ye to mad me? while the rogue your father.
Enter Porter.
Red. My f fa father.
Jo. Porter? you damned slave.
Port. Ist Midsomer doe you begin to rave?
Joh. Harke how the traytor flouts me to my teeth.
I would intreat your knaveship let me forth,
For feare I dash your branes out with the keyes,
What is become of Gloster and my garments?
Por. Alas in your apparrell Glosters gone,
I let him out, even now I am undone,
Joh. It was your practice, and to keepe me backe
You sent Jacke Daw your sonne with ca ca ca,
To tell a sleveles tale: lay hould on him,
To Newgate with him and you tut atut,
Run redcap and trudge about,
Or bid your fathers portership farwell.
Exeunt with Porter.
Red. He heares a go good Je Je Jest by the L Lord to mo mocke an ape with all: my fa fa father has brought his ho ho hoges to a fa fa faire m m market. Po po porter quoth you? p po porter that will for me, and I po po porter it, let them po po post me to heaven in this qua quarter. But I must s s seeke this Gl Gl Gloster and Sk Sk Skinke that co cony catching ra ra rascall, a pa pa plague co co confound him, Re re redcap must ru run he cannot tell whe whether.
Exit. Sound Trumpets, Enter Henry the younger, on one hand of him Queene Elinor, on the other Leycester.
Hen. Mother and Leycester adde not oyle to fire.
Wrath's kindled with a word, and cannot heare
The numberlesse perswasions you insort,
Quee. O but my sonne thy father favours him.
Richard that vile abortive changling brat,
And Faukenbridge, are fallen at Henries feete.
They wooe for him, but intreat my sonne
Gloster may dye for this that he hath done,
Leic. If Gloster live thou wilt be overthrowne,
Quee. If Gloster live thy mother dies in moane,
Ley. If Gloster live Leyster will flie the realme,
Quee. If Gloster live thy kingdome's but a dreame,
Hen. Have I not sworne by that eternall arme
That puts just vengance sword in Monarcks hands,
Gloster shall die for his presumption?
What needs more conjuration gratious Mother?
And honorable Leyster marke my words.
I have a Bedrole of some threescore Lords,
Of Glosters faction,
Quee. Nay of Henries faction.
Of thy false fathers faction, speake the truth,
He is the head of factions; were he downe:
Peace, plenty, glory will impale thy crowne.
Ley. I ther's the But; whose hart-white if we hit,
The game is our's. Well we may rage and rove,
At Gloster, Lancaster, Chester, Faukenbridge,
But he is the upshot.
Quee. Yet begin with Gloster.
Hen. The destenies run to the booke of Fates,
And read in never-changing Characters
Robert of Glosters end, he dies to day,
So fate, so heaven, so doth King Henry say.
Quee. Emperially resovl'd.
Trumpets far off.
Leic. The olde King comes,
Quee. Then comes Luxurious lust,
The King of Concubines, the King that scornes
The undefiled, chast and numptiall bed,
The King that hath his Queene Imprisoned.
For my sake scorne him, sonne call him not father,
Give him the stile of a competitor,
Hen. Pride seaze uppon my heart, wrath fill myne eyes,
Sit lawfull majestie uppon my front
Dutie flie from me, pitty bee exild,
Sences forget that I am Henries child,
Quee. I kisse thee, and I blesse thee, for this thought.
Enter King, Lancaster, Richard, Faukenbridge.
Kin. O Lancaster bid Henry yeeld some reason
Why he desires so much the death of Gloster,
Hen. I heare thee Henry, and I thus reply.
I doe desire the death of Basterd Gloster,
For that he spends the Treasure of the Crowne.
I doe desire the death of basterd Gloster,
For that he doth desire to pull me downe.
Or were this false (I purpose to be plaine)
He loves thee, and for that I him disdaine.
Hen. Therin thou shewest a hate-corrupted mynde,
To him the more unjust, to me unkynd,
Quee. He loves you as his father lov'd his mother.
Kin. Fie, fie upon thee hatefull Elinor.
I thought thou hadst been long since scarlet dyde,
Hen. She is and therfore cannot change her colour.
Rich. You are to strickt, Earle Glosters fault
Merrits not death,
Fau. By th'rood the Prince saies true.
Heere is a statute from the Confessor,
Hen. The Confessor was but a simple foole.
Away with bookes my word shall be a lawe,
England her breath shall from this bosome drawe,
Gloster shall die,
Ley. Let Gloster dye the death.
Lan. Leyster he shall not, he shall have lawe, dispight of him and thee.
Hen. What law, will you be Traitors? whats the lawe?
Ric. His right handes losse, and that is such a losse,
As England may lament, all Christians weepe.
That hand hath bin advanst against the Moores,
Driven out the Sarafins from Gads and Cicile,
Fought fifteene Battels under Christs red crosse,
And is it not (thinke you) a greevious losse,
That for a slave (and for no other harme)
It should be sundred from his Princely Arme?
Fau.More for example Noble Lancaster, but tis great pitty,
To to great a pittie.
Hen. Ile have his hand & head.
Ri. Thou shalt have mine the.
Que. Wel sayd stubberne Dicke, Jack wold not serve me so,
Were the boy heere:
Ric. Both John and I have serv'd your will too long;
Mother repent your cruelty and wrong:
Gloster you know is ful of mirth and glee,
And never else did your grace injury.
Qu. Gloster shal dye.
He. Fetch him heere Ile see him dead.
Ric. He that sturs for him shall lay downe his head.
Fau. O quiet good my Lords, patience I pray,
I thinke he comes unsent for by my fay.
Enter John in Glosters gowne.
Ric. What meanst thou Gloster?
He. Who brought Gloster hyther?
Jo. Let Gloster hang and them that lacuna
There lyes his case, a mischiefe on his carkasse.
Qu. My deare sonne Jacke?
Jo.Your deere son Jack an apes, your mokey, your babone, your asse, your gull.
Ley. What ayles Earle John?
Jo. Hence further fro my fight,
My fiery thoughts and wrath have worke in hand;
Ile curse ye blacker then the Levarnian Lake,
If you stand wondring at my sorrow thus;
I am with childe, big, hugely swolne with rage;
Who'll play the Midwife, and my throbs aswage?
Kin. I will my Sonne.
Hen. I will high harted brother.
Jo. You will, and you, tut, tut all you are nothing,
Twill out, twill out, my selfe my selfe can ease:
You chase, you swell, ye are commaunding King,
My father is your foote stoole when he please,
Your word's a law, these Lordes dare never speake,
Gloster must dye, your enemies must fall.
Hen. What meanes our brother?
Joh. He meanes that thou art mad she franticke, Leyster foolish
I the babe, these grinde us, bite us, vexe us, charge,
And discharge, Gloster, O Gloster!
Que. Where is Gloster sonne?
Hen. Where is Glo. brother?
Kin. I hope he be escaped.
Jo. O I could teare my hayre, & falling thus up the
Solide earth, dig into Glosters grave, so he were dead
And gone into the depth of under worlds.
Or get seditious hundreth thousand hands,
And like Briareus, battle with the Starres,
To pull him downe from heaven if he were there,
Fau. Looke to Earle John the Gentleman is mad.
Jo. O who would not be mad at this disgrace?
Gloster the fox is fled, there lies his case,
He cousned me of myne, the porter helpt him,
Hen. The porter shall be hangd let's part and seeke him,
Gloster shall dye all Europe shall not save him.
Jo. He is wise, too wise for us, yet Ile goe with you,
1 To get more fooles into my company.
Quee. This is your fathers plot, revenge it sonne.
Hen. Father by heaven if this were your advice,
Your head or heart shall pay the bitter price,
Come mother, Brother, Leyster, lets away,
Jo. I, Ile be one, in hope to meete the basterd,
And then no more my selfe will be his headsman.
Kin. Richard and Faukenbridge follow the search,
You may prevent mischaunce by meeting Gloster,
If ye finde Skinke see that you apprehend him,
I heare there is a wizard at blacke heath,
Let some enquire of him where Skinke remaynes,
Although I trust not to those fallacies,
Yet now and then such men proove Soothsayers.
Will you be gone?
Fau. Withall my heart, withall my heart my Lord,
Come Princely Richard, we are ever yoak'd.
Pray God there be no mistery in this,
Rich. Be not suspitious where there is no cause,
Fau. Nay nothing, nothing, I am but in jest.
Kin. Call in a Purservant.
Lan. Heares one my Leidge,
Kin. There is a Porter likely to be hangd,
For letting Gloster scape, sirra attend,
You shall have a repreive to bring him us,
These boys are to to stubborne Lancaster,
But tis theyr mothers fault, if thus she move me,
Ile have her head though all the world reprove me.
Exeunt. Enter Robin Hood and Lady Faukenbridge.
La. Doe not deny me gentle Huntington.
Rob. My Lord will misse me.
La. Tut let me excuse thee.
Rob. Turne woman, O it is intollerable!
Except you promise me to play the Page:
Doe that, try one night, and you'l laugh for ever,
To heare the Orizons that Lovers use;
Their ceremonious sighes, their idle oathes,
To heare how you are prais'd and pray'd unto,
For you are Richards Saint, they talke of Mary
The blessed Virgin, but upon his beades
He onely prayes to Marian Faukenbridge.
La. The more his error, but will you agree
To be the Lady Faukenbridge one day?
Rob. When ist?
La. On Munday.
Rob. Wherefore ist?
La. Nay then you doe me wrong with inquisition.
And yet I care not greatly if I tell thee.
Thou seest my husband full of jealousie;
Prince Richard in his sute importunate,
My brother Gloster threatned by young Henry;
To cleare these doubtes, I will in some disguise,
Goe to blacke Heath unto the holy Hermit,
Whose wisedome in fore-telling things to come,
Will let me see the issue of my cares.
If destinyes ordaine me happines,
Ile chase these mistes of sorrow from my heart,
With the bright Sunne of mirth: if fate agree,
It, and my frends, must suffer misery,
Yet Ile be merry too, till mischeefe come.
onely I long to knowe the worst of ill.
Rob. Ile once put on a scarlet countenaunce.
La. Be wary least ye be discovered Robyn.
Rob. Best paint me then, be sure I shall not blush.
Enter Block bleeding. Gloster with him.
Blo. Beate an Officer, Redcap Ile have ye talkt withall,
Beate Sir Richards Porter? help Madam, help,
Glo. Peace you damned rogue.
La. Brother I pray you forbeare.
Glo. Zwounds a hundreth at my heales almost,
And yet the villaine stands on complaiment.
Bloc. A bots one you, ist you?
Glo. Will you to the doore you foole? and bar the gate,
Holde ther's an angell for you broaken pate;
If any knocke let them not in in haste.
Bloc. Well Ile doe as I see cause, blood thou art deare to me, but heere's a soveraigne plaister for the sore: golde healeth wounds, golde easeth heartes: what can a man have more?
La. Deare brother, tell us how you made escape?
Glo. You see I am hear, but if you would knowe how:
I cannot scape and tell the manner too,
By this I knowe your howse is compassed
With hel-hound search.
La. Brother Ile furnish you with beard & hayre, and
Garments like my husband, how like you that?
Exit. Lady
Glo. Well, when I have them: quickly then dispatch: sblood turne gray beard and hayre?
Robyn conceale, this dyeteth my minde,
Myrth is the object of my humorous spleane,
Thou high commaunding furie! further device,
Jests are conceated, I long to see their birth,
What come ye sister? Robyn a theeves hand,
But prethee where hadst thou this beard and haire?
La. Prince Richard wore them hether in a maske,
Glo. Saist thou me so, faith love the Princely youth,
Tut you must tast stolne pleasure now and than,
Rob. But if she steale and Jelious eyes espie:
She will be sure condemnd of Burglary,
Glo. Ha crake? can you low stumps venter so deep
Into affections streame? go to you wanton.
What want we now? my nightcap, O tis heare,
So now no Gloster, but olde Faukenbridge,
Harke, the search knockes, ile let them in my selfe;
Welcome good fellowe; ha, what ist you lacke?
Enter Redcap with another.
Red. Ma master Co constable, se se search you th that way, a and you ho honest man th that way. Ile ru run th this way m my owne se selfe.
They dispearse themselves.
Glo. What search you for? what is it you would have?
Enter Blocke.
Blo. Madam, what shall I doe to these brown-bill fellowes? some runne into the wine seller, some heere, some there.
Glo. Let them alone, let them search their filles.
Block. Ile looke to their fingers for all that.
Glo. Doe so good Blocke, be carefull honest Blocke.
B. Sir stammerer & your wa watch, y'are pa past ifaith.
Gl. Will you not speake knaves, tel me who you seeke?
Red. Ma mary sir we s seeke a va va vacabond, a fu fugative. my La Ladies owne b brother; but and hee were the po po Popes owne b brother, I would s search f f for him; for I have a p poore father r ready to be ha ha hang'd f f for him.
