Canterbury Tales
Additional Information:
This version of the Canterbury Tales includes the Prologue, the Nun's Priest's Tale, the Pardoner's Tale, the Wife of Bath's Tale, and the Franklin's Tale. A full-page color character portrait appears before each tale begins, with an image of the Tabard Inn before the opening of the Prologue. In addition, a series of character portraits fills the lower half of the pages of the Prologue, depicting the rest of the pilgrims. Each tale then contains one illustration of a central moment: in the Nun's Priest's Tale, Chanticleer preens next to Pertelote; in the Pardoner's Tale, the three young men find the gold under a tree, while Death lurks on the other side of the tree; in the Wife of Bath's Tale, Guinevere gives the young knight his task; and in the Franklin's Tale, Dorigen greets her husband Arveragus.
This version of the Canterbury Tales includes the Prologue, the Nun's Priest's Tale, the Pardoner's Tale, the Wife of Bath's Tale, and the Franklin's Tale. A full-page color character portrait appears before each tale begins, with an image of the Tabard Inn before the opening of the Prologue. In addition, a series of character portraits fills the lower half of the pages of the Prologue, depicting the rest of the pilgrims. Each tale then contains one illustration of a central moment: in the Nun's Priest's Tale, Chanticleer preens next to Pertelote; in the Pardoner's Tale, the three young men find the gold under a tree, while Death lurks on the other side of the tree; in the Wife of Bath's Tale, Guinevere gives the young knight his task; and in the Franklin's Tale, Dorigen greets her husband Arveragus.