Robin Summoning His Men, Headpiece to "Robyn Hode and the Potter"
by: F. W. Fairholt (Artist)
from: A Lytell Geste of Robin Hode with Other Ancient & Modern Ballads and Songs Relating to this Celebrated Yeoman (P. 21) -  1847
"Roben set hes horne to his mowthe,
And blow a blast that was foll god,
That herde hes men that ther stode
Fer doune yn the wodde.
I her my master, seyde Lytell John:
They ran as thay wer wode."
And blow a blast that was foll god,
That herde hes men that ther stode
Fer doune yn the wodde.
I her my master, seyde Lytell John:
They ran as thay wer wode."