Glo. O tis for Gloster! mary search a gods name,
Seeke peace, will he breake prison too?
It's pitty he should live, nay I defye him.
Come looke about, seach every little corner,
My selfe will lead the way, pray you come,
Seeke, seeke, and spare not, though it be labour lost:
He comes not under my roofe, heare ye wife,
He comes not hyther, take it for a warning.
Red. You sp sp speake like an honest ge ge Gentleman, re re rest you me me mery, co co come my f f friends, I be beleeve h h he r ran by the g g garden w wall toward the wa water side.
Exeunt running.
Glo. This fellow is of the humour I would chuse my wife,
Few words and many paces, a word and a way, and so
Must I: Sister adieu, pray you for me, Ile do the like for you.
Robin farewell, commend me to the Prince.
La. Can ye not stay heere safe?
Glo. No, Ile not trust the changing humours of olde Faukenbridge,
Adieu yong Earle, Sister lets kisse and part;
Tush, neere mourne, I have a merry hart.
La. Farewell all comfort.
Ro. What weeping Lady?
Then I perceive you have forgot Blacke-heath.
La. No, there Ile learne both of his life and death.
Ro. Till Munday Madam I must take my leave.
La. You will not misse then:
Rob. Nay, if Robin faile yee, let him have never favour of faire Lady.
La. Meane while Ile spend my time in prayers & teares,
That Gloster may escape these threatned feares.
Exit. Enter Skinke like Prince John.
Skin. Thus jets my noble Skinke along the streetes,
To whom each bonnet vailes, and all knees bend;
And yet my noble humour is too light,
By the sixe shillings: heere are two crackt groates
To helter skelter, at some vawting house.
But who comes yonder? ha, olde Faukenbridge?
Hath a brave chaine, were John and he good friends,
That chaine were mine, and should unto Black-heath.
Ile venture, it's but tryal, lucke may fall.
Good morrow good sir Richard Faukenbridge.
Fau. Good morrow my sweet Prince, harty good morrow,
This greeting wel becomes us, marry does it;
Betterwis then strife and Jangling.
Now can I love ye, wil ye to the Shiriffes?
Your brother Richard hath beene there this houre.
Skin. Yes I am plodding forward as you doe;
What cost your chaine? it's passing strongly wrought,
I would my Gold-smith had a patterne of it.
Fau. Tis at your graces service, shew it him.
Skin. Then dare ye trust me?
Fau. Who the Princely John?
My Soveraignes sonne, why what a question's that?
Ile leave you, yee may know I dare trust you.
Ski. Ile bring't ye to the Shiriffes, excuse my absence.
Fau. I wil my noble Lord, adieu sweet Prince.
Skin. Why so, this breakfast was wel fed upon,
When Skinkes devises on Black-heath doo faile,
This and such cheates, would set me under saile.
Ile to the water side, would it were later,
For stil I am afraide to meete Prince John.
Enter Gloster like Faukenbridge.
But what a mischiefe meant Faukenbridge
To come againe so soone? that way he went,
And now comes peaking; upon my life
The buzzard hath me in suspicion,
But whatsover chaunce, Ile filch a share.
Glo. Yonder's Prince John I hope he cannot know me,
Ther's naught but Gloster Gloster in their mouthes;
I am halfe strangled with the Garlicke breath,
Of rascals that exclaimes as I passe by,
Gloster is fled, once taken he must dye.
But Ile to John, how does my gratious Lord?
What tattles humour now? what newes of Gloster?
Skin. What newes could I heare since you left me last?
Were you not heere even now? lent me your chaine,
I thinke you dote.
Glo. Sweet Prince, age, age forgets, my brothers chaine? a pretty accident,
Ile have't and be but in the spight of John.
Skin.Ther's more, and more, Ile geld it eare I go.
He breaks the chaine.
This same shal keep me in some Taverne merry,
Til nights blacke hand curtaine this to cleare sky.
Fau. My sweet Prince, I have some cause to use my chaine,
Another time (when ere your Lordship please)
Tis at your service, o mary God it is.
Skin. Heere palsie, take your chaine, stoop and be hang'd,
Yet the fish nibled, when she might not swallow;
Gout I have curtall'd what I could not borrow.
Glo. He's gone away in frets, would he might meete
My brother Faukenbridge in this mad moode,
There would be rare adoe; Why this fits me,
My braine flowes with fresh wit and pollicy.
But Gloster looke about, who have we yonder?
Another John Prince, Richard and the Shiriffe?
Upon my life, the slave that had the chaine,
Was Skinke, escapt the Fleete by some mad sleight,
Wel, farwel he, better and better still,
These seeke for me, yet I wil have my will.
Jo. Shiriffe, in any case be diligent.
Whose yonder, Faukenbridge?
Glo. How now sweet chucke, how fares my lovely Prince?
Jo. What carest thou? or wel, or ill, we crave no help of thee.
Glo. Gods mother doe you scorne me?
Jo. Gout, what then?
Rich. Fye, leave these idle bravles, I prethee John
Lets follow that we are injoyn'd unto.
Glo. I mary Prince, if now you slip the time,
Gloster wil slip away; tut though he hate me
I have done sevice, I have found him out.
Ric. A shame confound thee for thy treachery,
Inconstant dotard, tymerous olde asse,
That shakes with cowardise not with yeares.
Glo. Goe, I have found him, I have winded him.
Jo. O let me hug thee gentle Faukenbridge,
Forgive my oft ill using of thine age,
Ile call thee Father, ile be penitent,
Bring me where Gloster is Ile be thy slave,
All that is mine, thou in reward shalt have.
Glo. Soft, not too hasty, I would not be seene in't,
Mary a god my wife would chide me dead,
If Gloster by my meanes should loose his head.
Princely Richard at this corner make your stand:
And for I know you love my sister well,
Know I am Gloster and not Faukenbridge.
Ric. Heaven prosper thee sweet Prince in thy escape.
Glo. Shiriffe, make this your quarter, make good guard,
John, stay you heere, this way he meanes to turne,
By Thomas I lacke a swoord, body a me.
Jo. What wouldst thou with a swoord olde Faukenbridge?
Glo. O sir to make shew in his defence,
For I have left him yonder at a house
A friends of mine, an honest Cittizen.
Jo. Wee'll fetch him thence.
Glo. Nay then you injure me, stay till he come; he's in a russet cloake
And must attend me like a Servingman.
Jo. Holde ther's my swoord, and with my swoord my heart,
Bring him for Godsake, and for thy desert,
My brother King and mother Queene shall love thee.
Glo. Marke me good Prince, yonder away we come,
I goe afore and Gloster followes me;
Let not the Shiriffe nor Richard meddle with us,
Begin you first, seaze Gloster and arrest him;
Ile draw and lay about me heere and heere,
Be heedfull and your watchmen hurt me not,
Jo. Ile hang him that doth hurt thee, prethee away,
I love thee, but thou kilst me with delay.
Glo. Wel keep close watch, ile bring him presently.
Jo. Away then quickly.
Gl. Gloster, close master Shiriffe, Prince Richard,
Ri. Gloster adieu.
Glo. I trust you.
Rich. By my Knight-hood Ile proove true.
Exit Gloster.
Joh. Revenge, Ile build a Temple to your name;
And the first offring shal be Glosters head,
Thy Alters shal be sprinkled with the bloud,
Whose wanton current his mad humour fed;
He was a rymer and a Ridler,
A scoffer at my mother, prays'd my father,
Ile fit him now for al, escape and all.
Ric. Take heede spight burst not in his proper gall.
Enter Faukenbridge and Blocke.
Jo. How now, what way tooke Faukenbridge I wonder?
That is not Gloster sure that attends on him.
Fau. He came not at the Shiriffes by the morrow masse,
I sought the Goldsmithes rowe and found him not;
Sirra, y'are sure he sent not home my chaine?
Blo. Who should send your chaine sir?
Fau. The Prince, Prince John I lent it him to day.
Jo. What's this they talke?
Bloc. By my truth Sir, and ye lent it him, I thinke you may goe look it: for one of the Drawers of the Salutation tolde me even now, that he had tooke up a chamber there till evening, and then he will away to Kent.
Fau. Body of me, he meanes to spend my chaine,
Come Blocke Ile to him.
Joh. Heare you Faukenbridge?
Fau. Why what a knave art thou? younders Prince John.
Bl. Then the Drawer's a knave, he told me Prince John was at the Salutation.
Jo. Wheres Gloster Faukenbridge?
Fau. Sweet Prince I knowe not.
Joh. Come, jest not with me, tell me where he is?
Fau. I never saw him since the Parlament.
Jo. Impudent lyar, didst thou not even now
Say thou woldst fetch him? hadst thou not my sword?
Fau. Wert thou a King, I will not beare the lye,
Thy sword? no boy, thou seest this sword is myne.
Blo. My Master a lyer? Zounds wert thou a potentate,
Fau. I scorne to weare thy armes untutred childe,
I fetch thee Gloster? shamelesse did I see thee
Since as I went this morning to the Siriffes,
Thou borrowedst my gold chaine?
Jo. Thy chaine?
Fau. I hope thou wilt not cheate me princkocks John.
Jo. Ile cheat thee of thy life if thou charge me
With any chaine.
Fau. Come, let him come I pray, Ile whip yee boy, Ile teach you to out face.
Blo. Come, come, come, but one at once, ye dasterds come
Rich. Keepe the Kings peace, I see you are both deceav'd,
He that was last heare, was not Faukenbridge.
Fau. They slaunder me, who sayes that I was heare?
Ric. Wee doe beleeve ye sir; nor doe you thinke
My brother John deceiv'd you of a chayne.
Fau. He did, I did deliver it with this hand.
Joh. Ile dye upon the slanderer,
Fau. Let the boy come.
Blo. I, let him come, let him come.
Ric. Fellow, thou spakst even now, as if Prince John
Had byn at some olde Taverne in the towne.
Blo. I sir, I came up now, but from the Salutation,
And a drawer that doth not use to lye, tolde me
Prince John hath byn there all this after noone.
Joh. The Devill in my likenesse then is there.
Fau. The Devill in thy likenesse or thy selfe,
Had my gold chaine.
Joh. Thou art the Devill, for thou
Hadst my good sword, all these can witnesse it.
Fau. Gods Mother thou bely'st mee.
Jo. Give me the lye?
Rich. Nay calme this fury, lets down to the Taverne,
Or one, or both, these counterfeites are there.
Fau. I know him well enough that had my chaine,
And there be two Johns, if I finde one there,
BerLady, I will lay him fast.
Rich.It is this Skinke that mockes us I beleeve.
Joh. Alas poor Skink it is the Devill Gloster;
Who if I be so happy once to finde,
Ile give contentment, to his troubled minde.
Rich. I hope he's far enough, and free enough:
Yet these conseytes I know delight his soule.
Fau. Followe me Blocke, follow me honest Blocke.
Blo. Much follow you, I have another peece of worke in hand; I heare say Redcaps father shall bee hanged this after noone, Ile see him slip a string though I give my service the slip; beside my Lady bad me heare his examination at his death: Ile get a good place, and pen it word for word, and as I like it, set out a moornefull Dittie to the tune of Labandalashot, or rowe well ye Marriners, or somwhat as my muse shall me invoke.
Exit. Enter Gloster like Faukenbridge with a Pursevant, Gloster having a paper in his hand, the Pursevant bare.
Glo. A charytable deed, God blesse the King,
He shall be then repreeved.
Pur. I sir, some day or two, till the young King and Prince John chaunge it, especially if the good Earle bee not found which God forbid.
Glo. What house is this that wee are stept into a read this warrant in?
Pur. A Taverne sir, the Salutation.
Glo. A Taverne? then I will turne prodigall,
Call for a pint of Sacke good fellow.
Pur. Drawer?
Dra. Anan sir.
Glo. A pint of thy best Sacke my pretty youth.
Dra. God blesse your worship sir, ye shal have the best in London sir.
Gl. What knowst thou me? knowst thou old Faukenbridge? I am no Taverne hunter I can tell thee.
Draw. But my Master hath taken many a faire pound of your man Blocke; he was heere to day sir, and fild two bottom of nippitate sacke.
Glo. Well, fill us of your nippitate sir,
This is well chauncst, but heere ye boy?
Bring Suger in white paper, not in browne;
For in white paper I have heere a tricke,
Shall make the Pursevant first swound, then sicke.
Thou honest fellow what's thy name?
Pur. My name is Winterborne sir.
Glo. What countryman I prethee?
Pur. Barkeshire and please ye.
Gl. How long hast thou bin sworne a messenger?
Pur. But yesterday and please your worship,
This is the First imployment I have had.
Enter Drawer with wine and Suger.
Glo. A good beginning, heere have too thee fellow;
Thou art my fellow now thou servest the King,
Nay take Suger too, Gods Lady deere,
I put it in my pocket, but it's heere:
Drinke a good draught I prethee Winterborne.
He drinkes and falles over the stoole.
Dra. O Lord Sir Richard, the man, the man.
Glo. What a forgetfull beast am I? peace boy,
It is his fashion ever when he drinkes.
Fellow he hath the falling sickenes,
Run fetch two cushions to rayse up his head,
And bring a little Key to ope his teeth.
Exit Drawer.
Pursevant, your warrant and your boxe,
These must with me, the shape of Faukenbridge
Will holde no longer water heere about.
Gloster wil be a proteus every houre,
That Elinor and Leyster, Henry, John,
And all that rabble of hate loving curres,
May minister me more mirth to play upon.
Enter Drawer.
Dra. Heer's a key sir, and one of our folke to help.
Glo. No matter for a key, help him but in,
And lay him by the fire a little while,
He'll wake immediatly, but be hart sicke,
Ther's money for a candle and thy wine,
Ile goe but up unto your Aldermans,
And come downe presently to comfort him.
Within Ski. Drawer? what Drawer? with a vengeance Dra.
Within Dra. Speake in the Crowne there.
Enter Skinke like Prince John.
Skin. They be come, the devill crowne yee one by one,
Skinke tho'art betraide, that master Faukenbridge
Missing some of his chaine, hath got thee dog'd.
Drawer? what Drawer?
Dra. Anan, anan sir.
Ski. Was not sir Richard Faukenbridge below?
Dra. Yes and please yee.
Skin. It does not please me wel, knowes he that I am heer?
Dra. No I protest.
Ski. Come hether sirra, I have little money,
But ther's some few linkes of a chayne of golde:
Upon your honesty knowes not sir Richard,
That I am heere?
Dra. No by my holydam.
Skin. Who's that was with him?
Dra. Why a Persevant.
Skin. Where is sir Richard?
Dra. At the Aldermans.
Skin. A Pursevant and at the Aldermans.
What Pyg, or Goose, or Capon have you kill'd,
Within your Kitchin new?
Dra. A pyg new stickt.
Skin. Fetch me a sawcer of the bloud, quicke run;
Ile fit the Pursevant, and Alderman,
And Faukenbridge, if Skinke have any wit.
Well Gloster, I did never love thee yet,
But th'art the maddest Lord that ere I met,
If I scape this, and meete thee once againe,
Cursse Skinke, if he dye penny in thy det.
Enter Drawer.
Dra. O my Lord the house is full of holberts, and a great many Gentlemen aske for the roome where Prince John is?
Skin. Lend me thy Aprone, runne and fetch a pot from the next roome.
Betray'd, swounds betray'd, by gout, by palsie, by dropsie;
O brave boy, excellent bloud: up, take my cloake
And my hat to thy share, when I come from Kent, ile pay
Thee like a King.
Dra. I thanke thee my Lord.
Exit. Enter John, Richard, Faukenbridge, Shiriffes and Officers.
Ski. Now fortune help or never: they come, and yee were a Prince as yee say ye are, yee would bee ashamed to abuse a poore servant thus, but and if you were not of the bloud Royall, Ide breake the necke of yee downe the stayres, so would I, Ide teach you to hurt prentises.
Ri. Who hurt thee fellow?
Skin. Prince devill or his dam, Prince John they call him.
Joh. Gloster I hope.
Ri. I doubt not but it's Skinke.
Jo. Where is he?
Skin. Up them stayres, take heede of him.
He's in the Crowne.
Fau. Alas poor fellow, he hath crown'd thee shrewdly.
Jo. In recompence, if it be him I seeke,
Ile give thee his whole head to tread upon.
Follow me brother, come olde Faukenbridge,
Keep the stayres Shiriffes, you see it waxeth darke,
Take heede he slip not by you.
Ski. Hange your selves, this darkenes shal convay me out of doors
Ile swim the Thames, but Ile attaine Black-heath,
London farewell, curse John, rave Faukenbridge,
Skinke scapes you all by twylights privyledge.
Within. Where is he? lights, bring lights, drag out that boy.
Enter all with the boy.
Jo. This is my cloke, my hat, my rapier,
And eyther it was Skinke or Gloster.
Dra. I know not who twas sir, he said he was Prince John, he tooke away my aprone and a pottle pot with him, and al to bloudied his head and face.
Fau. We met him, by S. Anthony, we met him.
Jo. The fire of S. Anthony confound
This changing counterfeit whatsover he be.
Rich. It makes me laugh at envious greedines,
Who feedes upon her owne harts bitternes.
Joh. Sirra you that were borne to cry anan,
What other copesmates have you in the house?
Draw. Sir, my Maisters gesse be none of my copesmates,
Jo. Well your gesse, can ye gesse who they be?
Draw. Marry heere's a pursevant, that this Gentleman sir
Richard Faukenbridge left sick even now.
Fau. Marry of God dyd I, thou lying knave?
Dra. I am a poore boy sir, your worship may say your pleasure, our maides have had a foule hand with him, you said he would be sicke: so he is with a witnesse.
Joh. Looke about Faukenbridge, heere's worke for you,
You have some evill Angell in your shape,
Goe sirra, bring us foorth that Pursevant?
Enter two leading the Pursevant sicke.
Rich. Gloster, thou wilt be too too venterous,
Thou doost delight in those odde humours so,
That much I feare they'll be thy overthrowe.
Pur. O O O not too fast; O I am sicke, O very sicke.
Joh. What picture of the pestilence is this?
Purs. A poore man sir, a poore man sir: downe I pray yee, I pray let me sit downe. A sir Richard, sir Richard, a good sir Richard: what have I deserv'd to be thus dealt with all at your worships hands? a ha, ah, ah.
Fau. At my hands knave? at my hands paltry knave?
Dra. And I should be brought to my booke oath sir:
Within. What Jeffrey?
Dra. Anan, anan.
Joh. A plague upon your Jeffring, is your name Jeffrey?
Dra. I and't please you sir.
Rich. Why gentle Jeffrey then stay you awhile,
What can you say, if you come to your booke?
Dra. If I bee pos'd upon a booke sir, though I bee a poore prentise, I must speake the truth, & nothing but the truth sir.
Jo. And what's your truth sir?
Pur. O, O my heart.
Dra. Mary sir this Knight, this man of worship.
Fau. Well, what of me? what did my worship doe?
Dra. Mary ye came into the Bel, out roome next the Barre, with this honest man as I take it.
Fau. As thou tak'st it?
Pur. O sir tis too true, too true, too true O Lord.
Dra. And there he call'd for a pint of Sacke, as good Sacke (Ile bee pos'd upon all the bookes that ever opened and shut) as any is in all Christendome.
Fau. Body of me, I come and call for Sacke?
Pur. O ye did, ye did, ye did, O O.
Joh. Well forward sirra.
Ric. Gloster hath done this jest.
Dra. And you call'd then for Suger sir, as good Suger and as wholsome, as ever came in any cup of Sacke: you drunke to this man, and you doe well God be thanked, but hee no sooner drunke:
Pur. But I, but I, but I, O my head, O my heart.
Rich. I cannot chuse but smile at these conseites.
Jo. I am mad, and yet I must laugh at Faukenbridge:
Brother, looke how sir Richard actes his rage?
Fau. I came? I call? the man is like to dye,
Practise by the masse, practise by the marry God,
John loves me not, Prince Richard loves my wife,
I shall be charg'd heere, for a poysoned knave,
Practise by th'Lord, practise I see it cleare.
Pur. And more Sir Richard, O Lord O Sir Richard,
Fa. What more? what hast thou more? what practise more?
Pur. O my box, my box, with the Kings armes, O my box,
O my box, it cost me, O Lord every penny O, my box,
Rich. And what of your box sir.
Dra. Mary sir it's lost, & tis wel knowne my Master keeps no theeves in his house, O there was none but you and he.
Fau. O then belike thou thinkest I had his box,
Pur. O sir Richard I will not, O Lord I will not charge you for all the world, but, but, but for the warrant the olde King signd to repreeve the Porter of the fleet, O God, O God!
Joh. The Porter of the Fleet, the olde king signd,
Pur. I my good Lord, oh, oh,
Jo. Is he repreived then?
Pur. No my Lord, O sir Richard tooke it from me with his owne hand, O.
Fau. Heeres a device to bring me in contempt
With the olde King, that I ever lov'd,
Princes and Shiriffe, you can witnesse with me,
That I have bin with you, this after noone,
Onely with you, with no body but you,
And now a fellow whome the King would save,
By a repreive, this fellow sayes is hang'd,
Jo. If thou hadst done it, Ide have justified it,
But Richard I conceipt this jest already,
This mad mate Skinke, this honest merry knave,
Meeting this Pursevant, and hearing tell
He had a warrant to repreeve a slave,
Whome we would hang: stole it away from him.
This is sure the Jest, upon my life it is,
Pur. O but my warrant, how shall I doe? O,
Ric. But looke about you, hot braind brother John,
And I beleeve you'l find it otherwise,
Gloster hath got the warrant in disguise,
And sav'd the fellow you fo faine would hang.
Jo. No, no, how say you M. Shiriffe, is he not hang'd?
Shi. My Lord, the gibbet was set up by noone
In the olde Bayly, and I charg'd my men,
If I returne not, though it were by Toarch light,
To see him executed ere they come.
Jo. I am greedy to heare newes.
Fau. Rob'd of my chaine, out-fac'd I had a swoord,
Accus'd of poysoning, cousonage, seeking bloud?
Not to be borne: it is untollerable.
Rich. Sir Richard, I prethee have some patience.
Fau. Ile to Blacke-heath, talke not of patience,
It is intollerable, not to be borne.
Jo. It is intollerable not to be borne,
A warrant brother, Faukenbridge a warrant?
Fau. I saw no warrant, I defie you all.
Jo. A slave, a Pursevant, one winter borne.
Fau. I care not for thee that winter borne.
Pur. O it is I sir, that's my warrant.
Jo. Ist you? you rogue, you drunkerd; ye are cheated,
And we are cheated of the prisoner,
Out dog, dog.
Pur. O o o o my Lord.
Exit and Drawer.
Shi. Have patience and we wil have a privy search.
Joh. Goe hang ye block-heads, get ye from my sight,
O would I were a Basiliske, to kill
These gleare ey'd villaines.
Shir. Come away let's leave him.
We have a warrant let him doe his worst.
Exeunt Shiriffes and Officers.
Fau. Ile to Blacke-heath, Ile to the holy Hermit,
There shall I knowe not onely these deceivers,
But how my wife playes fast and loose with Richard,
Ha, I shall fit them, Ile tickle them,
Ile doo't, Ile hence, Ile to the Heath amaine,
Joh. There shall I know, where this damned Gloster is,
Ile have the Devils rous'd to finde that Devill,
Or else Ile conjure the olde Conjurer.
Ile to Blacke-heath, and there with friends conspire,
But Ile have Glosters head my hearts desire.
Rich. Would mad Earle Robyn saw these humouristes.
Twol'd feed him fat with Laughter; O twould fit him,
Where ever he is, I knowe the bare consaite
Is better to him than his daintiest foode,
Well, and it fits mee well, now I have time,
To coort my Lady Faukenbridge at leysure,
Love I emplore thy aide faire Cipria,
Thou sea-borne mother at affections ring,
Shine brightly in thy sphere, that at my starre,
My plannet thou of all lights most beautious,
Be thou to my desires Auspitious.
Exit. Enter Robin Hood in the Lady Faukenbridges gowne, night attire on his head.
Rob. O for this Lady, was never poore Gentleman troubled with Gentlewoman as I am with my selfe, my Lady Faukenbridge hath fitted me a turne, heere I am visited with sleevelesse errands and with asking for this thing Madam and that thing Madam, that they make me almost mad in earnest. whoop heer's another Client.
Enter a Servingman.
Ser. Heer's my Lady Rawfords Page attends to speake with your Ladyship.
Rob. I pray ye bid her Lordships Page come into my
Ladyship: well Robin Hood, part with these pettycoates,
And cast these loose devices from thy backe,
Ile nere goe more untrust, never bee kercheft.
Never have this adoe, with what doe you lacke?
Enter Page.
Pag. Madam my Lady greets your honour kindely,
And sends you the first grapes of her young vine.
Rob. I am much indepted to her honour, thers an angel for you to drinke; set them up till after supper. Humphery, pray look about for Blocke. Humphery? trust mee I thinke the foole be lost.
Pa. No forsooth, Madam hee's upon the greene Jesting with a stammerer, one Redcap.
Rob. It is a lewd fellowe, pray bid him come in youth, Ile give him his welcome at the doore: commend me to your Lady, I pray ye hartily.
Exit Page
Humphery, I marvell where sir Richard is so late? truely, truely hee does not as beseemes a gentleman of his calling, pray let some goe foorth to meete him on the greene, and send in that blockehead Blocke.
Exit Humphery. Enter Redcap and Blocke after him.
Bloc. Wil ye tel tales ye asse, will ye?
Red. Ile te te tell your La La Lady or I would to g God we were ha hang'd else, as my fa father should have bin.
Rob. Now what's the matter there I pray you? what company have you there a gods name? where spend you the day I pray?
Bloc. Why where you gave me leave, at the gallows I was, no farther.
Red. A a and you be his La Lady, you are the La Lady Fau Faukenbridge, the Earle of glo Glosters sister.
Rob. I am so fellow.
Red. Y y your man b b Blocke heere, does no nothing but f f floute m me, a and cr cries r run Re Redcap ad s s see your f f father ha ha hang'd. I sh shal g go neere to m make m murder and he u use it.
Rob. Wel sirra, leave your mocking you were best, Ile bob your beetle head and if you mocke him.
Blo. He's run Redcap.
Red. La la law ma Madam.
Rob. Away ye saucy foole, goe waite within.
Blo. Run Redcap, run Redcap.
Rob. Art thou the Porters sonne, that was condemned about my brother Gloster?
Red. I g g God be with ye, I am the p p Porters son, I m must r run to s s seeke your b br brother.
Rob. Wel, drinke that fellow, if thou finde my brother bee not too violent, and Ile reward thee.
Red. I th th thanke ye h hartily, and I had not bin cousoned with Sk Skinke, I had no nee need of these ja jaunts, for Gl Gloster was s safe enough.
Enter Blocke and the Porter with his cloake muffled.
Blo. Ah farewel Redcap.
Red. Fa fare we wel and be ha hang.
Rob. You'll never leave your knavery, whose there more?
Blo. One Madam that hath commendations to you from your brother.
Rob. Commest thou from Gloster? thou art welcome friend
Blo. O it's one of the kindest Ladies (though she wil now & then have about with Block) that ever breath'd, and she had been in her mood now, Redcap would have made her such sp sp sport as't a pa pa past.
Rob. Wil you make sport and see who knockes againe?
Bl. Our gates are like an Anuile, from foure to ten, nothing but knicke a knocke upon't.
Rob. Wil you be gone sir? honest friend I am glad
My brother Gloster got thy liberty,
Whose flight was cause of thy captivity:
Nor shal there be in us such negligence,
Though thou have lost thy Office and thy house,
But we wil see thee better farre provided,
Than when thou wert porter in the Fleete.
Enter Blocke.
Blo. Madam your olde friend Prince Richard,
All alone, making mone, fetching many a greevous grone.
Rob. Prince Richard come so late? lights to his chamber,
Sirra, in any case say I am sicke.
Blo. Very sicke, sicke and like to dye: Ile sing it and you wil.
Ro. Away ye knave, tel him, in the morning
Ile humbly waite upon his excellence.
Blo. That's all his desire to have ye lowly and humble, and tis a courteous thing in a Lady.
Ro. Hence, or else ile set you hence: goe in good friend.
Come Lady Faukenbridge, it's time to come,
Robin can holde out no longer I see,
Hot wooers will be tempters presently.
Exit. Enter Skinke like a Hermit.
Ski. Now holy Skinke in thy religious weed,
Looke out for purchase, or thy wonted clyants:
Warrents quoth you, I was fairely warrented,
Young Robin Hood the Earle of Huntington,
Shall never fetch me more unto his Prince.
Enter Ladie Faukenbridge in Merchants wives attyre.
But pauca verba Skinke, a prize, a prize,
By th'mas a pretty girle, close Hermit close,
Ore-heare if thou canst, what she desires,
For so my cunning and my credit spreads.
La. See how affection armes my feeble strength,
To this so desperate journeying all alone,
While Robin Hood young Earle of Huntington,
Playes Lady Faukenbridge for me at home.
Ski. What mistery is this? the Lady Faukenbridge,
It's she, sweet fortune thou hast sent her wel,
I will intice this morcell to my Cell:
Her husband's jealious, I will give him cause,
As he beleeves, I hope it shall succeed;
Nay swounds it shal, she's mine in scorne of speed.
La. By this broad beaten path, it should appeare,
The holy Hermits Cave cannot be farre,
And if I erre not, this is he himselfe.
Ski. What honour'd tongue enquereth for the Hermit?
La. What honour'd tongue? Ski. I Lady Faukenbridge,
I know ye, and I know for what you come,
For Gloster and your husbands jealousie.
La. O thou, whose eye of contemplation,
Lookes through the windows of the highest heavens,
Resolve thy Hand-maide, where Earle Gloster lives:
And whether he shal live, and scape the hate,
Of proude young Henry and his brother John?
Ski. Ile have you first in, Ile tel you more anone.
Madam, they say bushes have eares and eyes,
And these are matters of great secrecy:
And you'll vouchsafe enter my holy Cell,
There what you long to know, ile quickely tell.
Enter John and Faukenbridge.
La. Stay heere are strangers.
Ski. A plague upon them, come they in the nicke,
To hinder Raynald of his Foxes tricke?
Jo. Good day olde Hermit.
Fau. So to you faire Dame.
Jo. By Elinors gray eye she's faire indeed;
Sweet heart come ye for holy benizons?
Hermit hast thou good custome with such Cliants?
I cannot blame your feates, your jugling trickes,
Plague juggle you.
La. Why cursse ye sacred worth?
Fau. Ill done in sooth my Lord, very ill done,
Wrong holines: a very pretty woman.
Mocke gravity; by the masse a cherry lippe,
A it's not wel done, deride a holy Hermit?
Joh. I have it in my purse shall make amends.
Ski. His purse and yours, shall make me some amends,
For hindring me this morning from the Lady;
For scaring me at Taverne yesternight,
For having backe your chaine, Ile fit you both.
Jo. Hermit, a word.
Fau. A word with you faire mistresse.
Jo. Where lye your devils that tel all your newes?
Would you would trouble them for halfe and houre,
To know what's become of traytor Gloster,
That in my cloathes brake prison in the Fleete?
Ski. No, it was Skinke.
Jo. Come olde foole yee dote.
Ski. But heare me.
Fau. Heare him Prince.
Jo. Swounds who heares you? Ile make your Lady graft ye for this worke: but to your tale sir.
Ski. Knowe thrise honour'd Prince, that Skinke did cousen Redcap of his cloathes.
Gloster did couzen Skinke, and so escapt.
Jo. Well done Faukenbridge?
Fau. My Lord, he tels you true.
Jo. You finde it on her lippes: but forward sir.
Ski. Twas Skinke in Glosters gowne, whome you did visit,
That playd at bowles and after stole your cloths,
While you went into the Lord Moortons chamber.
Jo. This savors of some truth,
Fau. Tis very like,
Joh. Well Faukenbridge by heaven Ile tell your wife,
Fau. She'l much beleeve you: you will come?
Tell me of my wife: this evening faile me not.
My wife quoth you: Ile send my wife from home,
Do, tell my wife prince John, by my deare mother,
I love her too too well to like another.
La. It seemes so fox, O what a world is this,
There most sinne raynes where least suspition is,
Fau. You'l come.
La. I will not faile, I warrant you,
Jo. Hermit is all this true,
Ski. Himselfe deliver not so much before ye sleepe,
Roote me from out the borders of this Realme.
Jo. Well by your leave sir Richard Faukenbridge,
Hence free from feare, you'l melt you'l melt olde man,
Fau. Nay take her to you, she is a shrow I warrant,
Ile to the holy Hermit, and inquire,
About my chaine, your sword, the Purservant
And other matters that I have to aske,
Ski. Your welcome good sir Richard,
Jo. Nay doe not stand on tearmes, I am fire, all life,
Nor never tell me that I have a wife.
I doe not meane to marry, ye think so,
But to be merry, you the manner knowe.
And you will have me, have me, poynt a meeting,
Ile be your true love, you shall be my sweeting,
If you deny to promise, this is plaine
Ile have my will eare you get home againe.
La. most gratious Lord.
Jo. Tut tell not me of grace I like no goodnes but a beautious face.
Be therefore breefe, give me your hand & sweare,
Or Ile away with you into the heath,
Neither shall Faukenbridge nor Hermit helpe,
And what I doe Ile answer well enough.
La. Why, then my Lord.
Jo. Nay do not stand on then,
But tell me when my Lord shall have you Lady,
Its presently, ile venter for a baby.
La. This night at stepney by my summer house,
There is a taverne which I sometime use,
When we from London come a gossoping,
It is the Hinde.
Jo. Give me thy pretty hand.
Thou'lt meet me at the Hinde, Ile by thy Roe,
La. One word's enough,
Joh. Suffice then be it so,
La. Ile fit my olde adulterer and your grace,
Ile send the Princesse thether in my place.
Fa. Prince John, Prince John, the Hermit teles me wonders.
He sayes it was Skinke that scapt us at the Taverne,
Skinke had my chaine: nay sure that Skinke did all.
Skin. I say goe but to yonder corner,
And ere the Sun be halfe an hower higher,
Ther will the theefe attempt a robery,
Jo. Who Skinke?
Fau. Will Skinke?
Ski. I Skinke upon my word.
Fau. Shal we goe seaze upon him good Prince John?
Jo. Nay we will have him that's no question.
And yet not hurte the honest rogue.
He'll helpe us well in quest of changeing Gloster,
Hermit farewell, Lady keepe your houre.
Fau. Adeiu olde Hermit: soone in th'evening Lasse,
La. Ile meet you both, and meet with both of you.
Father what answere doe you give to me?
Ski. Lady start downe I must into my cell,
Where I am curing of a man late hurt,
He drest, I must unto my Orizons,
In halfe an houre al wil be dispatcht,
And then I will attend your Ladyship.
La. At your best leasure father, O the life
That this thrise reverend Hermit leadeth heere.
How farre remote from mortall vanities,
Baites to the soule, enticements to the eye?
How farre is he unlike my lustfull Lord?
Who being given himselfe to be unchaste,
Thinke all men like himselfe, in their effects,
And injures me, that never had a thought,
To wrong the sacred rytes of spotlesse faith.
Enter Skinke with a patch on his face, and a Faulconers lure in his hand.
Ski. Hermit farewel, ile pay ye or speake with ye next time I see yee. Sweete mouse the Hermit bids you stay heere, he'll visit you anon. Now John and Faukenbridge, Ile match yee, and I doe not say Skinke's a wretch, a wren, a worme, when I have trickt them, Madam I will trimme you. Commodity is to be prefer'd before pleasure. About profit Skink, for crownes for crownes, that make the kingly thoughts.
La. I am assur'd that man's some murderer,
Good Father Hermit speake and comfort me,
Are ye at prayers good olde man? I pray ye speake,
What's heere a beard? a counterfeited hayre?
The Hermits portes? garments and his beades?
Jesus defend me I will fly this denne,
It's some theeves cave, no haunt for holy men.
What if the murderer, (as I ges him one)
Set on my husband, tush Prince John and hee
Are able to defend their noble selves,
How eare, I will not tarry, Ile away,
Least unto theft and rape, I proove a pray.
Exit. Enter Skinke Solus
Skin. Younder they are Ile fit them, heer's my ground:
Wa ha how, wa ha how, wa ha how?
Enters Faukenbridge.
Fau. I warrant ye my Lord some man's distrest.
Joh. Why man tis a Faulconer.
Fau. Mary of me good fellow, I did think thou hadst bin robd.
Ski. Rob'd, sir no, he that comes to rob me shal have a hard match on't, yet two good fellows had like to bin rob'd by one tall theefe, had not I stept in: abots on him, I lost a hauke by him, & yet I car'd not to send another after him, so I could find the theefe; and here about he is. I know he is squatted.
Fau. Sayst thou me so? we'l finde him by S. Mary.
An honest fellow, a good common wealths man.
Jo. There are caves heereabout good fellow, are there not?
Ski. Yes sir, tread the ground sir, & you shal heare their hollownes, this way sir this way.
Jo. Help Faukenbridge.
Fau. O help me good prince John.
Skin. Ile helpe you both, deliver sir deliver, Swounds linger not: Prince John put up your pursse, or ile throw ponniards downe upon your pate. Quickely, when? I am Skink that scapt ye yesternight, and fled the Fleete in your cloake, carrying mee cleane out of winde and raine. I broke the bonds and linkes that fettered your chaine amity, this cheate is mine: Farewel I cannot stay, sweet Prince, olde Knight, I thanke ye for this pray.
Fau. Gods mary mother, heer's a jest indeed,
We came to take, a theefe takes us:
Where are ye good my Lord?
Jo. No matter where, I thinke I was fore-spoken at ye teate,
This damn'd rogue serv'd me thus? Gloster and he
Upon my life conclude in villany.
He was not wont to plot these stratagems,
Lend me your hand a little, come away,
Let's to the Cell againe, perchaunce the Hermit
Is Skinke, and theefe, and Hermit al in one.
Fau. Mary a God then ten to one its so,
Wel thought on Princely John,
He had my chayne, no doubt he had your swoord.
Joh. If there be now no Hermit at the Cel,
Ile sweare by al the Saints its none but he.
Exeunt. Enter Gloster in the Hermits gowne, putting on the beard.
Glo. This accident hath hit thy humour Gloster,
From pursevant ile turne a Hermit now.
Sure he that keeps this Cell is a counterfeit,
Else what does he heere with false hayre and beard?
Well how so eare it be, Ile seeme to be
The holy Hermit: for such fame there is,
Of one accounted reverend on this heath.
Enter Skinke.
Ski. Ile faine unto my cell, to my faire Lady,
But John and Faukenbridge are at my heeles.
And some od mate is got into my gowne,
And walks devoutly like my counterfeite,
I cannot stay to question with you now,
I have another gowne, and all things fit,
These guests once rid, new mate? Ile bum, Ile marke you.
Gl. What's he a gods name? he is quickly gone,
I am for him, were he Robin-good fellow,
Whose yonder the Prince John and Faukenbridge?
I thinke they haunt me like my genii,
One good the other ill, by th'mas they prye
And looke uppon me but suspitiously.
Jo. This is not Skinke, the Hermit is not Skinke:
He is a learned reverend holy man.
Fau. He is he is a very godly man.
I warrant ye, he's at his booke at's prayers,
Wee should have tooke you, by my hollydam
Even for a very theefe.
Glo. Now God forfend such noblemen as you should gesse me so,
I never gave such cause for ought I knowe.
Joh. Yet thou didst tell us Skinke should doe a roberye,
Appoynted us the place, and there we found him,
Fau. And he felt us, for he hath rob'd us both.
Glo. He's a lewd fellow, but he shall be taken.
Jo. I had rather heere of Gloster then of him.
Glo. Gloster did cheat him, of the same golde chaine,
That deceiv'd Sir Richard Faukenbridge.
He got your sword Prince John: twa's he that savde
The porter, and beguil'd the Pursevant,
Joh. A vengaunce on him.
Glo. Doo not cursse good Prince, he's bad enough, twere better pray for him.
Jo. Ile kill thee, and thou bid me pray for him.
Ile fell woods, and ring thee round with fire,
Make thee an offring unto fierce revenge,
If thou have but a thought to pray for him.
Glo. I am bound to pray for all men, chefely christians.
Joh. Ha ha, for christians, thinkst thou he is one?
For men: hast thou opinion he is a man?
He that changes himselfe to sundry shapes,
Is he is christian? can he be a man?
O, Irreligious thoughts,
Glo. Why worthy Prince I saw him christened, dept into the font
Jo. Then nyne times like the northern laplanders,
He backward circled the sacred Font,
And nyne times backward sayd his Orisons,
As often curst the glorious hoast of heaven,
As many times invocke the fiends of hell,
And so turn'd witch, for Gloster is a witch.
Glo. Have patient Gentle Prince, he shall appeare,
Before your Kingly father speedily.
Jo. Shall he indeed? sweet comfort kisse thy cheeke,
Peace circle in thy aged honoured head,
When he is taken: Hermit I protest
Ile build thee up a chappell and a shrine:
Ile have thee worshipt, as a man devine,
Assure he shall come, and Skinke shall come.
Glo. I that same Skinke, I prethee send that Skinke,
Joh. Send both, and both as prisoners crimminate
Shall forfeite their last lives to Englands state,
Which way will Faukenbridge?
Fau. Over the water, and so with al speed I may to Stepney
Jo. I must to Stepney too, and revile, and be blith,
Olde winke at my mirth, t'may make amends,
So thou, and I, and our friends, may be friends,
Fau. Withall my heart, withall my heart Prince,
Olde Faukenbridge will waite uppon your grace,
Be good to Gloster for my Marrians sake,
And me and myne you shall your servants make,
Glo. Of that anon my pleasure being serv'd,
Gloster shall have what Gloster hath deserv'd.
Fau. Why, that's well said, adew good honest Hermit,
Jo. Hermit farwell, if I had my desire,
Ile make the world thy wonderous deeds admire,
Glo. Still good, still passing good, Gloster is still
Henryes true hate, foe to Johns froward will.
No more of that for them in better tyme,
If this same Hermit be an honest man,
He will protect me by this simple life,
If not I care not, Ile be ever Gloster,
Make him my foot stole if he be a slave,
For Basenesse over worth can have no power.
Robin bethinke thee, thou art come from Kings,
Then scorne to be slave to underlings,
Looke well about thee Lad and thou shalt see,
Them burst in envy that would injure thee.
Hermit Ile meet you in your Hermits gowne,
Honest, Ile love you: worse, Ile knocke you downe.
Exit. Enter Prince Richard with musicke.
Kinde friends, wee have troubled Lady Faukenbridge,
And eyther she's not willing to be seene,
Or els not well: or with our boldnesse greev'd,
To ease these I have brought you to this window,
Knowing your are in musicke excellent,
I have pend a ditty heere: and I desire
You would sing it for her love and my content,
Musi. With all my heart my Lord.
Enter Robin Hood like the Lady.
Rob. Your excellence forgets your Princely worth,
If I may humbly crave it at your hands,
Let me desire this musicke be dismist,
Ric. For beare I pray and with draw your selves.
Be not offended gratious Marrian,
Exeunt Musicke.
Under the upper heaven, nine goodly spheres,
Turne with a motion ever musicall,
In Pallaces of Kings, meliodious sounds,
Offer pleasures to ther soveraignes eares.
In Temples, milke white clothed queristors,
Sing sacred Anthemes bowing to the shrine,
And in the feelds whole quires of winged clarkes,
Salutes the morning bright and Christaline,
Then blame not me, you are my heaven, my Queene,
My saint, my comfort, brighter then the morne,
To you all musicke, and all praise is due.
For your delight you for delight was borne,
The world wold have no mirth, no joy, no day,
If from the world your beautie were away.
Rob. Fie on loves blasphemie and forgery,
To call that in, thats onely misery,
I that am wedded to suspitious age,
Solicited by your lascivious youth,
I that have one poore comforte living,
Gloster my brother, my hie harted brother,
He flies for feare, least he should faint and fall
Into the hands of hate tirannicall.
Ric. What would you I should doe?
Rob. I would full faine, my brother Gloster had his peace againe.
Ric. Shall love be my reward if I doe bring
A certaine token of his good estate,
And after pacyfie my brothers wrath?
Say you'l love, we'l be fortunate,
Rob. I will.
Rich. No more, I vow to dye unblest
If I performe not this inposed quest,
But one word Madam pray can you tell,
Where Huntington my ward is?
Rob. I was bold to send yong Robin Hood your noble ward
Upon some busines of import for me.
Ri. I am glad he is imployd in your affayres,
Farewell kinde faire, let one cloudy frowne
Shaddow the bright sunne of thy beauties light.
Be confident in this, ile finde thy brother,
Rayse power but we'l have peace, onely performe
Your gratious promise at my backe returne.
Rob. Wel, heer's my hand, Prince Richard that same night
Which secondeth the day of your returne,
Ile be your bedfellow, and from that houre
Forsweare the loathed bed of Faukenbridge:
Be speedy therefore, as you hope to speed.
Ric. O that I were as large wing'd as the winde,
Then should you see my expeditious will:
My most desire, adew, guesse by my haste,
Of your sweet promise the delicious taste.
Rob. Why so: I am rid of him by this devise,
He would else have tyred me with his sighes and and songs,
Enter Blocke.
But now I shall have ease, heere comes the Saint,
To whom such sute was made.
Bl.My Lady Gentlewoman is eve n heere in her privitye walke, Madam heer's the Marchants wife was heere yesterday would speake with yee; O I was somewhat bolde to bring her in.
Ro. Wel leave us sir; y'are welcome gentlewoman.
Blo. These women have no liberality in the world in them,
I never let in man to my Lady, but I am rewarded.
Rob. Please ye to walke sir? wherfore mumble ye?
La. Robin what newes? how hast thou done this night?
Ro. My Ladiship hath done my part, my taske,
Lyne all alone for lacke of company,
I might have had Prince Richard,
La. Was he heere?
Rob. He went away but now; I have bin lov'd & wood too simply,
God rid me of the woman once againe,
Ile not be tempted so for all the world,
Come, wil you to your chamber and uncase?
La. Nay keep my habit yet a little while,
Olde Faukenbridge is almost at the gate,
I met him at Black heath just at the Hermits,
And taking me to be a Merchants wife,
Fell mightily in love, gave me his ring,
Made me protest that I would meete him heere.
I tolde him of his Lady, O tut quoth he,
Ile shake her up, ile packe her out of sight,
He comes kinde Robin Hood, holde up the jest.
Enter Sir Rich. Faukenbridge and Blocke.
Fau. Gods mary knave, how long hath she bin heere?
Blo. Sir she came but even in afore you.
Fa. A cunning queane, a very cunning queane,
Go to your busines Block, ile meete with her.
Blo. Ah old Muttonmounger I beleeve heer's worke towards.
Fau. Doe not beleeve her Mall, doe not beleeve her:
I onely spake a word or two in jest,
But would not for the world have bin so mad,
Doe not beleeve her Mall, doe not beleeve her:
Rob. What should I not beleeve? what doe you mean?
La. Why good Sir Richard, let me speake with you,
Alas wil you undoe me? wil you shame me?
Is this your promise? came I heere for this?
To be a laughing stocke unto your Lady
Rob. How now Sir Richard, what's the matter there?
Fa. I talke with you anon, come hyther woman?
Didst not tel my wife what match we made:?
La. Ile tel your wife? thinke ye I am such a beast?
Now God forgive ye, I am quite undone.
Fau. Peace duck, peace ducke, I warrant al is wel.
Rob.What's the matter? I pray ye sir Richard tell me?
Fau. Mary Mall thus, about some twelve months since,
Your brother Gloster, that mad prodigall,
Caus'd me to passe my word unto her husband,
For some two thousand pound: or more perchaunce,
No matter what it is, you shall not know,
Nay ye shal never aske to know.
Rob. And what of this?
Fau. Mary the man's decayde,
And I beleeve a little thing would please her;
A very little thing, a thing of nothing.
Goe in good Mall, and leave us two alone,
Ile deale with ye as simply as I can.
La. Fox looke about ye, ye are caught yfaith.
Rob. Deale with her simply, o ho; what kinde of dealing?
Can ye not deale with her and I be by?
Fau. Mary a God, what are ye jealous?
Ye teach me what to doe: in, get you in.
O I have heard Prince Richard was your guest,
How dealt you than? In get you in I say,
Must I take care about your brothers debts,
And you stand crossing me, in , or ile send you in.
Exit Robin.
Ha sirra, you'l be master, you'l weare the yellow,
You'l be an over-seer: mary shal yee.
La. Ye are too curst (methinkes sir) to your Lady;
Fau. Ah wench content thee, I must beare her hard,
Else she'l be priving into my dalliances:
I am an olde man sweet girle I must be merry,
All steele, al spright, keep in health by change,
Men may be wanton, wowen must not range.
La. You have given good consel sir, ile repent me,
Heer's your ring, ile onely love my husband.
Fau. I meane not so, I thinke to day thou toldes me
Thy husband was an unthrift, and a bankrout,
And he be so, tut thou hast favour store,
Let the knave beg, beauty cannot be poore.
La. Indeed my husband is a bankrout,
Of faith, of love, of shame, of chastity,
Dotes upon other women more then me.
Fau. Ha doe he so? then give him tit for tat,
Have one so young and faire, and loves another,
He's worthy to be coockolded by the masse.
What is he olde or young?
La. About your age.
Fa. An old knave and cannot be content with such a peate,
Come to my closet girle, make much of me,
We'll appoint a meeting place some twise a weake,
And ile maintaine thee like a Lady, ha?
La. O but you'll forget me presently,
When you looke well upon your Ladies beauty.
Fau. Who upon her? why she is a very dowdy,
A dishclout, a foule Jipsie unto thee,
Come to my closset lasse, there take thy earnest
Of love, of pleasure and good maintenaunce.
La. I am very fearefull.
Fau. Come foole never feare I am Lord heare, who shall disturb as then?
Nay come, or by the rood Ile make you come,
La. Help Madam Faukenbridge for gods sake.
Enter Robin Hood and Blocke.
Fau. How now, what meanst?
La. Help Gentle Madam help,
Rob. How now what aylst thou?
Bloc. Nay and't be a woman, nere feare my master Madam
La. Why speakst thou not, what aylst thou?
Fau. Why nothing, by the rood nothing she ayls.
La. O Madam this vile man would have abused me,
And forcst me to his closset,
Rob. Ah olde cole, now looke about, you are catcht,
La. Call in your fellowes blocke,
Fa. Doe not thou knave,
La. Doe or Ile cracke your crowne,
Blo. Nay Ile doo't, I knowe she meanes to shame you.
Fau. Why Mall wilt thou beleeve this paultrie woman?
Huswife Ile have you whipt for slaundring me.
Ro. What Leacher, no she is an honest woman,
Her husband's well knowne, all the houshold knowes.
Blo. Heer's some now, to tell all the towne your mynd,
La. Before ye all I must sure complaine,
You see this wicked man, and ye all knowe
How oft he hath byn Jealous of my life,
Suspecting falshood being fasle himselfe;
Blo. O maister, O maister,
Fau. She slaunders me. she is a cousoning queane,
Fetch me the Constable, Ile have her punisht,
La. The Constable for me fie, fie upon ye.
Madam do you know this ring?
Rob. It is sir Richards.
Blo. O I, that's my masters too sure.
Fau. I mary, I did lend it to the false drab
To fetch some money for that bankrout knave
Her husband, that lyes prisoner in the Fleete.
La. My husband bankrout? my husband in the Fleete prisoner?
No, no, he is as good a man as you.
Rob. I that he is, and can spend pound for pound
With thee yfaith, wert richer then thou art,
I know the gentleman.
La. Nay Madam he is hard by, there must be Revelles at the Hinde to night;
Your copesmate there, Prince John.
Rob. Ther's a hot youth.
Bl. O, a fierce Gentleman.
La. He was fierce as you, but I have matcht him,
The Princesse shall be there in my attyre.
Fau. A plaguy crafty queane, mary a God
I see Prince John, coorted as well as I,
And since he shal be mockt as well as I,
Its some contentment.
Bl. Masse he droopes, fellow Humphrey, he is almost taken,
Looke about ye old Richard?
Fau. Hence knaves, get in a little, prethee Mall
Let thou and I and she, shut up this matter.
Rob. Away sirs, get in.
Bl. Come, come let's goe, he wil be baited now, farewel old Richard.
Rob. Now sir, what say you now?
Fa. Mary sweet Mall I say I met this woman, likt her, lov'd her,
For she is worthy love I promise thee;
I say I coorted her: tut make no braule
Twixt thou and I, we'l have amends for all.
Ro. Had I done such a tricke, what then? what then?
Fau. Ah prethee Mall, tut beare with men.
Rob. I, we must beare with you; you'l be excus'd
When women undeserved are abus'd.
Fau. Nay doe not weep, pardon me gentle Lady,
I know thee vertuous, and I doo protest,
Never to have an evill thought of thee.
Rob. I, I, ye sweare, who's that that will beleeve ye?
Fau. Now by my holydam and honest faith,
This Gentlewoman shall witnes what I sweare.
Sweet Ducke a little help me?
La. Trust him Madam.
Fau. I will be kinde, credulous, constant ever,
Doe what thou wilt, ile be suspitious never.
Ro. For which I thanke noble Faukenbridge.
Fau. Body of me who's this? yong Huntington?
La. And I your Lady whome you coorted last,
Ye lookt about you ill, foxe we have caught ye,
I met ye at Blacke heath, and ye were not.
Fau. I knew thee Mall, now by my swoord I knew thee,
I winkt at all, I laught at every jest.
Rob. I, he did winke, the blinde man had an eye.
Fa. Peace Robin, thou't once be a man as I.
La. Well, I must beare it all.
Fa. Come, & ye beare, its but your office, come forget sweet Mall.
La. I doe forgive it, and forget it sir.
Fa. Why that's well said, that's done like a good girle:
Ha sirra, ha you matcht me pretty Earle?
Rob. I have, ye see sir I must unto Blacke heath,
In quest of Richard, whom I sent to seeke
Earle Gloster out, I know he's at the Hermits;
Lend me your Coach; Ile shift me as I ride,
Farewell sir Richard.
Fau. Farewell Englands pride, by the mattins Mall it is a pretty childe;
Shall we goe meete John? shall we goe mocke the Prince?
La. We will.
Fa. O then we shall have sport anon,
Never weare yellow Mall, twas but a tricke,
Olde Faukenbridge wil stil be a mad Dicke.
Exeunt. Enter Redcap and Gloster.
Red. Doe ye s s say fa fa father Hermit, th that Gl Gloster is about this Heath?
Glo. He is upon this Heath, Sonne looke about it,
Run but the compasse, thou shalt finde him out,
Red. R r run? ile r run the co compasse of all k Kent but Ile f finde him out, my f f father (where ere hee layes his head) dare ne never co come home I know, t t till hee bee fo fo found.
Gl. Wel thou shalt find him, knowst thou who's a hunting?
Red. M m mary tis the Earles of La La Lancaster and Le Leyster. Fa fa farewell f father, and I finde Skink or Glo Gloster, Ile g g give thee the pr prise of a penny p p pudding for thy p paines.
Glo. Adew good friend: this is sure the fellow
I sent on message from Parlament.
The Porters sonne, he's still in quest of me,
And Skinke that cousoned him of his red cap.
Enter Richard like a Serving man.
But looke about thee Gloster, who comes yonder?
O a plaine servingman, & yet perhaps his bags are lyn'd,
And my pursse now growes thin: if he have any I must share with him.
Enter Skinke like a Hermit.
And who's on yond side? O it is my Hermit,
Hath got his other sute since I went foorth.
Ski. Sbloud yonder's company, ile backe againe,
Else I would be with you counterfeite,
Ile leave the rogue till opportunity,
But never eate till I have quit my wrong.
Ric. I saw two men attend like holy Hermits,
One's slipt away, the other at his beades,
Now Richard for the love of Marian,
Make thy inquiry where mad Gloster lives.
If England or the verge of Scotland holde him,
Ile seeke him thus disguis'd: if he be past
To any forraigne part; ile follow him.
Love thou art Lord of hearts, thy lawes are sweet,
In every troubled way, thou guidst our feete.
Lovers injoyn'd to passe the daungerous Sea
Of big swolne sorrow, in the Barke affection;
The windes and waves of woe need never feare,
While Love, the helme doth like a Pylate steare.
Glo. Heer's some lover come, a mischiefe on him,
I know not how to answere these mad fooles,
But ile be briefe, ile marre the Hermits tale;
Off gowne, holde Buckler, slice it bilbowe blade.
Ric. What's this? what should this meane? old man, good friend
Glo. Young foole deliver else see your end.
Ric. I thought thou hadst been holy and a Hermit.
Glo. What ere you thought, your pursse? come quickly sir?
Cast that upon the ground, and then conferre.
Ric. There it is.
Glo. Falles it so heavy? then my heart is light.
Ric. Thou't have a heavy heart before thou touch it,
Theft shrinde in holy weedes? stand to't y'are best.
Glo. And if I doe not, seeing such a pray,
Let this be to me a disaster day.
Ric. Art thou content to breath?
Fight & part once or twice.
Glo. With al my heart, take halfe thy money & we'l friendly part.
Ric. I will not cherish theft.
Glo. Then I defye thee.
Fight againe and breath.
Ric. Alas for pitty, that so stout a man,
So reverend in aspect, should take this course.
Glo. This is no common man with whom I fight,
And if he be, he is of wondrous spright,
Shall we part stakes?
Ric. Fellow take the pursse upon condition thou wilt follow me?
Glo. What waite on you? weare a turn'd Livery?
Whose man's your master? If I be your man,
My mans mans office will be excellent:
There lyes your pursse againe, win it and weare it.
Fight. Enter Robin Hood, they breath, offer againe.
Rob. Clashing of weapons at my welcome hyther?
Bickring upon Blacke-heathe, well said olde man,
Ile take thy side, the yonger hath the oddes.
Stay, end your quarell, or I promise ye
Ile take the olde mans part.
Ric. You were not wont yong Huntington, stil on Richards side
Rob. Pardon gratious Prince I knew ye not.
Gl. Prince Richard: then lye envy at his foote,
Pardon thy cousen Gloster, valiant Lord,
I knew no common force confronted myne,
O heaven I had the like conseite of thine.
Ric. I tell thee Robin Gloster thou art met,
Bringing such comfort unto Richards heart,
As in the foyle of warre when dust and sweat,
The thirst of weake, and the Sunnes fiery heate,
Have seazd uppon the soule of valiaunce,
And he must faint except he be refresht,
To me thou comst as if to him should come,
A perry from the North, whose frostie breath
Might fan him coolnesse in that doubt of death.
With me then meets, as he a spring might meet,
Cooling the earth under his toyle partcht feet,
Whose christall moysture in his Helmit taine,
Comforts his spyrits, makes him strong againe.
Glo. Prince, in short termes if you have brought me comfort
Know if I had my pardon in this hand
That smit base Skinke in open Parlament,
I would not come to Court, till the high feast
Of your proud brothers birth day be expyred,
For as the olde King as he made a vow
At his unluckie Coronation,
Must waite upon the boy and fill his cuppe,
And all the Pieres must kneele while Henry kneeles
Unto his cradle; he shall hang me up,
Eare I commit that vile Idolatrie.
But when the feast is past if you'll befrend me,
Ile come and brave my proud foes to their teeth,
Ric. Come Robin, and if my brothers grace denye,
Ile take thy parte, them and their threates defye,
Glo. Gramercy Princly Dicke,
Rob. I have some power, I can rayse two thousand Soldiers in an hower,
Glo. Gramercy Robin, gramercy little wag,
Prince Richard, pray let Huntington
Carry my sister Faukenbridge this ring,
Ric. Ile carry it my selfe, but I had rather
Had thy kinde company, thou mightest have mov'd
Thy Sister, whome I long have vainely lov'd,
Glo. I like her that she shunes temptation
Prince Richard, but I beare with doting lovers,
I should not take it well, that you urge me
To such an office: but I beare with you,
Love's blind and mad, hie to her boldly, try her;
But if I know she yeeld, faith Ile defie her,
Ric. I like thy honorable resolution,
Gloster I pray thee pardon my intreate,
Glo. its mens custome; part part Gentle Prince,
Farwell good Robin, this gold I will borrow,
Meet you at stepney pay you all to morrow,
Rob. A dew Gloster,
Gl. Farwell, be short; you gone, I hope to have a little sport
Ric. Take heed mad Cuz.
Gl. Tut tell not me of heed,
He that's too wray never hath good speed.
Hollowing within, Enter Lanc. with a broken staffe in his hand.
Whose this old Lancaster my honoured frend?
Lan. These knaves have serv'd me well, left me alone,
I have hunted fairely, lost my purse, my chaine,
My Jewels, and bin bangd hy a bold knave,
Clad in a Hermits gowne like an olde man,
O what a world is this?
Glo. Its ill my Lord.
Lan. Hee's come againe, O knave tis the worse for thee,
Keepe from me, be content with that thou hast,
And see thou flie this heath, for if I take thee,
Ile make thee to all theeves aspectacle,
Had my staffe held, thou hadst not scaped me so,
But come not neare me, follow not thou art best,
Holla, Earle Leyster, holla Huntsman hoe?
Glo. Uppon my life, old Lancaster a Hunting,
Hath met my fellow Hermit, could I meet him,
Ide play rob theese, at least part stakes with him.
Skin. Zounds he is yonder alone,
Enter Redcap with a cudgell.
Skinke now revenge thy selfe on yonder slave,
Znayles still prevented? this same Redcap rogue
Runs like hob-goblin up and downe the heath.
Red. Wh wh wh whope He Hermit, ye ha ha ma ma made Re Redcap run a fine co co compasse, ha have you not?
Ski. I made thee run?
Glo. Younders my evill Angell, were redcap gone, Gloster would conjure him.
Red. Je Je Jesus bl blesse me, whop to two Hermits? Ile ca ca caperclaw to to tone of yee, for mo mo mocking me, and I d d doo not ha ha hang me: wh wh which is the fa fa false k k k knave? for I am s s sure the olde He He Hermit wo would never mo mocke an honest man.
Glo. he is the counterfet he mockt thee fellow.
I did not see thee in my life before,
He weares my garments, and had coussoned me,
Red. Have you co co cousoned the he Hermit and m made Redcap run to no pu pu purpose?
Ski. No he's counterfet I will tell no lyes,
As sure as Skinke deceiv'd thee of thy clothes,
Sent thee to Kent, gave thee thy fare by water,
So sure hee's false, and I the perfet Hermit,
Glo. This villaines is a conjurer I doubt,
Were he the devill yet I would not budge,
Red. Si si sirra, you are the co countefeite, O this is the tr tr true He Hermit, sta sta stand still g good man at that, ile bu bumbast you yfaith, ile make you g give the olde m m man his gowne.
Offers to strike, Gloster trippes up his heeles, shifts Skinke into his place.
G g gods lid ye go good at that? ile cu cudgell yee f f for this tr tr tricke.
Ski. It was not I twas he that cast thee downe,
Red. You li li li lye you ra ra rascall you, I le left ye st standing he heare.
Ski. Zounds hold you stammerer, or Ile cut your stumps.
Gl. He's for me he's weapon'd, I like that.
Red. O heer's a ro ro rogue in ca ca carnat, help, mu murder murder.
Enter Lancaster & Huntsmen at one doore, Leyster & Huntsmen at another.
Lan. Lay holde upon that theevish counterfeit,
Ley. Why heares another Hermit Lancaster:
Glo. I am the Hermit sir, that wretched man
Doth many a robberie in my disguise:
Skin. Its he that robs, he slaunders me, he lies.
Lan. Which set on thee?
Red. Th this f f fellow has a s s sword and a buckler.
Lan. Search him; this is the theefe, o heares my purse,
My chaine, my Jewels: oh thou wicked wretch,
How darst thou under show of holines,
Commit such actions of impietie?
Bind him, Ile have him made a publicke scorne.
Ski. Lay holde upon that other hermit.
He is a counterfeit as well as I,
He stole those clothes from me, for I am Skinke,
Search him, I know him not, he is some slave.
Glo. Thou lyest base varlet.
Re. O g God he has a sword too, S Skink are you ca catcht?
Lan. Villaine thou shalt with me unto the Court.
Ley. And this with me, this is the traytor Gloster.
Glo. Thou lyest proud Leyster I am no traytor.
Re. G gloster? O b brave, now m my father sh shal be f free
Lan. Earle Gloster I am sorry thou art taken.
Glo. I am not taken yet, nor will I yeild
To any heare but noble Lancaster,
Let Skinke be Leysters prisoner Ile be thine.
Ley, Thou shalt be mine.
Gl. First through a crimson sluce, Ile send thy hated soule to those blacke fiendes
That long have hovered gaping for their parte,
When tyrant life should leave thy traytor heart.
Come Lancaster keep Skinke ile goe with thee,
Let loose the mad knave, for I prayse his shifts,
He shall not starte away, ile be his guide,
And with proude looks outface young Henries pride.
Ley. Looke to them Lancaster upon thy life.
Red. Well ile r r run and get a p pardon of the K K King, Gl Gloster and Skinke ta ta taken? O b b brave, r r run re Re Red ca cap a and ca ca cary the first n n newes to co co court.
Ley. Lancaster ile helpe to guarde them to the Court.
Lan. Doe as you please.
Glo. Leyster doe not come neare me, for if thou doe, thou shalt buy it dearely.
Ley. Ile have thy hand for this.
Glo. Not for thy heart.
Ski. Brave Earle, had Skinke knowne thou hadst been the Noble Gloster (whose mad trickes have made mee love thee) I would have dy'd Blacke heath red with the bloud of millions, ere we would have been taken; but what remedy, we are fast & must answere it like Gentlemen, like Souldiers, like resolutes.
Gl. I ye are a gallant, come olde Lancaster,
For thy sake will I goe; or else by heaven
Ide send some dozen of these slaves to hel.
Exeunt. Enter Prince Richard, Robert Hoode & Lady Faukenbridge.
La, Your travaile and your comfortable newes,
This Ring, the certaine signe you met with him,
Bindes me in duetyous love unto your grace:
But on my knees I fall, and humbly crave,
Importune that no more, you nere can have.
Ric. Nay then ye wrong me Lady Faukenbridge,
Did you not joyne your faire white hand?
Swore that ye would forsweare your husbands bed,
If I could but finde out Gloster?
La. I sweare so?
Ric. By heaven
Rob. Take heed, its a high oath my Lord.
Ric. What meanst thou Huntington?
Ro. To save your soule, I doe not love to have my friends forsworne,
She never promist that your urge her with.
Ric.Goe to, provoke me not.
Rob. I tell you true, twas I in her attyre that promist you,
She was gone unto the wizard at Blacke heath,
And there had suters more then a good many.
Ric. Was I deluded then?
La. No not deluded, but hindred from desire unchast and rude:
O let me wooe yee with the tougue of ruth,
Dewing your Princely hand with pitties teares,
That you would leave this most unlawful sute,
If ere we live till Faukenbridge be dead,
(As God defend his death I should desire)
Then if your highnes daine so base a match,
And holy lawes admit a mariage,
Considering our affinity in bloud,
I will become your Handmayde not your harlot.
That shame shall never dwell upon my brow.
Rob. Ifaith my Lord she's honorably resolv'd,
For shame no more, importune her no more.
Ri. Marian I see thy vertue, and commend it,
I know my error seeking thy dishonor,
But the respectlesse, reasonles commaund
Of my inflamed love, bids me still try,
And trample under foote all pietye.
Yet for I will not seeme too impyous,
Too inconsiderate of thy seeming griefe,
Vouchsafe to be my Mistris: use me kindely,
And I protest ile strive with all my power,
That luste himselfe may in his heate devour.
La. You are my servant then.
Ric. Thankes sacred Mistresse.
Ro. What am I?
La. You are my fellow Robert.
Enter Faukenbridge in his hose and dublet.
Fau. What Prince Richard? noble Huntington?
Welcome, yfaith welcome, by the morrow Masse
You are come as fitly as my heart can wish:
Prince John this night will be a Reveller,
He hath invited me and Marian.
Gods mary mother goe along with us,
Its but hard by, close by, at our towne Taverne.
Ric. Your Taverne?
Fau. O I I I tis his owne made match,
Ile make you laugh, ile make you laugh yfaith;
Come, come, he's ready, O come, come away.
La. But wher's the Princesse?
Fa. He's ready too, Block Bl. my man, must be her waiting man,
Nay wil ye goe? for gods sake let us goe.
Ri. Is the jest so? nay then let us away.
Rob. O twill allay his heate, make dead his fire.
Fau. Ye bob'd me first, ye first gave me my hyre,
But come agods name, Prince John stayes for us.
Rob. This is the word, ever at spend-thriftes feastes,
They are guld themselves, and scoft at by their guests.
Exit. Enter John.
Joh. Buffild and scoft, Skinke, Gloster, women, fooles, and boyes abuse me?
Ile be reveng'd,
Ric. Reveng'd, and why good childe?
Old Faukenbridge hath had a worser basting.
Fa. I, they have banded from chase to chase;
I have been their tennis ball, since I did coort,
Ric. Come John, take hand with vertuous Isabell,
And lets unto the Court like loving friends,
Our Kingly brothers birth daies feastivall,
And foorthwith to be kept, thether we'l hye,
And grace with pompe that great solemnity.
Jo. Whether ye wil, I care not where I goe:
If griefe wil grace it, ile adorne the shew.
Fa. Come Madam, we must thither, we are bound.
La. I am loath to see the Court, Gloster being from thence,
Or kneele to him that gave us this offence.
Fa. Body of me peace woman, I prethee peace.
Enter Redcap.
Red. Go go god ye, go god s speed ye,
Joh. Whether run you sir knave?
Red. R r run ye sir knave? why I r run to my La Lady Fa Faukenbridge, to te te tell her Sk Skinke and Gl Gloster is t taken, and are g g gone to the C C Court with L Lord Leyster, and L Lord la la Lancaster.
Jo. Is Gloster taken? thether will I flye
Upon wraths wings, not quiet til he dye.
Exit with Princesse
Rich. Is Gloster taken?
Red: I he is ta taken I wa warrant ye with a wi witnes,
Ric. Then will I to Court, & eyther set him free, or dye the death,
Follow me Faukenbridge, feare not faire Madam:
You said you had the Porter in your house,
Some of your servants bring him, on my life
One hayre shal not be taken from his head,
Nor he, nor you, nor Gloster injured.
Fa. Come Mall, and Richard say the word nere feare.
Ro. Madam, we have twenty thousand at our call,
The most, young Henry dares, is but to braule.
La: Pray God it proove so.
Ric: Follow Huntington: sir Rich. doe not faile to send the Porter.
Fa: Blocke, bring the Porter of the Fleete to Court.
Bl. I wil sir.
Red: The p p Porter of the fl fl Fleete to Court? what p p porter of the fl fl Fleete?
Blo. What Redcap, run redcap, wilt thou see thy father?
Red. My fa father? I that I w wold s see my f father, & there be a p porter in your ho house, its my f father.
Bl. Follow me Redcap then.
Red. And you were two to twenty b Blockes, ide f f follow ye s so I would, and r run to the co co court too, and k kneele before the k k King f f for his pa pardon.
Block within. Come away Redcap, run Redcap.
Red. I I I r r run as f f fast as I I ca ca can run I wa warrant yee.
Enter a Sinet, first two Herraldes, after them Leyster with a Scepter, Lancaster with a Crowne Imperiall on a cushion: After them Henry the elder bareheaded, bearing a swoord and a Globe: after him young Henry Crowned: Elinor the mother Queene Crowned: young Queene Crowned. Henry the elder places his Sonne, the two Queenes on eyther hand, himselfe at his feete, Leyster and Lancaster below him.
Hen. Herrald, fetch Lancaster and Leyster Coronets,
Suffer no Marquesse, Earle, nor Countesse enter,
Except their temples circled are in golde,
He delivers Coronets to Leyster and Lancaster.
Shew them our vize-roys: by our will controld
As at a coronation, every Peere
Appeares in all his pompe, so at this feast
Held for our birth-right, let them be adorn'd.
Let Gloster be brought in, crown'd like an Earle,
This day we'll have no parley of his death,
But talke of Jouisanes and gleefull mirth.
Let Skinke come in, give him a Barons seat,
High is his spirrit, his deserts are greate,
Kin. You wrong the honour of Nobilitie,
To place a robber in a Barons stead,
Quee. Its well ye tearme him not a murtherer.
Kin. Had I mistearmed him?
Quee. I that had you Henry.
He did a peece of Justice at my Bidding.
Kin. Who made you a Justice?
Hen. I that had the power.
Kin. You had none then.
Enter Gloster and Skinke.
Ley. Yes he was crowned before.
Hen. Why does not Gloster weare a Coronet?
Glo. Because his Soveraigne doth not weare a Crowne.
Hen. By heaven put on thy Coronet, or that heaven
Which now with a clear, lends us this light,
Shall not be courtain'd with the vaile of night,
Eare on thy head I clap a burning Crowne,
Of red hot Yron that shall seare thy braines.
Ri. Good Gloster Crowne thee with thy Coronet.
Lan. Doo gentle Earle.
Skin. Swounds doo, would I had one.
Qu. Doo not I prethee keepe thy proud heart still.
Glo. Ile weare it but to crosse thy froward will.
Hen. Sit downe and take thy place.
Glo. Its the low earth.
To her I must, from her I had my breath.
Hen. We are pleas'd thou shalt sit there, Skinke take thy place among my nobles.
Enter John and Isabell with Coronets.
Ski. Thankes to King Henries grace.
Jo. John Earle of Morton and of Notingham,
With Isabell his Countesse, bow themselves
Before their brother Henries Royall Throane.
Hen. Assend your seats live in our daily love.
Enter Richard, and Robert with Coronets.
Ric. Richard the Prince of England, with his Ward
The noble Robert Hood, Earle Huntington,
Present their service to your Majestie.
Hen. Y'are welcome too, though little be your love.
Enter Faukenbridge with his Lady, she a Coronet
Fa. Olde Richard Faukenbridge, Knight of the crosse,
Lord of the Cinque ports, with his noble wife
Dame Marrian Countesse of west Hereford,
Offer their duties at this Royall meeting.
Hen. Sit downe, thou art a newter, she a foe,
Thy love we doubt, her hart too well we know.
What sutors are without, let them come in.
Glo. And have no Justice where contempt is King.
Hen. Mad man I give no care to thy loose words.
Jo. O sir y'are welcome, you have your old seat.
Glo. Though thou sit hier yet my heart's as great.
Que. Great heart wee'll make you lesser by the head.
Glo. Ill comes not ever to the threatned.
Enter Blocke and Redcap.
Hen. What are you two?
Red. M m mary and't please you I am re re Redcap.
Hen. And what's your mate?
Blo. A poore Porter sir.
Joh. The Porter of the fleet that was condemned.
Blo. No truely sir I was Porter last, when I left
The doore open at the Taverne.
Jo. O ist you sir?
Ley. And what would you two have?
Red. I co co come to re re re qui quier the young K K King of his go goo goodnes, since Glo Gloster is t t taken, that he wo wo would let my fa fa father have his pa pa pardon.
Hen. Sirra your father has his pardon sign'd,
Go to the office it shall be delivered.
Red. And shall he be p p Porter a ga gaine?
Hen. I that he shall, but let him be advis'd
Heareafter, how lets out prisoners.
Red. I wa warrant ye my Lord.
Hen. What hast thou more to say?
Red. Marry I wo would have Skinke pu punisht for co co Cunnicatching me.
Ley. Is that your busines?
Red. I by my t t troth is it.
Hen. Then get away.
Glo. Against Skinke (poor knave)
Thou gets no right this day.
Blo. O but run backe Redcap for the Pursevant.
Red. O l Lord s sir, I have another s sute for the p p Pursevant, that has l l lost his b b box, and his wa wa warrant.
Hen. What meanes the fellow?
Red. Why the pu pu Pursevant sir and the po po Porter.
Glo. The box that I had from him, there it is.
Fau. Mary a me, and I was chargd with it.
Had you it brother Gloster? Gods good mercy,
Hen. And what have you to say?
Bl. Nothing sir but God blesse you, you are a goodly company, except sir William or my Lady wil command me any more service.
Fau. Away you prating knave, hence varlet, hence.
Ley. Put forth them fellowes there.
Red. A f fo fore I go goe I b b be s s seech you let Sk Skinke and gl Gloster be lo lo looked too, for they have p p playd the k k knaves to to to b b bad.
Hen. Take hence that stuttering fellow, shut them forth.
Red. Nay Ile ru ru run, faith you shall not n n need to b b b bid him ta ta take m me away, for re re Redcap will r ru run rarely.
Hen. The sundrie misdemeanors late committed,
As theftes and shifts in other mens disguise,
We now must (knave Skinke) freely tell thy faults.
Skin. Sweet King by these two terrors to myne enemies, that lend light to my bodies darknes: Cavilero Skinke being beleagerd with an hoste of leaden heeles, arm'd in ring Irish: cheated my hammerer of his Red cap and Coate; was surprised, brought to the fleet as a person suspected, past currant, till Gloster stript me from my counterfet, clad my backe in silke and my hart in sorrow, and so left me to the mercy of my mother witt: how Prince John releast me, he knowes: how I got Faukenbridges chaine, I know: but how he will get it againe, I know not.
Fau. Where is it sirra, tell me where it is?
Glo. I got it from him, and I got Johns sword,
Joh. I would twere to the hilts up in thy harte.
Ric. O be more charitable brother John.
Ley. My Leidge, you need not by perticulars
Examine what the world knows too plaine,
If you will pardon Skinke, his life is sav'd,
If not, he is convicted by the Law.
For Gloster: as you worthyly resovl'd,
First take his hand, and afterward his head.
Hen. Skinke thou hast life, our pardon and our love.
Ski. And your forgivenesse for my robbery?
Jo. Tut never trouble me with such a toy.
Thou hindrest me from hearing of my joye.
Hen. Bring forth a blocke, wine, water and towell,
Knives, and a Surgion to binde up the vaines,
Of Glosters arme: when his right hand is off,
His hand that strooke Skinke at the Parlament:
Sk. I shall beare his blowes to my grave my Lord.
Kin. Sonne Henry see thy fathers palzie hands,
Joyn'd like two supplyants, pressing to thy throwne?
Looke how the furrowes of his aged cheeke,
Fild with the revolets of wet eyde mone,
Begs mercy for Earle Gloster? weigh his gilt,
Why for a slave, should Royall blood be split?
Ski. You wrong myne honour: Skink may be reveng'd,
Hen. Father I doe commend your humble course.
But quite dislike the project of your sute,
Good words in an ill cause makes the fact worse,
Of blood or Basenes, Justice will dispute,
The greater man the greater his transgression,
Where strength wrongs weaknes, it is meare oppression,
La. O but King Henry heare a sister speake,
Gloster was wrong'd, his lands were given away,
They are not Justly said, Just lawes to break,
That keep their owne right, with what power they may,
Thinke then thy Royalle selfe began the wrong,
In giving Skinke what did to him belong.
Quee. Heare me Sonne Henry, while thou art a King,
Give, take, pryson, thy subjects are thy slaves,
Grace men to day, to morrowe give them graves.
A King must be like Fortune; ever turning,
The world his football, all her glory spurning.
Glo. Still your olde cousaile Beldam pollicie,
You'r a fit Tutresse in a Monarchy.
Rich. Mother you are unjust, savage, too cruell,
Unlike a woman: gentlenes guides their sexe,
But you to furyes fire ad more fewell,
The vexed spirit, will you delight to vex?
O God when I consaite what you have done,
I am a sham'd to be estem'd your sonne.
Jo. Base Richard I disdaine to call thee brother,
Takest thou a traytors part in our disgrace?
For Gloster, wilt thou wrong our sacred mother?
I scorne thee and defie thee to thy face.
O that we were in field, then shouldst thou trie,
Rob. How fast Earle John would from Prince Richard flye
Thou meet a Lyon in feeld? poor mouse,
All thy Carreers are in a Brothell house.
Joh. Zounds boy.
Rich. Now man:
Ley. Richard you wrong Prince John.
Ric. Leyster tweare Good you proov'd his Champion.
Jo. Hasten the execution Royall Lord,
Let deeds make answer for their worthlesse wordes.
Glo. I know if I respected hand or head,
I am encompassed with a world of frends,
And could from fury bee delivered.
But then my freedom hazards many lives.
Henry performe the utmost of thy hate,
Let thy hard harted mother have her wil,
Give Franticke John no longer cause to prate,
I am prepared for the worst of ill,
You see my knees kisse the could pavements face,
They are not bent to Henry nor his frends,
But to all you whose blood fled to your hearts,
Shewes your true sorrowe in your ashye cheekes:
To you I bend my knees, you I intreat,
To smile on Glosters Resolution.
Who ever loves me will not shed a teare,
Nor breath a sigh, nor show a cloudy frowne,
Looke Henry, heares my hand, I lay it downe,
And sweare as I have Knighthood heer't shall lye,
Till thou have used all thy tyranny.
La. Has no man heart to speake?
Glo. Let all that love me keepe silence, or by heaven Ile hate them dying.
Quee. Harry off with his hand, then with his head.
Fau. By the red rood I cannot chuse but weepe.
Come love or hate my teares I cannot keepe.
Que. When comes this lingring executioner?
Joh. An executioner: an executioner:
Hen. Call none till we have drunke: father fill wine,
To day your Office is to beare our cupp.
Ric. Ile fill it Henry.
K. kneele downe.
He. Dick you are too meane, so bow unto your soveraigne, Gloster learne:
Gl. Kneele to his childe? Oh hell! O tortor!
Who would love life, to see this huge dishonor?
Hen. Saturne kneel'd to his Sonne, the God was faine
To call young Jove his ages Soveraigne,
Take now your seate againe and weare your Crowne;
Now shineth Henry like the Middayes Sonne,
Through his Horizon, darting all his beames,
Blinding with his bright splendor every eye,
That stares against his face of Majesty.
The Commets, whose malicious gleames
Threatned the ruyne of our Royalty,
Stands at our mercy, yet our wrath denyes
All favour, but extreame extreamityes.
Gloster, have to thy sorrow, chase thy arme
That I may see thy bloud (I long'd for oft)
Gush from thy vaines, and staine this Pallace roofe.
Jo. Twould exceed gilding.
Quee. I as golde doth Oaker.
Glo. Its wel ye count my bloud so precious.
Hen. Leyster reach Gloster wine.
Ley. I reach it him?
Hen. Proude Earle ile spurne thee, quickely go & beare it
Glo. Ile count it poyson if his hand come neere it.
Hen. Give it him Leyster upon our displeasure.
Glo. Thus Gloster takes it, thus againe he flings it,
In scorne of him that sent it, and of him that brought it.
Ski. O brave spirit!
La. Bravely resolv'd brother, I honour thee.
Quee. Harke how his sister joyes in his abuse?
Wilt thou indure it Hall?
Fau. Peace good Marian.
Hen. Avoyde there every under Officer.
Leave but us, our Pieres and Ladyes heere.
Richard you love Earle Gloster: looke about
If you can spye one in this company,
That hath not done as great a sinne as Gloster;
Chuse him, let him be the executioner.
Ric. Thou hast done worse then, like rebellious head,
Hast arm'd ten thousand hands against his life
That lov'd thee so, as thou wert made a King,
Being his childe, now he's thy underling.
I have done worse: thrise I drew my swoord,
In three set battles for thy false defence.
John hath done worse, he still hath tooke thy part,
All of us three have smitte our fathers heart;
Which made proude Leyster bolde to strike his face,
To his eternall shame, and our disgrace.
Hen. Silence, I see thou meanst to find none fit.
I am sure, nor Lancaster, nor Huntington,
Nor Faukenbridge, will lay a hand on him.
Mother, wife, brother, lets descend the Throane
Where Henry is the Monarch of the West,
Hath set amongst his Princes dignified.
Father take you the place, see Justice.
Kin. Its injust Justice I must tell thee Sonne.
Hen. Mother holde you the Bason, you the Towell,
I know your French hearts thirst for English bloud;
John, take the Mallet, I will holde the knife,
And when I bid thee smite, strike for thy life:
Made a marke Surgion, Gloster now prepare thee.
Glo. Tut, I am ready, to thy worst I dare thee.
Hen. Then have I done my worst, thrise honoured Earle,
I doe imbrace thee in affections armes.
Quee. What meanes thou Henry? O what meanes my Son?
Hen. I meane no longer to be lullaby'd,
In your seditious armes.
Hen. wife. Mordieu Henry.
Hen: Mordieu nor devill, little tit of Fraunce,
I know your hart leapes, at our hearts mischaunce,
Jo. Swounds Henry thou art mad:
Hen. I have bin mad; what stampst thou John? knowst thou not who I am?
Come stamp the devill out, suckt from thy Dam.
Que. Ile cursse thee Henry.
Hen. You'r best be quiet, least where we finde you, to the
Tower we beare you,
For being abroad, England hath cause to feare yee.
Kin. I am strucke dome with wonder.
Glo. I amaz'd, imagine that I see a vizion.
Hen. Gloster, I give thee first this Skinke, this slave,
Its in thy power, his life to spill or save,
Skin. He's a noble gentleman, I doe not doubt his usage.
Hen. Stand not thus wondring, Princes kneele all downe,
And cast your Coronets before his Crowne.
Downe stubborne Queene, kneele to your wronged King,
Downe Mammet; Leyster ile cut of thy legs,
If thou delay thy duety: when proude John?
Jo. Nay if all kneele, of force I must be one.
Fau. Now by my holydom a vertuous deed.
Hen. Father you see your most rebellious sonne,
Striken with horror of his horred guilt,
Requesting sentence fitting his desart,
O treade upon his head, that trode your heart.
I doe deliver up all dignity,
Crowne, Scepter, swoord unto your Majesty.
Kin. My heart surfets with joy in hearing this.
And deare Sonne ile blesse thee with a kisse.
Hen. I will not rise, I will not leave this ground,
Till all these voyces joyned in one sound:
Cry, God save Henry second of that name,
Let his friends live, his foes see death with shame.
All. God save Henry second of that name,
Let his friends live, his foes see death with shame.
Hen. Amen, Amen, Amen.
Joh. Harke mother harke?
My brother is already turned Clarke.
Quee. He is a recreant, I am mad with rage.
Hen. Be angry at your envy gracious mother,
Learne patience and true humility
Of your worst tuter'd Sonne, for I am he.
Send hence that Frenchwoman, give her her dowry,
Let he not speake, to trouble my milde soule,
Which of this world hath taken her last leave:
And by her power, will my proude flesh controule.
Off with these silkes, my garments shall be gray,
My shirt hard hayre, my bed the ashey dust,
My pillow but a lumpe of hardned clay:
For clay I am, and unto clay I must,
O I beseech ye let me goe alone,
To live, where my loose life I may bemone.
Kin. Sonne?
Quee. Sonne?
Ric. Brother?
Jo. Brother?
Hen. Let none call me their Sonne, I am no mans brother,
My kindred is in heaven, I know no other,
Farewell, farewell, the world is yours, pray take it,
Ile leave vexation, and with joy forsake it.
La. Wondrous conversion.
Fau. Admirable good: now by my holydam Mall passing good.
Ric. H'ath fir'd my soule I will to Palestine,
And pay my vowes before the Sepulcher,
Among the multitude of misbeliefe.
Ile shew my selfe the Souldier of Christ,
Spend bloud, sweat teares, for satisfaction
Of many many sinnes which I lament:
And never thinke to have them pardoned,
Till I have part of Sirria conquered.
Glo. He makes me wonder, and inflames my spirits,
With an exceeding zeale in Portingale,
Which Kingdome the unchristned Sarisons,
The blacke fac'd Affricans, and tawny Moores,
Have got unjustly in possession:
Whence I will fire them with the help of heaven.
Ski. Skinke will scortch them brave Gloster
Make Carbonadoes of their Bacon fletches;
Deserve to be counted valiant by his valour,
And Ryou will he cry, and Castile too,
And wonders in the land of Civile doo.
Rob. O that I were a man to see these fights,
To spend my bloud amongst these worthy Knights.
Fa. Mary aye me, were I a boy againe,
Ide either to Jerusalem or Spaine.
Joh. Faith Ile keepe England, mother you and I
Will live, for all this fight and foolery.
Kin. Peace to us all, let's all for peace give prayse,
Unlookt for peace, unlookt for happy dayes.
Love Henries birth day, he hath bin new borne,
I am new crowned, new settled in my seate.
Lets' all to the Chappell, there give thankes and praise,
Beseeching grace from Heavens eternal Throne,
That England never know more Prince then one.